Brought My Wife Back from Another World


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This is the day-to-day life story of a knight who returned to his home in another world, and the salaryman who crossed over with him from modern-day Japan.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bringing My Wife Back from Another World
Related Series
Picked up a Strange Knight (Prequel)
Kiss the Black Cat (2)
Picked up a Strange Knight (2)
Moonlight on the Snowfield (1)
The Reader and Protagonist Definitely Have to Be in True Love (1)
Please Respect the Occupation ‘Evil Spirit’ (1)
Alsar (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Transmigration/isekai/whatever similar (BL)
  2. 50 Chapters or less - Multi Genres
  3. Not Fully Translated
  4. Good books I wanna read (part 1)
  5. Novels that I read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/30/22 DragonTea ss1 part1
09/18/20 DragonTea c9 part2
09/16/20 DragonTea c9 part1
09/03/20 DragonTea c8
09/03/20 DragonTea c7
09/03/20 DragonTea c6
07/25/20 DragonTea c5
06/23/19 Ars BL Translations c4
04/20/19 Ars BL Translations c3
04/12/19 Ars BL Translations c2
03/19/19 Ars BL Translations c1
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12 Reviews sorted by

Karry rated it
March 30, 2019
Status: Completed
I honestly love the prequel of this so much that I went ahead and mtl-ed this sequel and HECK! I LOVE IT!

It's nice to see Ilias's point-of-view in all of this as we did with Azusa in the first novel. The way Ilias just frets and worries for Azusa is just so heart warming I honestly just can't with it all. No regrets.
19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
KuroXNeko rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: c4
Came from the prequel and am going to love this sequel as much as I do for the prequel! For now, there are only a few chapters into the translations but I'm already loving this >w<

It's a good change of pace and view from Azusa to Ilias. Sweet and loving as ever~
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Luvd007 rated it
October 6, 2022
Status: Completed
2.5 stars

These short 10 chapters are basically a rehashing of the extra eps from 'Strange Knight'. Nothing new happens at all. Just a few added details. Thought wet were gonna see more of Illias' world, but nah. First 4 chapters are brilliantly TL'd. The others..... Good enough effort that you know what's going on. Having read prev novel helps as well.

As for the story. Sigh. For a society that is s'posed to treasure the sanctity of marriage, they sure are disrespectful to a man's wife. I'm not even referring to... more>> the attempted assault incident, cause there will always be a**holes in whatever world we end up in. I'm referring to the so called subordinates who constantly make le*d comments about their captain's wife! Their bits were more than a little annoying.

Would have appreciated more information with the different POV <<less
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Sunnybee rated it
March 27, 2024
Status: --
The first TL group was excellent and did a great job for the first four chapters but the second TL group is really scummy. The read links are full of pop ups and don't allow adblock plus half the chapters are only readable through an ancient discord link that isn't even accessible because when you copy and paste it scrambles the letters. The actual story is really sweet and would have gotten five stars but the 2nd TL group truly tr*shed it through and through.
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Michelle-08 rated it
July 1, 2022
Status: Completed
(♡´౪`♡) The sequel!

Read the Picked up a Strange Knight first to fully appreciate the second part.

The prequel and sequel is both fantastic! I like both worlds, and how they spent each other's company. I love their daily life and how the ML was very doting to MC. He's the sweetest.

A short fun read indeed!!
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Chipmunkch33k5 rated it
June 4, 2021
Status: c9 part2
The POV of Seme in this Sequel is awesome! (*˘▽˘*) From this angle you can see that they need work on their communication skills, especially when the uke who is so sensible is being stubbornly dense; I'm still not sure if he's doing it on purpose or not. There's also the issue of the MC being overthinker which is refreshing to find as a quality in a Seme so I'm happy for that as well.∪・ω・∪

Leaving my mark because I'm looking forward to the extras (つ˘◡˘) づ♥
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Animefan73 rated it
May 2, 2020
Status: --
It’s such a beautiful love story, you would have to read the first book Picked up a strange knight.

I actually prefer this book as it’s told from Ilias’s perspective and he is an incredibly sweet loving man.

I can’t wait for the translation to be completed
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Yumeru rated it
October 21, 2023
Status: Completed
giving this 5/5 cause I dunno what happened 1 put 4/5 stars on the prequel haha Sweet fluff story of their married life. Light read and chill
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Lazybean rated it
December 26, 2021
Status: c9
Well its a sequel of stories "picked up a strane knight"

Its MC now is the ML of that stories and it content explain more of everyday life from the begining the MC from the story before be bougt to another world.

Its fun to read
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remyrem rated it
October 28, 2021
Status: --
It's cute, but the narration is too wordy at times and the smut is too cute to be "hot". Keeping it at 5* though since I feel like the negatives might just be a personal interest thing.
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TrinRyuk rated it
May 14, 2021
Status: c9.2
I loved the prequel, and this sequel is fantastic as well! The characters are so cute, and I loved the unique storyline!
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Kayoto rated it
August 1, 2020
Status: c1
I'm enjoying reading this novel the characters are fun as you learn more about them
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