End of the Era


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A group of tomb raiders accidentally opened Pandora’s Box and strange energy instantly flooded the entire Earth, causing mutations in plants, animals, and humans. Countless people died and they then turned into living dead…

Xu Song felt that before leaving, he should have checked the almanac. First, he narrowly escaped being silenced by the tomb raiders, and after escaping, he encountered an attack from a “resurrected” ancient corpse. It wasn’t until he unintentionally emitted a small fireball that he felt his luck had barely turned.

Then, Xu Song together with Yue Zheng, who finally managed to escape from the tomb at the top of the mountain, were dumbfounded. What’s with these eggplants taller than children and cucumbers thicker than small trees?!

A journey of two straight men bending each other in the post-apocalyptic world.
Also, this is not a typical zombie story. The ‘zombies/living corpses’ mentioned in this text have completely different origins from zombies, and there will be an explanation later in the text.

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. My List [BL] PART 2
  2. Guideverse
  3. BL Zombies
  5. Reading

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03/03/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c200
03/02/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c199
03/02/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c198
03/01/24 Chrysanthemum Garden c197
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15 Reviews sorted by

oLiveUzer rated it
June 11, 2023
Status: --
Translator here.

I love the other novels of this author, and that is the reason why I decided to translate an older novel of his.

As one of the author's first novels, although not as good as the novels he wrote later, it is still one of my favorites. I love the main characters, the story, and the pets they gain later on.

(⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)
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Wintercreeper rated it
June 14, 2023
Status: c50
The quality has significant drops after the initial chapters.

While the background is interesting, the rest is cliché and the characterisation very poor.

None of the characters shows believable behaviour, they joke and goof around while surrounded by death and danger, they have flat (or no) reaction to gruesome mutilation and the death of loved ones.

... more>> They are ordinary people, not war-hardened soldiers or anything else that would make it believable.

Especially MC, who's a college student, acts like he grew up in a war zone and is used to people dying left and right while he himself admits that he's a sheltered kid.

Plot points are forgotten after a couple of chapters, things that were set up as important suddenly no longer seem to play an actual role.

The story changes focus every few chapters, adds new things without rhyme or reason and drops others without further comment.

Romance is shallow and the development not believable, it's based on how someone who never had to face danger imagines for people to fall in love in such a situation.

I could go on but it's already enough to see where this is going.

The writer had a nice idea, obviously made no outline or plan, and simply doesn't have the means to pull it off.

If you read other novels from this writer then you know what I mean, they all seem to have the same problems and characters that she just re-skins for the next.

If you like Hollywood movies with apocalyptic themes, then this novel might be your thing, it's very American blockbuster like.


Including a mad scientist, cute but mysterious twins, a ragtag group of overpowered people, MCs that are overly special, hidden operations and escaped experimental subjects.

Yes, sounds like a hotpot of horror movies from the 90s and has the same quality.


If you are into proper apocalyptic books, then you might want to look for something else. <<less
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IsaacaHawke rated it
June 3, 2024
Status: Completed
I've been trying so hard to like this one. I generally like the apocalypse, slightly slice of life, upgradation, romance & kids type novels but I can't stop feeling a lot of discomfort at how MC is written. I stopped reading for months because it was irritating me but then decided to give it a go again now. I've reached the end & how everyone treats MC is just got worse & worse. No one listens to what he says, his own mother is like my son is now my... more>> daughter, the two boys they literally rescued & adopted call him mom no matter how many times he says don't do that - it's always excused with they're just mischievous. The man he loves feminises him, all my wife kind of stuff. Why is he automatically the bottom because he's smaller and pretty? Like, it's different if he wants that but he just gets used to it because ML just does s*x better & he's mostly mild tempered. Okay, he does say he enjoys it later but then why write all the scenes like he says no, he couldn't get out of bed for days, that beast? Where's the enjoyment? Also, in bed for days in the apocalypse? Even when he's supposed to go outside because dangers outside? MC has some pretty powerful capabilities but it's generally never taken very seriously (like one of the only 2 tier 4 superpowers? Fire & mental manipulation?) it just grates on my nerves how much of his wishes, his voice seems to be suppressed. Also, ML being literally like s*x him up & he won't complain much about something he was big mad about. It works too? Like ML deserved that scolding because he went behind MC's back to do dangerous stuff that MC had explicitly told him not to? Like yeah, I get it, they love each other but at some point you do realise that MC is barely an adult & ML is a full grown adult plus MC had crushed hard & finally gotten him so he does find it hard to push very hard. Can love without much respect really last long? I find it hard to see it as romantic. Oh & let's not forget all the blatant sexism & misogyny. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I honestly can't enjoy it with the ick taste in my mouth.

I honestly wanted to drop it by c137 itself but somehow forced myself to reach the end. Shouldn't have bothered, didn't get better <<less
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Rurella rated it
April 27, 2024
Status: --
It begins very well, with everyone learning and adapting to a world that's turned extremely dangerous and monstrous.

But it feels like author keeps losing their plot.

Originally, it was about these black mists/evil spirits possessing human corpses to return to life. But then author got bored and you know what mutated animals and plants are far more fascinating and everyone entirely forgot about that entire thread of events after a while.

Base S ... more>>

is supposed to have all these anti-ability user scientists who are conducting human experiments, causing a rift and then rebellion from the ability users. An actual plotline. But hey, author changed their mind about following that thread cuz MC's team left and went elsewhere. Oh well, guess we just handwave that the entire base got destroyed by mutant fish.


Base B

is praised to be much more managed and has equality between ability havers and non-ability people, but literally ability people are treated as powerless mercenary outsiders and only MC's group got any kind of recognition and even conversation with the higher ups.

In the beginning of the apocalypse, it made sense that social structure hasn't collapsed and useless people could still take advantage of nepotism to live well. However how the hell are they still uncontrollable and abusing military power and wasting weapons to coerce and steal from the civilians and ability users in the base after the entire base was literally carpet bombed and destroyed by mutant birds?

You mean to tell me that people wouldn't rebel when they're already desperate and then other humans dressed in military gear also try to harm them?

And the "good" management just allows that? Why??? It's not even the actual leader's personal family or favoritism. It's literally some secretary errand boy he threatened to fire multiple times. But doesn't. And nothing changed even after the threat.


They need all earth ability users to help build facilities and buildings for base expansion and recovery. Ok sure.

But that means the entire military who was patrolling and maintaining order day-to-day in the existing base disappears??? Wtf are normie humans with guns going to do walking around with the earth ability construction crew? And if the military are so few in numbers, it goes back to my point of why aren't there more rebels?


Oh but wait we still have the MC team. But actually no we don't, because they don't give a flying f*ck about humanity. Because they're simultaneously too sanctimonious and too selfish to give a damn about lowly lives of anyone else.

They talk mad sh*t about needing to raise the 2 kids in their team to have morals, but hey if the 2 kids mu*ders 2 women in cold blood a few chapters later, it's fine. No lecture, no talk, just let them do it. If we see a woman getting gangr*ped in the streets, whatever, that's just the cycle of life. She's a loser for getting caught. Even mu*der? Easy to do and no moral quandries whatsoever (unless it's the nepobabies cuz they still gotta be patriotic and keep peace between them so they can keep using the base as a tradestop).


There's also an extreme amount of sexism and unnecessary amount of feminizing MC for being the bottom.

The list goes on because there actually isn't a single plotline or "decision" that doesn't instantly get overturned and lost or become hypocritical within a few chapters. Anyways, started strong, got ridiculously overdone for no reason, story has no actual concept of how society works and only knows how to push push push on apocalypse doom and gloom and have cartoon dimension villains that doesn't even do anything interesting with their villainy.

Eventually it isn't even about the apocalypse anymore, but MC's crew's extremely detached and selfish pastoral slice-of-life where they have fun while complaining about other people not being as "good" as them in every way.

What a letdown. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
March 16, 2024
Status: c132
This novel's author presents a very chilling worldview:

Apparently, the basis of humanity is lazy, malicious, loves taking small advantages, faking desperation, backstabbing, and exploiting others when things go badly.

Only the main characters, or the rich/powerful (in the apocalypse, that's literally who they are, the rich/powerful/privileged), exhibit any positive traits, and even they lack any basic empathy for humanity.

Skewed worldview aside, the author isn't very good at crafting a story in general. The main characters hardly go through any challenges. They conveniently get everything handed to their lap...

... more>>

conveniently, just when they lost their truck, they obtained a tree pet who could change sizes, grow super large or super tiny and store a ton of stuff in its trunk, and the "normal" stuff in its tree trunk don't come tumbling out, the get resized with the tree.


Just when they were injured


they learn the tree pet has healing powers


And just when they were short on water


the tree could filter water and let them drink it


Just when mutant plants and animals were starting to become a problem, they conveniently...


discover two 6 year old kids who could control plants and animals as the adults in their OG team (who were also conveniently bad people) immediately died within like 3 paragraphs of meeting them, and then the 2 kids only wanted to follow the MC/ML. And apparently the 6 year olds were super good at keeping secrets and knowing exactly what to say at the right time.


Just when they were short on oil/gas


the plant-growing kid could literally make 60 gallons of oil from ONE oil fruit


Just when winter arrived and they were short on electricity cause solar panels don't work as well in winter


MC's mom touched a dangerous electricity sac and got the electricity ability when every single other person in the entire country exploded or died from doing the same thing


The list goes on.

Now let's talk about the twisted writing:


the 6 year old kids mu*der 2 women who were written by the author as "oppressed/forced" to serve another team. And the ML literally just "smirked" as he looked at their dead bodies.

The only reason those women had been tied up and suffocated were because the kids wanted to show off and called them "thieves" for taking a small bag of quote "sanitary napkins and clothing" from THEIR OWN RV.

And then the MC/ML, (apparently guilt-free now?) because everyone on the team were killed by them. Also, by the way, the scene of those women dying, literally did not need to be written. The author could have let them run away to die by themselves in the wilderness without the MC/ML or 6-year old kids stopping them and they WOULD HAVE GOTTEN THE RV ANYWAY?

instead, there was this whole unnecessary scene of 6 year old child using their abilities to "catch" grown people, treating them like livestock, then shrugging when they died. It was cruel, cold, and chilling.


There are more that follows. Small side-notes of the author randomly throwing distorted views like:


every person or team they met on the road wanted to rob them. As they got closer to the city, the only "reason" they didn't get robbed was because the "city" would punish teams that robbed people.

During winter, out of desperation, some people started breaking into stores and looting things. In one paragraph, the author wrote that the winter was harsh and people were starving, which caused desperate. Next paragraph, nah, people didn't need to rob, all those robbers were malicious fakers who could eat if they wanted to or "worked hard."

Why did the author do a 180? Cause they wrote the main characters using their abilities to frighten the masses. And then the author had to backtrack quickly and somehow "whitewash" the main characters by talking about how all those people just "deserved" it.

Following chapter, MC gets ability to sense other people's emotions. Now author wrote themself a blanket clause to just villainize all poor people without thinking about the root cause: why were all the spoils/duck meat/insulation/cotton/good stuff only given to ONE district? Author literally name dropped district A as the beneficiary of anything good. And then follows up by calling literally everyone else poor, malicious, lazy, and unwilling to work hard to get to district A.


This novel is a Hunger Games in the making (lol). Or, just think of Midgard from FF7. Literally this city.

When ANY system supports or exacerbates inequality, you will have unrest when that inequality grows. Author clearly has zero understanding of how civilization, progress, and prosperity works.

If the core of humanity was as lazy, malicious, and mindless as the author suggested, we would literally have never developed from the stone age. Why, laws wouldn't even get invented, after all, the core of humanity is lazy, malicious, and mindless!

I would like to point out that this is hardly the first time I've seen apocalypse authors expose their strange and distorted world views in post-apoc genre, and most of the time it's like not that extreme, so in reading, I just gloss over and deal with it.

I found this particularly novel's transgressions particularly insane because,

This is the first time I've encountered an author this clueless or tone deaf to their own hypocritical and contradictory mindset, cheerfully disseminating twisted things in the story as if it were just and conscionable.


Translation was fine, but I would literally recommend every other apocalypse novel except this one.

The premise is really not that unusual. Sure, animals get abilities. But the story follows the standard trajectory of powering up from "crystal nucleus, " except they kill mutant animals instead of zombies. <<less
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neko143 rated it
November 26, 2023
Status: --
This apocalypse story has a powerful MC and ML, good fighting scenes, heart warming family moments, cute but powerful kids, cliche romance (doting gong, sweet shou), and powerful pets. There are typical power hungry villains but they fight mainly against mutant animals, plants and powerful zombies (that are not your typical zombies). All in all, very enjoyable read so far.
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Devrai rated it
March 14, 2024
Status: c203
Great story, good writing and translation. A bit weak ending.

Still a novel that kept me awake during night to"just read another chapter".

I do love apocalyptic and zombie novels, so this is right up my alley. At the beginning of this apocalyptic adventure it immediately started with zombies and plant/animal mutations. It didn't happen over time but basically in just a day.

I started this for the zombies but realized rather fast that they are just a small part of this story. The larger part is about the deadly environment due... more>> to plant and animal mutations.

MC and ML travel together to reach the capital. Which is rather hard to do in this new world. They encounter good and bad. On the way they adopt a little tree and later two children. From strangers to companions and family with all the necessary stuff like (moving) house, kids, dog... and a lot more.

I love the way this story is written. The passing is great and I never felt bored. There is a good mix between action and fun. The flow between MC and ML feels good and they communicate with each other.

Although I highly recommend reading this novel, there are also some things I dislike.

There are storylines left dangling. For example, the writer inserted "Plantpeople" but there was no conclusion in the end. It's never told why they came to the base or what they did there and what happened to them.

There are some inconsistent things and some stuff with logic holes. Like driving an huge RV with two fully stuffed shipping container through overgrown and destroyed cities...I highly doubt an RV has the needed power to tow them along, not to mention the viability of navigating that kind of mammoth while fleeing.

Well, while that annoyed me, I still had fun reading.

I was a bit disappointed in the ending. The pacing picked up extremely during the last 20 chapters and there came more and more unnecessary plot lines that went to nothing.

About the zombies and mutations... well it is kind of explained at the end....i just feel there are some links missing in that explanation.

Although I kept winning about this novel now, I still recommend it. I had fun reading it and couldn't stop reading at night. <<less
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Lulue79 rated it
March 10, 2024
Status: Completed
This is one of the best apocalyptic / post-apocalyptic novels I've read!

The characters (main, side and extras) are all very interesting and well characterized. The apocalyptic background is well constructed and remains coherent from begining to end, and there is a nice balance between plot/adventure and romance.
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glitteryjoon rated it
May 10, 2024
Status: --
I genuinely would like to know how tf we went from “zombies with a twist” to “cultivation novel in disguise!”

There was so many random points that haven’t been answered as well as so many loose ends left to hang simply because the author seems to have grown tired of writing it.

That rush explanation about the Black mist does nothing not does it explain wtf you’re meant to do about it. It in fact, leads to more questions, particularly, if it’s meant to be someone that was sealed away, then why... more>> the f*ck is the entire world thrown into chaos with black mists on the loose? One I can maybe understand as it would be the one sealed and would also have alluded back to the scene where the black mist was observing the “new world” and surprised by the changes. Instead, that whole scene was tr*shed completely and nothing aside from the memories were brought up again.

Sigh. <<less
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Bmw_fic rated it
May 2, 2024
Status: --
I like everything I’ve read by this author - all apocalyptic - but this definitely feels like an earlier work. I can see where the author went from cheese to hardcore apocalypse (in later works).

While original, the apocalyptic setting just didn’t quite gel (for me). The zombies completely disappeared very quickly and it became mostly environmental. Which is cool... if the author hadn’t offed 90% of the population. Where did they go?

I also questioned having ... more>>

built a ten story underground secret experimental facility in 6 months - particularly as it was the second location about a week after the first one blew up. Outside of manpower - no one noticed what must have been an enormous undertaking? With little to no electricity?


Didn’t mind the overpowered MC/ML, but their traveling zoo was a bit corny.

I gave it 5 stars for the translation (very good) and because I just like this author :) <<less
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AriaSoul16 rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: Completed
I think it is satisfactory. I love the family interactions. There are many funny moments.

The novel is concentrated on the protagonists. From the first chapter, you know who the MC and ML are. The romance is neither too fast or too slow. I think it is a very rational progress of their relationship. I just don't like the feminisation of XS. It is not that he became a woman but I think there was a bit of gender inequality and discrimination on the female role and the shou.

I wish there... more>> are extra chapters. The ending seems a bit rushed. I think the author could have expanded the story. <<less
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October 11, 2024
Status: --
read till c44

why does they need to concealed their power? What a purpose by doing that? Everyone exposed their power but both MC ML concealed it like their power most special. Their attitude is a sign of too much self-importance, they don't want people to depend on them and take advantage of them, but contrary to what I have observed, they are the ones who take advantage and are selfish. I almost lost interest in them. Too extreme, not much help. They have power, they should know what to do,... more>> if you see someone who is self-important, just ignore them, you don't need help anymore. But help people know how to appreciate, the weak, those who really need help. This is not the case, they only see and witness other people die just because they don't want to reveal their power, use other people, I hate people like this the most.



A cold heart author create a cold heart character. There is nothing wrong with donating a little food to people who really need it, for example ordinary people who work diligently are earning a living but don't have enough food, they can just hand out food. Can't MC read emotions? Can't you tell who is really starving and who is a liar? So what a purpose of that ability if just solely use for themselves only.

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tea me
tea me rated it
May 13, 2024
Status: c1
Such an enjoyable read!

As a long time reader on this site. This is my first ever review. It stood out from the usual apocalyptic novels out there. I won’t go into the specifics but it was very unique! If you’re looking for something fun to read, you should give it a go!
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Yunshengxun rated it
April 19, 2024
Status: Completed

It was a bit unique from the rest of the apocalypse stories. I really liked the interaction between the characters whether be it the main characters or the supporting characters. I really liked the mom. She was so supportive.

Can reread.
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maevalily rated it
March 9, 2024
Status: c203
If you liked the other novels from this author, you’ll most likely enjoy this one too! I like that the children are more present in this one but I preferred the overall story of some of her other works more

The translation is great too so it’s an enjoyable and easy read!
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