Modern Weapons Cheat in Another World


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Nagato Kazuya, a “Military Nerd” high school student who gains the ability to summon modern-day weapons and soldiers, when he reincarnated into another world.

Together with his summoned yandere military advisor, soldiers and modern-day weapons, they will conquer the land, seas and skies of a fantasy world.

These are the unparalleled existences of his yandere harem and their stories of combat.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bringing Modern Weapons to a Fantasy World
Fantasy Sekai wo Gendai Heiki Cheat ga Iku
Related Series
Gate – Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri (3)
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Gun-ota ga Mahou Sekai ni Tensei Shitara, Gendai Heiki de Guntai Harem o Tsukucchaimashita!? (2)
Legend Of The God Of Light (2)
Sevens (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. 2023 Must Read
  2. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  3. another random list
  4. My Favs
  5. Mc winning with numbers instead of " Drama fightin...

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/15/16 Chronon Translations v2c12
04/09/16 Chronon Translations v2c11
03/30/16 Chronon Translations v2c10
03/22/16 Chronon Translations v2c9
03/18/16 Chronon Translations v2c8
03/17/16 Chronon Translations v2c7
03/06/16 Chronon Translations v2c6
03/05/16 Chronon Translations v2c5
09/22/19 Hiscension v2c4
02/23/16 Chronon Translations v2c4
08/07/19 Hiscension v2c3
02/24/16 Chronon Translations v2c3
08/02/19 Hiscension v2c2
02/18/16 Chronon Translations v2c2
07/31/19 Hiscension v2c1
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54 Reviews sorted by

Nazamroth rated it
September 14, 2018
Status: v3c18
It is debatable wether this is good or not, but one thing is for certain: The author has no idea how armies work.

There is a reason why armies do not have 10 different weapon/vehicle types to fulfil practically the same purpose, and it is logistics (besides cost). And here he goes, summoning every cool-sounding thing from military history.

Also, the characters are most certainly nothing memorable.
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Pandamonium rated it
February 11, 2016
Status: --
Read to chapter 7 so far, pretty interesting novel. I like the idea of his abilities and how he isn't afraid of showing them off. The yandere is pretty fun and the characters are done pretty well.

Would recommend has a filler read as it is enjoyable, just not the greatest plot.
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ItsRAptorXD rated it
May 16, 2020
Status: v4c15
This novel was quite a fun read in the beginning as who doesnt want a fantasy setting with technology so far apart from the natives its unfair. Being able to summon weapons and an army at your own disposal is quite a great cheat. But the thing that irks me the most is the MC being a highschool boy with so much military knowledge that he knows about every weapon and vehicles that is in existence. What was the MC even doing prior to being transported to another world? Well,... more>> lets not dwell on that for long as things go south after some chapters.

The MC who acts like a veteran is actually a wuss in a way. Sure he gets the pusspuss but the girls have to r*pe him instead. And this is the first thing that I hated in the novel. Nono I dont mean the reverse r*pe thing, that is good sh*t but the thing I hate the most is how the subordinates act and how the MC acts towards them. His subordinates r*pes him sure ok, his subordinate sometimes threatens him MC gets scared sure ok, the subordinates go back on the orders given by their superiors because those elites who has gone through countless harsh training and military drills are swayed by their emotions or even the words of other people making their thinking go 180 from trying to protect 100 to going to save 40 people who are in the middle of the f*cking enemy which is currently being held back by some brave soldiers on the frontlines. And they add something chessy as "Help those in need and one day it will come back to you in kind". Is this how a military veteran and even a common soldier should be thinking when saving every single civilian who comes across them while helping? Yeah sure you cant put those different world culture on a native but your own subordinate whom you summoned yourself making his own decisions and going back on the orders giving by his superior because why? His most precious subordinate didnt follow orders so why should he? This is the most dumbass decision making I've ever seen. So you're okay with insubordination and taking your men in the middle of dangers not knowing that how many of your men will die through your own selfish desire or even bringing dangers to the people that he said he would protect no matter what just before leaving the village? But wait, its not only the subordinates who piss you off, but the MC as well. He doesnt act like a leader that he should be. He gets r*ped left and right by girls but he's ok with it because he got that infinite sperm maker skill which is very convenient. He cant keep his sh*t cool when it comes to girls as he gets scared when they threaten him to have s*x with them when he should be a leader of a technologically advanced army. And there comes a time when he makes the s*upidest of the mistakes which makes me question about how his brain even works. So there a time when a big ass flying monster is aiming for his headquarters and nothing they do is slowing the monster down. So what does the MC do? He excuses himself like he's going to go take a sh*t without telling anyone and gets on an aircraft ALONE and takes off to face the monster head on. So at this point there is no indication that the MC can do much aside from summoning people and weapons and healing magic and being proficient in every weapon that he summons. But how the f*ck did the notion of him being able to take on a leviathan like flying monster with smaller monsters in thousands similar to it be sane and alone at that? I clapped IRL when the MC did something so dumb. But he has a personal kevlar vest on which is named plot armor so ofcourse nothing happens to him. A lot of bullsh*t for plot happens. A prototype rail gun's chamber gets melted? What? Didnt they test it before even if it was a prototype? Was there never a time when something similar happened? What? There are a lot of moments where you go What? and question what you read and how in the gods name can that even happen. At this point Im just done with this novel and I only go until the current update and give up.


TL;DR : early good late bad <<less
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Aharlequin rated it
June 23, 2019
Status: --
You can say that this one is my first Isekai novels and this ones made me interested in other Isekai novels. First, plots are very attractive and interesting. And very details in MC power. Not only focus on MC but also Focus on SC very well. That's strong point of this ones.I know having many POV make fail sometime and author plays very well. Hopefully to keep at this pace.

I rated 5 stars. This ones is my first Isekai novel and still of the best novels ever in my opinion.... more>> At that time I read it and didn't rate it. Right now I found it again and going to enjoy as well as new chapters. <<less
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SorenMageofMareth rated it
September 15, 2018
Status: v3c1
This story is cancer. It's barebones and lack character consistency or sense.

The lack of description is agravating and seemingly only exist to pull junk out the authors bum.

Lives don't matter until it is time to make the MC look cool or empathetic.


Like others have said. Oh I won't mu*der people for no reason. Mu*ders people with isekai powers who are fighting for reasons he doesn't know on assumption it's just power hunger.

He has a harem of yandere which is dumb and the it works seems to be promoting female on male r*pe. Also he freaks out about it but doesn't banish them and resummon despite being able to do that and always running when it happens.

But you say they are alive. Banishing is mu*der. He kills people anyway.

Oh and despite them being his soldiers and power they are totally okay raping him but will listen to him when he is doing suicidal things that may well kill them all instantly but will at least destroy their ability to recoup supplies.

That's right there. They can disobey but only when 'funny' like r*pe is funny and not when it will literally kill them and their 200000 support troops.


I can't tell why he does any thing other than to look cool at the moment and his abilities are meaningless to me. I don't understand the impact beyond more gun. It's not well explained.


People say he has brave commander moments. I say they are idiot moments. Like the above. Charging to fight a fantasy army of 500000 with like a hundred guys when he can summon planes and bombers and 20, 000 soldiers and going there himself when he is the only irreplaceable part. Doing this to rescue the sister of some random knight in some random kingdom cause of some random loli and cause he kissed some random noble on accident. He wants to risk his life and kill these people? Why cause the invaders are pillaging? You mu*der people from Earth for no reason. You don't know if monsters are sapient. The nation you walked into practices s*avery, and your minion just bought some and you didn't blink. Hell the house you bought had a s*ave torture dungeon under it cause it was owned by a s*ave merchant who just left them there and there is no reflection on the people you just bought.

The nation you risk your everything for was gonna magic nuke the empire anyway and just be a bit teary about it cause the nobles actually have to pay a little in blood. I don't have any reason to think this kingdom doesn't do the same as every other on in an invasion.

I mean this could be salvable if he was frontin. If he was an as hole and rescuing people and fighting off the invasion solely cause of the reward and local political influence to base his new kingdom off of.

But no it cause of personal debt to a person who says I thought about beheading you cause you accidently kissed me and who punches you in the gut cause she embarrassed despite you breaking a seige from an army of 500000 with 100 just cause she thinks you did it for a lover in town who wasn't her


In general no one makes sense.
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PsyfiTrooper rated it
September 3, 2018
Status: v3c17
This review is based on Chronos translations and HIscension translations.

Reading the story until this point, I found it very enjoyable. Pacing is fast in some areas, and the plot is more along the lines of a slice of life.

Nagato Kazuya dies abruptly, and he is reincarnated into a Fantasy world. He gains a cheat ability that allows him to summon an army and modern day weapons from Earth.

Kazuya isn't a dense protagonist, but he has gotten himself into dumb situations. He's a hard worker and has been overworked on "special... more>> occasions".

Pacing 4 out of 5

Plot 3.5 out of 5

Characters 3.5 out of 5

World building/ setting 4 out of 5

Translators 4 out 5

Overall 19 out of 25 a rough 76% so 4 stars <<less
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DumCreator rated it
August 16, 2018
Status: v3c16
Not a solid 5 star, but a 4.75. But still give it a 5 star cause math.

Warnings for viewers/readers:

This book is extremely fast paced with a couple of plot holes that can be easily seen. Introduction to the MC is left in a mystery so don’t try to find how he died and where he lived, etc. Cliché happens in important times. So if you are one of those die hard fans who wants real story. Try another one.

... more>> Good points:

It is action packed and it is extremely enjoyable to read if you like war and modern weapons. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Sexy too (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Yandere harem if you like. And semi-kami-sama religion kingdom building category. MC is not thicc thick, and not interested in being a hero (which is awesome/non-cliché MC). Many says that his power level is over 9000, but that not true.

He got outsmarted in volume 3 chapter 12 (I think).

He is weak to mediocre individually, but OP when he is around his (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) “lieutenant” (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Which means he heavily rely on his troops/ability, which also has a lot of set backs if he doesn’t plan accordingly. MC is literally extremely killable if you outsmart him out (aka, the author’s decides when he dies). And he is that weak kind of MC when it comes to relationships (which means more (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) sexy time (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) for viewers).

Rating is still not solidified. <<less
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Maou-Waka rated it
October 2, 2017
Status: v3c7
If you like modern science weapons vs fantasy stuff like Gate, then read this.

The slaughter... I mean the battles are more detailed and focused. It would be awesome to see it in manga form.

The yandere harem is great too (but only 2 yandere as of now out of the rest of the harem maybe all of them are actually a yandere, not just activated yet?).
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Polokrik rated it
September 26, 2017
Status: v3c13 part1
The read is pretty decent, it changes from standard OP MC and MC's that only use intellect to developp cities/Kingdom.

He is OP (he lvls up and acquire each time the possibility to summon militaries from earth and the higher lvl the better equipment).

The story is nice, not a serious read but it's ok so 4/5.

Until the recent TL by Thernot Studio which is terrible T_T

So until it is readable I will put a 2/5
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asame rated it
September 4, 2017
Status: v3c13
Somehow I couldn't grasp the story.

... more>>

MC was transferred from another world, he build military country, he fought against other world-er, the battle was good and wonderful but lacking something like purpose. He posing as Adventurer and later claim as Ruler. You know a nation can't be last only using military. How he govern his domain, economy and management wasn't described as if he summon food and rations without limits.


So far I enjoyed the battles and strategy, but character growth seem slow. Yandere tag should be removed.

I only see there's lot Fanatic soldier due he's the one who summoned them as master. Even 5 female aides was able to share him on tied on bed (Yanderes wont share their own possession).

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Warnock rated it
July 18, 2016
Status: v3c3
Well this story is.. weird? I dont hate fast pace novels, but this novel moves waaaaaay to f*cking fast, how fast you ask? he goes to save this dukedom because he owes a favor to this girl... what girl? they never introduced it!! dafuq they kissed off-screen already?.. other than the super fast pace, the yanderes are entertaining but again too fast... in less than 30 chapters he has already 4 super yanderes, im seriously worried about the MC
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cheezieTrees rated it
January 19, 2023
Status: v5c1
Extremely poor character description paired with excellent military battle depictions. Overall, the first 3 volumes are a good balance of technical military action and interpersonal relationships. The 4th volume is bloated and drawn-out warfare, with brutally unimportant side stories comprising 95% of the story, with the MC only appearing in about 1% of the entire volume (which is as long as v1 and v2 combined).

Volumes 1-3 = 4 Stars

Volume 4 = 1 Star (good combat and warfare, no actual story development)
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Dobber1k rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: Completed
Well.. I'll say this. It's an addictive read. To me it's pretty unique also if you ask me except isekai mc's that reach godhood level of powers this MC is the strongest.

the mc's powers are pretty op off the bat. Also very small amount of negatives given the god who gave them wanted entertainment. We're all used to seeing an MC who can't take over the world, but have you all heard of one who the MC can summon with absolute authority and loyalty?

sometimes the writing style is lacking to... more>> my opinion. The plot armor suddenly appears and thick. Bombs are dropped constantly. Like ones that could have had substantial momentum to carry on for chapters appearing for only a paragraph. The story every 25 ch. or so will do a transition to the past or to a random moment we had no clue about. Sometimes leading the last chapter to progress, and sometimes for no reason.

the novel has frequent time skips and drops off some information that I think that would be pretty value not just for a slice of life standpoint but could be something pretty interesting. Also last complaint and this is just from me personally, and not being anything that drops the worth of the novel. There's prob. Enough material in all the chapters combined to fill up 10 chapters worth of content just listening weapons, weapons systems, warfare history, names of famous people. In my opinion. Skip it. It does nothing for you to know a guns ballistic ammunition size caliber fps etc. etc. or an aircraft carriers complete specs etc. etc. I just think it's worthless filler. Only about 10% of it is needed. That's just me.

MC is a total harem magnet also instead of just having a "yandere" tag I think it needs to be "yandere harem" tag. Lol. First time I've seen it to that point haha.

romance is there, desire is there. It does things it should and also goes in good directions. I only have one honest grumble and I won't narrow it down to give a spoiler but I will say this. There are people who died that shouldn't have. And that is my only real negative. I hoped and prayed some armor would come... but.

translation is great. My only grumble on that part is the rate at which it exchanges through different translators.

also unless I'm mistaken the translation was barley possible till the last translators rein. Which is the best. Could be wrong been a while since I started completely <<less
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Eugeozuberg3 rated it
September 4, 2021
Status: v4c20
The main character has no experience in the battlefield, so it seems forced by the author. Even the side characters are too fanatical towards the not-so-handsome Main character.

For writing this novel, I give it a 4.5 because it is good.

For Character 2.9 because I see many characters that still need to be improved and developed even better. For example the unexplained and too ignorant Enemy Character, Even the villain is too overpowered for a villain like mana to summon those monsters too much, my question is does the villain have... more>> unlimited mana?

For storyline 1.7 because it is very poor quality.

Then for the 3.5 story property, it's just lacking the details of the weapon and its effective range. For planes it's good but for ships the numbers don't make sense. <<less
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Vandille rated it
March 31, 2021
Status: c1
Placed it on my mouth, gargled on it, and spat it out.

First of all

  1. "The Average high school boy trope"
  2. "Teehee my mistake got you mu*dered so tehepero isekai!!
Then for some reason the MC already expects an ability.

... more>> Absolute HORSE SHIT, didn't make it past 3 paragraphs, word choice is annoying and simply basic, author should make kindergarten picture with his 2 year old imagination.

So much bots, oh what bots, you ask? WELL HOW ABOUT EVERY f*ckING CHARACTER.

This is so baaadddddd, ugh I could not believe I read the f*cking first chapter, expecting something atleast different, like how it would explain guns, weapon techniques, but what did I expect when an author just dishes out "Another world" and jizzed on it.

my expectations were low, very f*cking low, everything seems to have a problem, I'm serioisly starting to think the author attempted to speedrun a novel, quit halfway, slapped isekai on it, and left the half of the novel for his niece and google to complete, ugh, I was more entertained reading the reviews than this!

Don't waste time on this piece of crap, don't even call it a novel, just pick a generic isekai somewhere else, because all the rage you get from this might give you a tumor. <<less
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dwarfwarri rated it
August 26, 2020
Status: v4c17
As of volume 4, the majority of the chapters have been preoccupied with random filler characters from the MC’s troops and the MC has taken a back seat and no longer even gets mentioned for many chapters in a row. The author has run out of ideas for the main plot and hence has resorted to using side characters that popped out of thin air (easy to do since the troops are so numerous) and suddenly decided to write about their lives in great detail putting the main plot aside.... more>> I mean why do I care about a side character’s slice of life moments during a war? I wouldn’t have minded that if this was a regular occurrence since earlier volumes and spaced out in strategic chapters or excerpts but it’s like 5 filler chapters so far in a row at a time in volume 4 that attempts to drag out the fights by using side characters POV.

I think the author has run out of ideas by now since nothing has ever been explained and has to resort to writing about random side characters that were never previously introduced.

Avoid this novel at all costs! The author baits you into thinking it’s about the MC being in another world but as far as I’m concerned it’s more like the MC + his summoned troops and random side stories and detours.

also, the author tries to avoid any real meaningful world building by just mentioning a ton of guns and artilllery names specifically by their model number etc. I mean isn’t that really lazy right. Most of the characters we don’t know how they look like. Also we don’t know why certain characters are there either... why does the world operate like this why this system nothing is ever explained and everything is glossed over by convenient explanations using modern weapon names. Too many aspects are simply assumed in this novel because the author is unable to create a consistent and coherent world. <<less
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Shellman rated it
August 7, 2020
Status: v2c7
Well, it became cringy in no time. V2C7, It took him about 5 seconds to throw himself in the middle of a large scale war between two country without having any meaningful knowledge about the history and background of this conflict and the world, just because the sister of someone he barely knows is in that city. Forget about trying to figure out where he should stand in this world. Yay, let's go smash an empire because why not, I can. Does he even knows what is the consequence of... more>> his power? Just because he can summon a massive army doesn't mean he has to do it immediately and build an island fortress in a matter of a few days. If he does, then he should know the meaning of it. It means he's the leader of the strongest Country in the world, so he should act like one, not like an adventurer.

Genuinely wondering, is there a rule that japanese MCs need to be ret*rded?

Not to mention how he became so OP so fast and so easily. He could've very few soldiers (a squad or whatever) at first with much more limitations and then gradually having more with better technology during the story and building his army up and finding his place and goal in this world. But at the 12th chapter (V2c6) he got yet another upgrade and now I'm sure he has the biggest military power in the world by far. There're probably some otherworlders around that could potentially cause some trouble for him depending on their ability, but looking at the big picture it doesn't matter. He already can annihilates empires in a few hours if wishes. There's nothing exciting about this anymore. And all of this while he barely lifted his finger.

I won't even talk about the romance and s*x part. There's zero emotion felt about it. No feelings, not positive, not negative, nothing. You just get informed that some people slept with each other lmao.

I lost interest after 13 chapters. <<less
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TheUnspoken rated it
July 7, 2020
Status: v4
If you want to see romance, then you'd better look somewhere else. The women in this novel gets treated like on**oles. All s*x with no love. A girl gets introduced then she'll never get mentioned again, unless there's going to be a s*x scene with her.

... more>>

Two on**oles already died and all we know about them are their names and race.



Volume 4 and never did the MC take one of the girls out for a date or give her a gift.


All in all, the battle scenes are good but far between. The yandere stuff is also amusing but gets old after some time. <<less
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dogboy51w rated it
June 1, 2020
Status: v4c17
Overall the story is okay, while there are some funny moments there are a few moments and parts to the story that were not good. For example: yandere harem funny, the straight-up brainwashing of people, not funny, modern armies versus medieval armies, funny, the main character himself, not that good. While he is not that bad overall especially compared to other MCs, I find him rather bland. The story gets much better later in the story when we start following of many of the soldiers that he has summoned.
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Lazy Dude
Lazy Dude rated it
March 10, 2019
Status: v3c18
IMO an awesome novel however... everything goes downhill after half Volume 2 arc. The translations are worst than googleplay, I cannot understand what is going on and who is fighting who, who was attacking or who was on defense... amidst all of this the terminologies got lost in translation. Its so frustrating since the beginning chapters was "barely" readable but at least you can tell the path of the story. Half of Volume 2 to the first chapters of Volume 3 was a mess...I hate to say it but I... more>> will----we need a more competent translator... the way things are everything looks half-assed even though the translator is giving his/her all.

I gave up when I reached Volume 3 Chapter 18.... it is really unreadable. <<less
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