Ankoku Kishi Monogatari ~Yuusha wo Taosu Tameni Maou ni Shoukansaremashita~


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This legend tells the tale of the protagonist, Kuroki summoned to protect the demon king from the hero.

Kuroki, unbeknownst to him, suddenly came to another world. He was summoned by the demon king, Modes. The territory which the demon king overrules was in the midst of being destroyed because of the hero. He had no choice but to bow before Kuroki.

“Please save us, Savior Dono!”

Kuroki nodded, deciding to save the demon king due to an unexpected turn of event.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tale of the Dark Knight ~Summoned to Defeat The Hero~
暗黒騎士物語 ~勇者を倒すために魔王に召喚されました~
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97 Reviews sorted by

wuhugm rated it
January 14, 2018
Status: c150
Hands down the best novel in narou at this moment

MC is NOT an adventurer. He's the subordinate of "Demon King" (ugly male, not beautiful female Demon King).

The story is based on Greek Myths, Norse, and many others

Human relationships are greatly depicted

No choroins
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ToddWithTheHotBod rated it
May 4, 2018
Status: c6
Story is moderately interesting but it feels like the author is attempting to avoid the generic isekai tropes by making the protagonists situation just slightly different.

Also the translation/editing is not only abysmal, it's painfully slow for how short the chapters are and how much money Roxism makes through patreon.
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SamStrike rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c17
This might be just my opinion, but the fact that the misunderstanding never gets cleared up is f****** annoying.
The hero is someone that like to stay with women, even if he does not force anything to them, the fact that everyone has their trust in the hero without even listening to the opinion of the other party (in this case the demon lord) is annoying af.

The MC


The childhood friend of the MC is in the party of the hero, and she is apparently in love with him (the hero), the MC loves her but since she trusts and loves the hero so much she doesn't even give a little of trust on trying to understand that what the hero is doing is wrong. The fact that everything is given to the hero while our MC can't do anything is annoying


The Hero


The hero itself can't really be considered a villain, he does anything to protect any girl in any case but doesn't give a f*ck if the person suffering is a guy. I have to be honest, it annoys me that the person the MC loves, love the hero; but that is another thing. The hero could be said that he was tricked by the goddess into helping her, but since she is a beautiful woman he would probably not care and just try to do anything to help her anyway


In the end: It annoys me that the MC doesn't get what he deserves for what he is trying to do and everything is given to the hero.
46 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
August 17, 2018
Status: c7
I dropped it once I saw the self inflicted misunderstanding fest at the beginning and his complete lack of self awareness. Miss-understandings are a cheap cliché to progress the story and overuse must be avoided if you ask me unless your target audience is the the under 15 year olds.

I would have enjoyed the story more if the MC was more mature but as it stands it's frustrating to read because most situations can so easily be avoided with a bit of communication.
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superkingoftacos rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: c90
Worst novel I've read in a while.

The translation isn't much better than google translate (the only thing it seems to change is that the character names and pronouns are more consistent)

The MC is s*upid beyond belief, seemingly has no self respect and is incapable of feeling anger towards anyone for any reason. Childhood friend treats him like crap for months if not years and then seemingly ends their friendship so she can screw some a**h*** that also treats him like crap? Instantly forgiven. She (and several other people) kill... more>> innocent people either knowingly or with nothing more than the word of a stranger who kidnapped them and refused to send them back until they did her dirty work without even giving the supposed bad guys a chance to prove themselves? Water under the bridge (granted the water is mostly tears of their widows and orphaned children)

The world can only stand to gain from the hero and the goddess dying, but the MC seemingly can't make a decision on his own so thousands of people have to suffer for his inability to do whats right.

If you like well developed characters with their own unique motivations, do not read this novel. Literally every character's motivation is they want to get with an attractive person, no matter how many people have to die for that to happen. <<less
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Lollingthunda rated it
June 29, 2019
Status: c40 part3
Oh man, I have no idea why I decided to keep up to date with this novel, perhaps due to some masochistic desire to see how this trainwreck concludes, but as of me writing this review, I finally just cannot deal with the various unpleasant feelings reading this story has produced. Though, before I move on to the issues I have with this novel, I'd like to state that while my opinion of it is less than stellar, I have intentions of berating the people who do enjoy it and... more>> maybe, I just have shite taste and am just taking things way too seriously.

let's get this out of the way, this novel is a blatant power fantasy story. The MC is the epitome of a Gary Stu. Overpowered, physically attractive but somehow still set out to be the underdog despite his myriad positive qualities. Hell, he's so much so an ideal "nice guy" fantasy that not only a large portion of the female characters (both non-antagonistic and antagonistic) but also the narration and story would like to suck his dick, both metaphorically and literally, even the male, non-love interest characters directly or indirectly praise him through monologues or whatever other contrived method.

Which brings me to my next point, the characters. It seems like almost every female character has the libido of a hundred rabbits combined, lusting after either the MC or the rival hero character regardless of their relationship status with another man while the non MC characters are either completely insignificant after a chapter or two, a**holes or cucks, usually to either highlight how "great" and "moral" the MC is or to have the reader resent another character, which then leads back to the first point.

There are probably more things I'd like to rant about in this novel but I'm gonna end it here, because now I feel like a bloody clown for actually taking time out of my life to write this wall of text. <<less
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PringleStorian rated it
December 28, 2018
Status: v5c8
Prob my favorite novel I picked up this year.

Don't get me wrong, at the first 2 chapter I was already saying "Wtf? Where is Author going with this?" and so I kept going. And then I got hooked on to the world, the relationship, the twist and turn

... more>>

Especially at the end of the first Volume where MC decided that he will create goddess and forget about his childhood. And then at the middle of Volume 2 MC straight up hook up witha goddess, the same goddess that he's gonna make a copy off.

At this point I was already about to give 5 star but then I decided to read the raw and it didn't disappoint me at all. The character was almost never 1 dimensional (except the Hero and his 5/6 followers) I loves that unlike the goddess Lena being a complete sad*st (seriously she said that she gladly put a collar around MC neck) Kuna, the Goddess clone is instead a complete sociopath love struck goddess (Which was clear as day when she uses the Ogre witch to "serve" her master)

And then the MC, MC is your normal dude (except he isn't) and infact was a rather splendid person except that he suffer an inferiority complex that he got because of his childhood friend which was the reason of his many action (Not believing that he's good enough, scared of woman etc).

And then the Hero party. Oh boy are they completely generic which meant that I rather not talk about them

Anyway Since people said that MC got NTR-ed by the Hero... Are you guys ret*rded or something? The MC never said his feelings, the childhood friend never said that he have any feelings for him and it was clear even to MC that his childhood friend, hell even MC admit knew that his childhood friend loves the Hero.

Oh and also, the Misunderstaing WILL get cleared up although lacking since it basically ended with MC clearing 4 misunderstanding and then creating another 2 more which is idiotic


Update: Oh boy Volume 4.... This is where the Plot actually begin in my opinion


Why did I said that?
Well because simply all the plotlines actually done here, In this Volume we finally get to see everybody point of view, in order to save time, basically there's 4 faction that exist on these novel which is:

1. The MC Faction: MC faction consist of MC (obviously), Kuna (Goddess clone) and some other character that im to lazy to write down, but basically this Faction is the one where they want the demon to co-exist at the same place without discrimination

2. The Maou Faction: This Faction consist of the rest of the demon people, this faction is the one that wants Human and Demon to be peaceful but rather not live together at the same place

3. The Goddess faction: Prob the most annoying one but the one that changed the most since this faction is spearheaded by 1 person which is the real goddess and basically wants demon to be dissapear and MC becomes her Pet/lover

4. Hero/human faction: Basically the rest of human and Hero alone that wants demons to be destroyed along with MC

Now the stage is set, what the f*ck is actually wrong with this faction you may ask? Good point I'm also a bit confused about what will happen but this is the basic so far.. Dear god I hope that this novel don't turn sour

And fun fact. but the Novel updates shouldn't add the Yandere tag just yet since Kuna (which is the yandere one) appear on Vol 3 and showed her yandere side at vol 4

25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
November 25, 2020
Status: c195

Okay, this is an... interesting read, I guess? The premise itself is fantastic, MC summoned to help a demon king who's ugly but is a pretty decent guy but, shockingly the hero party he needs to kill are people from his world who disappeared 6 months ago! And his childhood friend (who he also has a crush on) is a member of the hero's harem?! It's a really good set up. But we just never get to see the quality drama that you'd expect from... more>> this story. Mainly because the MC is a total tool. Really self deprecating, way too soft and dense as a neutron star. Oh boy, my favourite.

Just off the top of my head, here're some major moments that could be created from just the premise I wrote

    1. The childhood friend gradually falls for the MC through multiple encounters that gradually erode the image of Reiji being the only hero who protects justice. Leaving a major crack in the hero who's previously never had a single woman choose a different man over him.
    1. The dark knight who acted as a symbol of defeat for the hero's party being revealed as the 'close childhood friend' (in quotation marks since the way she treats him in the story is like he's dirt) of a member of the hero party. And the implications this has for the friend.
    1. The MC revealing his reasons for defending the Demon King, forming a fracture between the members of the hero party that actually consider what he said and the braindead idiots who don't try to get both sides of the story. LOOKIN' AT YOU REIJI.
    1. The MC gradually settling into the position he has been given, coming to terms with his new life as the demon kings dark knight and the duties he will need to carry out.
But we don't get any of those. Upon the reveal that MC=Dark knight the MC just up and leaves and the heroes make their own assumptions on his situation, then when the MC meets his friend again he doesn't make any attempt whatsoever to explain how he got there and why he's fighting. W H A T? Your top priority should be taking away the impetus for the hero to invade and you're just letting them come to conclusions on their own?! Listen, I understand not wanting to admit that you nearly killed the 'hero' because you wanted a hot goddess girlfriend. Because that is a pretty bad motive. But there's nothing stopping you from telling them that Modes is a pretty chill guy who never even wanted to fight in the first place. Even if they think you're lying you would at LEAST sow the seeds of doubt, this is tactics 101 man come on.

The major plot points we do get are decent but fall flat because of one major flaw. An excessive percentage of the conflict is caused through misunderstandings. So all of the tense emotional action scenes caused by it are underlined by the thought 'this wouldn't be an issue if kuroki spoke up once in a while instead of assuming the role of s t a t u e whenever key turning points in a conflict happen', which just takes away a lot of the enjoyment of it.

The MC himself is a source of pain as well. It gets so bad that I completely understand why Shirone ditched him for the f*ckboy and I HATE that I have to admit that. He has major confidence issues which only got magnified after he got his ass handed to him in kendo by our wonderful hero and his childhood friend practically forgot his existence and went to go suck off (figuratively or literally it's not stated) said hero. These issues are fine, they make characters interesting. Just look at Possessing Nothing, a fantastic character arc where the MC overcomes the limits set on him by his inferiority through soul crushing training. Except, there's no growth here. I am one hundred and ninety chapters in and the MC is s t I l l a total emotional pushover. All it takes is some glares from pretty girls and he's nearly having a breakdown.

The guy has beaten the person who's a major source of his complex to near death multiple times and sleeps with his gorgeous goddess wife, ex-princess servant and loyal, beautiful demon girl guards on a regular basis. Yet he hasn't made any progress with feeling better about himself. Hell, he even knows that he has a relationship and even a kid with the beautiful goddess who the man-who*e hero is pining for (although this happened really recently so we haven't seen the repercussions of this yet). And there isn't even a step of improvement. I'm not an expert in psychology, but it is disturbing that there isn't a single change in the way he thinks, he even still treats shirone like his highschool crush for christs sake! You have a girlfriend dude! Multiple, in fact.

But that is partially due to the shifting viewpoints. A good chunk of the chapters that could've been used to explore Kuroki's daily life and build his thought process is instead dedicated to side characters and the hero party antics. How messed up is that? You haven't given your MC the chapters needed to improve because your exploring side characters. And you're not even doing it that well!

It's also disappointing that they wasted what Kuroki did after he lost to Reiji in his original world. It was never properly explained, which is a massive waste since we lost an excellent chance to build up his character.

We could've had scenes where he trains for hours everyday to fill the hole shirone leaves as she spends more and more time with the a**hole.

Or maybe we could've had Nao or someone else from the hero party mention something like "Oh, that's the guy that won every tournament he took part in for the past 3 years" which would give more substance to kuroki becoming the strongest swordsman on the planet when he's summoned.

Or perhaps, we could've seen how hopeless he felt after realising that despite all the effort he was putting into improving himself, Shirone never even spared him a glance. Anytime he invited her to come watch him compete in a tournament, she answered that she'd rather spend time with Reiji. How each victory felt empty since he still couldn't figure out how he lost to the prick. Each day spent relentlessly training, alone. No companions to talk or laugh with, nobody who would show interest in his techniques and ask him to explain. No one who acknowledged that he was pushing his way into the realm of masters. All while he knows that the person he lost to is breezing through life and perhaps sleeping with the girl he loves. All the feelings stacking up with the guilt he felt after Shirone disappeared for months after she went with Reiji nearly crushing him, if he had convinced her to stay or been good enough that Reiji never took her heart she would've still been there. She most likely wouldn't reciprocate his feelings but she wouldn't have just vanished off the face of the earth. Until he's summoned and meets Modes, someone with shockingly similar circumstances to himself. Despite his dark feelings towards Reiji he hesitates upon seeing that he has to fight and maybe kill the very childhood friend he yearned for and the man who is an unconquerable, looming reminder of how pathetic he is. Yet what tips him over the edge is the promise of a beautiful girl who would be dedicated to him. Not for the s*x or to prove the Shirone was wrong to leave him. Just to get a companion. Someone who would actually care. Which is something he never had before.

But all of that is sh*t I came up with, none of it is canon in the actual story. Which is a shame since it could be a really good character arc. Instead we have no real development and a bunch of wasted moments thanks to Kuroki entering statue mode.

I also wanna mention the love interests. Kuna is adorable. She's a great partner who balances out Kuroki's softness by actively moving to crush his enemies both within and outside of nargol. She's also really possessive of Kuroki when she's introduced (a trait inherited from Rena), I don't have a problem with this personality. It really fits her character of being created for Kuroki's sake. My problem comes from Kuroki being completely oblivious to this trait and never questioning Kuna's involvement in certain situations when she really shouldn't've been there at all. Him trusting her is okay, but that's no reason to not ask questions like 'hey kuna, why did Shirone think you were responsible for the fiasco in that city' or 'hey kuna, why're you so hostile towards Shirone'. The relationship just feels shallow when one person is completely unaware of the other persons thoughts and actions and doesn't even try to understand them.

Kind of like Shirone's relationship with Kuroki.

Which leads me to another Kuroki flaw, he hardly ever asks questions and almost never moves on his own will. He's way too passive and feels more like a basic lackey than the focal point of the story. But I'm getting off topic.

Regina had pretty much an entire arc dedicated to her, which is great. But now she hasn't been seen in ages, which is just great. Would be nice if Kuroki visited every now and again, maybe sprinkle in some antics with the dancer girl too. A few of the love interests follow this pattern, being basically forgotten about after their arcs. Tess barely even got a chapter before she went MIA for 8 arcs and we don't get enough of Kuroki's daily life to have interactions with the demon girls. The relationships are just 'in, out, done. Next.' which isn't really... satisfying, I guess is the word for it.

Now I'll move onto the hero party, I guess.

Reiji- This guy isn't a hero, he's an animal. He fights like an animal, only rescues girls for the sake of f*cking them later on and solves every problem with violence. An absolute wanker. I wanna see the f*cker collapse in despair after being constantly treated like a toy when fighting kuroki. Please let Kuroki just snap one day and mock the prick as he beats him into the ground. That's something we all need.

Shirone- It is a mystery how this hoe's head works. Her traits are 'mad about hero shit' and 'completely oblivious to the people around her'. She's 'apparently' in love with reiji since he resembles anime heroes who saves the damsel in distress, except those heroes don't, without fail, sleep with the damsels they save even if they already have a wife or 6 at home. She straight tells Kuroki 'Reiji will always be better than you. Give up.' to CONSOLE him after he loses?! And then blows her top at him when he says he doesn't like the idea of her going to the dick's villa for the summer because, and get this, she ASSUMES he's jealous of Reiji because he lost to him in a fight. HUH?! Oh, But THEN she pulls the 'oh, you're flirting with another girl in front of me' glare on Kuroki after he got a girlfriend?! WHAT?! You already ranted about how he's a pathetic man just 10 chapters ago b*tch, the hell?! Is she a tsun?! Is she just s*upid? Maybe she's just s*upid.

Oh also, remember when shirone wanted to go home to apologise to Kuroki for acting like a total c*nt to him right before she was summoned? Well, GUESS WHO HASN'T APOLOGISED 190 CHAPTERS IN! Don't you DARE think I forgot that, Shirone! You can't just sweep that sh*t under the rug. But then again she's also all like, 'oh I'm glad the tools were destroyed so I didn't have to leave my f r I e n d s and stop having fun in this world!' so I guess that makes sense now. She was lying to herself and us about wanting to go home. And then she has the nerve to act like she's incredibly worried about kuroki as soon as she realises she can play out her fantasies of being the hero saving their brainwashed friend. Feckin' psychopath.

Chiyuki- We get a lot of pov from this girl, which helps with showing that she thinks. Unlike Nao, Reno and the saint one. This girl knows that Reiji f*cks like a dog in heat and is properly uncomfortable about it. A normal response which puts her above the others in my book at least. But that begs the question of why she's still there. We don't get an explanation for this and it's quite disconcerting. She'll probably be the first to properly choose the MC over Reiji if the novel ever actually tries to progress that route which has been hinted at for over 150 chapters. I'M STILL WAITING!

Kyoka- Hero's little sister. Along with Chiyuki and Kaya, makes up the 2 braincells that the hero party uses to think. Don't have anything to complain about with her. One of the few genuinely likable characters. Acts haughty but she's a cute, kind cinnamon bun underneath so it ends up being an enjoyable character trait. The only person in the hero's party who isn't endowed with perfect control over her godly powers, she isn't able to control them until Kuroki (aka someone who actually had to WORK to get strong) teaches her that practice is needed to improve, which nobody else in her group was able to figure out. Already fallen for kuroki and has complete faith in him, to the point where I think she enjoyed watching him beat Reiji's ass. Oh, what's that? You say that I'm contradicting my earlier statement of Chiyuki being the first of the hero party to fall? Well, by the time she had enough strength to fight she had already fallen for Kuroki, hence, she doesn't count as a hero party member. Suck on that!

Kaya- Hero's little sister's servant. The other pretty likable character from the hero's group. Calm, diligent, loyal to kyouka, can kick peoples ass with her bare hands and business savvy. One of the few people who recognise that kuroki could easily kill reiji before the ass beating at chapter 80. Not sure if she's on the love interest list though, I heard some people say that she's gay for kyouka and it fits pretty well with her character.

The other three- I don't remember. Should tell you how interesting they are. Oh, but the saint one gets preggers with hero boys kid. That's a thing. And Reno apparently knew of kuroki back in Japan. Was that ever explained? I don't remember.

Well, I know I kinda ranted for a long time but, despite all it's shortcomings it's a half decent read. If you're just looking for something to sink time into I'd recommend this. The problems I pointed out can be ignored if you shut down a braincell or two or you could read the rewrite which gave some minor improvements to Shirone, making her assigned as Reiji's bodyguard rather than her just ditching Kuroki of her own free will. <<less
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boredhood385 rated it
September 4, 2019
Status: Completed
Read the whole story... the plot is good and everything with a typical loser Protagonist and even more of a loser in the 'Hero'whose POV will not be wanted ever. Just a manwhore.

The plots good and everything but a lousy heroine... even lousier goddess.

Ive read the raws and I am not impressed. The raws arent that hard to translate or even read for that matter. Dont waste your time on this lousy translation cause charging for fastpass on a free webnovel from Wordexcerpt. com is just disappointing when the raws... more>> are so simple with broken up chapters.

Word of advice the raws are easy to read and GT will help you better than a worthless translator of wordexcerpt.

Story is worth reading but once you understand the raws and see how short the translation are to the raw on syosetsu you won't read from here.

Good but bad translator.

They still translate the ncode garou version even after multiple people have told them that it will be deleted after chapter 9.

19 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Queen of Sheba
Queen of Sheba rated it
October 6, 2019
Status: --
The protagonist - especially in Asian literature - makes or breaks novels.

This story has so much potential that it's almost upsetting to see it go to waste like this. It's the typical shounen protagonist, but somehow even worse. I guess that's a great accomplishment.

Read if you like indecisive, weak protagonist.
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Yoburi rated it
January 11, 2019
Status: c30
Horrible the MC of this novel isnt a man, he is nothing but a f*cking pacifist that will die before fight back the heros just because they are females.

I cant take this novel it could be a great one if the MC didn't act like a moron all the time, also the side characters are patetic the female companions of the hero are all terrible.

Don't read this work if you want a decent MC this one should just die even the antagonist Reiji is more likeable than him because atleast... more>> he isn't everybody bich. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
sdb rated it
April 6, 2019
Status: c35 part2
This novel is unique, the only downside is the paywall and the act of splitting the chapter to tiny bit of piecess, even though their site is add ladden,..i get it people like to earn something and we would be happy to turn off the add blocker..
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tempetahu0 rated it
March 11, 2018
Status: --
This is your usual Japanese MC (wishy washy, soft, weird attitude about women)

if you like that kind of MC go ahead! At least there's something unique in this story, MC is a demon king's subordinate.
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Kuronairo rated it
July 9, 2018
Status: v8c169
It's a story about a boy who is summoned not as a hero by a goddess but by Maou (who happens to be ugly and not a beautiful girl) as a dark knight.

His childhood friend was also summoned with Reiji (who happens to be the hero of light) and his comrades. But they were summoned by a beautiful goddess as heroes. Reiji is a "bishonen" protagonist type MC, he easily conquer the heart of any girls, he is literally the "perfect guy" (money, looks, strong and "kind").

In... more>> the story we don't only follow the story from the pov of the MC (kuroki the dark knight) but we also follow the pov of others charas and even "antagonists" sometimes.

Well for those who are searching a villain MC, it's not what you are after, even if MC is a dark knight he is still kind and don't kill humans though he still fights to defend maou.

Pros :
- Good worldbuilding (be it the lore of the world or how the world is being presented, same for charas, we also see some "minor" charas who are usually forgotten appear again and they also have some important interactions with some main characters that is important to the story)

- Though MC is quite "donkan", he is not gonna stay virg*n for a thousand years and the novel is not full of useless ecchi fanservice, there will also not be a whole chapter about MC trying to create mayonaise..........

Cons (it's rly my own thinking about this and those are not cons but just not to my liking) :
- MC doesn't have any confidence in himself (it's not rly a con but sometimes it creates some misunderstandings that annoys me)
- MC is just too kind (totally the opposite of the CN serial killer MC who even slaughters chickens of the ennemy family). Though MC killed some monsters, he didn't kill any humans yet though he is feared by many people.
- Some misunderstandings are annoying to me but saying more would end up as spoilers.
-......I want more details about snusu (even if it's just knowing more often that "they did it") *cough* *cough* (there is snusu but well only thing we know about it is "it happened"

Well though I ranted a bit near the end, I finally finished reading the 8 vol and looking forward for vol 9 where we'll get more screentime for a chara (rly looking forward to see that chara encounters MC, I would also love to see when MC will know his "ties" with that chara).

Overall it's a good story and though sometimes it makes me mad and wanted to rant about the story, I still read 8 vol without stopping so it's a good story that I recommend. <<less
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Mount Tai Unleashed
Mount Tai Unleashed rated it
October 6, 2019
Status: --
A novel for NTR lovers.

MC with supreme confidence issues? Check

Childhood friend who gets stolen and imp**gnated? Check

Misunderstandings galore? Check

Also the author can't write a female character without turning them into c*ck hungry sluts.
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scribbledoutname rated it
September 10, 2019
Status: --
Meh. Not bad, but not amazing, either.

Every time the story sets up something exciting it seems to always go in a weird, less enjoyable direction.

Could have been four stars if it wasn't for a mix of contrived situations and the characters' IQs skyrocketing and plummeting depending on how the author wants them to react to any given situation.

The MC is OK sometimes but is often childishly sulky and wishy washy, and (I'm not sure if it's intentional or not but) the hero Reiji and the girls from Earth are basically... more>> gullible sociopaths with no reasoning skills (excluding Chiyuki, who's smarter than the others but immediately becomes like the others whenever the author gives her the idiot ball). Actually, Reiji is just a sociopath full stop.

What's most annoying is that the drama is manufactured, as 99% of the problems in the first two volumes would easily have been resolved if the MC just explained everything instead of coming up with nonsensical reasons why he shouldn't. Actually, there are times were he doesn't even have reasons. He just stands there in silence while people draw their own conclusions and the situation continues to deteriorate. It's really annoying. <<less
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SkyWind332 rated it
March 13, 2022
Status: --
What I hate about this series is the fact that the story is not about MC at all but the Hero, the author clearly likes the Hero more than the MC, here's some evidence.

... more>>

Most of the time we are given perspective with the Hero and it feels like the MC is just a secondary character.

Whatever happens to the MC it also happens to the Hero, the MC had a child, Hero also had a child.

The hero is surrounded by many idiotic women who is in love with him since the beginning.

Before the rewrite the childhood friend is the hero's sexfriend, yes there's a NTR since the beginning of this series but the author rewrites it and he removes the part.

The MC and childhood friend had an argument that she is being to close to the hero and childhood friend protected the hero and says that she isn't doing that when in fact she is exactly doing what the MC is saying to her.

Childhood friend protects the hero from the MC even if the hero is in the wrong, when the Hero is winning childhood friend does nothing but when MC is beating the hero the childhood friend be like what are you doing. Well at least at in the latest chapter finally the MC told her to shut up.

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ollerus rated it
May 18, 2019
Status: c195
This novel try to makes you M well joke but %50 real first 80 chapter is really annoying not like MC bad but author try to give hero reiji really big character and thats reallly make you wanna drop this novel thats not lie same happened for me but after chapter 80

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MC beat hero to death without sword or any op magic thats feels so good after that MC start gain big scene time in novel before that god thats so annoying sometimes I forgot who mc


All girls see hero instant fall in the love thats s*upid and annoying even someones wife fiance girfriend they want instant s*x with hero reiji thats so annoying this thing give you feeling I wanna drop this novel and thats true I am not gonna lie but you need wait for 80 chapter after thats turn really good direction


ın hero party 2 girls start questioning hero MC childhood friend and sage girl thats really good devolepment childhoodfirend even start jealous MC more and more in the and you understand all girls feeling fake love for hero reiji girls just love handsome and cool person so hero reiji best person for that until MC comes this 2 character still stick with hero but in the future chapters they gonna leave hero they just dont know what the do


anohter thing gods really sucks here later author fixs that but still reijij strong gods sucks they just superhuman nothing more well there more power here but againts reiji thats meaningless hero reiji really op


MC op too he strong as main god after author fix that demon king and ancient evil gods gets buff MC and reiji not gonna win easy againts them because demon king beat many evil gods that really strong so summoning MC meaningless form him but still story start with summoning MC even without him demon king easily kill hero and hero girls


until chapter 81 I can give 3/5 for this novel but after 81 I can give 5/5 but there problem here author start rewrite novel so new chapters gonna come really slow thats sucks other than that there nothing I can say MC cool and chill he just posses some inferior complex againts reiji thats bad but like I say after 100 chapter thats start to dissappear so there no problem for that if you want try it just try but if you dont like read 80 chapter then just dont no one force you for that after reading many novels I can say that this is better than some op and MC do anyhing novels MC smart and try to solve things with no race thing but hero reiji thinks humans best like every classic hero out here well for me worth try but that up to readers.


last thing MC kid with rena and hero reiji kid with healer girl and heros kid is girl and that girl want to near of MC kid so lol thats so funny reiji dont know that but when he learn oh boy he gonna roar and I understand reiji just spoiled moronic character thats truth but thats not make this novel bad you just need bear 80 chapter later thats gonna be good not %100 but %80 so good luck

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UnknownSaint171 rated it
August 18, 2018
Status: c20 part3
The writing is good and not that cliche. It's a very fresh story. I totally recommend this. Don't be deceive by the comments, it's not really ntr when 'Childhood friend' never loved MC. Unlike the Hero, this MC is nice but reasonable to a extent and questions things. He knows the whole picture. I just dislike his indecisiveness, no maybe it's the Author who indecisive. Truly needs some polishing.

Honestly I want the Hero party and Goddess to feel regret and die. If there's a flaw in this story. The... more>> MC is too merciful. You can already predict how this is going to end because of this trait. The female Heroes and Rena are obviously what one would call "B*tches" truly rotten brainless girls.. The elf girl was too forced and Chiyuki is probably the only best girl but we know she won't obtain the "First Wife" position which she clearly deserved. The characters aren't putted to their full potential despite how well fleshed they are. The elf girl had potential but quickly erased. The refuge princess also had potential. But wasted.

This story could seriously be one of the best. The reunions and encounters could make you feel emotions but it gets ruined with the Harem. Also it causes those s*upid misunderstandings.

In the end it fills me with some regret as the Reader. But this is truly worth checking out. (For now)


The MC will most likely spare Reiji and his s*upid childhood friend who only hurts MC! Since they cannot coexist even if he spares them they'll most likely be banished to Another World with his wives. It's also s*upid how MC saved the demons and they praised the MC but later all the sudden the demons dislike the MC. Only the Demon King, his Teacher and Rat see MC as a friend. The demon queen was kool at first but she's just as similar as Rena! Though I can't really blame her for guarding up against MC. The MC had the chance to kill that crazy b*tch Rena burn he didn't. If in the end MC still gets with the childhood friend which I see impossible, then this Novel is tr*sh.


im very tempted to continue reading on in the Raws but... I'm afraid of MC or characters f*cking up at some point lol. It's decent story for now but it could change later.. Anyways, I agree with Fuxy@ it would be a less frustrating read if MC was a bit more mature and a little colder as much as I like his nice side. It does lead into s*upid logic sometimes <<less
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AdmiralUnknown rated it
April 4, 2021
Status: --
A very good novel in my opinion. Why? Cause it actually gets me engaged and feel something. In this novel's case its hatred for the hero.

First things off, let me set things straight for a couple of the reviews before mine. At least for one I remember. Also do note there is a bit of spoilers included.

1. Someone said something about the view of beauty is twisted in this world. Where everything is ok or good just cause you're beautiful or handsome. And he gave an example of elves, who only have females and kidnap males they find attractive to continue their species. And that everyone, including the MC is ok with it. Here is my take, no. They dont. Some of the natives and even the MC doesnt agree with this. Yes, some of them are envious of this, not all of them. Do note that the elves even kidnap MARRIED males and even Male children, without their consent. They kidnapped people are sent back when the elves had mate with their memories erased. The MC said it might be ok for single men, but not ones that already has a spouse.

2. NTR. Yes and no. Though most of the female characters in this novel are heroines, there isnt really any NTR. You said the childhood friend left the MC to be with the idiot Hero? Well, here is the thing. The MC and his childhood friend were never a thing. He does have feelings for her, but he never confessed. The CF even treats him as her minion. Not in a bad way like bullying, but more to a friend c*m gofer. She expects him to always be with her, following her, like and accessory. So when the broad went with the Hero instead of MC, it's not NTR. Next, note spoilers, the goddess Rena. She in the end feel to her own schemes and fell for the MC, thus supporting him instead of the Hero. NTR? No. Cause in the first place she never had any semblance of feelings, especially love, towards the Hero. The Hero basically has a dumb mindset that every chick will always fall for him, and the same goes for the Goddess Rena. Next, The library goddess (forgot her name). Yes, this does counts as NTR I guess. A bit of backstory on her. She is a twin of the Goddest Rena, but is always compared with Rena. She loves the MC, and thinks that Rena doesnt have eyes since Rena loves the Hero (Public Knowledge), and that she has better eyes since her love interest, the MC is superior to the Hero. But she doesnt know of the relationship of the MC with Rena, which the two mentioned, kept secret.

3. The Hero. A simple minded, handsome, smart, athletically gifted and Male hating idiot. He also thinks with his d*ck. He is the typical playboy, no, worst. He screws every beautiful chick that throws themselves at him. Princess, commoners, people's fiancee's, etc. He is a genius, doesnt train but is strong.

4. The MC. Good, sword genius, friendly, insecure, hardworking. A bit of a simp, but only for the girls close to him. He is a pushover. Someone commented that even though author said he is hardworking, we never see him train. He does it off screen ok. The author mentioned this in a couple of short sentences. This isnt some damn shounen novel. We want OP MC, not a damn training montage. MCs is insecure, in that he imitates the actions of the Hero, thinking it might help him with his relationship problems. Also, some said he is desperate for women since he even went with the option of making a clone of Rena. Boy, he lost his braindead crush to some d*ck for brains Hero. He was agaisnt this option at first, but gave in when the s*upid a55 CF completely denies him, opting to take the side of the Hero, when he destroys the dimension formation that is supposed to send them back, while in truth that formation will just send those broads to some random dimension. MC also has a tendency to attract women, though he himself doesnt know of it.

I have a lot more to say, I'll do it later. Already 40 mins spent on the comments above.

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