Castle of Black Iron


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After the Catastrophe, every rule in the world was rewritten.

In the Age of Black Iron, steel, iron, steam engines and fighting force became the crux in which human beings depended on to survive.

A commoner boy by the name Zhang Tie was selected by the gods of fortune and was gifted a small tree which could constantly produce various marvelous fruits. At the same time, Zhang Tie was thrown into the flames of war, a three-hundred-year war between the humans and monsters on the vacant continent. Using crystals to tap into the potentials of the human body, one must cultivate to become stronger.

The thrilling legends of mysterious clans, secrets of Oriental fantasies, numerous treasures and legacies in the underground world — All in the Castle of Black Iron!

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Citadel of Black Iron
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106 Reviews sorted by

spiritstonz rated it
June 28, 2020
Status: --
The start was a huge turn off, Don't need no details about anybody s*x life... And this author worships his country too fanatically
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LegendPlayz rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: Completed
So in the beginning it was a slow read, you have to have patience after reading for about 50 ish chapters it really intrigued me so I continued reading it. The ending was quite good not like those "overpowered go new universe or a new stage" the ending was satisfactory.
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Hiero rated it
October 9, 2019
Status: only put 5 stars so that everyone can read this
This novel is so patriotic even when im shutting my brain while reading how they describe chinese is great and good, it still feels like theres something crawling on my skin bec in this novel only the chinese race survive in the past apocalypse and in the coming apocalypse only the chinese country can survive while the other countrys are sure to fall. Talk about how big the ego of this author. He keeps praising the chinese non stop like having special powers bec they are chinese and like the... more>> chinese is the strongest country that can survive in the holy war in this novel and has the most mysterious cultivation technique while other random race dont know any technique bec they dont have the noble chinese blood, My goodness!! It even said that only the chinese are the hope of humanity in this novel.

This novel author has the biggest chinese pride ive read out of all novels! My brains are having cramps each time he praise his CHINESE BLOODLINE. He just ruins a good novel.

This novel is also bias to women, wasted a lot of chapter when he was captured by a woman and got beaten so badly and he was treated a s*ave too but you know since this chinese motherf*cker is always thinking with his d*ck he helps her and if this was a man who did the same thing to him he would even kick him down when he's in trouble. So you readers better expect everytime he meets a woman enemy or not he will always f*ck them. This novel has so many s*x scenes that it even explains how his body is so hot and his pen*s so hard that when he put it in a v*gina he felt melting. It explains his pleasures in his s*x adventures. This MC even has the gall to say he had fallen for a special girl, where he keeps spreading his seeds every where. And doesnt even know that his feeling was instead of heart it was his d*ck throbbing. And he calls it special. <<less
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Vidashall rated it
July 30, 2019
Status: c13
At the beginning, I was also feeling a bit cringe like everybody else because of the MC always being... so h**ny (the same with his "friends"), but I simply ignore it, just thinking of it as something normal for a 15 years old going through puberty

But there is a limit to everything, and this novel surpassed that limit for me like 5-6 chapters ago. But I decided to keep going because I was waiting for the story to start getting good, for the plot to actually start.

yet, when it did...... more>> it was... disappointing.

And in this case, two negative things doesn't makes a positive.

The author is trying too hard to be funny. And you know, maybe if I was also a teenager, around 12-16 years old, I would found this novel hilarious! but not now. The comedy of this novel is just... childish.

You are doing something very wrong if your novel is supposed to be "+18" and "mature" yet your comedy is at the level of d*ck jokes, s*x jokes and all that shit. Hell, if the author went full childish comedy like instead of calling them dicks, he called them "wieners" or "pee pees" I might actually chuckle a bit, yet instead it feels like he is trying to hit with both mature and immature audience but instead is missing them both by a mile.

I'm actually surprised this novel lasted for 2, 000 chapters, maybe because in a couple hundred of chapters it gets better and the author is able to actually get his sh*t together. If that's the case, then congratulations, I'm all for it that he was able to get decent.

But if I have to go through 100 or more chapters of this mess until I reach the point where the author actually starts getting good... I'll rather save myself from that misery. <<less
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Sidhil rated it
June 4, 2019
Status: --
It's good with worldbuilding, cultivation styles and plot, with fairly interesting characters but suffers from the author's weird obsession with s*x. Like dude we don't need to know the MC has a hard-on every time he so much as glances at a girl, nor do we need literally 5 straight chapters of nothing but descriptions of ... more>>

how the MC has s*x with literally 80+ girls that does nothing for the plot

. The racism isn't as bad as in other C-novels tbh, lots of 'chinese are the best' blah blah blah but no dissing other ethnicities at least. However, I'm fairly certain that the novel could be greatly improved if pretty much every part with girls and s*x in it was cut out, seeing as aside from his high-school teacher it does.... pretty much nothing for the novel. <<less
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1stSlug rated it
January 22, 2019
Status: c1176
TL;DR Ed: A good read, with a dose of Chinese nationalism/supremacy that seem to be in almost 90% of novels released on "webnovels".

Below, in this errrr.... 'review', is actually more of a rant rather than a comprehensive breakdown of pros/cons of the story itself.

So be warned, super spoilers below:


(Around chapter 530-40) :

I REALLY hate the Shadow Demon arc. For reasons unknown to me, the author decided to hit the "SPEED UP" button and just rushed ahead and said f*ck it all to the pacing that it's had all the way to this point and before you know it, arc done and time skip...

I also, find it super cringey when the MC is penalised after he merges with the demon genes, I can sorta understand why this happened, as the MC was too OP and all, but the way he went about removing that OP element was too forced and short sighted. The MC is already the usual 'underdog' in every situation he finds himself in, even with OP fruits. But, nope. Author is like "Lets knuckle down and punish the MC more!".

EDIT (Chapter 687) :

Is it just me, or is it s*upid to just transport one group of people and leave the rest no hope of survival? It seems s*upidly short sighted. 101 on how to make people hate you. Face a massive calamity, but only save your own people. Don't worry though, all those people you've left behind will become meatpuppets to be used to stab you later on, not to mention all the traitors who want to get back at you.

EDIT (Chapter 745) :

This rant is in relation to the previous edit. But clearly, the smarter strategy would be to fight on the Black Human Corridor, than let the demons take it and then have them invade China/Hua land. Who the hell wants to fight a destructive war on their own land? Thats just silly. Fight on someone elses land!

EDIT (Chapter 960) :

It's been a really looooong ass time since I read anything about the early merit/value point system that came with the Tree Space Place. Nor do I see any mention about whats happening in there other than a few mentions of Tree Palace.... It's almost like the Author got sick of the semi-game like mechanic...

EDIT (Chapter 1077) :

It just occured to me, but what happened to all the wild besties? I mean, MC tames a couple of pets, but no mention of any 'super' beastie since the early chapters.... Another aspect dropped by the Author.

EDIT (Chapter 1176) :

Ah, it was finally mentioned again (Upgrade Space menu thingie). I think it's been at least 500-700 chapters since it was last seen.


I might add more to this 'review' later as I continue to read ahead and find more "wtf author" moments.
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sanky1997 rated it
December 26, 2018
Status: c1314
When I started reading this novel, it seemed like a novel that would focus on women and the dissolute life of the protagonist. I was very wrong. This novel follows the MC for at least 30 years (till now) starting from when he was 15 years old. The author's focus is always on the MC and it seems intentional that he ignores the side characters. This is because the novel is in semi-first person, and the author only shows us the MC's point of view and sometimes the general happenings... more>> for the purpose of world building. Also, many people are annoyed about the chinese supremacy in the novel. Well, if he has to create a powerful nation, obviously he will choose his own country. If you don't like it, just skip, you won't miss anything important.

For the people who stopped reading after the first few chapters due to vulgar stuff, that's only there until he grows up. I think kids could have that kind of mentality as 15 years old. As he grows up, he becomes more responsible, powerful and cunning. As the novel progresses, you will see complex plots in motion and how MC reverses situation. The pace is a bit slow, as these reversals may sometimes take hundreds of chapters to unfold, but when they do you may start shaking due to the adrenaline rush. As they say 'revenge is dish best served cold'.


I posted this review because the previous reviewer said that the author nerfed the MC after 500 chapter, because of a choice MC made to regain his humanity after getting converted into a shadow demon. Well, if people are getting turned off by that, let me tell you that he gains the ability of a shadow demon as a human later, and with the amount of security all around the world against demons, if he ever got caught as a shadow demon he would be totally f****d. Do you think people in their world have no ways to ascertain someone's identity as a human or a demon? Also, the three years MC lost in coma, he will get it all back and then some. Seven strength fruits were too OP anyways. That doesn't mean that I was not angry when that sh*t happened. I am happy I pushed through though. Right now, the MC is back in his OP mode.


Also, most of the reviewers here have not even read more than a 100 chapters. As the pace is a bit slow, it takes a bit time to catch up to the real action, but I assure you that if you can look past the chinese supremacy (which comes mostly after MC goes to his homeland i.e. Very late) and slow pacing, you will love this novel and especially the main character. In most chinese novels it feels like the MC would be nothing without his powers. But even though the MC keeps repeating how ordinary he would be without his power, the way he utilises his abilities to their fullest extent with his cleverness sets him apart from anything else I have read. The solutions he devises are always the most excellent, and leaves me in awe.

The translation quality right now is okay. Not great, as the translator sometimes uses weird words in weird places, but you will understand the gist of it. <<less
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craterman rated it
December 22, 2018
Status: c540
Starts off pretty strong as it has lots of unique aspects such as cultivation, world building, plot and what not.

As the story progresses it gets more and more interesting... until a bit after chapter 500.

... more>>

At this point, the 3rd holy war is only a month or two away and the main character just finished moving all his friends and family out of blackhot city over to Jinyun province which is safer. While doing this he finds out that master Abayan (a pharmacist aka a wanabee alchemist) killed some of the girls from the whatever organization that he slept with a while back so he goes to try to kill him. So far so good. Then comes the fight, he finds out Abayan is a lv14 shadow demon capable of transforming into a human and proceeds to get demolished by abayan, abayan then proceeds to start absorbing the blood and qi of Zhang Tie and starts evolving from it, Zhang Tie then pulls out an item he got at the start of the story and stabs abayan with it that turned out to have the ability to steal abayans power and give it to Zhang Tie making him a part human part shadow demon who has the abilities of both and can blend into both societies, sounded pretty cool to me... but Zhang Tie wansn't having any of it and said he wanted to go back to being a pure human no matter the price... and so Heller helped him do it, at the cost of his flower of life, all his seven strength fruits, and with the fact he can never get seven strength fruits again, he becomes a pure human again. This negates a huge chunk of the prior chapters an nerfs the Zhang Tie in both current strength and in future potential.

Okay that was pretty shitty and might make some people drop it as it is but does it stop there? Nope, of course not, although the plane might be in full nose dive it can still pull up, right?


As it would turn out Zhang Tie has been in a coma 3 years as well so his strength which has already been nerfed is now several years behind everyone else making him (can you guess it?) bottom of the barrel. All those people he surpassed? Already way stronger than him. The holy war? Already three years in and in full swing, aka we missed some great potential content. Also did I mention his master thinks him long dead? The fruit he got from killing abayan was full of all his knowledge though thats a plus right? Now he can pursue his long time goal of becoming an alchemist right? Nope, he could give the fruit away so he did...


So pretty much the author suddenly changed how the main character will grow stronger in the future and scrapped that whole alchemist thing the main character has been wanting for a while, not to mention some other changes that make the story, and the the main character just feel completely different, almost like the author of the book changed hands and the new author has a completely different plan in mind on how to progress the story and has decided to scrap 80% of the story so far. So now the plane has crashed and completely brurned...

I'm gonna take one for the team and stick it out a bit longer to see if a rescue team shows up though, wish me luck, I know I'll need it. <<less
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Renzoukuken rated it
December 3, 2018
Status: c287
Good world building.

Started slowly but the pacing gradually improved.

The author seems hell bent on Chinese patriotism, it didn't bother me at first but it's mentioned constantly and eventually started to annoy me.

Side characters are forgotten about and hardly mentioned.
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wo1verine rated it
June 20, 2018
Status: c690
Very well written, the flow of the story and character interplay is vivid and lifelike.

You will like the cheeky MC tryin to get close to girls. Although the s*x scenes are censored a bit it's still likeable.

The MC doesn't get what he needs the most all the time but rather tries to make work with what he gets. As of yet he's been in the sky and ground as a great fighter looking forward to a sea fight in the future.

Just qidian translates too slow for me if only I... more>> could get some mtl and finish the story. Ah nvm I digress.A good read all in all.

Cheers! <<less
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Grosstoad rated it
May 19, 2018
Status: c651
Surprisingly interesting.

On it's basic premise, it's a poor young boy who got a cultivation cheat, and his journey onward.
On a grander scale, it is a story of the battle between humanity and demonkind.

The boy would gain strength, treasures, skills, companions, lovers, and lose them as well, whether to his faults or his enemies. There are ups and downs to his journey. He is vulgar and sometimes contradictive, but his heart is -mostly- in the right place.

Most side-characters have some flavor to them, but they are still kind of shallow since the story has multitudes of side-characters.

Still, I like the fact that the MC shares the treasures and sometimes the skills he gets with his friends, lovers, family, and others he respects, sometimes elevating them to great ranks, instead of just getting things that the MC no longer needs. He jokes, he pranks, he laughs, he cries, and he even fights with his friends...

I love that more than just one or two named characters who are astonished by the MC's every action.

Oh, don't worry, the MC does still astonish people left and right, but mostly because of his cultivation speed as well as some of the treasures he gained, but overall, he still faces oppositions often, whether from people in authority above his, people with strength far above his, or simply through rumors and slander.

Despite the multitude of lovers, the MC does not get every girl he fancies. Time moves on, and old

Onto the cons, well, there are numerous characters, so some people gets left on the wayside, but old characters sometimes return in passing, or mentioned elsewhere.

The Chinese are better at everything was subtle at first, but then when the Eastern Continent starts to get introduced... Well, everything made by Chinese are just plain better, what? Still, it is Xianxia, and made by a Chinese author, I guess one can close an eye towards that.

Not that the other nationalities are degraded or anything, most of his friends and acquaintances from the starting city and the army are not Chinese, and some of them are even great. But when the East comes in... Well, the Chinese are simply better in cultivating, better in technology, better in being rich... Eh.

Well, that's about it.
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Hitexh rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: c212
I really hope the MC will grow up like donder, his mentor, cause he is the only lead for MC to grow smarter and each of his story and advice is very interesting.. Even the character growth with his friends and family is very warm.. Im starting to believe he is going to be a wise and mature protagonist later.. Unfortunately, ... more>>

MC's little bird stood tall too much.. He admit that he cant love one woman, and fck more than 81 girls in 4 night, even his mom aware of it. What a bird! He feel proud and aware that his girls and childrens later wont get its family life easy too (learning from one of its girls and one of his friend family condition), but he doesnt care.

And his intellegence on managing wealth is very poor. Very poor that he gives all his wealth to others, and let them decide for it. Yes you are filial child, filial brother, loyal friend, and gentleman, but wasting money like that when you know making money is hard from young is not responsible at all.. I begining to consider whether this guy is from briliant god cult, where he believes lets do everything I want now, let future trouble be solved later by the next me after kill some bad guys.

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Evil Kirito
Evil Kirito rated it
April 14, 2018
Status: c392
A pretty good piece.. This actually dosent show the MC 'cultivating' much but just goes along. A bit ruthless action, the usual sharp tongue. And slightly more pe*verted MC with quite a bit of s*x :p
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NEOSSPACE rated it
February 28, 2018
Status: c73
The pacing of the story is slow but its the good kind of slow. Every small detail of the story is talked about down to when the MC is turning on a light, down to him taking a SHEET.

But because it is so slow and detailed u cant help but appreciate the MC's changes when the major events start to happen.

His Cheat ability doesn't come until chapter twelve and the action doesn't start until about chapter fifty-ish its sos slow that u can't help but exclaim finally some action!!!

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Eintuna rated it
January 13, 2018
Status: c377
This, in my opinion, is a good but not excellent novel.

The Good points of this novel:

The character actually grows up from a lusty teenager and is not a OP person that has reincarnated or is just OP by default. You get to see him at his worst and his best.

After the slow start of the novel, things gets quite interesting and funny. ... more>>

The MC starts a mining cult by accident and gets a circumcision (don't ask me why, just read about it :D)


The love stories (yes, there is something good about them) have a purpose. The MC has a crush on his teacher and dosen't get with her immediately.

But event after 370+ chapters, he still wants to be with her even though she probably don't remember him that much or at all.


The cultivation and the MC's cheat is done in a pretty good way. The MC dosen't steam through the cultivation levels in a week and become OP. There's a pretty unique system (though, not the only one of it's kind) and the usage of the Fibonacci Sequence as a explanation of how every level is determined is very clever. The cheat-system is a separate space with a karma tree that gives the MC fruits that can help him grow stronger. Though the point that I especially like is the fact that the system removes the fruit if the MC has done something that goes against the systems base programming.

So if he make a goodhearted or normal person a prisoner or restrains them for no reson, he gets punished by the system.


The Negative parts:

The female characters that matter has some dimension to them but the rest are pretty one dimensional. Also the three main girls kinda got forgotten about by the author after a certain point and we've only gotten a clue where one of them are a long time after the last meeting. Granted we got a slight clue where others are but that's it.

The s*xual parts in this novel are kinda over the top.

The first thing the MC's group of "best" friends does when we meet them are masturbating in a classroom and invites the MC

.... that's just a bit to much. Another thing about the s*xual parts, is the fact that every time the MC meets a woman he cheeks out her ass and ti*s and gets a hard-on. I mean, ok he's still a teenager full of hormones but come on.

The karma system in this world that only the MC and a few enlightened people seem to have found out about.

The MC can free any captured animal (not captured by him) and after a certain amount of freed animals, he can get their special ability.

I like this concept generally but the fact that this is not known by the ruling classes baffles me.

So these are my points on this novel. If you want to read this, you better be prepared for a slow start and get ready for the good parts in the later chapters! <<less
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Teleclast rated it
January 5, 2018
Status: c369
There's a lot of nationalism later on, and quite frankly what bothers me the most about it is that it's not just the character being overly proud in the chinese, it's the author making most great things/people chinese, and even making it so that while he was a minority where he was and had little benefits there from being chinese, he never dealt with much prejudice against him and it works in the silliest places.
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Random student
Random student
July 28, 2021
Status: c600
i don't mind the racism and chiniese stuff because I am used to all the super heroes being American (all the most powerful ones are white), all the anime being japan, etc. I actually think it is a bonus because of the way it is done as race shapes the world. It is also very unique and would have been my favourite light novel if the author did not choose a decision that made the MC lose his most interesting power (risking everyone's life and allowing a lot of people... more>> to die) because the MC wanted normal children which also make 100s of chapters irrelevant.

Other from that it was pretty good. <<less
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deathmine31 rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: Completed
Few important concerns that should be known. First of all, the current translation has many grammatical errors. After more than half the novel, the errors will eventually get less frequent, but still persist in the form of single word mistakes until the last couple of chapters. Secondly, we have views concerning racial supremacy. After the first area of the novel, this just becomes the standard. Lastly, MC is a pe*vert, the start is more vulgar.

What I liked about the novel was the unique setting. Post-apocalyptic with cultivation. It was interesting... more>> and different at the start. As the novel develops, the cultivation aspect grows more and more. By the end of the novel, its pretty much a cultivation novel with certain technologies.

Its the typical cultivation novel comedy, don't expect to laugh unless that's your cup of tea. <<less
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Fast_sec rated it
March 2, 2021
Status: c1
Novel starts off very very slow. MC starts out being a decent guy but after he gains his powers he becomes more of an arrogant prick. Dude is always complaining about money but when he does have decent amounts, he just gives it away or spends it and never saves it. With the MC's god system he could actually become an alchemist or someone who creates stuff instead of being a soldier or lackey earlier on. This novel emphasizes on alchemist who can create bombs pretty much becomes kings.

With what... more>> I mentioned, this is how I think the novel should have went. After his city gets taken over by the other empire/faction, instead of going to fight the sun dynasty, he stays and tries to become an alchemist since he values money and status. Doing this should change his path which is for the better of the novel. <<less
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fangyuan rated it
January 5, 2021
Status: c247
A novel with an interesting concept and premise but execution leaves much to be desired. I also realized that the author seemed to frequently use s*x scenes as filler chapters. The MC is a h**ny teenager with a tinge of naivety but it's fine since he is a rather interesting character. Decided to drop because the plot progression is rather slow and each arc is unnecessarily dragged.
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