Faraway Wanderers


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A tale about the former leader of a special organization that served under royalty, now leaving his past life behind and unintentionally getting involved with the martial world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Thiên Nhai Khách [Vietnamese]
Tian Ya Ke
Tiānyá kè
Word of Honor/山河令 [Drama]
Related Series
Lord Seventh (Prequel)
Peerless (6)
Thousand Autumns (5)
Lord Seventh (5)
Copper Coins (3)
Sha Po Lang (3)
Golden Stage (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Historical Setting TBR
  2. Favs Favs
  3. Danmei + Baihe TBR (1)
  4. novels got adapted to drama? ()
  5. Danmei: historical/xianxia/wuxia

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101 Reviews sorted by

popbampop rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: Completed
I have to say I really liked this one! I see a lot of reviews comparing the live action to the book but they both were so different from each other, it really isn't worth the comparision (Ofc the book is a lot more gay LOL eventhough the live action did a great job portraying their relationship with chinese censorship)

The relationship between the two MC was the best! They had such a cute dynamic and you can't help but love all the supporting characters too. One thing I wished... more>> I had while reading the book was a character guide, all those martial art sects and ghost valley characters got a little confusing... but other than that, a great read considering this was one of priest's earlier novels and it has a satisfying ending! <<less
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WingedOne rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: extra 4
Read this one after watching the drama and reading Lord Seventh as well to get Zhou Zishu’s backstory and it’s like treading through familiar ground on a different path, one which is just as beautiful.
You get a lot of hidden details and insight into a character’s motivation which you might not have in the drama, due to censorship restrictions- for instance Ye BaiYi backstory.
Also though lot of details are changed between the original and the drama, it’s definitely worth it to read the novel just to see Wen Kexing being a shameless flirt lol.

For me the main pairing is comparable to that from the Untamed, they just click. Loved this novel!
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soren67589 rated it
May 11, 2021
Status: extra 4
Although I've read many great novels before, this is the only one that I've been interested in leaving a review on. I'm not good at summarizing or anything, so I'll just say this is the best I've read in a long time, on par with Mo Dao Zushi and even surpassing it in certain aspects.
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dee_ism rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: Completed
While the plot and mystery parts are interesting, but I have to say I'm not really fond of this story.

Mainly because the ML is so annoying at the beginning. He annoys the MC without any reason since their 1st meet, pestering him, and did s*xual harassment verbally and physically. Imo, when it's not a mutual feeling, it's a harassment. When it's mutual, it's a flirt. So the first 40-ish chaps are hard to read.

It does get better once MC seems to like him back.
But honestly, I can't understand why MC and ML love each other. WHY?

Thankfully it's Priest who is plot centered writer, so I can ignore the so called 'romance part' and invest in the plot. Or else I won't be able to finish it. But even so, it's still a drag for me to finish it,
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Fire Aries
Fire Aries rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Despite the 3 stars I gave, I really enjoyed this novel, and to be honest, I'm a bit biased after watching the drama hehe. I don't think I would have finished, let alone started reading this had it not been for the live action, but after the last cliffhanger from the last episode, my curiosity just couldn't resist the temptation.

It's not Priest's best work for sure, but that doesn't make it bad. I personally love her main characters, shameless and constantly teasing each other; the dynamic between them all is... more>> so comedic but oh so sweet when they're being serious. I won't lie, a bit more intimacy between the 2 main characters would have been greatly appreciated, or maybe a bit more detailed and lasting. I don't mind there being no "physical action", but at least gimme a hot kiss or somethiiiing.

Anyway, as I said, apart from that minor detail, which I see priest took note of for later novels, I couldn't help smiling every time the main couple were together :)

As for the plot and characters... a lot of improvement could be done imo, the events were a bit all over the place and some of the characters felt a bit superficial. But I'm no expert, so I'll leave this just as a personal opinion. <<less
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consulting_the_illustration rated it
April 21, 2021
Status: Completed
This is Officially my favorite Priest novel. I LOVE Wen Ke Xing. He's my favorite type of male lead: playful, shameless, powerful as hell, smart, perceptive, and Super Sweet and thoughtful to the protagonist, regardless of (initial) reciprocation. Can I have one just like this? Perfect boyfriend material aside, this story was Action-Packed with exciting chapters, a complex mystery-type plot with a truly tragic reveal, and a HE. Everything I wanted in a good read.

I am now going to watch the drama adaptation and read Lord Seventh!
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StarPhia rated it
March 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I had started this novel a few months ago so it isn't super fresh in my memory, but it is a very good novel. I have just finished it and the story is very touching. The characters all have many tragic things occur to them either in the past or present and the way the story comes together is very tear jerking. Although the ending is quite positive for the two MCs, not every character experiences happiness. The story itself is about life, and wanting to change one's fate. It... more>> is a beautiful story about some mismatched strangers finding themselves. And although sometimes there are some convoluted explanations for various events, the story is very well done.

The plot. It is a "treasure hunting" kind of plot. There are some mu*ders and the MC, ML, and their crew discover that this is related to an object that they set off to find the pieces of. In this cultivation setting, all the "good" and "bad" guys set off to find it and even unrelated parties get dragged in. The story is quite beautiful and I really like how the MC is just kinda pulled in and doesn't fully know what is happening and manages to BS his way through everything. The story is very well written and very interesting. There are many characters that find themselves connected and they go on this journey together. Sometimes it is a bit hard to follow along if you put the novel down for a while before picking it back up, but the important stuff is very memorable. Although it can be hard at times to remember who all the Ghosts were, I especially found it hard because there were so many difficult names and nicknames and so many of them, and I am already really bad at remembering people's names. But remember who every Ghost is isn't super necessary and doesn't take much away from the story. There are a bunch of "main characters" that get their own story heard at various times, so you really get to see many parts of the story. The plot does suffer a bit from being a bit too short and less detailed or less explained. It would be very beneficial to the explanation of plot points and motive if the novel was longer and had more time to explain more gradually, but it is still very well done.

Romance~. The romance is actually quite sweet, it isn't love at first sight, and it isn't about "oh, you're hot, so I like you." Although that the ML think the MC should be hot (under his disguise) is a reason why the ML used to get close to the MC, it is more about curiosity. The MC had just escaped from the group of assassins and a life of carnage and is enjoying his last 3 years of freedom. The ML is at first intrigued by his peacefulness and probably envies him. But he soon discovers that the MC isn't so simple and becomes much more curious. Eventually their relationship stems into a sort of dependence. The ML really likes how the MC isn't scared of him and treats him like a human. At first the MC probably didn't have any romantic intention toward the ML and it was more of him letting the ML do whatever because he didn't want to give up the care that the ML gave to him. They both unconsciously become dependent on the others warmth and it then becomes love. Their love is partially tragic and partially beautiful. The MC doesn't die and is cured, but it was a very hard thing for the two of them. The MC didn't want to die and leave the ML behind and the ML couldn't bear to lose the one person he has left. Also their relationship is absolutely hilarious. They bicker and fight all the time, and really care for each other, but that doesn't stop them from being dramatic to inflict pity from the other or from throwing punches.

It was absolutely hilarious how they were literally fighting by the end who would be top or bottom. Like fist to fist, and neither wanted to bottom. But in the end the MC ended up being the bottom because the ML acted pitiful.


Characters. All of them are so pitiful ;-; I just want to cry for them. Our little boy, the Zhang boy, is pitiful because his family is dead and he has to be strong. Our Gu Xiang and Cao Weining are pitiful and they are like star crossed lovers! They are from opposite sides trying to be together. They are so funny and s*upid that I love them! Our MC is so pitiful because he hated being in the Tian Chaung (idk how it is spelled) and being an assassin. He had to basically be the adult in the "family" at a very young age and do everything. He never really had anyone that cares for him or was sincere to him. Then he is totally cool with dying because he just wanted to escape! But then he finds a person he loves and has to suffer excessively just to be with him! Our ML is so pitiful too! He just wants to feel human and for someone to treat him so! I won't spoil who he is or his backstory, but he is very pitiful and he needs a hug! It makes me sad to think that all the humor stems from their trauma! Why do it got to be like this.
But all in all, most have a somewhat happy ending. Their story is told beautifully. Full of tragedy and full of hope. They are pitiful, but they all get what they want in the end. The story is just wonderful. It is a HE, but it has a lot of twists and turns before they experience happiness. But I just gotta say, I don't really see how any of the MC's past has much to do with the plot or the story. There could have also been some more done with that, and it would also improve the novel a lot, but it is still very good.

The story is just wonderful. I really love how fate plays a role. Every character is trying to defy what fate has given them so they can take their own destinies. This is actually very well said in the book, so if you want to follow the characters journey on defying and escaping fate, I would very highly recommend this novel. It is not a romance oriented story. The characters don't drive the story with love, but love is a result and an obstacle. The MCs don't start off even thinking of finding love, but it is the reason why they both are able to survive. <<less
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izayaYY rated it
March 25, 2021
Status: Completed
I am presently following the drama adaptation with Gong Jun and Zhang ZeHan. I was curious how the live action diverged from the novel. There are many many changes, but the 2 actors are so adorable you cannot help but forgive lol.
This is my second book by Priest and just like "Guardians" it feels that Priest likes to focus more on the adventure, fantasy, myths and world building than the romance aspect. I did not mind but readers who are looking for fluff will be disappointed. This is more a typical wuxia tale than a BL story.
Also, I feel like readers who can read chinese and read the original novel will probably have a different view of the story, especially the romance aspect. There were quite a lot of references to chinese classical texts and poems and the characters are definitely using those poems to convey their real feelings. Those nuances and subtleties will definitely be lost in translation. I am bilingual French/English and from personal experience, I have read books in both languages and they never manage to convey the same feelings. I am afraid that the same is happening here for chinese translations, even more so if author is using poetic references.
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talkplaylove rated it
July 12, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel had a lot of potential but fell short of delivery.

The protagonists feel like bystanders in their own novel. It is definitely engaging in the first twenty chapters because as a reader, you want to find out more about them and the world around them, but after awhile you realize that you won't because the protagonists are detached from the world they're moving in. Maybe it's because they've been outsiders for a long time and maybe they're too overpowered ... more>>

(yes, the main character starts of choosing to commit a prolonged su*cide, but despite his terminal condition, I as a reader, never felt afraid for him whenever he was in battle situations)

and all-knowing (or at least, much, much smarter than everyone around them). As the reader, you know that they know what's happening, but they're not showing or telling you, nor is the author leaving enough crumbs for you. Instead, the author kept delving into the past of other characters, who are dead. Of course, this is connected to the story, but there wasn't enough build to be emotionally invested in these past characters.

I love mysteries. I also acknowledge as you read more mysteries, the less surprising things are—but a well-crafted mystery is still one where the readers can connect to the characters and follow the mystery, regardless of whether they can solve it early or not, even with plot twists at the end. Reading Agatha Christie's substantive work, books written 100 years ago, is a great example of this—there are some novels that are predictable, but they are all still wonderful experiences that take you into the world and connect to the characters. In this novel, the readers can't get to know the characters fully. The secondary characters are two-dimensional; the other Ghosts have the same goal, but there isn't any full insight as to why for each Ghost involved. There are so many people in the orthodox sects, but they're all the same in the end. Even the main protagonists are two characters who are keeping secrets—an attempt of obfuscation by the author to deliver something surprising (?) at the end. It hindered the experience more than it helped.

The gore/torture scenes are descriptive. I wish the author invested as much time describing in how our characters looked, the surroundings, who is in a fight scene, their lives—things that would make a reader feel more tethered to them--as they did describing the gore. As it is, it ended up feeling that the author focused more on shock value rather than a solid story.

This novel was picked up to be a live action series and I think a series would definitely be able to fill in the emotional gaps and flesh out the characters more than the novel had.

There are, of course, also good things. The book was good enough to finish and not drop 3/4 of the way through, if only to see how the two protagonists would end up together. The juxtaposition between what the jianghu world wants (power, immortality) compared to what those who have/are truly powerful immortal (who only want freedom/normal joys of human life) was beautifully done through the protagonists and Yi Baiyi vs the jianghu world. It's also interesting to note that all of them want what they currently do not/ have/did not have for a long time, so while the protagonists scorn the jianghu mortal's greed, they are, ironically, wanting things they don't have as well. In the end, isn't it also just human nature wanting to want what you don't have? <<less
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peppergum rated it
September 25, 2022
Status: Completed
Definitely not my favourite Priest novel.

Let me preface by saying that I really am a fan of the premise, character settings, world-build, etc- the main CP's dynamic is the sorta sh*t I'm ride or die for. I actually disagree with the other negative reviews' critique that MC + ML's personalities aren't too discernable from each other as a bad thing. I think that's the whole point. As Gu Xiang put it, they're birds of a same feather, besties4lyfers. But it just feels like there's just a section of development missing..?... more>> Anyways, here's my two cents too.


Like the whole "angsty" revelation at around chapter 30, where the ML touchingly thinks "It's fortunate... that I haven't fallen for you yet" only we all know he's already fallen-- there should've been at least a couple more interactions for him to feel this way lmao. Like when did you fall in love?! Just because of that one bonfire conversation?

Though to be fair, maybe I'm just too used to the 120+ chapter slow-burn romances.


Then there's the plot. Like I understand this is a rather carefree journey as both MC + ML are already at the peak of their strength, but there really could've been more suspense, more foreshadowing, more everything. Instead, it feels like everything's starting to get set up then instantly the main characters themselves spoil it for you with their omniscient knowledge.

If the fight scenes were cut in half and subbed in for development between MC + ML, then this really could've been a great work. At the same time, why did the Zhang kid get the most development and so much screen time? Was he supposed to be the secret main character?

And on a final note, there were so many little villains that they're all equally forgettable. No morally ambivalent complex antagonist who you hate to love or love to hate here. <<less
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July 4, 2022
Status: Completed
I started with Word of Honor first.

I seriously regret having watched the series first because it was like two different stories with characters who have the same names. Kudos, however, to the creative team for bringing Word of Honor to our screens.

I loved the actors take on their characters, though I didn't always agree with certain parts of the story. It showed ZZ as basically a snarky corn husk man, while there was so much more to his personality in the novel.

And Wen Kexing? A mad coquette in the series,... more>> but so much more in the novel. Their personalities were like night and day, but they were soulmates and that ninth inning stretch where all is revealed was fascinating.

I would recommend Lord Seventh as prior reading to get an idea of where some characters, especially ZZ come from.

My favorite character is my girl, Gu Xiang. She brought so much badassery and sassiness that just tickled me purple. <<less
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thecrud rated it
January 24, 2022
Status: Completed
Started this novel in the middle of the drama was airing since I can't wait for the spoiler and I'm not patient enough to wait for new episode to air next week and honestly, a bit shocked at how the drama was changed and how novel still don't give us enough explanation but, to say the original work as disappointing is a bit rude to the og writer. We all have our own preference but must have know where is the line. The novel is superb, no word needed but... more>> a bit disappointed with how they mellow out the charas in the drama. This novel would satisfy anyone with the wuxia with enough action while enjoying the literature element in the novel <<less
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Mianna rated it
November 9, 2021
Status: Completed
My opinion is that I like the drama better because the drama had more cute interactions between the main leads than the book. That being said, this book was also really good and did not disappoint me. I really enjoyed the main character and main lead interactions and the plot was intriguing as well.
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November 3, 2021
Status: --
3/5 for me right now (haven't finished it... put on backburner)

As with all Priest novels, plot is solid.

But hmmmmm... idk, I'm not feeling it.

Maybe the expectations just weren't right. I came into this novel expecting it to be Zhou Zishu's story, but I'm 3/4th of the way through, and he's more of a guest to the plot. I also came into this novel expecting Zhou Zishu to "wander" because of the title, but that's not what happens either. We went straight from palace politics in Lord Seventh to jianghu... more>> politics lol.

I feel like the writing for the fights was too weak and took away from the novel. There's so much fighting too. Lots of random villains with special names popping up here and there but disappearing shortly after being defeated. However, the fight scenes weren't particularly exciting either. I found myself skimming through the fights.

I really like the characterizations for the MC and ML. However, I think that might be only thing that I liked. <<less
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September 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Listen... read it. You will laugh, you will cry, you'll want more. You might find it difficult to understand at first and running to 3 different platforms to read it a little irritating. But this is well worth the read. You won't be disappointed. In the case that you do, it's because you won't be able to find another novel as well written as this so easily.
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LazyKoala rated it
August 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I would give this a 4.5/5 stars. But put 5 stars because I love the drama and you, too, should watch it.

I read the story after seeing 2 or 3 episodes of the drama. So my view was already biased because I already fell for the drama before reading the story. The drama is the one of the reason pushing me to read this novel aside from the fact that it's priest and the background of the story is in the same universe as Qi Ye (Lord Seventh).

Plot wise, I... more>> feel it's a little bit confusing in the middle. There's really good arcs that I understand, but there's also confusing arcs that I have no idea what's happening. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that the story was too short to accommodate this amount of plot inside. I feel like some of the plot isn't being fleshed out enough and explained enough so sometimes I found myself wondering what's happening.

Character wise, I really love the leads. MC was interesting as a person, ML was supposed to be a typical thick-skinned OP male lead, but he sometimes surprised me with how he process his emotions. Priest, I suppose, did a good job in the emotional journey of the ML falling in love with a sick person who would die in three years. I really love some of the supporting characters too but they're not being delved into deeply so it's a shame. But there's too many side characters for a short story in my opinion that I always need to think for a couple of minutes who in the world this person is and if they already appeared in the story. But maybe that's because I'm name blind.

One complain though, with a MAJOR SPOILER warning.


I'm a bit taken aback with Cao Wei Ning's death. It happened so suddenly and abruptly that I can't even process what's happening for a minute. I feel like killing him so late into the story did nothing to the story itself. I feel like he didn't need to die to progress the story other than collecting a bucket of the readers tears. For one, there's not enough scene with him in it to actually introduce his character in depth for the readers to care enough about him, another is that I really feels like his death is pointless for the story itself. So that's my rambling.


Overall the story was a decent read. Not my most favorite but definitely worth a try. <<less
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Reijir rated it
July 10, 2021
Status: Completed
ZZS is tsundere, snarky and playful. He is hard-mouthed but soft hearted. WKX is flirty, pushy, crude and has a lot of emotional baggage. They are both powerful and intelligent characters, who find in each other someone who understands them and a reason to live. Their interactions are fun, they bicker like an old married couple and they just fit. Chengling is precious, Axiang and Cao Weining are lovely. The plot is compact and engaging. Loved it!!

Overall really loved the book. It's my new favorite. I have watched the live... more>> adaptation- Word of Honor. I am currently listening to the audio drama, which is a masterpiece. I must say I like the novel/audio drama much more than the live adaptation. The novel is more compact and everything is addressed well. WKX and ZZS are much more engaging here. Here they truly feel like equal partners and people who understand each other. There is no trying to change each other just acceptance. It's so refreshing. We got robbed of this amazing ZZS in the show where he is quite boring. I loved him here.

Also, I like the theme of living for each other in the novel better than the romeo & juliet concept of the live adaptation.


To the people coming from the drama and finding the plot disorderly, it is only because you expect the drama and the novel to have the same main plot. The novel's and the show's main plots are not the same. The drama took the novel's secondary plotline and used it as its main plot, which is the jianghu politics and the armor. In the novel they are used to move events forward but take a backseat to the found family theme that the novel is actually about. <<less
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BanniNotBunny rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a good novel

Short and not stretched out.

MC and ML, both are smart and powerful.
    • One of the most thing I liked about this novel is the character "Gu Xiang". Usually in BL novels (the ones I have read till now) female characters are shown either as villainous or b*tches. But here, this female character has won my heart.

      But, she and her lover, both dies at the end of the novel. It broke my heart but later it was healed in the extra which is about their rebirth


Advice : It would be better if you have read the "Lord Seventh" novel before it. I had not read it so I couldn't connect much with the relevant couple.
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Charmian rated it
April 23, 2021
Status: Completed
It's a really good novel.

Like other novels I've read by Priest, it has this flowing story that simply kept me reading, even though at times I got lost in the plot.. But I managed to get the gist!

At first I was hesitating to read this because of Zhou ZiShu; I knew about him from Lord Seventh and he was one of those characters towards which I had some mixed feelings. I didn't like him all that much, tbh. But I kept coming across that drama and I became interested.... more>> 'Why not give it a try' is what I thought. And it was a good decision.

The characters, beside Zhou ZiShu, Wen KeXing and even Zhang ChengLing, are okay but they don't have too much depth as I wasn't very affected by some things that happened to them. Nevertheless, Gu Xiang and Cao WeiNing are still cute.

I especially liked Wen KeXing's character - that shameless witty person with unclear motives; I read someone's comment somewhere, saying that he's most likely Priest's gayest character and I have to strongly agree with that!

I already expected that there would be very little romance but at the end I still felt that it was just too little.. I wanted more - because they're such a powerful match that I couldn't accept that I can't read more about them being together!

Still, from their interaction you can clearly understand how much they mean and care about each other. This somehow managed to placate my aching soul.

OH! And I'm sooo happy that I had read Lord Seventh some time ago as the main characters made a few appearances in this novel! It was really nice reading a bit more about them and they brought Faraway Wanderers even closer to my heart~

(maybe I should check out the drama sometime) <<less
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fio_el rated it
April 22, 2021
Status: Completed
Loved this novel. Plenty of action, but also got me tearing up at the end. Like many others, I started reading this novel because I started watching the live action drama, which I also love, and I've also been a long time fan of Wuxia genre. This novel left me wanting more but at the same time it concluded neatly and I'm happy. The translation was well written and it was easy to read and understand, despite going through changes of translators multiple times. The relationships between the leads evolved... more>> naturally and it was easy to follow, and though there weren't many love scenes, it came across very clearly how much they mean to each other. After reading this novel, I gotta say I'm intrigued to read Lord Seventh, especially after meeting the characters in this novel, and of course, I would love to know more about ZZS's past that got him to where he was in FW.


One thing that really bug me about this novel is Gu Xiang's fate. I like that she's strong and speaks her mind, so I'm quite disappointed that she was killed off protecting her master, and didn't even get the chance to avenge Cao Weining's death.

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