Accompanied by a Fool To Do Farming


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When he woke up, Zhong Ziqi found that he had transmigrated over!

It’s okay that his family is very poor, but unexpectedly both of his parents are dead!

Even if both of them are dead, he is actually a Ger!

It doesn’t really matter that he was a Ger, but who could have thought that he was sold by his elder uncle’s family!

Even if he was sold, he was sold to a fool!

Zhong Ziqi was calm on the outside, but inside he was screaming: Could it be any worse?

But since I can’t do anything to prevent it, I might as well sit back and enjoy it.

However, having such a silly person to accompany him in this unfamiliar and strange world, it’s, actually…not bad too.

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Related Series
Transmigration: The Farm Life of a “Fool” (4)
Through the Farming Fields Full of Spring (3)
Little Ger, Slow Life in Another World (3)
The Only Favourite Ugly Husband (2)
Transmigration of Mian [Reluctantly] Becomes His Man [Wife] (2)
My Favorite Manly Husband (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Farming ish?
  2. Read (Completed)
  3. Completed Danmei
  4. danmei novel i finished reading part 1
  5. Summery seems interesting

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69 Reviews

Jun 12, 2021
Status: Completed
Despite farming in the title, there was barely any farming involved. MC made his fortune, as all self respecting transmigrator would, by taking the foodie route. Other than his modern knowledge, MC has no other golden finger.

This is a really wholesome, feel good, healing type of novel. Really slice of life. I like that ML wasn't some OP lost prince/ general of a country. A fresh change from the usual for this trope.

It's a pleasant read throughout.
54 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I liked the dynamic between the main characters. Both were easy to like. Same with the side characters. I also liked that there weren't many villains how it's usually in those type of stories, where everyone is against the protagonists. The few of them were dealt to them pretty easy. No angst, no heavy plot. The protagonists were a little OP but I like that I don't complain about it

The only problem; the word building. No woman in this story. Instead of woman we have Ger. But there was no... more>> difference between a woman and a Ger. So how is this a BL when the Ger is created exactly as a woman. From how they behave, how they look, how they act and talk and live, think and so on. Exactly as a woman in ancient time. Even the pregnancy and all that. All that stereotypes about women. I fel like just finished a novel with a FL and ML. Not even once it made me feel that I read BL. <<less
44 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 27, 2021
Status: Completed
Good story, but shounen-ai? I’ve read stories with no women before, and even so, both sexes still retained their... masculinity (for a lack of better wording). TBH, you could have just replaced all the gers here with women and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference. They act like women, have the same status as women, the same bodily concerns. In fact, because there are no women, they ARE essentially women, filling the missing role instead of having a role meant just for them. The different physiology doesn’t matter because... more>> it’s NEVER brought up. The MC also has no consciousness as a man. What modern man goes from freedom to shackles and goes “meh, that’s natural and expected.”

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a VERY GOOD story. But I expected at least a paragraph or two about conflict between modern and history, man and his new gender as ger. Not whatever this was. <<less
37 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 13, 2022
Status: --
I haven't written a review in a while, but one review misconstrued the story so bad, I had to correct it. Cause the things s/he wrote would normally turn me off a story. This is why if you mtl, you mtl with a good source or multiple sources. Just a few changes in the sentence can change the whole meaning of the paragraph. I am spoilering the old one and the correction. ... more>>

Original is going to be in italics. Like his reluctance to have s*x with his husband for the first time. [Well, you don't just jump in to the sheets with someone who you previously saw as a child nor someone you just started dating]It's not like MC is asexual. MC is gay and it was already after they were married and had confirmed their feelings for each other. Besides, when he and his husband confirmed their feelings for each other, MC's feelings for his husband were already to the point where he couldn't be without his husband. But even then he would push his husband away whenever his husband tried to do something. [It's called being shy and nervous, this is literally his first relationship and s*xual relationship in both lives, give him time. ie he is a bonifide virg*n]To the point the husband had to get him drunk to finally do it. WTF. It's so wrong in so many levels. Even if they're married, that's r*pe. [The purpose of them drinking wasn't even to have s*x, nor did the ML make him drink. The MC was rubbing up against the ML, not the other way around. This would be dub con at worst] Even though the author tried to brush it off by saying MC wasn't unwilling, it doesn't erase the fact that he kept rejecting his husband's advances every single time before that and the fact that their first time was while MC was drunk out of his mind while ML was sober. Then the author makes it seem that MC was reluctant the first time because he was afraid of pain. [It was insinuated, ie all virg*ns have this fear, unless you are completely unhibited, but how many of us aren't actually afraid of virg*n pain? It's new, and even if we know the logistics, doesn't stop the nerves, Love your SO or not]But that was never mentioned before. Plus, if that was the case, he could have communicated that to his husband. Imo, that was just a very poor attempt of seeming pure. Just NO.[He was pure though]

Or when MC thought he didn't agree with the village's practice of not allowing wives to eat at the same table as the husbands when there were guests, but he still ate separately with the other wives [it's not eat separately but to stand at the side and serve them] because he thought that eating with a bunch of rough old men would make him lose his appetite, even though those men were all close friends! How pretentious is that? I can't help rolling my eyes at MC at times like these. And there were a few. [Well he was pregnant, you know where anything can irritate you, like rowdy old men making noise, nothing to do with disdain, and the part of the practice that you conveniently left out was how Gers were suppose to be at the side serving, SO instead they ate separately. How is that pretentious?]

Also, the world setting is s*upid. What's the point of gers being gers if there aren't women? Gers are delicate, beautiful, they get pregnant. So... what's the difference between gers and women? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all stories where there are only gers and men, but in this story, gers were just women described with different words. I kept failing at imagining guys when the story was talking about gers other than the MC. [All the gers aren't delicate or beautiful, in fact there were some that are quite plain. Some can't cook, some can't sew. Ger's are physically weaker than the Men so of course typically more labor intensive things they do, but Gers still do them as well. And this is an all Man's world and BL. It's fantasy why are you hung up on it? Even irl, there are men that are delicate and beautiful and or "feminine" There are all types. And where ever their is a society that are unspoken gender rules. Gers are not the same gender as men in this world so meh, it is what it is. ]


Honestly, this person should really stick to reading a good translation story, because they jump to conclusions way too much or just plain didn't get what they were reading. As far as the story itself, it's slice of life. A very gentle read, with little waves. You read it to look a dog food basically. The flirting and stuff and watch them build their home and comfort. It's sweet. While it may not be the best slice of life ever, it's still pretty good. Better than average, I can see myself reading it again to pass time. Maybe not my first go to, but on the list. I liked it, but if you don't like slice of life, this isn't for you. As far as the do farming part, semantics. lol. They did it a little.... okay barely but they live on a farm so pass for me. <<less
25 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 06, 2021
Status: Completed
Another mellow slice of life farming poor to rich transmigration no females story. Of course there's still the tr*sh families, but they're quite tame compared to something like, transmigration of mian level of tr*sh family. There's also a lot of supporting characters, so not that much drama. ML also probably has the sturdiest skull in this universe, having head trauma twice. I also do like how both leads doesn't give a f*ck about filial piety once they got separated from the family, nor do they give in to their families'... more>> demands. Like why should they play nice to people that pretty much f*cked them over? I've always found it frustrating in other stories, when the leads still interact with the family that abused/hurt them for the sake of face or filial piety.

Ending did kinda felt eh, but I guess everyone's happy at least.

Also marriages. Marriages everywhere. And babies.

I'd probably read this again if it gets fully translated, the mtl kinda fried my brain. <<less
16 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 03, 2021
Status: Completed
The story itself was fine, it's a nice read, but there's a problem with the title as the story contain more about doing business than farming, so it should titled "Accompany by A Fool to do Farming Business".
14 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 11, 2022
Status: Completed

not getting enough of them!

This story is pretty peaceful and good. And I like how they developed from opening a small stall to suppliers to landlords. They are not OP. They faced a lot of problems and powerlessness. It's realistic.

I like both ML and MC. They have a very good relationship it's just the novel itself lack spiciness. Their love is evident to see but there is no intense romance scenes or they have but the author didn't write it spicy. For those who are complaining it's boring, did you... more>> see the tags before reading? It's slice of life and farming, cooking and mpreg. What do you expect? Betrayal, royality and wars?

It's a comfort novel. So don't expect tropes and wars. <<less
12 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sora denbu
Sora denbu
Jun 02, 2021
Status: Completed
I've finished reading this by mtl ed it and it's quite a good ride. No dog blood, but there's quite many conflicts that finish in a short time. The face slapping was not really great, but it's okay. MC and ML has good relationship. The story is not as compact as 'the little ger slow life in another world', but I love side CPs here.
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Got pretty boring after the first half. No more challenges, just fluffy slice-of-life and MC/ML raking in money.

Generally I really like farming novels or leveling-up, poor-to-rich novels, but this one ended up pretty boring, and the actual leveling-up part ended very quickly. The rest is just mpreg and daily to-do.

MC and ML just make money off of 3 dishes basically. The end.


Even though the world has ger, it doesn't have women. Just replace all ger with women and you get the same stereotypes like "ger fall in love at the drop of a hat" "ger are more beautiful" "ger liked makeup" etc. Or "men are stoic and strong" "men don't know their own feelings" "men do the confessing" blahblah

If you enjoy flat caricatures and 1D characters who all follow the same stereotypes, this is the perfect novel!


Even the "ger" who was raised to pass off as a guy, happened to be the most beautiful man the MC had ever seen. Lol

Why even bother with euphemisms at that point? Just call ger women if they're exactly the same.


Translation was not the best, inconsistent quality with issues.
9 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 06, 2022
Status: Completed

Very simple and enjoyable 'farming' (rather doing business) story. No cheat system or other hidden abilities.

ML got cured after a short while. He was adorable as a fool. Very obedient and loyal. After he got cured he became the smart, very sociable and smiling ML again.

The couple got rich, but in realistic way. Also, they 'just' become a rich landlord in the end with a thriving business of producing snacks that are sold to restaurants in nearby towns. They are comparable to local modern tyrant. So, don't expect a story... more>> in which cp changes the country politics or become rulers themselves (like in some other farming stories) ! Their achievements are on rather minor scale.

MC is a nice, normal person. He is smart and good to his friends, but remembers everyone who wasn't good to the original owner. He is very strict in refusing their requests, not a pushover. His character design was realistic. <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 10, 2021
Status: Completed
Simple, cliche, feel good, romance after marriage while improving life scenario set in a world with just males segregated into two categories - men and ger (who can get pregnant).

The story is set with a steady pace without much fluctuations, romance is a natural post arranged marriage style without drama. Issues get resolved easily and the overall progression of events happen monotonous but fast enough not to get too bored. Small scale with minimal to no descriptive image of the world and its culture that has been influenced without the... more>> inclusion of "women". I still have no idea the difference in dressing and all that in this story, is it the same as ancient China? Which era? How much of difference is there between the dressing and other behaviour expectation of ger there? And isn't it basically a hetero relationship with a patriarchal setting - what influence is being 'ger'? <<less
8 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Sep 19, 2023
Status: Completed
First of all, about the title 🤦

I don't know why the author wants to insert farming in the title when there's no farming in the story at all. 🤷 Just because the setting is in rural area where the main job is farming he decided to put farming in the title (?) 🙃

The title should be 'Accompanied by a Fool To Do Business' 😅👌

Anyway, forget the title, I still give this a 5⭐ because... I like it atm. 🤷 I read from Knoxt and translation is so-so. There are typos... more>> and mistakes but still acceptable and understandable.

I'm down right now (thanks PMS) so I need light and relaxing story to stabilize my mood and this novel helps my mind.

  • Again it's light and relaxing..
  • No hard drama..
  • No killings
  • No heavy schemes
  • No complicated revenge or faceslap
  • Food p🥝rn is present
I'll prolly question myself later for giving this novel 5⭐ since there's really nothing great in it. The story is so-so and very cliche. But then again.. maybe because of my PMS that I want to give this novel a 5 star atm. 😅

It's just about a transmigrated soul married to a fool with no gold finger at all. He just have a little bit of knowledge in business and cooking that he was able to survive in ancient times. From 2 person family to a big family. From rug to riches.

Now I want to change it to 3 or 4 star but to lazy because I need to refresh the page to do that. 😮‍💨

Anyway that's that. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 30, 2022
Status: Completed
I got bored and struggled to finish it after the first half.

The story starts pretty interesting and funny. Pretty enjoyable, but afterwards there's nothing.

I enjoy slice-of-life, fluffy stories, but in this story, once the main characters manage to establish something, everything pretty much gets solved and there's no more leveling up, no more challenges, not even anymore fluff. It's just mundane day to day life. Slice-of-life stories are good because even though it's day to day life, there's still something funny, or cute, or interesting or comforting happening, but not... more>> here. In here it was just like: MC was bored, so he went to the town for a bit with his husband. Then he went back. Then relatives visited and they chatted. Then they left and it was another day. (-_-) ZzZ

Besides, I didn't like the MC all that much. I mean, he's not exactly dislikable, but some of the things he did or thought rubbed me the wrong way a few times.


Like his reluctance to have s*x with his husband for the first time. It's not like MC is asexual. MC is gay and it was already after they were married and had confirmed their feelings for each other. Besides, when he and his husband confirmed their feelings for each other, MC's feelings for his husband were already to the point where he couldn't be without his husband. But even then he would push his husband away whenever his husband tried to do something. To the point the husband had to get him drunk to finally do it. WTF. It's so wrong in so many levels. Even if they're married, that's r*pe. Even though the author tried to brush it off by saying MC wasn't unwilling, it doesn't erase the fact that he kept rejecting his husband's advances every single time before that and the fact that their first time was while MC was drunk out of his mind while ML was sober. Then the author makes it seem like MC was reluctant the first time because he was afraid of pain. But that was never mentioned before. Plus, if that was the case, he could have communicated that to his husband. Imo, that (MC not being super eager to have s*x with his husband) was just a very poor attempt of making MC seem pure. Just NO.


Or when MC thought he didn't agree with the village's practice of not allowing wives to eat at the same table as the husbands when there were guests, but he still ate separately with the other wives because he thought that eating with a bunch of rough old men would make him lose his appetite, even though those men were all close friends! How pretentious is that? I can't help rolling my eyes at MC at times like these. And there were a few.

Also, the world setting is s*upid. What's the point of gers being gers if there aren't women? Gers are delicate, beautiful, they get pregnant. So... what's the difference between gers and women? Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all stories where there are only gers and men, but in this story, gers were just women described with different words. I kept failing at imagining guys when the story was talking about gers other than the MC. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 12, 2021
Status: --
As I said before I really love a slice of life, farming related and cooking type of novel with an added MPreg then its perfect! Love this novel kinda like Transmigration of Mian, without the secret dimension and and strong ML, just an ordinary character MC and a foolish ML that got cured eventually.. I love how the author writes their story! The chapters is not that long so can binge read it..
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Translator here

It's slice of life

It's farming tag in chinese

... more>> (so basically this tag in chinese to describe the world setting where usually the MC and ML lived in village whether they are doing farming, business, becoming a scholar, etc?)

It's ger verse without woman's kind of world

It's warm

With cute and adorable characters

The MC and ML is not too OP

The problems resolved very quick

If you love this kind of story then this is for you

Hope you enjoy reading this novel and my translation

P. S :

For the inconsistency of the Huang Jinlei's name is because I confused which one is the correct one Huang Jinlei or Huang Jin Lei? Anyone please tell me

Jin Zi is the way his parents call him

😂😂😂 I know, it sound s*upid but for footnote, it was because I don't know how to use footnote feature at that time.

Forgive me, okay? (。♋‸♋。)

And I don't have editor

I am doing the chapters in fast updates like the one being chased by deadline lol

The editor only help with chapter 1 and 2 and some chapters only. T.T

For the term amu/ame or amo etc, tbh, it's scared me at first, I thought I got it wrong in the middle of chapter 60/70 I just realized it that it should be read ame than amu, but it's because the raw sometimes changed between ame / amu too.

For the missing text, it is probably like that in the raw... :)

Thank you for telling me ❤❤❤ <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 08, 2022
Status: c90
Personally, I think it's an enjoyable read. It's just that the story is a bit too plain, even for a slice of life. Therefore, there are times when I'm bored and not so into it.... more>>

Is it wrong for me to not want the ML to be recovered though? He is really cute when he was just a fool. 🥲 Yet, It's good that he's just an ordinary villager, not a prince or any injured general like in many of the similar novels. I appreciate it a lot!

The pacing of the story is pretty good. However, since the MC is a vigilant person, the couple deliberately distances themselves from other villagers, so there aren't many interactions between them and others, except for his friend's family. Hence, the story is all about the MC raising a fool husband and doing business, which appears to be monotonous and a bit boring as the story progresses further, especially after the ML recovered from illness. However, since I finished reading it, it's a good novel nevertheless. ヾ (*'O'*) / <<less
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Jul 14, 2021
Status: Completed
Slice of life with no angst and bad guys aren't irritable, they come early and leave early. They actually don't do farming though, MC only selling a few food recipes he knows to make a living. It's a countryside kind of life. It's shallow but it's short.

... more>>

what I hate is, if you change the word "Ger" to "Woman" then everything is click. The author can just make MC transmigrate to woman body and the story would still be the same. But being a Ger means you don't have to bear with period and breastfeeding right?

5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 13, 2021
Status: c90
Short, sweet not much drama.
A really good slice-of-life story
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Jun 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I’ve completed this novel by mtling it. The story is actually good for a nice and slow food business in ancient times. The only con for me in the novel is; not that much face slapping which should be showed cuz come on those people are so ruthless and another is that the ending wasn't really satisfying and felt rushed, even the author agreed that it wasn’t satisfying and knew that they can’t write good endings lmaooo

Other than that it was a wonderful reading! Love the ML and MC, minding... more>> their own business, eating and making food got me starving and drooling for more (●´□`) ♡

I love the two dogs too uwu <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 18, 2022
Status: Completed
It is a transmigration novel but instead of farming to survive, MC chooses to be a cook. It is a light slice-of-life genre, with zero angst. Despite the fantasy setting, it is quite realistic as both protags are not OP, starts from practically poverty level, abandoned by both their families, and slowly learn to adapt and grow. They are surrounded by a great cast of good villagers and close friends. Very heartwarming and relaxing read.
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