Morbid Attachment


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Before my mark fades, come back to me.

Every time Qi Boyan performed on stage, there was a cassette tape wrapped around his wrist. Only Qi Boyan had heard the recording, and only Ji Wang knew that it contained the most secret, private sounds of him accepting pain and expressing pleasure.

Alpha x Alpha

Celebrity musician gong x actor shou

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Give Up
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Related Series
After Our Divorce, I Still Wore Your Jacket (1)
When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind (1)
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Recommendation Lists
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  4. Alpha x Alpha (To read)
  5. CN Novels with Manhua (ML Version)

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10 Reviews sorted by

zuzuo3o rated it
August 25, 2021
Status: Completed
this novel is crazy af

and their relation is perfectly suited for two crazy ppl <as its abo its normal for them to be extremely possessive and obssessive>

their relation at start is sweet and toxic extremely ML hid many secrets <he just didnt wanna get MC hurt> he was just a kid and didnt know how to make a gd decision ;but this made MC paranoid and whole root of misunderstaandings

... more>> also him deceiving MC made me angry but well he just afraid of losing it

MC dotes on ML extremely , he would believe anything ML says even if its a lie and even if ML lies again and again, he would blindly believe it

there was lots of dog blooded drama about the family the scum brother of ML and mls whole family is toxic

but the one who suffered most is ML both physically and mentally his only salvation is mc

their toxic relation suits them both as they both are not normal <normal acc to our world standards> ~.~

but MC causeof guilt <like his helplessness to protect ML > gives in to any req of ml

anyway they both love each other dontcare about what others think, and they are happy and also improving their mental health

i want a frnd like song ge uwuu <<less
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Fujoshiforlife rated it
August 30, 2021
Status: Completed
One of the best novel I have read. In comparison to what I normally read it was maybe more light but definitely not for the people who can't take angst. There are unexpected turns in the plot and it makes you agitated but nothing to worry it's HE. Overall the plot is well written.

Speaking of the main couple, I really love them. They were together but separated due to misunderstanding but they will solve it don't worry after 6 years when they meet again.

Many might not like the novel but... more>> I genuinely think everyone should give it a try. It's very indulging at least to me. And if you still don't like it you can choose not to read. ^_________^

Plus very delighted to know it has translation now. (ꈍᴗꈍ) <<less
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fraudummheit rated it
December 17, 2021
Status: --
This novel is my ultimate favorite! I love those boys. Their feelings to each other are so strong and makes me believe in true love. The plot is also really good. There are many plot twists that you won't expect. I cried all night because of them. So totally recommend.
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White Sky Translations
White Sky Translations rated it
October 17, 2021
Status: Completed
Pretty good, but not that angsty. More drama than angst since it's pretty clear from early on that MC and ML only like each other. A lot of misunderstandings between MC and ML and some of the drama seemed a bit unnecessary. I think I would have liked it more if the MC had a bit of a stronger personality (he's an alpha, but I've seen stories with omega/beta with stronger characters) and was a bit smarter. Partially may be the fault of the author since she doesn't want to... more>> keep the audience in suspense about the ML's loyalties/ and that it's all just a misunderstanding so she dropped so many hints that MC almost seems dumb for not realising. I think if she'd straight up made the ML look more scummy then I'd have sympathised with the MC more.

Overall a good read. Three views in this are actually quite straight despite how it may look at first from the first couple of chapters (which make it look super angsty... but it's not, which kinda disappointed me). I wouldn't exactly call it fluffy but I also wouldn't call it heart abusing either, just a lot of drama? <<less
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Ainslee rated it
September 14, 2021
Status: --
MTL Completed, readability 85%.

Better than average danmei, but kinda dog blooded at the same time.

Some plots and relationships were not explained clearly, however readers could vaguely guess the points. It's like author let readers be free with our imaginations.

Different from other novels, there's not much about MC or ML careers development here. It mainly focused on their relationship progress, that's why the novel was less than 100 chapters.
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Giratina rated it
May 12, 2022
Status: Completed
I loved this, if I could I would rate it more then 5 star. This was the type of novel that I love and adore, there are only a few novels that make me love them and this is one of them. I just love how the MC dotes on the ML and how coquettish the ML is I sometimes forgot the ML was the top, but that's fine because I like it that way. I like it when the top is coquettish and the bottom is doting. I loved... more>> the AxA theme. I love AxA but there are not to many novels about them T~T. Well in conclusion to me this novel was perfection. ♡♡♡ <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
February 20, 2023
Status: Completed
I started this novel yesterday, got morbidly attached to it and MTL ed the rest. This is the perfect AXA pairing with both of the characters not compromising on their alpha instincts. Usually, you would expect one of the character to become submissive or behave in a more O way. But I was pleasantly surprised. About the characters


He is quite unique of an alpha. He accepts the fact that he can't succeed to unparalleled heights so he does the best he can. But he is very spoiling, he has hidden... more>> possessiveness. He misunderstands with his hot temper like every alpha gong in an abo novel. But later when the misunderstanding is cleared he Pampers the ML like every alpha in an abo novel.


He is very moody and very temperamental. He is very coquettish which is unlikely of an alpha but his other aspects of excessive jealousy, paranoia and doing excessive stuff is very stereotypically alpha like.

I like the novel because both the characters try to communicate and change instead of having emotional outbursts when they broke up. When you see their younger selves and their current selves, you could sense their emotional maturity. I find some of the medical aspects questionable but it's an abo plot.

They are definitely not your healthy couple, but they are trying their best to find happiness while respecting and loving each other.

Both the characters are quite intense. The plot is intense and plot twists make you sometimes feel on an edge and sometimes you feel it's obvious.

Give it a try if you are tired of AXO pairings, you won't be disappointed. Also the smut is good and goes with the plot. <<less
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Dorooo rated it
June 19, 2023
Status: Completed
An emotional read. It low-key felt like a wife-crematorium in the first half but not that extreme.

The showbiz part wasn't very fresh and kind of boring but the romance is the main focus of this novel so it was still alright.

The MC was well-written, and the readers can empathize with his actions and emotions towards the ML. Although his avoidance of the ML was half-hearted, it never came off as wishy-washy.

... more>>

The part that hit me in the heart the most was when the MC overheard ML saying nasty things about him. How ML was just fooling around with him and that he can be passed to others to play with.

Although those words are not from the heart and lies told to ML's brother to protect him. Like how MC questioned, how can you insult someone whom you love so deeply in that way? Words are like knives and I felt so sad for the MC in that chapter 😭


The ML was a difficult character for me to like. He is overbearing, unreasonable and temperamental. Especially at the beginning where I felt so oppressed for the MC and wanted to send the ML flying. A part of ML's overbearingness stems from his knowledge of how much the MC loved him back then and his inability to accept the idea of the MC not loving him anymore. It was suffocating to see the MC getting tangled over him when all it takes was for the ML to be honest.

The secrets ML kept will be revealed and the reasoning was somewhat acceptable but I still think that their relationship turned out so bad because the ML wasn't mature and honest enough.

Honestly, their break-up 6 years ago was inevitable. The ML's family was too messy and he was too childish, temperamental and dishonest. He never gave the MC any sense of security in his words or actions. There was even a part where I felt like the ML didn't deserve the MC. Although I liked how the ML decided to properly pursue the MC, it fell short because the ML was too impatient lol.

After all the misunderstandings and secrets have been revealed, what the ML went through was quite heartbreaking. His feelings for the MC are indeed deep but I still don't think he is a good lover. I just find the ML a tiring lover to be with. Perhaps I'm just not too fond of younger love interests, especially one that is temperamental and always needs to be coaxed.

I would've liked if the author took more time to explore the ML's character instead of spending their word count on the showbiz plot because... there really isn't much plot.

It was difficult to root for the couple initially but you'll gradually realize that the MC really loved the ML despite his reluctance to entangle with him. The ML likewise went through a lot to be with him. The MC was truly a fool for him and the ML better be thanking the gods that he met someone like MC. They are definitely a couple that's like, "it cannot be anyone but them" but- they don't feel like destined lovers.

Side characters are alright but I hated Ren Ran, one of MC's friends. Small rant-


He's just so shameless?? Although he knew the ML was lying to the MC it still wasn't his place to blow up a fuss and make things so ugly for them. As a friend he went overboard with his actions, as an admirer he is unworthy. He's just incredibly selfish. It's even worse when he acted as if he's some kind of saint and the MC was the ungrateful one for not listening to him when he was the one entangling with the ML's scum brother. Not just that, he made the MC misunderstand that the ML temporary marked him when it was actually the ML's brother. Anyway, it still baffled me how the MC didn't get pissed at him. Even if it's a friend, his actions are unreasonable.


Despite its flaws, it is still a nice romance novel to read. The author was able to bring out the unique flavour of a very passionate A x A love. Both leads are sort of crazy and possessive of each other which I love to see. <<less
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haitangflower rated it
December 10, 2024
Status: c34
Man is this story testing my patience... I've never been so infuriated by some fictional characters before but this one just made me reminisce all those Wattpad era pet peeves.

At this point I could be said to have just reached 1/4th of the story yet I've never truly disliked both MC & ML together in a story from the start - in fact the way I immediately hated ML's character right from his entry spoke volumes since honestly I was quite hopeful about this story as I specifically searched novels... more>> with Alpha×Alpha pairing due to genuinely being intrigued by the concept and as the available Manhwas didn't cut it for me.

About the MC - I honestly have to time and again remind myself that he is an Alpha so that it keeps me motivated to read further because until this point the MC could be as good as a beta if not a bit dominative Omega. He has all the "Hopelessly-Romantic-to-the-point-of-overlooking-all-the-blatant-flaws-in-his-lover" clichés that make up his character design. I rather found his character in the past flashbacks quite intriguing cuz it felt like a fresh concept and something out of the norm to see a fumbling and nervous Alpha trying to very respectfully chase his first sight love (ML) but soon that got turned into such a hopeless case for him that in the current timeline he seems to have no backbone when faced with the ML - that and given the fact that it had been 6 whole years that they had no contact whatsoever.

This is one of the major issues with time skip stories. Most of the times the author fails to really justify the time skip and while they try to use the most common justification of "the love was just so strong that even after so much time they still had same feelings" the execution is what the whole thing then depends on. Even though the prior excuse is used you still gotta ease your characters as well as readers into the story following the time skip because if they immediately start acting all familiar and knowing it makes the time skip irrelevant. This is also the case for this story, in fact it looks like the MC was holding out a candle for the ML all these years to the point that if it wasn't reminded after every 2 sentences that it's been 6 whole years, as a reader I would've thought only few days had passed. I mean MC was 18 something when he first got together with ML and a 6 years (*whether he's 24 or 26 currently—the story is inconsistent here*) gap during the prime years of your life is significant as I believe one might not change as much from 24-30 compared to 18-24. Additionally, I almost cringed at how the character tries so hard to keep a harder upfront but inside he was always a total 180 flip and which got clarified in the same continuation of the sentence - nullifying character depth. In my favourite novel we have this same concept of a hard upfront but with a total 180 degree flip on the inside for the ML's character, yet, the slow and calculated revelation of his true feelings almost felt like savouring honey. All in all, for MC I really hated how he let ML literally walk all over him after 6 whole years and failed to hold his ground which painted him rather like the weak damsel who would pardon anything from her toxic but hot lover - a complete tangent to his supposed Alpha male character.

Now coming to the ML - I am so unsure why his intro itself irked me to bits? Maybe I had by then started sympathising with the MC but anyways, ML is so far is the most petulant and immaturly arrogant man child ever to the point, even when the attempts through MC's character the story make us sympathise with the ML, repeatedly describing him as "childlike" or "always like this, " but all I see is a spoiled brat. who never developed a matured side. I am well aware of some tragic backstory incoming for the ML which would make the readers forgive all the ML's actions so far because that's the whole plot twist yet at this point no matter how tragic it is, if I don't see ML's character development "before" it, it would truly make the whole tragic past/story loose it's credibility for me - I hate such stories the most, where, just due to how tragic a character's backstory is, they need to be excused for all their actions - that's literally not how things work nor should work - you cannot use that as a shield and gain sympathy. Another key issue with the ML's character is that, even after the 6-year time skip, there is virtually no growth. Whether in the flashbacks or the current timeline, his behavior remains unchanged, with added recklessness - perhaps due to the "Alpha" thingy so this makes me skeptical about whether he will undergo any meaningful transformation at all. While occasional improper behavior might be excusable with tragic past crafting an entire character around arrogance and selfishness, only to later justify it with a tragic backstory, feels like a way to excuse toxicity. The idea that we, as readers, should think, "Oh, poor baby, he's been through so much; it's understandable why he acts this way, " is problematic.

Everyone has their own struggles, and the same can likely be said for the MC, but that doesn't give anyone a free pass to be a straight-up a-hole. So far, we've been shown glimpses of the ML's potential issues/problems, but I don't find myself sympathising with him. Instead, we're left watching the MC, ever the worried mother hen, shaking and breaking his heart over the ML's each little misgivings to the point MC's whole struggle at this point revolves around worrying for ML's life/career than his own, and I can't help but roll my eyes. Honestly, even the ML doesn't even feel like an Alpha to me. His behavior is more like an arrogant, rich, and pretty Omega (👀), but because he's written as an Alpha, his rashness and dominating attitude are a way to be excused.

TbH I am just continuing to read this because 1st I don't have any other Alpha×Alpha book switch to yet and secondly I have already bore this much so now I am just more curious as to what the big tragic backstory reveal is and if it could truly justify the characters so far. If that happens, I just might change my whole opinion on the book because then this story would truly rank in my top 10 just because of how it was "worth the wait". Yet for now I am only gonna continue because in addition to that, this just became a informative knowledge of just how to *not* use clichés as I will be soon helping my friend who is a budding writer with proof writing/as a 3rd perspective reader for her novel as she is soon gonna complete her first story!

All in all, the writing style and everything miscellaneous is solid in but unfortunately none of main characters do I find myself taking a liking to so far. Hoping for the best even if it's the worst I guess 🤞🏼! <<less
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King of No Killing
King of No Killing rated it
May 5, 2023
Status: Completed
I was reading this at work. This novel is just my cup of tea. All of it. ABO + possessiveness + obsession + showbiz + dogblood. In my own opinion, the plot and character developments weren't rushed and were well fleshed out. I was impressed by how the author showed both MC's and ML's undying affection for each other. It was crazy, it was unconditional, and it was limitless. I was relieved that when the misunderstandings, well most of them, were explained, Ji Wang didn't hold back anymore. He knows... more>> he still loves Qi Boyan and they already wasted 6 years.

Unlike SQC's dog-blooded novels with scum MLs, Qi Boyan is one of a kind crazy motherf*cker. You'll want to slap him but cry for him too. Honestly, he didn't deserve all those sufferings. He did it all for love. Let me tell you that coz of the tags you can guess from there his real condition. I thought I was prepared but nope. It hit me hard. I was reading it in my office and I don't know if it was because of the air conditioner but my hands started getting cold. And I felt like something got stocked in my throat while reading. You can really feel what both MC and ML are going through. It was tragic and beautiful. I've been putting this on hold for almost a year now and I'm glad I tried reading it. :") <<less
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