Cheat Magician Life That Started From Being Judged Useless


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I am Kokubu Kento, an eighth grader. While I was sleeping in class, the whole grade was summoned to a different world. According to the princess who summoned us, we weren’t summoned as heroes. Instead, we were meant to be replacements for dead soldiers. As we were being checked for magic, I got a useless rating, and I was about to get exiled but was given a last chance… I have a bad feeling about it… I wonder if I can go back… a cheat that awakens in desperate situations? The evilest skeletons are my guards? I’m in a different country after leaving the forest? A life without cheats in the world where I was abandoned started. Dungeon? Still haven’t gotten permission. Today I will be working the whole day at the warehouse to carry sweet potatoes, getting 350 helt daily. The guild debt and the living money are… Well, I live in a restaurant so the food is delicious.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hazure Hantei kara Hajimatta Cheat Majutsushi Seikatsu
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Harem Novels I have read

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20 Reviews

May 27, 2022
Status: c150
This story would have been better as a R18. The author had the MC address true war crimes in a disturbingly childish way. It's like he started writing an bloody revenge story, but then remembered his target audience was middle schoolers.

The gap between what's going on in the world and how the MC reacts to it is just strange. For instance, a women ordered her subordinate to torture a man who died after a week, so the MC uses his God like powers to make her think she wet the... more>> bed...

If the story is for adults, that's fine. If the story is for kids, that's fine. But you need to pick one. <<less
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Jul 11, 2022
Status: c404

After reaching the 400's I really can't recommend this anymore.

The story gets extremely dramatic with lots of meaningless death and tragedy.

It alternates between lighthearted and bleak as hell with little buffer in between.

Original review below:

Please hold your reviews until you reach chapter 50.

There is slow development and some super annoying side characters that kind of drag the story down but when you reach the 40's it really picks up.

The good:

    1. Hardworking protagonist
    1. There's an element of randomness to the development
    1. Character doesn't see his situation in black and white and is able to evaluate things through a lens that takes other peoples views into consideration
    1. Main character shows personality development
    1. The emotional intelligence level of him and his classmates feels believable for 8th graders
    1. Character so far hasn't had impure thoughts about the 12 year old girl and treats her legitimately like a little sister
The bad:

    1. Some of the girls falling for him seem like forced developments
    1. Character is probably too tolerant of the Rosenberg soldiers. He gets skewered by a sword at one point and he still tells his familiar to make sure not to kill the guy
    1. It's weird he has s*xual fantasies about the evil b**ch princess that summoned them
    1. I get the feeling the development's going to go the direction where the evil princess isn't killed
    1. The portrayal of his feelings about his bully being killed is odd. MC really does feel bad for him and like he didn't deserve to die but he frequently brings him up as a reason to work harder to avenge him
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Jan 27, 2018
Status: c131
4 stars for not having a very accentuated cliche and for having a relatively normal protagonist, no inventions, food or undeveloped talent, average teenager (with magic, op), naive at times, pe*verted at times (common male adolescent level) , not hetare, nothing of "I'm dumb and I do not realize that I like you even if you kiss me", the act of affection will be initiated by the male or female depending on the situation, regardless of whether there are other entities around and with possible repetitions (although still without going... more>> to snusnu, yet), a little workaholic, equally nothing of "adult" monologues trying to justify every action or childish attitudes, generally innocent/naive/responsible MC (without touching extremes).

The general development and the world that arises, is relatively slow, each chapter add something to the plot or the interaction between characters and MC growth, does not feel repetitive or stagnant (that would depend on the author of the work, the translator or reader) . <<less
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Jun 17, 2022
Status: c615
I honestly don't know why this novel isn't rated higher, or why it wasn't being translated. I feel I should throw out a review as the current 'translator'.

The story is well-written, the characters are likeable/hateable, and there's a decent amount of comedy as well.

... more>>

A little history first; According to recorded history, which is of course wrong, the previous person to be summoned turned into the Demon King and wreaked havoc on the world. It's due to this that when Camilla Resenburg summons from Japan, she tries to tone it down by summoning a group of individuals instead of just one, in an attempt to tone down the power and make it less likely for them to be a Demon King. As for the treatment afterwards, imagine you're summoning 300+ potential criminals, of course you would use whatever means you have at hand to keep them under control so they won't cause trouble, in this case it happens to be modified s*ave bracelets. She tells her knights to treat specific people as examples, the banishing of the MC who was misjudged by the 'Evil Eye Crystal', and the treatment of the most hated person in class, Funayama. Although the knights take it too far and Funayama winds up dying as a result. Almost all the evils done to them were done because of un-knightly knights who later get punished. Sure Camilla gave them the original orders, but if you're the warden of a prison, you don't really care how the prisoners are treated. She later comes to learn that she was wrong and people summoned from Japan aren't evil/potential Demon Kings and tries to make it right, but at the time she had too much on her hands to care about the treatment of criminals.


Anyway, long story short, it's an enjoyable novel so far. I hope this gave a decent idea of what to expect. I'm looking forward to the novel continuing. <<less
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Feb 06, 2024
Status: c22
You might think that chapter 22 is a little early to rate, and you might be right (after all my last rating was 5 stars, but I instantly regrettedgiving it 20 chapters later) . However I have noticed some flaws that show underlying problems with the story.

The place that it is most evident is conflict and setting. While there are other problems, these two core elements suck.

Let's start setting. One of the most important parts of a fantasy setting is how you go about worldbuilding. This author doesn't know how... more>> to worldbuild. They add very little details, and what they do add often henders the story telling process.

For example, one of the worst offenders. The setting has a 20 hour day. Originally, I thought this meant that the world had a different time system (many older cultures around earth didn'tuse the 24 hour system either) , but it actually meant the world has shorter days. Normally a detail like this used correctly would either explain an aspect of the world or directly influences future events. Instead it is used as a 'two moon' detail. It's shoved in to show the reader that this truly isn't like earth. The problem is that this could be an amazing worldbuilding element, but the author doesn't really get it. Like the fact that a 20 y.o. Person in the setting would only be 16 in earth years. This would fundamental change how every character is perseved. But, it doesn't because we all know this isn't what the author was intending, and was just suppose to add a nifty deatail to the world.

A lot of the setting is just random worldbuilding details that doesn't help the reader understand anything. This is a problem since worldbuilding sould also either help define the setting or help move the plot. The next problem is conflict. Since it might have been a minute for you, here's a refresher. The conflict (s) are the driving force of the plot which causes a character to take action. A conflict can be caused, defined, and appear in many different ways. Whether it's Billy is struggling to make a friends at his new school, John is stuck on a deserted island, or sir Dove saving the world from the demon king. Many traditional fantasies have one central conflict. But some stories like sitcoms and slice of life have episodic conflicts (new conflict each issue). There is also a few other such as arcs, multi-pov, etc. The point is that every story needs a conflict to be entertaining.

Well, what about this story's conflicts. It's ill-defined, inconsistent, and boring. The author has a pampering problem. Whether it is because it's a self insert or incompetence I don't know. But the MC is too coddled. After the first 4 chapters he faces no set-backs, tension, frustration, high-stakes, major arguments, crime, survival, prejudice, goals/ambitiouns, financial ills, long term injuries, romance, comedic set ups, drama, mysteries, adventure, or death.

I like hardworking and average protagonist, but this character is basically writing a diary for the first 20 chapters. Now some diaries are really interesting, but they usually have use character vs. Nature or character vs. Society conflicts. The MC is majority of the time in a city and liked by most people. Now there are definitely attempts at creating conflict, but every time the author is at the top of the driving board, he climbs back down. The author sets-up a potential conflict, then immediately solves the problem. Peeps on a friend, he says sorry and she forgives him. Someone pulls a knife, he scares them and they run away. Boss thinks he's a spy, he tells the truth and they believe him.

I think the author has a fundamental misconception on what a conflict is.

If I stub my toe, it will suck. But just because something is frustrating or a problem doesn't make it a conflict.

If I stub my toe right before a dance audition and I don't think I can dance. That potentially can be a conflict. It sets up potential roads the plot can go. I could convince someone dance in my place, try to cause the audition to reschedule, or maybe even try a radical new routine where I dance on one leg. It has clear stacks where if I might fail the audition.

But you know what's also not a conflict, I stubbed my toe, but I can still dance perfectly in my upcoming audition. It just two events that happen, and this is how everything is written.

If the foundation of the house is rotten, it is going to eventually collapse

Now here's the thing, the author is going to eventually realize somewhere after chapter 22 that they needs something else. Most likely something bad is going to happen to his classmates or some giant monster will appear to add tension for the MC to get off his ass. Then the MC is going to save his Classmates or come to realize that he was wrong about the situation. The author will then throw sh*t at the wall and hope it works to create a central conflict. But without any previous good worldbuilding, they will probably start adding new details at random. Maybe a new country or faction. Maybe some grand master dungeon. Or maybe they will go with the zero follower goddess and time travel to the past. Who knows. If the story actually gets good it would most likely be around here. But it won't be the same house that is currently up. Then the problem is going to repeat. The author is going to build a new house every conflict, because they don't know what else to do. Each time the quality will likely change. So who knows maybe the author with roll multiple 5 out of 5 after this, but I wouldn't count on it. <<less
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Dec 10, 2023
Status: c296
The world building for this story is surprisingly deep although it may take a while to become apparent. The author is clearly well informed on a number of topics related to intra-national and inter-national relations, economics, and trade. It even addresses the underlying psychological disorder that results in a harem-seeking protagonist: ... more>>

fear of abandonment caused by parental neglect


Even though the "underestimated protagonist is actually the strongest" setting is pretty crowded, this author's approach is better than most. In this case the protagonist is believed to have no magical ability because

he is equally proficient in opposing attributes so they cancel each other out as far as the measurement tool is concerned.


Another nice feature that's rarely seen in similar novels is the act of summoning is treated as a kidnapping case and the effects of a mass kidnapping on both world is fully protrayed.

The entire third floor of a school is transported to another world, causing the fourth floor to collapse onto the lower floors, resulting in injury and death for those caught up in the event.

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Oct 26, 2022
Status: c136
It's an interesting and refreshing change of pace from the standard isekai story.

Most stories start with the summoning ritual, focus on the main character, and then pretty much forget about the rest, with the main character living either a wish-fulfillment happy-go-lucky life full of adventure or a tragic hell-on-earth dark fantasy that drives him mad, rarely anything in between.

Here, over 200 people get dragged to a new world and are immediately told to choose between obedience or death. Then reality happens.

Back home, the summoning ritual is seen as a mass-kidnapping... more>> and terrorist attack, and the police are less than happy to see the main character because of cos-playing impostors.

The press is full of paparazzi that treat the whole thing as their best shot at a Pulitzer.

The school mates are, as expected of 8th graders, extremely selfish and immature.

And, of course, Camilla, the one who set off the plot, is actually far more sympathetic than she first appears, despite how horrific her actions are.

If you're looking for a story that makes you think, and brings a nice touch of reality, then this is for you.

If you're looking for edgy revenge-drama, or power and harem fantasy, this story may not be for you. <<less
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Aug 06, 2022
Status: c88
  • MC is just so naive it is painful
  • The women are no real characters
  • Why is everybody jealous like that ? Who cares ?
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Feb 16, 2019
Status: c250
At first, I was curious wether this novel becomes dark or not. But then, the story becomes too absurd. The author persitent on making the MC becomes a very good japanese person.

The MC was a meek person, never done any sport activities, not a smart one, normal face, in fact there's no good qualities at all. I like it when he tries to live as a beginner adventurer and listen to his undead knights. But then it become absurd too fast. The undead knights was giving him more than hundred... more>> years information. While the kingdoms hasn't developed means of long distance communications. The world still using messenger running by foot or horse. But the undead knights act as if they already knew many teritories. Ok, I can still forgive the undead knights as the author made them a very powerfull spy units and can move easily with shadow magic.

There's so many flaw in this story. The MC's growth, his harem, how easily the two worlds is using the MC as an errand boy. This is not a story about a boy who become a demon king. This is just a story of an OP errand boy. Late chapters made me think that the boy forgot that he has to return his 200 friend.

At first, I felt like this is just like a diary. Because the world building etc was too slow. But I guess the author manage to make me read this until chapter 250. I felt the story wont end in another 3-4 years... perhaps we wouldn't read this anymore.

Read it if you like this slow pace, unfocussed story. Its not a tr*sh but not that good either... <<less
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Feb 02, 2023
Status: c200
I recommend reading this.

1. The MC grows and matures. He never gets drunk on his power but understands, that he has to use it sometimes to permanently get rid of some irredeemable idiots (though he really tries to avoid it and straighten them out first). Which is why I don't really agree with the "Dense protagonist" tag. I'd say he has the level of knowledge and life wisdom expected of a person his age. He gets manipulated by adults, and outplayed by politicians, but he learns from that. And he... more>> catches on pretty quickly all things considered.

Overall despite being probably the only chantless mage in the world (and definitely the only one with more than one attribute) he remains pretty down to earth. He enjoys slow life when he can, which is not often, local cuisine, doesn't moan about not having access to rice (and when he does get it he doesn't spend a chapter describing how superior it is to any other food) and remains willing to learn from his betters.


One example is when he's negotiating with the Emperor of Barshania to allow Japanese survey teams to check for resources. The Emperor reminds him that he, as Emperor, can negotiate for his nation, but can Kento say the same? As he realises he can't he gets a ton of life advice, which he gladly accepts.

Another one is when Donovan and Klaus admonish him for babying his classmates. They're considered to be adults so why does he want to apologise for their s*upidity? He managed to survive in the city on his own, asking for advice when needed, so why does he take responsibility for them? Especially after they were told that Volzad is accomodating them mostly because of his accomplishments. He accepts that they're right, though he still wants to help them.


2. His colleagues act like actual 14-15 year olds. Some are s*upid and entitled, some laid back and accepting. Some adapt to their situation, some fall into despair, some unreasonably blame Kento for everything. There's one very irritating person, but everyone knows he's a idiot and treats him as such.


Yes, I'm talking about Yagi. He does get better after a flat chested beastwoman makes him her husband, due to circumstances caused entirely by him, but remains mostly the same.


3. I don't feel that the tragedies or pairings appear out of the blue. Su*cides, kidnappings, attempted mu*ders or r*pes don't "just happen", a stage is set for them beforehand. None of the romances feel forced:


Manon is a tomboyish girl next door, who shared shared some good and bad times with Kento, and is experiencing her first love. Beatrice and Seraphina are daughters of politicians and understand his immense strategic value. Yuika (the Chairman) started with a suspension bridge effect because he was her only source of comfort when she was ens*aved. Camilla? Really looks like Stockholm Syndrome, he almost terrified her out of her mind when she though she summoned a Demon Lord. And then proceeeded to treat her like crap, which she deserved, while actually accomplishing the goals she set for herself. Incidentally her character development (she's not evil, just terribly misguided), redemption and their romance are one of the longest running arcs in the novel. It culminates with them doing the deed and her being accepted as his soon-to-be wife, but it takes over 500 chapters.

Of course all of them genuinely end up loving Kento pretty fast, but their initial interest in him happens for believable reasons.


4. Worldbuilding is fine. As others pointed out Kento slowly increases his area of influence as matters closer to his home in Volzad start to settle. There doesn't seem to be an overaching plot as of yet (I've skimmed mtl raws up to 660, but due to the nature of mtl's and skimming I might be wrong), but there seems to be increasingly more monster outbreaks in isekai, and groups trying to sabotage peaceful cooperation between worlds in Japan, so maybe something major will happen. If not then it's fine, it is a slice of life novel after all.

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May 18, 2021
Status: c501
Like the description says, it's a typical isekai with OP MC, and sometimes he's also naive. MC is still junior high school student. If you can read the Japanese, the way MC talk is a bit childlike in my opinion.

The interaction side character with MC is also good. It has drama and hardships. Of course, it has harem too.

In this novel, the author is trying to do a realistic way what will happen in the isekai genre. Sometimes it has dark plot, but it happen only to side characters. The... more>> MC and his harem has a thick plot armor, but for the side character, sometimes it's messed up. At the recent chapter (c502), it still has not a clear goal what's trying to achieve or who's the main villain in the bigger picture.

For me, the most interesting part of the novel is 1st arc about rescuing his classmates and the attack of horde monster. After the 1st arc, it's just about the consequences of isekai that is how to return to the original world. That's why it's also has reverse isekai. This is where the drama come from. The author is trying to illustrate the feelings and problems that come from side characters pov being isekai in a realistic manner and how the original world handles the isekai thing.

The more story progress, it's become more hectic. It's isekai oriented but there's also a reverse isekai even though not that much. Problems keep appearing one after another because MC keep jumping from one place to others. Well mostly are solved by MC, but sometimes it left to side characters and it's people. There's more story about side character pov from c390 onwards.

Don't read it if you want OP and omnipotent MC. Remember, the author is not writing a realistic MC, but it's trying to write a realistic situation, emotion, and problem in isekai genre.

Thankfully, the author is posting the chapter often. In a year, he probably release more than 100 chapters. I'll read it again after it's completed. It's enjoyable read, not extremely good, but not that bad either. It's 4.4 points out of 5

From here on, I'm using spoiler as review.


Well the first 150 chapter is excellent. The pace is quite balance, not too fast nor too slow. It's about the rescue his classmate. It's also including the problem of harem. As of c502, MC has 4 wives officially and 1 to be wives soon.

The first three is quite fast to achieved. The fourth is taking a long time to time, not to mention the fifth. It's a bit of drama with the fifth.

After being rescued, the story is go downhill. I'm not saying it's bad. It's more like from excellent to good. Since it's more about how to return to original world, the consequences, and the psychology being isekai. It's become drama oriented. This is also the start where MC truly start exploring the isekai world.

This is where it becomes hectic, it's jumble the story. Problems keeps popping up one after the other, not just on MC but also on side characters too that choose to stay in the isekai world since they've been flashed out more in c400 onwards, especially Yagi, the glasses classmate. There's Meri (female character that's introduced around c420) that adores Honmiya (a girl classmate that choose to stay). There's indication of yuri. There's also a romantic interest of other side charater that died and reincarnated as a child. The more story progress, there's a lot of question that need to be answer. There's no clear main villain yet, there's also no god that fit in the story even though there's a church.

So I'll just wait until the novel is complete.


This is spoiler for his harem if you want to know, seriously, don't open it if you don't want to be spoiled:


As of c502, MC has 4 wives and 1 soon to be

Yuika (the Saint, class rep, Japanese person, also an insider for rescue operation, that's why she also has a lot of interactions with MC)

Manon (ordinary Volzard girl, has a lot interactions with MC after he's arrive in Volzard)

Beatrice (Volzard lord 2nd daughter, being saved from dying because a disease),

Serafima (princess of Balsahnia, peeping her while she's asleep, and according to tradition she needs to marry those who sees her sleeping figure. The guards is ridiculous strict though, but MC is OP, and Serafime is the brain in royalty.)

and the soon to be is Camilla (princess of Resenburg, the one who summon MC and his classmate, she's not exactly a villain at first, also she almost died 2 times and almost r*ped 1 times, basically she's a good person but her surrounding is just worst, that's why she's appeared villainy at first).

There's some girls that aim the MC, well actually there's a lot, but this is with highest possibility and interesting in my opinion:

Meisa (the daugther of his boarding house, she truly loves MC, but MC think of her like little sister, because she's just 10 years old and have 0 s*x appeal. Her dreams is to be MC bride.)

Watanuki (MC classmate, her past is dark, she's been r*ped by 3 knights for 2 months before finally being rescued, become desperate, hence she's become s**tty after being rescued. She has relationship with few classmates and have s*x with them and become pregnant. She's been helped a lot by MC, financially, mentally, it's almost like a husband. MC is also willing to do anything for her, like hit the boy who abandoned her after he knows that she's pregnant, comforting her cry after being abandoned, doing cruel things to those 3 knights, even killing them, if Watanuki wants it, those 3 knights is beheaded though by Camilla knights, extort compensation from Resenburg for her, and so on. She actually want to be MC wives, but even if she's being chosen, she's believe it's not 100% love, but half of it is pity. She also decide that she's can't choose any other man than MC until she can be proud of herself)

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Jan 16, 2025
Status: c885
If you go in with certain expectations, you may find them dashed. This is not Redo of Healer, nor is it trying to be anything like it. I would also like to address a misconception: Kento's juvenile prank is NOT the end of his revenge, in fact, the real start of his revenge is later.

And frankly, that is where the story changes gears and comes into it's own: A bunch of neat main plot threads open up, and it's where Kento shows backbone and authority, starting to live and struggle... more>> to reconcile double lives. Kento is a deeply flawed character, who spent his whole life being pushed around by others, starting chapter 87, and especially becoming apparent in chapter 128, he starts pushing for something he himself wants, come hell or high water. Kento and other characters develop and evolve, something all too uncommon in isekai.

I do have my fair share of criticisms.

Romance is both the best and worst aspect of this book series. On the one hand, if you enjoy the trope of 'star crossed lovers', you know, like Romeo and Juliet, this series will be a gold mine for you. On the other hand, it is no exaggeration that the protagonist is in the clutches of an abusive narcissist in the form of Yuika (it's no wonder the manga/LN rewrote half of her dialogue). Later in the novels, a couple chapters are told from Yuika's point of view, and 864 is quite enlightening, with her self-examining and facing some comeuppance for her selfishness.

A lot of the main plot threads that spring up from chapters 86 & 87 get majorly tapped out by around the 400 chapter mark. That is after some really damn good arcs like the round-trip to Bekkenheim, where Kento learns magic strengthening on a buddy cop style journey,

conquers Reisenburg, and faces his arch-nemesis mano a mano.

As time goes on, there are an increasing number of chapters dedicated to annoying characters as well. <<less
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Jul 29, 2023
Status: c45
The novel is too deeply flawed in so many ways that I can't recommend it to anyone.

First of all, as a mage, he spends way too much time developing his close combat skills. Not saying it's bad to have some self-defense, but if you can insta-cast magic you don't need to practice using a sword... Plus, the skeleton summoning is incredibly powerful yet the protagonist A) continuously underestimates them and his own magic abilities despite constant evidence and everyone telling him otherwise and B) doesn't even stop to consider maybe... more>> he could summon more skeletons and strengthen them until he has enough to do what he wants. Also, he needs to be taught about every dark magic spell he uses. He was a chuunibyou, and he couldn't come up with any dark magic on his own? Really?

Next, the summoning itself and how the summoned people are treated makes no sense. I mean, the princess goes so far as to summon them because she needs them for something, but then treats them like tr*sh and even goes out of her way to kill them off.

Even if they're s*aves, they won't be motivated to become strong and help her if she treats them and their friends so poorly. Actually, she treats everyone else I've seen her interact with poorly but somehow still has a great reputation... Also, the existence of mass-produced items that can allow anyone to control people just by putting it on the victim's wrist is both scary and unrealistic. If you can summon powerful humans from other worlds and create ens*avement items, can't you put that effort into solving your problems in other ways?


Finally, the side characters are just annoying. I don't mean some of them, I mean basically everyone attacks the protagonist at every opportunity for "comedy", the romantic interests throw themselves at him only at the worst of times in the dumbest of ways, enemies are also chaotic s*upid, basically everyone aside from the skeletons is useless. And their master is the most useless, or else they'd solve all the problems in one chapter.

There are some funny moments, but it's mostly just painful to read. <<less
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Aug 12, 2022
Status: c44
It's average... The main issue is that the story is flat and shallow. Additionally, sometimes it looks like that the author had wanted to write R18 story but then recalled that it had to be published in the PG-rated magazine...

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Reman Scimitar
Reman Scimit
Feb 07, 2023
Status: c467
3 fundamentally flawed issues.

-MC doesn't want to kill people due to fear of backlash but forgets there are people already willing to harm others for some reason and not just bandits/pirates, as he stated, Japanese are peace idiots.

-MC is too heavily relied upon by his environment and is a literal workhorse (even if he is somewhat appreciated).

-Yes-man MC or cares way too much about how people view him.

I'll probably keep reading because the humor is what's making it barely float in my eyes.
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Nov 04, 2024
Status: c500
Honestly I can't remember exactly where I left off, only that I exhausted all the translated chapters. Honestly, before chapter 300 I felt I could wholeheartedly recommend the story. Not a 5 or anything, but it used it elements well, and didn't feel like it was substandard in really anyway. However, this story ran into the same problem that I keep finding with so many of webnovels; not knowing how to end it.

The story had a pretty good premise right off the bat, and there was definitely a solid direction.... more>> However after 300-400 chapters, it more or less completed it main arc, and didn't really have the groundwork to do anything else. While there was other plot points, none of them could adequately take over, thus it started to drag on far too long.

Also, one other thing that this story does kinda weird, is that it seems allergic to allowing some characters to grow. Now, I will not say that all characters aren't allowed to change. However there is one character in particular that I can recall that even gets involved in part of an arc and seems to have a moment of growth, and then almost immediately the next time we see him it's like he's backpedaled back at mach 10.

Still, it your bored and need something to occupy a bit of time, go ahead and try it out. <<less
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Oct 04, 2023
Status: c273
Most of the story drew me in so hard, I didn't stop for 3 days till I read to C273. There are big problems but I feel the author put those in specifically to point out how distorted the MC is. Major elements of the plot are twisted. Major elements of the characters are twisted. Good and bad elements are both tangible yet contextual.

Much like the other reviewers, I want those characters dead.

... more>>

MC works his ass off for people who he wants to help, but often are ungrateful, lazy, entitled, whiners. This seems sweet but its demented because he doesn't even realize how desperate he is for acceptance and approval. The main princess b*tch-face, scowler of scowlers, down-nose looker of down-lookers, deserver of razor enemas, is somehow... a good girl now?


I'd give it 5 stars if not for that specific part. I kinda understand the author. I think they're emphasizing the MC's distorted, usually loveable, but screwed up trait.

Its a great read, just expect frustration. <<less
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Oct 10, 2022
Status: --
I like this story, but I don't like about the MC being the between the bridge for Japan and vorzard, it so annoying, yea I know the MC is busy, but I feel like the author should just get everyone of the classmate, and take them home for the MC could live, and break the connection of earth. Cuz it's so annoying about this. The MC is also dumb. But it's a good novel.
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Aug 05, 2021
Status: c500
Good story. Main builds pretty well. And whoever said anything about main, the author later explained why main like this, try to read about the last minute (I find the explanation quite reasonable).
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Jan 13, 2019
Status: c3
With just three chapters it's hard to say if it's good or bad, but so far I like the premise. Would had read more if there had been more. Therefore I feel I should give it 5 stars, in hopes it gets picked up.
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