World of Cultivation


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An unknown disciple from a small sect battling against the strongest in the cultivation world! The long journey working at cultivation, the realization of destiny, and the chance to reach the apex of the world.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. Zuo Mo is a zombie faced low level cultivator in a minor sect of a little world. Ever since he was picked up by the sect leader two years ago, he has no memories of his earlier life except a recurring nightmare. Navigating the rigid class structure and intricacies of the cultivation world, as one of the lowest possible of the lowest class, Zuo Mo’s dream is to earn money, and lots of it, through being a spiritual plant farmer. A chance occurrence reveals that someone powerful had changed Zuo’s features and erased his mind. The money grubbing zombie decides to set out on a journey of cultivation to find out answers. Fate colludes with chance, the drums of war are beating, the ghost of his past is coming…

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tu Chân Thế Giới
Xiuzhen Shijie
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Cultivation Novel Recommendations
  2. ALLCN+
  3. NO Romance
  4. My next 5 out of 5 !!!
  5. Wow there's a manhua version (ML)

Latest Release

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09/02/16 Dreams of Jianghu c356
09/01/16 Dreams of Jianghu c355
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08/29/16 Dreams of Jianghu c352
08/28/16 Dreams of Jianghu c351
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241 Reviews sorted by

luisivich rated it
September 5, 2022
Status: c126

very bloated kind of story telling.

cringy culturally chinese fight scenes- inefficient and over stylized

chapter 1 is very good though- one of the best introduction ive read in a novel.

chapter 200 2/5

the storytelling is just like how luis tell his story in Antman movies. it was unfocus and bloated


a typical japanese storytelling:

"zou mou laid a trap

and then see his first victim"

world of cultivation storytelling:

"zou mou laid a trap...

(then talk about everything and nothing for about 30 chapters)

then see his first victim"

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demonlord0 rated it
May 25, 2022
Status: c210
TL;DR - long ass cultivation story but it started off really good. After about arc 3 I dropped it because it wasn't for me and I highly doubt the ending of this novel will be satisfying. However for those who really like long cultivation stories this is for you (as far as I could tell there was hardly any filler but each chapter was damn long).

This had the potential to be an amazing cultivation masterpiece. For the first few chapters I was completely immersed in this slow but enjoyable cultivation... more>> story, and was mesmerized with how determined our MC was in cultivating despite his average talent. I was so curious in the mysteries of his existence, and loved seeing him grow as a Spiritual plant farmer and a formation master. Sure, he gets his 'old grandpa' figure (Pu Yao) and became OP but even then it was still an enjoyable story regardless.

That was up until Arc 3 ends.


Zuo Mo ends up leaving his sect at the end of Arc 3/start of Arc 4 due to essentially being abandoned by them; after gaining a few trustworthy subordinates he has to learn to survive on his own while building a force of cultivators under him


After this point, I personally just felt bored (it had taken me nearly a month to reach this arc and GOD these chapters were so f*ckin long) and all the time I invested into this novel felt like a waste. Sure, you can say I just wasn't used to the change going from the sect environment to the loose cultivator environment. Then out of curiosity, I decided to look up how the novel was going to end on the wiki for this novel and I saw some utter bullsh*t that I knew I was going to be dissatisfied with if I read the novel all the way through. <<less
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JordanMcLuvin rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: Completed
This was the first cultivation novel I ever read catching up with the English translation at ch439 in 2016 before taking a break, and finally rereading and finishing the novel in 2018. It has been more than 3 years since reading and I rushed through the last hundred chapters so I may miss some points.

Early on the story is a solid 5/5 as can be observed by many of the reviews with 400 or less chapters read, midway the novel is closer to a 4 or 3/5, the last section... more>> felt more like a 2 or even 1/5.

The novel starts very slow paced introducing the weak, but diligent and clever main character Zuo Mo and his environment. The author works meticulously early on to build a solid foundation so that readers can understand the world that the story takes place in as well as the power levels that are present in the world. They also discuss some of the greater powers of the world outside the main characters sect. This also allows for readers to get an idea of the breadth of the world but also allows the world to remain open ended. This works to the benefit to new readers of the genre such as myself when I first read it. The story remains within those bounds defined in the beginning for the majority of the novel.

The length of the story does focus on cultivation, faithful to the xanxia novel style. What makes this story different early on is the main character's goal of living a comfortable relatively humble life with secured riches rather than the more typical style of pursuing world-shaking power or eternal life. Rather than the story of a great ambitious cultivator defying heavens limitations, it is the story of a farmer trying to make it rich and being forced into cultivation by precarious or humorous circumstances.

For better or for worse, this style changes significantly as the story progresses and leads to Zuo Mo feeling more like a typical cultivation novel main character. By the midpoint of the story, fortuitous encounters abound and treasures swarm like mosquitos in a swamp.

I split the novel roughly into three sections mentally. 2 minor spoilers, 1 major spoiler below:


Introductory cultivation and group formation, Army refinement and growth of power Ch300-600, and the age of Shen Ch600+



    • Breaks some of the typical moulds of cultivation novels early on
    • Enjoyable humor and dialogue between characters
    • Detailed and varied cultivation systems with interesting abilities and clans
    • Very well done buildup to clashes or other conflicts
    • Good group development of characters
    • Group battles were well incorporated and added extra facets to vanilla 1 on 1 battles seen in other novels

    • My personal biggest con is the fact that the world building and precedents set early on in the story are demolished in order to push the plot further and also account for "Power Creep".
    • Too many fortuitous encounters and unique relics discovered mid-late story
    • Poor quality transitions from one arc to another
    • Relationships and foreshadowing established early in the story left open or handled poorly
    • Story style changes significantly midway
    • group battles felt inconsequential with no scope of casualties
    • significantly less attention to detail and poorer pacing in the latter half of the story
This novel is undoubtedly worth a read if not for just the first third of the novel. <<less
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TundraDweller rated it
July 19, 2021
Status: --852
I've tried multiple times to read this because the reviews promise a good read. But as some have mentioned, the early parts are ridiculously hard to get through. I've been stalled multiple times at the first chapter itself. Below is the paragraph that makes me quit each time. If you read it and think you can deal with it going forward until things get better, let's do it together.

... more>>

Once upon a time, Dong Fu zhenren[6] broke off the peak with one sword strike and used the newly formed plateau as the foundation for his base, creating Dong Fu. After five hundred years, Dong Fu had developed into one of the thirteen primary towns of Sky Moon Jie. Three thousand jie of the xiuzhe, [7] Sky Moon Jie couldn't even be ranked. It was only a minor jie, its history just one thousand and five hundred something years. One thousand and five hundred years ago, Tian Yue[8] xianren[9] found and took control of this jie. She used her own name to name it Sky Moon jie. Tian Yue xianren was one of Kun Lun and so Sky Moon Jie logically became one of the jie that were governed by the realm of Kun Lun.[10]


EDIT: So I've read 850 chapters. The beginning is slow but once you keep going it's actually highly interesting. You really want to see the MC's journey to the top through his various specialties. He's primarily not a fighter, so you can imagine how interesting it can be. It was great until the halfway mark, around 400 chapters. The quality fell drastically after that. It might have started even earlier. And it doesn't get better. It just gets worse. And worse.

At some point, MC doesn't do cultivation; cultivation happens to him. The rare artifacts and stuff inside his body just act up whenever the author needs a power up. MC just watches. And the same for his several pets. They just randomly power up. Author just manufactures power ups. For MC, his friends and his enemies.

Author relies completely on fights for word count. He drags them out and they keep going on and on. Fights were long earlier too, but the author had the earlier part of the story planned out well so the flow was good. Later he just writes whatever and writes what comes easy. And to this author, writing super long fights is easy. I'd say 2/3 of the entire story is fighting and description of "cultivation".

I'm so frustrated at this point. I've been skimming whenever a fight breaks out for over 200 chapters now. Author drags out every single fight, even with random disposable enemies. <<less
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nixxara rated it
January 28, 2021
Status: Completed
200 chapters in, and I think so far it's 4 stars. Whats unique about this novel is that there is little inner conflict among the mc's groups. For example, among comrades, everyone's on the same side and they fight together against a common enemy. There is barely any discontent and jealousy. Even in the sect, there may have been 1 or 2 cannon fodders that was unhappy with the MC but some of them even improved their mindset and made up with him which is rarely seen in other novels.... more>> This story isn't about senior kill junior from the same sect because they were slighted. They have their differences but in the end, they're part of the same family and have a common enemy. No colluding with outsiders to get rid of fellow disciples.

The beginning of this story was extremely slow, but the buildup helps you understand the story. Just somehow get through the beginning and the story will pick up. MC is a very pragmatic, eccentric person. He's an allrounder, and accepts that he's not a genius the sword and doesn't have that 'to be one with the sword' mindset like other geniuses do. He goes on his own path of formations, talismans, sometimes practicing sword, to the dismay of his sect that believes only the sword is the purest and most powerful. I also love that he has a senior brother stronger than him, that he can rely on which is nice. It's not a solo battle with all family dead like other novels that have it to build MCs character.

Update, passed ch 300 and the 200-300 chapter arc was great! I came for one of the tags which was loyal subordinates and it pulled through! He gains comrades and becomes and leader, fights against factions together with them. Big battles with large battalions, capable and loyal subordinates.. How exciting!

Update: completed

The ending was really rushed but it was a fun journey. I actually like how the story is written, there's never really a extreme climax but sets of mini climaxes, which is good for my fragile mind. The translator described it as a deflating balloon, but it's enjoyable. There are not many xianxia/Wuxia stereotypes which I appreciate.
4.5 stars <<less
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LAFORGUS rated it
November 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Very good and interesting start, I respect the Author's decision to keep MC weak, and focus on his own things, there are times that you notice the Author himself keeps the MC weak on purpose without any reason or common sense, still... I respected it!

But after half way of the Novel Author change MC's development, he is no more some one who outwits his enemies with strategies and abilities that others cant use, cant understand. but start to become a cultivator like some one else. and one TOO strong to... more>> boot.

Author introduce a new Cultivation Power, which makes no sense but to reboot many characters and reset the board around the world, that was uncalled for, because everyone and their mothers could cultivate it, and even craft equipment like MC does.

Too many characters that you cant even remember later, thanks to the Translation Team that refreshed the reader's memory telling us at which chapter X person first appeared. Also MC likes to collect Pets, while other MC on other novel likes to collect Wives, this one collect Pets.

Romance inexistent, as I said, this MC likes to collect Pets.

The ending was rushed. TOO Rushed, within 1 chapter everything was over, since the Climax, to last fight, to ending, in ONE (1) Chapter. Which makes no much sense, because on past chapter you could see that Author was wasting words to complete the Count, and many filler chapters.

Overall a good read, still the disappointment of rushed (AXED) ending, messed it up. this novel had the potential to go over 2K chapters, so much to explore, so many factions. <<less
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brunorchagas rated it
June 30, 2020
Status: c915
I thought long before evaluating the novel. It is an excellent story.
The novel develops extremely slowly. It gets to be a bit irritating, but it is not interely a negative point, it will depend on the preferences of each reader. The ending is quite disappointing because it appears to be just a summary of events. It seems that the author got tired of the story and decided to finish it.
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chayken rated it
June 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Stories like this are banes of meticulous readers, most of people, items made and events or plans made for the future are only worth 2 or 3 paragraphs in the end.

Over exaggerated items or side characters when used by the MC is only good for one or two uses. Even the dragon something hand that has been described as op is mostly useless in the end.

The ending is like, "and they live happily ever after" with flowers that can make you feel hopeless that the author is already at its... more>> limits.

Well, it is somewhat good but lacking in its essence.

really lacking... too much time skip and power level ups in the end. even the myth shen power is like cabbage that grows everywhere.

and.. that's all <<less
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TDM rated it
April 1, 2020
Status: c215
Cultivation Slice of Life Story with [apparently] Brain Damaged MC

This story is a well written grind! The plot marches forward... very... slowly. Laborious descriptions of mundane activities slow the pace while adding detail to the world; its hard to say if it adds or detracts from the story.

I most appreciate the well developed characters. The bad guys aren’t automatically s*upid or untalented. The MC isn’t brilliant or even the most successful of characters. The side characters are equally or more talented and successful. He doesn’t automatically trust the demonic presence... more>> who set up shop in his head. However, most of the characters are swordsmanship obsessed to a s*upidly self-destructive degree; how these sects feed themselves and pay stipends to their students is dumb. <<less
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slayer1833 rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: c915
This was an enjoyable read, but it's not for everyone. It uses a lot of unfamiliar terms to most people, it starts SUPER SLOW, and that may be a turnoff to many, but what you get out of it is some truly in depth world building, and a main character who goes from totally out of his depth levels of weakness to a character that is forced to come up with means of beating stronger opponents by whatever means necessary. ... more>>

While weak he uses Batman like levels of preparation, before gaining results in all three cultivation systems.


This novel has a number of tonal and theme shifts along the way going from: Being a poor farmer (yep you read that right) in a sword sect, meeting the devil (not literally, but it feels like it), cultivating seriously within the sect, becoming the local snakehead on a deserted island, raising troops/forming an army, learning magic (basically), running a country (kind of) , kicking ass in demon country, the world at war, etc. There's probably a bunch of stuff I forgot.

The world basically has 3 cultivation systems representing body, mind, and spirit which are well developed and are each represented by one of the races in this world.

Later on the systems merge.

Mo (demons) use their physical bodies as medium for their power, Yao (like elementals/nature spirits I guess?) use Yao arts (basically magic) and develop their consciousness, and humans are mostly sword cultivators or monks and train the spirit.

Oh man what else... Lots of forging, building forces, battle tactics and formations, much ado about pets, character development and specialties, actual battle, really it's just got a lot of content.

My only real gripe is that despite the large build up to the finale, it felt really rushed.

Non-Action Big Bad trope applies here


The main character is pretty much a lazy dick, and stays that way, in terms of personality, but in his laziness he finds unorthodox ways of achieving power/making new tools <<less
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whitespade rated it
December 9, 2019
Status: Completed
The start is very very good since I like struggling MC the most. The middle and the ending is not so good since MC got more and more op and I just dont like op characters. But, the politics are pretty good in the middle and last part.

I also cried for the antagonist in the last chapter so you know how good the writing is that I care more about him lol.
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emd rated it
December 7, 2019
Status: c160
Though it has some good moments at the first 50 so chapters, the story does not go anywhere for 150 chapters and gets really boring. The boy is not only zombie faced outside but it feels like he is also zombie inside. It is OK to write about some jokes about being penniless and wanting to earn money at the beginning. But, 150 chapters are full of the same jokes and some boring explanations of random items, talismans, formations which are most of the time not related to the... more>> story.

The fights also feel like two people are walking in the park and flying kites (aka swords in the novel). The main problem in most of the CN cultivation novels also exists in this (though it is better) : no normal social life, everybody seems so lonely, arrogant and shallow which makes really hard to care anybody in the story. <<less
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FactBoy rated it
November 27, 2019
Status: c700
This novel have the potential to be rated 5 stars but..

Reason why have a great potential:

-This novel was one of the novel that have the best start. The hundred to two hundred or so chapters was great.

... more>> -The army building was good. The MC's subordinates development was also good. And other characters development was also good.

-A unique system than a typical cultivation novel.

*The reason I rated it 3 stars.

-First, the author writes in first hundred chapters that the MC would mainly focus on five elements and formations because he was talented there. But in middle, the MC deviates and focus on his Mo physique.

-Second, too many lucky breakthroughs especially on his Mo Physique. I dont know if the MC was really talented on Mo Cultivation or he was too freaking lucky on Mo Cultivation. Almost all of his breakthrough in Mo was from lucky coincidences or accidents.

-Third, the powerups of the MC was not fitted on the character or personality of the MC. The greatest powerups of the MC was his Mo Physique and mo battle style was too direct. But we could see in first two hundred chapters that the MC was cunning, he especially have endless tricks in battle and he was good in scheming in battle, so mo battle style was not fitted in MC. In fact the MC did not even need to use his Mo Physique because most of the time he was not on frontlines in battle because he was the leader. If his powerups was yao arts, it would fit him even more because it suited his personality and style of battle, because it fitted his endless tricks because yao arts has unlimited transformations and he could use it in battle even if he was not in frontlines.

Third- The Great Start of hundred or so chapters of this novel became useless in latter chapter because, first, his study on five elements and formations stopped and he focused in Mo and shen cultivation even more. Second, he start or set out on his journey to find his origin in the beginning, but Ive read in some reviews that the MC disregard his origin on later chapters because he was more focus on war. So the in later story, the beginning was disregarded because any of the goal in the beginning of the story was not met like his main focus of five elements and formations, or finding his origins and get the bottom of it. The story seems deviated too much on the 'shoul be the main goal' of the story.

-Fourth, the MC was like a fated king that became king because he was just fated. Because of his lucky breakthroughs that seems like the work of fortunes. Unlike the other characters that their development was meticulously done and one could say that they reach their achievements because of their hardwork and talent, unlike the MC that it seems that he just achieve his positions was just because of luck. The way he met Pu Yao and his breakthroughs was purely much thanks to luck. In fact, it seems that the MC was not in control in his cultivation, because he did not knew sometimes how he have that power, and he could only know it after he observed himself for a long time.

-And most importantly, the middle and later chapters and ending was too rushed. Based on the potential of this novel? I think it could lasts for 2000+ chapters if the author used the limitless potential of this novel wisely. But the author just wasted it. <<less
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October 9, 2019
Status: c915
Great story. Unique, fresh, amazing world-building. It does have a rushed ending but I think it follows the overall feel of the story. It's shorter as compared to other "Cultivation" novels, but still, it's amazing. Give it a run.
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Gandalfr79 rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: Completed
Story started good and interesting, but by the end there's way too many characters introduced and power levels go crazily out of control. Main character (i.e. ZM) works hard but gets an insane amount of lucky chances/fortuitous occasions to power up and is good at basically everything. Fights are interesting and the world building is good (with the 3 races and factions within them constantly struggling for dominance).

Some thoughts:

... more>>

Final villain, Lin Qian introduced early on and grows in similar power alongside the ZM/the cast, but in the end its hugely anti-climatic. ZM/WS/rest of the gang get such a huge power up that aside from LQ no one else get fight evenly with him, except theres only one LQ at god-level but multiple others on ZM's side that are god-level. The real final battle was basically decided when they fought against the chief elder with the glyphs from Tian H__ around the 800 chapter range. Everything else after that is just them returning as gods and taking over the world due to their upgraded god level strength.

So many characters involved, hard to keep track with each. Main character's faction basically almost always wins, the only friends of MC's faction that actually lose are more or less distant friends. ZM is about to lose? Oh, time to go from SSJ2 to SSJ3. 200 chapters later, ZM about to lose and goes from SSJ God to Ultra Instrinct etc.

Author clearly rushing to finish the story asap, many things glossed over and just said to have happened.

Little actually discussed to what happened in ZM's past, regarding his memory loss and appearance change, A Gui, the shen device thing that his father was working. At least A Gui was involved/explored, but the complete shen device wasn't really assembled/explained by the end.

Battle general tactics/training/stuff was interesting. Bie Han and Gongsun both different and powerful in their own ways/strategies made the fights more pleasant to read.

Going from the ancient era of ancient tribes to the 3 system of cultivation era (at the beginning of novel) and back again to a new era of shen power in mid novel was a good dynamic that shaped the story's direction and kept making things fresh as new factions/characters were introduced. You can really see that the name of the novel is aptly named with the amount of politics/races that have different cultivation systems.


Overall however, it was still pretty enjoying to read. ZM/the little ones are funny, the supporting characters all are important and have many moments where they shine, PY is funny. Fights are good. There isn't as much repetition compared to some novels, like only 1 tournament arc (afaik), and the author doesn't repeatedly explain what the same ability does over and over again across multiple chapters. There is too many characters/way more than needed and also too many lucky chances.

Beginning few hundred chapters were great, the middle was okay, the ending was lackluster.

3.75/5 <<less
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blazjindanblue rated it
August 11, 2019
Status: --
Been Quite a time since I read this... Haven't finished it yet since I am not a loyal reader, however out of many stories I read I remember this one and the main character and his antics. He travels, he cultivates, he makes friends and enemies. He struggles and develops, pushing the limit, a really tough nut to crack this one. And he has much enlightment! The legendary throwing money technique is performed and perfected, which arrogant young master can say so! And I still haven't found out the secrets... more>> and mysteries... Just what happened to Zuo Mo at the beginning?

And who is the strongest? The main character is strong but he and everyone else need to cultivate to keep up against each other. Many a time his friend may have a breakthrough. They may even be stronger than him. But that's ok they won't leave anyone too far behind. You can't fight? Come lets see where your talents lie. I am a leader and you can be my general, you have a hammer? Formations? You can make me money?-Zuo Mo <<less
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UnknownReader27 rated it
August 4, 2019
Status: --
This novel was good. But I just dont like the fact the way it feels like the MC was being manipulated by Pu Yao. I also dont like the fact that the became MC became too much in need of power to the point that he even resulted in seeking help with Pu yao. For me, I think it would become more interesting if he did not met Pu Yao, but he still remember the Sword Essence that one of the First Generation did, and comprehend some of it and... more>> applied it in his farming spells like Art of Age Gold. At least we could say that he became strong on his own, yeah it will took much longer compared when he seek help by Pu Yao, but it was better for me than feeling that the MC was being manipulated by Pu Yao and when that happened I think that the reason why the MC would become strong was not because on his own but because of Pu Yao. In fact, for me he did not really need the help of Pu Yao, he had the necessary talent, he just did not do his best in cultivating because he dont have the reason to. But when he learned that his appearance was changed and his memories was erased, Im sure that even if Pu Yao was not in his consciousness he will surely do his best to strengthen himself, and I think that it would be more interesting than seeking help to others to speed up his growth even if its resulting of being manipulated. Thats all. <<less
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MissZer0q rated it
April 16, 2019
Status: Completed
I loved the starting phase of the world-building of this one. It was very intriguing and exciting but sadly, the story just fell apart. The ending is just rushed, it sucks.
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Kailyria20 rated it
October 22, 2018
Status: c915
I liked reading this novel, it was amusing despite the many, MANY, characters to remember but I understood most of them exist to build the world... and also they are not killed off immediately after they are introduced which is good imo.

The story did switch PoV often but I did not find it annoying since there are enough clues to point that its related to the MC in some way no matter how small...

The ending was a bit anticlimactic but there were plenty of long drawn out battles throughout the... more>> whole novel so at that point I didn’t mind it so much. <<less
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killjase rated it
July 17, 2018
Status: c915
Great story!

I would mark this 4.5/5 if I could.

The Good:

Characters are amazingly well done, you actually feel like they are real people with their own problems and wishes and they get their own spotlight and growth, rather than being sidekick No.1 and sidekick No.2. Even "villains" have their own motivations and hopes. I put the term in "" because they are not even evil, their ideology and actions just clashed with MC so they are the "villains" of the story. Truly feels like I'm ready about real people rather than... more>> the classic wish fulfilment story about MC who saves the world from evil dark god, that we get most of the time.

The story starts as classic MC with mysterious background gets old grandpa cheat, but quickly becomes so much more. There is a twist on every trope. You want this "grandpa" to give you a cheat? How about I rob you blind and give you useless junk as a reward and more similar cases. The world is fleshed out, we get insight into every faction and how they operate. It really feels like an actual world and not big evil sect 1, 2, 3, 4 that only is there to be MC's climbing stone.

Grammar is quite good, except for some parts which I will point out in "The bad" section. The translator is doing great work. The best part is that this story is actually completely translated.

The bad:

Grammar - While the translation is quite good, the translator deemed necessary to leave some Chinese terms in the story. Shixiong, Shidi, Ge, etc. I am always a supporter of full translation and believe that a good translator can change the terms to English without losing the original meaning behind them. I think that this translator has enough skill to do just that, but he/she still decided to leave it at that. You get used to them as the story goes on, but it's really annoying at first.

Romance - For me, it should have played a bit larger part. While I hate badly done (that makes about 99% of them) Japanese harem stories that focus 999999% on the s*upid teenager love interests, I still kind of like there to be more romance. Especially when it's heavily pointed out who the lucky lady is. Still, their interactions are quite sweet and an innocent way. <<less
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