Game Loading


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Xie Xi was someone with luck off the charts! The advantage was that any game could be easily cleared. The disadvantage was that all games were boring! Then one day, the words ‘Game loading’ appeared in front of his eyes and he began to clear real games!

The emperor of luck ran into a bottleneck in the first game.

Game Name: Love to the Left or Right

The vampire prince has invited you to a meal. Will you go?

Xie Xi: I won’t go.

Arrow through the heart. The vampire prince says you can’t leave him and takes your life.

After loading the file, Xie Xi changed the option: I will go.

The housekeeper has cut off your head because of love and hatred.

Xie Xi: ???

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Trò chơi đang load
Yóuxì jiāzài zhōng
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182 Reviews sorted by

Rustle silver butterflies
Rustle silver butterflies rated it
March 8, 2020
Status: Completed
It's one of my favorite novels. This world really interesting. It is gaming instances which really hooked me. I love mermaid world more than all. Every world deserves a special mention. At beginning MC has reasons to hate ML and it is fun to keep track of how his attitude changing with time. His task it is flatter and flirt with ML's souls and it is divine I was dead every time.

I love their interaction. ML is handsome and strong he very talkative and sticky. He often fooling around but... more>> he can be serious. Obviously he doesn't have easy past but he stay kind and sincere. And of course he love much their lover. He calling him small rose it's so cute haha.

Is my favorite thing that MC from unconfident weak and pitiful person who nobody needs become fun and active person who make friends and flirt with his beloved They really deserve to be happy together.

I want to say this book awesome. It's funny and sweet. I was happy for them when I read and I will missed for this story. <<less
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hfrn rated it
December 7, 2019
Status: Completed
Game Loading was an enjoyable read as there is a good mix of romance and action! The author really put in a lot of effort into the world-building as there were many minor elements that was well incorporated and explained, which eventually builds up to the ending of each world. The MC is really smart but I feel like it was actually justified and the author showed his thought process as he went through each world. Every time he faced a major obstacle in each world, I find myself wondering... more>> how MC will overcome it. The way the author fleshed out his thought process and actions is what made the entire read exhilarating and engrossing.

Plus the MC and ML's interactions are so funny. Really like that the MC is only together with the ML in each world, even though it might get a tad bit messy in some worlds hahahah. All in all, a great read and mix of gaming + bl elements! <<less
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July 8, 2019
Status: c244
I'm surprised at the generous rating of this novel. I guess it appealed to certain kind of audience but I was left behind.

This is a very boring novel and should NOT be compared to QWTFOD. There is no way this novel is that good. The premise is interesting but it failed at execution. There is a story within a story in an arc usually, and then sometimes another story in that. It does not leave you with a satisfied feeling cuz you left floating through stories without any ending for... more>> a long time.

The worst part has to be the pseudo harem setting in every arc. I get that all the harem members are part of the ML (not a spoiler, you learn very earl on), but it is boring when it is repeated in EVERY EFFIN' ARC!! <<less
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Mai Mee
Mai Mee rated it
June 12, 2019
Status: c196
One of (if not) the best in this genre/trope/setting/premise.

Certainly not perfect, but many themes/concepts are very interesting. The flavour can change a bit depending on the arc, but if you can get past the parts you are stuck with, you will find it worth the trouble.
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xtruthxliex rated it
May 27, 2019
Status: c206
You either love it or dislike it. There are many moments where things get too coincidental, therefore makinh the MC too OP. But the romance is really good. With bad quality, there comes good. I personally love it. It's a worthwhile read. Read it and you shall see.
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Seafall rated it
April 18, 2019
Status: c142
I. Love. This. Novel.

Our MC, Xie Xi, has entered into another world where he must accomplish tasks in quase-worlds to live. His first quase-world was [ Love to the Left or Right ] which was...... completely hilarious--where he has three (or four...?) MLs--of the same soul, and almost had no choice but to maintain that harem to live for seven days, packed of wittiness (so full of plot twists that you won't expect) and imagination (each quase-world described in each of his games had no similarities except the MC and... more>> the ML). Just this, it already hooked me into reading it upto its latest chapter.

I can't explain it well but the plot is so consistent, you can expect the complements of the genres in this story. You would laugh, feel pity for the character, feel the tension because it seems almost hopeless to finish the tasks (BTW, most of the failure means death), support the love of the characters to each other and etc.

I love the characters interaction especially the MC and ML, how Jiang Xie (ML) flirts with Xie Xi (MC), how Xiao Xie thinks to solves the puzzles in the quase-world, how their past turned into beautiful dreams

(they actually chose to die because the dream is so beautiful, its their dream future of growing old together although they lived in the end 'cause they have a privilege of another life)

and-- many moreeeeee.

I especially love the part of Dreams can go come true. You'll love it. <3 <<less
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April 15, 2019
Status: c136
I pick up this novel because I was bored. I thought it would be a decent read because of the good reviews and it was. Amazing is the word that would describe this novel. I can't remember how much I laugh especially ... more>>

the arc where the MC has to make the 6 princes fall in love with him. HAHA the struggles of the MC not to be found out that he was cheating the princes was priceless


I also like the part where

the MC and ML had a long dream of what might happen if they met in the real world.


It's like you're reading fast-paced transmigration but with unconventional plots that don't follow common sense. <<less
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ylial rated it
March 29, 2019
Status: c139
One of my favorite danmei!!! I love the plot. Though it's not a world hopping but each game will give you a different and exciting feeling!! ? Also love the interactions between MC and ML. ML isn't overbearing but really hilarious and narcissistic ?? And the MC, I really like him- he knows when to help and to kill (not killing for his own benefit).

Thanks for translating!
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minieya rated it
April 4, 2024
Status: Completed
First Impression

This is a rare Unlimited Flow novel without the horror tag, but I was still expecting it to be filled with serious plots.... the reality turned out to be very different.

The Plot

This is a high stakes dog blood not-harem romcom novel... I can't describe it anymore than that without giving stuff away.

The MC

    • Long suffering boats peddler.
    • Unwillingly embraces the title of slag/scum, and often daydreams of committing domestic violence because of it.
    • Is the poster boy for monogamy while he is out there earning his title of harem king.
    • Random creatures just always suddenly appear and call him mommy.
The ML

    • Embodies the spiderman pointing meme (his greatest rival is often himself and he will set himself up without anyone asking him to).
    • Force feeds everyone dog food and the only reason he isn't beaten to death for this is because he's a bigshot.
    • The Icon of Misfortune to the MC's Emperor of Luck.
    • Two of his greatest fears is seeing ^_^ and -1.
The CP

    • One falls in love at first sight, the other literally dies multiple times not long after the first meeting. (It's Complicated doesn't even begin to cover it)
    • Actually unironically an old married couple.
    • They are not gods but they're close enough.
    • Have matching couple names and they're pretty obnoxious about it.
    • Has a need to incorporate roses into everything.

The Lonely Male Gods are incredibly refreshing and I love that they're besties with the ML since the side characters of danmeis often revolve around the MC. There are a few side characters that are just left hanging and it's true from some reviews that there seem to be some plot holes, but overall it is a very fun read and I didn't feel bored at all reading through the 300+ chapters.
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Foxtantine rated it
November 2, 2023
Status: Completed
Read this non-stop, I just couldn't put it down! Although there were some 'meh' parts, I just got so attached to the characters and their personalities (also the interactions) that I kept on reading. I'm slightly unsatisfied with the ending, but with the setting of this novel, I understand that the ending doesn't matter because it's a HEA in the end. I might reread some parts for the sheer enjoyment, but till then, I'll be saying goodbye to this novel. It was a wonderful experience. 9/10 :D
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Orangespie rated it
June 1, 2023
Status: c167
I am not sure if I’m going to finish this but if I do then I’ll come back to see if this rating still holds up or not but I currently have to give this a 3/5 stars so far.

my slightly low rating isn’t due to this novel being dirt awful, rather I enjoyed the arcs I’ve read and think it’s fun. I’ve been laughing, tensing up in anticipation and getting a little emotional... it’s just I think after the carnival bit, the anticipation kind of wore off. I absolutely... more>> enjoyed the dream scene but it kind of felt like a double edged sword for me because as much as it was enjoyable after it I begun to find it harder and harder to read through this since the thing I came here for was established and finalized my interest even though the novel is clearly far from finished.

the content is good but just not good enough to keep me around and thats the reason for my 3 star rating.

not sure if I’ll finish it but I don’t really see myself doing so. Regardless I don’t want my review to ward anyone off from reading, I just feel like it developed too fast especially with how many chapters there are. <<less
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February 26, 2023
Status: Completed
One of my favourite books of all time. Every time I finish reading this novel, I feel a sense of loss, but also a great deal of fulfillment. It really ties everything together in a cute little bow: there is a reason why he only encounters the ML's worlds, there is a reason why he has amazing luck, there is a reason for it all. This novel didn't just make me laugh and cry, it also made me think deeply and appreciate those around me. It may not have this... more>> effect on everyone, but I can't describe how much I love this book. It's also just amazingly funny, and the two main characters have the sweetest relationship ever. Two people abandoned by the world, coming together the make each other whole.

I also love the way that the two main characters finally got together.

Despite the MC absolutely loathing the ML, in one world (I think the fourth), they spent a lifetime together in an illusion, gradually healing each other's trauma from before they came to this world. It's so sweet, and definitely makes me cry every time. I also love that despite spending a lifetime together, after they came out, they wanted to get to know each other more in the real world, and that the MC gradually realised that these worlds are a blessing, to learn more about his favourite person <3

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jliekznerfx rated it
February 21, 2023
Status: c118
It's alright. The story's good but the translation is a bit..

You know when you're reading a story and you feel like you're inside the book, then suddenly you read a grammatical error and it feels like you're being yanked out from your imagination. It happened to me a lot of times while reading this novel.

The story's good, but ... more>>

I don't like how they ended up as couples too early.

Takes away the fun. But that's just me. All in all, it was a great story but I'm probably gonna drop it for now. <<less
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azurymous24 rated it
December 21, 2022
Status: --
One of the best QT out there - the pacing, the plot, the way it was written... all are chief's kiss (ofc in my opinion). You better try this one out if you want a good QT story with a great world building and well-written MC and ML.
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Jyuuuuuyu rated it
August 3, 2022
Status: c125
Its been a while since I've read this novel but it piqued my interest because of the description, and I'll have to say that I really liked the first few arcs. I dropped it at the arc where MC was a flower because it just got a bit boring for me, but I think I'll definitely pick it up again one day..

I like the relationship between MC and ML where MC is smart and ML is shameless. I found it funny how MCs hatred for ML kept going up the... more>> first or so arcs and how it went down to the negatives.

This novel is unlimited flow and they need to select worlds, or instances to enter in to get these coins (?). Basically just like other unlimited flows out there. <<less
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DementorBehindYou rated it
May 19, 2022
Status: Completed
5/5 one of my favourites!

It's got all my favourite tropes and I love the different worlds that are explored. While it may not be for everyone, it's definitely one of my top BLs and I am already excited to re-read it <3
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trash_generalist rated it
April 29, 2022
Status: Completed
Great read! Unexpectedly humorous and romantic LOL. From the book cover, one might assume that it’s a grim survival game. That’s not necessarily incorrect djksksks lots of dog blood drama and mature plot elements here. But the underlying themes are romance and growth, making the tone of the story feel light~


While there are side characters of note in this novel, the main focus are the MC and ML. This may not seem like a lot but since the ML will take up many identities... it’s actually a really big... more>> cast LMAO

Xie Xi (MC) : The MC is a 19yo gamer who has unbelievable luck. He’s not particularly strong and neither is he smart, but his luck is through the roof! This luck first draws him into a weird Game World where he has to play the role of another character (from another universe) to win. It might seem like bad luck, especially since he ends up dying again and again in the beginning. But, sure enough, his luck doesn’t lie!

Jiang Xie (ML) : Also known as “X” (as well as many other names across all of his designed quasi-worlds LOLOL). He’s an God-level designer known for his ability to create high level quasi-worlds that are unclear-able. When the MC lands in one of his designed worlds, his interest naturally sparks!


In this novel the MC and ML are people of the “Central”. Here, players are able to challenge quasi-worlds and gain rewards for completion, making them practically immortal. The purpose of Central is to make these quasi-worlds into real worlds, which is only possible if a person clears the world completely.


The MC, Xie Xi, will quickly find out that he has an affinity for quasi-worlds designed by X. This is a subject of envy for a lot of the other players, who all know that higher level worlds give better rewards. But for Xie Xi, it’s a curse!

Minor Spoilers:

The Quasi-Worlds designed by X has his soul mixed into them and these souls have some autonomy in these worlds, allowing them to control the plot. Now... since all of these souls have naturally affinity to Xie Xi, the results are pretty much the MC constantly having to act as a slag 😂, since, more often than not, the quasi-worlds will carry more than one soul and all of these souls are just as possessive as the ML.


I give this story a rating of 4-4.5 out of 5! That’s pretty high for me~ Ahhh, unexpectedly, I really liked this novel! The only reason it isn’t a straight up 4.5 is that I feel a sense of loss because of the dropped plots. Like what was that at the end about the MC’s father and N? JDKSLS Oh well, outside of that, I found that this read was really enjoyable and highly recommended! <<less
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remarkablyrenee rated it
December 2, 2021
Status: Completed
This was amazing. I honestly really want more. I will say that at times I was tempted to quit in a few of the worlds just because I was really tired of things going wrong. I'm not a fan of the way Xie Xi has to manage up to six fragments at once, and in the beginning it made me uncomfortable. But it really really does get better in that aspect. I find the worldbuilding in the beginning is way better, but again I do understand that since it fits... more>> into the plot pretty well (Collapsing God anyone?). It's explained.

Mostly I just really liked their relationship. I find it cute, and really like how there's no dramatic relationship drama. <<less
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Minty22 rated it
September 23, 2021
Status: Completed
At first I'm dropping it. It's around open world chap, but decide to read it again. Andd it's really worth it. My thought after finish?

It's really good and until the end you'll found the reason why they're there. And the meaning of quasi world and the central world. Beside that, you'll find why jiang xie really attached to xie xi and it's really sweet, they belong to each other :") the author really creative to create every different story in the quasi world. It's not repetitive I think.
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StarPhia rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: Completed
LOVE IT! Its amazing. 10/10. Anyways, not only does this book have great characters, it also has a very interesting plot which seems a bit different from other novels of its genera. Most books like these where the MCs are in a place to complete different missions in different worlds, the place making them complete these missions is the bad guy, but it is actually the driving good force in this novel. In addition there isn't really a bad guy throughout the entire story. The story is essentially driven by... more>> the characters and the romance. Honestly it is a very sweet novel, reading about the MC and ML's past (especially the ML) is really heart wrenching. But you see how sweet everything turns out and although they suffered a lot to get to where they are now, they still would never go back and change anything. The story is about how their suffering was in order to meet each other. And it is quite sweet that way.

Romance, so romance is and isn't the entire focus of the story. It is kind of like the driving factor behind everything, their goal, their motivation, and their salvation. I'm not usually a fan of heavier romance plots, but this one manages the romance in a way that the plot isn't lost. Not only is there a very cute romance, but there is also a very interesting plot. In addition romance is kinda weaved throughout the plot in the sense that there isn't one without the other. I also don't think their romance was forced what so ever and is very natural. I find it cute how basically all the MC's missions had to do with wooing n amount of MLs. Its quite funny as well.

I do really like the unique take on the plot. Most books I've read with a similar premise pit the thing forcing them through missions as the "bad guy, " but as I stated earlier this novel does not. I won't spoil too much, but I really like how the central world works and how existence was talked about. It is kinda interesting, I don't think it was done perfectly though, as I would say this novel isn't the best quality novel out there. Many things could have done better. But for what this novel is, I did really like it. It was entertaining and interesting.

I do think that some of the side characters suffered. The MC's friends kinda faded away and I feel as if the ending was sort of rushed. I don't think the story should have ended where it did and I think that the central world and other players could have played a much bigger role in this novel. I don't think the later portions of this novel were as well done as the beginning, the beginning was simply amazing. But as it is with many novels, the ending isn't as strong as the beginning. I don't think the ending was bad, and it definitely made sense. I just think that before the ending there should have been more of a payoff for other aspects of the story.

I also think that the story could have had some more game like aspects of it like at the beginning. I feel that that was what the author was originally going for but they didn't quite stick with it in the end. The story just overall feels a little different at the end compared to the beginning, but I wouldn't say that it ruins everything. I just believe there are things that could have been done better. In addition there were a lot of very well written emotional moments and really nice scenes in the earlier portion of the novel. And even towards the end, I was dying of cuteness overload from whatever animal MC turned into when he went into the different worlds. I don't think the end half was bad, it was just different. All in all, this novel is actually very good and very entertaining. It isn't the best, but surely isn't the worst. It has its strong suits and is a bit different and unique. I would highly recommend this novel. It won't be the best thing you'll ever read, but it won't be the worst. I do think this novel is very good, it could use some fixing in certain places, but it is actually amazing! :) <<less
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