Valhalla Saga


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A professional gamer dies unexpectedly during an E-Sports tournament and is sent to Valhalla, a heaven reserved for only the greatest of warriors.

The warriors of Valhalla are pitted against a struggle for survival in the face of a common enemy. Fortunately, within each warrior lies the roots to their own saga, a legendary tale of their ascendence to fame and feats of great achievement alike.

Witness the birth of an epic saga as this gamer challenges legends and carves a path toward the ultimate glory.

The story itself revolves around Nordic mythology and incorporates a gaming system alongside magical wizards and mighty warriors.

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발할라 사가
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. koren
  3. Op Mc / simulation systems
  4. Novel i like
  5. Things I've Read pt 1

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08/08/18 Myoniyoni Translations v56c1-2
08/08/18 Myoniyoni Translations v55c4
08/04/18 Myoniyoni Translations v55c1-3
08/01/18 Myoniyoni Translations v54c2
07/31/18 Myoniyoni Translations v54c1
07/30/18 Myoniyoni Translations v53c4
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07/27/18 Myoniyoni Translations v53c2
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83 Reviews sorted by

Four-kung rated it
March 10, 2018
Status: --
Dropped! Do not recommend to read! As usual.. Boring story. Summary, MC is a good gamer. He is sent to another world to fight monsters. Somehow, he receives his game abilities that are the same as his game character. Then, having battle after battle. The story keeps repeating non-sense battles. That is all. There are small s*upid plots in the story but I will skip here. Main Plot: sending to battlefield--> having a difficult fight but win with the help of cheat abilities, cheat teams or combining abilities with his... more>> team mate (girl only) --> gaining new cheat items and abilities --> receiving a ranking promotion--> sending to Battlefiend-> having a difficult fight but win with the help of cheat abilities, cheat teams or combining abilities with his team mate- (girl only) --> gaining new cheat iteam and abilities --> receiving a ranking promotion ~~~repeating.

1. Game system allows MC to cheat. He gets his game system because he is good at playing a game (when he is alive on earth). He does not use much afford to level up. In the story, MC seems to be in life and death situation. However, he always survives and wins all battles due to his cheating abilities. I wonder.. On earth, is there only MC who plays games? Why he is the only one who has this cheat game abilities. Among thousands of people, only MC has it. 2. God gives MC many cheat items as reward because many people who respect other gods shout MC's God name in the battlefield. His God also blesses him, it makes him hard to die. Cheat again.

3. From a huge group of people, He is the only one in his god's army. Unbelievable! Cheat again. Others feel envy because he always has his beautiful trainer by his side.

4. Girls who are in MC team always have abilities that can combine with MC abilities, this gives MC extra fighting power. After fight, almost all credits are given to MC.

5. MC always has extreme bad luck. Everywhere he goes, he always encounters very strong enemies (but MC beats them all times). After battles, he has extreme good luck to get cheat items or cheat abilities (dropped loots, rewards, or disclovered treasures, etc).

6. Relationship with other characters is so shallow. Ex. MC has an interest for a girl. He tries to protect her during a battle. At the end, she dies. Her death allows MC to obtain very small tiny bit of his memory. That is it. Nothing is developed from that. Very idiotic plot. MC friends are nothing. They are created to be tools for MC during his missions. They all have one dimension personality. This Korean novel has boring story. Nothing is new. Just think about it.. Moon light scriptures (only one who has such unique job), everyone is returnee (only one who live in the world and always has a fairly' support), Seoul station necromancer (a lunatic has a cheat ability with double warrior and necromancer jobs). These MC has unique cheat abilities. If you just start reading novels, then it is ok to read. If you are a experience reader, do not waste time to this junk. <<less
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grandplex rated it
March 7, 2018
Status: v27c1
This is a type of story I really like. There are a lot of Deus ex Machina moments, basically relating to his main superpower he gets at the beginning (it doesn't have much to do with his Goddess blessing...). The reason I find this reasonable though, is the superpower is designed from the start to gain new abilities at critical points, after completing an important objective, it doesn't just happen randomly, or feel like it is pulled out of the author's as* so that he can keep the story... more>> going.

One very important thing is the MC's personality of consistent. This is actually a strong point in general with Korean vs. Chinese light novels. MC's in Chinese light novels usually degenerate, even if they have a playboy/evil personality, they get a lot worse as the story goes on, or lose that special aspect that they had at the start. Korean MC's usually stay consistent. I think this is the biggest reason Novel Updates users generally give higher ratings to Korean light novels over Chinese light novels. The second biggest reason is Racism/Sexism pops up a lot less.

The side characters are very well developed, there are quite a few of them, and they don't disappear after just 10-20 chapters.

There is an overall story-line, and it is being stuck too. The MC is going to new places, but it is not a copy/paste of what happened in the previous locations, and the locations themselves are quite interesting in how different they are. <<less
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Sorata rated it
January 10, 2018
Status: v14
Your brain is will turn into muscle if you read this too much. The story pretty good. There's nothing complicated about the story at all. A bunch of muscle (both brain and body) guys go to war after another. There's no tactics or strategy at all. But this what made story good. And MC loves to ride on people (girl only). The worrier that rides valkyrie! The worrier that rides on his female comrade! I wonder what will he ride next...
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December 9, 2017
Status: v5c1
What an original story! Instead of bland cliche skills and magic it's Saga (the power of a warrior's legend) and Runes (attribute point allocation).

I can't help, but laugh at the hilarious premise (Pro gamer playing a knight character on an mmorpg dies from a heart-attack during a duel match (probably too many energy drinks and not enough sleep) goes to Valhalla for his game character being recognized as a legendary warrior by his e-sport fans. So embarrassing!), which is so very creative and seems to make sense.

When I was a... more>> kid I thought Norse Mythology was really interesting and would read about it at the local library. Such an out of place Asian main character fighting trolls and giants alongside the Valkyries of Asgard... never thought I would read something like this. <<less
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Ajay.raja22 rated it
December 8, 2017
Status: v6
It's simply awesome if the trend continues...I only hope the MC don't become c*cky.. oh well. upto now his character is good.. the story's almost always in combat but a story in Valhalla is great and exciting while the gods are still alive and kicking some ass..
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February 25, 2024
Status: Completed
The negative reviews here must be bought and paid for. This novel is neither a masterpiece, nor is it garbage. It is solidly mid, and doesn't deserve the absolute shade some of the reviews are giving it. It's a 4 or so out of 5, and on the plus side, unlike MANY novels on this site is is finished.

This is a story of a guy getting reincarnated and getting stronger non-stop. If you don't like that, that's cool, but I would like to say one thing. The people writing a... more>> thesis here about this story are unhinged. The writing, unlike a lot of novels here is solid. The story isn't the best, and it merges a lot of stories about gods, but it honestly isn't that bad. Give it a try. It's not the garbage that people like finalwars make it out to be. <<less
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IsekaiDude rated it
December 25, 2022
Status: Completed
By far one of the best novels I have read, The story is consistent from The start to the end, theres almost no plotholes and the situations that the MC needs plot armor are very few and most of them are foreshadowed, and even at the end where the author start to overload you with BS is still a BS so well writed and on point that you will still think Is an awesome BS.

Another good thing about this novel is that it respect the mythology, for example Thor, he... more>> is not the goofball Thor of Marvel, Thor is suposed to be a nightmare for his enemies and he is, when the enemies start to hear thunderclap is when they start to piss themselves because they know... that Thor is coming.

If you like mythology in general you will probably like this novel. <<less
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Passionate_Reader rated it
March 29, 2022
Status: Completed
This is hands-down, one of the best novel I have ever read. I love the characters, plot and the interactions between different characters.

This novel greatly sparked my interest in various mythologies, especially Norse, Greek and Celtic Mythologies. That's also one of the reason I was never bored throughout the novel because the mid-size infodumps were quite interesting and fun to read. Yes, it gets a bit slow and tiring to read sometimes but that's within bearable ranges (at least for me). The line between good and bad in this novel... more>> can never be more clearer, its perfectly black and white (Beings wanting to maintain vs Beings wanting to destroy). While this gets repetitive, at least it doesn't get boring. Overall, plot is good.

Also, harem in this novel is handled pretty well. Everyone gets their fair share of romance, which I personally appreciate in a harem novel. Mind you, this is coming someone who hates harem with my guts. But, personally I think that in some novels, harem is done right and this is one of them.

The harem includes only 3 women which is a very reasonable number.


If there is one thing that I dislike about this novel, then it is this.....

Author, what the hell were you thinking pairing up Odin and Freya out of everyone, huh ??? I was extremely displeased.


Overall, this was a great read. Give it a try and see what its worth !!! <<less
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FishCream rated it
March 25, 2021
Status: v12c2
I went into this with pretty high expectations considering the (currently) 4.3 star rating and also the incredibly hype beginning. At a first glance this novel had some scenes that actually gave me goosebumps with how well they were portrayed, but that feeling lessened pretty fast in the face of the plot armor that is pretty much the driving force of this novel.

The MC is a pro gamer using keyboard and mouse, and he straight up collapses and dies during a tournament which implicates that he was not living an... more>> overly healthy and/or athletic lifestyle (although it is not addressed so far). Yet somehow this dude manages an instant and seamless transition from killing monsters with keyboard and mouse to using a sword in real life along with superpowers and even double jumps with the power of... destiny?? Random power ups is most of the time just poor planning by the author and an excuse to get MC out of a situation he never should have been in in the first place, but when the power ups even come with instant mastery it really just feels like a lazy way to avoid character development.

All that said the story is still cool and pretty funny sometimes and also I'm totally a sucker for northern mythology so 3 stars seems about right. <<less
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simianpower rated it
April 10, 2020
Status: v4c3
The setting is interesting. Korean top-level gamer dropped into Norse Ragnarok with basically no introduction or training. The "game" system has potential, more storylike than "+10 to STR", but it has the risk of going OP very quickly because literally anything the MC imagines he gets. Need a flaming sword? Oh, there it is! I like the fish-out-of-water aspects the first few chapters have.

But. The translation is the worst I've seen so far. It's just flat-out bad. All characters other than the MC are basically one-dimensional throwaways even from the... more>> first chapter. Honestly... it's not terrible, but I dropped it early rather than fight through a mediocre story. <<less
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May 18, 2019
Status: illustrations
Starts off like Dragonball and ends like Dragon Ball Z. By that I mean the story is enjoyable all the way through, but about midway the power-creep became real. Also felt they really rushed to the ending as well because of that. Gonna miss the characters.
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Stark3 rated it
January 11, 2018
Status: v15c1
I was pleasantly surprised by this novel. It has a very interesting concept: powers could be had based on the legends and stories attached to someone while they were alive. Somehow very fitting for a Norse-themed environment.

I'd like to give it a 5, but I think the execution on this is somewhat lacking. The story could have been incredibly more rich since it has a gold mine of a concept to draw on. Unfortunately, it's given a very light treatment - there's hardly any tension since MC breezes past all... more>> obstacles. Any unfortunate scenario that may happen is answered quickly by the appearance of a new power that can handle it. Paper thin characterization as well.

It's still above a 3 rating though since with all its shortcomings, it is still an interesting page turner. I just hope that it improves as time goes by and not go the way of some K-novels, becoming stale and predictable in the later chapters. <<less
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Jred rated it
September 5, 2023
Status: Completed
This is the second novel I finish from this author (the first one being Breakers) so I already knew what I was getting myself into, a shounen-like action novel with mythology aspects, light-hearted humor, romance with harem elements and a good ending.

Having said that I need to highlight some of the good things of the novel and also some of the bad that made me unable to rate this with 5 stars.


It's simple but good most of the time. MC is brought upon Asgard (Valhalla, paradise for the... more>> warriors) and becomes a warrior where he obtains powers (a Saga) and challenges powerful enemies with the aim of saving Asgard and the Nine Realms.

Including worlds like Olympus (yes, it includes other mythologies not just nordic), The Temple (kind of Chinese mythology, like Son Goku and the like) and also Terra (the Earth).


I was always interested in knowing how the characters would fare with the next challenge and how MC would influence the course of events

There's this recurring thing in the novel in which "The Three Sisters" read the "Thread of fate" so they predict what it's most likely to happen including the Ragnarok, in which the nordic mythology ends.

and battles which at first were won with wits and strategy turned to being more about getting power ups (not that it's bad but the power scaling was clearly stretched in the latter part of the story) and it has a focus on Team battles which is good.

And don't worry the ending is good with the important things resolved at the end of the novel.

Now, I have to mention some bad points, as it has to do with some developments throughout the story It will obviously contain major SPOILERS so read at your own risk.

  • Regarding that one fight

    at the end in the Final War I think the conclusion is good though I felt that it was a little too Deus Ex-Machina-ish but good regardless

  • While the ending is good and resolve the most important it also means it didn't resolve everything like

    At the final war, The destiny of the ten worlds was at stake and failure means everything ends and everyone dies (including the antagonists), The MC defeats the last Villain and the one supposed to bring the ends to all worlds but he didn't come alone he has a great army of beings wanting to destroy the worlds and we don't really see the good guys defeating that army, much less restoring the worlds already destroyed, that was left for some time in the future. It's supposed to happen though, just that the novel won't shows us that, instead of that we are shown the epilogue which tell us other things that are good and leave you with a good aftertaste even though they omitted the rest of the war.

  • This really annoyed me, there's a plot point regarding a certain character that got forgotten

    Or so it seems, but if you read the epilogue the author basically says "Remember that thing I told you about Hela? Yes? Too bad I changed my mind it isn't really important forget about it". Before the mid part of the story the author introduce this character named Hela (yes, the one from nordic mythology, daughter of Loki and here she is like the god of Death with the task of ruling over the dead at Niflheim), the three sisters predict that that She is connected to the MC by fate, so you expect it to be important, I don't know maybe something like the connection of Odin and Fenrir where one has to kill the other, maybe they have to join hands to defeat a major villain or maybe end up getting together as a couple or something but no, the author just decided to do nothing with this and just tell us that the prediction is wrong and forget about it, even though we were left hanging with that mystery through more than half of the book.

    This is something minor but as this was done on the author's previous book 'Breakers' I was somewhat unsatisfied seeing that this wasn't done in this one at the end.

    After the final war the MC supposedly has plans to visit Earth with his harem but that event isn't shown in the least not even one scene, we are just told that it did happen in one of the side stories after the epilogue in just a single sentence.


I'll be brief so I won't mention specific names, The characters are good with a vast array of personalities, some are from the various mythologies and some are original, as the MC is a special one he is on good terms with almost everyone and even though he is OP the side characters remain relevant from beginning to end and often the fights are done with the help of various people.

If I have to mention a bad thing about characters is that the villains usually are very plain, they are bad just because they have to be bad and destroy everything and that's in their nature and don't have much motivations beyond that.


Let's remember something this novel is Harem and even though the main focus is the action the romance is also important, in this aspect it is decent enough but it is also where I have the most complaints about.

  • First, the harem barely qualifies as harem, it's just too small, though I guess there's people who prefer it that way, and it seems as if the author at first wanted to make a big harem introducing a lot of female characters, some with good chemistry with MC teasing some kind of romantic development but he changed his mind midway just leaving it at 3 girls officially.

    Heda who is the main girl, Idun (god of life and youth who shares body with Heda) and Adenmaha (a sea serpent on the surface but she is a goddess of the Tuatha De Dannan of Erin). There's also Nidhogg who is an ancient dragon god with a kid's mentality so she doesn't know much about the affairs between a man and a woman so it's iffy if she's in the harem or not, maybe in the future it will be when she gains knowledge regarding that but in the novel this doesn't happen.

  • The love interests of the MC are interesting and have good chemistry with him just that I would like it if there were more interactions between him and the girls, because with the exception of one.

    Heda, who is the main girl

  • Because of the harem being small and there being lots of female characters that also means that some girls don't get together with MC even though they have feelings for him and this doesn't gets addressed afterwards

    Ingrid is the one I really feel they should have included as it's shown she have deep feelings for him and even saved him once near the end. And there's some others which even kissed him on his lips (some are married) but also don't get to be with MC with the excuse that it's just for the strengthening of his saga (power) and it's weird considering this novel is Asian because we know that in there, actions like a kiss mean that the person has feelings for the other unlike in the West, I can just guess that the author is following the trope of Europeans being broad-minded even with kisses in the mouth because this novel main theme is nordic mythology which comes from Europe, moreover Valhalla warriors are considered to being straightforward.

  • The author has a fixation on form as many couples as possible even if it doesn't makes sense and have little development

    some of those girls at first seemed as if they would end up with MC but he and the author weren't interested so they ended up with someone else which also wasn't very believable like the case of Siri or Freya, it doesn't feel like NTR though because like I said MC wasn't interested and seem everyone is more straightforward there but I feel like it was a waste especially considering some of their interactions in the past and this story supposedly being a harem.

  • Some romantic actions are toned down or "censored" by the author using alternative terms.

    Instead of using the word "kiss" it's used "blessing", Instead of using "kiss on the lips" or "kiss on the mouth" the phrase "best blessing" is used and lastly instead of "have s*x" or "f*ck" it's changed to "dislocate waist". In the case of the "blessing", at first it was just used as a blessing or some kind of protection but with the advance of the relationships it's clear that it was just an excuse to go for the kiss but they kept using that term and it can be confusing if you don't get that.


This doesn't affect my rating but I have to say it's bad, readable but bad, a lot of spelling errors, wrong names or switched up and some sentences are just harder to read than normal.

All in all I enjoyed the story very much even though it has some things I didn't like and I think it was worth it, I recommend this to everyone who wants to read a good story with action, lighthearted humor and some romance with mythology (especially Nordic) as main theme. <<less
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Shwima rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: --
Speaking from the prospective of a power fantasy novel fan and a big fan of this authors other works like 'dungeon maker' this novel started off pretty decently but at the veru it ended up getting kinda ridiculous to a point where it made the story bit less interesting. I think dungeon maker ia much better than this one. But still I would recomend this story if you are a power fantasy fan.
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Master10K rated it
June 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Valhalla, the land legendary warriors strive for, now seems to be real. But for some reason a pro gamer is posthumously sent there, along with a lot of actual warriors. Lee Tae Ho is rushed straight into the thick of it, with barely an explanation or world building. Just going with the flow, from battle to battle, which is great for action lovers. Not so much for those like me, looking for a bit more meat in the story, as I'd find myself getting hungry and losing interest in the... more>> plight of all the characters.

Reminiscent of my experience with another Korean WN "Omniscient Readers Viewpoint" and how that gradually became a chore to finish. Luckily at the time of reading this, I needed a refresher on Norse, Celtic & Greek Mythology, so the good vs evil storyline managed not to bore me to death. Plus the brevity of the combat, the quirkiness of the romance and the sudden outcomes didn't annoy me either. Valhalla Saga will just become one of those middle of the road WNs that will fade in my memory. <<less
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Dark King
Dark King rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: Completed
I didn't have much expectations for this novel when I started it. As stated in some other reviews there are some problems in this novel if we go into all minute details but which novel doesn't. So, all I am going to say this is a very enjoyable read in an overall perspective. The main characters are not one dimensional. Even though this novel has harem ... more>>

(Idun/Heda and Adenmaha)

they have very defined characters. I also liked the use of different mythologies in this novel, you will like it if you are interested in those stuff like me. <<less
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nerdyboi rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Enjoyable series, good translation, nice plot with a strong MC but is still kind of balanced. The only qualms I have regard the ending. I kind of wish there was an epilogue or something to tie up loose ends as I kind of felt it ended abruptly. Disregarding the plot and characters were very enjoyable and all other elements of the novel itself add up to five stars regardless in my eyes.
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Serapheid rated it
October 28, 2020
Status: Completed
From the author of Breakers. Definitely my most favorite KR novel. One of the best interpretations of mythology into a fantasy story I've read and I highly recommend it if you're into mythological high action adventure power fantasies.
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Opale rated it
February 12, 2020
Status: Completed
I like this novel but I it's not a 5 stars.

Even though the action scene are pretty good I find the novel overall very fast paced. And it's only my taste but I don't like the "Valkyrie master" personnaly.

If I had to compare it with an another novel it would be Breakers when it come to the pace are the OP-ness which have almost the same curve of progression through the story.
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shinryu432 rated it
October 21, 2019
Status: Completed
A solid 4/5.

It isn't a masterpiece nor was it some god tier reading material, but overall it's good. To have a premise that each mythology as a realm is quite fresh to me and it was managed quite well (at least at the first 3 introduced mythologies and later we learn Earth is Terra). There was no repetitive or redundant ways of facing off the enemy (at least at the 3/4s of the story) and the characters are interesting as well (especially Cu Chullaine that fcker.)

However, the ending falls... more>> very short of expectations wasn't properly organised nor planned accordingly. It was very rushed at the end, throwing the remaining 5 mythologies (which made me horridly confused because of the new names popping up here and there without rest) to the readers without prior preparation.

The series could have been 10-15 volumes worth of light novel stories had the author planned the whole thing properly. Each mythology could have been given a good introduction, exploration and solidification in the story if only the author didn't rush it.

Overall, it was a conclusive ending albeit it feels unsatisfying. A proper epilogue could have been nice as well. <<less
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