Copper Coins


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It was the twenty-third year of Tianxi*. Rumours traversed the streets that the all-knowing Imperial Advisor suffered a great calamity and could not help but enter seclusion to focus on cultivation. However, the commoners secretly clapped their hands and rejoiced. In the winter of the same year, a young monk appeared in the Hui Zhou Fu’s Ningyang District.

The monk’s monastic title was Xuan Min, his memories all missing, yet was versed in the arts of Feng Shui Kan Yu**. On the very first day arriving in Ningyang, he did not hesitate to take care of a dangerous manor, picking up Xue Xian, who was hidden there, along the way.

Since then, Xue Xian – who had been all-powerful in the first half of his life – gained a new life pursuit: to get this baldy*** who had only a good outer appearance to take his last breath and “smile from his grave”.

Xue Xian: If you are unhappy, then I will be happy. If you die, I’ll laugh my ass off.

Xuan Min: …

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tong Qian Kan Shi
Đồng tiền kham thế
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Recommendation Lists
  1. might read
  2. Cultivating Love in a Historical Era (BL Edition) ...
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  4. #Mustread
  5. Historical Setting

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/05/20 tongqiankanshi c69
10/04/20 tongqiankanshi c68
10/04/20 tongqiankanshi c67
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115 Reviews sorted by

Kisumi rated it
July 15, 2021
Status: c1
I'm going to be simple with my review, I'm just going to say things that I liked and maybe reasons to read this novel. First of all, I love how the protagonists get together, the intelligence with which their love is formed and how they express it. It is satisfying.

By the other hand, we have the story, it is very interesting and I loved that bizarre and terrify touch with comedy. Personally, I laughed out loud, sometimes whit the occurrences of Xue Xian and his interaction with Xuanmin (To read... more>> a monk and a dragon is the best, why hadn't anyone told me before?). Obviously, I was also moved by the secondary characters stories.

In conclusion, it is a very entertaining novel. <<less
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lilacwood rated it
July 2, 2021
Status: Completed
4. 5 but we're rounding up.

This is fun and cute! You'll have a good time (except for the times when you're crying) ! The MC is: 1.) an honest-to-god dragon, and 2.) kind of like a feral, overdramatic raccoon that adopts a human as a pet. And then of course they fall in love.

I laughed. I cried. I laughed again because Xue Xian is a walking (oops) comedy hour.

I think the thing I like most about this one is that the feel of it is kind of intimate - it... more>> doesn't spend much time worrying about the world surrounding the characters, so that kind of blurs away and leaves you with this total focus on JUST the characters and what they're doing at any given time.

It's a slow burn both in terms of romance and plot, so you'll spend the first half just getting to know the characters while the mystery is set up. The second half kickflips into high speed and you get all the payoff from the first half in rapid succession. <<less
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amruta rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel hooked me at the very first chapter! Amazing story. The author has balanced comic relief with the dark setting of the plot quite nicely.

The MC is a hoot. I adore him.

The best part is that all the characters get their happy endings one way or another.

The climax is sheer sweetness overload.

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Magz84 rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: Completed
1. Thank God for happy endings BUT be prepared to drawn yourself in tears before you see it.

2. The novel reminds me so much of Grandmaster of demonic cultivation, in other words-another masterpiece. I absolutely loved it.

The plot is interesting, love the cultivation/ horror elements in it (having said that its not scary). I appreciate that they took time to develop their relationship to grow to know each other, loved their adventures, I had so much enjoyment reading it.

The characters are likable. The dragon is a drama queen but in... more>> no way is he obnoxious, in fact I find him cute and funny. The priest is shrouded in mystery, devoted and loyal. The side characters are also cool.

Its feel fulfilled after reading it but I already miss them and will definitely reread.

I noticed some people complaining about getting confused. I quite liked how the novel is written and the authors style. Sometimes it was not straightforward and you have to think about whats happening. A lot of unanswered questions will get resolved with the plots progress.

In conclusion, loved it. Will be rereading it. I recommend it to anyone into the genre. <<less
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Fanbinbin rated it
January 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Its good, just not as complicated and not much foreshadowing either. It has plot twist just not as much as we can guess easily how the plot will turn out. A decent read. 😌
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twobada rated it
January 19, 2021
Status: --
Oh my gosh how beautiful! Absolutely belongs to the ranks of Golden Stage, Nan Chan, Little Mushroom, etc!

The story takes you to an adventure of emotions, unfolding plotlines and character development. It's exhilirating but as each character get their ending, you also feel a certain sense of peace and contentment. It's as if all the tangled knots are not only unravelled, but also soothed and tied back beautifully.

This passage alone deserves 5 stars:

They walked neither slowly nor hastily, their robes swishing lightly back and forth as they strode, carefree, down the winding mountain path. And thus they walked, sometimes stopping, sometimes straying, through the months and years, through the rest of their lives.

And this too:

That was all one could ask for, in the bustling red dust of the world: the ability to repay one's debts, return one's favors, keep one's promises, and nurture one's love. The wind would keep blowing and the rain would keep falling; peace across the rivers and mountains. No regrets.

Definitely a story to remember.
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Melange rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Another absolutely phenomenal piece of this author. This regales the tale of a drama king dragon, his monk, and their motley crew.

MC is F-F-Feisty! Although he starts off as a paraplegic piece of paper (literally), this doesn't stop him from doing whatever he wants. On the other hand, the amnesiac ML has a more restrained and tranquil personality. Both are strong characters, but they're not infallible. Together, they make an uncanny duo as they unravel the mysteries, bickering all along the way.

There were a lot of funny situations that had... more>> me rolling, from MC's one man show. The novel ended in a good spot without being too long or too short, and I highly recommend it. <<less
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Sisithatlikestoread rated it
December 9, 2020
Status: Completed
(I'll probably update this review)

Uhm, I'm on chapter 7 rn, and just wanted to say I find this part hilarious:

... more>>

Xue Xian: "......" Would saying one more sentence kill you? If the blockhead understood what you meant by that nod, I'll take your surname.

Before his mocking sneer could leave his lips, Liu Chong had already gone back to the room, waving happily to Xuan Min, "Come in!", very much like a kid who had found a playmate.

Xue Xian: "......"

He begrudgingly pursed his lips and finally decided to behave.

I mean--- isn't that just putting up a flag????

(Edit after completing: although they never said anything about taking each others surname, they did get together in the end. I guess that could be considered as plucking that flag off!)


Edit: Completed

Holy sh*t I finished it. I finally finished it. I have to say, there were many times I was worried if this is HE or BE. I was also worried if they could even kiss properly in the future lmao (you'll understand when you read that part). Also spoiler alert, no. No they cannot-

IN ANY CASE this novel made me cry sometimes, and made laugh at other times. The ending is HE guys! HAPPY ENDING I PROMISE!!! And it's also sooo sweet like omg I hoped we could get even more of their love but oh well. Every book needs to end at some time.

So conclusion? READ IT. Seriously. It might not be everyone's cup of tea and might be kind of confusing at times- but don't worry, you understand basically everything by the end of it.

Rated it 5 stars of course! <<less
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Evesneon rated it
December 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Satisfied. I am so so so satisfied with the ending and the whole novel!

Action scenes were fabulous. You would think the dragon, with his reckless attitude, is going to annoy you but nooooo... he actually thinks things through (when he has to).

Hilarious nicknaming sense he has too.

The monk also, a quiet, constrained person but you can truly sense when he has given up being annoyed by the dragon’s antics. Hahaha

thumbs up!!!
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Ouryane00 rated it
November 27, 2020
Status: Completed
It was a really good, interesting read!


Tho I wasn’t that satisfied with some parts as some plots felt lacking/confusing but it was good read! I love the MC and ml. Their love story is such slow burn and it wasn’t until chapter 70+ I think that there was a little development but those little moments are what made me grin silly. I really like the story, regarding the x scenes, these were fade to black haha but it was sweet <3

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Amren rated it
May 5, 2024
Status: Completed
Good novel, with funny characters and a well-developed relationship. I think their relationship was quite well-done in being aligned with their characters, and I'm glad to see the progression that came when they were fixing their relationship. Sending Xuan Min a good person card
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du rated it
November 23, 2023
Status: Completed
Well organized, nicely written character dynamics (side characters aren't ignored). Nice and stable fantasy with consistent characterizations. Instead of some epic journey and drama and self growth, it's more like you are following them get to their expected destination.

I think this is a 3.5 for me, because I like a little more of something
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Jamieee rated it
November 12, 2023
Status: c28
I’ll preface this review by saying I didn’t read the entire novel. I held on until Chapter 28 to at least finish reading Suibian‘s translations, holding onto the hope that it might get better.

But I really couldn’t continue anymore. It wasn’t bad, but it was extremely mediocre. Boring, if I’m being honest.

The first two mysteries were okay, nothing surprising or particularly memorable.

The chemistry between the leads was missing. Halfway through the first arc had me wishing that they weren’t the MC and ML, they read like a flatter version of... more>> WWX and LWJ with none of the history and push and pull between them.

I was honestly disappointed because I wanted to like it, especially since it’s written by Mu Su Li who also wrote First-Class Lawyer which I absolutely adored and that I count as one of my favourite novels.

Anyway, that said, I might return to this novel I guess. Give it another try when I’m up to it. <<less
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ProcrastinatorFish rated it
October 10, 2023
Status: Completed
This is a very good novel and is one of my favorites because first, the characters are well written. Every character was fleshed out, especially the side characters, and there was not a time where I felt them to be like useless, paper characters. They exist for a purpose!! There is this foreshadowing in every turn but you can't help but miss because of how subtle it is. You can only realize it after the event! The plot was solid, I did not find plot holes at all and the... more>> way the author describes things makes it better (especially the scenery). The character development between the leads was wholesome. There was never a dull moment between the MC and ML, as well. I love how they interacted and the chemistry was perfect! <<less
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ScarlettOhara rated it
April 25, 2023
Status: Completed
This book starts with an interesting premise but simply nosedives beyond 20%. I couldn’t bring myself to care about the protagonists. They’re not fleshed out enough to feel invested in their story.
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Naili210 rated it
March 19, 2023
Status: Completed
Its decent. I like the little plots in the small sections of arcs but it wasn't very impactful to me. At some point in times I get confused on what is actually happening in the main plot bc of the translation but yeahh. It ain't so bad but it ain't the best I've read tbh. Its a good read though. I thought it was gonna have a sad tragic ending and all but im glad it didn't though 😌 I like the dynamic of Xue Xian and Xaun Min in... more>> the story but for me honestly I dont really understand how they actually fell for each other romantically. Like what I mostly feel between their relationship throughout the story was that they had a good relationship as friends together like close bros/buddies. But I as I read more I could see that the author was trynna hint that they were something more than friends and all. I don't mind the romantic relationship, like I love romance and romantic relationship but somehow I feel like Xue Xian and Xuan Min romantic relationship wasn't really built that deeply for me. But still I support them and loved how sweet abd funny they are together as a couple when they ended up together at the end of the novel. Hmmmm for side characters it's kinda hard for me to decide which one I like more, Lu Nianqi or Jiang Shining but yeahh those two were the characters that I liked.

oh and about Stone Zhang (Shi Tou Zhang) I feel like it was very random that he was brought along with the groups to adventure. He had his good use in the story but I thought it was kinda random he got added in the novel lol but it's good.

Overall it was a good read. Copper Coins isn't a big fan favorite of mine but its still a good novel to read. I think if the translation was much more better then maybe I would actually be more into the novel and all but idk. Would I reread it?? Probably not but yeahhh Copper Coins is nice. :) <<less
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Smtha rated it
January 5, 2023
Status: Completed
The story really narrated so beautifully. The people ones met, depart and roundabout reunited again is really so melancholy and yes bittersweet. Everything seem to be karma like. What’s goes around and comes around.
The story not overly dramatic, it’s actually very short. The start is with the MC tries to heal himself and find the one who harm him, of course his journey riddles with mystery troubles especially after he met the monk ML. Their journey written in different arcs and afterwords all stories comes in place. I love how each people MC and ML met mostly related, and there also a bittersweet backstory. MC character is mischievous but very kind, ML is quite and powerful. Their romance is kinda slowburn. But it’s sweet. It’s really a good read. Thank you
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October 25, 2022
Status: --
I don't understand where the bad reviews are coming from, apparently these people didn't understand this work. This novella is definitely worth the read!

There is also outrage in the comments about the dragon's spit, but personally I don't see anything wrong with that. After all, everything is underpinned by mutual feelings. Because I read the comments before reading the novell and got scared, but in fact it's nothing horrible.🤣🤣🤣🤣

All in all, I highly recommend it 😘
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swen rated it
September 25, 2022
Status: Completed
if you're stuck in your danmei reading and you keep dropping novels halfway, this is the perfect read to pick up. It's short enough so that you don't spend ages reading it, but long enough that you get invested in the plot. The plot logic is a bit too convenient- sometimes MC or ML just does something and it coincidentally leads them to the right direction/answer, but hey, the characters make up for it. I really love novels that focus on the relationship between the characters.

also, while there are explicit... more>> scenes (bedroom tango cough cough) they're either extremely vague or short. If you're okay with that, good for you, if that makes you second guess the novel, still try it anyway! There's still more romantic interactions between them.

the novel has its hilarious parts (thank you xue xian) but I'm pretty softhearted when it comes to angst I actually cried during the lu nianqi and lu shijiu arc. I don't know what others thought of this part, but I didn't see the plot twist coming and spent like 5 minutes rereading that chapter.

the amount of sacrifices lu shijiu made really made my heart ache, especially when lu nianqi found out that he was already dead.


i also cried when

jiang shining reunited with his sister : (


all in all, give it a try. MC and ML meet early on in the novel so you get to read about their interactions quickly. If you're someone who doesn't like politic-heavy plot and like 50 chapters for MC and love interest to meet, then you should try this novel out. <<less
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Winterrz rated it
September 13, 2022
Status: Completed
(may contain Spoilers)


I wasn't that convinced by the description, but OMG when I actually read the novel!!!

It's so good, really. I like the characters, the character development, the plot; all that.

Though it has alot of sad parts; like those circus performers who didn't know they were dead🥺, when Xuan Min (the ML) died, when that Lu Nianqi kid's brother died, that one dead scholar who was a paper man, and all those other random people who died in the plot... Bro; sad sht, sad sht.

But it has an amazing ending, thankfully. The ML doesn't stay dead🥳🥳 and some of the dead people reincarnate. 9/10 amazing. Would be 10/10 if it had more steamy parts. This will do though.

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