A Demon Lord’s Tale: Dungeons, Monster Girls, and Heartwarming Bliss


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One day, I woke up only find out that I’d become a Demon Lord, an individual responsible for protecting a dungeon. The world I’d been spirited away to was one filled with violence. Gigantic monsters wandered through it and competed with each other each and every day for the right to survive. I had no choice but to strengthen my dungeon’s defenses in hopes of living another day—or at least that was what I’d thought. For some odd reason, I instead ended up spending my days in relaxation and bliss.

This is Yuki’s story, my story. It tells the tale of how I spent my days after settling down in a dungeon with a self indulgent, “supreme” dragon girl and a young vampire.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I Became the Demon Lord so I Created a Dungeon and Spend Heartwarming Time There with Non-Human Girls
Maou ni Natta node, Dungeon Tsukutte Jingai Musume to Honobono Suru
Now I'm a Demon Lord! Happily Ever After with Monster Girls in My Dungeon (LN)
Related Series
Lazy Dungeon Master (9)
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Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou (3)
I Was Caught up in a Hero Summoning, but That World Is at Peace (WN) (3)
Demon Noble Girl ~Story of a Careless Demon~ (3)
Demon Sword Maiden (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. enjoyed my time
  3. My Read
  4. My Main Novels
  5. Books

Latest Release

Date Group Release
11/14/23 Fans Translations c489 part1
11/11/23 Fans Translations c488
11/09/23 Fans Translations c487 part2
11/07/23 Fans Translations c487 part1
11/04/23 Fans Translations c486 part4
10/31/23 Fans Translations c486 part3
10/26/23 Fans Translations c486 part2
10/24/23 Fans Translations c486 part1
10/21/23 Fans Translations c485 part2
10/19/23 Fans Translations c485 part1
10/17/23 Fans Translations c484 part2
10/15/23 Fans Translations c484 part1
10/10/23 Fans Translations c483 part2
10/08/23 Fans Translations c483 part1
10/03/23 Fans Translations c482 part2
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98 Reviews sorted by

SillyScream rated it
May 22, 2019
Status: c112
Edit: Finally dropping it. At Chapter 112, and yet again romantic moments get spoiled by "omg I smell a woman on you" "it was just a child I played with" "oh so you used yet again a child to satisfy your unsightly desires"..............

f*ck this. I can live with a lot of flaws, but how the MC gets treated as a pe*vert and s*x offender again and again and again just doesnt ring well with me.

OG Review:

Currently on Chapter 64 and really enjoying this novels - for the most part. What grinds my gears is how the author on the one side slowly advances the romance, but on the other side insists on adding a "omg the MC is such a pe*vert and pe*ophile" part as well. Come on, really? Its insanely annoying and adds nothing to the story, not even comedic value. All it does is make the reader question wether a proper romance is even possible....

Footnote: I've been reading on Cardboard TL only. Great translation.
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May 4, 2018
Status: c22
The chapters are short, without much content or descriptions, so for now it's another one of those "slice-of-life in another world".

Despite being in the dungeon master genre, it barely uses it and it is used here and there as an excuse to get materials and items for free.

Because there is a gatcha, you can expect plot luck of getting top-tier stuff way before he should be able to afford it (already happened once, maybe twice but we have no idea if the first one is potent or not as it... more>> has not been used yet).

You can read it if you want one more of those OP protagonists leaving a lazy life in a fantasy world, or give it a pass if you wanted something a bit more structured. <<less
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magiclight rated it
May 28, 2023
Status: c100
Boring and predictable.

The beginning tricks you into thinking you're in for a decent, turn-your-brain-off read, but the signs of how tedious this is to read are there from chapter 1.

I did enjoy MC's interactions with Lefi, due to how good they play off each other. Fluffrir was nice, too. Other than that, Author could delete the other wooden planks, and I would rejoice.

... more>> The MC's internal monologuing is very cringe, and are far too lengthy. Honestly, better off just skipping reading any of that, I certainly did, and nothing was missed.

Now, JP novels have this issue where MC's are somehow "bloodthirsty/cruel", but the second a woman or girl is involved, the MC's IQ drops -400 points, you already know that "bloodthirst/cruelty" immediately goes out the window. Other reviewers have mentioned the scene, but the difference in treatment between Hero & Mercs killed what little immersion I had from the beginning. Doesn't help that I saw that coming two chapters before it happened, simply because the Church mentioned a hero, and there's no way the hero would be a guy in this kind of tr*sh novel.

Like any other typical garbage Isekai, the MC's IQ varies depending on who he's talking to. I.E: Deduced that someone higher-up in chain had grudge on him or goal for the forest after two attacks that had nothing to do w/ each other. But he's surprised, and scared, that the Church would scan him cause they don't trust any and everybody coming to see them, even though he was told he'd be scanned or appraised.

Nothing to see here: you've read much better novels, and there are many more enjoyable novels out there to read than this mediocre sludge. <<less
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Rule 1608
Rule 1608
November 10, 2022
Status: c4
This started out good and funny.. Now at volume 4, I am starting to hate this MC. He is just rude and sarcastic to the people he is suppose to care for.. A real manchild with the emotional and intellect of a 10 year old child. And this dragon is just frustratingly lazy and thinks she can just do what she wants. Like when she and the MC goes honey collecting, she is just sitting and stuffing her face while he is fighting for his life. They bloody deserve each... more>> other. Both suck. <<less
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Nevermet rated it
March 26, 2021
Status: c157
I will say that the first ~130 chapters are really good. They live up to the heartwarming title. The romance with the love interest is really good, it develops naturally and is very satisfyingly up to that point.

It does have some problems with how it handles the plot, it sometimes feels a little forced. Like the MC is going out of his way to confront enemies that really don't appear to be threats to him, for very arbitrary reasons. These times simply detract from the fun slice of life aspect... more>> that I liked about this series.

The real problem for me are the developments after chp ~140.


After having properly married the dragon girl, for what ever reasons the author starting pushing the series towards some generic harem fantasy. Up to this point the MC had zero romantic feelings for anyone else, and dragon girl clearly loved him too. She was also a little possesive telling the other girls in private that she wouldn't yield him to anyone else and being a little jealous even against people she had nothing to fear from.

However after they got married things started taking a complete 180 turn. Suddenly she will forgive him with a light beating if he cheats and dosn't even care that much if it's with one of the maids.

Judging from the tags and how things are described it is clearly heading towards him basically hooking up with or straight up cheating with one of the maids. And that is not heartwarming at all.

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Altair545 rated it
October 25, 2020
Status: c262
Its all right, the MC is cringe worthy though, hes a total edgelord in a bad way if you can't handle chunni stuff stay away.

The girls are all just a step away from walking cliches, still they entertaining enough most of the time.

The whole thing is one of those SOL stories of just f*cking around, and while there's a central kind of serious story sometimes the MC always just busts through everything thx to the power of op plot armor.

And again just gotta stress how f*cking cringe the MC is,... more>> like ive had some problems with other MCs, tbh I usually find chunni stuff funny but this guy is just the worst, like early watamote levels of cringe at times, so yeah you've been warned.

Still I myself love this SOL sh*t so I enjoy it for the most part lol, if you like laid back, harem, op MC sh*t you'll certainly like to this. <<less
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YaBish rated it
August 31, 2020
Status: c176
So to start off this novel is good for what it is, a light hearted story with some action so far. But there some negatives.
    • The MC goes through situations and tries to learns from them but keeps being careless after trying not to be.
    • The author for some reason makes him talk like a 12 year old middle schooler by cursing when there's absolutely no reason to and using "bruh" the whole time
    • The author tends to drag certain descriptions out when it could be summarized quickly. An example would be how a relationship between side characters would be explained for 3-4 paragraphs when only 1-2 is needed. It feels like a chore to read. The relationships are only an example of others.
Those are just some gripes but overall the MC is like able and so are the side characters. The MC isn't a pu*sy or a super prude worrying about every single skin contact with a girl. He actually follows through on his kills instead of doing a 180 degree turn to make the enemy a friend. The romance isn't bad and it doesn't seem like a harem so far as the MC clearly states who he wants. Other girls are just like daughters to him. And his relationship with the Dragon girl (Main Girl) starts off with them being friends. Imagine a girl friend you've had that you feel relaxed around and just have fun and you guys end up together. That's there relationship so it wasn't annoying or forced. Compared to the little girls I don't see how she's a loli but people tend to believe every female below 5 foot anything is a loli. Every "loli" in this novel is an actual little girl who he doesn't see as love interest.

Not done reading yet but I've read enough to review and I'll be continuing it.
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Kerlark Dgrayman
Kerlark Dgrayman rated it
July 17, 2020
Status: c158
For now, I just want to say that slice of life tag is really showing in this manga. So, the pacing is quite slow.

I've come from the manga but I didn't start reading the novel, since at the beginning of the manga there's nothing much interesting going on, for me, at least.

But, as the their life goes by, Yuki's desire to protect what's important to him gives him the strength and that really scares some of the characters in the story. Badass and Ruthless MC is the best, I tell... more>> you. The manga did a good job to visualize the rage scene by Yuki.

The romance is so freaking good. It's slow, but you actually see their progress in some of the chapters. Even as a harem lover, I feel like Rufi is enough to fill the spot as the main girl of the story.

Anyway, since this is a heartwarming story (As seen from the tags), prepare your insulin just in case. It might be slow, but their comedy is also good.

I might give more than 5 since that's how I like heartwarming story. But it's my preferences, though.


I've already seen the chapter where Rufi is pregnant. And you don't know how I keep my smile all the time while reading that part in syosetu (raw source)

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February 6, 2020
Status: c200
Totally deserves 5 stars bruh (you'll understand if you read it). Love this novel, it's actually funny not just 'let's force a joke' funny, but will make you laugh funny. And I live that the guy isn't a beta wimp ass either. In his exact words "be a man bruh, not a beta wimp ass that doesn't show his power of because he's afraid of being noticed" is such a great novel, the author is awesome and cardboardtl is just as awesome with their translation too. This... more>> is a novel you put down, and spend every extra moment reading the chapters. And the chapters are actually a good size, unlike some novels that have literally 5 sentences and you're waiting a week to read 5 more. I even don't mind the side stories because they don't drag out, and are a hella fun read. Especially with Lefi (the awkward cute dragon wife)

If you think this is just a 'oh I built a dungeon and gonna make adventurers attack it while I have a harem` type novel, you got it all wrong. This is way more than that, and not even along those lines anyhow. Just trust me and read it for yourself, it won't disappoint. <<less
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Tom Paris
Tom Paris
January 25, 2020
Status: c152

Great MC. Have a taste of his inner monologue (citing Ch.148) : "

Alright, now listen up kiddos, ‘cause I’mma learn you a real one. You know how, in novels and stuff, main characters like to make dumb excuses and pretend they’re not as strong as they really are because they don’t want to stand out or kick up a fuss or whatever? And you know how they always go ahead and f*cking do it anyway?

Yeah, that’s called being f*cking ret*rded.

Idiots like them need to grow a pair.

The whole point of being a man is to do your goddamn best to make yourself look like a total badass. You want to stand out. You want to show off. You don’t want to be another f*cking dumb beta.


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subabet rated it
January 6, 2020
Status: c201
This is the shit. Amazing character dynamics, some people might not like the incessant swearing but I think that it suits the demon lord narrator very well.

Diabetes, the family edition:

The dungeon members are like one big family and it will heal you. My favourite sol.

Translation by cardboard is grammatically impeccable and funny in itself.

Just read it. It's worth it.
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BluWyvern rated it
December 12, 2019
Status: c184
Honestly I liked the way it started out. I personally hate harem tags but the way this novel had it where there was only one romantic interest. The rest of the girls he hung out with were in no way romantic interests, simply just other people hang around that happen to be female. That was fine to me, and in fact, probably the only instance of a harem that I don’t hate.

The MC is pretty op, and is shown to have a bit of a struggle with some opponents who... more>> have more experience or is a higher level than him. He is also a little chuuni, but the way it’s portrayed isn’t that annoying.

Some parts of the novel don’t make too much sense, like a why a demon lord who should placing upmost priority in protecting his core would stay away from the dungeon for an extended period of time, or some of the other, smaller, actions the MC takes.

The fact that the MC doesn’t stay holed up in his dungeon is fine with me, since it stops the story from being a repetitive “defend your base from some random new attacker” type of story, but if you’re the type that wants a dungeon defense story, this is NOT your novel.

I am dropping this (maybe skim over some new chapters if the situation changes) because it’s beginning to change into a typical harem novel. It seems that the MC is being forced to accept the girl as a new romantic interest for no reason at all. There’s nothing as to why the MC would even want to accept her, and even less of a reason why his first interest would try to force the MC to get another romantic interest.

Overall, I think the first bit of the novel is good, but later on it just kind of drops. The translation quality is decent. <<less
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shinidoshi rated it
September 28, 2019
Status: c76
I like everything so far but the MC gets annoying at times.

He cusses a lot and takes a belligerent attitude when he gets offended, which happens a lot.

A lot of his inner monologue gets rather toxic and judgmental whenever he makes an opinionated analysis on anybody who isn't his friend.

It doesn't help that 80% of the novel's content it his inner monologue, while 10% is conversation, and the last 10% is the world-building narrator.
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frostcrystal rated it
September 15, 2019
Status: c146
I've really enjoyed this story so far, and I think a huge part of that has to do with the translation team's skill. Unlike some other reviewers, I've actually kind of enjoyed the English slang in their translations (although it's a bit over the top at times), just because a lot of Japanese light novel translations feel very two-dimensional to me. The translation quality is such that I forget it's translated at times, and this is high praise.

The story moves along at a good clip, and I'm enjoying the fleshing... more>> out of the world - it has a nice balance of slice of life and occasional action.

The only thing that makes me take a star off is the harem. I know, I know, it's listed right there and I should have steeled myself for it, but I love other-world isekais and this one is otherwise so good. But the harem, I just. Cannot. Worse, this one consists entirely of very young girls (or those who are old in numbers but look 13). Even characters who would make more sense as rough and tough middle-aged women are young teenagers. Hell, even the ghosts and inanimate objects are little girls! Damn, author, would it be too much to have a little boy in there somewhere? Maybe an old woman? Maybe even a male friend for the protagonist?

Though the main character fortunately isn't too creepy in general, the author keeps setting up open ended foreshadowings for future liaisons like "they all asked to marry him and he told them 'when you're a little older'", and "even if he cheated on her, she'd forgive him" glehhhhh can you see the little hairs on my arms rising?! <<less
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AndyDarren rated it
June 2, 2019
Status: c98
Honestly, it's a decent enough read. But that's only if you can manage to get past the mc's suuuuuuper cringy way of speaking. It's not like the MC has to speak in uptight proper english (japanese) all the time but Jesus Christ.

The aurhor tries way too hard to make the MC speak in super-urban jargon all the time and it goes way past the point of being corny to being straight up cringe. It's like the MC is your 90's uncle that's trying to be "hip" and "cool" with the... more>> kids by constanly speaking like a 2011 milenial

Other than that tho, it's a decent enough SOL that isn't too heavy on wish-fulfillment. <<less
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Seregosa rated it
March 15, 2019
Status: c18
Horribly bland and this author's writing style doesn't work well for me. I actually disliked all of the characters. Even the dragon girl, a setting I always LOVE, made me kinda irritated. The interactions between the MC and the characters are dull and unrealistic even for a slice of life. It's pretty much just another slice of life novel but somehow they're in a fantasy world this time around. The dragon girl is quickly seduced by food with no real developments shown and then she acts and is treated like... more>> just another young and weak girl. The next girl is just boring and overdone to try to make her "cute", making her feel artifical.

The MC is really hard to like. He's truly inept at pretty much everything and has no real grasp on his own situation. He's pretty much below average in intelligence. He always complains about this or that and the author is using him to state his own opinions on stuff, even real life affairs. His talent at things are minimal at best and he can't imagine any good magic despite being from the modern world and one who liked playing games. The best stuff he managed to imagine was a flamethrower which was decently powerful, but after losing control of it a little, he somehow got a trauma and now he can't use it anymore. The magic in this world is just about imagining, as long as you can imagine it clearly, it'll work. Despite this, the MC can't imagine anything good, which is ridiculous. The dragon was interesting at the start, but she just turned into a normal gluttonous shut-in instantly. Giving it a 3/5 is pretty generous of me.

I don't recommend this. <<less
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cedsgm rated it
February 14, 2024
Status: c181
This is the first time I ever made a review, so I am not really sure how it is meant to be done.

All in all, I think it's a great light -read novel, I pretty much just binged all the way till chapter 181. There isn't really much of a plot to the story, we just follow the main character "Yuki" as he does whatever he wants, but the main thing pulling the novel down is the fact that the writer is really weird, he keeps spawning small girls around... more>> Yuki, and hinting at him being a pe*ophile. What really ended up ruining the story for me was

when left (his dragon wife) wanted him to mary an extra girl, despite her being the strongest being alive.


Edit: put in the spoiler <<less
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Ovisionik rated it
November 26, 2021
Status: c182
It was a good slice of life so far but I'm dropping it for how the harem is introduced.

The MC tries to justifie his harem by :
TL;DR : "Im in a different world, as a guy I have needs, my wife want me to be the alpha male so I'm willing to create a harem".

Lefi for whatever reason starts to talk about "Alpha Male":

“It is normal behaviour, even amongst dragons, for women to flock to men of great power. The opposite is also true. Men often attempt to court their mates with brute force. It is an experience I know well. Many have endeavoured to woo me with their might, ” she sighed as she grumbled. “And each was shown that they deserve nothing but to grovel at my feet.”

What? it doesn't make sense for HER to talk about it.
Isn't she the Supreme dragon that lived a solitary life for over who know how long?
Wasn't she kind of clueless in love affaire?
Where is her mate? why did she chose Yuki when he wasn't even that strong?
She starts to talk about animalistic instincts but how come she doesn't have any kids even thought she is so old?


Yuki doesn't even know what he wants :

"I couldn’t help but think rather fondly of harems and harem-like situations."

“Lefi, I love you. With all my heart, ” I said. “I think Nell’s a good girl and that she deserves to be happy but honestly, I don’t really want any more wives. You’re the only girl for me.”

Which one is it?


Transition from papa Yuki to [redacted] Yuki:

"Her words were striking. They once again forced me to understand that I wasn’t one of this world’s natives. That my values were different. But that didn’t mean I was unwilling to adapt. I understood, and accepted, everything she said as fact."

So he treats the little girls like he is their dad or something but by this world's common sense by letting Illuna drink his blood he's already married to her.

He can't even reject the little grils when they propose to him because??? (he doesn't has his sh*t together)
If he doesn't even know what he want as it is progressing he's gonna marry every one in his dungeon.


To be clear I don't mind the MC having his harem and I wouldn't even be mad if he was a lolicon (yes the dragon is a loli) what I mind, how ever, is how the MC says one thing but does the opposite... just get your sh*t together.

Like how he says he loves Lefi but wants a harem
Like how threat the girls as his daughters yet he can't say no when they want to marry him.

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juzo13666 rated it
November 23, 2020
Status: c306
It's mostly casual slice of life with bad jokes and the occasional drama and fight scenes, as well as of course harem

Yuki marries at least 3


Word of warning, the MC is while likable a rather chuuni (bragging about his demon lord status even if just as an excuse for his doing weird things and shortsightedness about some things) and sometimes annoying character.

If that sounds fine to you then there's little reason to dislike this, if you don't like any of those then look elsewhere I guess.
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Leonbrine rated it
August 24, 2020
Status: c267
the story is funny but there are way too many fillers and they last for 1/3 chapters and that is really annoying I don't know if the author is a lolicon because almost everyone in his harem is loli and it keeps growing and the MC takes everything really lightly
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