Darling, Why Do You Regret It?


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Watching on helplessly as her beloved husband carried on a whirlwind affair with a beautiful commoner, then dying tragically only to be replaced right away by that same mistress, Duchess DeLov was a pitiful figure… in the book I didn’t even bother finishing! Okay, well, I’m not going to live that way. Step one: Ruin his reputation. Step two: Secure a divorce. Step three: Enjoy my happy, rich, single life! …Step four: Fake a relationship with a handsome stranger to shake off our stalkers.

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Why Are You Sorry, Darling?
여보, 왜 당신이 후회해요?
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Book Genre: With Obsession
  2. Mi favoritos
  3. Romance Fantasy 5
  4. Isekai villainess
  5. kr novels without manhwa adaptation

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6 Reviews sorted by

nathyeah rated it
September 8, 2019
Status: --
It's too early to say anything, but so far I really like the premise.

MC is straight to the point, and so far seems to be quite witty. The want to live a "happy, fancy, single" life is quite common in transmigration/reincarnation stories, so I'm really curious how this one will differ (especially since she's not in a school, lmao)

I kinda hope the ML isn't the husband. I don't mind if he grovels at her feet, though :>

Also side note, translation was pretty good! The flow while reading it was... more>> really smooth~ <<less
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tsukkitherapy rated it
February 18, 2021
Status: --
Anyone that's wondering why this novel isn't being picked up, the author strictly said Do not translate any of their works on their Twitter. This novel looked different from others because

the ML wasn't the bad husband

so I'm just as disappointed as you are.
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mapthesoul rated it
March 4, 2024
Status: Completed
I went into this with high expectations, and that was my own fault. The novel was decent enough, but there are parts that just don't make sense, and moments where impactful events seem to carry no weight. I'm not sure if this was because the writing was weak or because the plot's pacing is a little whacky.

The main character was entertaining enough to follow along with, but wow her monologues are so repetitive. She would do one interesting thing, and then the next three paragraphs would be just recapping her... more>> thoughts about what she'd done in three different ways. I started scrolling over a lot of them and that's such a shame when I'm sat down to enjoy a novel.

The ex-husband's character makes absolutely no sense. I think this might be the main reason so many different parts of the story feel flat. I can't even root for the man's downfall when I have no idea what his motivation is. All we know is that he's been cold and indifferent to his wife their whole marriage, and then when she tries to leave him he's suddenly regretful. I can get behind that, but he goes to some really extreme lengths to try and get her back, but there's literally no reason he should be doing any of that. Every one of his actions after she makes it clear she wants a divorce, would lead one to believe he actually loved her or at least cared for her. Did he secretly love her, and only pretend to be cold? No. Does she have some sort of magic ability that he needs for his plans? No. He just stalks her, and endures some real petty crap from her parents, and public humiliation, and then actual bodily harm, for NO REASON. Even in the epilogue side stories! We get a POV chapter from him and he admits he never loved his wife, he just felt like he wanted to get back what was his. What?? Even the brattiest child doesn't behave like that?

The ML is NOT the ex-husband. Just in case my little rant about the ex didn't make that clear. ML is a totally different character, and honestly I enjoyed the part of the novel that was building up to revealing who the ML would be the most. Once MC is making moves out in society again, she's charming and blunt and starts befriending decent men left and right, so it was fun trying to guess who it would be. I was honestly pretty annoyed with the character arc of the ML because he did that thing where he was indifferent yet polite, and then suddenly behaving like a puppy dog without the steps in between. An epilogue side story did clear this up, but I felt that if his POV had been worked into the story, it would've improved the journey a lot more.

Overall, it was a pretty average novel. I'm only this disappointed because not being able to find translations anywhere, or even MTL, made me want to read even more badly. I bought the novel on Kakao myself and it was a bit of a let down. If there's ever translations done, or I hear there may be a manhwa in the makes, it should be a decent enough "Girlboss Gets A Divorce" story. But take it from me, there's no need to work hard and hunt down the story.

The best part of the novel is both of the covers. Absolutely gorgeous art. If you're planning on reading this story at some point, avoid the second cover since its the MC and ML being cute. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 24, 2020
Status: c1
I could only find one translated chapter at this point as well, but it caught my attention when I stumbled upon its absolutely stunning cover art on Google! It's hard to say anything yet, but who hates a confident female lead?

From the first chapter alone, it appears that she understands her position well and doesn't try to overexplain herself when confronting her husband's mistress — I like that, she has composure. Sure enough, I would have loved a bit more communication so that we get more progress, but it's only... more>> the first chapter so what can I say, really.

There's not much I can say but writing this anyway because I really hope someone picks up the translation for this. Do give it a read if you're up for it! <<less
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Myorine rated it
December 10, 2024
Status: Completed
An easy read with an independant FL. The story heavily focuses on the FL. The ML part and the romance could have been more developped. There are several shortcomings but it is good in the whole. I am a bit disappointed by the comics though.
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Shadow236 rated it
October 28, 2024
Status: --
The ML isn't as pretty as the ex husband which sucks. Had to drop because why did the artist make that s*upid husband so pretty?! 😭 Got me hoping the ex husband would

win her heart back, even tho he's a cheater!! 🤮

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