Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King’s Wife


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The previous owner of Mu Ru Yue’s body had been poisoned. Because of this, her meridians were blocked, hindering her cultivation, which eventually led to her being known as tr*sh. After being beaten to death, Mu Ru Yue, who had originally been a successor to a medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia, reincarnated into her new body.

They want to seal my path?

I will train to reach the peak of the realms!

They give me a foolish prince as my husband?

I can make do with him.

It would be easier for me to deal with him, rather than with other candidates who would be thrown at me in the future. I shall strive to become powerful enough that nobody will be able to mock or kill me!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Phoenix Cry Firmament
Tuyệt sắc đan dược sư: Quỷ Vương yêu phi
Related Series
Evil Emperor’s Wild Consort (Shared Universe)
Ghost Emperor Wild Wife: Dandy Eldest Miss (Shared Universe)
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Stunning Edge (4)
The Demonic King Chases His Wife: The Rebellious Good-for-Nothing Miss (4)
Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort (4)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation beauties
  2. Transmigration: Weak to stronger characters
  3. Queens of Cultivation
  4. Beautiful Transmigration Stories
  5. Cultivation / Fantasy FL

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/27/17 Radiant Translations c220
03/26/17 Radiant Translations c219
03/24/17 Radiant Translations c218
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76 Reviews sorted by

Drachenthron rated it
September 12, 2018
Status: c101
i really like the MC. It's true, that most of the time others get angry on her behalf, but that just let her feel like op goddess who is above all. And the maters, because the others do the revenge stuff, she often feels not sooooo troubled about it or she would have also done something but was more easygoing

she isnt pure but different to other novels like this she also isn't a deamon who is bad like the people she punish. So I can enjoy reading about her.
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NovelUpdates421 rated it
July 11, 2018
Status: --
The book is great. OP MC and OP family (especially Ye Si Huang). I like how the book has a power couple that reincarnated. The translation speed is great as well!
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Tazzman00 rated it
May 1, 2018
Status: --
I’ve read this novel sense I first started to read novels (2nd novel I read at that point in time) and I’ll say I loved it then and I love it now, I really like the direction the story is heading right now :) BIG FAN!!! And thank you Miki for all the daily updates
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FaerNC rated it
April 5, 2018
Status: c378
Wow, so far everything seems extremely rushed, it skips pasts arcs like a kid on a sugar high. First she's a weak lady, then she immediately gets better (within the first 10 chapters), then she is a genius at everything then la-di-da-di-dah. Its like all the background has been thrown out the window. The story wants to build something nice, but has too many ideas and things it wants to do, reaching the climax without the introduction and buildup, leaving the conclusion much less satisfying than it could be.

Edit: I... more>> can't stop reading, only for the romance since, I could do without all the faceslapping and 'pulling the roots' stuff.


Like really? Every other judgement borders on the side of 'they deserved it, but was Lin Ruo Ying really that bad of a person? Did she deserve to be given a pill that forces her to have s*x with an ugly person every day for the rest of her life?

When she wanted to be with YWC and kill MRY she:

  1. Did not know he was married
  2. Thought MRY was a sl*t who was bothering YWC
  3. Only declared herself as friend rather than like what NZF did
  4. Was tricked by Qing Xue

This story tries to be progressive (one wife one husband), but reverts to being completely barbaric and s*upid with all the 'You stepped on my toe so I'll kill you' that THE PROTAGONIST also participates in. The saving grace of this entire story is that the author knows how to write love and passion. The rest, in my opinion, could be done away with. <<less
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sharl rated it
November 6, 2017
Status: c392
This is a very good paced read, although I think I'd need to take a break.

A lot of things happened - one after another something just keeps happening, it felt like the story never gives you a breather before it throws the next conflict at your face. Will have to pick this up again later.
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SuzyKay rated it
October 11, 2017
Status: c404
I love transmigration novels but only if everything works well. The MC is too emotionless and OP, ML is too handsome every single chick will ALWAYS find some reason or another to blame the MC for them not being able to get his attention... srsly?

I've been reading thinking maybe the story would get better, but now it's just dull...

There is story, yet every other side character is not well developed or well thought out that it makes you lose interest. They seem to all only have a one track mind...

Ex:... more>> (spoilers, only read if u don't mind)

-Cant have ML? Np, kill the MC and the ML will love them for it.... (what? How is this reasonable?)

-Can't have the MC? Just kidnap her and make her stay by my side til she does... (???rly)

-A psycho b**** who transcends time and endlessly seeks revenge for reasons above. Pity you can't really kill her since she's so OP and can hop bodies apparently..

-A famous and prestigious academy every single person wants to attend has whatsoever no restriction on students freely killing each other... no staff at all to intervene! Prob like 3 teachers total mentioned.... lol

These happen too frequently that it lowers the quality of the overall story... <<less
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mechafanboy rated it
September 30, 2017
Status: c461
Pacing is pretty fast. I'm personally fond of it mainly for that, in terms of storyline, aside from the main motivation being one that feels a bit weak, I think it's solid, won't win rewards, but it's solid.

I'd say it's a step above most reincarnation female style novels, but not enough to be especially unique. Good, enjoyable read.
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IndusEla rated it
September 28, 2017
Status: c113
I'm giving it two stars for the barely passable beginning of the story. There isn't much to like in here. The character development is way too abrupt all the time, the author gave no consideration to the feelings of the characters, it all just seems fake. The characters are always fueled by anger, jealousy and arrogance. The MC herself is way too arrogant, she doesn't care about the rules like most other MCs in transmigration novels do. She just does whatever she wants and the author has portrayed it like... more>> the world accepts it and frames the situation in a way that it would work out for the MC. The story just seems unnatural, and the story is full of gaping plot holes. In other transmigration novels, the stories flow with grace, but this one just goes right one moment and then left, the next. It doesn't flow smoothly at all, just too artificial. I don't know how some people are able to bear it. Even the characters' thoughts are said as dialogues. Who even writes like that? It's just written to make the reader know the situation on the spot, what's the fun in that? Even though the translation quality is good, the plot is fine, but the way the author has executed it is purely terrible. <<less
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Nah3sa rated it
August 23, 2017
Status: c300
It's enough to pass time. But the story is totally cliché, the characters too, and at one point I just felt bored and annoyed reading it. Well, I can't say it's totally bad as I read 300 chapters so yes, you can enjoy it if you are looking for something standard.
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Gabi94 rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: c136
VERY Similar to "Bewitching Prince Spoils His Wife: Genius Doctor Unscrupulous Consort".

But in a bad way, as it seems a more careless and lazy version of it.
A lot of similarities to other novels too, which is normal, because BWP is also full of cliches, just better written.


-Girl from a medicine-orientated aristocratic family reborn into a family that doesn't care for her and treats her like shit. check.
- Jerk fiance trades her for her sister and then regrets It
-Girl then gets engaged to the "tr*sh" of the country who is really a super incredibly strong guy who just needs a cure
- Girl in reality is from a very powerful family who is wonderful and has been looking for her all this time.
-Lots of crazy jealous women


My biggest problem tho is that there was some infuriating nonsense happening. So, if you don't like the "r*pe as a punishment plot" or "aw how cute, he didn't r*pe me even tho he could" plot (like not raping was a favor and not a given) , then you probably won't like this novel very much. I only made it thru those parts because the author is so bad at detailing and spending appropriate time on scenes that you can just ignore a lot of the content.

Tagged as spoilers the parts where this was most evident, so you can prepare yourself. (till chapter 136)


-ML while pretending to be a "fool" tried to take a bath with MC, kiss her, and show up in her bed at night

-A jealous girl dosing her with aphrodisiac and her beast (in human form) almost raping her "for her own good" and then she was so impressed the ML didn't r*pe her even tho he could, like would be ok if he had... she actually called him a fool for not raping her...

-And the ML also schemed for her sister to be r*ped with SURPRISE, aphrodisiac too, because the sister wanted to scheme for the MC to be r*ped etc. etc.


So although the ML IS safe till the chapter I read, the author doesn't seem to have a good understanding of what is consensual or even acceptable for a character that is supposed to be a "Hero". Still, the ML didn't force her, still, the author didn't use the aphrodisiac to maintain the MC as "too pure to have s*x, and yet they did it so I can please my readers" like A LOT of authors do. So while it is still problematic, is forgivable as this is a Chinese novel and sadly I've seen far worse in those.

Other than that It seems just like any Historical with fantasy setting novel, if you like this genre like me, then probably you also like its cliches, but if you read BWP you'll probably be very impressed with how much the plot follows the same paths and even in the same order of events. (In BWP, the problems I mentioned before with the abuse, etc, didn't happen.) But like I said before, even tho all characteristics are present, this novel pass-thru important discoveries like it is nothing, we don't get to enjoy the adventure or the relationships, I felt like someone was telling me about a novel they've read instead of reading it for myself (if that makes sense to you)
But other reviews said this was the first work of the author, which makes sense. So I'll look for the other works, just because my favorite cliches are present, sadly the lack of experience in using them in the best way is very clear. Still, for a first novel, the author did good, and if you didn't read many novels in this genre you probably won't notice the difference.
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Cinnamon_Pretzel rated it
October 9, 2020
Status: c1
It's been awhile since I read this but I binged through 800-1000 chapters before stopping because I couldn't read it anymore lol. Overall, not a bad read (great translation) just gets really repetitive as it feels like everyone is out to get MC, ML disappears for days on end, and people constantly don't act their parts convincingly. I like how there's a lot of connections (though they do get tiring to keep track of at times).

... more>>

One old man who was one of MC's teachers or something and he was about to be burned to death. MC randomly hears about him and dashes to the rescue but the reasoning for such an event was glossed over. In another arc where MC goes to this one famous academy with her past-life son (for some reason??) and keeps getting harassed and mocked by most of the teachers and students. One of the teachers literally didn't check carefully and introduced this fake girl as MC's past life's reincarnation until MC pulls out her legendary artifact. The thing is, people around MC either fall for her asap or want to mu*der her.

Every step of the way, MC's position keeps getting weaker even though she's supposed to get stronger? I get that it should be character development, challenges, etc. But when she goes from her first 'family' to the more influential family, they can barely do sh*t to resist against the evil villainess and her brainwashed cohorts. So it comes down to MC and ML. I guess my complaint her is that there was a lot of missed potential as well as missing development for supporting characters.

I really like the aunt and the son from the past life.. Oh and some of the contracted spirit/pets (?). I absolutely abhor the main villain who caused MC and ML to die by lightning tribulation in their past lives. The fact that she's like a c*ckroach that can never be killed is nasty but I guess kudos for tenacity.


Good to pass the time with. <<less
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Pomelo rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: c130
Short Review: Not the best novel I've read and not the worst either. I'd give it 2/5 in terms of plot and 4/5 in terms of the main and supporting characters (one star taken off for the insipid antagonists). Of course, I gave 2/5 for the plot because I've read a lot of c-novels (50-100 of them) that I get very familiar with often-used tropes and other story elements that I'll notice them quickly in any story I've read. If you haven't read too many c-novels, this feeling of cliched... more>> story developments that I feel might not be something you'll feel, YMMV.

The translation is smooth and easy to read, it's clearly a head above machine translation. The story is a pretty enjoyable mindless snack to me. The first few chapters are pretty cliched (I've lost count how many 'tr*sh female MC finds her fiance and sister embracing each other/in flagrante delicto' that I've seen so far...), but the MC makes plans and makes her way through the world soon enough.

The main character (MC) Mu Rue Yue is overpowered (OP), but it's not too bad since her attitude is still pretty reasonable. She's not going to senselessly destroy other people if they didn't try to attack her first. I find the male lead (ML) Ye Wu Chen to actually be alright. He's not an a-hole to the MC, and even if he has the usual overprotective streak, he still takes into account the MC's decisions and preferences (he'd wrap her up in cotton wool and coddle her in his palace if it was up to him, but she's someone who wants to take on the world and climb to the top).

In-story Major Tropes I've Noticed:

  1. s*upid Evil Antagonists. That's right, many of the antagonists other than the boss-level threats are s*upid evil, as in they're being s*upid as if they're competing to be Darwin Award winners. I read and even MTL-ed Ye Shaohua's quick transmigration novel (Special Agent's Rebirth) since even if many of the antagonists are s*upid, there is still some variation and creativity in their schemes. Here, I wish the novel had a skip feature, so I can just skip the blather of the incompetent idiots and just read a 1-2 sentence summary of what on earth they're on about yet again.
  2. Casual Mention of s*xual Violence. If you've read a lot of historical, xianxia and/or xuanhuan novels, you'll notice that one of the things the idiot female antagonists (henceforth called cannon fodder) likes to do is to set up their rival/the MC to a) be r*ped or b) get trapped in a room with some disliked/unfavourable man while they lit some aphrodisiac incense nearby. Sometimes I wish their execution of this plan is a bit more creative/less predictable, otherwise, I want to skip their scheming phase and jump straight to the plan's execution and failure. Again, YMMV.
  3. OP MC is OP. I'm less inclined to say that this is an outright flaw of the novel considering the many, many c-novels written with this trope. At this point, it's more of a subgenre than anything. So, do you want to forget your daily grind for a while? Does seeing the MC wreck havoc against people underestimating them feel cathartic to you? Then this is the subgenre for you. Otherwise, skip.
  4. The ML hovers. This isn't unique to this story. In many c-novels (even the danmei/BL ones from the way my sister tells it), the ML's function is to be a bulldozer/hammer against some of the threats the MC faced. Here, Ye Wu Chen mostly stands aside because Mu Ru Yue wants to fight her troubles on her own and grow from the experience. When something unexpected happens, though, like her losing enemy suddenly decides to call for back-up that are several cultivation tiers above hers? Then Ye Wu Chen steps in and stomps on them. To her credit, Mu Ru Yue still mostly fights her own problems, unlike other MCs from what I presume are fluffier settings.
  5. Everyone is Connected by the Red Strings. I'm not just talking about the MC and the ML, I'm talking about freaking everyone (well, everyone important enough plot-wise, I suppose). Some mysterious white-haired guy said that the MC and the ML has a deeper connection between them? Perhaps from their previous life? (My speculation, but even if it's true, it won't be anything new, genre-wise) That's not that unexpected. But what about the cute little girl the MC saved from a rushing carriage that she immediately feels a fondness to? Whose mother she felt some sort of weird connection with who ended up telling the MC that her daughter 'will be your age' now, since she'd been kidnapped as a baby a long time ago? Encounters here are less random and runs more on narrative causality. Expect Fate with a capital F.
Mu Ru Yue/The MC: Pretty OP, not just when compared to people of her generation but even some above. Her previous life is someone from a medicine-focused family, so leveraging that knowledge to climb the most prestigious profession in her current world, the alchemist, isn't that hard. The bright side is that the writer still tries to make her fights make sense. She can fight people a tier or two above her in terms of power because as an excellent pill maker, she can pill spam herself/get instant buffs in the middle of fights, something nobody around her power tier could do. The fights scenes sometimes work, but are other times just 'eh' to me.

Ye Wu Chen/The ML: He's been hiding his true self under the guise of the fool since his parents were killed and he was heavily poisoned/scarred that night (he was around six), his reputation makes him a laughingstock of the kingdom at the story's beginning. It is concern about his own life and entire household's existence that drove him to do this, so I'm not going to accuse him of playing the fool just to get the MC to dote on him since she found his foolish alter-ego's innocence to be refreshing and calming. He exposes his true self to the MC in chapter 126 because if the choice was his disguise or protecting her, he'll take the second even if it meant that his plans for revenge might be dismantled by this too-soon exposure. This is relevant because it was the people who'd killed his parents who were attacking her then.

Final words: An amusing timesink with an interesting enough MC and an ML that doesn't make you feel like you want to strangle him, but it's not exactly highly creative with its plot or minor antagonists. <<less
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Vimsical rated it
March 27, 2018
Status: c392
This is essentially your standard p, endless sequence of irrational women that can’t stand the taught of letting the man they love be with the women he loves. They will blame her for literally everything that doesn’t go their way. They will try to kill her for daring to be loved by this dude. This dude by all rights should not even be loved this much by all these people as the only person in existence he treats with any respect is the MC. He loathes literally everyone else, he... more>> makes it abundantly clear that if anyone harms a even a hair on her head he will kill them. Brutally. Yet they all still rush to their own demise like a flock of lemming.

bow, literally every step of the way there is are a group of old masters that take notice of her genius and wants to nurture her. They never tell anyone of course since that would slightly stem the Enormous tide of racing lunatics rushing to their death. Sure, the few times they tell someone to stay away from her, they are completely ignored because she is obviously not worthy of the husband that loves and doges on her. Only their insufferably arrogant disciple, with much worse talent can possibly be worthy of him even though he absolutely loathes their entire existence.

and don’t get me started on the one that at this point seems like the main antagonist. She knows, for a fact, that he will never look at her. Yet, instead obediently she still goes and possesses someone else when she is killed so she can continue wasting everyone’s damn time trying to win over someone she already knows will never like her.

It’s utterly infuriating to read but it’s still somehow engaging enough to not make me just drop it. <<less
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Foxnine rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: c309
Hardly do I ever drop a novel from sheer frustration. Whist the beginning of this novel was pretty solid and alright. Once you hit the bulk it becomes repetitive, annoying and feels like the author was rushing though events. The current female antagonist in this novel is a brainless, c*ckroach... who keeps chanting the words, "bi**h and sl*ut as her mantra. I got to a point where I had to put this down.
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xmei rated it
August 23, 2017
Status: c500
I liked it at first but between chapter 350 to 400 it became really boring. It seems like the same plot is happening but with different people..-.

A lot of novels that are similar to this; it starts off with someone unable to cultivate and then they take part in a competition and they win... etc.

The love is so not realistic.

The plot is a bit slow too.

tfw you only read this to pass time till your other novels update
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Selax rated it
May 9, 2017
Status: --
It started out strong but as it progressed, it became boring and irritating.

Rather than MC getting stronger, she keeps shoving different kinds of pills into her body, jumping around like a little chihuahua while waiting for someone to rescue her.

I just got bored and dropped it.
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