Master Hunter K


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“With your own strength, prove the worth of your species.”

Without warning, every man, woman, and child was teleported off to fight an endless series of battles. Failure to clear every objective means that humanity shall be purged, or so the Operator claims.

But if that is true, why was K sent back in time?

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Related Series
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106 Reviews sorted by

April 15, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a pretty good novel overall and the translation is nice as well.

Of course with the "return to the past", OP protagonist and the game-like elements that only matter when the story decides they do, you have a recipe for a fairly average story at best usually.
But this time we have an author that knows that he isn't the best author in history so he made sure to have a clear goal and keep the pacing mostly consistent.

This might not sound like such a positive point but it makes the overall story so much better and it ends without outstaying its welcome.

The author also managed to avoid a lot of pitfalls that usually plague this kind of novels.

For example, there is a bit of everything in the various characters that appear in the story, the main character isn't loved by everyone that isn't an enemy for no apparent reason, there is no "but wait, now you have to fight against X, Y and Z because we need an extra volume so we make up a big bad evil thing like it was planned all along".

Having a single translator (or at least a single team) is a big plus since the names and terms are not constantly changing and the translation quality remains the same throughout the whole thing (and it's pretty well translated too).

TL;DR: It's not the best novel ever but it's a nice story that knows when to end, plus it's fully translated.
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MonkeDanana rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: c30
OP but slightly dumb MC. He strong but he can be stronger by better managing his stats. He don't how to distribute his stats efficiently. He can just increase his stats when he realizes what he needed but he use his all stats points right before he enter the stage. Then he regretted his decision because he needed the other stats more. If he saved up his stats points and use it when he realizes what he needed, he will be much stronger.

He also already invest his stats points on... more>> magic power and mind power stats when his fighting style is just slashing his enemies with his katana. So his magic and mind stats points is basically inefficiently used because his magic spell is very weak and kind of useless. Better decision would be to hold off increasing magic and mind stats until he gets a magic spell that can increase his katana's attack or speed.

There is also inconsistency with the contribution percentage where other people who barely did anything will get much much more contribution percentage than they actually deserve. All of the works are done by the MC. They didn't even do anything and got around 30% of the reward.

Not only that, there is a mary sue character that doesn't make sense. She has 3000 coins when the MC met her. At that time MC has about around 6000 coins. And MC earned that points by basically solo killing each and every monster and hidden bosses (which is ten times stronger than normal boss) on stage, which is impossible for anyone else. He didn't buy weapons, armors, supplies, and only use his points one time to buy 500 coins ring that can increase his earning by 10%. Some random character has about half of his total points. She is much weaker than the MC. She didn't kill all the monsters on stage because it's impossible for anyone else but the MC. She never kill a hidden boss. She killed the monsters together with her teammates, so her contributions is lower than the MC. She definitely have bought items. And her coins are still 3000? Half of MC's total coins? Are you kidding me?

Time limit is also too little. The MC, who can steamrolled the stage, took half of the total time limit to kill the stage boss. I can't imagine how other people whose stats is not even one-tenth of the MC managed to kill the stage boss within the time limit.

There is also repeated pattern. MC looks for stage boss -> MC finds and kills stage boss -> MC looks for hidden boss, didn't find it, and gets nervous -> his "teammates" accidentally stumble upon th hidden boss -> died or ran away -> they meet the MC and tell him what they saw -> MC listened to them and kill the hidden boss -> repeat for every single stage. Btw the story is about clearing stage until the final stage. So it will be basically like that.

Overall, it has many flaws. MC is OP and I think people who who likes OP MC might be able to enjoy it if they can ignore all the flaws this novel has. But for me this novel too frustrating to read. <<less
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crustyturtle rated it
June 2, 2020
Status: c81
basic summary: MC got the chance to restart by being the last survivor of humanity. (Also explained in the first chapter) I didn't mind that the MC had no personality lol his only goal being "finding out the reason behind the reset/his restart".

- felt like rinse and repeat grindfest. I only kept reading because I was looking forward to worldbuilding and new abilities/items. I stopped reading because I got tired and finally convinced myself to stop reading. Also not that descriptive which could've saved? This novel in my opinion.
- MC also didn't start caring for other players until serin han and when he started hunting trolls :/
- side characters kinda do reappear but I wouldn't consider them that important. Characters have no depth to them so far (not fleshed out), never really got attached to any of the characters or MC. Felt like I was just waiting for them all to gather/for MC to baptize those with potential.


- the items/drops. I looked forward to what he gets every time. - 2 female characters mentioned and none of them are super attached to the MC.

- the author includes different nationalities/ethnicities lol but has a thing where he feels mysterious and doesn't want to disclose the MC's nationality every time like??? We all know he's Korean lol who cares. things to consider:.. If you didn't know the MC is OP and felt like the author should've considered what 7 billion people could do instead of killing them off just like that. Idk

the story isn't bad it just could've been better.
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bthnccklr rated it
May 27, 2020
Status: c186
it was great until the later chapters, in my opinion most of litrpg/otherworld novels should be more than several thusands chapters because they are presenting pretty big universe with items, masters, strong people, weird planets etc. And they over without explaining them.

in this novel, dragons talked about the "fate", and the darker than black shopowner, what happend all these things? What happend to magic? Is it reality to doing magics? What about stats? Cant hunters re-train with knowledge or muscle memmory? Author builded pretty good universe with lots of mystery and un-solved things then throw them away with the "it was test and see you guys 10.000 years later" ending. I hope my review can be viewed as feedback for another litrpg/god tests humans novel writers.

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titan2028 rated it
January 18, 2020
Status: c186 epilogue
This is a great read if you have nothing else. Just be warned that the ending is rushed even if the author rewrote parts of it. Also, many of the interesting story elements are left unexplored or are glossed over.

Otherwise, it's a pretty good novel that is well translated.
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killjase rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: Completed
Is it worth the read? - Yes

Is it amazing? - No

You need to go into this one without expecting MC's stats to make sense. In fact, it would have been much better novel if it only relied on items and skills/passives as the thing that makes people stronger. Currently, the stat points have little to none impact and the MC still struggles with bosses while having 100x more stats than an average person should have at that boss fight.

The logic behind some of the actions is a bit convoluted and... more>> the conversations are a little bit unrealistic. Not to mention that the ending was quite rushed. (Even the rewritten one).

Read it for the setting and plot, not for the characters and good mechanics. <<less
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February 6, 2018
Status: --
☆☆☆☆ Score 4.1
This really is the little brother of the "Reincarnator"

Not complex nor many plot twist.
However, still a "save humanity" generic excitement. If you have time on your hands. Fairly amusing world
Above average side characters.

As for plot - Everything averages out.
For example: Women characters here are not super riveting, but they are there: strong and generically unique.
MC is all around intelligent most of the story, but near the end, you will wonder how he can be so dumb as to overlook glaring evidence that points in a certain direction.

Everything averages out
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lolpker rated it
December 30, 2017
Status: c171
Absolutely loved it so far. The translators are taking a small hiatus at the moment, because of the holidays etc...

The translation quality is incredibly well done, of course minus some small mistakes (which you'll find in every translated novel on novelupdates), so a 5/5 regarding this.

So far I'm enjoying the plot, although the ending is quite near. The author is writing a new ending specifically for the Western audience to read, just because this novel is so popular.

Plotwise, a solid 4.5/5, because for some it might get a little annoying... more>> to read all of the MC's exploits. Something which doesn't ring true for me, since I read up until chapter 171 in just three days.

tl;dr Greatly enjoyed the novel, just like a lot of people did. <<less
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Djablo rated it
November 8, 2017
Status: c163
Great story.

Even if the start is similar to Reincarnator, the further you go, the less it is.


The MC isn't a simple killing machine, nor a loner. Also, the story is realistic since he doesn't know everything, especially in the beginning, where he doesn't know where are the bosses etc. The system is well made, you can easily follow his progress and how gets stronger. The bosses and hidden bosses are unique, and there even are some Lore for them. The MC, since he will become stronger than his first timeline,... more>> won't do a copy/pasta of what he already did. There is some subtle romance: the girls may be *attracted* to him, but they aren't fawning all over him nor are they falling in love at first sight. The MC is OP, but so what? He has to be, and I quite like the battle' descriptions.


You don't know much about the MC, especially his past. You don't really understand the values from the system: If someone has 20 in strength, does it mean that he is twice as strong as someone who has 10?

There are some secrets which are obvious, and you may be disappointed when you learn that you were right.


The item which helps him go alone in raids, he received it a bit late in my opinion



I like this story, and It makes up for many things that Reincarnator did wrong. <<less
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M0J0MAN rated it
July 30, 2017
Status: c138
Solid read, if you enjoyed Reincarnator this is like its little sibling.

Wish I could rate it 3.5 though, 5 stars doesn't provide enough variance.

Its premise and early chapters may seem limited at first but thankfully the story slowly expands outside of just the MC, stats and his current battle.

That would've gotten boring kinda quickly.

If this doesn't keep your attention till it starts expanding however, your opinion probably won't change much.

If you're on the fence as you keep going I'd say stick with it.
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Miss Ruby
Miss Ruby rated it
May 23, 2017
Status: c115
A pretty good read. Some of the characters are 1 dimensional but others aren't. It is easy to ignore the flaws in a story if it is enjoyable to read and that is my take on this. 100% recommend
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lordofthebooty rated it
May 21, 2017
Status: c115
The M/C is the last person to survive in a raid after his team was betrayed by this mage called SpellMaster Ed.

As a result of being the last survivor, the system "Operator" allows him to reset and sends him back in time as a reward. He is now at the very beginning, where Earth is just now getting summoned.

The game is simple, if the final 10 raid heroes can defeat the last raid boss, humanity will survive as a species. If you lose, your species will be destroyed. Everyone that... more>> dies along the way is transported to this place called purgatory, waiting their fate.

Our M/C starts off with knowledge of what's going to happen, thus he uses it to his advantage to get ahead of others, such as killing the first boss and then the hidden boss, gaining better items. His goal is to find 9 trustworthy, strong individuals where they can eventually clear the last raid boss.

He is called Master Hunter due to gaining that title. You get titles based upon your progress/actions. If you excel at swordsmanship and kill say 1000 enemies, you might get Master Swordsman, or for magic pros, SpellMaster. If you're a troll, you might get the title "Pirate." or if you're a troll hunter, "Adjudicator." Each title grants various bonuses as well. For Master Hunter, all stats increase by 30%. Some people in raids have "Treasure Hunter" titles, allowing them to get 2 location hints during the raid to find hidden items. Not everyone knows about titles, so every few raids, some people will explain to others what they are, and will also tell them about hidden bosses as well.

After successfully clearing a raid, each person gets a notification. It'll usually go like -

[Your Contribution is 52.8%. Stat points 6653 points Black coins 6653 points.]
[Raid Clear Bonus 2500 Stat points and 2500 Black Coins awarded.]
[Item effect ‘Additional 10% gained’ activated.]
[Distributing 9153 Stat points and 10068 Black Coins.]
[And now we will distribute the items.]

Then each person will get an item (s) based on your progress. It might go like -

[Artemio – Mage Bane] - Legendary Scimitar – Strength S Dexterity A

Passive Skill
Spell Eater (II) – Reduces damage taken from spells by 20%

Active Skill
Reflect Magic (IV) – Reflects offensive type magic spells under 6th Circle back at the caster. Cooldown 10 minutes.

Sword specially designed for Mage Hunters.

Each item is usually based upon the boss. So if it's a fire dragon, you might get some fire armor with fire resistance. If it's a necromancer boss, you might get some undead mount or some undead items. If it's an orc, you might get some greatsword with strength bonuses.

After getting your stat points, coins and items, if there is enough time left, you can choose to fight the hidden boss or try to find the hidden items. Or, you can teleport back to your dimensional home space. Every single person has their own dimension and in each dimension, everything from food (any you want), to smiths, merchants, secret shops, summoning pets.. Etc exist.

The normal currency is black coins, which everyone gets after completing a raid. In a secret shop that exists at 4am, they use black coins and special white coins. White coins are obtained by our M/C only right now.


He finds a special merchant shop, it exists only at 4am. There, a mysterious man sells rare items of all kinds. Our M/C now has special ring called 'Ring of Helrick'. If someone kisses this ring willingly, M/C will receive 1 white coin. The person that kisses the ring however, takes a permanent 10% penalty in all future raid coins. However, there are items that can offset the money penalty.

He can buys "Holy Water of Baptism." for one white coin. If he uses this on a person, they become a "Chosen One." If you are a "Chosen One, " you will receive 20% of M/C stats. Also, once a day, each Chosen One can summon our M/C into their dimension as well, whether it's in the middle of a raid for help, or just bored at their dimension home space. M/C also buys a staff, Helix Staff. So now, once a day, he can summon every Chosen One in one spot.

Our M/C also bought a special item from this secret merchant allowing him to travel to different raid dimensions. He does this to kill trolls, the people that ruin humanity's chances at survival. Of course, he also is searching for more Chosen Ones, to build his faithful, strong raid team.

He has 3 Chosen Ones right now, Franz, this guy from Britain. Also, Nada, a girl and another girl, Serin, she is a great archer. There are some future potential allies from earlier chapters like this samurai Chinese guy Watanabe or this African cop, Gerald. Right now, the story is VERY GOOD. He just bought 4 more Holy Water of Baptism, so he is planning on having four more Chosen Ones, so 4 more future teammates. When he died before, he was not at "The Last Raid." However, when he buys information from the mysterious secret merchant, he learns that he wasn't far off. The Last Raid was very close, so he has some hope.

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wynto12 rated it
May 3, 2017
Status: c105
For me its on the good side. Been running out of things to read and I found this and got hooked and the translators are active too which is nice. Gotta keep d'em chapters rolling in. It has that tournament like feel. If you don't mind repetitive setup with a little bit of twist then I recommend this one.
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Fallen_Icarus rated it
April 18, 2017
Status: c101
This is one of the best Novels I have ever read, it follows the same game world survival game that many other novels have taken up, but it leaves room for growth. The MC is incredible OP when compared to the other players yet he is always looking for ways to improve. The players with the exception of a few do not repeat and yet they have some well rounded backstories, especially the MC companions, the Magician, the Wolf, the Horse, the Sword, the Helmet. They all have some story... more>> that intermingles especially well the the MC

Overall is just a really well written novel, if you like Arena, King of the Battlefield, or I am the Monarch you will really enjoy this Novel. <<less
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Heal rated it
November 23, 2016
Status: c29
A nice story so far, MC get overpower really fast in the novel for being a returner, don't have any big side character until now

Because every round of battle the MC get new partners, and in the free time he really don't interact with anyone that is not a NPC

But still a really nice novel to read I wold recommend this novel to anyone how like reincarnation novels
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VLeeAzn rated it
December 31, 2022
Status: c24
Terrible Korean nationalism going on all over this novel with a touch of creepy Japanese fetishism omg

Why even include other nationalities if you are going to sh*t all over them ? Actually what is even the point of including any other people ? The guy has over 3 digits stats when other have 2 after the first two raids there's really nothing to be threatening him anymore

At the s*upid rate he is going the only way for there to be any more development would be him stopping putting stats or... more>> the raid become impossibly difficult for other just so that he alone can have some hard time and character development but then that would mean there would basically be no survivors except him & ppl that ends up with him

An actual modern day Japanese samurai, national champion of his country running all over his feet & calling him "sensei", no dude he's not a higher master than you in your craft or holding katana skill he's just got 3 digit imaginary stats and you've got 2

I reached the part where the first beauty appeared and the description is how recognition a Korean female is so normal internationally & oversea, no excess body fat, perfect figure etc. Well yes of course and we all know how it's done don't we ?

Oh and black, white & Chinese are all basically useless or scum. Especially if they are males, only if you're Korean you're ok. But if you are Japanese you better be running after his ass calling him "sensei~"

He has no character of any sorts just like Bella of twilight so most people can relate to him, he does not open up or warm up to others based on their characters but basically nationality actually the way the other wrote it the nationality/ethnicity of a person might as well be their character lmfao

And for the love of god don't tell me it gets better later on, because you know what I was also told ATG gets better on chapter 900. Reading more than 20 chapters which is roughly 10+% of the novel before leaving a review is already fair.

update :


I clicked on a few spoiler and basically a guy said "It gets boring. K gets strong enough to cruze through 5 man raids alone along with the hidden bosses. And I know for certain the ending was rushed. To complete MHK to a satisfactory conclusion would require at least 300 chapters, but it ends in the 180's."

So yeah... The novel format is basically a repeat from chapter 0 to 180 he'll be soloing a 5 man raid alone along with hidden bosses. I lost all my strength to read this.

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amu23m1 rated it
September 23, 2022
Status: c186
It's mid.

Honestly there's not much else to say... It's well written/translated and the characters are decent, but it's generic beyond belief and is a perfect example of the same thing happening over and over until the story just ends. Each 'chapter' (mission/level) starts off with K meeting new people, beating the monsters to shit, finding all the hidden pieces, collecting max stats and coins, then going back to sleep before repeating. In the monotony of this process, there are some changes to the schedule as he gains the ability to... more>> travel to and stay connected with the people he meets, but this changes little in the overall narrative.

The biggest draw back however is the end. It's incredibly rushed and the entire final battle is basically skipped over entirely. The last 30ish chapters are just a mad dash to the finish line while the author struggles to close up the little plot holes and explain the bits of foreshadowing that were left without room to grow. Which is a real shame because, despite the repetition, I liked reading the journey K was going on...


Specifically, I think the end went to sh*t sometime after fighting Archae'ard. This is where the amount of time spent on each chapter decreased and the specifics of each moment were cut out. Then the ability to see into the future seemed tailor made for speeding up the story even more since we could just skip anything uneventful (like the entirety chapter 19?!) with a convenient look at the results. Lastly, I refuse to believe that the author planned to just give Archae'ard's staff to Edward at the end like that... Maybe if they actually had 2 more so that they could rank it up, but it would of been better to just give the staff to literally anyone else since there was nothing Edward could do with just 2 of them. And Krygos taking about making a Mythological item from 9 enhancement stones? I think the star was just an excuse for check off that bit of foreshadowing.


Side tangent rant:


Also, it's wild how the whole novel takes... 23-24 days? 1 raid per day plus 1 rests after each of the 10 person raids. Yet at the start of the novel he almost refuses to restart because it was so hard... The conditions at the rest stop are pretty nice, and despite all the death there is still the chance to bring everyone back so... it just feels weird for him to have (almost) broken down mentally after less than a month. At least compared to other novels in the same genre where the MC has to deal with perma-death and sometimes years of torture from their sadistic authors.

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February 11, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel was a good short and fast read for me. Completed this in just 2 days.

This novel is quite simple & straightforward, meaning there in no big twist or anything. It was a good overall read and served as a good break between some long novels of my reading order.
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katiethairu33 rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: Completed
Oh well, I think people are expecting too much from fantasy light novels these days. I didn't have too many expectations so I enjoyed it. I don't want others to have the misconceptions mentioned in other reviews so I'm listing them so that you know these things didn't happen.

  1. There's no harem. There's no romance even. They are too busy fighting. They don't have time for that. There are only two female characters and they look very beautiful. One was part of his old life and they were friends. He was a little bit interested in her but it didn't really amount to much in previous life. This life, he likes someone else. She's Korean too. And there's no drama. Like, literally nothing happens until the last chapter and we read the epilogue.
  2. Stats. The reason he doesn't KO the bosses is because they are supposed to be killed with a team of 10 or 5. Even if we get to the later chapters, boss fights do take some time from him but he grows gradually. Compared to others, how strong he is will be described as part of his introspection in chapters. It's very clearly shown. Also, their stats grow progressively along with the strength of the boss monsters they face and the people who can't make that cut will be eliminated. And him running around is with the help of items. So it is very possible for them to finish searching the map.
Cons: The ending was so rushed. It could quite literally be double the size it was and be spectacular. But I rated it 5 because I really liked the concept and the way he fights. It was very exhilarating to read. Even though it was an old novel, I somehow was extremely satisfied when I finished it. Maybe because I know that it's an old one and at... more>> that time, for this genre, it was good enough for me. If this kind of book is released now, I would be complaining a lot about the rushed ending but it is understandable if it was 5 years ago. I'm saying this because the web novel industry is more mature now even though it's not perfect. Like I said, I didn't have high expectations from such an old book. And it delivered exactly what it said in summary. It was a pretty generic RPG novel.

Repeat, my 5 star rating is entirely based on my subjective satisfaction after finishing it. It wasn't an exceptional piece of work by any means. However, it wasn't a 2 star tr*sh novel either. <<less
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ErikHarrison rated it
October 14, 2021
Status: Completed
It lacks as much as it has succeeded. A unique experience were it's a good story despite many faults.

The author wrote very bare bones. Little outside of constant fighting/stats. Characters/world-building/plot/romance are all on the back-burner. Despite this my attention was held to the end.

The author has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth. Some comments may be offputting. Also he has the GUY FROM NEW YORK order Chicago pizza. Absolutely ruined my immersion of the character.

There are better KR dungeon novels out there but this one wasn't bad.
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