Chaotic Sword God


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Jian Chen, the publicly recognized number one expert of the Jianghu. His skill with the sword went beyond perfection and was undefeatable in battle, After a battle with the exceptional expert Dugu Qiubai who had gone missing over a hundred years ago, Jian Chen succumbed to his injuries and died.

After death, Jian Chen’s spirit was transmigrated into a completely foreign world. Following an extremely fast growth, his enemies piled up one after another before becoming gravely injured once more.

On the gates of death, his spirit had mutated, and from that moment henceforth, he would tread on a completely different path of the art of the sword to become the sword god of his generation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Hun Dun Jian Shen
Hỗn Độn Kiếm Thần
Related Series
Against the Gods (8)
Martial God Asura (6)
Coiling Dragon (6)
The Desolate Era (5)
Chronicles of Primordial Wars (4)
True Martial World (3)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Novels that I have read 2
  2. Evil Protagonist
  3. Fantasy. Adventure. Action.
  4. A history of a vetran reader (70 novels)
  5. Novels read ranking

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/10/17 Hosted Novel c843
11/09/17 Hosted Novel c842
11/09/17 Hosted Novel c841
11/09/17 Hosted Novel c840
11/08/17 Hosted Novel c839
11/08/17 Hosted Novel c838
11/08/17 Hosted Novel c837
11/07/17 Hosted Novel c836
11/07/17 Hosted Novel c835
11/07/17 Hosted Novel c834
11/06/17 Hosted Novel c833
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126 Reviews sorted by

_Relic_ rated it
May 15, 2018
Status: c900
I invest myself mostly in character and I believe these people are mainly focusing on the plot. This type of story is supposed to be repeated! It is meant to have never ending villains! I came here for an OP MC and I got it. I don't care as much for whatever else as long as he goes on to attack his enemies in a way they'd pay. You have to understand that this is a common stereo type for this sort of story~ k? I only really dropped this... more>> because of one of the enemies gets revenge in an untimely manner that it came out of nowhere.

his parents die


I loved the first couple years of his life in the first couple hundred chapters and I kept binge reading hundreds of chapters to anticipate him coming home to that warm environment. Its one of the main reasons I dropped it when that incident in the spoiler above happened. Wuwuwu~ Author likes to torture our MC so I'm happy when he kills everything and gets revenge.

I grew attached to some of the characters he was intimate with which goes to show that the character development was alright. Sure, the enemies attack and MC gets his revenge repeatedly, but I like how we get to meet new characters every time that happens. I don't want our MC to be cold and complicated! HE HAS FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Not sure if spoiler (its not rly)

It's cool how there is a hidden secret about his family bloodline that keeps me interested.

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December 14, 2016
Status: c588
The story was good at the start. We have clever and strong MC, a little bit arrogant, but not too much. He goes to school, where we learn that he is stronger than his peers and has some secret in his body. Then there is a plot twist which made him travel from home. He travels makes his own mercenary guild, becomes stronger, strarts to fight people several levels higher than him, but it's still ok. Story is interesting and captivative. I can give 4.5/5. All is well until he... more>> becomes OP after major plot twist.

Seriously, he became OP and he can fight almost everybody in the world (except several reclusives). He has status of protector in the super kingdom and so on and so forth. BUT HE DOESN'T USE ANYTING OF THIS. I mean he does, but only when everybody has already guessed his identity and power. So there are many times when he could evade useless bloodshed, but he keeps doing it. And he is always in the right, because he avenges someone or just defends himself or his close ones. But still, IT COULD BE EVADED. The fight with the kingdoms, prince's assasination on him, the situation of his mercenary group. All of this could be changed if he just said "Guys, I'm super OP and strong, don't mess with me." And his enemies would run away in fear and never approach him again. But he prefers first smiling, and then just kill them when they attack. The worst thing that it fills chapters with waiting and fillers so story does not progresss at all. I don't drop this novel only because I still has hope that story would change for better when he enters higher realm. I pray for it, because author showed us that he can write well at the start.

So I gave this novel 3 for the good start and hope that it will return in new colors after several bulsh*t arcs. <<less
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September 9, 2016
Status: c446
After his saint weapon got destroyed and got a new power I nearly want to drop this novel but I read ahead anyways and I should just stop when my brain tells me to stop. I mean after that part all of the MC enemies are there so that the MC can tr*sh them and also I don't know why but every time an enemy meets the MC a tr*sh talking will commence like the MC can't kill us or we can kill the MC it's 10 vs 1 and... more>> they die anyway and that loop continue I don't know why it always happen in Xianxia novels. <<less
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onehitnokill rated it
August 3, 2016
Status: c447
So well it was okay and intriguing at first but then it got kinda weird. The MC kept trying to do all this crazy sh*t at the same time. Anyways I lost interest in it, maybe later I will read more if I'm bored but I think this novel is going to go downhill from now on. A pity since I actually enjoyed the first maybe 300 chapters before it started being a little weird and hard tounderstand and just not enjoying.
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LagDeath rated it
June 10, 2016
Status: c480
I don't know why I like this story so much. I think it has to do with the power system and how the power is manifested. The story has definitely dragged in some areas and quite repetitive in other spots, but despite that it's still quite decent. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I day give it a try
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Devilsfruit rated it
May 7, 2016
Status: --
It is entertaining and a decent read, but it is reaaally repetitive. I've read until chapter +1500 and it is like the MC experiences the same crap over and over again, but with different people and different settings.

What I do appreciate, is that there are a lot of small things that happen early on and which appear to have entire arcs dedicated to it in the future. The author has clearly thought out a general story line and he has separated that into several arcs.

After reading up to chapters +1500,... more>> I can say the following:
be ready for a very long series, because

The author mentions different worlds and it seems that after a certain level of power, the MC will have to move on to the next world and continue his cultivation story there. But right now, it seems it'll take another 1000 chapters before it even gets to that...

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nixxara rated it
April 10, 2016
Status: --
Typical MC, killing ruthlessly, benefitting from lucky encounters, etc.

Disregarding these, the novel is pretty good.
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Thor rated it
February 2, 2016
Status: --
5/5 Highly recommended! I really love this novel because:

1. No bs martial art – MC is really “efficient” in fight. I hate cutting ppl in half because obviously you can achieve the same outcome (killing) with much less effort. Another obvious s*upidity (found in other novels) is fighting death-matches bare-handed hitting an opponent over and over. No bs like that found here.

2. No pointless tournament showoff – what is the point of making ppl stunned being a black horse taking risks beating “bad guys” on stage? I believe an intelligent... more>> man has a much better time-spending plan leading to the same outcome. <<less
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rapture_edge rated it
January 28, 2016
Status: --
Those who read this novel up to 100 and says its starting to loose its juice are right. But only for a few chapters. I admit, I also stopped reading somewhere after the first hundred or so. Later I decided to continue the tale due to the many chapters added and much to my surprise and delight, this novel turned out to be Mt. Tai! The story takes a drastic turn from then on, transforming into an even more action packed story full of twist, friends and all the other... more>> xianxia themed events. I implore those who stopped to pick it up again. Unless you want to be one of those who has eyes but can’t see Mt. Tai.

It’ll be a drag, but it’s worth it. A 5/5 for me. <<less
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styricum rated it
January 25, 2016
Status: --
If it was possible I would give -2.5 stars MC basically playing ip-man he is a poor guy get bullied by everyone he come across so he has to get revenge by dueling and beating them. but still.... no noone acknowledges the poor guy so he has to keep going.

Complete opposite of peerless martial god MC who never stops talking BS instead here they spout some 10 years old senseless phrases then fight like more kiddie style they dont even have arts or style they just b***ch slap each... more>> other. only good part is TL group they really work hard I wish they were to choose another novel <<less
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TheDarkness rated it
January 14, 2016
Status: --
Okay story. Not like super great, but not a bad read. Only issue is how the MC has this fetish for killing people by slitting their throats. Like just count how many times he does this.
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Kulops rated it
November 29, 2015
Status: --
It drags out a bit, but is interesting. Sometimes the pace is superfast and sometimes as slow as a snail. The MC has an attention seeking mindset, even though he doesn't want to attract the enemies. The translation is really good. It’s worth reading.
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JYZero rated it
November 17, 2023
Status: --
"In a flash, a year had already passed. I front of a small lake, the figure of a child that wasn’t even one meter tall stood about with a blank expression. Both of his eyes were staring attentively at the rock garden in the middle of the lake. The little boy was wearing a gorgeous set of clothes, but the expression on his face was unusually complex in a way that was strange to see in a three year old boy."

A YEAR HAS PASSED. THREE YEAR OLD BOY. If this... more>> isn't a sign of the sort of quality control this author goes through, then it's your own damn fault for not seeing the signs ahead of time. <<less
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Lukitacx rated it
May 7, 2023
Status: c3465
Alright, I think it's high time to make a review on this clusterf*ck of a novel.

First, let me make it clear, the actual plot of the novel is absolutely top notch. I only gets better and better as time goes by, and after he ascends to the higher planes it becomes amazing. He's constantly fighting upwards, almost always the underdog, but it doesn't feel like deus ex machina when he manages to survive or turn it around. It shows perfectly that even if you're a peerless genius, you still need... more>> time to grow and people are keen on letting you do that.


There is some romance, but it appears pretty late in the novel, and honestly even tho he has a harem his main wife is the only one that matters, as the others are too weak.


The big glaring problem with this novels is the filler. There are peanut galleries, repeated explanations, people constantly reminding the MC that he's weak or underestimating him.

If you have a xianxia reader brain like mine and can already recognise those sections of chapters and skip them, then the novel is super enjoyable and you can binge it super fast.

If you cannot filter out all the filler then you'll never be able to properly enjoy this novel. Maybe we'll get AI in the future that can filter it out for us, but until then you're better off skipping this one.

r*pe tag:


Typical "We need to have s*x to save you" moment. They eventually have a kid and fall in love after that. This is not a romance novels so honestly who gives a damn.

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Me RandomBleep
Me RandomBleep rated it
January 22, 2022
Status: c2348
Look hey I think this novel was not bad now not bad means nether good nor bad but it tips more or less towards bad anyways,

The novel starts off not bad I mean with potential like ok pacing ok characters and ok MC cliche but hey I mean your not expecting much but that's when it starts going down hill I mean look this is a review but I feel like this is gonna seem like a rant anyways this novel is of course with repeats and chapters that... more>> are fillers that are mixed with somewhat important information.

The world building might seem okay but it just repeats constantly and God the arrogant young master he meets might as well be in every sect, city, restaurant. And it doesn't stop there the dead weight and buff//loot stealing side characters he carries around seem endless

his love interest r all introduced, developed and part in plot r all so badly done its like hoping oil and water mix. Calling this a turning point seems right because the author buffs the useless love interest who only cares about the child and the other wives r basically forgotten because they r rarely if not never mentioned in the plot again so the only feel good moments r with the useless child wife


I hope this doesn't drive yall away from this but I'm not lying when I say this probably has all if not most cliche plot writing every author uses. Also there are way too many plotholes in this. MC is ret*rded or maybe he's just lacking in the commen sense department

Also some the side character actually most side characters get more screen time than the FMC.

Some good points on this is that the MC uses the sword <<less
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chucke rated it
September 18, 2021
Status: c1672
I am actually quite surprised.

I will be honest and I will tell that I don't like xianxias. The worlds created by the author there are superb, but everything else is lacking.

Chaotic Sword God suffers from the same tropes as any other xianxia where people are offended over minor things and then want to wipe out your friends and family. And also of course there are plot holes, plot armor, written off characters, underdeveloped characters, some odd plot lines and some odd romantic lines and of course a power creep.

Despite that... more>> I reached more than 1500+ which is the achievement for xianxia, meaning the it is the story you can actually enjoy. I think what allowed this novel to achieve that and make me read through more chapters than usual is

  • MC itself, who is not genocidal out of spite (imagine saying that as a good trait)
  • The feeling of time in the story, where characters grow old and die
  • MC that can actually make friends
  • You can actually feel sad for the characters

    Knowing that the time really flows in the story, I feel sad for the characters left behind after MC went to the higher realm. I was also surprised that his harem did not become strong enough to travel with him, which is quite rare. Knowing the time really flows in the story, MC might really lose a lot of people who will die from old age like several characters in the story. Though probably it won't happen. Honestly I would be quite sad if his two harem members die later.

Overall, I was surprised myself that I reached to that amount of chapters.

P.S. Though I suspect that the story will decline now because I have finished the major arc that concludes the original world story and xianxias usually start to fall apart after that due to reusing the same tropes and plot lines on a grand scale

(update at 3106)

Story still stays strong which is very surprising. MC is honest to himself, still not hypocrite and still evolves. His powers are being recognized and people don't oppose him out of spite. He is well known and decently treated across the story. The relations with other characters are also nicely developed. Really surprised the story last that long and did not decline. <<less
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Delirious rated it
July 21, 2021
Status: c2994
Ya, the reviews are right. It's honestly unbearable reading this. A few people back in the day dropped it around the time he lost his strength, but it didn't bother me then and I don't regret reading it afterwards either. Sadly, the last thousand chapters or so have been, quite frankly... tr*sh. It's SO repetitive it literally turns into a slice-of-life story about him saving the day at the last second with deus ex machina bullshit. The "story" also moves at snails pace.

I really don't recommend reading it. It was... more>> frustrating as hell the last couple hundred chapters. <<less
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GrumpyNPC rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: c25
The dialogue can make it or break it for me, in this case the dialogue was weak. The conversations were either stiff or cheesy. The amount of ass kissing was also unbearable, I did not read very far, but it seemed like everyone either hated the MC or wanted to lick his butthole clean with praises.
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July 4, 2019
Status: c2380
I don't know about others, but I love this novel. I think it's because I hate rash MC from stories out there. JC at least understand that he is weak, and tried to increase his cultivation (which crazy fast when compared to others I know, but he is MC) before he having revenge.

I love when he didn't get all the good things, either by sharing it with others or just letting it go. Plot armor still there, but at least not as thick as other MC. All in all, for... more>> me, this is a good enough and worth to read (you can't expect a world class quality from a web novel after all)

I just think that if the author planned to bring every key-character in, this story will reach at least 3500-ish chapters, with how to plot flows right now, but JC's current cultivation is near the top. It's a pity if the author will just set aside JC's mortal harem back in Tianyuan continent. <<less
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March 28, 2018
Status: --

Chaotic Sword God, huh? It's a pretty strange book if I think back to it... (i've read to 1100 chapters I think?)

From what i've read, whether you belive me or not, but i've read books like King of Gods and also Records of the Human Emperor, and damn (beacuse of that), to me this book feels so slow!

It takes the MC like.... (last time I checked)

... more>>

10 FREACKING YEARS to become a darn Sain king! I mean I get it, the energy or whatever that Tian-something said that because of some blob thingy, it's a lot harder to cultivate, hence why there's so little saint emperors (there's like three... XD)

BUT STILL!! MC are supposed to be OP! Okay, maybe not all the time, but supposedly to other people he's a genius, while in my eyes, he's just a sorry excuse for genius....


Okay, okay don't hate, but you have to admit if you've read fast paced novels (you'd probably also feel like that), right?!

But yeah let's just talk about cons and pros!!


    • Not that much romance! :D (i know I'm strange but DEAL WITH IT!)
    • A really dense MC

And that's the only pros I can think of right now! Now time for the cons!!


  • No cultivation whatsoever! All he does is.....i actually don't know.. (he just takes monster cores and refines them or something!
    • He doesn't finish off weak af antaginst!!! (I WANNA SEE BLOOD!!)
    • He has too many mood swings and worries for a middle-age- uh person. (XD)

Omg! If I say anything more, nobody will read!! XD

Uhhh.... Well I have to admit that even though there are more cons than pros, I somehow still like/enjoy this crin-novel. I actually suggest everyone to read this cuz you never know! I might just be seeing this novels bad-side?

But the romance is still garbage, and the fights are pretty bland if you ask me but yeah, yeah read it, totally!!!!
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