Do Your Best and Regret


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As Olivia embraces her new life with Duke Bikander, her family and ex-fiancé desperately cling to her, begging for a love they never gave—will she forgive or forever leave them behind?

Olivia loved with all her heart, but her family and fiancé did not reciprocate her feelings. Despite her mother’s belief that sincerity will prevail if she tries her best, Olivia painfully realizes after fourteen years of unrequited love that this is not always the case. When Olivia wanted to leave and start anew, she coincidentally meets a handsome man she saw at a victory celebration for war hero Duke Bikander. The man turns out to be the Duke himself, who asks Olivia to allow him to cherish her as the most precious person in his life.

On the day she takes the Duke’s hand and leaves everyone behind, her family and ex-fiancé, who never showed her any love before, suddenly try to hold onto her. It’s ironic how they try to do so now that it’s too late.

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  1. Fiction Addiction.
  2. [R-15] KR
  3. I could read it, again and again
  4. Kr novel
  5. He falls harder MLs (KN)

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12 Reviews

Mar 30, 2023
Status: c6
I’ve read the first six chapters and so it’s so good, Olivia who’s been mistreated her entire life wants to leave her wretched household and seek refuge elsewhere and coincidentally she meets the duke and accepts his offer! Her mother (?) is the only person who cared for her a bit and I guess she was too weak to stand up to the duke regarding her mistreatment in the household. The ART accompanying the novel is gorgeous, kudos to deathscans for translating the novel as well for hosting the illustrations... more>> of each chapter... , it’s kinda rare for a translation websites to host both the content and pictures so kudos to them for doing a wonderful job <<less
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Mar 19, 2024
Status: c1
Translation is 3/10. Its for the effort. Some words are not clear like the word half-hearted. I knew the meaning but the use of the word is not appropriate to the sentence making you unable to understand. Theres even term "half-baby" wtf is that? That should be 'halfborn noble' or use bastard. Names often misspelled, pronouns often switched. And the yo-yo wtf? Yo yo was used to describe their feelings. Im more surprise that no one talks about the translation here when it wasn't that good.

Although it gets better at... more>> later chapter, its too late alrdy. Its still a mess.

The story is really good, problem is the translations. <<less
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Dec 20, 2023
Status: Completed
This is one of the most well thought-out novels I've read. Most the character are well-fleshed out. The angst had me feeling so sad, and the emotional parts had me smiling from ear to ear, I couldn't even sleep cause I was looking forward to reading more so much.

The ML (Edwin) and MC (Olivia) just have the relationship of a dream. He's a little bit of a tease, but never too much. He's just perfect ig😳🤭 Their chemistry is so perfect, especially as you go farther into the novel, it... more>> just captures your attention.


edit: and it gets even better as you go on. sigh... im so in love. Edwin 'i-cant-stop-her-from-heading-into-dangerous-situations-so-ill-just-destroy-the-danger-itself' Vikander. AND THE 'DANGER' being a literal empire, like helloooo?!? where in the world can I find a man like this?!

also the way they kissed like 4 times the entire novel like I need more☹️

the wedding night🤭 (*///v///*) ??? the PROPOSAL??? Muah.


In the beginning, Olivia is hopeful, a bit of a pushover, thoughtful, wishful, and a touch of desperate---but in just about 20-30 chapters, she's letting go of the delusions trying to have her biological family accept her. It's a gradual, painful process, but it's still a process that is so rewarding to read.

And, Olivia is still thoughtful, she's trying to heal from her past---trying to change things for those who suffered just like her----, she hasn't locked her heart up, she's trying to trust and she's trying to do all that she used to do. Which is just so wonderful. Even after so much hurt, she's still a sweetheart who wants to love, who wants to heal.

And most importantly, she has an actual family now (she says this herself, and it was actually so heart-touching to read).

And the ML is so, so hopeful. Hopeful for the better of his land. Hopeful for his mother's legacy. Hopeful for Olivia's love. I feel like we as readers don't really look into a character's true feelings other than what the MC of the book has figured out, but for me, the ML is, probably, one of the kindest.

And yea, maybe the novel does have some flaws, but I just can't help but ignore them, because of how much I'm enjoying reading this. And the translation is a little bit bad, but I'm not gonna blame the novel for the bad translation. It's probably wonderful in it's original language🤷‍♀️

Also, the ugly blonde ex-fiance (i hope he dies, delusional ass) is so annoying.


I feel extremely sick at the fate Maria suffered. From the moment she was introduced, to the tiny little snippets of her perspective and how the disgusting ex fiancé treated her----I knew that she would suffer a terrible fate due to the blind love she had for the disgusting ex fiancé. I think that it was almost showing what the FL's life could've been if she stuck next to that disgusting excuse of a fiancé, but I still feel sorta bad for Maria.

Tbf she was s*upid as well but still, that ending was very terrible, though well-deserved and well-written at that point. It's actually incredibly frustrating. Why are the people who helped betray FL being punished, but not the one who actually betrayed her (ugly annoying ex fiancé) ?


Some moments I kept note of (not necessarily fluff) :





CONARD FINDING HER DIARY WHERE SHE WROTE ABT THE FAMILY'S VERBAL ab*se. for context Conard is the as*hole brother.

Heres some of the things she wrote☹️

[Let's never do that, Olivia. Don't make mistakes, think for yourself. ]

[Just write it down and memorize it. Brother Conrad said like that. Just write it down and memorize it. Olivia, you can do it. ]

explanation -------> he said "It's because of you! If you can't understand it, write it down and memorize it! Because of you! Don't stand out and live a distorted life!" 🤬 SHE WAS JUST SIX WHEN SHE WROTE THIS STOP</3



Ch 134</3

"Please, protect me just this once. Don't leave me alone during the banquet."

"Please, just have some tea, I really put a lot of care into it."

"Please, please hang my portrait in just one corner of the room."

"Please, just look at me once."

"Please, acknowledge me."

"Please, please, please, father."

"..... father. Please let me call you father."


Personally, I don't think she's going to forgive the ex-family. I mean, it's super obvious she isn't going to let them get their way ever again and the whole point of the novel is that it was too late to apologize---but I'll come back after I finish the novel and edit my review based on my opinion.


FL's biological family; their grief, their feelings, their differences---they were all written so beautifully, they all showed regret in different ways, realized their bias by themselves, and while it's infuriating that they only regretted after they lost FL, the gradual, realistic pace was fun and satisfying to read. I thought I hated the older brother the most, but his regret phase was too well felt. SO, the father - grown ass man🤦‍♀️ - truly takes my hatred. Even the hatred they have for FL is written well, which is especially why it makes me mad. Anyways, my fav out of the family is definitely the sister.

Also, the answer to if MC forgives her family is written below

To those who dont wanna read my rant, heres a straight short answer:

She doesn't forgive the duke, nor does she want to try build back their relationship that'd never existed in the first place. 'An unfeeling man, a simple gaze, nothing more, nothing less. That's the kind of relationship Olivia wants us to have.'



So...... FL had a chat with the duke abt everything officially in Ch 161, titled "Do your best and regret it" And I see how the title came to play in everything. There's a lingering sense of unfulfillment and regret---though maybe that's the duke's feelings transporting to me from his pov.

(ive been wishing for his death for hours straight. I swear he was so delusional n self-hating in his sorry ass pov it was making me mad)

From my understanding, in this ch 161, the duke said that he wished he could do something for her, she bluntly told him to regret treating her so bad, regret as much as she had loved the Madeleine dukedom. [And I note, it said, 'Even if fourteen years passed, it was clear that the Duke of Madeleine would never regret not loving me as much as I loved the dukedom.' </3] And then, she says that after he's regretted, to "take your time getting over us." and to not have any memories of any sadness or regret caused by FL to the duke.

Of course, by my personal unstable standards, I'm a little bit annoyed, a little bit confused, and satisfied with this ending.

A LITTLE BIT POV (Ch 160-161) :

The duke's silver hair gleamed in the moonlight. The emblem of the Ducal House of Madeleine, once Olivia's greatest pride. Under this commonality, she believed the Madeleines were united.

But she knew it wasn't true.

Olivia and the duke were a family like a chamberlain and his son.

They were like the Empress and the Crown Princess.

And 'united' meant something like Edwin's relationship with his father. A solid, unbreakable bond, which is something Olivia and the Duke of Madelaine could never have.

Knock- Only at the sound of the knock did Olivia tear her gaze from the duke's silver hair and answer.

Lord Huxley entered, his face tense. Steam was rising from the tray he held.

Olivia watched as Lord Huxley set down his teacup and poured tea from a teapot.

The scour of the tea was dark brown. Olivia felt like laughing. Lord Huxley must have noticed the slight upturn of her lips, because he spoke softly.

"No matter where I look, I can't find the tea you gave me......."

"You'll never find it in your lifetime."

Even if you gave me a billion dollars, I would never personally brew tea for the Duke anymore.

She smiled and replied, and her eyes locked with the Duke's. His amethyst eyes widened as if he realised something. Unlike Lord Huxley, who looked puzzled, the Duke seemed to get it.

Even if decades had passed. I would never revisit Madeleine.

POV: Duke after she left ig???

...... Even that tea. It was out of my hands.

Tightly pressed lips leaked pain he thought he'd never know. His irregularly beating heart thudded in his ears. No, that wasn't a heartbeat. It was the sound of distant footsteps.

Footsteps that had never moved him.

The one's of who had never once touched his heart.

Who didn't even hate him anymore.......I wonder if I can define that child as Chama Moore. (i have no f*cking idea what that is. but im pretty sure its like, wanting to do smth but you cant, so im assuming its him wanting to rebuild his relationship with fl, , , but he can't??? lol suck it up)

Across the distant horizon, he recall the countless moments he missed.

The child who always kept her head down like a shadow, smiling at him, growing older and older, the calluses growing over her transparently emotional eyes.

His limp body fell helplessly to the floor.

And then, at one point, his stiff knees, which he hadn't even knelt before the Emperor, touched the floor.

His broken body began to tremble soundlessly. He had lost his first daughter, the one he would never have, forever.

suck it up tbh.

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Nov 11, 2023
Status: --
Not so original honestly, got some " the tragedy of the villainess and the remarried empress" vibes combined. Honestly, there's a lot to mention but those two are one of my faves. Typical betrayed MC by her fiance and indifferent family, but is saved by the knight in shining armour duke who will pamper her with all good stuff. I just couldn't understand these fathers who ab*sed their illegitimate children as if it's all their fault to be born when in the first place it was these bastard fathers who... more>> donated their s**en and are the reason why these children are suffering 😡. Dude be responsible, you acted so manly when pounding that child's mother in bed, so act as a man too in fathering that child. <<less
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Dec 08, 2023
Status: c91
I really love the story and the plot line. I am hooked! There is so much angst in the beginning. Almost till chapter 18, it's very painful and infuriating to see everything the FL is going through. It made me cry, swear, punch pillows and kick my feet in the air. But the plot picks up pace from there. And it gets very fluffy - ML is hands down one of the best!!! Right from the beginning he is very sweet with her, respects her boundaries, gives her space to... more>> figure things without pushing her to make a decision and loves her so dearly! He is very supportive and respectful of any choice she makes. AND he is a GOAT in flirting with her - the flirting is very balanced, not too excessive, but can really make your heart flutter!!! His POVs are very adorable! He can easily make his way into your hearts and become your ideal type!

Coming to FL, though she has been through so much verbal ab*se, humiliation and neglect for no fault of hers; she is still very intelligent, strong, graceful, mature and witty. But she is not the Mary Sue types of FLs, she feels very human. She holds onto the vain hopes that if she works hard, her family and fiance will recognize and love her - it's so painful to see her hopes getting crushed brutally every time. She keeps holding onto these hopes until she meets the ML. When she gets a taste of healthy relationship dynamics with him, she finally realizes that she doesn't deserve being treated the way she is treated by her "family", fiance, imperial family and the society.

What I love about this story is that the angst doesn't go for nearly 50 - 100 chapters before the FL has a wake up call. In just 17 - 18 chapters she bids all the toxicity a goodbye. And from then on her journey is very healing to read. And ML plays a very important role in helping her out of her trauma. It is so rewarding to see her heal and grow - she becomes more:

1. Honest about her needs and wants - building healthy boundaries

2. Assertive

3. Self confident

4. Resilient

5. Carefree

6. Secure in her relationships (with ML, his knights, butlers, servants and residents in his territory)

She doesn't hold herself in giving back to her perpetrators - fiance & the imperial family, her own brothers and all those attempting to shame and humiliate her. I must say, it SO SATISFYING to read. And the ML constantly has her back. They are a definitely a healthy couple - they don't let misunderstandings fester, they communicate honestly, empathize and are supportive of each other. They are an absolute power couple you can't easily mess with. They beautifully compliment, support and heal each other. They do hold some secrets from each other, but that doesn't really affect their relationship much.

And the regret arch is an absolute banger! VERY SATISFYING! Everybody reaps what they sowed.

The only reason, why I have cut a star, is due to the grammar. The proverbs are messed up, filled with typo errors and some parts don't even make sense - almost 30 - 40% of the translation is filled with errors. It's not entirely bad, it's readable for sure, but these errors sort of spoil the reading experience. The translator definitely needs a proof reader. But I am grateful that they chose to translate such a beautiful story and I hope they continue it to completion.

I am surprised to see this story has very low stars. This story is definitely one of the top, among the novels I have read. Infact, this is my first time writing a review. A must read, if you can tolerate the grammatical errors. <<less
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Dec 13, 2023
Status: c100
Ok, the low ratings make no sense- I have read so many stories and this is really good. This is a very very good story. The ML and FL are both great. FL comes from an awful family, and has spent her entire life trying to please them, to earn their love. But they treat her awfully. She is incredibly sincere and kind and works harder than anyone. She is also very smart. She does an incredible amount of work for her family and the princess (fiancés sister) and treats... more>> her fiancé well. But her family uses her and hates her- her oldest brother and father like to see her in pain because they blame her for the death of the dukes wife because she is an easy victim (duke- her dad was at fault if anyone.

ML treats her like she is the most precious person in the world, protects her, doesn't use her, and genuinely loves her. He is strong and also the enemy off all those that hurt her. I look forward to him crushing them. The noble faction and imperial faction are at each others throat. Because she is the crown princes finance the noble faction does everything they can to hurt her, cruel rumors and scandals, and holding back privileges. The princess and empress are also evil-using her and treating her bed. A normal persons family or finance would have helped, but her family just fans the flames and lets her suffer. Crown prince ignored her and treats her like air- and his girlfriend is mean.

This is a story that's healing for her while showing all the shitty people getting what they deserve.

The translation is readable- passable but has quite a few errors. The chapters are long, and new chapters are coming out super fast- like one a day. There are some parts that get confusing - one part the princes girlfriend says something like "you gifted the princess sodomy, so I decided to wear this today" I have no idea what they were trying to say but the sodomy mistake was funny.

I still highly recommend this. It's a story I may want to reread some day. I do hope it gets an official English translation someday so I can see the right lines, but most of it is fine and I appreciate the speed it's coming out. <<less
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Sep 23, 2024
Status: --
Among stories regarding adult ab*sed MCs leaving their toxic family, this one is kind of mild because the MC is not revenge oriented. Thus, I really enjoyed it as I dont really like intense revenge oriented character. The MC is still soft and sweet, as well as the ML.
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May 28, 2024
Status: --
I honestly don't know why this novel has low rating. I haven't finished reading it yet but it's already on my top 10 favorite novels. It's not a light read tho, you will see how the FL suffered on the first few chapters of the novel but the revenge part is worth it. One of the things that I love about this is that the FL is strong and kind but doesn't forgive easily. I hate it when the MC forgives the people who did her bad easily. [Spoiler/] FL... more>> suffered because of her wretched family and shi**y fiance. I want to see them suffer. The ML is also very handsome and supportive. I will add more once I finished the novel. &Lt;333 <<less
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Nov 13, 2024
Status: Completed
Story is ok, but characters are too simple and binary. They basically have 2 modes; bad mode and regret mode.... translation is not good, and in many instance the plot is hard to understand or the conversations don't make sense.

Story can also be divided in 2 parts. First part is all about how the FL is ignored, ab*sed, and bullied. It is all for the readers to build up hatred toward most of the secondary characters, and pity toward the FL. Second part is the regret part, when everybody suddenly... more>> turn they switches from OFF and ON almost overnight, and start seeking the FL for forgiveness. FL also experience a 180 degree change in her character without isekai.

I think the general plot is good, but needed to be worked out more. It feels really shallow. Most of the time, the author resort in making the main characters look smart by making the villainess s*upid. They are so s*upid that are unreal and don't make sense. How can they be so s*upid when they are from the royal family, with the best education possible? How can they be the leaders of the strongest empire???

  • Spoiler
    • The princess is a lazy idiot who treated the person who would do all her work as a garbage. And expected that if she kept treating her like garbage, she would keep doing her work. Probably she got the wrong tutor for personal management. She openly bullies the FL in her parties, but for some reason, people everywhere still think of her as a saintess?
    • The crown prince al least makes a little bit of sense. He took the FL for granted. Never cared or liked her, but had been living under her care without realizing it. When she was gone, he started missing her.
    • The empress is the other mystery of the story. Apparently no one wanted the seat of the crown princess, because they know that the empress would poison her (that is why the duke brought the FL to replace Ethella). So that was a general knowledge in the kingdom, but people were still ok with that? And what was the purpose of poisoning the crown princess?
    • The emperor is the joke of the story. A complete idiot who would be left speechless in front of the ML, and all he would do is to grab and break the armrest of his throne (I lost count of how many armrest he has broken). And the nobles? they are another bunch of clowns who only know how to gossip and repeat what they have heard. So how come such an empire was the strongest???

    There are other things that are not explained in the story, like what is the purpose of setting up the FL's dad with her mother? How did the duke know about the existence of the FL? Isn't people with green eyes considered lowly? Then how come they could accept the FL to be the crown princess and future empress of the empire????

The story is still entertaining in its own way, specially for readers who like revenge and seeing the villains suffer. <<less
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Oct 23, 2024
Status: c1
A refreshing image of a north grand duke.. and a heroine who is not a push over in any sense... when I started I thought the FL is going to be a kind of door mat but she is not. And the revenge is so clean with out the main protagonists stooping to any bloody means. This story is cathartic in a different sense and the FL and ML are so CUTE
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Mar 29, 2024
Status: Completed
More like 3.8/5

This story has a lot of heavy emotions and can be overwhelming at times. However, it is worth reading but not as a light read.
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Mar 24, 2024
Status: Completed
I think this novel still missed the translation of a few extras but the main story itself was already completed. And the translation, it really could be better because some parts were really confusing to read and sometimes, I didn't know whose dialogue it was. Okay, now onto my review.

At the beginning, the story was quite sad because MC was still in the hopeful phase. But it didn't take long for that hope to be shattered. Well, for the reader, it wasn't actually that long but for MC, it was... more>> 14 years of her life so it's quite understandable when she decided to give up completely. Fortunately, ML was there for her so she could gradually heal and be happy again.

The plot mostly told about MC and ML's relationship growth and the regrets of her family and ex. I'm happy that everyone who deserved retribution got their retribution. MC also got recognition that she deserved and also a happy ending with ML who wholeheartedly loved her. <<less
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