A Monster Who Levels Up


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This is a story of a man named Kim Sae-Jin, who one day, inexplicably wakes up as a Monster. Follow him and his perilous journey to get his life back as a Human, all the while growing even more versatile as a Monster in the process. This should be… complicated, somewhat.

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173 Reviews sorted by

Raubtier rated it
February 10, 2019
Status: c155
The story was good only on the first half of the story with the MC having a definite goal. I think the story progressed to fast with the MC having little to no challenge reaching what he needed to achieve his first goal.

... more>>

Also, one of the parts I didn't like about the story was the romance bit. The MC could have chosen either or any of the two girls he first met he just had to... Well, that's just my opinion anyway.


Even then the story is still good though with an unsatisfying ending. <<less
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Tenku_kun rated it
November 25, 2018
Status: Completed
It had a good beginning and the middle part was promising, shame the end f*cked it all up.

The character reactions started feeling forced, too selfish at times and unjust even.

The story isn't even concluded properly with a very weird plot twist which leaves to an open ending. This weird plot seemed way too sudden and unexpected in a bad way. Like, the author could've clearly avoided it, or done better. But no. He did what he did...

The harem well... for whatever Hazeline did to *minor spoiler* (check spoiler tab to... more>> know who it is), she suffers way too much. What makes it worse is the fact that the reason behind it isn't even explained. So you're always left hanging for why it even happens and feel it out to be unjust. And it's not just the *minor spoiler* who makes her "suffer" the rest of his harem is a part of it.


Kim Yu-Rin


The MC is bland for the start of the novel and starts gaining a personality at the end, something good imo.


I kinda abhor what they did with Bathory, even after all the pain the MC went through when he confronted her, they join hands and almost act like nothing happened


But, I still liked the novel, the last part excluded. so, 3/5.

p.s. the translator was a fun guy from all the notes he left behind. <<less
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boywithlego rated it
November 14, 2018
Status: --
This is a story where an interesting plot turned into generic OP MC-based novel.

at the early chapter, I really enjoyed the concept of MC being a monster and has to evolve to gain his human form. The story compels around the ability of all monster in MC possession. It's refreshing and fun to read.

in the mid chapter, the story turns to a generic plot where MC becomes the best at every field there are. And it doesn't really show any character progression at all. It also doesn't invest much in... more>> the explaining all sort of process in production/creation of a thing, it just "finished" out of nowhere. <<less
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69idontgetgirls69 rated it
November 8, 2018
Status: Completed
This story has it's good parts and bad parts like life, but it helped me get through a year of school by having something to look forward to every day, so I personally recommend people to read this since it was a decent novel that I chanced upon.
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Reached_The_Apex rated it
September 30, 2018
Status: c174
Novel started off quite interesting but to be honest, the author is horrible. So many plot holes, even the TL noticed the Author omitted info mid chapter, the story became half assed, it just went all over the place from very thorough, to what the f*ck is going on?. The ending... I'd say fits into my top 10 worst endings ever, the author didn't even give a sh*t about the Mc's Woman, the side women got more attention.

Recommendation: Don't read this if you look for a completed story (its completed... more>> alright, but a complete pile of shit). <<less
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whiterazor rated it
June 9, 2018
Status: c174
It is great story, good moments bad moments and a unexpected end, kind of uncompleted?Yeah could be better but it is also good in its on way too. Only advice for those who want to read all the way to the end (and not stop at the last chapters) ;

better be prepared to feel some emotions.

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Otaku Jelly
Otaku Jelly rated it
May 31, 2018
Status: c174
The definition of a train wreck.

If I was still on ch140 I would be giving a rating of 4 stars, but after a train wreck ending it's hard to not be dissapointed.

To be fair and honest, (excluding the ending) I really enjoyed reading this series. The premise is interesting and there's some great battles and OP moments.... but! After a horrible, unsatisfying conclusion, I almost wish I hadn't read it at all!

Please be advised, you will be left disapointed! The end feels so unsatisfying, it has me pulling hair... more>> that characters I'd grown attached to over 170 chapter didn't recieve a satisfying conclusion.

It's regretful, truly regretful that such a promising series didnt get the end it deserved. If you feel like giving it a go, keep in mind that the story will never truly 'end' and will drag you into the limbo of it's dissapointing ending. <<less
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hasula rated it
May 18, 2018
Status: c174
its a a real disappointment as its really lacking and incomplete to the point the author feels that way too but it seems even if the author feels its incomplete/lacking he didnt feel he should complete it ended with a novel of interesting start, mediocre in the middle then a unsatisfying ending
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BumChikiBum rated it
May 17, 2018
Status: c70
Started with interesting and lovable plot. The change of POV is decent. In the end, all of them ruined when MC suddenly become OP af and finally I dropped this novel. What a disappointment.
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May 13, 2018
Status: c109
It started out great and along the way, whether it be character growth or the storyline, it was good. Then it started going downhill. The decisions the author made in the continuation was just simply... disagreeable. It was like the author had a change of mind about where they wanted the story to go halfway through and disregarding the beginning, started to change directions. Even though I stopped reading at 109, I skipped a few chapters a couple times and even read the epilogue to find out if reading more... more>> would waste my time and well... The translator did an awesome job with this, but the story itself was a complete disappointment in my opinion. <<less
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q00u rated it
May 8, 2018
Status: c174
A bunch of threads started that are never fully explored, a lackluster ending, and many internal inconsistencies.

But overall I enjoyed the ride, despite its flaws.
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zaneith rated it
May 7, 2018
Status: Completed
The story was above average on the first half. It then declined bit by bit, though still acceptable. Was supposed to be a 4 but my oh my, the last parts and the ending was especially disappointing. If you somehow get bored before finishing the novel, don't worry and just stop. You won't be missing much.
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Zemophobia rated it
May 5, 2018
Status: Completed
The ending is so bad that it might as well have been, "... and then he woke up from his coma, only to discover that everything was a dream."

If the ending was better then I would give it a 3.5/5, but that ending dropped it to a two.

The journey in this novel is a pretty fun one, but starts to derail with crappy drama with the side-characters just for the sake of drama.
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akupyro rated it
May 4, 2018
Status: c174
MC build up was okay... but felt to easy. To me, it didn't feel earned, more so handed to him via OP trait. Writing style and some of the characters felt hallow. Got a lot up front and ended up fluff later on. MC relations ended up filler as they seemingly went no where, always. The biggest disappointment is how the story ended. Left a bad taste in my mouth for such a crappy ending.

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Why build up OP MC just to drop it at the end. Like working on a project all day long and forgetting to save the doc. Really. What was the point about pushing for "wait for me" crap, or holding on to see everyone again over 500 years to just go "oh, he forgot everything to live a new happy life" bs. This ending makes me feel robbed even reading the story now.

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Zethuron rated it
May 4, 2018
Status: c174
This one is a pretty good read for what it is, the plot goes on quite well and can leave you wanting for more chapters to read, the last twist before the ending was unexpected, however I just recommend to pretend the ending did not happen and that 172 is the final chapter.
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Thanatos45 rated it
May 4, 2018
Status: Completed
Maybe I'm being too harsh with a 1 star rating, but damn it the whole build up throughout the novel, as well as the relationships from all the characters to MC, and at the end..... wow. What a disappointing ending. Truly disappointing.

... more>>

He gets amnesia after saving the world, open ending on if he actually remembers who his wife is.


I have to give credit to the TL/ED for this novel, they provided a crisp and clear translation of AMLU.

Overall, If you wanna read through this since it's over, go for it. Just remember, don't expecting a super happy ending for the MC. <<less
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TheBurningGoose rated it
March 24, 2018
Status: Completed
Honestly lovin it so far, interesting idea and I think the way the MC changes throughout the story in different ways is awesome.

Only thing I dislike is the girl who he is with at the moment.

Edit: Would change to a 4 star because the Ending is shitty.
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Seraphic rated it
February 24, 2018
Status: Completed
Recommended: Not really. Just go read a Toika novel for a similar, but better, experience.

The setting's fine, the plot's a bit cliche but not necessarily boring; the real problem I have is with the characters, especially the protagonist. This novel starts out with some good ol' skill grinding before the author realizes that rather than show any sort of process or effort they'd much rather just give the protagonist abilities whenever convenient. I'm as much a fan of OP, crush-all-obstacles MCs as anyone else, but as the story goes on... more>> it becomes clear that Kim Sae-Jin, as well as pretty much everyone else in the world, are just narrow-minded idiots.

Characters can be divided into brainless antagonists working towards foolish goals, brainless men existing to be shocked and awed by Sae-Jin's "talent", and brainless women existing to swoon over Sae-Jin despite him being a massive d**cheb*g. And yeah, there are pretty much no female characters who aren't harem-teased. As another reviewer has mentioned, it feels as though the women fall in love more with the MC's ability than the MC himself, because the MC is pretty much a worthless person without his powers. The MC gets a girlfriend... except he tells her nothing about himself whatsoever and promptly becomes closer to the other lead heroines. Speaking of which, Sae-Jin keeps a lot of secrets pretty much unnecessarily, just for cheap drama. He starts a pseudo-company, which is run quite unrealistically even by webnovel standards (also... they know they have to prepare for a coming disaster and yet somehow all the main characters have time to be television stars on the side?).

My impression is that A Monster Who Levels Up is what you'd get if the protagonist of Everyone Else is a Returnee wasn't funny, but was a self-absorbed prick. The highlight of the series is the first arc or so when Sae-Jin is just struggling to get by; after that the whole thing just becomes webnovel wish fulfillment mixed with Korean soap drama.

Edit: Just finished reading it... all the complaints I had when I wrote this continue to exist and be as annoying as ever. On top of that, the ending, while not as rushed as certain other KR novels, is certainly an anticlimax and doesn't really provide much in the way of a satisfactory emotional resolution. <<less
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evvoiathssofias rated it
February 7, 2018
Status: c70
It started out as a decent timekiller read, but the sheer amount of harem members got to me and I just cant read anymore. It might just be me but I started to lose track of the female characters' names around chapter 55 with the sheer number of potential harem candidates. Were it not for the harem, this would be a pretty good read IMO, props to the translator (s). Also, I really have to ask at this point: Is there an actual FEMALE LEAD? I cant tell if there... more>> IS a main female character and that really hurts the Suspension for me. <<less
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Goibinu rated it
January 27, 2018
Status: c100
The beginning chapters really are good and will probably hook you, with the whole dealing with being a monster in the middle of a city. However, the author soon has the MC developing an absurd number of businesses so that it is less about him understanding what happened to him and how to evolve and more about how do I make more money. The later chapters focus primarily on the next business venture, which is not what hooked me in the first place. Thus I give it an okay rating... more>> since it is well written (other than the naming scheme, COME ON!), and the disappointment that the author ditched a unique take for something boring. <<less
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