Card Room


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Xiao Lou was killed in an accident and reborn in the Card World.

Each card here represents a secret room and clearing the instance will give a reward. Xiao Lou draws a card and thinks he could draw all types of equipment and weapons. As a result: Su Shi, Li Bai, Tao Yuanming*… character cards keep coming one after another.

Xiao Lou, “???”

What was this escape game? What type of fate made him keep drawing character cards?

*famous poets of ancient China

Associated Names
One entry per line
Mật Thất Thẻ Bài
The Secret Chamber of the Card Game
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Recommendation Lists
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139 Reviews sorted by

LotionBottle_Venerable rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: Completed
Real rating: 4.5/5 stars


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+ The MC and ML are both smart and trust each other. I also like how their love together is sweet and innocent, while still seeming mature. These two love and care for each other and personally, I love codependent relationships, so it's great for me. The forensics and police part are also pretty accurate (as a student who takes forensic science lol).

+ I enjoyed all of the side characters and their teammates. Even when I was worried that they would betray each other, they didn't and I think that's great.

+ The side romances are also really sweet! I loved them all and I loved how the gongs are so gentle and consensual with the shous. They have distinct personalities but they all dearly love each other and the way sacrifice and devotion is ingrained within all of them— chef's kiss!

+ Each card room is pretty creative and I enjoyed all of them. They were also all pretty original. I won't say that they're the most genius thing I've ever encountered (see cons) but I enjoyed myself throughout the entire novel.

+ It was very fun! The humor was good, I had fun when they were tricking people, and some plot twists made my jaw drop. The relationship dynamics between everyone was also very sweet (especially at the end when they had a teammate with amnesia). I loved them all and I felt like I was also being carried along for the ride lmao.




- This story does unfortunately suffer from its own length because you can tell that the author was getting tired/lazy as the chapters went on. It's not too bad, but it's kinda noticeable.

- There are often inconsistencies within the story with card designs and plot lines. HOWEVER. I want to say that it doesn't detract from the story and you have to keep in mind that these are webnovels. They don't come out in one go, they're updated a chapter at a time so I can give the author grace and let it go. It's honestly not too bad either and doesn't prevent you from reading the story.

- They get preachy about mu*der and human life tbh. Other people have said this and it's true. But honestly, I can handle it as well, so just keep it in mind.

- Lastly, the mystery behind free people and the card rooms and its keepers was left open ended. Like there were a few characters that were left unspoken about, which makes me feel disappointed. But I think I'd rather them leave it like this than to give us a s*upid plot twist like Kaleidoscope of Death did (which was a great novel, but omfg was the plot twist unnecessary 💀)


And lastly, my rebuttals for other reviewers' comments bc some of y'all are way too harsh!


~ Overpraising: Personally, I feel like YHJ and XL deserved to be praised. For one, THEY'RE THE MAIN CHARACTERS. Two, they actually did do well?? What did you expect? One is the captain of a police force tasked to solve mysteries and crimes, and the other is a forensic doctor who teaches forensics. Of course they'll do well, be OP, and get praised. Otherwise, it would just be depressing. And also, while I do agree that sometimes the praise is a bit much, it doesn't last and it's always for good reason. The flattery ends at some point, I promise.

~ Inconsistencies: Like I said in the cons, I choose to give the author grace bc it's a 600+ chapter novel, and they update as they go, so I'm not surprised that some details are lost. It's not even that bad because it doesn't really detract from the general story.

~ Childish/Immature Romance: This, I can understand because people have said that the romance felt childish, with a lot of descriptions like "he blushed as they held hands" or "his heart pounded as they looked into each other's eyes, " etc, etc. Honestly, I think it's cute. Also, it contrasts from the mu*der and danger in the story, and it makes you feel like love is even more precious, you know? Especially when it's your first time loving someone.

~ Mystery: People have said that the mysteries aren't interesting, the main characters breeze past them too much, and that there's more "tell" than "show". However, I have to disagree because I believe that the author is pretty good at what they're doing. I will admit they got lazy at the end, but it genuinely is impressive how they make such good plot lines for the story. I feel like this is a point where you'll have to see it for yourself, but I personally enjoyed all of the mysteries and they were all great.

~ Side Characters: People have said that the side characters start losing relevance and become unimportant. What webnovel were you reading?? 😭? Where did you see that? While XL's and YHJ's teammates aren't as important as them, they're still quite important?? XL and YHJ are literally the main characters, so of course the other teammates aren't as important as them. I'm not even sure what you were expecting, especially because you're so wrong. I felt like everyone had a purpose and they all worked together really nicely to help solve the mysteries and get to the next card rooms. Everyone had moments to shine, so I don't understand why people say that the side characters become "unimportant".


All in all, I recommend this story, even if it's long! <<less
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aml.1908 rated it
October 24, 2023
Status: Completed
I love this book. Its really great.

I mean their were defiantly some arcs that were waaaayyy too long but overall it was very enjoyable.

I especially loved the Werwolf game room. It was so witty and interesting.

Everyone seems to hate the ending, witch I don't understand because I loved this ending.

I thought it was perfect for this book.
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yilingbisaster rated it
October 23, 2023
Status: Completed
I really wish I could say I liked reading this danmei but it was just a big fat disappointment.

First of all, the protagonists. I am not against the protagonists being so smart and in sync together they figure the situations without really having any issues, but the way it is written in this one just makes me want to pull out all my hair in frustration.

I think this is mostly because (and thats my second point) the setting is just so badly done. there is so many inconsistencies and plot... more>> holes and mistakes from the author that when you love unlimited flow danmei it is just so frustrating. like teammates have the MC’s card in their hand to go with their plan on the other side of the instance and yet MC is suddenly using the card to fight? or them repeating 4 times to be careful and the next chapter they just make the mistake they were telling being careful about?

This all just makes most of the characters really tiring to read about and makes me sigh really hard.

I think it would be more manageable to read (and that is my last point) if the author was not repeating thousands of times their reasonings every chapter. because everytime it is repeated it just makes you realise of all the issues there is in the flow of the story.

In conclusion, I put 2 stars because the initial idea was good and some characters are still enjoyable (mostly because they are minor characters so the author doesnt have time to butcher them with all the mistakes they make). but if you really like unlimited flow danmei I would suggest to just pass on this one because it is just really disappointing. I wish I would have dropped it instead of just trying to give it a 4th and 5th and 6th chance... my fault for hoping it would ever get better and then I was too far into the story to just not finish the last few instances to be done with it. <<less
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Ann99 rated it
July 27, 2023
Status: c295
I really loved that this book had seperate instances for mystery solving, puzzles, survival etc. Also liked the fact that the novel focuses on the challenges and not some love triangle drama.

I'm a sucker for long novels that are slow burn but with the couple already having this tactic understanding. This one had that.
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En-Jay99 rated it
February 14, 2023
Status: extra 10 part8

some flaws but overall a strong read and fun as well. The cast is already strong but that means that the challenges are even harder. The challenges are creative and the mysteries are very good. Despite the length, it's worth every chapter and I was sad to see it end.

very good ensemble cast, romance is not the focus but is instead sprinkled throughout. Side CPs are sweet and despite the large group, they're all unique and likeable. Also, love the trust and friendship between all members.

honestly, focusing on the flaws... more>> feels a bit like quibbling. Yes they are there, but it's like if someone cooked you a 12 course meal and you're complaining that you wish there were extra napkins. Enjoy the food guys. It's good. <<less
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ishanir rated it
February 2, 2023
Status: --
This book was definitely worth reading. At first I wasn't sure if I would have been able to finish the book for how long it was, but I did and that can just tell you how great it was. The story was very entertaining, the romance was a bit slow but so worth it, its a bit like kdrama style- they might be just holding hand but it melts your heart (we still get so many cute interactions between the couples)

Ahhhhh definitely feeling loads of emotions right now !... more>> Btw happy ending for everyone

Worth reading !!! <<less
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idkbro1770 rated it
January 29, 2023
Status: c10

I started reading this novel a couple of months ago. I got up to chapter 10 but was very busy at the time and ended up forgetting about it. I still haven’t picked it back up for a couple of reasons.

So far I dislike how every single chapter they have to mention how “MC is a really smart detective” or “MC is really good at escape rooms” like WE GET IT, PLS STOP MENTIONING IT. Everytime MC completed a card room, it would say “MC... more>> is really good at escape rooms that’s why he completed it”. It had me thinking, AUTHOR!! ITS OKAY FOR MC TO BE SMART, U DON’T NEED TO FIND A REASON EVERYTIME HE DOES SOMETHING COOL, and also how tf is BEING GOOD AT ESCAPE ROOMS supposed to help u uncover A f*ckING mu*der😃. (maybe i’m overreacting.)

Another thing I disliked was how CALM and RELAXED the MC was after:




Plus more, but his character is so unrealistic/stereotypical “cool, calm and collected guy” even tho a bunch of weird ass sh*t has just happened to him. like u just found out you died, ur friend (ml) died, and ur both being forced into deadly games. Bro acted like he was taking his daily walk lol💀

I might pick this back up later, but after seeing many bad reviews, disliking some of the characters, and the writing being kinda boring so far.... we will have to see👍 <<less
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just_iffy__ rated it
January 18, 2023
Status: c1
An absolutely amazing novel. The plot line is completely different from the rest. It will make you wonder about the so-called 'after life'. It will constantly test your own survival instincts while reading it. Every step the team takes will keep you in suspense, make your heart beat faster, and the gears of your mind will run to its maximum speed.

The struggle of this group of people to survive in the Card World is worthy of admiration. It will test their will power, their team spirit, their trust in each... more>> other, their team cooperation, etc. It contains almost all the genres. After the end, the extras are too cute and lovely.

The time spent reading it is absolutely worth it! <<less
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joey88 rated it
January 15, 2023
Status: --
This was extremely good! Love the characters - there are strong and smart female characters. I felt pity for the different teams and characters that lost the games and can't return to their real world. I do have some unanswered questions about the origins or how the Card game came to be. Wished if there is a sequel.
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ZeyFletcher rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: c473
Pausing cause I want to read something more romance focus BUT I would definitely come back for this.

... more>>

i honestly dont have much to say. Its so good, the plot of each card room is not repetitive, actually their cards are not THAT op, esp with the side characters. Xiao lou can just think of even more usage for those cards (ex. Hairdryer card, old ko's cards)

the romance between xiaou lou and yu hanjiang is really cute but also hot. Idk who complained about YHJ suddenly being possessive but they're partners, in life and death actually, it's normal to be possessive with a good teammate. + They arent op cause xiao lou is not really skilled in fighting. I think they could have used shao qinqges card about the duplication more often, they are honestly rich and they have such a card, (i havent finished yet so idk if those money would be put to use in the future)

Side couple with yeqi is sorry but not something 'that' needed? Their age is a bit weird and I think ye qi would be better with someone else, qingge too, not as perfect as yu hanjiang and xiao lou so it felt weird to have them when we already have those two. It's alright to have them as comedic relief but they didnt have to actually be a couple to be a comedic relief. But well, life and death situations probably pushed that relationship esp during bug thing.

old mo and long qu couple arent that op but they have their own specific purposes so they are a logical and good addition to the team. Liu qiao was a catch and was a really helpful and good addition. Lu jiuchuan was skillful, I dont have much to say cause I havent finished it yet, he hasnt been that helpful with his cards thO. Tang ci was definitely helpful with his drones, im so happy he got his legs back. Chu huaying is a monster all by herself, her cards are def good for her and the team. Old gu was also op with his brush and diff cards. Idk why these 4 doesnt use as much cards as the og team but ill just assume its cause they didnt complete the levels with S rating. Its also reasonable that they arent as helpful in thinking cause theyre probably the brawns on their previous group since they survived the j level club vs hunters.
additional comments to be added after finishing

last part I paused is k level 4-in-1 room, they started in a graveyard with bones climbing from grave and going after them and it was dark, xiaou lou used lantern tree to serve as guide. They discovered a town and are going to explore it.

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kim dokja fan
kim dokja fan rated it
May 24, 2022
Status: Completed
i cant delete my review so ill just sum up what I want to say

1. Romance part was lacking. It was super slowburn but that was acceptable but even after they got tgt there wasnt much romantic interaction. But I do like the main couple yeah. I really wish there were more extras and ... more>>

wish we cld see more of their sweet domestic life!

really really want more content of them : (

2. Too much r*pe. 3 secret rooms had r*pe plot (minor side characters). Though its a very small thing like very very very small part of the plot but I just didnt like how it happened more than once

3. The plot is okay and plot twists are good. I was afraid that the plot wld be too repetitive since near 600 chaps and so many secret rooms and only 4 types of rooms. But the variety in rooms like doomsday, the clones one etc yea it was kinda fun to read but not the bestttt I guess but yea pretty good. Sometimes still a bit too long and windy though (especially clones one)

4. Abt side cps


I LOVE WINE AND SUGAR SIDE CP!!! Shao ye just wasnt it for me (as much as I liked them in doomsday secret room, they dtill give off a weird vibe to me. They love each other very much which is sweet and I can see that, which improved my impression of them, but theyre still weird to me) but wine n sugar is just chef's kiss omg thankful for the extras of them


overall the novel was decent. Good but not GOOOOD so not a 5star for me haha (edit after reading card room I still think abt it a lot. I think I actually liked it a lot. So bump up to 5 stars)

also want to address one thing abt people saying the main cp r acting too shy in their rlship for their age or smth but dont forget that its literally both of their first rlships. I think its pretty reasonable. Also abt xiao lou personality change, I personally think its normal/okay for him to be shy in front of ml. Its not like he had a drastic change or anyt, hes still cool n all in front of teammates <<less
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lovecherrymotion rated it
May 9, 2022
Status: c380
(i haven't finished yet, but there's some things I want to write about:)

It's good! The instances for the most part are entertaining, and the MC and ML have an interesting dynamic. Something I enjoy is that their team is relatively well balanced compared to those in other infinite flow novels; meaning it's not just the MC and ML carrying a bunch of dead weights through every instance.

Also the relationship between the MC and ML is very sweet. Thoguh, it's very slow burn:

... more>>

they kiss for the first time and confess in chapter 368. I haven't read much after that, but it's essentially buisness as usual, and their interactions are the same as pre-confession. I'm sure there'll be even more fluff and dog food later on.


So it's definitely a more plot focused novel which is good since the plot is interesting. Also, even though it's plot focused, there's pleeeeeenty of cute interactions between the MC and ML.

Though it's definitely not perfect. Some of the plot arcs, to say the least, are kind of terrible. And literally the second plot arc, Financial Crisis, is horrible. It just shows the author has myopic views on the world and seems to be kind of clueless that poverty and homelessness is a thing. If you read reviews, you'll see a lot complaining about this arc, and rightfully so. (ALSOOO @ people defending the author, if they wanted the point of this arc to the difficulty of surviving a crisis in the city, they literally could of made it a natural disaster or something. or even an alien invasion. that would've been so much better. not have the main focus be the MC and ML buying a bunch of food, with only a few prisoners showing up to kill people literally at the last minute).

In my opnion, don't drop the novel based on this arc. give the novel a chance. Though, I think this arc (and others) showcases the authors world view, which is present throughout the entire story. I'm still able to enjoy the story despite these problematic elements, but I total understand that not everyone will be able to. Every time the characters reference to the financial crisis arc again, I cringe.

ALSO, the ML is a cop, , , , so expect a bunch of pro-cop nonsense. As someone who is against the institution of police, I try and kinda ignore this. But I roll my eyes whenever the story says some nonsense like "he's a police office, doing good! like all police do!"

Oh there's also a bunch of pro-capitalist stuff too??? which is weird, I'm used to C-novels having marxist quotes. One of the people on the team is a CEO of a company. And it talks about how he started the business "by himself".... even though he's from a wealthy, influential family lmao.

Additionally, I swear that every hearts room (which are mu*der mystery detective style rooms) involves intereogating subjects about when they went to the bathroom. I sweat, each of these mu*ders, the evidence of WHO the killer relies on asking suspects when they went to the bathroom... Yes idk what to say either, It's plain ridiculous.

ALSOO, there have been too many fake su*cides in these rooms (meaning the mu*derer killed the victim by making the death look like a su*cide). It sits wrong with me that one of the NPCs will be dead, and it'll look like su*cide, and MC and ML go "hm well this person had a pretty good life, there's no reason for them to commit su*cide, it MUST be mu*der". this is problematic, someone can be suicidal and have an objectively "good" life. Additionally, people in their life may not be aware they're suicidal. Having messages like this is dangerous, and can lead to people irl ignoring symptoms of depression of suicidality in people in their life.

Honestly it's also lazy writing that so many of the hearts rooms have a fake su*cide.

Overall, despite problematic elements, I recommend it! It's a good infinite flow. Definitely not the best, but still enjoyrable. <<less
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Azul_UwU_ rated it
November 23, 2021
Status: c7
Didn't like it.
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Yumy rated it
June 1, 2021
Status: Completed
I just love this novel! Reminds me a bit of The Earth is Online? Both have several similarities to each other, so if you like EO, you will probably like this novel too.

The story and the system are very good and complete, the mysteries in A of hearts are often cases about mu*ders and crimes. These kind of mysteries are a bit difficult for me to understand, because I'm not that used to reading them, and the MC's reasoning is too quick for me to follow. But if you like... more>> it, I recommend you give it a try.

At first, I don't know why, but I thought it would be a horror story. But that was not the case, of course some moments are naturally tense, but not scary or anything, in fact the story has many puzzles, mazes, fights with "powers" and even some card games. The riddles and puzzles are creative and quite difficult to answer, in my opinion. Your answers are also quite logical and are always said in an obvious way at the end.

The characters in this story are interesting and it's cool to see how the cards and abilities are suited to each one (especially Shao Lou's lol). And about romance, the development between MC and ML is a little slow but not boring. You can clearly see that the feeling between them changes over time and they get closer and closer. It's a good novel.

And of course I have to say don't worry about the translation, it's just perfect. <<less
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Eehh rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: c406
Ok kinda late but still gonna do it. I love love love love this novel besides Legendary Master's wife and Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife, this is the third novel I've mtled for more than 250 chapters and thats something coming from someone who loses interest in finishing a novel when its mtl. I stopped at around 400+ chapters because 1.) its still ongoing when I was reading it and I wanted to stack it up although there are like. 90+ chapters available already 2.) I have classes and lessons that... more>> I really need to focus on, yep it is that intruiging and really captures your mind and makes you really think about the puzzles and scenarios and what would happen and why

especially who are the people behind the hunters and how did they (the protagonists) entered this very utopia like alternate universe and basically the overarching mystery and plot, and like why did that person helped them one time when they met again they were on different sides and were enemies or were the person who helped were actually twins and stuff like that


And the love story is also so so good, its slowburn but there is that sweetness that you just cant resist. And I also love the fact that every members of their team actually shine through and the cards bro the cards


can range from super legendary like to downright basically household necessities, I remember that arc where they need to survive at sea for seven days and they actually realized that there such cards and its actually quite necessary in some cases like that porta potty card or even the detergent card lmao


anyways i'll leave my review at this point and continue to read the novel while online classes still haven't started cause I wont be able to enjoy this next week T-T. <<less
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Blackflames123 rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: Completed
If u like more mature settings in novels then u will probably enjoy the beauty of this novel to it's full potentials. The descriptions and the details in this novel are so good. It wasnt boring at all to me. For me I liked how they explained the thought process, it was honestly nice. But then again everyone has different tastes and u may find it boring. Mu*der mysteries and survival is included in this novel.

Also the games are intense with each character acting on their own strategies, sometimes with... more>> each other, and sometimes against each other. That was another thing I liked.

Anyway if u dont like it then just move on cause, this novel is good and I hope there is a manga or anime for this <<less
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bababooboo rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: Completed
This was so great. Plot, execution and romance were all top-tier. Especially romance. I have nothing to say other than that this is highly recommended. I got everything I wanted and more from this and am not disappointed in the slightest.
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htaotao rated it
November 11, 2020
Status: Completed
Love this novel!!! The MC and ML are super cute together. They both are able to work super well together and highlight each other strengths. MC is a cinnamon roll, and the mother hen of the group. Also love all the side characters and how they all work together. All the mysteries are pretty interesting and gripping. The ending went by a little fast and wish there was a little more build-up/explanations for things. But overall it was a great read and one of my favorites!
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qpzmal rated it
October 28, 2020
Status: c329
For readers who liked: The Earth is Online, Supernatural Movie Actor App, Global University Entrance Examination, and I Wasn't Born Lucky. The same basic premise, either they die and try to get their life back, are forcefully brought in through a game, have a ranking system, survival games, etc.

There were a few of 1 star reviews, but I can see where they're coming from. Feel free to skip past any arc that seems boring. But you will miss a bunch of fluff. I'm not into schemes and analyzing as much... more>> as I am into brute force and violence so I tended to skim through a bunch of the hearts arcs and the 4 in one arc.


But don't skip Beacon of Troubled Times. The MC had to roleplay as the ML's wife.


I'm surprised I haven't dropped this like I usually do with other novels, considering it is 500 chapters long (I can't read cultivation novels), but the plot so far is amazing, as well as everything else. But when they started holding hands, I was screaming so much. They are the cutest and so far most innocent couple I've ever read about. This is one of those well written survival games with an actually detailed background. All the side characters are adorable and I kind of root for the side CPs more than the main. Especially Shao Qingge and Ye Qi. I love the main couple's interactions still. Basically they're just probing each other out. A typical "So what do you think of gay bois?" kind of approach. And it's pretty hilarious since everyone else in their team knows they got a thing going. A solid 5 so far. <<less
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
June 20, 2020
Status: c187
This is an extraordinarily well-written novel series focused on mu*der mysteries and survival. Even if you don't like BL, this is still a series worth trying out. The mysteries are complicated and engaging, leaving no stone unturned. If a detail appears in a mystery plot, then it is somehow important to the plot, even if it looks like minor background information at first.

The survival games are intense with each character acting on their own strategies--sometimes with each other, and sometimes against each other.

So far, the puzzle rooms have been a... more>> break, but they should become much more dangerous in upcoming chapters.

Like in a game, the first challenges are easier and help the players understand the rules and gameplay while the readers can come to understand the characters. Over time, more characters are introduced, and the plot becomes more complicated and dangerous. Teamwork becomes incredibly important. The characters stick with their moral values instead of degenerating like many protagonists in Chinese novels do. Each character has her or his own part to play and actions to take. Each of them have their own depths and motivation. Instead of confusing the readers by focusing on all members of the team at once, the most important ones or most active ones are focused on more than the others.

The MC is master of forensics and has excellent EQ but minimal athletic skill and combat ability. He loves to do puzzles in is fair time. The ML is an detective with excellent combat abilities and experience in solving mu*der cases, but he is weak with puzzles and is scared of math. He is intimidating and has a hard time getting close to people. These two characters balance each other out and match up each others flaws. When put together, they can be considered OP. When apart, they are capable but not overwhelmingly so. The other characters have their own personalities and motivations and work together, too. So far, the first five team members have been fleshed out the most, but there are plenty of chapters in the future to fill in other characters and develop them more as well. There are strong and capable female members who have no interest in fighting with jealousy, unlike many Chinese BLs.

The series description is a little misleading. The MC draws character cards every time he can draw special cards, but each of the other characters draw cards specific to their own backgrounds and history, too.

For example, one always draws fairy tale cards because her older sister used to read fairy tales to her every night when she was a child. Another goes to a music school, and he draws magical instruments. One draws sports equipment, and another draws designing materials, which may be one of the most useful types of draws yet.

Each of these cards can be used creatively to great effect. The MC and ML would not have progressed this far relying on their abilities and card draws on their own, and their team members' skills have been crucial to their survival.

The setting is established well and incorporates imagery. The setting background is complicated and interlinked as well.

I strongly recommend this series to any reader interested in a mystery/survival/action series that focuses on maintaining morals and teamwork for survival. If you want to exercise your brain, then give this a shot! <<less
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