Who Cares


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In her previous life, she treated her mother-in-law like her own mother, treated her husband with respect and affection, devoted herself to her stepson and stepdaughter, and looking back at herself, Guan Suyi had a clear conscience. But in the end, she was ruined, exiled, and died alone. When she was about to die, Guan Suyi summed up her tragedy with one phrase: doing too much and saying too little.

After rebirth, she decided to say nothing, put on the hypocritical face of a good wife and mother, strive for the reputation of a gentle and virtuous character, bury all the enemies in the pit, and ask them to be grateful and remember her as their benefactor for the rest of their lives.

Associated Names
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Ai Shei Shei
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108 Reviews sorted by

May 5, 2024
Status: --
This is now one of my favorite all-time novels. I love the MC. ML is flawed, but seriously I am so sick of perfect leads! We're trying to read an engaging story, not choose our own husband. MLs (and MCs) don't have to be perfect and are more interesting when they aren't. He has character growth and flaws and strengths and it's interesting.

I also enjoyed the mix of philosophies in the story. Kudos to the translator as that could not have been easy!
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dayana11412 rated it
May 3, 2024
Status: Completed
First this book involves lots of Chinese philosophy so if you are looking for fluff or even a mostly romance or harem intrigue you wont like it. The first time I read it I felt the philosophy was interesting but the second time I felt it was a bit wordy.

Second he title "Who Cares?" is misleading. After a rebirth to a second chance of life somehow the MC is fated to still marry her husband of the past life. From the start you can tell she still cares very much... more>> about how she is perceived because she still has to uphold her maiden family's "face" and she still cares about the step childrens development and the households financial situation and reputation like she did in her past life, but because of her dissapointment from the last life she is just no longer emotionally involved. She only cares that her husband and mother in law dont cause her trouble and she is no longer emotionally invested in any of the relationships. Ill make it clear that this is not a revenge story. She doesnt enact revenge. She actually does the same things as in the last life with a little more even, so why is this time different? Its different for 2 reasons.

1 The things she dared not say in the last life because of propriety and because she was a woman, she said all of them clearly in this life so she cant be misunderstood.

2 The things she did in the last life because it was her responsability without others asking for it or knowing why were all not valued by anyone. This time she lets them know why clearly and tells them clearly they have to value it and thus value her efforts or she just wont do them again. She doesnt take it as her duty. Everything has a price and when people dont know the price they will feel what you do and therefore you have no value. Its why we women still cant escape the falacy that stay at home moms dont "work". They have always been some of the hardest workers in the household but because its seen as our inherent responsibility no one values it. Not even the moms that homeschool are seen as valuable contributers. In this life she makes the family know her worth, which is something that was missing in her last life and that is the main takeaway of this novel.

In the end because she shows her value in public when debating philosophy, her father and and grandfather get promoted (i felt like this was a bit much but whatever) and the emperor falls in love with her. Because she shows her value in the household the mother in law, husband, and step children all have to acknowledge her. They have to pay her, not with money, but with respect. As the "fairer" s*x that is always devalued, isnt that what we all want? This is really the first time for me to see a female MC "revenge" in such a righteous way. She is more morally upright than anyone else. As the noblest and most knowledgable person she never has to dirty her own hands because the enemies basically just throw themselves into the pit.

The character development I liked seeing in this novel is that of the the stepdaughter. Her character is originally quite smart and crafty and is one of the small antagonists. Eventually with the MC's strict efforts this crafty stepdaughter also becomes knowledgable and can finally recognize who is really good to her and can direct her trickery to the right people. <<less
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April 19, 2024
Status: Completed
This novel is a gem.
Guan Suyi is smart in a real sense, one of my favorite FL. Not long-winded without a reason, the face slapping is so refreshing, and she's undoubtedly smart.
The ML is black, red, and green all rolled into one. You will love him after knowing what he's been through and his willingness to change for Suyi is commendable.
No matter the main story or the extra, the ending is quite satisfying 😄😄
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Sanjana rated it
March 17, 2024
Status: Completed
I loved this novel ❤️.... this novel backdrop mainly about Chinese history scholars and debates world views, making law n building country rules (Confucianism and legism) most of the dialogues about Chinese history I really don't understand but I can follow n understand overall what all about this concept n previous life FL lived a life succumbed to other lowly pathetic that's y she doesn't to live a life based on other opinions n values but just live her true self... ML of cute 🥰 n good learner how... more>> he gradually becomes good emperor loved by people rather than an emperor scummbed to noble n minister taking an harem 👏🙏 <<less
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Iamfirefly rated it
January 1, 2024
Status: Completed
Loved it. A wonderful story, lots of philosophy talk going on but the romance bits were sweet and the additional story after the main was like a cherry on top:))) Really recommend to read it and skipping some of the reviews with bad rating, I skipped on starting this novel a few times because of that so I suggest just trying this out and then deciding for yourself, this story is an absolute gem❤❤❤
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l8rose rated it
December 17, 2023
Status: Completed
A strong FL and a morally corrupt ML make for a rather entertaining story. On account of the wordy schools of thought, it's a 4.5 but rounded up because of how entertaining the interactions are.

The MC, Guan Suyi, is a woman who has regressed back to her days of being a single woman. Immediately, she begins to plan how to protect her family and not end up back with the same husband she had before. The second part fails as she is almost immediately schemed against by several people but... more>> this time, she vows not to lead the same miserable life as before. And she certainly follows up on that vow by being an all-around badass.

The ML, Hunnar, is honestly my favorite part of this story. He falls first and then does everything in his power to win her over (which is a lot given that he is the Emperor). While the MC does develop affection for him, it's not until later in the story that they actually get together. Prior to that, the ML deals with a few schemers and then welcomes her as his Empress. He does have a harem but he has only ever spent time with the "most favoured" concubine and that has never been in a romantic way (for him anyway).


Prior to becoming the Emperor, he was nearly "assassinated" by a particular family (who were war profiteers selling to both sides) and "rescued" by a woman. She schemed and ended up making it look like he had taken her virtue so he prevented her from killing herself by taking her into his harem. Worst mistake of his life as this made him feel guilt-ridden and would often compensate her (and her former husband who she abandoned to climb to the rank of favoured concubine). It is actually because of this woman that he missed out on the MC becoming his concubine (and potential Empress) and had to work towards gaining her back.


This story involves a lot of Confucianism, Legalism and other schools of thought. Our MC is pretty badass about it all and manages to verbally beat down a lot of people using rational debates (I'm assuming this because I'm not familiar at all with the 100 Schools). We get to see the ML learn and actually become a better Emperor because of the interactions between him and the MC (or her father and grandfather).

We also get to see the rather black bellied methods the Emperor employs to hook up with the MC. His regret of sending her to her first marriage is genuine and his character development is quite fun to see. He never grows out of being a manipulative d*ck but he never does anything to wrong the MC as long as you don't count his method of marrying her.


He arranged for the concubine who "saved his life" to be sent back to her husband. Which resulted in the divorce between the MC and the First Husband (as the MC was too proud to be an equal wife and the former-concubine also immediately tried to suppress her). After that, he tries to woo the MC and eventually manages to get her to agree. Of course, he almost loses his mind when she nearly gets sent to torture-r*pe mountain (yup, that's a thing, it was a bandit camp where they planned on cutting off her limbs and ears as well as gouging out her eyes and removing her tongue) and their relationship is pretty solid after that.


The Husband, who was the MC's husband in the previous life as well as the first one in this life, is quite possibly almost as enjoyable as the ML for me. His indecisiveness and general s*upidity with his choices makes him fun to read. Especially when all of his decisions backfire so spectacularly.


He's super hung up about his deceased former wife. Often doing things for her that would put him in the Emperor's radar or just making life worse for the MC. It's not until later that he begins to realize that the MC is the best thing that could have happened to his family as she saves them from being executed with the former wife's maternal family. Plus she's been educating his kids into not being terrible wastes. However, this all ends up moot as the Emperor gives him back his former wife and he doesn't have much of a choice.


Then there are the antagonists who are hilarious in their ineffectiveness. There are the father-daughter pair of Confucius scholars who either want to step on the MC's family to get ahead or come up with a set of incredibly strict ideals for women. The Empress Dowager who orchestrates everything in the back of the harem against the Emperor. And finally, the "most favoured" Concubine who is the one who set up the MC to be married to the same man as she was in herfirst life.


The scholar father ends up never gaining the traction he had in the previous life as the MC will not allow him to use her grandfather as a stepping stone like he did before. In fact, she downright targets everything this guy does (including the stuff that does not use her grandfather).

The scholar's daughter doesn't end up as Empress and the MC refutes her essay about the rules for women. Even makes it clear that the ideas are dangerous and s*upid if compared from the nobles to the poor.

The Empress Dowager tries to make a plan to send the nephew princes out of the palace so that she could use them to take over the throne later. Unfortunately, the other princes' mothers have bad intentions and child mu*der happens off-screen. She eventually collapses as all her planning has failed. Including giving the Emperor a complex about his mother's death and his birth.

And the favoured Concubine isn't favoured at all but she does get sent back to her husband.


The story is a bit different than the usual ancient China stories but it's rather fun. Especially with an ML who reacts more by instinct and the "do onto others as they have done onto you" kind of mentality. Plus there is an alternate story at the end which gives a small glimpse four years into the future but of a life where the ML did not have the chance to learn from the MC and her family.


It follows the same beats as the MC's first life but she never became pregnant or died. Instead, she met the ML after her husband gained the memories of the main story's life. The Husband wanted to turn things around and was willing to spend a lifetime of trying to gain her affection but things played out fairly the same as the main story. His former wife schemed against the MC but ended up bringing her to the attention of the ML.

From there, the two interact more. The MC is a much softer person but is still determined while the ML is harsher, almost more beast like in his mannerisms. The MC enters the palace as a concubine but eventually becomes Empress after giving birth to two children for the ML. The prince nephews still die but there is more fighting among the ML's harem this time around which eventually ends with the first Empress being deposed (her brother is responsible for a lot of deaths that her father helped cover up), one concubine sent to the cold palace indefinitely and the third given silk to hang herself.

While the MC and ML end up in fairly the same position as the original story, it's a bit of a harsher happy ending.

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Lovetoread82 rated it
October 18, 2023
Status: c202
This is a well written book and the translator did a superb job. It's very difficult to translate the original text. Given the time period and political setting of the story, the author tells a story of a woman reborn. She tries to do the best she can with what she knows from her previous life. This is not a novel that is easy to understand, but if you keep on reading, you will see why this book is so excellent.
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Clarimel7 rated it
September 25, 2023
Status: c202
To all supporters of strong female characters, this novel is just memorable. In case you wish to learn some historical facts, interesting historical anecdotes are deeply portrayed in the plot. Just give it a go and don't leave behind the extra chapters, they just show a different character development of the main couple.
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August 6, 2023
Status: Completed
The novel's title is Who cares, and Guan Suyi indeed resolves to sit in the sidelines just watch things unfold. Unfortunately, she keeps on getting dragged into one mess after the next, thus the initial resolve wore down naturally and things changed. Deep into the novel, it ended up as doing not enough and saying too much.

... more>>

Finally in chp.147, she came to realize that she has been s*upid for a long while, as the saying Cleverness may overreach itself goes. Despite being dragged into a mess, she remained aloof, thinking to be above and beyond everything, so she ended up saying too much and attracting malice while refusing to take the step foward. She realizes that what she should have done is doing a lot, saying a lot, who cares, the ML prop her up when she falls. She decides to trust the ML's sincerity, give her heart to him, let go of the past and accept whatever may come in future. She took the final step to letting go of her haunting first life.


Character growth for the main characters always seem to be particularly difficult. It often seems too abrupt or too slow. Not here though, Guan Suyi stepped up beautifully, nevermind the ML who grows with his every appearance in the novel. I just find the

time in the palace and both endings too rushed

(as usual...) and was left feeling unsatisfied (often the case...) but I have to admit that just means I got absorbed in reading and am reluctant to have it end. Why is there no epilogue!! <<less
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Lynnx rated it
July 8, 2023
Status: c2
Please my review will practically be filled with spoilers please beware

I'll review as I read,

Im in chapter 8 now

I'm dying from anger I wonder how long it would take to get to chapter hundred, she has married her ex I know its for some face slaps but I am super angry and how did the emp take first wife in the first place

5 star for being able to fil me with rage

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June 1, 2023
Status: Completed
I enjoyed reading the story. The female lead after reborn did not go about plotting revenge like the typical story stereotype. Instead, she just tries to change things by steering around the situation to save herself and her family.

As for her enemies, she outsmarts them, that they trap themselves in their own schemes to rise to power.

I like how there is a second part in which the scumbag ex-husband in reborn. You to see if he is willing and/or to write his wrongs towards the female lead. This is something... more>> which is usual and it is the first time I am reading such a story plot. <<less
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May 18, 2023
Status: Completed
A mostly solid story. I like that there is a logical sense behind her logical reasoning and extreme knowledge. The story does get a bit messy because they never give us resolution for some of the problems given to the leads, specially some of the political ones. I like the relationship between the leads and the side characters even though some of them mysteriously disappear mid way and are never mentioned again.

The side story is a bit more messy because of the situation the leads are in but again good... more>> example to show how they both uniquely understand each other. <<less
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fireballdiary rated it
May 8, 2023
Status: c166
I love them!!!!!!

Even tough I haven't finished reading the novel (currently on ch.166), I couldn't help rating it. From skipping the long paras in the starting chapters to actually enjoying the policy making process with the touch of literacy, I have come a long way.
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Angryant2021 rated it
May 2, 2023
Status: Completed
I did not read the extras but the entire novel is brilliant! It's a lot of faceslapping, but sophisticatedly so. The topics are very interesting--the first 100 chapters were better than the latter half, imo. Unlike other rebirth eye for an eye stories, this one does not make me feel like my IQ dropped. FL is truly amazing, unlike those others who are supposedly genius but only knowing how to do some dirty plot and go to some jail cell and rub it in their face.
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HooliganReader rated it
April 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I read this a while back, and have kinda forgotten the storyline to give an in-depth review but all I can say is that after reading this novel, I was reminded of why I really enjoyed historical type CN novels. It was of the best out here and I HIGHLY recommend this novel if you’re just browsing by.
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Isa29 rated it
March 31, 2023
Status: --
For those that who are hesitating to read this, please don't. This novel is a hidden GEM.

FL is smart and sebsible in the her last life (since this is rebirth) and was determined to save her family from going down int he current lifetime.

As for ML, alot of people don't like him, is the sweetest redemption FL for her tragic past life in the current life time. If some of you don't like him its fine but romance and love starts differently in some people and in this case, ... more>> the ML's forceful porsue warms the already cold heart of FL

The only thing I don't like in this novel is that it has a rushed ending and even though it has extras, it did not show their happy ending in the current lifetime but focuses in the another timeline similar to FL's past lifetime but:

Spoiler: It is similar to the past lifetime but it happened before FL was driven out of the Residence. An alternative story in which “What if ML met the weak and obedient Madam (what ML calls FL) and not the stubborn and arrogant FL”.

I was a bit disapointed in that cause I wish it showed what happened after:

Spoiler: The ending was kind of a let down. In the current timeline FL gave birth to two children the eldest being a princess and the youngest being a prince and they personalities are switch. The princess was like the ML who trained to be a female warrior while the prince was like FL who likes to study. And thats it, THE END. We didn't even know what happened to MuMu (Fl's adoptive sob turned to adoptive brother inorder for hin to inherit the families (FL's family) title instead of it falling into thehands of their gready relatives. We didnt even know what happened to Zhao Chunxi (she was one of FL's enemies, also her adoptive daughter) who has the most wonderful character development through out the story

But aside from that I dont ave any more complains for this story, so please read. It will not dissapoint but instead slaos so hard you'll be cheering for FL all the way. <<less
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HiddenHermit rated it
March 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Very good second chance novel. MC, Guan Suyi, rebirths before her marriage and prevents her grandfather from suffering ridicule. This directly changes the fortunes of her family. This event also bring her to the notice of ML, Emperor Huo Shengzhe.

The plot unfolds with multiple schemes and detrimental events against MC. One of them being

... more>>

ML bestowed MC marriage to Zhao Luli, her previous life husband. Ah, that was a jerk move by ML. It was enjoyable watching him fall in love with MC and then hating his past self over and over again for forcing his love to marry someone else. So refreshing.




ML bestowed the marriage because he felt he owed Zhao Luli for taking his first wife, Ye Zhen, as his concubine. However, ML was tricked by Ye Zhen into becoming his concubine. ML didn't love her and never consummated their marriage.


The main story plot and stuff was entertaining. As for the extra chapters, I felt they degraded the FL. It was an alternate universe version where the FL was portrayed as weak. It was like eating a slice of yummy cake (main story) and then finishing up with burnt toast (extras). I would've preferred to not have read the extras.

NOTE TO SELF: Favorite event starts on Chapter 19. <<less
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mielru rated it
December 29, 2022
Status: Completed
Actually, the story was quite interesting and I ended up binge-reading the whole chapters (yes, fortunately, the novel has been translated completely).

For the first time, I encountered a long-winded MC and ML lol. MC is truly a good teacher hence speak and explain thing clearly and orderly.

While the ML also talks and communicates nicely. He has a straightforward personality. (Finally, not a cold and cool temperament, not typical who says little).

Overall, the story is unique and worth reading. And I agree with some points of fellow reviewers here, such as... more>> the ending being wrapped up too fast.

The only thing that perhaps I missed:


The 1st husband's second brother. Did he come back or not? Or I just missed reading his part?

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Pezwitch rated it
December 23, 2022
Status: Completed
I enjoyed this novel because I enjoy philosophy and there was a lot of discussion about the nature of man and the differences between laws that favor the elite vs those that favor society, which is very topical right now

The translator did a great job

I highly recommend this novel
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alwayscolder rated it
December 23, 2022
Status: Completed
I feel like I read it before in some chinese website, im almost sure so I stopped at chapter 97.

Just want to say that I like MC (FL) so much. Even when things repeated at the start (getting married to the same man) she stayed calm and chose to look for a different path with the little options she got.

That confucian dude was so annoying, fortunately she was able to stop him from the start.

Also, her revenge was not cruel, she just decided to ignore them, later the kids repent... more>> and she kinda let go.

Mmm yeah, won't say anything else, I forgot hahah, give it a chance bc it's really entertaining. <<less
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