Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game


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Xu Beijin is an extra in the game ‘Escape.’ His usual role is to lie on the floor to be the corpse, while observing how the Missiontakers scratch their heads to figure out a way to survive.

All the other extras work extremely hard as if trying to win the next Oscar’s in order to leave this cruel, despairing world; while Xu Beijin has a simple, monotonous, tedious life.

Until one day, he picked up a streaming system…

Xu Beijin’s life has been entirely upended.

While lying on the floor as a corpse, the audience goes “AAAAAAAH Host what’s that behind you uwuwu…”

While he’s reading the script out loud, the audience goes “Hehehe Beibei’s so cute acting all serious! I want to lick!”

While he’s working hard to figure out the truth about this world, the audience goes “Today our Bei is also the hardworking Bei!”

While he’s… he’s working hard dating Lin Qin, the audience goes “?!?! This isn’t the horror game stream I signed up for!”

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65 Reviews sorted by

December 9, 2022
Status: Completed
His novel really eat your brain cells with all the deductions and and mysteries. I love the ML, lol he so sweet and a cinnamon roll at first. Lol MC is very funny but there’s a lot of background story in his character.
I really love the complexity of this story and the world building really really intriguing and intricate. Cannot say much cus it will be a spoiler. And you will love all the side characters or the players, they all have their own stories and how they all met and comes together. For me really a good read. Thank you
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Kitix rated it
December 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly, it was an amazing read. The plot was unique and very interesting, tho it made me doubt of my IQ sometimes cause some of Missiontakers conclusions baffled me and I would have never guessed it was supposed to be like that, but at the same time when it was simple, they went so many roundabout ways even tho it was right in front of their nose (example: 1st arc Doll).

Many mentioned repetition and yes, author loves to repeat same thoughts from different angles, I would say those are explanations... more>> for 'dum dum' who didn't get it from the first time (sometimes it was me :')). Also it was probably to extend novel length. Didn't bother me that much until last arc in which I started to get impatient with their discussion and started to have real headache, might be cause I was binging last arc while most of the novel I read with small breaks so I do recommend not to read this in one go.

The only reason I gave this work only 4 stars, because of author's lost opportunity with extras. I really wanted to see what happened with our familiar Missiontakers after Nightmare finished. They were our main 'vision' and 'brain' throughout the novel, but author didn't let us even peek at their end (except 1-2, but those were too brief).

I was the most curious of Mu Jiashi, Dai Wu (did he use opportunity to ask for legs from Maertons? I kinda wanted him to get happy end), leader of Fei and Wu Jian organization (look he was vegetable so did he actually woke up normally after everything ended?!), did twin sister of Shuangmei also woke up? Did even insane/mad people woke up too? I really wanted them at least have meet up extra or something since they didn't wake up next to each other. How did they deal with mental and emotional problems after tower? Were they working on Earth restoration (it seems yes, but it was briefly mentioned) ?

And the most important opportunity which would have been really cool, but it's mostly my own thought: extra about Lin Qin's past. I mean he was so obsessed with Beijin so what if they actually met long ago at the start and little apple might have subtle feelings for him at the time? And that's why in last extras he mentioned he would like Beijin of the past too. However, this is mostly my own wishful thinking which I really like so take it with grain of doubt.


Over all, really amazing plot with twists and turns (some may have had too many of those). I can't say much about plotholes (it was hard for me to process basic info of some parts, not talking of remembering everything xD). Once again, don't binge and you would enjoy it much more.

Extra thanks and great job to the translator who made sense of all those walls of texts. 5 stars to you! <<less
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November 24, 2022
Status: v6c97.5
It's interesting but repetitive. MC was too passive and placid and it made the story feel like it wasn't going anywhere. There should be a reason for a protagonist to be a protagonist and if one doesn't show any initiative, it just makes the story feel boring.
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Xae rated it
October 31, 2022
Status: v8c146
Firstly, kudos to the translator boilpoil who did a fantastic job in localizing colloqualisms! I cannot praise them enough. They also kept up such a regular and hectic daily posting schedule!

Plot itself is pretty good and kept me at the edge of my seat, but author has a tendency to ramble... I found myself skipping paragraphs saying the same thing in an extremely long-winded and drawn out way. Especially the commentators' comments, which were interesting at first but became really tedious after a while.

Unlike stories where I fall in love... more>> with the characters and their romance, I found it hard to connect with MC and ML, and found myself skipping their extended scenes together. Neither of them are compelling as characters, and instead provide more of a lens for us to see the world through. In contrast, the side characters stole the show. There were times towards the end when I wanted to watch the other side characters because their story was so much more interesting.

Because of all the twists, the way the author tied things up at times seemed really handwavey, especially towards the end when the worldbuilding got more and more fantastical. On the other hand, the author is very imaginative when it comes to the individual Nightmares, and I appreciated their creativity in tying all the Nightmares together.

Recommended, but watch out for gore/horror. Despite the summary, it's not lighthearted. <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: Completed
Frikkin' AMAZING TRANSLATOR (boilpoil).


For the first damn time (in a long damn time) I did not have to backtranslate bad English into Chinese in my head in order to understand what the hell was going on!

... more>> 😱

A very fun and exciting story with many twists and turns made even better by the excellent translation.

I quite like escape room/post-apoc novels, so this was super enjoyable read. The author put in a bit of filler (there are some repetitive explaining and multiple POV from the author) but it was bearable.

The overall mystery about the pasts of the characters as well as the "true situation" was done pretty well and to borrow the novel's language, there are multiple "matroska" dolls in the plotline. It got sliiightly convoluted near the end, but overall worthy read.

I would be excited to read whatever else this translator picks up in the future.

One small gripe about the website:


In light mode, the links are displayed "white" so you get a swathe of blank space that you have to mouse over (impossible to do on phone) in order to see links. I would suggest fixing the styling for links in light mode.

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Queen_of_Chaos000 rated it
October 21, 2022
Status: Completed

What a rollercoaster of hopelessness, pessimism, despair, hope, and salvation.

Waited long for this to be finished and translated and the wait was well worth it. The story this delivered was truly amazing. A bit dark and morbid with all the gloom surrounding the character, yet the little, little comedic and sweet moments in the middle made it more complete.

Definitely recommended and Xu Beijin and his little apple Lin Qin definitely deserved the happy ending they received and more. They are truly strong characters. Love, love, LOVED this!!!!

... more>>

The nightmares which most of the story revolved around depict the happening of real life before and after the disaster humanity had to go through. The closer they were to the truth, just how cruel the situation was was shown. And Xu Beijin and the rest did really fight hard. Am very very glad this is a happy ending.

And Little Apple, how could I forget him! It is said in the novel quite often that it was the stream that made Bei Bei gain hope again, while that is true, I think what truly brought color to his lonely, burden-filled life was Lin Qin, with his straightforward personality and unconditional love. He was really lovable despite his monstrous strength.


Wishing Bei Bei and Little Apple a happy happy life forever!!! Which is quite happening already. Hehe~~ <<less
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Jyuuuuuyu rated it
October 8, 2022
Status: v5
I recommend this novel if you like infinite flow and some dark instances.

This novel was good but I kind of got bored at the arc with the most backstory since the pacing was a bit slow. I heard it was the best part so I might pick it up again. Arcs were quite long, but also not too long? Anyways I dropped it near chapter 80-90 and the chapters were very short as they were divided into parts.

Its very well written. A brief explanation of the novel is basically there's... more>> residents which are actors. The residents have nightmares which mission takers (who enter nightmares) can enter when they're asleep. The mission takers don't know they're real people though, and refer to them as NPCS as when someone enters a residents nightmare the residents themselves also enter and have to act a role out. Its an important role as its their nightmare. Residents sometimes get assigned to other residents nightmares as a side or background character.

Multiple mission takers would usually team up or be grouped together in a nightmare they enter and if one person dies then the whole of the nightmare restarts. If you die too many times then the nightmare starts to collapse and you get stuck there forever.

Every nightmare/arc somewhat have a connection to the truth of the world. Its kind of dark which I like and has really amazing plot and background settings although the romance is slow and not heavy as of so far.

I really liked the arcs with the black machete man and the ruins, especially the ruins though. Other arcs were quite good too. <<less
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September 26, 2022
Status: v4c57.2
Still reading, but have to sleep so I'm taking a break. I like this novel, and I will definitely pick it back up when I wake up. But there are definitely some problems in the first two arcs that I'm not sure will go away in the future.

The issue with this novel is that the main character and the ML are both reactive characters when it comes to the instances. At least, so far. The MC is not able to get involved much as an extra (his main focus is... more>> live-streaming what's going on, but he rarely even talks to the livestream, and is mostly there to monologue inwardly — actually, all the characters have a tendency towards monologue and info dumping). Meanwhile, the ML has no interest in progressing through the instances and doesn't do much outside of appear. This makes the instances themselves kind of seem draggy. After all, in most novels, the MC is the one going through instances and discovering things — letting the reader directly experience it through their POV. Here, the MC is literally just a spectator watching things happening. I think the novel holds its weight when it comes to the setting and the plot. But yeah, the reactiveness of the main CP is a bit disappointing. Hope it improves in the future. The side characters aren't really very interesting, despite being POV characters themselves. In fact, they're all very annoying and incomprehensible at times, which make things worse T.T

(NEXT DAY UPDATE) Not reading anymore. My thoughts on the story is pretty much the same as the night before. I read another arc but completely lost interest by the end. I found the characters mostly interesting, but the lack of activity from the MC and ML really stumps me. I'll have to wait and come back to it another day with a fresher mindset. That is, that this story is more focused on the psychology of normal people. Unlike most survival game novels, where there's always a "hero" character or group doing their best to barrel through the instances, this novel has characters that are pretty tired of it. It's been years since anything has happened and there seems to be no meaning to the instances at all. That is, it's really difficult to die normally, and it's nearly impossible to get up the higher levels. And even if you do, there's always a chance that you'll fall back down and have to do it all over again. This situation produces a lot of side characters with unhealthy mentalities (who are the main focus, since the MC and ML are mostly just spectators.)

If you're interested in that kind of story (which is undoubtedly unique -- and I think even one of a kind), then this novel is definitely one to try out. I see now why another reviewer says that the novel's strengths are its weaknesses. Because, on one point, the story truly is intriguing because of newness. However, the way the author went about telling the story because of said uniqueness makes the overall development kind of dry. I'll keep this in mind when I read it next time, and hopefully finish it at that point! Currently, my rating would probably be anywhere between 3-4 stars out of 5. I'm not sure if it's going to get better, but I'm hopeful that it will! <<less
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Akih4645 rated it
September 9, 2022
Status: c60
This novel is so good.

This is not your typical mystery/thriller. The mystery is actually not that mysterious itself, but the thing that will keep you reading it is the flow of the story.

But I will have to stop reading for now because the translation is still on going.

I will read it again once the translator is done with this project. :) So excited!!!
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April 25, 2022
Status: v6c92 part1
I adore side characters. It's given if they have less screen time, there is less of a chance for the author to change our perspective of what little we're given. That is this story's direction. Things happen with little foreshadowing but it's a coherent story. Let me explain.

'Nightmare' is a common term in the infinite flow genre. But you can't relate this other other episodic infinite flows. The biggest difference is the MC's disposition; because of they key element, there is actually an over arching story.

My only concern would be... more>> that the author is adamant that "the reasons can't be ghosts", most of the Nightmares so far is different from urban legends or cases left cold. There are multiple solutions for an Ending. It is a concern because some situations are so morbid that it's difficult to believe that it's human. There are a lot of psyche elements, so it is a bit difficult to read. But as if to offset it; for those wary of the broadcasting system, it plays its part in changing the tone of a story as well as having its own direction. In other words its plays a role as a character, different than the difficult replications of those 'constellation' types. As for the romance, it's frank and sweet. They have a natural development and it makes me fond of their interactions.

This story is a unique one. But certainly one I would recommend. <<less
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TomiNdumplings rated it
September 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I came in reading for the BL, I came out reading for the plot and the story line.

The whole story is so interesting. While maybe a world of escaping horror game scenarios isn't too fresh anymore, the story the author put beneath that made this novel so intriguing. I think there were a few small plot holes and oversights by the author, but overall the concept, the slow build up, and the generally feeling of unease this story cultivates as you continue reading it really hook you.

This story isn't really... more>> one you read for romance, it's for the slow burn of the plot. The desire to find out the truth of the nightmares and the tower keeps you reading for hours and hours. The deeper you get into the plot the more you want to know what's going on, what really happened (both in the scenario of the nightmare, but also to the 'players' of the tower themselves).


I can't say the ending was the kind of satisfying ending that I wanted. It was kind of bittersweet in my opinion, but I can't help but think that the way it ended really tied back into the whole theme of the novel.


I can't recommend this novel enough if you are looking for a more plot heavy BL, there are cuter more light-hearted times in the story but it's not really what I would call a light read. <<less
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Peachyxist rated it
August 18, 2021
Status: v2c25
This is one of the most refreshing novel I’ve ever read. The whole concept is really fresh and new, along the way the MC is telling us about the world building that’s going on. About the tower, nightmares, missiontakers, players and actors. All in all it’s an interesting concept. I can’t wait to read more of the novel! So thank you translators for picking up this gem! :)
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Kiryu_93 rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: Completed
That was an amazing read. This is my first time writing a review ever because I love this. Sorry in advance if the review is disorganized.

Our MC is an ordinary bookstore owner (obviously not ordinary). ML is an OP (in fighting) and a little dumb?honest? Romance is there but not much but still satisfying.

This story is about people trapped in a horror game in which they clear/solved NPC's nightmares but the NPCs are not rlly NPCs but humans acting as NPCs.

My favorite arc is

... more>>

When they enter the nightmare with elevators that go to random floor and find the mother of the little girl. I love that arc. Absolutely satisfying.



Our MC is a know-it-all. Really? He knows everything but doesn't even tell us readers that he knows. But the informations are too big for us so revealing bit by bit is so exciting. Some moments like mankind in nightmare unifying and having an intense fight are too good that I can even hear my imaginary epic BGM playing. The saddest part for me is when Su Enya (the name from the mtl so not sure) remembers her wedding!! I love all characters Mu jianshi, Fei, Wu Jian, goddess and others (names not sure and true). I feel like the ending was a bit rush. I would like to read more details about our side characters feeling and their thoughts and how they adapt. Really they don't even mention about Fei, Mu Jian and others after they got back to earth😭I love all these backgrounds characters that took part in solving nightmares. Also, it would be nice if there are some papapa scene.


Overall, it was an amazing read. I love the plot, the background setting of the game, logics and everything. <<less
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shuulys rated it
August 15, 2023
Status: Completed
4.5 / 5 ⭐️

No joke one of the naggiest and draggy novels I have read :") it's good but there were really times when I had to skim through multiple chapters due to the massive info dump 🥹 I can only say I tried my best.

Anyways I did enjoy the novel. Interesting plot and the romance was cute too despite how it was a slow burn. The ML was super 'devoted' to the MC and its nice to see at least one person standing on our MC's side, taking care... more>> of him and showing basic concern.

The side characters were interesting too because of their backstory and different personalities. <<less
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JJQRC78 rated it
July 7, 2023
Status: v9c156
I like The slow pace novel with detail, especially mystery and detective like type novel. The MC and ML interactions were hilarious and get the slow pace romance, but I wonder how the ML know the MC whereabouts? Detail of the story explanation’s was a bit messy (especially because there a streaming element) and take a bit longer than expected. Wonder where the author get the detail of each game story, if so they really had a rich imagination.
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June 4, 2023
Status: --
I will just put this on hold, tbh, I have a high expectation for this since a lot of them give good review, but I got my expectation are set too high.

Idc if it's slowburn kind of story but I do care if it's a 'repetition (?) ' of some 'clue' in each chapter just to elongated the arc to make it a f slowburn. I'm mad really cuz I feel cheated with other reviews saying it mindblowing and so so whatever. The so call clue being repeated is not... more>> needed as the obvious one is just in front of them and I feel so exhausted just reading their so call s*upid dialogue.

I will be honest, I come here to read cuz of the good reviews after finishing Rei Yinfei n Saman story which I love it so highly.

It's true I can't compare the MC since YF is OP, but I come here cuz MC seems like a reader like us, note of my 'seems like'.. So I was hoping to see something like he join the discussion or maybe just interact with the audience in a way we could actually see him as a Main Character, I know he is an extra in the nightmare story, but why he need to be an extra in his own story? Tell me!

And to top it off with the repetitive mention of the clues every chapter is really s*upid.

Well im done rambling, to whoever is reading my comments thanks for lending ur 👀. <<less
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Giratina rated it
June 3, 2023
Status: Completed
For me the summary is very misleading... At first because of the summary I didn't want to read it, but because I was bored one day I randomly pressed this novel and I was thinking "why didn't I read it before?" Well cause of the summary...

if if you're going to read this novel then don't read any spoilers becuase if you didn't you wouldn't like get the feeling of uhhh can't think of the word but like anticipation of knowing what's next. The only reason I could finish this novel... more>> was because I wanted to know what was actually happening. <<less
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ThattAnimeeLoverr rated it
May 22, 2023
Status: Completed
Mane I really don’t write reviews but just had to for this novel. I finished this novel in 5 days because I had to keep reading some things over cause I couldn’t understand 😂 but I love this novel and the ending was so real and satisfying. I even liked how slow the relationship was I feel like that’s how it’s suppose to be for them. This novel had me thinking all types of theories and none of them was right in the end. Gave me quite of shock but... more>> out of all I give this a 5 star <<less
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Nanatsu Irie
Nanatsu Irie rated it
October 23, 2022
Status: Completed
Amazing high quality translation and stunning story.

The romance is not prominent as this story are more focused on the plotlines. Let me just mention that the translator did a very great job translating this story. I have never seen such a smooth transition and flow in translation like in this story. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE EXCELLENT TRANSLATION, translator boilpoil!!!

Story wise this is an unlimited flow, escape sort of novel, but the MC is the observer and the one who knows the whole truth about... more>> the situation in the Tower getting that one chance to manipulate and helps humans trapped in the Tower escape from there. That revelation of the truth about what happened is really goosebumps-inducing. I recommend this story for all to try.👍🏻👍🏻 <<less
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Ouryane00 rated it
October 21, 2022
Status: c41
The premise of the story is very interesting!

Unlike other unlimited flow or survival novels, I find this novel very unique!

That’s because the MC here is somehow an NPC and not really a major participant of the game.

... more>> While that part is very interesting, I soon found myself not quite into the story as well because the MC is just like an observer and there are other players that participate in the games.

And those players don’t even have proper names because they are kinda out after one arc (well atleast so far) and w/ the exemption of the ML.

As for the ML, I don’t really find him irritating but he’s kinda dispensable so far because he doesn’t really participate in the games. Here’s there most likely because he’s bored or something.

Anyway, right now I’ll stop reading this for now because I really tried to push through but I just can’t get into this novel especially since the MC is really just an observer.

And to me, the arcs are kinda confusing (especially Arc 2) <<less
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