About the Reckless Girl Who Kept Challenging a Reborn Man Like Me


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“A prodigy at ten, a genius at fifteen, a common man past twenty.”

This is a story of the struggle of an ordinary guy like me who is a “reincarnator” and a reckless and promising girl who is a “genius”.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tenseisha de Aru Watashi ni Idonde Kuru Mubou de Yubou na Shoujo no Hanashi
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129 Reviews sorted by

KinsKindred rated it
May 9, 2021
Status: oneshot
I went back to this story since I thought this was just a one-shot. I'll read the LN when the fan translation is done or an official translation will be made.

I reread the one shot again and I still think it was great.

A guy who died and reincarnated with his memories then used those memories as an advantage during his childhood. Though he does work hard, the girl is slowly catching up to him.

The heartwarming interactions between the MC and the love interest was really fun to read. The struggle... more>> that the MC was facing when he met the genius really resonated with me and the more the gap closed the more you can fell the bitterness in his tone.

It was a rollercoaster ride and I can't wait for the LN <<less
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June 23, 2020
Status: oneshot
The story of our character, Sieg, is a relatable story for ordinary people like me. When I was in middle school and high school, I thought I was special and smarter than everyone, that no one could surpass my intelligence better than I had. But I was wrong. Sieg is like me who is devoted to achieving more in his college however, he realizes that there is always some special person, a genius or prodigy, who could surpass us and have an outstanding IQ than he has albeit he is... more>> a reincarnator who died at age of 28.

I'm not honest with others and I often feel guilty whenever I lied and so Sieg, our MC, does think the same way too.

I fully recommend reading this before u order the volumes of its light novel. It is amazing and has a unique atmosphere that would make u laugh, care, and even though ur a male like me or a cold-ice girl like his heroine, you better be prepared to cry to this series. I swear. You're definitely crying for its cute romantic slice of life story. <<less
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TangerineWave rated it
October 14, 2018
Status: oneshot
I went into this not expecting too much. Oneshots usually don't get me too invested before they end. But I enjoyed this one, and it definitely brought a tear to my eye toward the end. It had a very 'Flowers for Algernon' feel.

This short story did a great job resonating with me in the main character. I think a lot of people get the feeling of inadequacy and impostor syndrome sometime in their life. The MC is likable and selfless. He takes initiative to help others. But I also like... more>> that he isn't perfect, and he struggles with his feelings of inadequacy all story long. It gives the main character a nice little story arc and a satisfying conclusion at the end.

However, I think there is still room for improvement. For one, it randomly introduces the fact that they are mages and are studying magic tech engineering. This little factoid felt so underdeveloped, since it's so irrelevant to the story that it almost feels like this was some sort of fanfic based on another story where the concept of magic was more fleshed out. Magic never comes into play anywhere, and it might as well have been chemical engineering or whatever. Overall not a big gripe of mine, but the world does feel somewhat vague and not well built out. I think the writer could have expanded on the world a little bit more. Even by the end, we know very little about their world at all.

Another problem I had was with the character of the love interest. She was somewhat cliche for the most of the story, being a candy loving little girl. In the end she did develop a little bit realizing that the MC was having psychological problems and she tried to help. But I felt like she was one dimensional for the majority of the story, having a singular goal of beating the MC at exams. There was a bit of interesting relationship development when they first started their one on one tutoring sessions, but in the childhood era and the college era her character seemed rather bland. I would have liked to see more character traits from her outside of her competitiveness with the MC.

And finally, the thing that bugged me the most was that I didn't like the conclusion. The MC basically accepted that he was just a normal guy living a normal life with a normal family. But gosh, I would have loved it if it went the other way. I wanted so much for the girl to just hug him and tell him he's not dumb. That he's still at the top university in their world getting a prestigious education. He's doing fine, there was no talk of him failing classes. He may not be the genius of his girlfriend, but he had the earnest diligence to keep up with her for so long. That he was special. Maybe not for his intelligence, but for his determination.

Overall a good, enjoyable read that I related too maybe a little too much. I give it a 4.5 / 5.0. Worth a read. <<less
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AngelKnighz2lips rated it
September 4, 2018
Status: oneshot
I was teary-eyed.

No! I cried, enough to the point that it warms my heart to have read this wonderful and beautiful story. It struck me when the MC have decided to tell the female lead about his past and reincarnation and decided to part ways with her. But no! Anja wasn't willing to part ways with him and decided to tell him her feelings. T^T It was heart-wrenching yet, at the same time, soft on the readers as the characters was first written that they were both rivals in school... more>> and up to college. Till the time that the MC felt that there was this gap between him and Anja when they were college students. I was expectant of what Anja's reaction will be when the MC tells her about his reincarnation. But I didn't expect for Anja to tell him right away that she loves him. It was beautiful at this point. I mean, if a friend was telling about them reincarnating and was cheating the whole time. Wouldn't that be like betrayal? It amazes me cause I never thought Anja would have feelings for him. I understand that MC and Anja were rivals and that part of where the MC misunderstood Anja's request of teaching her at night. (Lol). Nevertheless, I can understand Anja's thought when the MC told her about him cheating in the exams. I mean, the MC reincarnated and thus regained his memories from his past life. Even if he regained those memories, it felt like the real deal that the MC was putting an effort in studying and teaching the whole class. Anja saw the MC as him and only him cause she's known him since childhood and even if he said to her that he's been cheating this whole time then that would be absurd. I mean the MC taught the whole class and got them to understand!

I really love this story! <<less
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JagerGodhand rated it
July 24, 2018
Status: --
A very simple story but hits so close to home specially to those who were currently attending their schools and universities and to those who had finished their studies and currently dealing with real life.

its definitely a tear jerker so bring your tissues with you (oh well I know you always have stack of those beside your computer anyway). The way on how the story resolves really is simple and yet so touching.

PS. I hope we can all find our selves an Anja of our own
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Alec157 rated it
November 25, 2017
Status: c1
This is a majestic piece of work. The MC is great; his personality is average yet lovable and so is the female lead. Unlike the useless, spineless, generic characters you find in regular reincarnation novels the one from this novel develops character and feels real. The author also manages to make everything feel so real that you will find yourself really connected to the MC because of all the efforts he puts in to stay with the female lead. Don't know what else to say without spoiling the story but... more>> definitely a great read with a very satisfying end. <<less
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ignNov rated it
May 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I've used this site for a bit and read many series on here (mostly romcoms though). But after I read this, I created this account just to leave a review on this series. This story is short but it was really well written and it had a realistic touch but also a bit of fantasy with the whole reincarnation thing. I didn't think that a story such as this one would make me feel so much emotion but it did and I'm glad. I'm sorry for not having the ability... more>> to write a better review on this but if you are bored or just want to read something wholesome, realistic, and sweet; then you should definitely check this out. <<less
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Spynine01 rated it
April 27, 2021
Status: Completed
I put off reading this because I didn't expect much from the series, but a friend recently told me to check it out because its a oneshot and that I wouldn't regret it. Suffice to say he was right, its an amazing oneshot about a person who was reincarnated and competes with a "true" genius. It's a nice emotional story that once you finish it you can almost definitely relate with the main character.

There's no magic or whatever in the series, so that fantasy tag barely does anything in the... more>> series. This is definitely a must read that you can recommend to pretty much anyone. Highly worth checking out. <<less
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NegativeIQ rated it
November 28, 2019
Status: oneshot
This isn't AMAZING, but it's certainly good. I highly recommend picking it up as it is a short read with a story that can connect with a lot of people on a personal level. I don't have much else to write other than that, in fact why are you reading a review for a oneshot in the first place? Just read it already.
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Nanolyte rated it
June 17, 2019
Status: --
EXTREMELY well written. I can't stress how good it is in a review, but all you need to do is read it. It's a oneshot so it won't even take a lot of time. It evokes feelings in a very relatable way. A very satisfying story with an equally satisfying ending.
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GronkJuice rated it
February 4, 2019
Status: Completed
This was just gold.

I went in to this thinking 'oh sweet something short to read before Christmas' and now it is February and I still haven't written the review cause I couldn't think of how to express the magic I felt while and after I read it. Even printed it, and gave it to my dad (he hates web-novels, anime, and anything remotely Asian in story) and he even liked it.

It is one of those stories that you read, wanting more, yet realize that; there can't be anything else. It... more>> is done, it flowed well, not new arcs/sidebars are needed. Just a good finished short story.

If you want something that will give you a smile and think that the world is not a f*cked up as it really is, then read this! <<less
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Magnussteffen rated it
December 22, 2018
Status: oneshot
Nothing left for me to say that hasn't been already said. This is an amazing novel that really warms the heart, the MC is truly ordinary like us readers and if reincarnated, this is probably the way our lives play out as well.
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Troll-shooter rated it
October 20, 2018
Status: Completed
It's a masterpiece and don't hesitate to read it.

the MC is an ordinary man spending his reincarnated life with a genius amongst geniuses. It's sweet, heartwarming and relatable.
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Xu rated it
September 26, 2018
Status: oneshot
Great oneshot, a clear cut above the average novel in terms of plot and writing. Unlike some oneshots it doesn't leave you wanting for more - in a good way.

Definitely worth a read since it's not long.
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einzberg rated it
September 14, 2018
Status: --
This really warms my heart.

The plot progressed well, no useless filler or whatever. And how the author put everything in place, it just bring tears to my eyes

Good story
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timma rated it
August 18, 2018
Status: Completed
I normally avoid oneshots because they leave me wanting more, but this is a real reincarnation story.

The real version where you don't magically become a genius, it just looks that way in childhood.

Really thought provoking. 9/10 would recommend.
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lipe117 rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: oneshot
Not much to say about it. It is some of those must-to-read kind of novels

Short, but extremelly well written and well developed. There are only two matters that troubles me.

First, the lack of other person's point of view

... more>> Second, the story is regretably short.

On terms of the story itself, how should I describe... flawless?

If you like this kind of story, I recommend "Even a Cicada Becomes a Dragon If Reborn (Semi Datte Tensei Sureba Ryuu Ni Naru) " It is a totally different kind of story but gives almost the same heart-warming feeling and a torrent of tears at the end. <<less
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Alfha Robby
Alfha Robby rated it
May 6, 2018
Status: Completed
What a beautiful story.

i really love this masterpiece, for those who love lighthearted story with happy end.
don't ever expect any NTR here.
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Azakaka rated it
April 24, 2018
Status: oneshot
First review ever. Honestly, this novel deserves it... It's so short, but so beautiful. The problem I usually have with one-shots is that they feel inconclusive, like it's missing something. But this one ends perfectly, maybe because of the novel's constant time skips, the ending feels completely natural. It's very satisfying and has a beautiful theme. Very intelligent novel, seriously, props to the author for this beautiful novel.

Definitely exceeded my expectations for a one-shot. Would definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys novels.
In a short summary, it's just a very beautiful setting for a novel, with a very philosophical and intelligent theme that is easy to understand and get behind.
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Hatsune Izuma
Hatsune Izuma rated it
February 18, 2018
Status: oneshot
Aaaa... It was emotional...

I was expecting something heart warming rather than the feeling of Melancholy. The story is so bitter-sweet! I thought it would be a op MC, but I was wrong when I got my head around it, It hit me and felt ze Feelz.

The novel is very deep and touching, rather than being an isekai with the elements fantasy, the isekai bit makes the setting of the novel and focus on the physiological lvl of it. It is a emotional romance short story and it's great.

My opinion is,... more>> read it, freaki'n read it. <<less
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