Kiss the Black Cat


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Nidel, who belonged to the Technological Magic Order that held low prestige became the bodyguard of a foreign prince behind the scenes. Left with no choice, he assumed the role of a bodyguard, turning into a black cat using the transformation magic he prided himself in, but the one who assumed the role as official bodyguard was the Royal Knight Legato. Nidel, who one-sidedly held feelings of affection towards Legato, thought of this circumstance to be interesting, butー

Associated Names
One entry per line
Kuroneko ni Kiss wo
Related Series
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The Zombie Emperor’s Domesticated Cat (1)
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  3. Novels that I gladly lost sleep to read
  4. Like enough to Read Again
  5. Japo1

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42 Reviews sorted by

Hasr11 rated it
December 25, 2018
Status: extra 2
Translator Here! I picked up this novel for translating, so it goes unsaid that I love it! I'll try to keep this review mostly spoiler-free...

TL;DR, If you want a novel with good chemistry between the Main characters, awesome smut (there's quite a bit), and a good plot, this is the novel for you.

Now onto the detailed review...

I know most of you guys out there avoid Japanese Yaoi novels in favour of danmei because of the lack of good stories in them. This isn't one of them. And that's what makes... more>> it so unique. The characters are well fleshed out, you feel for their struggles, and the romance isn't like '*bam* and they fall in love'. In fact more than the cats and the fluff, which is wonderful in its own right, it is the romance that makes this novel shine

Sure, the seme

isnt a virg*n

The uke is assertive, and though he might look a little delicate, he isn't girly at all. Both the seme an the uke have an understanding and healthy relationship.

Coming onto the supporting characters, they're the best ever! Especially in the part where

Legato admits they're a couple

. The Prime Minister and the King are one of the best wingmen I've seen. Although the kingdom doesn't recognise gays, the fact that nobody judges them is wonderful.

The story isn't all fluff though, there's a little angst in the latter half of the novel, but it gets pretty much resolved by the end. We get the seme's point of view in the novel too, which we don't often get in Japanese ones. And then there's the fact that this novel is HE.

Lemon Suzuki, the author, has written straight novels too, and I think this shows in her writing. There's a few cliches here and there, but they aren't overused. The novel is concise, and

the first bodyguard arc

is actually the longest one. This is my favourite BL novel and I'd totally recommend it to everyone! <<less
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btsdynamiteAUG21 rated it
September 9, 2020
Status: Completed
The amount of real innocent fluff this novel has! I really recommend this. The flow of the story is neither rushed nor prolonged. Every chapter had it's own sugary spice.

I really like the way that both of MC and ML started off their mutual good relationship (not yet sexually) and their hidden admiration for one another. I felt that they dont feel too 'lust' for each other from the start, but pure admiration and perfection. Then it soon developed into something physical. From then on, I honestly felt giddy and... more>> expectations for chapters to come.

To be honest,

the ML irked me with his "go with the flow" behavior in the start when he knew himself MC secretly liked him while continuously doing their rendesvous every night but still had the guts to "portray" that as a friend. I understand that he had his own vision of normal life before MC so it's okay, it kind of worked out in the end.


As for the MC, he is so sensible and cute. But not too cute to the point of ignorant. I felt hidden admiration for him despite his little stature and conflicting feelings for the ML. He was not greedy and knew their consequences, and that felt too heartwrecking....

In the end, they cleared their own feelings for each other and the views didmt matter anymore. :)


The 2 extras made it more wholesome yay <<less
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vasiliassy rated it
March 7, 2018
Status: c29
Its different from tipical character BL European kingdom that Japanse ppl normaly created.


seme is experience with many both girl and man partner and uke can tease seme like normally experience woman teasing, but uke never have realtionship before.


Yeah you see normaly seme and uke didn't have an experience in BL JP but this different and the s*x scene is good too.

Super funny, I can't stomach it after reading this gem novel. HE,


All ppl tease them so much lol and even support them (but the kingdom still didn't have gay rules)

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izayaYY rated it
June 29, 2019
Status: --
I have mixed feelings about this one. I love the fluff and the s*x but was annoyed by the indecisiveness from Legato. Annoying because it did not seem believable coming from a 27yr old, who had experienced homosexuality before and also been in love before... in view of this, his lack of self-awareness is kinda odd... how did he manage to grasp his feelings in his past relationships? His concerns about his career, nobility status and dreams of hetero marriage were coherent and plausible and logically contributed to his indecisiveness... more>> but once he does realise he was in love, all his other concerns just disappeared (?).

On the other hand, I expected all the angst to come from Nidel, who is experiencing love and homosexuality for the first time but Nidel was surprisingly more mature. This MC was really an excellent character, strong in spirit, skilled in his arts and courageous but a tad too self-sacrificing.

The fantasy world they evolve in seems very interesting but it was just a backdrop and not developed or detailed much. I wanted to learn more about their world, their lifestyle and also, going on exciting adventures with the 2 protags. <<less
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erikvio rated it
March 5, 2019
Status: c27
The natural progression of the relationship was among the most realistic I've read.

The novel seems to be segmented into two halves. The first portion is told exclusively from the point of view of Nidel, a low-key royal court magician who's managed to become the glorified PR representative of a reclusive magician branch. Gifted in animal transformation magic, circumstances force him to go undercover as a black cat, at which point he starts to acquaint himself with the ML Legato, a socially awkward Knight captain who keeps others at a distance.... more>> Given the sheer number of cat obsessed authors in the BL genre, the first half proceeds as standard fare if you've ever read literally any other cat transformation story, with lots and lots of petting. The leads get comfortable around one another, but the story's focus is given to introducing the world they live in.

One criticism I have of the novel is that not much came out of the worldbuilding it did. Tensions, dangers, factions, powers, and magitech were teased at or introduced, but no greater plot ever came up. It was reduced to the backdrop of the relationship drama, and after a certain point the entire kingdom started revolving around the relationship.

In my opinion, it hurt the realism of the relationship development, which was the primary strength of the second half. It's at this point that the novel really picks up. Actual interaction occurred between the two leads, and the point of view began alternating every chapter. Readers were provided with much needed context that is usually missing in other novels, and I'm glad for it. Both characters are incredibly relatable, with realistic insecurities about themselves and their relationship, despite the fantastical setting and the peanut gallery. It's the first time I've seen both leads examining their actions and feelings so thoroughly. They both have valid causes for concern, and it was new reading about them weighing these concerns over time, discussing some with each other, and even approaching trusted friends to confide in when they're too muddled to think clearly for themselves. They both go at their own pace, and they both remain fairly rational throughout. I was not expecting this level of thought and exploration going in.


The ending is a very romcom music swells and all is alright type of ending, which again veers away from the realism. You'll either love it or not.

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Aurinne rated it
May 24, 2019
Status: extra 1
Frankly, I was disappointed with how this developed. The first part was sweet and cute, if a bit simplistic in narrative. It was told solely from the MC's perspective and had a gentle feel as the two main characters gradually became closer.

The second part was told primarily from the ML's perpective and this is where the story seemed to do a 180. It was suddenly very adult, but no longer sweet. Honestly, I found myself disappointed in how the ML's naivety led to him acting like a jerk rather than... more>> sweetly, and I didn't enjoy the MC becoming so self-sacrificing. Although the ML finally sorted himself out, I'd stopped liking him by then because of how much he'd taken advantage of the MC. And it felt like there really wasn't much of the MC in this part apart from when having s*x. It could have been redeemed if the author hadn't chosen to show that the ML's feelings had finally caught up in the form of yet more s*x from the ML's point of view where, even if he was saying nice things, it still basically revolved around how amazing the MC was at making him feel good. I'd become very fond of the MC, so less s*x and more ML sincerity from the MC's perspective would've probably somewhat reconciled me.

In short, it felt like I read two different stories. Others liked the whole thing (which is cool), but I only enjoyed the first part - so, if you try this out, do be warned that it becomes less sweet in the second part. <<less
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thepinkfleurdelis rated it
November 16, 2018
Status: c10
I really like this novel. It goes against the cliche style of novel with characters who are three dimensional. I feel for the MC, and I am looking forward to his continued interactions with the ML. Although, he does seem to be a little oblivious, so that might be fun. Then again, only four chapters until the NSFW comes in... waiting!
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1Sami rated it
March 5, 2020
Status: c27.2
This was really good. It's a different style of writing than what I usually read but it didn't have any grammar mistakes and I could follow the plot well. The MC and ML were really cute together even though the ML was a jerk at first (which is why my rating is 4 stars) he did get better.
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BillionJellyfish rated it
March 20, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel reminds me of another bl novel called Spring Trees and Sunset Clouds. Both novels are the slice of life type of bl story, very mellow and relaxing to read.

Summary with SPOILERS:

The MC is a very lowkey magician who works in the palace and is in love with the Squad Commander of the Royal Knights (ML). When a foreign prince is in need of more guards for protection against assassins, the King appoints the MC as a behind-the-scene bodyguard while the ML is the official bodyguard. In order to... more>> stealthily guard the young foreign prince, the MC turns into a black cat to get close to the foreign prince. The ML doesn't know that the MC is also guarding the foreign prince at night and treats the black cat near the foreign prince as a normal cat. Because of this, the MC slowly gets close to the ML as a cat and together, they frolic around every night. After the foreign prince leaves and the truth of the black cat is out, the MC and ML becomes friends with benefits as the ML never really falls in love with the MC until the end of the story. The ending is a happy ending.


The MC is a very understanding sensible person while the ML has a very low EQ. Throughout the time the MC and ML had a friends with benefits relationship, the ML slowly fell in love with the MC but never realized it. This is a very sweet, fluffy, and relaxing read, a great relief from drama and angsty novels, so I highly recommend to give it a try! <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
March 16, 2019
Status: Completed
A short and sweet relationship between a knight captain and the PR person for an understated magician branch. The first half revolves around the magician's POV; he turns into a cat on protection duty and gets close to the ML. The second half is focused on relationship development, which is where the novel starts to shine. (SURPRISE, it's not love at first sight!)

If you like:

    • both characters the same age and almost the same status
    • equal friendship to lovers relationship
    • MC taking the initiative; MC falls first
    • no melodrama/third parties; supportive side characters and friends
    • characters having realistic inner conflicts about their feelings and thinking about the bigger picture and the impact their relationship would have on family/policy/future/wider implications
    • cats ^_^
Pretty good translation as well.
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AImmortalZ rated it
April 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Quite a realistic read especially when I read in the comment section that if a person is in relationship and he/she is not in love with his/her partner. He/she will feel guilty. This is what happened in the story, but then the misunderstandings were resolved and the ML realized his feelings toward the MC.
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mzie rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Do you like novels with no plot, too many awkward smut scenes, and characters who never talk about their feelings? Or just, like, talk at all? Congratulations, this is the novel for you!

I don't know what the reviewers under me see in this novel. The plot is flimsier than an oil paper umbrella, but the novel can't function as a no-plot-only-smut read because the scenes are... alright and there's too much awkward dialogue and character interaction wedged in between.

There isn't much of a plot so the story should be... more>> driven by the relationship between the two characters. Unfortunately, these two don't ever talk about their relationship.

They start out as virtual strangers with MC quietly having a crush on ML, then awkwardly transition into being friends-with-benefits (no description of them actually being friends, just a weird jump from strangers to f*cking). While this is ongoing, ML is fully aware of MC's feelings, but still wants to get married to a nice woman and have kids. Out of the blue, ML suddenly realizes he loves MC back, and hooray! Happy ending.

Yeah, nothing flows in this story. The whole story reads like the author wrote some R-18 scenes and set up a little bit of plot to string it all together. The one-sided love wasn't cute and ML's "naivety" was more frustrating than sweet. The only reason this isn't a one-star is there's nothing toxic in their relationship. They both consented, and while ML ignores MC's feelings and needs, they never really established their relationship in the first place and still maintain a "friendship" outside of it.

"Read this instead!" book recommendation corner: You've Got Mail: A Cautionary Tale

Spoilers for You've Got Mail:


The main character and male lead also have a friends-with-benefits relationship, and ML is also interested in someone else while they have the relationship. The big difference? While MC is unaware of the other person, MC is also just using ML as a f*ckbuddy. ML treats MC as a fling while expecting MC to genuinely like him, but ML is intended to be an as*hole at the beginning of the book, and MC doesn't like him.

While the beginning of You've Got Mail is rather smut-heavy, the book eventually stops having as many bed scenes as the two characters take time to talk over their relationship. As the story goes on, MC does fall for ML, but only after every shitty thing ML ever did blows up spectacularly in his face. It's so satisfying to read, and makes for a fantastic book.

TL;DR: It's this, but cute and not icky.


2/5, too short to be a waste of time. <<less
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aah rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
i mostly liked this but the amount of teasing kinda irritated me

both MC and ML have been shown to feel at least partially uncomfortable about it even if they know its not done with negative intentions, in what world is it ok to openly whisper and tease someone about their s*x life? It's not even only a few close friends, it's practically the entire country at this point. I know its not malicious but they definitely dont like it and no one shows any signs of stopping. They should know... more>> when to hold back.

things like the support for same-s*x marriage it gained is good but that isn't the same as making fun of MC and ML constantly. <<less
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heartlessbambi rated it
August 10, 2022
Status: Completed
A novel which almost killed me with overwhelming fluff. I was smiling like a fool throughout the whole novel. A light hearted read which was alright.

The MC is kinda very sincere guy when it came to love, but I felt that he sacrificed himself a bit too much. The reason was the ML was a coward when it came to expressing his feelings. He was extremely indecisive in their relationship, maybe that's because he didn't realize what he felt was love. In any case, he crushed the good impression he... more>> made in the first few chapters because of that.

I mainly enjoyed this book because this was well written. The pacing was very slow but that was the charm of this novel. <<less
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veritere rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Short and fluffy, not much plot to this, but pretty sweet, I guess. Both the MC and ML are adults who treat each other with respect; the world etc is sketched out very vaguely; there's some mentions of legalising same-s*x marriage and the existence of other same-s*x couples (makes me happy) and it's overall a pretty nice read. There's not much depth to this, but there doesn't need to be.

The s*x scenes are... not great lol, though points for frequent mention of lube. So many stories seem to skip it!

It's... more>> a simple story, and done fairly well for one. My overall review would probably be more like 3.7, rounded up. <<less
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chemaMissTea rated it
September 23, 2020
Status: c27
ahhhh so sweet !

this novel is really fluffy it really leaves you with a great taste

the little angst because of unrequited love is refreshing

the MC is cute and independent and the ML is caring and living

really liked it
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donaiseiyuu rated it
November 14, 2019
Status: Completed
This is a wonderful short romance between an introverted wizard and an esteemed knight commander who are tasked with guarding a young prince. There's cats in it as well!

I like how it doesn't play to stereotypes about how the receiver is "weak" and the pitcher is "strong"... In fact, the wizard is one of the best characters I've seen in web novels, with an inner strength, selflessness and self-awareness that is easy to love. The emotional clumsiness of the knight is mildly charming and mildly irritating, so I felt it... more>> very true to life. I felt the s*x scenes are also quite tame and were used to build the characters instead of just being p*rn-y and titillating.

The translation is also simply amazing so kudos to the translator! If you like sweet romances with well-rounded characters then this is the novel for you. <<less
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KKristen rated it
October 1, 2019
Status: Completed
A realistic, slow-burning romance with sensible characters, and even realistic NSFW scenes that take foreplay and preparation into account (without losing their "spiciness"). Some people might be frustrated by one character's indecisiveness, but I found that to be very realistic as well.

I usually go into detail about the plot, but this novel has less than 30 chapters so you might as well just try it out.
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naf202 rated it
March 23, 2019
Status: Completed
This is full of fluff!! A good moment of reality sprinkle for the seme to realize his feeling but after that omg!!A++smutty scenes too
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: c13
This series has kept me cracking up every few chapters so far. I was shocked and disappointed when I caught up because I couldn't read the next chapter right away (Give me more!). There is a lot of fluff so far, but the action thrown into the mix was fun. Each character has his own history thus far and own perspectives about various matters.

The MC is easygoing but also works hard. He enjoys being a cat way too much for his own good, which is always good for a laugh.... more>> He asserts himself, and, when he decides to pursue the ML, he pursues the ML. He's very likeable, and I like his casual but diligent nature. The ML is awkwardly serious most of the time, which leads to him getting teased quite a bit. According to the other reviews, there's another side to him which hasn't been revealed yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

I recommend this for anyone who likes BL and wants an entertaining and funny light read. <<less
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