Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant


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There is a very strange restaurant in the City of Sin.

Elves and dwarves must share a table, orcs are strangely well behaved, dragons are only welcomed on the small square in front of the restaurant, and the demons must bring their own stool.

This strange restaurant with their strange rules continuous to attract a long line of customers.

“This place serves the best food! The chef of this restaurant is a genius!” Some of the guests in the restaurant left glowing reviews. But these guests have a word of warning for other guests, “No matter what you do, never, never attempt to kidnap the boss or try to ‘eat and run’. You will die.”

A cute little girl stood near the door, and demanded in her tiny voice, “You have eaten the food, now pay up, or I will beat you to death.” The five-meter tall dragon suddenly felt a chill running up its spine.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World
Vú Em Chi Dị Giới Phòng Ăn
Related Series
The Other World Dining Hall (WN) (3)
Gourmet of Another World (2)
Gourmet Food Supplier (1)
Cook of the Mercenary Corp (1)
Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an Adventurer~ (1)
Godly Stay-Home Dad (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Awesome Novels I've Read
  2. Chill-Healing-Slowlife
  3. Dudekiss Novel Reviews
  4. Shop/store owner
  5. Feed me some pls!!!

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New KetchupOnSoup rated it
May 31, 2024
Status: c416

Its more of a Slice of Life than a Fantasy one due to the fact that all ingredients used are nothing but regular ingredients found on Earth that is just regular Earth given how the MC doesn't need any special procedures to retain the special properties of ingredients.

Yes it has "Slice of Life" in its genre so it is not surprising but so far, all that you can see on the fantasy perspective is an old man who can do magic, a little girl who can do magic, a cat born from an egg (it might not be too fantastical if you think scientifically), and various races from western fantasy.

Also, the author is tooting his chinese horn too much with "arithmetic invented by chinese sages". Well, understandable since they're Chinese.

Another thing is, the system was supposed to be given to supervise the MC's journey to become a "god of cooking" but it turns out, it has more personality than the main character. It should have been a system of integrity, but all you see is compromise, heck the god doesn't even make an appearance with how much the system has deviated and failed on its purpose

The system was a disappointment, I don't know, it might be because the author was trying to make it something like a funny interaction between the MC and the System but... Forget funny, its just made it look like the system is plain dumb and a pushover. Would have rather seen a pure system without AI that only do what its actually supposed to do than one that has more personality than the MC yet such a disgrace.

And I agree with a lot of people, too much exposition.

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a7davidz rated it
March 1, 2018
Status: c316
I dont get why people gives 1 star when it cute, adorable, it Novel is like Gourment In Another World & Gourment Food Supplier in tern of story lines of system,

... more>>

This novel the system is super miser, you can buy things, but only if you can afford, the prices MC buy can be consulted, it has intellengence growth, it even tries to pit MC for more money,

MC more kinder than other 2 novel mention above, but restaurant still have rules, it a magic world instead of culivation or earth. Meg Alex has a past, & MC is reincarnated, MC past was a rich 2nd generation, he a food critics that has a poison tongue. He drowned to death before he reincarnated. The system is like a torture since it forces him to make food that to the standard of his food critics of his past. The food he makes has different types of effect for each type of dish,

Half race in this world is look down on,

If I were to say the best part of this story is MC daughter, she cute, poison tongue, mischievous, gives others nicknames that sound bad, MC tries his best to give everything he can for her like cook her food, new dress & clothing daily, toys & etc, even closed a day just to spend time with her. The former or real father of her who died ignored her due to ashamed, but is kinda s*upid due to his pride of not renting the first floor of his building, when he could have used it to support his daughter.


Major spoiler below


There a background of story of MC of the former Meg Alex is a level 10 warrior, so far there clues leading to who the suspect who attacked him, (but I won't tell who, but it just mostly known as MC slayed dragons & he famous, his wife is a elf princess,

there 2 level 10 wizards who became his daughter teacher, they famous for being powerful & for being rivals & represent the start of fire & ice teams.

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rainx rated it
May 20, 2019
Status: c842
Alright, I'm stating this first; I read in Chinese and I'm just a by-passer that is free to comment.

Alright, a simple summary would be a food critic that was reborn in a fantasy world and forced to open a restaurant and make food while taking into the fact of how he commented on the food in his past. He gets a system, daughter and the body that he reincarnated in is an ex-general that was crippled due to somebody being jealous of him.

... more>>

His wife is the elf princess of sorts, I forgot since I last read it years ago. Well yeah, beautiful and all that made people envy the MC's predecessor and he got crippled and live while hiding with his daughter while his wife is grounded. Then, MC comes into the scene.


Alright, before I go for the better parts, I'll state the bad parts of this novel first.

  1. This is a Chinese novel and you should know most of them are long so it will be a slow buildup. Thus, I recommend those that had a short-fuse to wait for a long long time before you start reading as I know there is gap in the time between the translation from Chinese to English.
  2. This is a novel that focuses on cooking, slice of life and action, cooking for most part. Thus, be prepared to just skip over the taste descriptions, you know what I mean. You could choose not to do so, but don't blame me if you end up roasting yourself.
  3. Again, this is a Chinese novel and Qidian gives out payment based on the number of chapters they write, you see? Don't blame it for being long winded because... Cough, you know the meaning. This is actually lots better than those other that I know.
Enough of the dark sides. Alright, now is the time for the bright side of the novel then.

  1. This MC at least has his own personality and he actually grows compared to other gourmet type Chinese novel I read before. Like Gourmet of Another World, Gourmet Food Supplier, Weird Chef. Alright, Weird Chef is not translated into English as far as I know and it's a really OLD one that I remembered and still like even after more than 7 years.
  2. Then, this novel got the cute mascot, the daughter. Sometimes, you might just treat this novel as a new type; having two MC instead, haha.
  3. Only after hundreds of chapters, the story actually starts to unfold and it is going in a good direction. The world is starting to unravel itself and more important characters are introduced; mostly those that are acquainted with the MC's original body. Then, we get to see the plot starts to thicken but still balanced well within the core genre; cooking, slice of life and action.
  4. The characters are not used and thrown away. Those that seem to be useless and provide comedy at first are then slowly brought up to front. This author knows how to recycle and reuse. Yup.
So, what should I say? Hmm....

Yup, I would suggest those that are interested to wait longer until the English translation goes up. Then, just skip the taste descriptions that are repetitive. Don't blame the author for being long winded and all, blame Qidian. This book is actually not that bad at all. Give it a chance and try it out. <<less
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Rosver rated it
March 4, 2018
Status: c11
2 stars. I really like the idea but the execution is horrible.

The pacing is terribly slow. Eleven chapters, ELEVEN chapters and the restaurant isn't even open. Read the description. That is the story I expect to read. And what the story is so far? The restaurant still closed. F**k!!!

The food description is terrible. Like, read this:

"Michael also placed a spoonful of fried rice into his mouth. The soft, tender egg favor was infused into the slightly harder rice, creating a perfect harmony. As well, the taste of various ingredients constantly... more>> bombarded his taste buds."

Terribly generic!

And the characters... Oh God! The characterization is horrible. It is as generic as the food descriptions. With have this two characters so far: a girl and the MC. The cute lovely girl that is just that! Cute lovely girl without actual character. The MC is generic and bland! He is more like a setup than a character.

And the writing is so weak. Descriptions are so generic. Prose are often very vague. Dialogue feels so forced and stilted. It just not pleasant to read.


This is so poorly written without any skill. An average fan fiction has more finesse than this.

At the least, the ideas are fine, but the writing just takes away anything good about it. <<less
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apsisodia rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: c1870
(sorry, my English isn't good)

I read over 1800 chapters of Daddy restaurant only because I was bored at home due to coronavirus quarantine. I should have dropped this way sooner.

I had high hopes for this novel. I'm gonna list some good and bad things in the novel. World building is somewhat interesting, power level system is good, author wrote characters well, atleast characters aren't s*upid. I liked the interaction between MC and System. The little girl is cute.

To be honest novel was enjoyable. Yet I would not recommend... more>> this. And I'm gonna list the reasons why-

  • First of all pacing is very, very, very slow. 1800 chapters = 6 months in the story.
  • Author can't decide whether to make this a harem novel or not. MC only loves his wife yet there's 8-9 girls around him.
  • This novel sucks in romance. It's like a 15 years old wrote romance. For ex. MC doesn't sleep with his wife on bed because he doesn't want a second child. Seriously?
The major problem with the novel is Author's lack of imagination. He started the story but he doesn't know how to continue. So he is dragging the novel. In 1800 chapters story doesn't progress much. No story arc has concluded. For ex.

  • The elves situation is still the same.
  • Racial war situation is still the same.
  • MC thought about making explosives, steam engines and trains in first 200 chapters (appox). I read 1870 chapters and his plans are still work-in-progress. (Trains are still in production by 1870th chapter)
Now I like slice of life novels, but I would expect some progress in the story. That's why this novel is a disappointment.

If you guys still want to read the novel, then I would suggest that you read it when it's completed. <<less
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frk_ozbk rated it
March 23, 2018
Status: c34
This is novel is good. It doesn't deserve 3.6 stars.I usually don't review any novel that much but this is novel is funny and interesting.I thank you for this novel, TL.
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_Selutu_ rated it
March 6, 2018
Status: c326
I'm completely caught up in the raws, and it's a very cute and sweet slice-of-life novel. The underlying plot of the novel is also rather intriguing.
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shuiko rated it
March 4, 2018
Status: --
The writing is solid, the plot has an interesting twist to it, that makes it unique and worth while to read.

Once this gets past the standard content barrier requirements most people will enjoy this.

For now there are a lot of stories to read out there but I would bookmark this and comeback if this ever gets enough content.

The current TL does a good job in terms of quality.
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herosaver rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: c100
TBH this is just a way shittier version of Gourmet of Another World. If you are considering this read Gourmet of Another World first instead.

What I don't like about this novel is the MC. He is so ARROGANT and ANNOYING. In his first life he was rich ass arrognant person who criticize every food he had (rather he thought they were good or not. He only picks on their flaws such as "These noodles were good. But in fact they stink! Amazing noodles would've been at least 8inch in length,... more>> all of them uniform. The broth would be clear enough to reflect one's appearance, etc." In the first life, he finds fault at every food/resturant and this caused many of them to be closed.

Then in second life he is punished with the God of Cookery System where he has to cook and meet the standard he set in the first life (haha, I love this idea! KARMA.) Sounds great, BUT BUT BUT BUT BUT the catch here is that MC is still the same ARROGANT ass he is, although broke.

He treats the system as a Department Store even though it is the God of Cookery System:

MC: "Hey system, can I get clothes. I want cute bear patterns pls."

System: "I don't sell clothes."

MC: "I'll pay."

System: "Here's what I have."

And that basically is the plot of the entire novel. Whatever he needs he just 'tricks' the system to providing it for him. Clothes, knowledge to braid hair, air missle defense, etc.

I get that it is trying to be funny and plot amor MC, but this is just another level of dumb plot amor. I feel that the system isn't even needed tbh. MC basically gets everything handed to him and he doesn't really 'learn' anything. The hard standards he set for himself in the first life, he masters them in just one day (given that he spends 100 of days in a time distorted space.) but even after that, he doesn't feel tired or mentally drain. It's like he just BECAME THE GOD OF COOKERY without any tiring effort.

Anyways rather than this novel be about food, I would say it is more about BUSINESS and MONEY. MC cooks but it is more like "Next mission dumplings? Okay, pls take me to the special training place... (one day pass) Good, now I have mastered the ultimate dumpling that is has 18 folds, perfectly shaped, and super tasty. Sell for 1000 gold. Time to put it on menu."

Not even kidding that is the process he goes through in his journey to God of Cookery. The novel never elaborates how much he trains besides "Spending 100 days in the special time space, he has made countless dumpling. Now he has achieved the standard set, check. Mission completed." So if you want to read something where he actually trains a bit more in master these skills or getting the ingredients, I would say read GOURMET OF ANOTHER WORLD! <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
September 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Stay At Home Daddy's Restaurant in Another World ended at September 06, 2021

It's long journey, I think I started reading this last year from normal translation upto MTL (since I don't have patience to wait for translated version of this amazing novel). And am eager to continue thus I went to find the raw.

I read this 2 nights ago and unexpectedly found out that we reach the ending. I may say I'm disappointed (because I want more haha) . Plus I thought that there's still... more>> a long journey due to: extreme spoiler ahead, don't click (this one is from 2000+ chapter).


there will be a big fight on Underground city vs Nolan Continent, but there isn't. Not what I expected lol.


Anyway... I'M ON VERGE OF TEARS 2 NIGHTS AGO! Because I don't want to let this novel end and still craving for more. I got used to waiting weekly for the author to write new chapters and see Mag, Amy and others.

But I may say that, THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. You won't regret reading it. It's not boring, it's fun. The characters have interesting personalities. The plot is amazing, the world build up is great. The food p*rn is amazing too.

I love all characters there, be it the waitress or the customers. They gave life to this novel. Special mention to the pets too.

It's more of cooking genre, parental genre, a lot of comedy, some good amounts of fights, and good amount of romance (but it probably start around chapter 500+ or 700+, I don't remember the exact since it's been a year. Irina won't appear on the beginning with Mag and Amy.)

Random spoiler ahead:


He became a god of cooking. HAHAHA obviously that's what he aims for. They will marry. Mag will have 3 children (or 4) but it's a twist.


Thanks Qinghu Jianghu for writing and sharing this amazing world to us fortunate readers who found this treasure. There's never a boring part in this. I love our 1 year of journey (tho it's more than 1 to you, since you started writing this). Maybe you to blessed with happiness in life (tho you might not get this message). Jiayo!

- RipeApricot <<less
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Jaunehalla rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: c1000
I honestly like this novel somewhat. Like others have said, its similar to gourmet of another world, which is great for the "food p*rn" segments. This one is similar with more world building, which I did enjoy.

My biggest hangup, and the reason I'm rating this so low is how much of a little sh*t stain the daughter is. She's needlessly strong and such a f*cking annoyance to basically everyone around her, but people call it cute? Perhaps its a matter of perspective but its ridiculous what she gets away with... more>> for no reason.

To anyone else looking to pick it up, its pretty decent, but the daughter is terrible. <<less
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bulls420 rated it
February 27, 2021
Status: Completed
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SKYGAZER123 rated it
May 23, 2020
Status: c1903
-This story is just fun.

-The story is slow paced but well detailed.

-The story becomes a little intense at the 1600s, but still easy going (that is what I like a bout it).

... more>> -without spoilers the world is facing crisis and the city is just chilling.

-The story is not just the protagonist, it tills the story of the Nolan continent.

-I like this story as it is not the protagonist centric while the others are just NPCs.

-I like how the villians are not clones with different names.

-I like how the world is filled with good people.

-I like how the system is not restricted to food, but it could literally sell anything. <<less
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Godleydemon rated it
July 1, 2019
Status: c172
An incredibly light hearted story about a reincarnated father and his cute daughter. The story itself doesn't have much conflict, except for arguments between customers about which food is better. Which makes the story sound like it'd be bland, but it's the opposite. The little daughter Amy is incredibly adorable and moves every scene forward. Their will be a serious few paragraphs that makes it seem like something will happen and then Amy will diffuse the situation adorably with a sharp wit and sharper tongue. Almost like a sucker punch... more>> of humor in a way. I can't count the amount of times I've laughed out loud at her antics.

I've read a couple of chef type stories, and they always seem to have some kind of skill or shop or something or another to assist them. This is potentially the first time I've read a story where the chef has a [system] with a very interesting personality. They actually negotiate with one another on a regular basis and try to one up eachother to get the better hand. It's actually really well done and sometimes the system wins, and sometimes the MC wins.

All and all, it's a super fun read but a slow build up. I'd really recommend reading up to at least chapter 50 before starting to make an opinion. Alot of the beginning chapters are setting up the scenes for later events. So far, every character ever introduced has some part in the story, no one is truly a fluff one off character. <<less
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May 6, 2022
Status: Completed
Made a new account to rate it. I forgot to rate this on my main account and only left a review there XD.

I highly recommend this treasure of a novel! Even forced my sister to read this too XD and now she loved this.

Miss you Mag!
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Valixiant rated it
February 26, 2022
Status: c217
Upon dropping the novel, I suddenly realized I was on chapter 217. I honestly find this astounding because not a whole lot has happened.

This novel has next to no substance. The main character has a system that allows him to become a "God of Cooking". Despite this, by chapter 217, he only has two waitresses, a small restaurant, and three dishes. Not only is the pace super slow, and not fitting of a novel similar to this, but there is a lack of substance in each of the chapters.

As for... more>> the plot, I can already tell it's pretty bland and stereotypical. Furthermore, the plot starts up like a really old lawnmower. It doesn't. It's chapter 217 and the plot has barely advanced. It's still "setting things up" if you can even call it that. It has a POV change every 50 chapters concerning some of the parties involved in the main plot, but even then due to the author's ability to write an entire chapter containing absolutely nothing it does nothing for the plot.

Onto the system. Maybe it's just me, but I find the system really annoying. One of my least favorite tropes in novels with a system is the whole snarky system trope. I.e the one in novels such as Astral Pet Store. I don't really care the reasons for having a snarky system, but it becomes unbearable after a while. This is probably due to the excruciatingly slow plot, but the main character has barely gotten stronger since the start, and thats surprising considering this is a system novel. Hell, he hasn't even gotten his full strength back, which is kinda underwhelming, even if this is a slice of life novel. (He has only recovered 2/8ths of his strength, which is slightly weaker than the average person, again this is chapter 217)

Overall, a fluffy novel in more than one sense. A cute slice of life novel containing absolutely nothing in each chapter. <<less
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Scaethys rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: c1319
Extremely slow build-up. Once we get past the part where he gets himself settled in the city and living like a proper human being (few hundred chapters or so?), the story transitions to include a wider perspective of the world and the general politics of the continent. Honestly this is less about the food and more about the world-building. Author still undecided about making this a harem or a single pairing.

The system in this novel is surprisingly interactive, so it's actually pretty funny reading the dialogue between them sometimes.
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ExSoulEater rated it
April 13, 2018
Status: c32
This is the first time out of however many books I have read on this site that I have taken the time to review. I have not read such a heartwarming book before and read 32 chapters in one day. This book is so good and I demand that the translator match my reading pace otherwise I will be sad
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Johnkwaski rated it
March 18, 2023
Status: c1800
The daughter is too meddlesome & the author thinks that's cuteness.

The system is way too dumb, only a few authors are able to get a 'smart & interactive' system thing right.. Obviously this author isn't one them for example


The system gets easily manipulated & tricked several times like a new born baby.. Anything he wants, d MC just use the magic word ' I won't cook if U don't do it & the system would just obliged him.

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hasula rated it
April 24, 2020
Status: c1897
Ok stuff must be clarified apparently some people claim stuff which almost made me miss this one,

Yes the pace is slow but its not as bad as the guy who claims he read all chapters due to quarantine as everything he stated happened before chapter 1000.

So far other than the pace and some unoriginal content its really entertaining, tho you probably wont like this if you dont like slice of life.

... more>>

By chapter 1800 MC is level 11 which is actually stronger than the peak, the train also finished, moon kingdom already arrived so basically everything that had been set up has happened

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Timid rated it
January 16, 2020
Status: c350
Not... good?

This story has really short chapters, and each chapter has very little actually happen.

It's pretty obvious the author has read one of those cooking system novels, and gone 'I can do that!' due to blind confidence. It was so boring I started skimming to get to an interesting bit, and shortly found myself on chapter 350 since there was so little substance to the whole thing.

Particularly jarring are the 'conversations' between the MC and his system. The system is a self insert for the author when he's too lazy... more>> to move the story forward naturally.

I'd avoid this. <<less
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