The Amber Sword


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An RPG gamer who played the realistic VRMMORPG ‘The Amber Sword’ for years, finds himself teleported to a parallel world that resembled the game greatly. He takes on the body of an NPC who was fated to die, and with the feelings of the dying NPC and his own heartrending events in the game, he sets out to change the fate of a kingdom that was doomed to tragedy.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Heroes of Amber
Related Series
I am the Monarch (12)
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Night Ranger (10)
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Sevens (7)
Recommendation Lists
  1. ALLCN+
  2. Masterpieces in their own category
  3. The Mt. Tai of Chinese Novels
  4. Western Names Part 2
  5. A Web-Novel otaku's MUST READ. (CN version)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/16/16 WolfieTranslation v1c44
01/07/16 WolfieTranslation v1c43
01/02/16 WolfieTranslation v1c42
01/01/16 WolfieTranslation v1c41
12/31/15 WolfieTranslation v1c40
12/20/15 WolfieTranslation v1c39
12/20/15 WolfieTranslation v1c38
12/19/15 WolfieTranslation v1c37
12/18/15 WolfieTranslation v1c36
12/18/15 WolfieTranslation v1c35
12/16/15 WolfieTranslation v1c34
12/09/15 WolfieTranslation v1c33
12/08/15 WolfieTranslation v1c32
12/07/15 WolfieTranslation v1c31
12/05/15 WolfieTranslation v1c30
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154 Reviews sorted by

AIm21 rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: v6c16
It was very good for the first three volumes, but after volume 3 the author writing just progressively get worst.

Seriously the author is absolutely awful at keeping the tension of the story and keep switching to different POV no one can give crap about which is just rage inducing...

The author also can't seem to decide on how strong the enemies are as well and at one moment they are getting own than the next moment they suddenly have a card up their sleeve like always, no matter if... more>> they are a grunt or the just a regular boss.

Also after volume 3 get ready for some headache inducing info dump. <<less
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Kuro no Maou
Kuro no Maou rated it
March 17, 2016
Status: --
Quite good. The MC is really extreme, the sh*t he pulls to save himself/others is f*cking absurd. For example in one chapter he STABS HIMSELF IN THE GUTS to play dead because the undead would spot him otherwise.

Overall I would rate it somewhere 4.2 or.3, dunno. The protag seems a bit too coolheaded, after waking up in a village overrun by undead. Also the two girls seem to fall in love with him for no reason. I recommend this novel.
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zaneith rated it
October 16, 2022
Status: v3c261
Was definitely a 5/5 for the chapters that Wolfie translated. The translations gave a breath of fresh air to the genre and removed the convoluted parts typical to chinese novels. Once Veratales translations came in, the pace definitely felt strange. Names were changed and the storytelling lost its initial fresh charm. Suddenly the construction of the paragraphs became boring. And some parts of the story didn't make much sense anymore. The narration got increasingly redundant and it started to feel like I was reading a garbage isekai novel.

Thanks to Wolfie... more>> for letting me enjoy at least up until the first half of the 3rd volume. I'm still gonna finish the 3rd volume but I'm probably gonna drop this. If you also liked how the translations of the first 3 volumes were done, I suggest you do the same. Read the first 3 and drop it once you feel it becoming a drag. <<less
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wewe rated it
December 21, 2021
Status: c698 / v4c76
this is either the case of having the right translator to save a novel, or when the wrong translator ruins it.

It's a decent read up till v3c239 if you like a medieval/fantasy/transported-into-a-game-with-future-knowledge mash up. I can't tell how much of the polish is due to Wolfie (the original translator until v3c238) or the author, but Veratales took over and the current translator (ChildOfWeather?) working on the novel appears to be doing speed TLs. It's readable, but missing all the charm that hooked me up until now; it's as though the... more>> group pays different ppl to TL (for pennies) cause the quality AND translation changes each chapter (while their patreon is 50 chapters ahead lol).

Wouldn't mind if someone just give me a summary of future events, it can't be duller than the current soulless translation. I'm only sticking around atm because I need something to play in the background (via text-to-speech) while I brainlessly grind gachas for christmas. <<less
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spiritualgrass rated it
April 14, 2021
Status: v2c110
I'm done.

I'm not here to read about MC who starts to play a card game out of nowhere when it's rpg.

The world just doesn't make sense anymore so why even bother.

Also author sucks at story telling and translator is writing his own remarks and change/add some things. At the end translator also writes 'half chapter long' comments.
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kennyaugusto rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: c513
Wow what can I say, this novel was really good before chapter 450. I was so hooked I kept wishing for more, but the more I read, the more I get disappointed.

Here is the problem with overdrawn chinese novel with lots of new elements introduced in it: The author tends to forget about stuffs that he wrote, and that just annoys the heck out of me.

... more>>

The part where he got the warrior ring that can affect the White rave sword arte but cannot affect the nine luminaries sword arte. The loot from Amman that is somehow never getting used at all, which makes him I dont know, complete glass cannon even with hundreds of physique OZ, got stabbed one time and immediately UNYIELDING, like wtf? Where's barkskin? Where's the blood of the darkness dragon that is said to be better than a high level acolyte's blood? Where's that OP auto shield equipment that costs 300 OZ of stats just to use, but somehow is never used.

The only thing that the MC use is basically Charge and Power break and Nine luminaries sword arte starting from chapter 400 or smth. And lots of things are not explained properly, like what happened to Valhalla's light spirit? I thought you'd need to summon a whole bunch of them every day to make the promotion faster, MC even made a moon tower just for that?

Levels are not explained properly. Like before MC got his elementalist profession, author said that if he had put the experience to a similar physical profession he would have become an Elemental Awakener, but MC got a fkin ADVANCED warrior profession, and still can only become an awakener after using BERSERK which increases his stat by 100%. Like are you kidding me? It was written in the intro that someone with an average power of 2 oz in all of his stats would have a power level of 8 oz or smth, I get this, because someone 2 times stronger, faster, wiser than me could probably kill 8 me, but MC has a strength of 250 OZ, with other stats at hundreds of OZ, he can go into elemental mode thingy already, but berserk which increases all of his stats can only enables him to enter elemental awakener mode, which is complete sh*t btw, I wouldve expected him to be able to literally jump power level if he could increase all of his stats by 100%.

Also he has a grandmaster blacksmith by his side, but he has never made an armor for himself (?) But made hundreds for subteranean dwellers and elves? And then complained that his equipment sux? Bahamut's grasp is also never used anymore. What happened to Lionheart? Why did it suddenly became up to Freya's? I thought the sage slate was needed for that? Also MC doesn't seem to have a priority, so much stuff he could do to become stronger but what did he do? Go be a miner to get a mine, though it worked out due to plot armor, but you're a regressor for f sake, go do something that you know the result already.


Also the translator is really bad, cause there are a lot of stuff that don't make sense from the translation. It pains me to say that a good novel was ruined by the thoughtlesness of the author. <<less
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wuxia952 rated it
August 2, 2020
Status: v3c349
I enjoyed the series up until around chapter 300. Around that point a big battle starts happening and it goes completely off the rails as the author throws in kitchen sink, the kitchen and the entire universe as previously unintroduced characters get pulled in and killed in droves every chapter.

The entire thing becomes nonsensical and impossible to follow because everything is random and with no purpose other than to make it seem like the enemy is even more powerful. Dropping at this point as it's just ridiculous.
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ASAP rated it
April 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Disclaimer: I read the book entirely in Chinese, so I can't guarantee you will have the same experience when reading the translation, because the book uses a lot of Chinese proverbs, which play a big role in portraying certain moods and humor.

As you read from the description of the book, the story is about a player sent back in time trying to reverse the fate of an old kingdom and save the world from its imminent destruction. There is harem, but it is quite heart warming. If you don't like... more>> harem in general, just know that the protagonist's female companions remain as his comrades until the final part of the book, so romance is almost nonexistent in the majority of the book. However, what set it apart from the generic isekai stories are:

    • Detailed world building
        • The world the story takes place in inherits the entire system from the game with a few additions. For example, the magic card system which basically plays out the same way as mobile card games.
        • There are many characters with varying degrees of importance. They make the world substantially richer in contents. Even fluff has its uses.
        • Complex relationship between characters. Some are known because of the game, and others are revealed as the story progresses.
        • There are battles between big factions. If you have imagine the scenes, these parts of the story will be quite a treat.
    • Struggles of the protagonist
        • Even though the protagonist was a high level player in the game with knowledge about the future, after being sent to the new world, he starts as a weakling before working his way up.
        • There are many times when his life is in danger because he often fights on the front line personally. Early on, we get to see how he fights, but later on when he is stronger, a lot of the details are skipped.
    • Side stories disguised as viewpoints from different characters
        • Outside the usual story about the protagonist's journey, we get to see how other characters carry out their lives. There are monologues that give those characters more depths.
        • These different viewpoints reveal more about their hidden motives and the big picture.
    • Actually explaining why the protagonist is sent to the fantasy world
        • In the later half, the book explains why the protagonist is sent to the world. This is rarely seen in isekai and frankly quite interesting.
I am being intentionally vague because I want you to personally experience the story without any spoilers after deciding to read the book.

That being said, I would give the book 4.5/5 instead of 5/5 because the ending is a bit rushed. The author picked up the pace to skip over details of the final battle and even the final boss fight, compared to the previous battles with similar significance. And the ending was cut short in my opinion. It would be great to see more about the world after the final enemy is defeated, instead of having only one chapter to address that. Personally, I am not a fan of the card system, but that's subjective.

Still, it is definitely worth a read. <<less
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NameMaker rated it
April 18, 2020
Status: v3c294
I must say, this novel sits on par with novels I classify as masterpiece.

Wolfie, I congratulate you for your wonderful sacrifice for such a brilliant novel.
The first few chapters were quite confusing, but I endured, knowing that it will get better. The later chapters were beyond my expectations. I could literally see the story get fleshed out before my very eyes, and I could feel my blood boil. The story pacing doesn't feel too slow, nor does it feel to fast; it was genuinely at the right tempo.

I love the character designs in the novel as well. Although I feel that there are too many characters to remember, I also feel that they are part of the story, and without them, the story would lose its uniqueness. Although the grammars and simplifying sentences need improvements, I feel like your translations are what makes this novel so outstanding, because not all the time do I see writing styles like yours'.

As for the message towards the audience. Endure it if it feels very confusing. The story is very similar, in my opinion, to Mushoku Tensei, so if you that, then you would like this. How it is similar?
You get this vibe from the main characters that makes you think that they have the same personality as the characters in Mushoku Tensei. The boss battles are also similar.
If Mushoku tensei was more resolved around politics (It's not as bad as you think), then you would get this. The boss fights are awesome too.

Environment (The place you are dragged into through your imagination) : 4.7 /5
Personality from each character / Character development: 4/5
How much effort the protagonist must put to achieve his goals: 5/5
How much the author puts his/her effort into the novel: 6.3/5

Average score:. To no-ones' surprise, a perfect score.

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Chaosrune rated it
April 28, 2019
Status: v2c73
If you enjoy whole chapters where all they do is walk from point A to point B, another chapter to describe the location, another chapter to describe what is the plan, another chapter to enter the new location, another chapter to describe the interior of the location... You get the idea, the author loves to ramble on and on, it would be fine if at least it was used for world building, but almost all of the details will never be mention again, or be useful in any form.
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Otaku108 rated it
February 9, 2019
Status: c40
I couldn't stand the author's writing style here. Pages upon pages of exposition between a line or two of conversation before sudden flurries of plot movement. The break in flow of the story was so strenuous that I actually got frustrated and had to quit reading. I'm sure there are a lot of other readers out there that this won't be an issue for so perhaps you'll like it where I did not.

That being said, after 40 chapters of this I finally had to drop it, this wasn't a style... more>> for me and it showed. Maybe if I had gotten 100 chapters in this could have changed into a more interesting and less immersion breaking story driven plot, but I lacked the patience required it seems. Even so, if I'm nearly 50 chapters in and I'm still not hooked, that's the author's fault, not mine. More over, I'm frustrated from reading yet another page and a half of exposition in the middle of a combat scene... ya that's epic fail in my book.

I get it, this is a world based on a game that the MC played a lot in yet is trying to make comparisons to it's now real world aspects. That doesn't mean you have to explain everything page by page, to the point even the side characters are looking at the MC like, 'Wtf is wrong with you? We gonna do something about our current situation?' No seriously, this actually happens several times in just the 40 chapters I read. If this was intended to be funny then I lack the ability to understand it. Then again, this wasn't a comedy story by any stretch so I doubt this was the case.

Anyway, I can't say for sure if this is just a bad story, judging by other reviews and the average rating, there are definitely those that enjoyed it. I'm just not one of them and the reasons are described above. Go into it with that in mind. <<less
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Topen11 rated it
December 12, 2018
Status: v3c200
This is a really good novel series and the translator does an excellent job of improving the original authors bad prose and combat pacing. This is the best translation of a series I have seen so far and the story itself is excellent. This novel feels very western and you won't be able to tell from reading it that it is Chinese, hence its easy to read.

NOTE: The first chapter is terrible. Read at least 5 chapters before dropping. I initially dropped this series after reading the first half of... more>> the first chapter lol. The first chapter is naturally the worst because both the author and translator were undeveloped and they improve dramatically very quickly. <<less
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Davr rated it
October 2, 2018
Status: v2c57
It started out good, but there are some characters/love interests that stick to the MC like some leaches. The interactions between the MC and the above mentioned characters feel forced. Besides the interaction, the characters are basically useless baggage that the MC drags along on his "adventures" and have no role in combat except for emphasizing how awesome the MC is.

I also don't like how the MC is never alone for ANYTHING, so when he is in a situation that can progress his character by him overcoming the challenge by... more>> himself, some other character helps him or something and takes away any tension from the scene. <<less
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October 16, 2017
Status: --
TAS is good compared to typical rpg/fantasy genre novels which disappoints readers for a great premise but narrow minded path that usually the MC's take. The MC in TAS which is described as one of the veteran players of the game but it clearly states that he is not the best player in the game to where revolves the main plot in short it depends on the MC's knowledge at the game but not the best knowledge and I think that's the charm for the plot to add flavor to... more>> it (metaphor :))

I recommend this novel for the readers who are looking for;

1. RPG medieval setting with game elements

2. Slow pace stories (the end of every chapter is almost cliffhanger and the TL is slow)

3. Harem-like but it tilts to pure romance

4. Adventure - the MC does not stays in a single place like a hen laying eggs

5. Light Comedy - yeah the novel sometimes adds light jokes

6. Lots of element of surprise

I dont recommend this novel to people who are/looking for;

1. Impatient - yeah this novel is slow in progress of the plot because of multiple POV's and some light fillers

2. Just look at the f*&king genre if you want horror for example. Don't ask that is not in the genre or tags

3. From the very first chapter and above the MC is always in pinch which is pretty frustrating. Good job author for annoying me. That's why mr. Plot armor always active which loses the flavor to the story.

4. Plot armor hater/nay sayer (yeah sometimes I wish he should die for good too once in a while then reincarnate lol) <<less
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July 13, 2017
Status: v3c1
Hey there first review of story. Its good. Best of all MC does not grow stronger and turn into an immoral thug as soo as he gains some power.

I looked at some of the other translations and compared them wolfy translation. I like the way he does it..

Another review says MC has a constant focus on princess overlooking the fMC that stand by his side... I just binged read the whole story. Princess is not the love interest... not sure whats up with that guys review. Fm side characters dont... more>> really fit tropes and the grow up through out the story. Unlike many novels. Each side character is an identity not a trope.

As the story evolves the side characters start to do stuff independent of MC.

Plot armor well there is some. Also world building is massive and you discover the rich background world with MCs sometimes. <<less
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Justcallmejust rated it
April 7, 2017
Status: v2c131
Totally awesome.

A really good reincarnated into another world trope that still give me suspense after all those chapter. The MC is great and not a d*ck. The other characters might have some depth and show some character developments. The comedy is there and have made me giggling in the middle of the night.

The bad side is there are so much elements that might confuse ppl especially those who haven't tried magic the gathering like me. But in the end, it's really spices things up and might become your favourite elements.... more>> And second time reading makes me even more hyped for update.

Also, thank you for the translator. Your editing might be the reason this is one of the CN novel I really like. <<less
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ninthlite rated it
April 2, 2016
Status: --
The MC is transported to an alternate world based on a mmo he played. He has a cheat of being able to utilize game mechanics in a medieval fantasy world. Then he runs around amazing people with his knowledge and skills. Really wish the story was faster paced though.
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Lolistalker rated it
May 16, 2022
Status: c645
I gave it a 5 star because the first 3 volumes were so good but the quality dropped and so does my rating

It was everything I wanted from a fantasy game-turning reality story, cool level headed competent MC with a lot of knowledge and information but not cold blooded, instead, he is a romanticist and idealist despite knowing the harsh reality of the world and society as he is not an innocent nor ignorant young boy but a grown adult that transmigrate into a teenage body. The side characters are... more>> great, for the most part. A lot of interesting characters with their own personality and the NPC aka the people of the world feel realistic, it is like they are an inhabitant of a world and not just a character that only serves the purpose of progressing the story, a yes man for the MC or as a punching bag for the MC to show off like in most Chinese Wuxia/Xianxia. The world building is great, there is some info dump but most of the time the author progresses the story while building the world organically, and although the world is mostly based on the standard fantasy setting it has plenty of original concepts and ideas making it a lot more interesting.

But as it goes on it just becomes more and more painful to read. Partly because the original translator who put a hell lot of effort into the editing making the obviously amateurish Chinese writing into a much better well-written novel drop the series and the new translation is more focused on speed and translating the novel more literally with very few if any editorial upgrade from the original. The other reason is simply because the author put quantity over quality creating an increasing amount of plothole and inconsistency, on top of the fact that this is a WN where the author continuously writes without ever having the opportunity to start over like an LN adaptation of Japanese novel nor have a team of editor helping him (afaik).

I feel like from the beginning the author has an idea of a story he wanted to tell but the execution is very rough around the edge, to say the least, I wish he came back to the beginning and polish everything up and rewrote it and it could have been a masterpiece but alas, this is the reality we live in <<less
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Reverie rated it
February 14, 2022
Status: v3c114 part1
Review written at: vol 3, ch114 part1

The beginning is really good and enjoyable. But after a while, it turns into Magic The gathering with the MC basically taking over the role of a Planeswalker for those who have the reference. It was unexpected and I tried to follow, but the transition between the first part of the story and this part wasn't smooth enough and made me feel like "what kind of nonsense am I reading?"

Conclusion: one more novel dropped for me.
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Readmeylips rated it
June 7, 2021
Status: c396
i love the sory, the word building and how the side character actually have life in them and arent just plot devises but god damn am I getting annoyed at how EVERY god damned female character is turned into his subordinate or falls for the MC,

... more>>

i mean EVEN VERONICA the person who NEARLY kills him for some reasons gets saved with is sympathy because "shes Freya's 'future' half teacher". Bro the mans literally nearly kills you THRICE and threatened to kill your subordinate twice, HOW TF can you still have that type of bullsh*t thinking like that. Even the pretentious brat with her is still alive because the enemy became brain damaged for no f*cking reason, she saw evn her vines got destroyed by his flames, she thought hes a descendant of the gods and even got hirt by the heat of his flames when he woke up and yet FOR BS reasons she still f*cking underestimated them


ive not seen ONE female in the story that isnt his subordinate or gonna be in his harem other than maybe dragon loli cuz shes engaged already (but could still become his subrdinate in next chapters). I would highly recommend this but I myslef am dropping it. <<less
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