Waiting Upon You


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Ling Lang is thirty-two years old and an A list movie star. He is also the youngest to become the king of the silver screen. Known for having a cold and aloof disposition, people nicknamed him king iceberg of the silver screen. His biggest secret? He is a masochist down to his very bones.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Waiting for You to Look Up
Waiting To Be Beheld
Đẳng Nhĩ Ngưỡng Vọng/ Chờ Anh Nhìn Lên
Related Series
The Antelope and Night Wolf (Shared Universe)
Little Antelope and Night Wolf are rumored to pass by Shiwen Lake (Shared Universe)
Kill the Lights (2)
True Star (2)
Screen Partner (2)
Ang Ang (2)
Surrender (2)
Deep in the Act (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Read multiple times - Multi Genres
  2. Translations have dropped or hiatus
  3. Modern Times
  4. to read
  5. To Be Read

Latest Release

Date Group Release
07/09/19 Ainushi Translations c7 part18
05/12/19 Ainushi Translations c7 part17
05/12/19 Ainushi Translations c6 part16
03/24/19 Ainushi Translations c6 part15
08/10/18 Ainushi Translations c5 part14
08/03/18 Ainushi Translations c5 part13
07/27/18 Ainushi Translations c5 part12
07/12/18 Ainushi Translations c4 part11
07/06/18 Ainushi Translations c4 part10
06/28/18 Ainushi Translations c4 part9
06/22/18 Ainushi Translations c3 part8
02/22/18 Ainushi Translations c3 part7
01/28/18 Ainushi Translations c2 part6
01/19/18 Ainushi Translations c2 part5
01/12/18 Ainushi Translations c2 part4
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15 Reviews sorted by

kyn rated it
August 21, 2018
Status: Completed
4.5 Stars for this well written BD*M Chinese BL Novel. Complex and compelling storyline with a touch of mystery. Sweet surrender, tender dominance.

The image below got my attention while I was surfing Youtube.

It was a Chinese slash (Boy's Love) audiodrama called 等你仰望 by 易修羅. I knew I had to read the novel by all means and I am glad I wasn't disappointed.

The book carries a BD*M theme and has TPE 24/7. The dynamics between the dom and sub is well written and explored. I greatly enjoyed the chemistry between the... more>> two. The surrender is sweet and the dominance is tender yet satisfying. I believe this book would appeal to both dominants and submissives. The author seems to know what makes a dom and a sub tick.

I would have happily given this book a full 5 stars if not for having a tad bit difficulty on accepting how the major conflict towards the end was resolved which nearly cost the life of the protagonist. I think it was unreal for his master to not know what would become of his pet should his pet heard news of that devastating incident. Therefore I am settling with a 4.5 stars.

Other than that stumble towards the end, I commend the author for handling the romance and s*xual desires of the MCs well. There's no fluff and the romance is slow burn with gradual acceptance and indulgence. You'll get to witness the whole progress of the bonding between a new master and his sub. Besides that, the character development was also praiseworthy. I like how Feng Hou slowly strips Ling Lang's protective shell which he had created over the years to hide his dark desires out of shame and confusion towards this own deviant s*xual nature. I had much fun watching the dom's creative pet/sub training method. There's a lot of focus on animal-roleplaying which the MC devotes himself as a loyal adoring dog to his doting but firm master.

As a side note, this is the first time I have read a Chinese BL novel with a BD*M theme. I hope to be able to find more of such books in the future. And I would love to know more of this author especially the gender since I really couldn't tell from the writing itself. Most of the times I am able to do so with other M/M books but not with this one.

P/S: I know it's rather odd reviewing a Chinese novel in English. I think I must be the first one to ever do so. Odd really.

* Reviewed on October 9th, 2015

**Read via Cantonese TTS** <<less
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YellowNoodle rated it
May 22, 2019
Status: c4 part9
Ugh, there's a reason I stay away from this but I always come back.

The fact that there's someone who knows your shame and weakness makes me so uncomfortable.

Honestly, throughout the MC and ML's exchange I felt so much second hand embarrassment I wanted to run away.

In this case I can relate to the MC, not the masochist part (ahhh maybe a lil but), but the fact that a person's walls are slowly being crumbled away piece by piece like an onion makes me feel vulnerable. Like, like... more>> I'm naked and bare for everyone to look at.

And oh my Lord Mr. Mo! You think I don't know who it is huh!? My spidey senses tingles during chapter 4 part 9! Gosh I wanna shake the MC and call him crazy!

The psychological effect makes me extremely, extremely, squirmy but knowing the fact the MC wants it, stepping into the ML's trap, is so strange. Like, I cant comprehend it. I feel like if I do my whole personality would flip inside and out. *lights a candle*

And I can't count how many times I gaped in shock with the ML exposing the MC to the crowd or simply just... being so sadistic. He's like a fricken beast and the Mc's a willing sacrifice.

Gosh, goodness me, f*ck

The story's really good but my heart was beating so uncontrollably fast I had to write a review--which I typically do only when I'm finished with the entire story.

Ugh, my inner masochist "tie me up daddy" (⁄ ⁄^⁄ᗨ⁄^⁄ ⁄) Im so conflicted. <<less
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Keisotsuna rated it
April 27, 2018
Status: c3 part7
Very exciting. It's too short to make a detailed review yet, but the story already got me hooked. I really need an update!!


Feng Hao, don't even try hiding it, I can feel right across the distance between fiction and reality just how much of a cunning schemer you are, you two-faced sadist!! That silly act of yours won't work on me! :3

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Roro97 rated it
February 27, 2020
Status: c41
First of all I feel people would rate this bad because it's BD*M and certains might feel uncomfortable. BUT if it's the case, please read the tags first and if you don't like please pass and don't destroy for others.

I like this!! This is kinda of a psychological novel for me like "deep in the act". This is the story of our MC who have a aloof and noble appareance but is masochist meaning he get s*xual pleasure from being humiliated, dominated and held down.I like this MC, he... more>> is straightforward and kinda pitiful. You can feel his struggle between the shame that he have such tendencies And the excitement of wanting to explore deeper these fantasies and desires.

the relationship between MC and ML is cute in a way, he is protective, see through our MC and try to put in action those deep fantasies of MC.

But that ML though I don't know who is fooling by acting all innocent, I can feel he's just as perv**t as MC. But I kinda like him.. Acting all guiltless but he's also a Sadi**t down to his very bones!!hahaha sksksks

I will definitely recommend it <<less
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1Sami rated it
March 23, 2020
Status: c7.18
This is one of the better gay BD*M novels that ive found on this site. The MC is the gong and he figures out the ML's masochistic nature really quick and starts teasing him with it. The interactions between the two are great and the POV changes every now and then so we can see it from the ML's POV.
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abhi_2296 rated it
April 12, 2022
Status: --
It's a beautifully written novel about two people who complete each other. If anybody is apprehensive by the idea of BD*M or D/s (but at least wants to keep an open mind) should read this story. Their relationship is based on utmost trust and care. The MC trusts the ML completely and absolutely and the ML cares for the MC completely and absolutely.

A lot of people might not understand the mindset but as the MC thinks to himself during a point of argument with the ML, how his psyche is... more>> different from a usual couple arguing over something. However, as a reader you will realise the actions might be different and seem strange but the love underlying those actions is the same as any other couple.

There are not too many overdramatic plot points and overall it's a really enjoyable read.

How I read this novel


The first 18 chapters translated, Chrysanthemum Garden had translated this novel till chapter 54 (now deleted but can be found through some careful googling) and MTLed the rest (use a combo of google translate and Deepl translate)

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rhianirory rated it
March 16, 2019
Status: c5 part14
this story takes the budding D/s relationship from Antelope and Night Wolf and expands on that theme so if that novel made you uncomfortable then you won't like this because AaNW is pretty tame in comparison. This story is focused more on the relationship than anything else so far but at least they get together early on and unlike the other story, the Dom here already knows what he is and what he wants to do (he's had ten years to figure it out) so there's no hesitation or questioning... more>> on his part. The psychology is interesting and honestly I find it intriguing that the same mind that came up with the very sweet and funny You Boys Play Games can also come up with stories like this which is worlds apart as far as depth and self exploration is concerned. <<less
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Jhunajane rated it
August 14, 2020
Status: Completed
This story was really hard to finish. I barely left unscathed. Personally, I do not venture much into the the whole BD*M theme because I do cringe in what they do and never really find it that appealing. Occasionally, I read it for a change of scene but I stray away from those I consider hardcore.

For me, this story was full of angst and drama, which I often find unnecessary in this story. Plot twist is needed to make it a good story. BUT too much of it is plain annoying, in this case, this.

Still, it was a happy ending so, yeah. I enjoyed the highlight of an actor tho and the great annoyance towards the paparazzi. This ride was tough but I did it. Yey me.

4.5 for real rating.
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pagandog rated it
May 25, 2024
Status: c7 part18
More like 3.5 thanks to the manager's character. The portrayal of his emotions is so genuine I can't help but want to bump the rating up a bit.

I guess the lower rating is on me and my expectations. Despite not being particularly into it, I often seek true BD*M novels to empty my annoyance gauge when I've had enough of all the dubcon, not understanding the meaning of "no", zero compatibility in bed (insatiable vs passive), gender dynamics, and bottoms who are "too pure for bodily desires". True BD*M novels... more>> tend to present better boundaries, more engaged subs, more respectful doms, and great compatibility in bed where each has their needs met. A great plus is that sub/dom dynamics are universal with no gender quality to them.

(I may alternately go for novels with despicable characters where such behaviors are justified by the characters' personalities and the incompatibility is built into the twisted nature of the relationship, but that's not what I chose this time, so I digress...)

I saw reviews saying it was a relationship built on trust and respect. It kinda sorta is? Maybe? All the flags point to the other direction for more than 2/3 of the novel (it gets a little bit better after a certain incident), but given the nature of this relationship, it could be. I can't say due to the lack of clear boundaries.

From the beginning, the way the relationship started was the very definition of dubcon and coercion. Although the sub was accepting of everything the dom threw at him, there were no clearly defined boundaries. Was he really accepting? I don't even know. Without clearly established boundaries and limits, it's difficult for me to distinguish true consensual surrender from coerced acquiescence. He sometimes shows distress, but is it real distress or part of what makes this type of play enjoyable for him? I can't really tell because they never establish a safe word, draw clear boundaries, or discuss limits and red lines. The sub is too ignorant of his rights as a sub.

The dom does have more self control than your typical BL, but only in certain aspects. There were instances where he did not understand the meaning of "no" and failed to check on the comfort of his partner. It felt like unilateral bullying and deprivation, purposely ignoring his partner's requests without checking if they were real requests or ones he can safely ignore as part of play. He even brought play in ways that could affect his partner's work, which is very irresponsible. Is this acceptable in TPE? Does trust and love replace the need for limits? I may be ignorant because I'm not in that circle. Still, even if it were acceptable, he also did this before they got together by deliberately repeating a humiliating scene, which is definitely more harassment than consensual power exchange.

Despite rolling my eyes at some scenes in typical BL novels, I have a very high tolerance for all kinds of tropes and annoyances and can suspend judgment and enjoy what I'm reading. My rating would have been higher had I read this at a different time with different expectations, treating it as your typical BL. Take my review with a grain of salt.

P.S: If you're in the mood for drama and ridiculous conclusions, (which I was at the time and why I didn't drop the novel,) there is plenty of it, especially in the last third. The novel is easy to mtl. <<less
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aelajj rated it
February 17, 2021
Status: c1 part1
I enjoyed this much more than I expected. I started reading it for the BD*M, which was well written, but then got completely caught up in the plot, which was interesting all the way through. The characters have such a wonderful dynamic - I love that the MC is considered cold/aloof to everyone except he softens up only around the ML, while the ML is friendly/outgoing to everyone except when dominating the MC. I also love the classic trope where the MC does everything he can to protect the ML... more>> and makes his life easier without the MC even knowing. <<less
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AllShipper rated it
December 8, 2020
Status: Completed
This story is great

The BD*M themed well written and achieved. Not those stories that insult the BD*M society🙄

Anyways, I'm so curious, where did Feng Hao trained as a Dom?? That man self control and control is something else😊

I love the thrillers here and there too

Mr Mo😊

Anyways, great story 👍🏻

I mtled it, which is rare for me😂
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arien_maple rated it
December 1, 2019
Status: Completed
Rate: 4.7

This the best BD*M I have read so far. It shows a glance in the world of domination and submission. They are not pe*verted as what the society portrays them to be. There is no coercion but only full surrender. The dom respects the sub. The sub reveres the dom. If you guys want to read a well written BD*M I highly recommend it.
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[email protected]
October 11, 2021
Status: Completed
Strange for me but good read. I liked the films Wish there were true so I could Watch them. Mtl ed
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SleepyTy rated it
September 24, 2021
Status: Completed

The last few chapter had me crying like a baby. And when it turns out that FH isnt dead, the MTL made it seem like it was the MCs delusion at the end of the chap and FH was really dead, I had to reread it a few times to realize that it was real (but I still cried when I thought it was a delusion). Also the entire I had a song from south park in my head bc I was watching it earlier so yeah. (I still have it stuck in my head.)

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sydxia rated it
January 14, 2021
Status: --
It's pretty good but I was kinda disappointed, well I mean it's kinda only fluff? Well, there are some NSFW parts, but they didn't really do it, or did I miss a chapter? It only has 18 chaps, and the ending- Idk, I'm not satisfied, but overall, it's pretty good, it's quite surprising for me to actually finish this because I usually don't finish novels, lmao.
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