I’m Really a Superstar


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Zhang Ye was originally a mundane college graduate with aspiring dreams to become a star, but unfortunately has below average looks and height. However one day, he woke up and suddenly found himself in a parallel world!

It’s like the same world, but wait a minute…many brands, celebrities and even famous works from his world changed and are gone in this new world!

Armed with the profound literary knowledge of his previous world and a heaven-defying Game Ring that gives him magical items, stats and skills, Zhang Ye embarks on a journey to pursue his life-long dream of becoming famous!

Follow Zhang Ye as he takes the new world by storm, one plagiarized piece at a time, to hilarious reactions!

Associated Names
One entry per line
I’m Really a Superstar
Ngã Chân Thị Đại Minh Tinh
Wo Zhen Shi Da Ming Xing
Related Series
Game Market 1983 (10)
God of Cooking (8)
God of Music (7)
I’m in Hollywood (6)
Top Management (5)
A Valiant Life (4)
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289 Reviews sorted by

Polokrik rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c40
Just Awesome :D Will keep reading, an excellent slice of life with a MC who seems decent and a good story which is original enough to distinguish it of most slice of life novels.

Special thanks to translators Legge & CKtalon and editor Reiji Ozora, they are doing an awesome job !
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HunterGeorge rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c38
This is probably the best translated novel out there. Due to the fact it is modern day I really can relate to it and don't have to spend the time to figure out what giving face means. Adding to the attraction is the plot armour and the fact that the MC is a serial plagiarizer. Gives the novel a tongue in cheek feel to it. Thanks to the translator's keep it up guys and hopefully more and more translator's will be inspired to pick up novels like these, I would... more>> love it if a story like this came from english writers as well; though I feel I would be prejudiced against them but please do try! Thanks again and if you are reading this for a review, Just Read The Chapters. You will most probably laugh! <<less
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optjam rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c36
Everyone should rear this. Great great great novel so far. I'm laughing so hard. No martial arts or anything yet. But it is so funny!! Definitely a must read. Get to it people!
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Llamia rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c36
This is absolutely funny. I like the MC's personality. He is decisive and vindictive. He's also shameless and plagiarizes to no end. I find the characters around him somewhat interesting so far. The MC's goal is only to become famous, so he utilizes an alternate world to profit off of the main world's famous works to make himself famous.
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conspible rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c36
Either the chapters are too short or I read too fast, because I'm sad now that I've caught up to the current amount available. This is really nice to read, has great comedy that'll make you snort more air out of your nose than usual. It even makes you almost forgot about the convenient ways the plot coincidentally gives him what he needs before he even know he needs it.
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kaigasuu rated it
June 1, 2016
Status: c31
First of all, I'd like to say that this novel is absolutely hilarious. It's amazingly well written and the pace is just wonderful. The protagonist has a very unique personality and is not generic in the least. He's also not op and thus making the novel standout. He relies on his wit and a little bit of luck to get out of tough situations. I would put this novel right up there with Transcending The Nine Heavens. But be warned, this novel doesn't have action or not yet at least... more>> but I promise you that you will not miss it in the slightest. <<less
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NaM rated it
May 31, 2016
Status: --
It was hilariously FUN :3 *fumu*

10/5 (if possible)

Recommended for all ages!! A Good Vibes story!! It will lift your mood up!!

... more>> Refreshing!!

The perfect word that describes IRAS, Got me hook for the very first time. It was Love at first sight.

This story really is selling like MEAT BUNS. And the reason was precisely the fact that the story's plot/idea was totally fresh (specially in this age where the transported to another world sh*ts and Unending revenge plot is the thing). It was truly out - of - the - norm. The novel picks ones curiousity leaving the Readers no choice but to continue to read! And it was worth it!! Haii recommended to all <<less
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May 31, 2016
Status: c19
This is so good. If you like comedy you should definitely read this
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kuri94 rated it
August 15, 2021
Status: Completed
This is an entertaining novel with some deep flaws and yet also hints of something a little more meaningful---admittedly hidden in a massive repository of vulgar nonsense.

The bread and butter of the novel is a self-styled 'face-slapping' comedy: most narrative arcs are clearly introduced for the sake of the jokes (insults) they allow the author to tell rather than for some wider vision of plot or character development. In this sense the work is rather like a sit-com, though the author freely uses the implausible device of a 'game ring'... more>> in order to allow the protagonist to explore various different wider 'situations'. The comedy itself ranges from brilliantly witty to uncomfortably crude, but in the view of the reviewer, it tends to maintain a high standard. The main drawback---fundamentally an issue with the sit-com form---is related to the repetitiveness of the content: the jokes and the situations may differ chapter to chapter but it is hard to deny that the scenarios have a similar feel to them each time. Another issue is more related to the author's mastery of the sit-com form: the book is too highly paced, with one similar event coming after another and not enough intervening material (e.g. Related to character development or some plot point of a different texture to the standard) to make you forget it.

At the same time the reader should be aware of what they are getting into: the only works of the size of IRAS that avoid repetitiveness, information dumping and so on are genuine works of literature, produced in a much more thoughtful and leisurely manner than no doubt IRAS was. Clearly, this was never going to be such a work and so you can hardly feel upset when you find out it isn't: we read web novels because they are superficial, and yes we might occasionally find something that reaches a higher standard, but you will probably have a better batting rate if you search amongst works published in a more conventional manner for the simple reason that authors and editors have more time to dedicate to their jobs in this case.

At any rate, if you make it past the first few chapters I suspect you will make it through a couple of hundred before fatigue starts to set in. Then the reader can give it up or leave it a while and pick it up where they left off: the plot isn't important enough that the reader need to remember every detail, nor is it a great pity to fail to finish reading a book that is terminated midway after being banned anyway. At the same time if you enjoyed the comedy once, it is quite possible you will enjoy it again after the fatigue has disappeared.

The main issue with this book from a narrative point of view is the artificial nature of the romance. The book clearly begins with a view to the harem genre, and in this way---like the same author's Power and Wealth---the book would have been best regarded as a realisation of a stallion novel in the context of a bizarre intersection of the entertainment circle and academia. However, I suspect against the author's own inclinations, one of the heroines is elected as a main love interest. I would suggest that the author would have been better off focussing on a single heroine from the start or fully carrying out their more or less explicit intentions to create a harem since the abrupt transition halfway through the story from one procedure to the other failed to convince.

Another issue, less structurally significant but more likely to irritate the reader, is the expression of extreme nationalist xenophobia and racism. I actually find some of the reactions by readers on this point a little surprising: most of the racist segments are taken from other works

e.g. The Korean bashing talk show, or Wolf Warrior 2

and in this way do not represent anything unusual in themselves, though the concentration of such expressions in a single work is perhaps not so common. Portrayals of Korean or Japanese individuals (for instance) in IRAS are not significantly more demeaning than the general treatment of Arabic or black people in Hollywood cinema (say), or for that matter the treatment of black or Chinese individuals in Japanese and Korean work (please compare like with like: no one is suggesting that Chang Yu has the sensitivity of Ishikawa Jun, but frankly he probably does have a similar racial awareness to Spielberg). It should also be pointed out that certain expressions of national feeling are quite reasonable: why should Zhang Ye have to adopt an English name? The point is not to excuse the racism of IRAS but to suggest that some readers may be quite sensitive to Chinese expressions of racism whilst overlooking very similar expressions in Western culture.

Another point that should be stressed is that, for all the obscene expressions of nationalist superiority, there are very few popular contemporary works in China as directly critical of the Chinese state. The suggestion that this work is propaganda allowing Qidian to pander to bigwigs is bizarre---particularly since it was banned. Genuine propaganda---which of course exists---is noticeably more subtle in both its praise and criticism of the functioning of the Chinese state: think In the Name of the People, for instance. Most works sidestep the issue of the running of the Chinese state, or otherwise accept the compromise of self-censorship for the sake of 'positive energy' as good and appropriate. This the protagonist manifestly does not:


There are repeat criticisms of nepotism in Chinese civil service, an exposure of the authoritarian nature of Chinese state censorship via the engagement with SARFT, a criticism of the insularity of the cultural sphere through the protagonist's repeat collisions with various cultural institutions, a rehash of the Under the Dome scandal---as far as I am aware this is still banned in China---and the popularisation in the new world of the work of the Misty poets and songs by Cui Jian. It should be remembered that many of these poets are still essentially in exile in China and Cui Jian spent a decade banned. Despite some moves towards rehabilitation for these figures, they should still be regarded as politically sensitive in China and their fundamental role in the work places it firmly in the cultural milieu of the radical Tiananmen Square protests.


In fact the degree of criticism rather suggests to me that the author had used the explicit nationalist sentiment to set off the more critical content (good brownie points to appease the censors knowing that they were probably frowning).

Now while it is clear that Qidian might well benefit from loosened censorship laws, particularly with regards to p*rnographic content, too direct an antagonism is not propitious as the eventual fate of IRAS suggests.

Finally, I confess I rather enjoyed the blatant juxtaposition of high culture with trivia in this work. <<less
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joshb3 rated it
June 26, 2021
Status: c1696
I guess this novel is a guilty pleasure of mine. The negative reviews are correct: the MC/author is a racist, nationalistic person. However, I can't help but enjoy reading the face slapping and humor.

It's odd that the story is about a fiercely nationalistic Chinese guy, but much of the plot is critical to the Chinese governmental institution's censorship. The story actually ended up being heavily censored and eventually banned. It also pisses me off that the translator didn't translate the censored parts of the story.

I was surprised at how accurate... more>> some of the technical skills were that the MC uses in the story. Certainly the author did his homework. It's unfortunate that the story didn't get an ending, but I think it's worth a read. Certainly better than Superstars of Tomorrow. <<less
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DarkJar001 rated it
June 12, 2021
Status: --
Loved this to death for the face-smacking crap it showed in the beginnings, didn't really mind the nationalism much. Then you reach the later parts and those nationalism parts become extremely screwy and you can really see that the book turned from nationalistic and mocking into some propaganda shithead novel. It's hard not to think about how this novel probably was written in a genuine manner by some ret*rd Chinese hacked up with CCP ideological crap (or the author was forced to make it EX propaganda since it shat on... more>> the Chinese government a few times too).

Anyways, what a mess.


Like at the start, the novel was willing to point out the absurdities of China, like their government-maintained media, ignorance of environmental issues like smog, and other crap. The beginning usually had him using his fantasy system to dodge these obstacles of being blocked by the government, but later on the novel started to use his connections with his wife to bypass these restrictions. Anyways, somewhere along the line, it got extremely propaganda-like (Like dozen times larger than before). It's either the author truly believes in that crap despite having the balls to write a novel about stealing other people's works (and inadvertedly admitting that other cultures are better than China's), or maybe the Chinese censors had noticed how much the author criticized the Chinese government and they gave the guy the choice to either delete it or emphasize the CCP propaganda and how "China No. 1". I dunno which one's worse.

Anyways, what a disappointment.

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Infinitymidnight rated it
March 1, 2021
Status: --
So I actually really enjoyed the beginning portion of this story. However the more he gets famous, the worse the story gets. Ignoring the nationalism, there is no need to tr*sh every single culture/country he's literally plagiarizing from. Like you can love your country and still not be a d*ck to everyone else. The premise is a similar world without major works but like at this point he's just taking everything, what is left of the original world he migrated to? Is there even any works of theirs. The plagiarism... more>> is so bad that the actual novel got hit by disney. Really sexist and xenophobic. It also is super repetitive now, there is only so much "get insulted", "insults back", "steals major work to slap face", "wins award" you can take before its just copy paste (just like what MC is doing). <<less
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Kemori rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: --
This is a great novel that lived too long.

Many people hate on this novel for 'copying things'- it's especially toxic how the forums here treat this novel; however this novel has 1695 chapters whilst the novels it 'copies' ideas from seem to have half of that. Though it didn't do things originally and 'copied' - I prefer to say it improved upon the stolen ideas from other novels and executed them better.

... more>>

This should've ended around chapter 1200- when he has his farewell concert and gets caught for hacking; I legit cried and I thought it was a beautiful, tragic and great way to finish, he was going to prison with a pregnant wife for crimes, in my opinion a touching and realistic take on the whole 'i've got a cheat and now I'm untouchable' where it doesn't end up going that way at all and he gets caught. I was genuinely surprised that it kept going and the respect I'd built up for the author for ending what was a rom-com escapism novel as a tragedy, completely disappeared.

I thought this was emulating "A Valiant Life" and giving up the endless cultivation/skill accumulation stuff with a realistic ending - if you're unaware then here's a spoiler for A Valiant Life


He gets a magic book that gives him a skill system and gives him random skills, just like IRAS, except around chapter 695 he declares he's done and the book keeps trying to convince him to keep using the system and he'll 'become a god' and he declines, instead he seals the book and settles down with his four wives, creating his own dynasty and the final chapter is from the perspective of his grandson (who I think receives the book?)

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The Sliveren
The Sliveren rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: c1000
At first, I really love this but then it started to get so very cringe.

The MC here is incredibly shameless, racist, always think that he was above others, a plagiarist, and also a bastard. I mean if I were to meet him, I know in my heart that this guy is up to no good.

I hate the way he treated women. It's like he sees them like a menu dish like wtf? I remember that in an early chapters, he got the invisibility spell or what not and surprisingly, a... more>> woman appeared and what did he do? He goggled at her. When he married his wife, it's like he treated her like some a freaking s*x toy. The faq?

I know that the ideas of the author is running out. And I know that the author will pull something bullsh*t that the MC will go back to the original world or something like that to refresh and gather materials. Wow, the guy even didn't know what guilt is.

People are started to get annoyed by him and I understand them. The MC treat himself as a person who could achieve everything (which he could with the help of his system) even though he humbled himself (him? Humble? I will eat sh*t if that happens).

When you read this, you might think that I was blinded by rage and hatred on this novel. I am actually.

The Author on this novel is a truly chunnibyou. Are you discontented about your life? Freaking delusional.

The translator and editor is quite good and before you read this, stick to your morals and DON'T EVER OF COPYING HIS BEHAVIOR. <<less
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November 2, 2020
Status: --
Ok. I am just gonna explain a little bit about the author from my intuition. He is either forced to make this story by Chinese govt as a propaganda or he is an idiot. Cause, the logic of author works like this " Umm, they are not from China. Ok so that means they are culturally less advanced so they are barbaric. So everyone there must be bad too. Ok, black people especially are bad. I mean they are black. Ofcourse they are someone not good looking and almost a... more>> gangster " so this is what goes through his mind. I mean from what I think that guy was almost a borderline creep and the type girls would hate but he will showthing amazing and she is in love wow. I read a Chinese novel " the reverse scale of dragon ", the main character in that novel was inherently black and you know what author did. His skin colour was treated like a problem through out the novel and he was becoming less black as ch increases. I mean here every other country is saying #blacklifematter and then we have this. I pity for China in this regard.

Now, if we ignore the racism which author does (I mean thank God they didnt introduced a western child or Korean child or he would have said something about that too), the plot is like repetitive to the extreme.

He finds a job, do some bullahit and creates a havoc, then get himself into a weird situation, use his system to get out, top the list of whatever he was into, then that will offend someone really big and he will fire him, he finds a new job. Boom, again the same game. This is almost the plot of entire novel.

so Racism, repeated plot but I have to good points which it had too or its gonna be bias like the author. The novel is funny for first few 100 chs, after that its repetitive. Some chs are highly 3 dimensional. MC does work with a clear goal. The pacing is good too. That's all I can think of.

Literaly just read like 200 Chs or something if you are reading after that its pretty bad. <<less
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Rhin rated it
July 5, 2020
Status: c0
Due to recent events I remembered this novel and though ‘oh, this person opinion of China, reminds me of that novel that I read some time ago... and dropped’

My opinion is based on 2-3 years old memory so no details and will keep it short. The story was entertaining and had the addictive quality however as many has pointed out, the MC is piece of shit. I ignored quite a few overly patriotic, racist and condescending moments until it was so bad that I wanted to get into the novel... more>> just to beat MC and throw him in the middle of the #metoo meeting gathering. There was nothing to redeem that tr*sh so I stopped reading for good.

Now thinking back the novel has left me quite the impression all for the wrong reasons ? I see that MC behaviour was based on actual Chinese sentiments and am quite sad to know that out there people are so close minded and so unwilling to accept what is different. I am honestly surprised that that sort of story was translated - it is logical to talk bad behind the foreigner back, not in his face but webnovel even takes our money in order to insult us. Golden ? <<less
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Tahsin005 rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: --
No charm, no personal skill, extremely arrogant and racist and despite knowing his looks and heights are just average, he still a pe*vert to the core. I just had to drop it at some point. And why there is not even a harem tag as MC had that many love interest! He just cheated all the way to the top and kept scolding people with REAL knowledge (at least they learnt what they know by themselves without a cheat) cheap romance bait every now and then, and despite being an... more>> utter tr*sh (without the cheat) he acts like a big shot all knowing s*upid ass. What the hell the writer was thinking?! At least give some good quality to MC. Only morally sound would do. But you call someone aunty and take pleasure with her, even your collage belle. Even for romance you had to use your cheat. Damn tr*sh. I directly recommend not to read this utter tr*sh. <<less
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TheLovelyRose rated it
March 25, 2020
Status: --1696
I really liked this novel. Zhang Ye, as a character, took some time to get used to. But once you figure out how he operates, he becomes very likable. He's a straight shooting, nice, charitable and loyal person. However, once you get on his bad side or cross his friends, he verbally and physically smacks them down. He takes no ish and gives none in return.

It took me a week and a half to read all 1696 chapters that were available and I'm sad that there's no more chapters coming.... more>> I really wish the author didn't get blocked cuz I want to read mor3 about Zhang Ye's journey to become the #1 superstar.

Give this novel a chance and keep an open mind. You may even enjoy it too. <<less
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yujichandesu rated it
January 23, 2020
Status: c999
This novel is pure comedy gold. My all-time favourite chinese novel! Love how much face-slapping is included in the chapters.
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Patchan rated it
January 22, 2020
Status: c1600
I love this novel. Just like how everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, this novel has too there'sb no thing such as perfect. Even though the novel has a lot of shortcomings and things to be picked on, but hey, a novel with only good things, you will forget about it too soon. IRAS has been a long journey of reaching goals to relieving the passion.

I love it and I felt that I was with Zhang Ye's battle along the way. I especially love the romance, it's realistic; Zhang... more>> Ye is not possessive and Wu Zeqing is not overbearing. The romance is just like how old couples who understand each other.

You will witness how Zhang Ye started from a 22-23 year old fresh graduate to a 30 year old him. He's the most troublesome protagonist I've seen. You will surely criticize him, sometimes cheer for him, laugh with him, and even cry with him.

Most here said that the novel is racist or offending but it's in you if you felt that way. I mean we all have that nationalist side, and maybe the author, considering it is China, is like that because he was born in a collectivist country.

It was saddening that it was discontinued (idk the reason) but I highly recommend it even though it was unfinished. <<less
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