God and Devil World


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In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end.

That’s right. The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance!

On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet Yue Zhong. Initially only hoping to get to his friends and escape to a refugee camp our protagonist sets out, inadvertently building a team along the way. After a series of fortuitous events and a few serious hunches our hero decides it’s time to do more than just survive!

Yue Zhong begins to form the foundations of an enormous survival plan… before he suddenly discovers that he has only gotten over the first hurdle…. Unbeknownst to Yue Zhong and company, the world outside of China is mostly a wasteland! Country sized swathes of nuclear radiation and an extreme shortage of supplies in the world after the nuclear explosions was quickly becoming the “norm”. Mutants, Evolved animals and what’s worse, intelligent out of control dinosaurs had quickly appeared and claimed their own sections of the planet. There were several innately powerful Evolved races which appeared that were more than 10 times stronger than humans, nearly all of them possessing bodies impenetrable by normal bullets. The fabled orcs’ were another of these Evolved races, the leader of which had in fact ens*aved many of the remaining human beings.

Unceremoniously exposed to such a cold and heartless new world, Yue Zhong is faced with a choice: Find a deep dark hole and hope it goes back to “normal”? Or overcome all obstacles and struggle towards Evolution!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Shen Mo Xi Tong
Thần Ma Hệ Thống
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364 Reviews sorted by

July 14, 2016
Status: c69
The story is lame, there is no progress in character development, the MC is the most OP person in the world (like most Chinese novels) and there is the harem (it's almost like every girl in this novel is invented to be his). Overall opinion: the story is shit.
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Angel1004 rated it
July 6, 2016
Status: c198
I greatly enjoyed the first 100 or so chapters of God and Devil World. It is nicely written with plenty of detailed explanations and a logical progression of plot. The character, Yue Zhong, slowly grows to be the powerful MC character of all light novels and moves towards the series of growing more powerful. There are straight-forward goals and he achieves these goals. Great right?

Well after these great 100 first chapters, things start getting more convoluted and dull:

Yue Zhong starts his own village and completely sidelines the story into growing a village. No longer is it about Yue Zhong's personal growth but essentially a boring, uneventful city-builder. The author needs to seriously George R.R. Martin the crap out of all these non-essential characters.


I would give the first 100 or so chapters a solid 4-star rating and then, the rest of the story combined a 3-star rating.

- Chunsa
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June 24, 2016
Status: c300
Starts off great, with interesting plot development with realistic human nature. However, plot begins to repeat with slight variation. Hope plot develops faster.
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cursedreader rated it
June 5, 2016
Status: c316
Well I like it since the beginning but as the story goes on it makes me disappointed. The only thing I got disappointed is about some of his lovers doesn't appear again in the story like the girl he's teaching and also he doesn't go back to the newbie village or discover another since he can let his troops go there and get there class and make his army stronger. He can also buy supplies there using the coins that the zombie drops. Well just hoping to see it in... more>> the coming chapters thats all. <<less
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June 4, 2016
Status: c312
The novel itself is great, as long as you don't mind reading about mu*der and r*pe. It's not really specific on details, thank god, but it is used to set a mood of a cruel world and exhibit abuse of power.
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June 2, 2016
Status: c312
Is good apocalypse story with lvl up theme. Although does get a bit nationalistic and racist sometimes but overall a enjoyable read so far :) keep up the good work
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June 2, 2016
Status: c311
Perfect combination of military, magic, supernatural, sexism and gore. Also its well translated.
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June 2, 2016
Status: c286
Good story but very violent so not for young or sensible public. There is lot of gore, r*pe/s*ave and cannibal so if you aren't in horror story go look for something else but nice to see something new like that otherwise!
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June 2, 2016
Status: c311
Great novel, interesting plot and very likeable characters. The story is unique and I like how the MC used to be just a normal university student
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June 2, 2016
Status: c311
This novel is one of the best ones I have ever read. It seems like a cliche at first but when you keep on reading, you realize it is not. The characters are well-developed and plot is well planned. This novel is one of the must-read novels. I recommend this novel everyone out there.
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June 2, 2016
Status: c310
If you like post-apocalyptic-f*cked up environments and a cool OP MC that has the biggest plot armor and also a harem, this is the novel for you...

Contains lots of fighting, racism, gore, r*pe, mu*der, s*x.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c310
This novel is based on the post apocalyptic world which seems to based game based like a RPG. This novel does included racism, r*pe and other graphic parts that would be included in any adult novel. The main character doesn't try to be a hero in the beginning and his mindset slowly evolves as does his abilities to cope with the storyline. If you don't mind the adult theme and the adult content, it is a great read if your into this type of novel. I do appreciate all the... more>> translators who have contributed to this work. Translation Nations is currently translating this. Keep up the good work- A lazy leecher <<less
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If you like to see him man work hard kill some zombies some other monsters and hurt himself some power ups read this novel read through quite a few novels and this one has an interesting take on a post-apocalyptic Zombie World. Games Style leveling Meats real world zombie apocalypse
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June 1, 2016
Status: c310
This novel is mid-tier if taken as is. What builds it up is the hodge-podge of gore, game elements, beauties, setting defying MC, and the author's principles.

Zombies, mutant beasts, and criminals all scale in power as chapters go by. So, you're left with the usual hamster wheel.

Great thing about this novel is that it's pulling it off. There is way too much botched zombie themed media. This book works, give it a read.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c310
Good story, very interesting one.

Maybe it just because I like the tags about apocalypse, game element, harem, weak to strong But one of the weakness this novel have is racism. You'll know when you read it.
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June 1, 2016
Status: c309
Great weaponry descriptions
Main character is a badass
Fun if you enjoy zombie apocalypse stories

Blatant racism
Repetitive story themes-very formulaic go here, lvl up, kill what's around, enter boss/challenge, kill boss, onto the next area but don't forgot to harem build
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Gantz rated it
May 30, 2016
Status: c306
Okay I will come out and say it the MC is a pedo, racist and has some screwed up views on women. If you can stomach all that then you can give this a shot.

If you can get past all the BS views of the author and focus on the human v apocalyptic world its addicting until you can't ignore the BS anymore.

This novel isn't for everyone, but as far as filling that niche audience who enjoy apocalyptic scenarios with a seriously fudge up view of humanity then it certainly... more>> does the job. Don't bother picking this up if you are an upstanding citizen with a just disposition since this novel will thoroughly stomp on those values. But this is fiction in the first place and the author ultimately decides how dark his world will be, its your choice to enter the God and Devil World. Thus far I haven't seen any God elements though so expect some devilish stuff to occur, with decent people turning into subordinates for the strong. GOOD GUYS FINISH LAST IN THIS NOVEL. <<less
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Nistel rated it
April 1, 2022
Status: c440
i think its a pity. On the one hand side I consider the author to be decently skilled at writing and the world setting he creates keeps me hooked but..

the author has 0 interest to deepen any relationship at all. Once they had s*x they are made to stay behind somewhere and are practically never seen again. Instead he keeps finding 1st class virg*n beauty after beauty.

We got a class system with even hidden classes that can be unlocked at lvl 10 (~ch50). And up to lvl 60 (~ch450) you will still only have 2 people in the story that were able to use it.


It's clear that the author just overburdens his own capabilities as he tries to do it all but in the end the only thing he does is make the MC conquer with force, suppress enemies and fight the rassistic/cannibal/rapist/crazy enemies. While "protecting" children as a lolicon and growing his harem. Going as far as threatening to kill his s*x partnes should they ever "cheat" on him as he is out in the world buying any girl he likes and can't even remember their existence.

Occasionally he swallows an aphrodisiac that grows his stats, raping the nearest girls.


The MC will also never hold a conversation that is not action related for more than 5 lines. Whenever there's a dialog its orders, a fight about to break out or H incoming.

I can't say I dislike the novel, but I surely aren't satisfied with it. If you want a static novel with no actual character growth to boot, where no other person but the MC holds any meaning and enjoy a self righteous dictator like MC that's the novel for you.
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cpzombie rated it
March 5, 2022
Status: c886
I don't care about the racism / sexism and what not, honestly if anything I like it because it's different.

I really liked the novel for a while, it just got boring since it's pretty much the exact same thing over and over again with very few breaks to focus on anything else. There are tons of plot holes everywhere, the power-up system totally changes after 500 chapters or so, characters are constantly introduced and forgotten. One particularly egregious case is ... more>>

his parents. They're introduced, he spends a chapter or two with them while hiding how strong he is, and then after he conquers the city they live in there's just nothing. Not even their reaction; hundreds of chapters later the only time they've been mentioned is a single sentence that includes them in a list of people inside a building.

The author is also just terrible with numbers, like 80, 000 x 8 = 800, 000 and 3mx3m basically being infinite.

Overall I'd recommend reading it if you're the type that can drop something no problem, and then just stop when it starts to get boring <<less
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February 20, 2022
Status: --
Well what I can say other than if your feminist dont read this (?, is a really gruesome and nationalist kind of novel that show how human nature is really like, it could seems like cliche in some times but is cause thats just how humans are like, is a good history but really repetitive, the MC always get captured, go to other place and then return stronger, and it is repeated a lot of times, you need to be really mental adept to read this and end it full... more>> without getting angry and making a twitter about it ;3 <<less
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