Busy Farming in The Last Days


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Ji Cha was fortunate enough to return to two months before the end of the world.

There was only one thought burning in the mind of Ji Cha, who was hungry and afraid, farming, farming, farming!!! Plant a handful of greens first, then peanuts, peppers, and in autumn, we can harvest… eh? A boyfriend?

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Related Series
The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse (3)
My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse (2)
The Rebirth of the Last Days and Return to [Fang] Hao (2)
End of the Era (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. My Cup of Tea~
  2. Apocalypse
  3. Next Reading List 7
  4. Soulrivers Farming
  5. Apocalypse, Military, Futuristic, Sci-fi

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26 Reviews sorted by

Bmw_fic rated it
April 28, 2024
Status: --
Though confused by the random paragraphs of utter despair and the suffering of human depravity in the midst of a very, very lightly handled apocalypse tale it was not a bad read for an apocalypse webnovel.

I particularly liked the way the author handled the absolute confusion of the events where many other webnovels are already lock and loaded from the start.

The ML is really, really intense in a way that seems disproportionate to the tale - but maybe he’s just an intense guy? It did serve them well end of... more>> novel.

On contemplation, I think the author just didn’t want to commit to the darkness. Which made it feel uneven.

I had to shut one eye when they created a sustainable ecosystem for 10k people in 6 mos, but the utilization of generational knowledge (rural farming community) was nice.

Many of the female characters were very awesome (esp the power user).

The translation was quite good. <<less
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Crayonchii rated it
May 31, 2023
Status: Completed
Good writing in the beginning although full of loophole, it seems like author didn't do full research on farming n animal breeding time, but it's still acceptable. However later on half the story is just like reading summary report of the base developments. No action, no dialogue, no romance. Bcome extremely boring. Ending seems rush too.
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AdalSaira rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: c26
It's still too early, I know. But I just too bored to continue to read.

At first I read this to counter review others who give this 1 star. But...

... more>>

Ji Cha know sound can attract zombie and it's written on the scene where he pick up Wang in airport. I don't know about the duck and pig making sound scene cause I am not that far yet but I just want to say Ji Cha know the apocalypse common sense.

Ji Cha, once, has monologue about "he is not a protagonist with those golden finger or space power so he can only bring things little by little". So may I conclude that he is not entirely not know the existence of superpower cause he even know "advanced zombie". Maybe the superpower is like Liang, something like body upgrade, enhanced physically, or not so obvious flashy superpower like ice and fire and so on. I think it's not impossible he didn't know there was superpower.


Okay, yeah, that's all I got.

I want to give this more star but this really mediocre. The narrative is not even as exciting as Luo Xun has altho the premise is similar.

While in Luo Xun story, the romance is really small, so small that I can only carefully chewed on it. In here, I like ML's monologue. So pe*vert, lmao.


And he wear Ji Cha's underwear after stealing it. Like, how shamelessly pe*vert can you be??



You know I don't say this is bad, but I just tired of the too many narrative at the beginning and abstain this in my bookmark to find my mood to read this again.

I mean, after reading suspense dramatic horor gore genre novel you need something dull like this right 👍 <<less
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March 20, 2024
Status: --
Its really slice of life... building farms and base etc. Nice to read if you are looking for a laidback novel about farming in the apocalypse without too much action. Side characters are not developed well as the story focuses on the main characters but I don't have a problem with that. Read the whole book in 2 days and enjoyed it.
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amikyun rated it
December 16, 2023
Status: Completed
4.0 well deserved, you can consider it a peaceful apocalypse era, there's no significant up and down, it had conflict but it fast resolved and all smooth.. For me when I read this.. I can't bring myself into it, for me our MC and ML hmm a bit 2d, although the essential component of sweet spicy romance is there I feel like every part of this novel is cover with barrier that can'r make us (reader) excited, although I say this.. I still finished 108 ch.. Isn't it weird? Their... more>> focus is indeed.. ''Busy farming then suddenly romance'' lmao.. <<less
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puregarnet rated it
December 13, 2022
Status: Completed
3.33 Stars


I finally finished a web novel after a long while! I've been in a slump the past couple of weeks and kept dropping so many web novels but I bit the bullet and read one with my favourite tropes even though this has only 31 chapters translated. Luckily, the MTL is pretty readable, better than some bad translations like Tea Novel. That one, I could barely understand 40-50% of it and it was so frustrating to read that I pity my younger, less knowledgeable self. Anyhoo, this is an... more>> apocalyptic reborn novel where the main plot is infrastructuring and setting up the world again after the apocalypse happens. I love this type of stories because I love the hoarding and doomsday preparation for the end times type of work, the more detail with gradual progression the better XD.

Writing/Translation: 3.6/5

The translation I read is from Hololo for 31 chapters. The translation is good. Some minor imperfections but quite good. The rest, until chapter 108, I read from the readwn website which I believe is MTL because there aren't any other English translators and the current translator hasn't updated since Jul 2022. So needs must. The MTL is quite readable. I would say compared to Hololo Novels translations, the MTL is minus 0.7 stars. A few characters' names are frequently misspelled, particularly our MC. His name, Ji Cha, gets translated as season tea around 80% of the time. I believe it's because "cha" means tea in Chinese. Also, some of the detail in the infrastructure stuff got a bit lost but it didn't really affect my enjoyment much because I got the gist well enough and these are some of my most favourite tropes so just because there is so much of it anyway, what got lost can be mostly ignored by myself. I will say that I am glad I read the translated parts first so I could know all the characters, names and other details properly first before I got thrown into MTL land and could better guess what it was trying to say.

Pacing: 3.5/5

The pacing is fine for the most part, but as the scale increased, the intimacy of hands-on farming and working for only a few people compared to setting up and opening larger farms, well, the latter part was slightly less detailed because all of that was already shown with the smaller factory farming. The final chapter sums 7+ years of progress in one fell swoop.

Plot: 3.3/5

It did fairly well as an infrastructure novel. There was a lot of detail in the setup that the MC did and I love learning things from novels so that was good. However, other than infrastructure, I feel like lots of small things in the plot that felt like they would be important later on, were never touched on until the end. For example, the MC's and the grandmother's house, the MC didn't do anything with them after the apocalypse started even though it was implied that the real estate would belong to the locals. Next are the ML's family and friends. It feels way too heartless for the ML to have zero reaction to their existence after he joined up with the MC at the factory and after he got all the power needed to try and locate them. He has that little sister and that golden-haired friend who kept teasing him that he seems to have good relationships with at the beginning. But no mention of them at all. I thought there would be some drama with the father later on but nothing. Also, I thought the classmate who helped and directed the renovation of the factory was gonna join the MC as planned by the MC from the start? But it seems there was no mention of him after that. I don't know if I just missed what happened to the guy after the renovation was completed. Overall, I liked the infrastructure part a lot but everything else has a lot of room for improvement. It didn't detract from the infrastructure part though which, good enough haha

Romance: 3/5

The romance is just meh. The two characters have personalities, are proactive in doing their own things and feel distinct. But their romance is just simple and did not draw me in in any manner except maybe a bit at the beginning when the ML was trying hard lol. After they got together, there was no more chemistry or tension and I skipped all the s*x scenes because they are cringey. Anyway, I don't think romance is the main focus.

Setting/Worldbuilding: 3/5

The setting is average. There wasn't much detail about the world, the zombies or what not. The only thing with detail is the setting up of the infrastructure part.

Characters: 3/5

The main characters are okay. I like the MC because he's pretty likeable, kind and hardworking. The ML is a typical ML for me so I don't have much feelings for him. The other side characters kinda dropped off when the scale got bigger. The villains got refreshingly annoying but got rather casually dealt with lol.

Personal Enjoyment: 3.9/5

I really liked the infrastructure part because I haven't read much of it haha. I love poor to rich and societal development or clan and kingdom building tropes so this was nice. It kept me going until the very end. I only wish it was longer with better everything else lolol.

My Created Lists (I include my rating and review in the list itself XD)

  • All Novels I've Read Sorted By Rating - Where I ranked every single novel I read on novelupdates.
  • Romance where I really feel it! - Stories where the romance made me invested.
  • Heartwarming or Feel Good or Wholesome Stories I Liked - As stated haha
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