Before My Withering


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“Nobody likes an old plaything.”

“It’s not like, it’s love.”

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One entry per line
Before It Shrivels
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Recommendation Lists
  1. incomparably the best
  2. danmei ive read part 2
  3. Sad danmei
  4. Sick/Hurt MC
  5. Chrysanthemun (Translation Completed)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/25/21 Abo Dammen c1
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Poopster rated it
January 21, 2022
Status: Completed
I thought it was a good read!

I'm not a particularly sensitive person but I'm aware that some alot of the early and maybe later chapters would be upsetting for mainstream readers. So, heed the tags, people! (In other news, water is wet).


  • Plot 5.8/10 - Kept me engaged, eventhough it's nothing TOO surprising or unique, but I got what I expected from the summary and tags. There's quite some humor and fluff mixed in too in later chapters.
  • Characters 5/10 - A quarter of the cast have major mental health issues that would greatly benefit from therapy, and that's always fun to read and rage about! Surprisingly they didn't totally annoy/bore me so have a solid 5!
Anyway, I enjoyed the range of characters in the story. There is a barely-noticeable lack of... more>> fem charas except for those mentioned in passing, but eyy we got plenty of dog-blooded family drama anyway 😂 nothing, too* hair-pulling though, imo!

Give it a try if you're in for a passive read on the angsty-er side, though again- heed the tags! [Nothing graphic though BTW] <<less
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