When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind


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Within the industry, everyone knew Team DG’s captain Lu Zhe and Team BLX’s top laner Shen Qiao didn’t get along. They said it was due to hormones. They said it was a basic AA incompatibility.

Lu Zhe once said of Shen Qiao: “Obsessed with kills. Lone wolf.”

With a cold smile, Shen Qiao said of Lu Zhe: “Command’s mediocre. Shitty jungler.”

But then…

When Team DG, champions of the last tournament season, stumbled during the Spring Tournament and fell during the semifinals, someone cut through the furious cursing and swearing that had consumed the internet and leaked the news—

Shen Qiao was going to be traded. He was joining Team DG.

When that news came out, the internet roared.

Did Shen Qiao and Lu Zhe fight today?

On esports forums, trolls and haters placed their bets. It was endless, until Team DG won its second world championship crown.

Half a month after the tournament.

The players of Team DG hosted a livestream: “The lodgings were awful. Captain and Qiaoqiao had to share a room. Aren’t we pitiful?”

Shen Qiao, sitting next to the monitor, glanced over through hooded eyes. He caught a glimpse of a bullet comment and echoed it out loud: “Did we fight?”

He lifted a hand to his neck. “We fought.”

Lu Zhe approached with a cup of black tea. Just in time to see Shen Qiao touch the bite mark on his throat. He added:

“We even broke the bed.”

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Qiaoyishanren rated it
December 2, 2023
Status: Completed
Thank you! 😂I had fun reading this novel, like bro, the moment the author explained what LOL means, I was like, Ight! BREAK!!! 😂🤣 Or else I'll be hearing those, "Killing spree!, Request Back up!, First blood, Double Kill!" Ight Im not gonna go to that freaking rabbit hole again, I'm done 🤣

Anyways, the author wrote the game play very well, and yes, thank you as well translator for making it possible for other readers that might not playing or doesn't have a idea about LoL to imagine how the... more>> game works while reading it, and when it comes to the romance aspect, I don't have anything to rant 😂 they tried to solve their old problems before officially going back together, and I also like the fact that their private matters at home didn't affect their career well of course aside from the that time when Emperor Lu's father did messed up with them during a tournament but instead of leaving his side, the cub didn't give up and decided to face whatever might happen together with emperor Lu. Oh and it's a happy ending too so, what are you waiting for? 😂 If you want to hype up while reading a Esport/BL Novel, Go ahead. Have fun! 😁 <<less
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sbob rated it
September 2, 2023
Status: c50
I really tried to read this but couldn’t get through it even with the promise of incoming smut. It reads very much like a fan fiction and takes itself too seriously for me to enjoy it. The tragic backstory, the angst, the bursts of possessive/anger/emotion all just felt very random and out of place. Even the teasing, side characters commentary, fluffy/suggestive parts seemed to be put in just to incite the emotion/reaction of the reader and not really because of the character development/build. Almost gave up reading a few times,... more>> and finally did. The characters feel so confused like I didn’t clearly really get why or how they have a thing for each other or why suddenly the MC is like ok yeah I’ll not push him away anymore. ML is such a typical alpha (Japanese manga in the 2000s’) level that it’s almost a joke. Nothing against it (I actually like the trope), it’s just written poorly so that ML just comes off as a roaring possessive ’predator’ that’s so corny I cannot control my cringe. MC is obviously a weak-ass character (reminding of the corresponding save-me-please female characters) but in an alpha’s body so somehow it makes him a bit tougher. I don’t have a thing against AA, but this was just sad.

The gaming setting was quite random somehow? Just felt like convenient plot points. Not an LOL fan but I’ve read other novels that engaged me a lot better in the game mechanics; made use of the streaming, etc to make it fun/further the romance. This aspect of the novel was not the worst but an average attempt for a gaming novel.

Such potential when you look at the plot line separately but the writing is just sad. <<less
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LH_12 rated it
June 18, 2023
Status: Completed
This story was surprisingly sweet. Usually ABO stories are too cruel and alphas are too gross, but MC and ML were both too cute and nice. ML is too shameless; he loves to flirt and spouts noncense all the time. MC seems cool but gets shy easily. Both are truly atypical alphas. Actually, most side characters are alphas too, but they are hilarious and not grumpy or violent.

The plot is mostly focused on e-sport tournaments and matches but is well balanced with MC and ML banter and flirting. The story... more>> is interesting; I would say that it's light reading, but there were a few moments when something really disgusting was done to MC. MC and ML's past was a bit tragic. But they will get their happy ending.

If you enjoy bantering couples, unusual pairings of AA, and stories about e-sports, this might be your cup of tea. Even though there were some unpleasant moments, the story is mostly fun to read, has plenty of hilarious moments, and is pleasant to read. <<less
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Tee jay
Tee jay rated it
April 13, 2023
Status: c103
Finished reading at last! Definitely a recommend read.

A really good read full of humour. I'll really miss qiaoqiao and captain Lu. The ML is really shameless. Some reviews portray the MC as being a bit like an omega or beta, too soft for an alpha but I don't agree with that. To me the MC appears to be long-suffering and indulgent towards the one he loves. I especially enjoyed the care and tenderness in their interactions.

The side characters are really well portrayed, the storyline and ending satisfied my need for... more>> HEA and the extras were the icing on the cake.

Will be rereading in the future. <<less
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En-Jay99 rated it
March 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Simple, sweet and a little angsty e-sports novel. Tbh the esports stuff isn't that much of a focus, the relationship and past between MC and ML is.

overall, it's not the most amazing but good for a slightly angsty but more fluffy read. I'd say what the MC goes through is closer to attempts for 'conversion therapy' cuz AA isn't accepted so trigger warning for that. There's no detail but it does come up a few times.

the negative comments are pretty much lies or people who don't know how to read.... more>> MC out loud confesses his love for the ML very early on, and there is a legit reason for his hot/cold behaviour but yea, I guess if a novel doesn't slap readers in the face with the whole story in 5 chapters it's a bad novel now 🙄
(is it tiktok? Twitter? Do people not realize that novel are yknow, novels?) if you wanna just read short stories, those exist. <<less
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SpicyGinger rated it
January 8, 2023
Status: Completed
Typical gaming novel but in ABO novel. The translation is so good. The story is boring. I just don't get the 'feel' in this novel. Idk, maybe my expectation was too high. It's not bad, just boring, at least for me. But, please, read this yourself first before you judge it. Everyone has different taste.
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December 31, 2022
Status: c100

  • LOVED IT SO MUCH! Its so good the flow of the whole story was very interesting I HATE THE DAD SO MUCH he is such a scumbag glad tht he had a bad ending at the end HA

    deserved to rot in jail NVR GET OUTTA OF THERE MFKER

  • Basically MC is adopted by the LU family by the beta mom cos the alpha dad try to manipulate the beta mom cos she more powerful than him than he don't like since she cannot give birth he was like oh I was a son so boom MC got adopted but tbh both the mom and dad psycho as hell

    like the alpha dad goes oh I want an omega kid then cos the adopted MC is alpha then she injects omega scent inside him then end up the MC suffer later then got side effects of being allergic to omega scents till the end she never apologise to him I get that she was also treated poorly but if she cannot raise a kid FOR YOUR OWN GODDAMN EGO you went and abused a kid?? How is that goddamn ok? And you still want him to fulfill your wish when u did absoultely nothin? Such a selfish mom. She does not deserve to be a mom. The dad too so selfish.

  • the MC and ML gets separated after they get together at young age after their parents discover its really fked up tbh then the MC moms passes away then MC suffers a lot its really sad ahhh I really want to protect him and put him in my pocket
  • the ML is very caring to MC too they fit well together aka the ML is a golden retriever you can say and MC is the cute bunny both of their personalities match well together and they have a very mature relationship after reconciling
  • Spoiler

    Ngll I wish the MC won the championship while he was in BLX too like I get the author want to express if MC x ML duo then stronger but still ehh

  • the whole plot of the story is very interesting too the game moments all were very interesting I enjoyed it a lot! DEFF RECOMMEND
Rating: 10/10, 5 stars
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white rabbit
white rabbit rated it
December 27, 2022
Status: Completed
WOOO novel E-Sport pertama yang aku baca dan nggak nyangka itu bagus banget ` (*>﹏<*) ′tak
aku suka sifat tak tahu malu lu zhe, dia membuatku tersedak atas ucapannya. Hubungan MC dan ML super cute, karena ini Alpha x Alpha jadi mantep nggak menye2 hidup AA

Secara keseluruhan ini novel ABO AA, E - sport yang paling bagus
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WallEyeKnee rated it
June 16, 2022
Status: c22
ML's constant flirting tired me out by chapter 22, can't he have a normal conversation without doing it?

It just makes me nauseous, I don't know what the author is thinking? Even during those matches he's still doing it, it's not even remotely cute sigh. I thought he writing some sort of BL smut, Like does he not like anything else about the MC at all but pe*verting over his body? Just utterly disgusting, even inviting him to the team, can't he do it the normal way and be sincere about... more>> his skills? Also why didn't he ask about him until his Top laner got injured? He's been there the whole time but he didn't take the initiative to get close to him before or chase after him if he really likes him? It was like he suddenly remember MC and his body want to vent off his lust.

Disgusting ML hope he gets castrated. I don't know why MC always have to suffer harassment from him when he is Alpha himself, like ML never consider that part. When he left he actually never come back for MC? Shows he just useless person. MC deserves better than him. <<less
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sippingowl rated it
December 22, 2021
Status: c103
I don't really know anything about LoL but I have a background on ML so it's kind of easy for me to visualize the battles. However, this doesn't hinder me from finishing the novel because I fell deeply in love with the characters. Their interactions from the beginning up until the end were truly worthy of the time I spent for this. Although our MC isn't very expressive, you could totally sense his love if you understood his love language. I am still reluctant to move on from this because... more>> again I love the characters (Lu Zhe, you're everyone's daddy!!!). This was also my first AA and game-based novel and I can happily say that I wasn't disappointed.

Would really love to go read this again soon. Thank you to the author for giving us Lu Zhe and Shen Qiao and to the translator for helping us discover and explore their magnificent world. <<less
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cozypillow rated it
October 21, 2021
Status: --
It's a 3.7-4 star definitely for me.

It's funny and sweet and both MC and ML are strong people. They are both alphas and it's interesting to see their relationship. Specifically ML since he's super shameless with everything and it's really funny. The chemistry between both is really enjoyable and spicy.

Now this is a warning! This novel basically describes the game battles during the whole novel so you have 20% plot, 40% love fluffyness and 40% gameplay (not accurate just a saying lol). It names a lot of League of Legends... more>> in-game terms and characters.

As someone who knows only the existence of the game but not the gameplay I had to read a bit of some terms to make me feel a bit more connected with their situation. If you don't mind lots of battle description of technical gaming or you're a LoL fan then you can read it just fine.

I've read people saying they couldn't go through the novel because of all the descriptions about the game so be aware of that.

I personally didn't mind even if I got a bit tired at some point but some parts really made you feel like watching a real match which was awesome.

The ending is quite fast? And the drama/plot that was happening behind the scenes ends behind the scenes. So the highlights here is MC and ML relationship, a bit of their past and the gameplays.

Overall nice novel with good characters. <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: Completed
The cutest. No real MC here, more like a novel about both members of the couple. They've suffered so much, especially Qiaoqiao. There was so much raw emotion and love and sweetness here, I'm crying. So much s*xual tension, some steamy scenes, and so much dog food. The enemies were cleaned up kinda randomly and quietly but it's fine. I skipped through most of the actual gaming parts, but the romance was absolutely adorable. Loved it.
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nitan rated it
October 9, 2021
Status: Completed
I had a good time, less focused on the details of the game (and other teams? So less focus on the competitive nature of moba) but I was fully involved in the romance! It was sweet, it was fluffy- the 'we're ex' part confused me at first, and I was worried that there'll be too many flashbacks and 'shocking' plot twists from the past (bc of the narration/story telling technique they used) -- but no, nothing to worry about. It's not too much dogblood, the CP are happy together and... more>> they aren't actually like, hateful towards one another. Their personalities are just like that, that's their dynamic. Slapstick (?) is just how they work together somehow. Don't worry about it!! <<less
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twobada rated it
September 28, 2021
Status: --
Cute but the esports part was boring. The side characters are just foils for the ML and don't really stand out on their own. Characterization and development fell flat overall. Actually at first it was okay but then the more you go on, the more repetitive things become. The AA setup though was interesting and MC's earnestness in everything he does including in his love is admirable.
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