Against the Gods


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Mythical Abode Mountain, Cloud’s End Cliff, the most dangerous of Azure Cloud Continent’s four deadly areas. Cloud’s End Cliff’s base is known as the Grim Reaper’s Cemetery.

Over countless years, the number of people that have fallen off this cliff is too high to count. None of them, even three stronger than god masters, whose power could pierce the heavens, have been able to return alive. However, a boy that’s being chased by various people because he alone holds a priceless treasure jumps off the cliff, but instead of dying he wakes up in the body of a boy with the same name in another world!

This is the story of a boy wielding the Sky Poison Pearl, cultivating the strength to oppose heaven and earth, a lord overlooking the world!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evil God
Heaven-Defying Evil God
Ni Tian Xie Shen
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July 17, 2020
Status: c852
Different skin, same meat. The moment you can predict what will happen in any novel, it isn't enjoyable anymore.
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Oshibo rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: --

When it comes to his harem it is actually a pretty different from most harem novels I read, normally the girls fall for the MC for no reason, but in this case he actually puts in the bare minimum effort to seduce them which is refreshing. Normally these MCs give out a 'you have no choice but to screw me if I want you' pheromone, but he gives off the 'It is highly unlikely you will reject me' pheromone. Nuanced sure, but "It is the difference between Heaven and Earth".... more>> All jokes aside it is pretty nice.

Plot: If you've read one cultivation Novel there is a 99.99% chance of it being almost no different from this one or any other cultivation novel. The general formula is, MC and Young Master have issues, Young Master goes on the attack, everyone laughs at MC, MC produces one of two results, kicks Young Master's bu*t and young master goes crying to elder brother/daddy/uncle (possibly uncle-daddy) etc... or MC kills Young Master, [Insert Clan] and MC can not coexist under the same sky, [Insert Clan] sends out assassins and ends up offending MC, MC destroys [Insert Clan], MC has now offended bigger [Insert Clan], rinse and repeat as necessary. Don't get me wrong, while it is annoying I don't mind as they are smaller events in the bigger picture.

Theme: Basically a power trip where you shouldn't offend the MC.

Setting: It is Xuanhuan, take a guess of the setting, if you've read another Xuanhuan you should know that the only real difference are the names and terms.

Style: Recycled <<less
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VvAnt rated it
February 20, 2019
Status: c1000
Sorry bad english.

My very first CN, not Panlong but this.

At first, I really like the story, MC not like JP MC that d*ckless, he ruthless to enemy but really gentle to his family/love interest.

... more>> I really enjoy the MC adventure, the thrill to kill young master (yeah I like this in the past), search treasure, tournament, saving beauty, etc.....

And after my pause for waiting the update, then read this again (already read many of CN).

The story..... become boring for me, repetitive plot (YM, tr*shsure searching, ascend realm become lv.0, collecting harem)..

So sad to see my very first CN become like this, maybe I will read again if this already completed. <<less
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Much Much mrm
Much Much mrm rated it
December 15, 2018
Status: c1240
Where do I begin...
Firstly the word 'pedo' doesn't exist in this novel. Secondly when it comes to girls MC loses more than a few dozen IQ points. Thirdly this novel could be named 'Against The Hymen' or 'Against The Rapist', because MC is a serial rapist.

When it comes to girls MC does turn into another person when it comes to them. His aunt and grandfather were kidnapped and MC ended up wiping out the entire clan that captured them. But when his wife was in danger he pretty much went for the loli p**sy. To clarify, MC was gone for 3 years and a certain clan/empire attacked the nation his wife was from (she's a princess), she with her father resisted the invaders but her father was assassinated and she watched him die with regret in his eyes. She then became empress and resisted the invaders while millions of her citizens were brutally mu*dered by that clan. The only reason she resisted this long was because she wanted revenge for her father and her people, her husband (MC) was reported to have died so she planned to join him in the after life, every day spending hours looking at MC's portrait crying and promising that she'll soon join him and well you can't doubt her resolve especially after her previous su*cide attempt that MC ended up stopping when she thought he had died. Anyways, MC arrives at the last second to save her and saw how his nation ended up and how people he once knew are now consumed with hatred towards that clan/empire. But well, that clan/empire has a loli MC likes, so MC didn't wipe them out but instead killed 4 princes from the total 14 princes of clan and spared the loli's father and pretty much everything worked out for that loli, her father didn't have to die, he clansmen were spared, the reason they invaded was for a precious resource that they mined and MC didn't take it back from them even for his personal use to boost his power and his own wife turned 1 dimensional or was aware MC liked the loli so she didn't demand the loli father's head and it seems after MC arrived all her tactical genius faded away because she demanded the same clan/empire that invaded and dirtied her own land with their feet... She demanded that, that same clan/empire should come back with their army on her own land and fix what they've destroyed. But well, this was author twisting things and well MC got that loli in the best illogical result and she can live without a scar in her heart, so you should just ignore it for now. You should however ignore all their development, yes, ignore all the development of any girl below the age of 18.

The older women or those of similar age to MC are thrown to the back of the novel while currently the loli/little girls are in the picture and get the most ass pulls and character development. If you see descriptions of these little girls... Just skip ahead, even when grown men are checking them out, just skip a few paragraphs. The logic here is, under developed girls beat already developed women and that these girls are in MC's harem and if they surpass developed 'women', what sort of beauties will they turn into in the future?! Yeah... No thank you. I myself don't like when MC grooms little girls into his future wives or marries them at that age.

Leaving girls aside, let me just say that this novel is sometimes too repetitive while sometimes we land on a new and wonderful place. I do have to say that like other cultivation novels the MC here is also born at the right time to experience things that happen very rarely, he's sort of at the right place at the right time too but well you should just ignore this.

We get times skips from time to time and all of these are MC training somewhere away from his loved ones, it isn't always his decisions. As I've previously mentioned, he ends up at the right place and was born at the right time to experience this things, which is why most of these time skips happen because he ends up being forcefully separated from his loved ones and everyone ends up believing he is dead, then his loved ones are in danger and he sweeps in last second to save them, I mean come on author, they just happened to resist the enemy while MC was gone but when he's on his way his loved ones can now not resist?
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Kala rated it
November 29, 2018
Status: c285
It's quite a decent novel if you're looking for a guy that is like a butterfly that fly form one flower to another in between visiting his old flowers...
He has a decent mentality and progress (since he's not to the omnipotent kind that can do everything, beat up anyone and go away with any kind of mess he made). I quite like that he is determined and strong-willed but......

it's quite a weird concept as his "powers" let him skip levels of cultivation... and it's not jus a little bit... he can skip like 10 cultivation levels and beat up people that are way ahead of him... for me it's just too extravagant... I would be okay it it was just like 3 max 4 levels... but he beats people that are in deferent realm o_O


As for his love-story:


I hate it... he wants to have every possible beautiful and powerfully girl fell for him... many times at the same time... and he kinds of promise them same things... and funny fact - They don't mind being part of his entourage (he is married...) they're more than happy




Most of the time it goes like this:

Girl is protecting him (since he's not powerful enough) and so many of them sacrificed for him and then he needs to keep her alive (save her back) and while doing this he is having lucky encounters that let him upgrade his skills... then the girl is touched and fell in love with him. THE END


Reasuming... Not bad... the world is pretty decent and story is progressing quite well but I just need a break because I grew tired of his character (lack of common sense).

Many times he's so hypocritical... he hates when people are arrogant and full of themselves... but mostly he's exactly this kind of proud and s*upid person that bring mess thru his bad choices and rude behavior.


I'll probably come back after calming anger in my heart :P.
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darkangeljack1 rated it
November 3, 2018
Status: c1035
This novel was one of my most favorite ones out there till chapter 900.

It gets annoying to read. And all my love from the beginning perished.

I liked the idea about the bloodline and the Evil god, but as the story goes the author makes many mistakes.

I love/ed this novel so I don't have the heart to say you "Don't read.". Prepare yourself before reading this story. I personally liked it at its start. But it might be your type of story. So don't thing the book is bad because of... more>> the commends. Just check it out and see for yourself. You never know. You might get to love it. <<less
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zaimokuza rated it
July 27, 2018
Status: c1132
Out of all Chinese stories I've read, this one is the most enjoyable thus far. Not perfect, but still enjoyable.

Good action, comedy, drama, suspense, romance, and also adventure.

If I should pick the most memorable part, it should be his out of ordinary way of cultivating, like when he eats dragon or squeezed in the cracks of dimension.
The shortcomings should be the repetitive cycles, well just like how usual Chinese stories goes, I guess.
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thelonehermitsage rated it
May 8, 2018
Status: c1087
I find it interesting alot of the hate for this LN is due to the foolishness and callousness of the MC. Where I agree with much of that. I have to say that alot of that stuff kind of gives the story room to grow. I mean he is a extremely powerful character. There is the whole rinse and repeat of strong enemy defeats him, he grows stronger, kills said enemy so on and so forth. Though that kind of just moves the plot along. I mean what is the... more>> over arching goal that the MC is striving for? I am hoping its to do as the title says go Against the Gods and therefore become a god. So much of the awful plot development aspects could be ignored for character development or strengthening. I have to say though that the whole r*pe and mol*station thing that keeps propping up. Yea that needs to stop happening. Pervy is one thing but be a sick bastard is completely different. Not a whole fan of that angle. Also WHAT THE f*ck HAPPENED TO LITTLE FAIRY!!!! IF she is dead where is the body? If she is alive where is she? Was the child born? IF so where the hell is it? COME ONE TELL US!!! That angle of the story has pissed me off to no end. Then also what about his first wife. She has completely disappeared for almost 1000 chapters. What is going on with her!

For those who just like to read a story. Well this is a decent one to pick up. For those who are highly critical of stories they pick up. Well this might not be a story for you. Since it has its flaws which are rather huge. Though if you don't mind that then this the story for you. <<less
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CrystalNick rated it
April 19, 2018
Status: c1079
Against The Gods is a really good novel. It’s kinda slow pace but in return the MC is not a pu*sy and it has a bit of fan service. The only negative think is the huge amount of fillers and also when you are about to need some info, you will get like 5 chapter of info and then 3 more fillers. That’s the only complaint. I like the harem of the protagonist though he doesn’t seem capable of handling them and treats them kinda bad (abandoning them pursuing other... more>> girls), in short MC is an extreme playboy not even sparing his own aunt (though it would be weirder is he spared her). I think it’s worth your time if you want to read it. Cultivation of the protagonist starts at chapter 54 FYI (so slow) <<less
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BAAM rated it
April 15, 2018
Status: --

The author starts the story off nicely, then he probably got cucked in real life and decides to make a brainless harem, then maybe he was beaten up by a bunch of kids, he decides to exterminate an entire clan by making a s*upid excuse. Maybe his father lectures him, so he decided to make the MC state ret*rded statements that are common sense, then makes all of the brain-dead side characters look at him like he is a genius. I mean you can clearly tell the author had some serious problems in his actual life, they all bled into this novel. What is the point of making it a romance when it isn't realistic, dude you might as well give the MC abilities to spawn s*x dolls.

I strongly recommend this novel for people who haven't read any Chinese or Japanese novel before, it will help you understand what to expect from most of the popular ones. When you are used to reading these novels then you should avoid novels with Polygamy and cunning main character. As these two tags are very rarely done properly with the exception of something like "My Wife is a Beautiful CEO.
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lungshao rated it
January 3, 2018
Status: c600
This one has good scenarios and I totally recommended this. Aside from being a bit cliche the story is enjoyable. I gave this 3 stars instead of higher because it is excruciatingly long winded, redundant, and tons of the typical "conjecture" lines padding the word count. It started like a typical novel but why do these types of novels always de-evolve to annoying essay type writing.

Oh well but I still recommended. Great "family" story though.
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ZeeDoppelganger rated it
January 2, 2018
Status: c1131
Of the numerous novels I read, this is probably the only one I eagerly await updates and try to read as soon as new updates are released. I'm in love with this story and it's one that got me hooked on the genre as a whole.

As for you people hating on it after like 400 chapters with bad reviews. Seriously if you read that far and put that much time into it, instead of b*tching about it, catch the f*ck up xD and yes, I know you people skip whole... more>> paragraphs when reading all the time, I see it in the comments of a lot of chapters. Your own faults you aint enjoying this amazing novel xD

And yes I get it some chapters are horrrrrribly dull and boring, but that's the case with ANY story, we can't have it being action 110% of the time. <<less
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Tykos rated it
December 22, 2017
Status: c127
What can I say about this novel? It's good, great even. I didn't read a whole lot, but I have praises and complaints for this novel. I'll put praises first. Great world building and plot. The action is also extraordinary. Yun Che's schemes are also a fun read (although quite ruthless and shameless). Power system so far also works even though it does follow the standard pattern. As for the complaints the only ones I have is ungodly amount of plot armour. I understand it is xianxia novel, but still,... more>> waaaay too much. Yun Che is at first shown as someone who has no power whatsoever and can't cultivate, yet he is constantly arrogant to extreme (some like MCs like that, some don't), which I can tolerate, but his arrogance should have killed him countless times.

When he swindled Xiao branch sect for their money, then left his own signature to spite them which almost got him killed for example


But all things aside, this is a good novel and anyone who loves an MC who destroys anything that gets in his way (including women). This is a novel for you <<less
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vamignon rated it
November 19, 2017
Status: c963
Mini review,

I really like this novel. Period

The OP powers, the wifus and the main plotline, everything is executed in a very nice way, and that's probably the reason why it is as popular as it is.
There are actually some very major flaws, extremely high repetitiveness, and complete lack of of serious/intelligent antagonits (with 2-3 exeptions), but these never really bothered me as long as I had more content to read, and that goes to say how well written is the rest of it.


There are only two ultimate goals that a man pursues; one is to conquer the world, the other is to conquer women. To conquer the world is to reach a new height in life, but to conquer women, is to embellish the scenery of life. If one isn’t able to conquer the women that he wants, even if he conquered the entire world, he would still be at a lonely summit, and experience loneliness everywhere.

— Yun Che

This novel has Harem tag, without having the Romance. Conquering beauties is an important part of it, and all of them are very well written in the sense that the more 'screentime' they have (or

don't have

), the more you like them, and it's actually hard to disregard any. If you don't like that you have been warned.
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Anonymousse rated it
September 28, 2017
Status: c920
The story are good written. Storyline goes smoothly as theres connection between all the story plot. MC personality is arrogant, but not ret*rded arrogant like MGA.

If you ever read dragon ball, this novel kinda looks the same. MC always beaten almost/to the death and comes back with power up. And all those tournament act. Not to forget all the dirty jokes.

The downside is 1) MC`s luck are sometimes kinda forcely applied by the author that make it seems ridiculous. 2) Sometimes repetitive like the repeatedly beaten/supposed tobe death plot. 3)... more>> somewhat cliche.

Anyway its good time reading but not the best. If you dont mind harem, pe*vert and somewhat arrogant pettyminded MC then try to read this. <<less
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August 30, 2017
Status: c848
You know, there are novels with a dense MC, who win never get laid. There are stories, where the MC doesn't like women at all and looks for the other gender. There are stories without romance. And there is ATG.

The main character has so many women and side chicks. I am sure, I am certain that going at this pace there will be a moment, when the chicks can't be counted anymore, because they just keep coming, endlessly.

Okay, it's not as bad as in Emperor's Domination, where the MC easily... more>> gets 5 chicks every arc. But here we do at least of 18+ content. The MC Yun Che is one of the fastest-to-be dads I have seen in these webnovels. He is the only one actually... lmaooo

Aside from the harem, gang bang, or*y and dual cultivation to save life aspects, there is much more...


This novel has the element of revenge. The main character's teacher was a peaceful person though, who got mu*dered. There is where everything began. You don't kill the best doctor in the world for greedy reasons and expect no repercussions from a born devil like Yun Che.

He goes around slaughtering families and clans and before that he will kill someone in the most brutal way ever in the first chapters.

The teacher of the protagonist is much different from the teacher in Juvenil Medical God. While one is a vicious poison master, who kills people mercilessly, the other wouldn't even harm a fly.

There are 900 translated chapters so far. I am looking forward to the moment when MC can go to Jasmine's home <<less
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Amnesiac rated it
April 12, 2017
Status: c700
Against the Gods starts as many other stories in the xuanhuan genre do, with a transmigration. The unfortunate sod who's died in this story is a weak willed cripple by the name of Xiao Che, poisoned on his wedding day by boys from his village who covet the beauty of his betrothed. Ironically, Yun Che, an expert physician and the possessor of the heavenly 'Sky Poison Pearl', is reborn after committing su*cide into Xiao Che, and thus, with his knowledge of medicine and the accumulated experience of two short lifetimes, Yun Che begins his journey as a cultivator.

What follows is fairly standard for wuxia:

Yun Che meets a mysterious 13 year old girl by the name of Jasmine who cures the defect that has stopped him from practicing cultivation by offering him the profound veins of the Evil God, and assumes the role of his master and protector provided he helps to reconstruct her body and allows her to take residence within the Sky Poison Pearl.


Yun Che is an interesting character. While he originally appears to be the archetypal "pacifist unless provoked - incarnation of vengeance when sufficiently offended" protagonist, his origin is rather interesting.

The relationships and traumas of Yun Che's past life largely define his character, and while his originally demo is later abandoned for a more tempered, less abrasive personality, his past has remained relevant up to this point and eventually integrated into the main plot through the Mirror of Samsara.


Against the Gods is often criticized for it's formulaic nature - a just and well founded critique to be sure. The plot proceeds in a cyclical fashion - developments are recycled starting near the first tournament segment - each time with the same essential elements aside from the setting and characters involved all the while progressing what seems to be an overarching narrative that relates to Jasmine, the primordial era, the Evil God, and a mysterious realm that appears to exceed the powers of comprehension belonging to Yun Che and his kin. This larger plot remains shrouded in mystery, much in the same way that the true nature of the Vast Expanse in ISSTH remains mysterious until the story's conclusion is in sight. This ambiguity in the setting is a powerful plot device that allows the author to hint at forces beyond the understanding of the protagonist at play and an ever brewing central conflict while leaving the story's shape and composition flexible. However, such a plot device is only useful if the promise of a greater conflict contains substance and the enigmatic quality of the setting gradually fades as the character grows in strength. Stories that fail to deliver on mystery of their universes in the long or short term such as AST are oftentimes rendered impotent by this small flaw irrespective of any other virtues and shortcomings. When used correctly, this device makes the setting of a novel infinitely more intriguing, and when used incorrectly, it discards any thin veneer of believably that the world posseses. While ISSTH was able to make effective use of this device, ATG may not deliver, and within the context of the story, not as it has been translated thus far, but rather as a cohesive work, this single point of interest is of paramount importance. Ultimately, I feel that it is too early to rate ATG, as the author appears to be nowhere near finished with this series. However, what exists as of my writing of this review is a typical wish fulfillment story with a strong premise and decent writing, and in reality, that alone is well above average for the xuanhuan genre.
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January 29, 2017
Status: --
A great power fantasy

Despite the 3 stars this story is really enjoyable but two factors caused me to give it less stars, the first one is the immense amount of repetition, the enemies are generic and ridiculously one dimensional, their behavior can be condensed in: "How you dare to fight back when im trying to kill you because of my pettiness and pointless greed!!!" and this structure repeats itself again and again just with different people

The other reason is the immense amount of repetition, EVERYONE is shocked all the time... more>> because the MC is so OP and their reactions can take the whole chapter... only to be impressed again in the ten next chapters, the story makes a lot of efforts to let it clear how OP the MC is and there are tournaments all the time so he can trample on geniuses and brag in front of beauties, if we were to take out all the pointlessly repeated reactions the story would decrease by one third and it would become considerably better

Despite that the MC has his own charm even if wiht plenty of contradictions, he may have his own way to live focused on his pleasure and quest for power but he doesnt try to impose his values on others as it happens with ridiculously good MCs who try to preach morality at every second, also he recognizes the value of other people's way of living (as long as they dont mess with other people) and values them for following their own values and his power displays are pretty good (just skip the repeated reactions, so boring)

The downside of it is that evil people get over retaliation in the name of justice but they are so cartoonish and only dimensional that one can let it slide

BTW, the title originally should be "Defying the heavens" but the translator messed up and later decided to let it be because it sounds cool so dont expect the MC to go against any gods anytime soon <<less
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dederper rated it
July 29, 2016
Status: c374
I've tried to make it to the latest release but after getting all the way to 374 its apparent that I can't. The story telling is excellent but the development of all of the supporting characters is almost nonexistent, all of the girls that he has romanced with are basically still in the stages of affection that they started in. Little aunt has had no development, his first wife is basically still in the same relationship with the MC that they started in, the princess is still shy and little... more>> fairy is nowhere to be seen. All the story has done to progress is introduce more and more over-reaching plots and story arcs that wont come to fruition for 200+ chapters. <<less
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Deathx64 rated it
June 19, 2016
Status: c668
I give this novel a 4.5 out of 5. Like others said the novel is awesome and great. However, I have a problem with Mars gravity. This is because he recycles his plots over and over again. If anybody here has read Heavenly star by Mars gravity, you know what I mean. Yes the overuse plots are enjoyable but they are predictable as f*ck. For example in heavenly star ... more>>

The main character's first time is to a woman who has a ice cold personality. She got pregnant. After they f*ck she goes and hide and the MC tries to get her back. Also guess what the MC calls her? He calls her fairy. Doesn't that remind you of someone? Cough*little*cough*fairy*cough. Mars gravity used the plots he made from heavenly star and use them in against the gods. Kinda disappointing. But whatever. Nevertheless atg is still good.

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