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Gu Yanting dreamed that Tang Yi came to him with a knife and said to him, “Yanting, either cut Lin Rui out of your heart, or cut yourself out of mine. Either one, you decide.”

He woke up in a sweat of terror and subconsciously went to touch the other side of the bed.

It was empty.

He forgot that Tang Yi had broken up with him.

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Related Series
Rebirth: Different Way (3)
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Reborn as a Substitute (3)
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How Can I Get Rid of Him (2)
Pastoral Daily Life (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Just another wife-chasing list
  2. Did Not Finish -- Other
  3. list pt 4
  4. Arctic in the Wonderland
  5. Completed Danmei

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07/27/22 Xiao YunYun Translations extra 4
07/27/22 Xiao YunYun Translations extra 3
07/27/22 Xiao YunYun Translations extra 2
07/27/22 Xiao YunYun Translations extra 1
07/26/22 Xiao YunYun Translations c60
07/26/22 Xiao YunYun Translations c59
07/26/22 Xiao YunYun Translations c58
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Novelreader 22102
Novelreader 22102 rated it
July 19, 2023
Status: c1
Damn everyone seems to like the novel a lot but I hated it. I can only appreciate a get back together novel if the parties in the wrong apologise a lot, which didnt happen in the novel (but hey thats a me problem)

What all I didnt like about the novel:

... more>>

1. ML not even caring for MC over his white moonlight (repeatedly). What pissed me off the most was the drinking incident in 1st chap and the bus accident one (which leads to the break-up).

2. Apparently the ML and MC hits each other (?) whenever they fight

3. This is the one that pissed me off the most; ML saying that MC was annoying to his white moonlight right after their 'wedding photo' was taken.

4. MC is said to be controlling, but he only tells ML to quit smoking and stop hanging out with bad friends. Since MC doesn't have a private life for ML to control we can't even see if ML would've been controlling.

5. ML still liking his white moonlight even after 3 years of dating MC. This counts as emotinal cheating for me. He also says weird stuff like the white moonlight is an unattainable dream that he can only daydream about but MC is the one he will ultimately return to, which is such a scummy thing to think like tf?

6. The whole being considerate to white moonlight despite MC being uncomfortable with it and then brushing MC's feelings aside.

7. When ML comes back for MC he claims to not understand things, that he is slow, and explains that to be the reason for his behaviours. He claims to like MC and not the white moonlight (This feels like either the author forgot the what happened or the ML was gaslighting the MC)

8. ML also compares MC dating someone else (AFTER THEY BROKE UP) to him having feelings for white moonlight (WHILE THEY WERE DATING) and claims that the hurt he felt was the same as the hurt MC felt throughout their relationship and therefore its even (?). [This part made me so mad. ML sounded so manipulative.


While the MC and ML were both at fault for their relationship deteriorating, MC's problems were from his personality being that way due to his life experiences whereas ML's problem was that he still liked his white moonlight and was emotionally cheating throughout their relationship. So honestly I feel like ML is the scumbag <<less
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hycave rated it
June 14, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel started off really well for me. I cried when I read the part when MC and ML broke up, but everything went downhill when a kid (I love novels with children but it just feels so random and unnecessary here) was added to the plot and what's more the kid's father is MC's director, ... more>>

and even the ML is related to them like mmmm

I mean this is fiction I get it but it feels like I'm reading a makjang novel which makes it kinda meh tbh. I still do like the wife chasing part between MC and ML. I kind of wish the author just focus on that instead of trying to create so many unnecessary dramas that feels forced. <<less
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heretokeeptrack rated it
December 13, 2022
Status: c58
I didn't hate this, it's just kinda meh in my opinion. Many thanks as always to the translator, this is not at all a reflection on their work and I am always grateful for their efforts.

CW for ableism, ML at least twice refers to himself as being "slightly autistic" in high school and implies that he's been "cured".

I cannot stand Zhou Hao, I just about dropped at around ch. 25 because of him. Creepy, just looking for someone to look after his kid

Speaking of, the kid is imo an unnecessary... more>> character. Why does a 3 y/o have a phone????

The family relationships were a pretty cliche as well, and seemed a bit forced at times.

Overall, wouldn't read again but appreciate that it's different to other danmei i've read before and for that I'm grateful <<less
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werk5 rated it
November 21, 2022
Status: c47
Lost interest like 20 chapters in but kept perservering and pushing myself to read further since crematorium theme is my favourite. I did not understand why the MC and ML loved each other. The ML was also very confusing. He claimed that he loved MC all along but if so, why would he treat the white moonlight so much better than he did MC?
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earlgreyt rated it
July 30, 2022
Status: Completed
I liked the novel (even though I have quite a few issues with it).

Both MC and ML are flawed people. ML has an excuse in terms of lacking communication - his brain doesn't quite get it and he doesn't react the same way as other people in certain situations, you can call him low EQ and simple-minded, which has its own pros and cons.

... more>>

The main source of the misunderstanding can be partially put on the MC's head as well. MC has his own pride and arrogance and unwillingness to confront the ML about his own doubts. So TL;DR although the ML is a bit scum, it wasn't entirely his fault and later on makes up for it.


My favorite part of the setup is that the story doesn't have 5000 flashbacks. The story is written very well with really beautiful details and good flow.

My least favorite is that


the way the author wrote the second ML's actions and outcome was too arbitrary.

Although the author was convincing for having the ML get a second chance, it was super unrealistic that the MC dated the 2nd ML for like 2 years and they never slept together. This immediately brought to mind the obsession asian culture has with purity and how the MC can only have relations with the ML he ends up with. Especially with the argument and the accusation that the ML threw at the MC for having another boyfriend after they broke up... Left a bad taste in my mouth. Asian culture toxic af.

And it's pretty obvious that if the MC had actually given the 2nd ML a real chance, he would have changed enough to really treasure their relationship (which had instead remained lukewarm for 2 years because the MC never really gave in). Pretty clearly, the second ML was too strong/good so the author chose a lot of arbitrary plot points in order to make the 2nd ML appear worse than the ML, regardless of logic.


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Irissska O_o
Irissska O_o rated it
July 29, 2022
Status: Completed
"-" got bored around the time of the team building at Sanya. Skipped the middle and read the end

from the moment just before they got back together.


Did not like that they used physical violence a lot in the beginning. Cannot like ppl who hit those they supposedly love.

"+" weiwei was the cutest child ever! And I usually do not like danmei fictional children.

Translation was good.
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June 7, 2022
Status: c34
I really like the protagonist of the novel. He is strong-willed and a person who would rather break than bend. The pacing of the novel is quite bad. The thing that I disliked the most about this novel is that, there is always a flashback in between which is very irritating. Good thing here is that MC is not abused physically because he’s dominant and ML is the submissive one. I just skipped and skipped because there are so many redundant scenes. Dropping this novel because I think this isn't... more>> worth it.

ML - Gu Yanting

MC - Tang Yi

White Moonlight (WM) - Lin Rui

ML, in an outsider’s perspective, I can say that he is a scum. Why? Because when they fight out of 9/10 it’s because of his WM. ML said that he doesn’t have any romantic feelings anymore for his WM, but his actions are far from that. The WM doesn’t need to be taken care of. He doesn’t have sickness or disability to deserve his intensive care, which makes us and MC misunderstand his intention. He is s*upid and emphatic to the immoral WM. He admitted that he did like the WM for more than 4 years but he has no feelings for the WM anymore and things just become a habit. What HABIT?! Is he for real? I despised him so much when the MC knew that ML is keeping his WM’s photo in his wallet.

He is a good man, but not a good lover to MC. He doesn’t deserve MC at all. His care for his WM far exceeded of that as a friend. Like a single scratch on that person will make him go pale from worry. Literally. He does like (did not say love, because I’m also not sure) the MC though. That’s for sure.

MC also has his faults, he is too controlling of MC’s life (in a good way) which I think made ML feel inferior to him. They could’ve talked out their other problems but the WM is MC’s thorn in his heart. <<less
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shiroykumo rated it
July 13, 2023
Status: extra 4
First of all, I will have to praise the translators. I have always loved all of Yunyun works and how great the translation is.

Now going back to the story. To be honest, I have to say that the author wrote this beautifully. The complexity of the story and the characters are just on point. However, maybe it's not just for me. I did finish this in one go resulting in me sleeping at 4am because I have to finish it.

Then it should be good right? It is, maybe, but somehow... more>> I just don't think it's for me.

At the beginning of the story, the MC was pitiful. I was even going to go all down to fight ML because how could he do that to MC? Tang Yi had done everything for Gu Yanting. And then as the story goes by, it came to me that why it didn't work was not entirely the ML's fault.

MC also had a thing to do with it at some point.


Like how he could be so over controlling to ML. Idk, maybe it was good but I felt that in relationship you have to be equal. At later part, he even wondered if he truly loves ML or that he just enjoys the conquest, which is kinda sad at one point.

Also, you can be mad at me when saying this but the MC clearly knows that ML has a white moonlight, albeit the latter is a scum. He even suggested the relationship as trial at the first place, so he surely knows what he's getting himself into. At some point, he's the one bringing this to both of them.

ML itself is not without flaw. He was childish before, he didn't know what to do with his life, like a kid who just wanted to brag etc and with bad communication that ended up being misunderstood by MC even losing Tang Yi's trust. At another point, I couldn't blame him so I think he was redeemable more than the MC in my eyes.

At least after 2-year of separation, he became more mature in a way. It was right for his jealousy and he didn't even force himself too much. It was the right amount (to me at least). MC, on the other hand, was still the same, hot-headed and immature. MC always thinks more of himself. Everytime I read how he was always angry at ML later, I was like, "DUDE, you ruined someone's life too. I mean, you forced him to do things that he probably didn't like before. STOP BEING SO DRAMATIC AND ANGRY ALL THE TIME!"

Later on, at least he finally realized that he was the one pushing the ML at the 'wrong path' when he introduced the designer job? I cried when I read the ML was happy that he could score a project and wanted to shout out at MC that he could finally do it. See how suppressed he was under MC?

I first rooted for 2nd ML but then again I thought, nah, MC didn't deserve 2nd ML. What Zhou Hou did was not entirely bad at some point in his business point of view, which is why I think they didn't deserve each other and MC should just go back to ML so he won't hurt others more.


Anyway, I will say this is a good book, but just not for me. I have to be more connected with MC to feel good, but for me this one, I couldn't feel that for the MC. He gained my empathy for first few chapters, but afterwards I was rooting for ML. I even wished for ML just to go away and find someone else. The trauma the MC left him behind was not easy to be replaced. And MC himself hopefully will learn to trust ML.

Yeah, but maybe that also means they deserve each other. <<less
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matchamelon rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: Completed
The initial plot is good and promising, while yes it's so mainstream, the wife chasing trope because ML has white moonlight is still one of trope that I love most. Seeing the translator is one of my favorite makes me have more expectation too. I already expect that I will be hooked emotionally to the story like I did with several novels but after reading +30 chapters, I still didn't emotionally hooked up. When MC and ML broke up I felt nothing, it just too bland that I reread several... more>> chapters in hope I will get the feeling. Up until the end I felt nothing. If I have to discribe this story like a food, I would say this is like a gym bro's food, healthy but bland, no spices whatsoever.

I hope anyone who likes the story can accept this opinion of mine because I look in some well liked novels when there's displeased reviews the novel's fans start to swarm in calling them (the ones who dislike the novel) don't know anything. Let's respect each other opinions. <<less
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June 17, 2023
Status: Completed
At first I thought I would be bored with this story but I ended up being s**ked into it. First I felt sorry for the MC, then after getting to know the ML more, I felt more sorry for him. Then, after finishing the story and learning all the twists and turns in what happened, I feel like the real summary of this story should be: two scums learning to be humans.
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Love reading bl
Love reading bl rated it
January 21, 2023
Status: --
Novel is good MC is likeable and there good drama ML is childish at first but with time he will mature but for me this novel is kind sliceoflife so bit boring so I skip a few overall good novel
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