Why Hasn’t the Consort Died Yet


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Born into a distinguished family, blessed with unparalleled beauty, and being the emperor’s cherished moonlight, Consort Jiang Hui should have led a life of effortless grace. Alas, the superficial sisterhood in the Eastern Palace, the endless stream of beautiful women from the provincial governments, and the so-called lookalike substitutes, all with similar appearances and demeanors, constantly reminded her that in the palace, no one could tread effortlessly.

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4 Reviews

Apr 19, 2024
Status: Completed
Pros: 4 stars for the insane amount of harem scheming in this novel. There are schemes within schemes within schemes. The entire 198 chapters are already posted on the translation website.

The ML is a very competent Emperor and decent father, managing the court and harem, adoring the FL but keeping everyone balanced and staying on top of everything.

The FL, his one-sided childhood crush, ends up in his harem by royal decree, and she can outscheme everyone, including the ML, and she always makes the right choice (that is, when she... more>> has choices). She doesn't hurt any children.

Cons: For enjoyment, I'd give it 3 stars, I couldn't tell apart many of the characters by the middle (large cast, name changes), most of the obscure scheming was so subtle it went right over my head, and there's no romance. The ML Emperor and the FL (his white moonlight) aren't in love with each other, because they're too smart and practical for that. The Emperor realistically takes in more concubines into his harem and fathers more children during the novel, which was a turn-off for me since I've been spoiled by unrealistic doting monogamous Emperor novels.

Almost everything happens within the imperial harem, and there are so, so many women, and their families and titles and maids are also named. Over time, the concubines' titles and names change, so for example Zhou Ruyan becomes Min Jieyu, Feng Pingping becomes Wan Cairen, I can't even remember who Consort De used to be, etc. Every time they changed names I thought it was a new character and quickly couldn't tell them apart. New women are introduced, they scheme, they get pregnant, they scheme, they die, etc. It was constant.

The ML and FL are very OP in scheming, but explained very inscrutably. There's minimal to no explanation on how they plot against everyone. So it's really hard to understand what actually happened in hindsight. Even the side stories kind of went over my head.

If you want harem scheming, this is the novel for you. If you want romance and a doting, faithful ML, you should look elsewhere, like Eight Treasure Trousseau, To Be A Virtuous Wife, Why Harem Scheme When You Can Raise A Dog, Emperor Has An Illness, Pampered Consort's Acting Awards, etc. <<less
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Apr 15, 2024
Status: Completed
It's my honor to be the first one to leave a review for this wonderful novel. We all witness and read novels with a plot where the FL tries to overshadow the ml's white moonlight or something similar but this novel's FL is the ml's white moonlight which is quite an advantage for her. Anyway, before that, I want to rant about this novel. If felt like you've been hidden in the dark but at the same time, you know know what it is, just you can't explain what that... more>> really is. Do you get my point? That's how I feel about this novel. I badly want to know what's the exact hidden message between the past events, those mysteries from the past and present, those mysterious look, expressions, and gestures. I want to know them all but sadly, my curiosity wasn't fed until the very end. That's why I'm leaving a review to vent my frustrations. This novel is undoubtedly great, even better than The Job of an Imperial Concubine and the 100 Techniques to Conquer the Emperor in the Harem that is my most fav. The plot is superbly great, I will use all superlative adjectives so you can understand my thoughts about this. The characters are well-written, everyone has a purpose and are not foolish side characters. They are not eliminated immediately that's why I forgot almost all of them, just their names, because they haven't dealt with from the start.

This novel features more of a harem life than its politics since it's a romance novel. You will get to see not just the main leads pov but also others too, be it the other consorts, princes, princesses, and even maids. This novel offer a variety of entertainment that will surely keep you reading up until its end.

Please note that my spoilers are real spoilers that may lead or may affect your decision on whether to read this story. Remember that this is just my opinion and we're individuals who have different tastes and standards. Read and judge as you seem fit as you read along the novel.

Jiang Hui (FL) :

I felt like a ghost following her around, just what I said above, even if you're a reader, you wouldn't understand their deep meanings, their secrets, schemes, and thoughts. As I am not from their era and not of a Chinese decent, I wouldn't understand their deeper meanings, I can understand some but not all. Do I like her more than TJOAIC FL? Somehow yes, because she suits my taste better. She's not entirely dependent of the Emperor's favor, not overly coquettish, knows when to utilize everything she has on hand to her advantage, and she schemes. She's a pre-schemer (just a term I made), she schemes before her enemies scheme against her when she foresee that that certain enemy will implicate her. She's intelligent beyond measure and even outsmarted the Emperor many times but since this is ancient China, still, Emperors are almost God here. She holds the whole harem in the palm of her hand.


Even before she became the Empress, she outsmarted everyone even the deposed Empress Wang and the Empress Dowager. Well, there's just something that is inconsistent with her character which was said that in her boudoir days, she's valiant, carefree, free spirited, jolly, and unyielding which was some are true but not consistent with her character since we started to glimpse into her life from her pregnancy with Nian'er (her son) and Emperor still a crown prince. Her character and background isn't suited to be just a wife of a Duke's mansion, she's a phoenix among the crowd, undoubtedly. But then again, I harbor some regret, a hidden thought ever since I knew that Xiao Sheng isn't her supposed to be husband and that he's not meant to be the Emperor in the first place. Anyway, he deserve it since the one who come out as the strongest is the winner.



What left me bothered is, did she have feelings for her former fiance Chen Xianyu? What was her thoughts when Xiao Sheng snatched the throne from the former crown prince? I guess this questions will forever be questions since the author left us hanging by having an open ending.


Xiao Sheng (ml) :

Are they really a male lead if they are an Emperor? Anyway, let's start. Since I remember the name of the male lead this time proves that his contributions in this novel is significant. For an ancient setting with a Emperor for a ml, he suited my tastes. He's not one to be swayed by beauties, a rare wise monarch in my opinion. He's also a good father, not just to the fl's children but also to his other children. I can't properly explain my sentiments about him because everything is overflowing through my mind since I just finished reading it.


I WANT CHEN XIANYU TO BE THE ML. Xianyu doesn't have major appearances in this novel, you wouldn't see him not up until this novel's ending. He's not dead, he just lost his memory but what of? The story already came to an end, even if he appear, nothing can happen since it's already Nian'er's era of reign. I'm curious how did the Emperor got his illness. What are Jiang Hui and Xiao Sheng subtle action means? Did he took action against his former brother crown prince because he wants Jiang Hui? How did he know that Jiang Hui and Nian'er is deceiving him about the latter's illness? Why does he want to deposed Empress Wang even before she committed attempted regicide? Does he know that Chen Xianyu is still alive? Who is the woman who claimed to be Wanwan that is with the amnesiac Xianyu? What did he used of the top third scholar Shen? What happened in Jiangan?


The ending of this story will leave you with curiosity but there are side stories where some are prenovel's era, postnovel's era, and just extra side stories. I will rate this story 9.9/10 since many questions are left unanswered and I'm not some detective to unraveled them one by one. So far, this is my new fav.

Oh, and btw. I'm the one who fill up the blank infos of this novel here in nu, if it lacks something then, just fill it up. <<less
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Sep 24, 2024
Status: Completed
6/10... didnt notice that there wasn't a romance tag and indeed there is no romance at all in the book. All about woman scheming and them revenging against one another. FL was ML favourite so of course nothing happen to her but the book feel so monotone the there is no romance. Every chapter is just somone causing trouble and get kick out or kill off
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Apr 20, 2024
Status: Completed
Solid 3/5. Decent if you have nothing else to read. Not a HE or BE. Honestly the epilogue is the only reason I'm giving this a 3. I enjoyed the epilogue over the entire main story : (Jiang Hui x Chen Xianyu would have been WAAAAAAAAY more interesting, despite him only getting a couple paragraphs of screen time lol. Consort He was probably my favorite character in the novel, I hope she got what she wanted!

Anywayyy my main complaints... The summary is somewhat misleading - MC never faced any... more>> setbacks and she easily outsmarts everyone. No one was ever her rival bc they are easily smacked down by MC/ML before they even pose a risk. No character development from MC, ML is boring asf and the antagonists feel very flat.

It was interesting at first, but ended up getting quite boring halfway. This novel would have been amazing if the author wrote about each character's inner thoughts and feelings. Like, I really wanted to know how MC felt about her ex-fiance, "ML", & ex-crown prince. Instead it's focused on explaining schemes and aside from jealousy, fury and worry, there are no other feelings described. I felt like none of our MC's actions were sincere except towards her children.

Which makes sense bc author explicitly stated at the end that both MC & ML never fell for each other...... but they were harmonious the entire story. What was the point then > _ >.. I just want more of An Ning & Xian You sighhh.

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