Trafford’s Trading Club


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Luo Qiu became the boss of a ‘club’ by chance.

It was a weird club that sold strange items and with a servant girl that had 300 years of working experience. Countless people with dreams, hopes and ambitions came to the club to exchange anything precious they own for what they want. They would offer their lifespan, items, and even their soul. Every successful trade would increase Luo Qiu’s lifespan by a little.

“Tribute successful, your lifespan has increased by 99 years.”

As thus, Luo Qiu began his endless life as the club’s boss.

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60 Reviews sorted by

Dragon rated it
October 21, 2017
Status: c70
Wow, this story is amazing. It is the only novel that has ever baffled me repeatedly with twist and turns that did not seem forced and unnatural.

The main protagonist kind of reminds me of Lan Jue from Skyfire Avenue, a strong young master of a mysterious shop. While the writing is not as descriptive and fluid as that of Skyfire Avenue, the plot is more intricate and interesting in my opinion. The focus is not on battle or cultivation or anything, but instead on the characters and their interactions. Many... more>> characters are recurring and intertwined with each other, whether through their connection with the club/the protagonist or not.

5/5 for sure, it makes a lot of other wuxia/xianxia/xuanhuan novels seem like high school novels.

The one thing that I am wary about is that there are some arcs/subarcs that seem like they were plagiarizing other works of media. For example, there is one subarc that is basically copying Mob Psycho 100 episode 3 (or the corresponding manga chapters). <<less
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grenfunkel rated it
April 9, 2017
Status: c10
The story is very interesting and refreshing after reading too many chinese novels that reuse simmilar tropes. The atmosphere of the novel somehow reminds me of the anime "death parade" though it has a different story. For now as I have just read 10 chapters, I gave it 5 stars.
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TheNo1Fan rated it
April 9, 2017
Status: c10
This is a 5 star for me. Only reason I gave it 4 however is due to grammar and spelling mistakes. (Edit: The flow seems a bit awkward as well. A bit disjoinyed.) Editor really needs to step up his game.
So far its exactly as the synopsis states. Ordinary guy goes into mysterious shop. Takes over shop. He lives more and can also gain abilities depending on the transactions he makes. I would say there is absolutely nothing like this so far so definitely at least give it a try.
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Makeshift01 rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: v9c95 part1

Started out with setting the character of the MC and the people around him such as his stepmother and new maid employee as well as showing how he transitions into being the new boss of the Trading Club and what he's expected to do as the new boss.

This part is a little slow in my opinion, but it does allow the story to make more sense as well as letting you get more invested in the main characters, if you're interested.

What I enjoy most is that the novel is like... more>> a compilation of stories about the customers and and how they live after acquiring what they desire most from the Trading Club. You get to see the customers enter the shop and exchanging for what they believe they want and how they're story unfolds without it becoming excessively repetitive. It also has a good mix of both light humor and heavier darker parts to it. Overall, this novel shows the best parts and worst parts of humans in an interesting way by following them as they trade what they have now for what they believe they want without getting into the psychological process of what's going on and boring you to death.


Not gonna lie but some of the arcs, or customer story lines were boring to me, but the great thing is that you can skip them without missing too much honestly. There are very few characters that show up in later arcs, only the ones with extraordinary background like Master Long actually interacts with the MC beyond a customer-boss relationship. Normal human customers nearly never show up again.

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nchen rated it
July 28, 2019
Status: c850
Great novel with stimulating philosophical considerations. I thought there wouldn't be too much 'mandatory' nationalism until the author decided to


immortalize the Great Chairman Mao Zedong as the founder of human-monster relations


which made this novel easily 6/5.
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omgitsaray rated it
October 20, 2018
Status: c282
This is a good novel with a very interesting story. But unfortunately, chapters after 50+ are plagued with poor editing with multiple instances of bad english that completely ruins the quality of the work. It really annoys me to see such a good novel turn to crap because of random cats and dogs passing themselves off as editors.

Our MC make transactions pretty much like the Devil, exchanging one's soul or their senses in return for their wish. In return, his longevity and powers will slowly increase from his contributions. Every... more>> customer he meets is a mini-arc in the story and they all somehow feel connected with each other. This is a good novel to get away from cultivating into an Immortal story.

Unfortunately, the mini-arcs eventually turn into a multiple POV fest. They are all linked to our MC as customers, but there's just too much mundane story to read that I have no interest in. Do you want to read a hundred chapters on a salary man's marital problems with his wife? Or a hundred chapters of a kid having trouble with school work? That's how mundane the novel went around chapter 400's. I wished the story was more focused on the MC instead of 20 chapters of aspirations and dreams of a customer. One single chapter could switch POV between 4 customers or potential customers. I think I could write an 1000 chapter novel if I make my own MC with special powers and then switch POV to 50 side characters as well. Sigh~

The novel's name should be changed to Stories of Customers Who Have Visited Trafford's Trading Club. <<less
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yamibae rated it
May 13, 2018
Status: v10c86
Definitely one of the best novels out there to read. The new premise is so interesting because I haven't seen any other author do something similar as of yet.

... more>>

The club owner is close to omnipotent if not omnipotent so he acts more as an observer throughout the story than a direct participant. Think of it as if he was God looking at the mortals running around. It's not that he can't help the people he wants to help if he wants to but he is bound by the club's rules. Even he as the Club's boss cannot break any of the rules. His interactions with the maid and his adoptive mother, Ren Ziling are also very cute. Right now the story has gotten quite interesting since it seems to be moving towards him participating more directly in the conflicts. Of course, the outcome is going to be quite set in stone considering how he can subdue the next strongest character on Earth the divine dragon so easily haha.

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cutterline rated it
February 12, 2018
Status: --
This novel is clearly inspired by xxxHolic. Just imagine xxxHolic messing around Chinese superstition and culture and occasionally put some modern/worldwide setup with some modifications to the characters. The themes is the same, taking aspect of human nature, psychology, relationship. Sometimes it's full dark and sometimes it's twisted to heartwarming, etc. You can sense its familiarity to xxxHolic.

Sometimes the author jumps from a story to another story with reason akin to 'waiting the time to ripe' to give the reader mysterious feeling thus making it harder to read daily chapter... more>> as you might forget about past story. The result is not really bad if you wait and binge read an arc. Just my personal deduction, the author might take this route because xxxHolic is a multiseries interlaced story that span into 1-2 decades of manga series. Therefore, the author tries to compensate the lack of material by jumping around the story. <<less
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January 27, 2018
Status: c100
Are you the the of person that likes seeing the MC face slap every single enemy he encounters? The type of person that likes seeing the MC being badass all the time? If that's the case, then this novel may not necessarily fit your taste.

This novel focuses on the MC, but it also focuses on the people connected to the MC and their present states and back stories. The MC here, to me, is more of a medium or catalyst that helps out on revealing the side-characters' stories and connecting... more>> them all together to complete the pieces of the puzzle, but don't worry, the MC still does end up being badass at Every end of an arc.

The main genre here leans more on the psychological side, for it revolves around the human nature and how it works; this novel does not have the aspect of "black and white" cause only gray exists, meaning, good people may do bad things to other good people for the past bad things they have done, so it merely depends on the perspective or persona of a character to determine the good and bad part.

Characters are really colorful here too, I can't explain most of them cause there's so much variety, just read the novel and you'll understand.

I really like the plot idea, it's really original; the Characters are just up my alleyway, and the vibe it gives is definitely my taste. I'll give it a 5/5. <<less
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nateo rated it
August 11, 2017
Status: c101
Amazing story thus far, it should be noted that although fights happen in this story, it is absolutely not a story about fighting. Don't read this expecting training or extended fights showing off the MC's powers.

MC is quite OP, but really the story isn't focused around the MC. It is very similar to xxxHolic, the crux of the story is almost identical. The story is split into short episodic arcs about the people whose paths cross with the MC's. Time is spent developing them, their motivations, personalities and the consequences... more>> of their actions. A lot of time is spent trying to convey the characters' emotions and inner thoughts and it works out quite well in this type of story.

No significant overarching story thus far, there are interconnecting threads and recurring organizations and characters, but no sign of any kind of greater plot to take over the world or anything. Possibly will remain akin to a slice of life novel throughout.

The author's writing flow and pacing are all excellent, probably. I say probably because every now and then there are some really odd/awkward phrases that I assume are either due to the translator/editor or the writer trying to use an unfamiliar concept.

overall a 5/5 novel <<less
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B055Y rated it
July 29, 2017
Status: c91
It gives you a relaxing atmosphere along with being mysterious allowing you to get hooked.

The main character tackles situations sensiblely and calmly. He always has his own agenda in mind, the reader is never told what this is out in the open, but is instead allowed to make inferences along the way while the truth is slowly laid out throughout the situation. Instead of outright telling the reader which can only be used in certain situations, explainations are twisted with the story allowing it to easily flow and become understandable.

The... more>> main character easily integrates into his role as the immortal owner of a 'special' shop, many thanks to his personality. I think we can see his personality develop over the long term as he experiences more things. The growth on the other characters is also substantial, delving into their hearts and reasons for their purchase at his shop. These are always varying.

If I were to compare this novel to an anime, I would pick Jigoku shoujo / Hell Girl.

This is because throughout that series the episodes have a focus on other characters that trade their soul to send someone to hell, forcing them to also go to hell upon death. Here we see 'Hell Girl' develop in the long run of the series, as most of the 26 episodes are focused on these people who decide to do this and whether or not they made a mistake -- sent the wrong person to hell or regret their decision. We also see this in this novel, 'Trafford's Trading Club'.

Here there is a dedicated team giving great translations of a novel written by a talented author. <<less
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acoleman2 rated it
June 6, 2017
Status: c20
I'm enjoying it so far. It's a very unusual novel. The MC is atypical, and so is the premise. It doesn't feel like there's some huge overarching plot line going on, but it doesn't bother me yet. We'll see how it goes.
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Masbayu11 rated it
June 8, 2022
Status: c58
Our MC is portrayed as a zombie/corpse youth, who has no empathy, sympathy, kindness or even evil. The story focuses more on more colorful side characters with plots such as selling souls to the devil where our MC is described as a devil's messenger. The premise is good. It's a shame the main character here doesn't get a decent and expressive character, more like dead flesh / corpses that just walk around without caring about anything.
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Valixiant rated it
February 6, 2022
Status: v9c83
I'd love to give this more than three stars, and maybe I'm just being picky about it, parts of this story are really good and those parts alone deserve 5 stars. However, this is basically a lot of short stories combined together with the main character puppeteering/watching these events happen, and thats alright.

However, the novel still has not gone anywhere, the main character can travel across the planet and the only places hes gone is a small town in Russia, and a small city in China. Maybe I'm just at... more>> a really boring arc, but I can't help be completely uninterested in some of these stories. Unlike most novels, this one focuses on completely fleshing out every character and adding new characters to see how they interact with the old ones. I feel that this would work for basically any other type of novel, except this one. It gets really boring really fast especially when half the stories are just fleshed out cliches.

This is another novel thats both boring and slow. You can't really skip chapters either, considering the author has a habit of re-introducing characters to other characters. Which is why this novel becomes painfully slow and boring when they focus on super mundane relationship problems. When the author introduced a world of cultivation and monsters I was expecting to see a lot of monsters and cultivators. In some aspects this is true, but they focus on mundane normal relationship problems far too often for this story to be consistently interesting.

Furthermore, I don't know if theres going to be a "main plot" or not, because I haven't seen much. Vague references about big events are what I'm assuming is the main plot, but I could be wrong since it's been 500+ chapters and theres no mention of it.

Last point, is the main character's mother or whatever is so annoying. Like not only is she annoying, she basically drugs her kid so he will have s*x with his girlfriend. Who the f*ck does that? The worst parts of this novel are whenever the author focuses on the main character's family.

Overall, a novel that has a lot of highs and lows, but not consistent enough to be enjoyable. <<less
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tommyhunz rated it
April 29, 2021
Status: v9c25
This novel is simply amazing, I'm used to reading novels with one sided dimension characters, characters who are set on their ways to completing a task using the same methods, but reading this novel blew me away, after a few chapters I was hooked. It's refreshing to read a novel that has fleshed out characters.

... more>>

Story doesn't have a main story but that's not an issue, the sub plots have characters who feel like they are realistic, setting makes you feel as if you were there and reading it is like watching a tv show.

If you became a god like being, you'd face similar problems to Lou Qiu,

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Daresan rated it
October 20, 2020
Status: c550
Well dont know why it just has 3.9 ratings? Its really amazing novel you will later find out it is not what it seems. All these people are rating this low cause they do not enjoy the essense of novel. This novel has flat MC but all other characters are humane and interesting. MC is more like super boss so he doesnt even need emotions let alone forget the fact that his powers is messing with psyche.

If you love super op MC revealing you the dark side of humanity then... more>> this one is for you. <<less
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HomicidalApple rated it
November 3, 2019
Status: --
I'm on around chapter 300 or so.

It seemed like a real Faustian story at first, but then it gets progressively worse. The side character's plot lines don't really tie up well; there's no overarching theme or moral lesson. The stories more along the lines of a series of short stories and that's a mess. It goes everywhere.

Furthermore either the translation or the actual writing happens to be really bad. There's a lot of grammar errors in the later chapters. The sentences don't flow well together. Its as if the stories... more>> only been put through google translate.

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VvAnt rated it
May 27, 2019
Status: c530
Sorry bad English.

A 4☆ novel (can be 4.5☆ if not for poor translation).

A story with a good chara dev. The minor chara didn't get forgotten, instead they will appear later in the story, and they have their own story too.

... more>> MC not a type of idiot who seek trouble or spouting justice-nonsense, but a calm and a bit emotionless (his club effect) but still care his own family.

The story itself split into many minor arc (each arc are interconnected and have their own costumer for MC club).

And well~ this isn't a story that focused on MC, bc many of MC scene just for clean up. MC still there as observer while side chara act.

As for villain, no...... so far no ome can be considered as MC enemies. MC too OP, but dont worry, MC only move when there's a costumer or when an idiot offend MC.

For Romance....... is there, but happen waaaay later. With who??


his beloved miss maid


So for someone who want OP MC but with some different, read this. A very good novel for beginer and even for veteran. <<less
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September 13, 2018
Status: c100


However I have to say that translation can be confusing and difficult to read at times, not sure If the original is the same.

I treat this novel as a series of mini-stories that sometimes come together into the main plot, but sometimes don't.
Compared to usual novels everything here is plot driven and I haven't noticed any copy pasting.
Concept isn't really groundbreaking as it's very similiar to Faustian story, but I like evil. Mystery and religious subtext too, so it's pretty entertaining.
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JSS rated it
May 17, 2018
Status: c297
I like the devil businessman idea very much. But more than it, the side stories which are beautifully interwoven. Only thing I hate are the antagonists. They are just plain bland evil organisation. Entire world has no idea about it and it is everywhere. It is typical clinche that I hate. Fortunately it does not come to cause trouble that much.
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