Language Cheat Reincarnation – Young Girl VTuber Saves the World


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“When did you learn that language!”

A VTuber otaku reincarnated as an elementary school loli somehow became fluent in English! 
And now she’s going to make her VTuber debut ……! 

This is the story of a young girl VTuber who saves the world with her linguistic cheat ability.
— “Won’t you become a VTuber too?” 

Associated Names
One entry per line
Gengo Chiito Tensei 〜 Youjo VTuber wa Sekai o Sukuu 〜
言語チート転生〜幼女VTuberは世界を救う〜 (JP)
언어 치트 전생 ~로리 버튜버는 세상을 구한다~ (KR)
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Female Protagonist novel i have read
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  5. BJs / Streamers / Broadcasters part 2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/05/24 GalaxyTL c208
01/01/24 GalaxyTL c207
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12/28/23 GalaxyTL c205
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12/18/23 GalaxyTL c199
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9 Reviews sorted by

Testtube10 rated it
May 19, 2023
Status: c30
It's currently a bit overrated, so I decided to give it a bad score. In reality it's more like a 3 star or so.

The story is exactly what is presented in the summary: a girl with genius language powers who has a linguistic cheat ability. It takes her no time at all to learn a new language, and she's somehow better at it than even the natives. (Yup. I dunno at this point.) Her interactions with the other characters are sweet, and she doesn't face much hardship. It's a typical... more>> overpowered MC story. (With a hint of yuri, as expected of a genderbend story)

The biggest flaw is how the novel approaches the MC's overpoweredness. It feels way too fake and cliche. Every time she does anything, everyone oohs and aahs. Some characters feel like they are made specifically for the role of gushing over the main character. I mean, if you're popular, you are bound to get negative comments as well. Not everyone is going to be your fan, and you are not always going to be the center of attention. And the main character's power is never fully explored. The story already feels like it hit a wall and there's not much left to explore. She'll just get even more popular, learn even more languages, be even more gushed over, and that continues. It's so repetitive.

It's a okay read if you turn off your brain for a bit. Enjoy the fluffiness. <<less
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Akase Nagari
Akase Nagari rated it
March 18, 2023
Status: c50
This is good. It feels new and unique because this novel using a new element on it and that is about a story' of vtuber. It tells about the problem, happiness, progress and other things. And moreover, I like the character development of the main character. In her (His) past life, she didn't enjoy having normal relationship like other people, she prefer being alone and stay away from other people and think people as a useless thing in her life. And now she's starting to get used with being around... more>> other people and start to cherish them. Well, overall, the story' is good and the explanation about the things like language, rules, tax is good that it make my head kinda off and my little portion of braincells overheated. The bad thing about this novel is just the story' is walking too fast and the worldbuilding feel Airy. Well, this is just some SoL story' with a little bit of fantasy and mystery about the cheat-power of the main character so just enjoy it and give it a go. You won't regret it because the story' don't feel heavy or anything. <<less
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chairlight rated it
June 14, 2023
Status: c108
It's a vtuber focuses series with a man who is killed and ends up reincarnation as a girl. As a massive fan of youtubers and for reasons later explained she gains an ability to learn languages.

All in all, it's pretty well written and some stuff gets explained pretty well later on.

I would give it a 4 or 4.5 for its quality. I would give it a 3.5 for personal preference if I could.

The reason I personally rate it a bit lower, is because I don't really like the angle "saving... more>> the world" seems to be going. For all the great build up, it just feels underwhelming. I thought it would be more than this. I do find it kinda cool that it is clearly loosely based on world events.

Big spoilers specifying my dissatisfaction about the underwhelming "saving the world".


One of the settings of the story is the Russian attack on Ukraine. Which is used really well for the story at large. Even part of the setup for how the world might end was done decently (Russia deploying nukes against Ukraine, pushing the world towards potential Nuclear war). However ultimately the way the MC seems set to save the world is simply by helping her vtuber friend whose mother is a candidate, win the USA election.

Like hey, elect one president the world is destroyed. Elect the friend's mom, we get world peace, situation resolved. And a magical campaign from Japan spread through some vtuber acquaintances, and streams subtitled/translated into foreign languages will turn the tide of the American election.

It's just..... underwhelming, especially considering the story and build up prior.

Like what about using her lingual abilities to organize a grass roots international campaign to support Ukraine. Becoming an icon who perhaps gets invited to the UN to speak as a young innocent internationally popular girl, who can speak dozens of languages flawlessly. Or perhaps organizing and influencing a peace grassroots movement in Russia that goes viral.

Or before the Ukraine stuff was set up, something like she becomes a international mediator or help unite the world and come together in new common understanding. Or lead a movement to completely disarm nukes or something.

Not..... merely get involved in a political campaign.

It really makes me a little sad. Because I read all kinds of stories. Some are intelligent engaging stories. Some are brain dead genre clones of other series. Some are well written, some are horrible. I try to enjoy them for what they are and are trying to be. And for this to have been built up and written pretty well, for this to be the problem and solution, just makes me feel hollow. I was actually interested and engaged in where this was going, for it to be so simple, clear and boring.


Granted the story may move in a different direction in the future and I may have misread where this seems telegraphed to go. Maybe this is just step 1, and the real saving the world stuff happens later. But if this is it, frankly "somehow Palpatine returned" is far more interesting in comparison.

I still like the characters and everything else. Especially how some of the stuff was explained. Language cheats were always fun.



MC reincarnated in the past and had actual met his reincarnated self when he was killed (vice versa after reincarnation MC briefly met her former self who was killed. And MC had language cheat and forgot the all the youtubers she used to follow because of a growth in part of her brain. Which was excellently foreshadowed by the MC forgetfulness of nonvtuber stuff which was part of the side effect of the growth


Anyways, if you love action, this story is not for you. If you like vtuber series, you probably will enjoy. <<less
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Sheltyer rated it
February 23, 2023
Status: --
I like the story, how the MC thinks in his actions, and his innocence, as well as the lives of the other characters in the story.

but there is one drawback, which is that this story is too fast, I want this story to be more, for his school life, and the interactions of his school friends, even his activities.

like I said, this story is great.
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Ddreiki rated it
April 10, 2023
Status: c66

I thought it was like the usual turn off brain type JP gender bender because of the first 20ch, but I was gladly proven wrong. The quality of the story and translation became better after every chapter.

I didn't expect for the author to incorporate real life situations in the story (like the Ukraine-russia war) and dive into language, culture, and even tax problems that a streamer had to deal with.

I think this was one of the best streamer/vtuber type story that I've read. It was a good read.
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Touch-San rated it
November 11, 2023
Status: c95
I suppose I should have been tipped off by the title that this wasn't going to be what I had hoped.

... more>>

This novel started going to sh*t at around chapter 60 when her cheat ability started creating abnormalities in her brain, thus inciting what I like to call the "medical drama arc".

This type of story lives and dies with it's SoL content, so the constant collapsing and ending up in the hospital kind of shatters the cozy vibes. The whole saving the world thing, which started at chapter 90, is where anything good that remained was killed.


If you're looking for a good vtuber novel, don't waste your time here, because while this one had a promising start, it ultimately ain't it. <<less
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Invadingcat47 rated it
February 7, 2023
Status: --
I am actually surprised. This is probably the best and readable Vtuber fic that I have read, beside this fic the rest are hard to follow and terrible story wise.

This fic have enough drama but not dragged down, while also not straying away from the focus of the story which is Vtubing.

Edit: I take back all the complement I had given to this WN, I give this one 2/5 stars when it started reaching uk/ru war arc. It gotten so s*upid and ridiculous and she also lost her language ability,... more>> which was the main thing the premise of this WN is built upon. <<less
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March 14, 2023
Status: c12
Was getting semi worried when the origins of korean and Japanese were starting to get talked about but was relieved to see that the author does understand that korean and Japanese are different in essence and there is no sinojapanese family of language.

The reason why they have similar structure and words is that scholars in the past from both countries considered Chinese to be a more "scholarly" language so used tons of loan words from it (like what is happening with English now).

I really like this so far, I was... more>> at first put off by the reincarnated Otaku start but it executed it well <<less
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January 13, 2023
Status: c118
Finally one of my most looking forward stories. Not much happened. The MC (man) got reincarnated as a young girl.

She got so-call "Language Cheat" Vtuber... suddenly can understand English and pronounce/speak because of 'accident' at America? Don't know my brain somehow can't remember sometimes weak memory.

Want more chapters already.

... more>> Edit :

In this review, I will discuss the missed potential in utilizing the main character's abilities and the story's build-up to address the global crisis in the novel, rather than resolving it through a political campaign. While the Russian attack on Ukraine and the impending nuclear war provide an intriguing backdrop, the narrative takes an underwhelming turn by focusing on the MC's involvement in a presidential election.

The initial setup of Russia deploying nuclear weapons against Ukraine, pushing the world closer to the brink of destruction, creates a sense of urgency and sets the stage for a high-stakes conflict. However, the resolution of this crisis through a mere political campaign aimed at electing the friend's mother feels lacking in comparison. It fails to fully utilize the MC's unique abilities and misses an opportunity for a grander and more impactful solution.

One possible alternative direction for the story could have been to leverage the MC's exceptional linguistic skills and global popularity to organize an international grassroots campaign in support of Ukraine. By becoming an influential figurehead, she could have addressed the United Nations and used her multilingual abilities to unite nations and garner support for peace efforts. This approach would have highlighted her character's potential as a catalyst for change on a global scale.

Furthermore, the MC's abilities could have been utilized to promote peace and understanding between nations, transcending political campaigns. For instance, she could have taken on the role of an international mediator, working towards fostering a new common understanding among conflicting parties. Alternatively, leading a movement for global nuclear disarmament, using her linguistic talents to rally support worldwide, could have been an inspiring and meaningful direction to explore.

By venturing beyond the scope of a political campaign, the story could have delved into themes of diplomacy, activism, and unity, offering a more profound exploration of the MC's powers and their potential impact on the world.

In conclusion, the choice to resolve the impending global crisis through a political campaign in the reviewed story feels underwhelming given the rich setting and build-up. By exploring alternative avenues that take advantage of the MC's unique abilities and global influence, such as grassroots movements, international mediation, or promoting global disarmament, the narrative could have achieved a more compelling and impactful resolution.

I understand that you believe this story is potentially good, but it fails to satisfy me due to numerous problems and a weak plot when the main character attempts to save the world. <<less
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