(Um, Sorry) I’ve Been Reincarnated!


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After a god screws up and accidentally takes high schooler Shou’s life, he offers him reincarnation with a gift to make up for it. Shou asks to retain all his old memories for the new life. Shou is reborn as Will, a noble’s son in a world where magic use is common and involves knowledge of kanji characters. With all his memories, he’s a brilliant toddler, and when he experiments with magic, he finds that he has an amazing talent for it! What’s more, though he was smart but unloved in his old life, in his new life he has a mother and a father who both love him deeply. His future as Will is looking very bright and cool!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Tenseishichatta Yo (Iya, Gomen)
転生しちゃったよ (いや、ごめん)
Related Series
The Man Picked up by the Gods (8)
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The Elf Is a Freeloader (3)
I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius? (3)
Legend (3)
Recommendation Lists
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  2. Read or given up reading
  3. to read
  4. JP Isekai without Harem (Shounen/Seinen)
  5. Read Books

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/01/17 Pumlated c82
02/26/17 Pumlated c81
02/21/17 Pumlated c80
02/18/17 Pumlated c79
02/15/17 Pumlated c78
02/12/17 Pumlated c77
02/09/17 Pumlated c76
02/05/17 Pumlated c75
02/02/17 Pumlated c74
01/27/17 Pumlated c73
01/23/17 Pumlated c72
01/22/17 Pumlated c71
01/18/17 Pumlated c70
01/15/17 Pumlated c69
01/11/17 Pumlated d10
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65 Reviews sorted by

LordGrim102 rated it
November 16, 2018
Status: c157
Mentally weak MC, that was the one thing I hate the most out of all the bad MC out there. But I'm patient and keep reading cause there might be growth in his so called little 'trauma'. The result? None. It's all happy here and happy there. The mind of the author is full of only field of flowers, he tries to create villains for drama but the its all for nothing cause the MC can't dance to the tune of the villains. It's all over before you know it.... more>> The only drama in there is the MC having mental illness because of his childhood being bad.

Conclusion: The author is incapable of creating good story. This novel is only for those who like fluffy, butterflies in stomach, happy happy kinda stuff. This can't even be pass as a children's story, it will only be a bad influence to children. Better find another good story with logic and reason is always use. <<less
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adrea3311 rated it
September 8, 2017
Status: c77
Started off really good. Backstory of the MC was both tragic and emotionally appealing as you wanted to see him become happy. You think there is finally a reincarnation story hero with an actual backstory for once. Humor was funny and quirky. OP'ness was somewhat acceptable. I totally looked forward to the super cute doting father moments. Overall something I enjoyed reading. Until he went to school. After that, the story died. As most others have mentioned, the humor becomes less funny and more of a chore to wade through.... more>> The OP'ness quickly kills any sense of tension or point in the story as any plot points are dealt with at supersonic speed and ease. And the story starts progressing at speeds that are inversely proportional to the MC's OP'ness (i.e. Not at all). I originally wanted to try and read the remaining chapters as the tranalation is good and I originally really liked the story, but then I thought of reading another 70 chapters of exactly the same thing over and over with absolutely no progression, and I thought "nope, I'm done."

May try and pick it back up later when it is done, but I suspect that is the the still lingering hope and obligation based on how much I liked the start of the story rather than what I feel towards it now, which is basically just a chore. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
June 29, 2017
Status: --
In my opinion, it's a standard "reincarnated in another world" story. It's a good one though.

The MC has low self confidence in his face ... more>>

because of his trauma with his mother, but is born with super OP looks in this life. I think he was probably actually handsome in his last life too.


OP MC for sure. Cheats are everywhere in this story (not just for the MC though).

For me, the characters feel so-so. Not flat, but not the most interesting. They have their quirks.

The world's setting is interesting.


The dude that set up the country was a transported Japanese person.


The story is cute. There are moments where it makes me feel some emotions...

Not a story to eagerly wait for the next chapter, but it's a good one. <<less
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Adastria Lillith
elhessan rated it
May 20, 2017
Status: c104
Nothing unusual with this novel, in fact, this is one of the novel that had good premise but went down midway. I know one novel that has similar situation like this one, not the story, but the way the novel goes. However the other novel went back up, some last arcs really showed excitement, you can say that it redeemed the boring parts of the novel, and I hope that this one too, will have redemption arc so that the story will get interesting again. For now, three is the... more>> max I can give. <<less
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ranobesuki rated it
March 6, 2017
Status: c83
General impression: It's pretty good, but could be better.

It seems like it could be a tighter story - it's hard to keep up with what arc is currently going on, and some characters feel forgotten at times. However, it's a lighthearted adventure with an op MC, so it's not hard to forgive the shortcomings of the story as a whole.
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UnknownSaint171 rated it
February 10, 2017
Status: c76
Truly has a lot of potential. Do you hate Ikemen? Then you'll definitely love this! No harem, no ecchi, just pure comedy gold. I'm greatful the Translator doing this. I enjoy his TNs.
Certainly it will get negative feedback but I think this is more directed to a Younger Audience. If you want something serious then don't read this. And to those complaining about he should had ask more from God. You don't get it. It's because he wasn't selfish that the God gave him more! I love how MC is called a Angel. I can see this becoming the next Angel Densetsu but ufortunately it's impossible, this is too fast and short. There's no room for Character Development.
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SeventhTale rated it
February 2, 2017
Status: d9
This started good, but as the developments happen, there are minor characters introduced, and reading the chapters which is full of their own useless PoV that some are not needed in story bored me.

I don't hate reading PoV of other characters, in fact I love it, but this one especially the PoV of the father of the MC's classmate, has a very boring PoV that only about what happened to him when he's going to visit his daugther.
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October 8, 2016
Status: c45
Well, it's a nonsensical yet fluffy and funny series. Don't take it seriously and you'll enjoy it. Though if you've permanently got a sick up your ass stay well clear from this series. :) I, for one, enjoy this series wholeheartedly and find it has a cute and endearing OP MC :3 nothing ground breaking, but seriously who needs it if you've got fluffy sama chiffon and oblivious angel will sama :3
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LittleFox21 rated it
October 4, 2016
Status: c44
Enjoyable story with a likable MC.

The setting is quite peaceful and it's more slice-of-life so far. MC is OP but it feels more to wit rather than OPness abuse.

Recommended for those who like lighthearted stories, and stay away if you ask for actions
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Shidiq24 rated it
September 26, 2016
Status: c20
It's the usual reincarnation with magic, one of the better ones. The only issue I have with it is that with all the POV changes (after ch 6 or so?) the story tends to linger sometimes and progress slowly. Not to mention along with the short chapters makes it seem rather slow. Other than that, it has some unique characters/plotlines with good translation quality.
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inclement rated it
September 13, 2016
Status: c37
I do enjoy overpowered main characters, so I did end up reading all the chapters. But honestly the writing is not very good - the author jumps around the story from point of view to point of view and it is hard to follow. That can work well sometimes, but not in this story. He also jump back and forth in time when describing the actions. The main redeeming feature is the characters, which most seem pretty cool.
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Alioptak rated it
July 15, 2016
Status: c20
My first time reading a story like that. I love the story and the MC. But the chapters are a little too short (well... to be frank way too short).
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Arua35 rated it
July 13, 2016
Status: c20
It's the usual reincarnation with magic, one of the better ones. The only issue I have with it is that with all the POV changes (after ch 6 or so?) the story tends to linger sometimes and progress slowly. Not to mention along with the short chapters makes it seem rather slow. Other than that, it has some unique characters/plotlines with good translation quality.
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joshan rated it
July 4, 2016
Status: v1c15
Its your usual [reincarnated to another world with a magic cheat ] chapters are short and light, MC is not brain dead tho he has a trauma with his looks being bad (because of the common sense from the other world's life, probably will get fixed much later on) No point comparing it to similar novels: not many chapters and not much story that would sets it apart yet but it is a read worth the time if u like the subject.
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June 24, 2016
Status: c8
This stories great. The only downside is that the normal chapters are very small. Ironically, the digest version felt a little better than the normal version.
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talosparoxi rated it
March 14, 2020
Status: c69
Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot to this novel. The only interesting story point is how the character is attractive but has good reason for believing he is ugly and has a complex about it. I think it's one of the few times that I've seen a realistic reason for a character to be as dense as they end up being.

Other than that all of the other major plot points fall flat. There are some mildly amusing jokes and a few interesting character interactions but they're pretty few and far... more>> between. The worst part is that the main character never really grows as a character through the entire series.

I'd say go ahead and read the first 10-20 chapters if you feel inclined and then just stop because it doesn't really ever get more interesting or move forward with anything they bring up. <<less
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Kaylee rated it
March 29, 2019
Status: Completed
Got here coz the manga. MAnga is good, interesting. The novel is a MEH.

I'd give 2star for story, and 1star for characters.

It is that boring.

... more>> If you want to read this, better read the manga version.

    1. too many unrelated sentences of joke, well Japanese jokes. The MC is doing his own manzai the entire time.
    1. the characters are too dull and too much unimportance being placed, there's nothing to make me feel intrigue and cant wait to see OO scenes. For example, the friends...... we dont need them or those cliche harem hints (they are kids fgs!). The mother and father.... are like extra, esp mother, poor her. The dragon? Big joke, nothing so far. Oh, that lame god with lame secret?? and his earth friend? Too much lame I cant help but skipped the pages.
    1. Conflict what conflict?? World catastrophic conflict involving countries is solved by a 8year old kid or how old is he? I dont care. What, the monarch doesnt have power, no mage, no warrior??
    1. what kind of OP cheat is that?

The most boring novel of isekai I've read. <<less
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elricboy rated it
December 7, 2018
Status: --
Another God's gift to the world with limitless talent that achieves everything by doing nothing. No conflict worth giving a damn, characters are all bland aside from his teacher, everything is pointless.

Also the pacing is godawful and slow as molasses, author uses multiple POV's to tell the exact same story only to jerk off the protagonist.
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bjjjg rated it
October 21, 2018
Status: c157
Not that bad. But actually it's a mess. The POV chapters were too much not really revealing anything. There was no growth of any character. Most characters were just there but in reality I could never get their character they were only there for some puns. The MC himself did nothing really much. At least that's how it felt. He didn't need any wits or be somehow clever. When I began reading it I thought to see the MC grow in some way at least mentally but he never really... more>> grew. So for me I waited for a plot twist of some sort. But everything was too predictable. <<less
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September 25, 2018
Status: c157
It's not that there isn't romance, its that the protagonist is only 8 by the end so why would anyone think that it would be a romance, romance? Also this is an unfinished story by the orginal author even though it says complete. It's also all over the place like the story was translated out of order. The problem is that the author mostly wrote fluff instead of the main plot. So we'd have the same day explained from 3 different povs. It was a little annoying, but I... more>> think that's because the author was pantsing the story. But despite all that it is a good story, if not a touch unrealistic. <<less
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