Everyone Else is a Returnee


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Yu Ilhan was always the one left behind. Left out of cliques in school. Left out of social invitations. Just…always left out. Except now he’s been left behind for real.

When Earth’s future is threatened, Yu Ilhan stays behind while the rest of the population flees to other planets for safety.

It’s up to Yu Ilhan to save our planet before it’s too late!

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Last On Earth
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379 Reviews sorted by

xKit rated it
March 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Typical Standard KR Story, I have no idea how this is rated at a massive 4.3 when it has so many issues. It starts off okay after 150~ chapters it falls off a gigantic cliff. The author clearly let his fans dictate how the story was told based on what was happening in the later halves of the story. The ending makes sense for the story that it is, but even then it feels f*cking cheap.

The Romance/Harem is probably the worst part of the f*cking story, if you want to... more>> make a harem then f*cking make a harem, but holy f*ck was this harem forced. If you were not a fan of a certain girl, then it just feels like the author is a massive sad*st for how MC interacts with the other girls it's a mess man.

I would greatly appreciate it if this author could go outside and learn how to talk to women. That way he can actually learn how to write FMCs since for some act of god he can't stop writing harems. <<less
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October 10, 2021
Status: --
everything was great until his 'son' dragon appeared, then everything went to shit. Bullsh*t powerups for everyone, people conveniently getting locked up in zones just to find excuses to power them up, sh*t like this. I really really don't understand what the author was thinking with this character, MC goes literally to hell, kills thousands of monsters that could wipe out earth in days but his 3 yr old son is always right up behind him in levels, everything he does is even more absurd than the MC and despite... more>> all of this he stays useless all novel, why tf even have him waste chapters away???

everyone after that point also turns into an idiot, people that barely liked or were barely interested in the MC are suddenly deeply in love with him, its soooo f*cking lazy <<less
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RexJen rated it
April 15, 2021
Status: Completed
It was good at start. The initial idea was interesting and different, but as it continued, the novel became generic and boring. The MC has no personality. Even if he was alone for so much time, he would have a personality of some sort.

MC being so OP without any other rivals renders any excitement about fights which could have been there. After some chapters its predictable that no one close to him is gonna get hurt so there is actually no suspense.

There was no need for a harem, even if... more>> there was one it shouldn't have been so big. Girls are falling from him here and there. Literally any powerful woman starts liking him and of course MC is dense about it. Other male characters exist just to make him look good and have no personalities.


in the end Lita "allowing" him to be with other women was something that I didn't like. It felt like MC was with them due to some unknown sense of responsibility. Both MC and his harem are treated like an object. Except Lita maybe.



Every apocalyptic novel has many deaths, but the way this story was going it would have been better if author kept it comedic instead of throwing millions of children born after great cataclysm into that dungeon, thus killing them

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March 17, 2021
Status: ss 25
Fairly good story.

Anyone who complains about obvious plot holes (him being left on earth especially) obviously haven't actually finished the novel as the real reason he was left behind is revealed in the final few books (last 50 or so chapters of main story)

As for people complaining about the why he is training his body to face monsters nukes wont work on, and why the angel doesn't teach him magic there are logical reasons here as well.

Not teaching magic : During the time stop period there is NO MANA... more>> on earth for him to learn to use it, the whole reason everyone was sent to other worlds while time was frozen on earth was to give them some practice using mana before it appeared on earth. It's not until the time stop ends and everyone reappears that MC can start using mana.

Physical training : His perk for being left behind is that any physical changes he undergoes will not be reverted as such when time stop ends his STR AGI an STAM at level 1 are all near 3 digits while only his mana is at 1 digit. Everyone else however gets a full character reset on return.. Loosing all stats gained in their other world and only keeping their new ability to control mana ie: level 1 with all stats being single digit. (Possibly keeping skill levels though this was never clarified)

As for monsters that nukes don't work on they don't appear directly after time stop as monsters at that time are just animals/bugs etc that have gained mana and are relatively low lvl as well letting our MC who has stats WAY op for lvl 1 (close to lvl 100 or more by how many stat points are gained per lvl up) beat them using only physical attacks while he waits for his body to become accoustomed to mana as everyone else did in other worlds. <<less
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January 18, 2021
Status: c141
Dropped at chapter 141. One of main reasons is: Fuc**d XP system even if you needed 100 times less experience points it would still be exaggerated. Like you would have to kill entire planet full of beings on you level like WTF? Its so unreal to get to higher levels. (Of course not for our MC)

Another reason is that autor is still adding other womens to his harem and our MC can't cope even with one with he loves. Like WHY? I'am sure this wasnt meant to be mutch... more>> of harem novel.

But basically not bad novelbutnothing for me. If you like OP and emotionally unstable MC you can try :) sorry for my english skills <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Superb read. Definitely one of my favorites. Broke every semblance of cliches and was well written. Regret that I read this so quickly as nothing beats the first time having read something.
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noveller rated it
October 26, 2020
Status: Completed
I would just say, no matter what anybody says, just read this novel. It has everything you can ask for in a good novel. The world-building is very good and let me tell you the world is very vast. The MC is a hardworking loner who is also not a loner because he usually has a freaking angel by his side who is very beautiful. You won't get to experience any romance until quite further into the story but it will be worth it when it comes. The characters to... more>> that point are so fleshed out and good that you are actually rooting for them. The villains are good not as in good guys but their personalities are well explained. Everything that happens in the story makes sense and not just plot armor after plot armor.

This will be a story you will remember for a long time after reading so please don't read any more reviews and please just give it a shot. You will definitely not regret it.

And all the people hating can suck on my left nut. <<less
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Godleydemon rated it
September 20, 2020
Status: afterword
I can't believe I never wrote a review for this amazing novel. So, there are a lot of people that stumble right near the beginning of this novel. It gets a lot better once you get a little further into it as the story begins to pick up the pace and the mysteries begin to pile on. I love the delving into his psyche that's a little warped because of what happened to him at the beginning of the novel. How it's referenced multiple times as an example of how... more>> he taught himself accidentally, to become completely immersed into something. How much it tears up the FL with her struggles of coming to grips with her love for the ML. It creates a perfect excuse with how anti-social he is as well, it just does something that no other isekai really does. It made a legitimate excuse for an anti-social MC that's perfectly believable and doesn't end up bothering you. Instead, you find yourself getting frustrated but still being hopeful he'll make that final leap. That's something a lot of isekai's just can't do.

The stakes just keep escalating as well, which kind of boggled me where it went. To be honest, the novel COULD have ended far before it actually did. But there just had to be one more big bad every time lol. Normally I'd get frustrated with this with both korean and chinese novels. As it's a kind of constant thing with them. But here, it didn't really bother me much till I got closer to the end. So they manage to vary it up enough and introduce enough new things to keep me hooked up until probably the final arc.

Now the romantic side of this is also surprisingly good. The FL is likable, caring, and goes through a wonderful few character arcs that progress her character. In fact, every harem member has some kind of character arc or a few character arcs and you don't find yourself bored with them. You actually WANT to know what's going on. The love between the FL and ML is incredibly cute and deepens significantly as the novel goes on. They know eachother so incredibly well that they really don't need to talk to one another to tell what one another is thinking. Spoiler for the beginning of the novel, but they spent several thousand years together, spending every day with one another. They're practically already married by the end of the first arc with how long they've lived together lol.

I have to say, all and all, this is an amazing novel. You have to get through the first arc or two to get to the meat of the story though. Give it a shot, you won't be disappointed. <<less
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doyouknowgodgrid rated it
September 18, 2020
Status: c120
It kept my interest for a while but it's not my cup of tea. The MC is bearable but I don't really like any of the characters. The fights are also often a bit lame. Mostly the MC one-shotting everything from his concealment skill. This novel is kinda like One Punch Man except not self aware and not as funny.
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Harlam rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: c180
So... it might not turn out to popular cuz of the love for this title never the less...I don't get it!

Managed 180 chapter before my mind just gone blank and re read the same chapter 3 times because I could not pay attention anymore. The MC is a loner.. (Duhh) but even after he gains more than half a dozen companions he still act like he walks the earth alone, its a bit much overkill on the hole " I was left alone by god and now have to show... more>> just how much it hurts me.... still." His powers are amazing...I loved the hole thing. Bit to much on the explaining... the author act like his readers have no mind of their own and just kinda over explain every single second. I loved the characters until the 180 chapter when I accepted the fact that character development might never happen in this one.

The dagger was the overall feeling that nothing... and I mean nothing can happen to the MC. He defines the word powerful in this one folks, but at some point is does become annoying and dull. Some mortal danger or any form of danger would have done wonders for this one.

Now now...I know the remaining almost 200 chapters could prove all my words wrong, but after a little digging I did noticed some reviews that strongly reflects my opinions. The main reason I read this because it was on every recommendation list that even mentions I alone level Up (Solo Leveling). Gotta say... dont see the resemblance between the MC... like at all. The only save for me was the early learning Arc and the "Return"... after that was all downhill... cant recommend it with so many better story's out there. <<less
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Fear rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: Completed
The story and characters were overall pretty meh, not great not bad, could have been a 3/5 if not for the 2 thing that bothered me the most:

    1. The narrator/autor is ret*rded, seriously, I could withstand the characters, but each time he poured his opinion into the narration is was the epitome of cringe.
    2. The bullsh*t harem ending, I think his is selfexplicatory, I don't mind a protag atracting the attention of several female sidecharacters and in the end having to choose one, I don't even care who he chose, he could have chosen the gay elf for all I care, but this... holy shit.
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Leinyl rated it
April 4, 2020
Status: c17
I had high expectations of this considering that it had an average of 4.3 with over 2000 votes but I couldn't even get past the beginning chapters since I could already tell I wouldn't like this. First off, the MC is way too op and with that I'm sure I won't feel any kind of struggle when he is fighting. Second, for a novel focusing on comedy it the best it could do was made me chuckle a bit but with how repetitive the jokes are, it just feels sad... more>> and annoying.

At the start there was a joke in which the MC was frustrated because he was left alone on earth for 10 years and that kept extending and just became incredibly absurd when it reached 1000 years, another joke here is how the peanut gallery spouts out random bullsh*t every time he goes on to fight monsters which this novel could do without since it's just s*upid and annoying.


Now with the harem aspect, although I dropped this way too early to judge this aspect but the way the first heroine falls for him which basically happens because of pity and the fact that she spent a thousand years with him. That reason for attraction is just equivalent to a childhood friend falling for a main character in many jap harem series because of "reasons". I can somehow understand why she fell for MC but can't exactly feel that she fell for MC. With how I've seen the impression of readers on this authors other works, I don't think I can expect anything better than this. Another thing about the comedy is that it relies way too much on memes and references, it just feels out of place most of the times. <<less
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Autismo rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: c150
The premise of the story is pretty interesting but I just got bored on how predictable this novel is. The characters are unrealistic and also quite dumb. You can tell that the author really want to make the MC seem very cool, but surprisingly he's not. To summarize it all up he's basically an overpowered can do it all ret*rd with a dumb personality. I'm not planning to continue reading this tr*sh
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Juslin rated it
March 8, 2020
Status: Completed
It was pretty average at the start but got worse later on. Well, it only got bad around the time when he started fighting higher existences though which is pretty late in the story so I guess it's still okay. The novel is full of references to otaku culture which some people may not like. I just ignored all of them personally. Also, although the author says that it won't be a harem, that damn guy made it into one in the last chapter. Like couldn't you have suppressed the... more>> urge for just a few more chapters? The author notes are probably the best part of the novel btw. Don't skip them. <<less
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Reapers Requiem
Reapers Requiem rated it
February 18, 2020
Status: Completed
I just have to say, as a person that was reading it from the time it came out, It hurts my soul to see it now as I wish it wasn't over. It was absolutely the best novel i've ever read. I only wish someone would make a fan fic or 30 so we could continue to enjoy. (I can't write for shit).
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nrzmonkey rated it
February 8, 2020
Status: Completed
After binge reading through this novel more then once, I can definitively say that I like it, and it will continue to be a novel that I enjoy in the future. This is a more fun novel that doesn’t take itself too seriously and you need to remember that going in. Since it is a lighter read it is easy to blow through the high number of chapters it has, however on my second and third read I was able to notice new things that I didn’t before.

While there are... more>> some negative reviews, do take them with a grain of salt. The writers are looking for a book that takes itself more serious than this one does, which isn’t always a bad thing. Another thing to take note of is when they gave up continuing to read the novel, a lot of them didn’t even get through the first 1/6th of it, stopping before chapter 50. There is so much more to read then that and this book starts slow but really picks up speed in the later chapters so it really shows that they gave up before it got good.

Reading through the chapters with an open mind you can really see the author’s growth when it comes to writing. Which is natural, everyone is a beginner at some point in their life and they get better as the book goes on. <<less
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mm419 rated it
January 25, 2020
Status: c144
It such a shame because the novel starts out very well, there’s so much potential for the author to exploit. The idea is good and different but after that it became unbelievably boring! Boring OP main character, there’s no plot, things happen for no reason, always “Korea is the best” which is ridiculous! Unlike Solo leveling you can see how the governments, powerful people from different countries involved like US or China,... but in this novel its as if there’s only Korea or the MC that exists like what kind... more>> of nonsense is that?! After 100 chapters I just can’t deal with this lame, cliche and illogical novel anymore. <<less
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Gorgeously Large Panda
Gorgeously Large Panda rated it
December 30, 2019
Status: c40
What this novel has: a dumb beta MC, terrible "romance", plot holes, mental m*sturbation and wish-fulfillment of the author, lack of immersion since every few paragraphs you are assaulted by a Translator/Editor/Author's note (and the editor's only job is to give unnecessary comments and opinions it seems, because there are plenty of typos and mistakes). The novel is written and formatted like it was done by a 5 years old child. I have never seen a more tr*sh novel.
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KarakaZahard rated it
November 1, 2019
Status: c60
What a waste of time, this novel is just boring. Here is why:

  • The characters are so bland, the only interesting is the MC but it's still flat and doesn't develop sh*t in this chapters
  • There is too much info dumping
  • The fights are boring, there is barely any danger for the MC because of his skills...
  • The system is too similar to games, so there is little creativity
The only thing I can think of it was interesting was the world building, but it was at much OK, so I don't recommend this to... more>> anyone, don't waste your time, 4/10. <<less
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blank1134 rated it
September 6, 2019
Status: Completed
First of all I think the title should be changed to "The Legend of the Strongest Loner" (LOL).

I've read some reviews (NU) and it made me sad. That's just it though, if you like it you like it, if you don't like it you don't like it. But there is no harm in trying to read it though and honestly speaking I loved it.

Kudos to the author for creating such a wonder novel. Kudos also to the translator and proof reader for their work because of you guys I was... more>> able to read such a fantastic novel. <<less
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