You, My Devil


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Yuri, the Prince of the enemy country who colonized Heina’s homeland, Constance, and brutally mu*dered her fiance.

Called the red-haired devil, he takes Heina, the Princess of Constance, as his trophy.

The person she can never love starts asking her for love…

A romantic fantasy of a man who tries to defy fate and a woman who is trapped in his world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
나의 그대는 악마
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. red RED RED RED!!
  2. Graphic adaptation | Adaptacao grafica - p6
  3. {novels with manhwa/manhua} pt. 4
  4. Tracker of What I've Read
  5. kor novels #2

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/07/22 Mystical Series c7
02/28/22 Mystical Series c6
02/22/22 Mystical Series c5
02/15/22 Mystical Series c4
02/07/22 Mystical Series c3
01/28/22 Mystical Series c2
01/17/22 Mystical Series c1
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EchoAndromeda rated it
December 30, 2023
Status: c19
Holy! Okay... so I started the webtoon 1st & then when it's 1st season ended could no longer wait and found the novel. I only got to it after it returned with S2 but LET ME TELL YALL HOW MUCH IS ACTUALLY MISSING from the webtoon.

I dont understand why they didn't leave this freaking glorious masterpiece in tact as an R19 series. The build up in tension between Heina & Yuri prior to them doing the damn thing was so palpable but after it finally happened... it was as if... more>> the dam had burst open for the two of them. This isn't to say it's heavily peppered with smut, because it's not... the plotline is easily just an enjoyable but when the scenes between Heina & Yuri DO come up... it is most certainly A+++ Tier. This is not even an exaggeration by any means. Im so sad they won't be fairly included in the adaption because it's in those moments the reader gets to glimpse just how much Yuri is determined to monopolize Heina's love and opposite you watch Heina come to terms with her attraction & ultimately her affection for Yuri despite her repeated self-affirming denials that she doesn't like him.

Give this a read, by all means you will not regret it! I'm only sad it isn't a little bit longer and that the side stories don't feature our mains. But thats also okay too... <<less
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