T*ash of the Count’s Family


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When I opened my eyes, I was inside a novel.

[The Birth of a Hero].

[The Birth of a Hero] was a novel focused on the adventures of the main character, Choi Han, a high school boy who was transported to a different dimension from Earth, along with the birth of the numerous heroes of the continent.

I became a part of that novel as the tr*sh of the Count’s family, the family that oversaw the territory where the first village that Choi Han visits is located.

The problem is that Choi Han becomes twisted after that village, and everyone in it, is destroyed by assassins.

The bigger problem is the fact that this s*upid tr*sh who I’ve become doesn’t know about what happened in the village and messes with Choi Han, only to get beaten to a pulp.

“…This is going to be a headache.”

I feel like something serious has happened to me.

But it was worth trying to make this my new life.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Lout of Count's Family (Official)
قمامة عائلة الكونت
백작가의 망나니가 되었다
Related Series
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint (42)
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The S-Classes That I Raised (25)
My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending (23)
How to Live as the Enemy Prince (21)
What Happens When the Second Male Lead Powers Up (18)
Recommendation Lists
  1. my favorite
  2. Are you going to sacrifice yourself ?
  3. My fav
  4. fantasy
  5. LIGHT READ. gs

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591 Reviews sorted by

Ariadna rated it
April 1, 2022
Status: c760
I'm in love with this novel and it's world. The humor is just my type and sure it kind of repeat with how they win almost easily all the time but it's to be expected since the MC knows the story to a point. One of the things I love the most is MC personality and the way he lay his plans and of course the lovely children and how they all develop in the story.

I can barely wait for the next chapter ❤️ ❤️
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AlthaKhalee rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: c776
It's a masterpiece!!! I love this novel so much!!! The more you read the story the more you are amazed by the plot that the author made. Some readers maybe find the MC just too OP or exhausting, but our Cale doesn't overpower just because he read the novel and then Isekai or what.. He has more stories that you just haven't read. Anyway, I can't wait for part 2!!!
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GrayMao rated it
September 16, 2021
Status: c709
This novel is really great and awesome! I mean, how the author thinks of the plot twist puts my brain at edge and I can't literally help but look forward on what's next. It's amazing in way that:

(1) MC personality is not a typical OP character that only knows how to use brute strength and forget to use his brain. The strategies, tactics and action of MC is worthy of reading. He also values his people, like you will just realize yourself 'that is what we called true f*cking friendship'

(2) Supporting characters are not just there to build the 'greatness' of the MC. They exist because they have a part in the plot of the story and not just an extra that will be soon be forgotten. And... more>> you will surely love them - let me give you names:

Raon - the little black dragon lord ; On and Hong - the sibling cats and the future heir apparent of the Molan househould


(3) World building.

It's not only about Roan Kingdom and their neighbouring kingdoms, there is also the existence of the demon kingdom and an entire different world (Earth 1, 2, 3), dimension and illusionary world


4. The plot deepens as the novel progress. I personally love

the demon kingdom arc which Cale acted as the son of the vampire lord and the puzzle kingdom arc in which they f*cked up White Star real good


I highly recommend this. Let's be Cloppeh Sekka and have faith with Cale Henituse. Hahaha! You'll soon find it out so make sure to try and read this novel. <<less
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idksevky rated it
August 26, 2021
Status: c703
Probably the best transmigration novel I've ever read. The plot just keeps going even until now, there's no sign of it ending which, in a way, can be considered being dragged on BUT it all makes sense! Kudos to the author for actually writing the plot in a way that everything is connected, even the smallest details. I love it!

PS. Poor Cale, he just wanted to live a slacker life but he keeps getting pulled into things xD
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ilijana rated it
May 30, 2021
Status: c678
Amazing story & characters! I love how the author took a sort of 'basic' and popular idea with reincarnation and just made it completely original and unique. I'm currently re-reading the novel as well, I wish there were more chapters out because even though there are more than 670+ chapters out, you never get bored of this novel (also thank you to the fast translators!). I can't wait to see what happens next!
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dairu rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: c600
an amazing novel, no cheap romance, and wholesome friendships. Everything about this novel is what I love, because generally you can't find a shounen novel or manga without 1. A harem 2. Big breasted beauties 3. Flat characters (personality wise)
I worship cale and every character in this novel, truly one of the best novels on this site

(the world building and foreshadowing is insane)
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sasai rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: c600
It is a bit saddening that it gets some poor ratings, indeed comments on how it gets too repetitive or that it lacks the complexity flavor are true at times. But it is worth giving the chance, maybe around 200 chapters so you don't get to miss the amazing world building, character developments and foreshadowings (it is a well thought out novel, really!). But sure, to each his own.

It has one of the best protagonist for me. It's what keeps me reading (even skipped some parts where Cale is... more>> out but still got the story all in all since I have re-read more than 4 times). It has a One Piece vibes in terms of MC charisma and foreshadowings (i.e. how an idea introduced on chapter 50 will only make sense around chapter 300), only that Cale is clever and a good liar.


A good and sad example: Cale's exaggeration on the pain caused by papercuts. Will only make sense around chapter 600.


I love it that unlike other stories where MC becomes OP and untouchable, Cale Henituse is weak and though he gets to gain abilities as the story progresses, the cost is always high because he is weak and lazy to train (though he has some acceptable reasons). But he is just so cool about it which makes it adorable. He is like a fated sacrificial lamb that must be protected at all cost. And man, if only he is not a slacker he could have been a good general or king, the way he encourages and give speeches are simply amazing.


Cale gives good speeches, prior to battles or when he is proving a point or when defending his people. One good example is when he make use of his annoying title of Young Master Silver Shield to shut the cowardly Northeastern nobles saying the shield will always win, and then he proved it afterwards by defending their territory with no outside help. He would almost always start his speeches by mentioning things unrelated to the context but when he comes to the point, it is like a crispy hard slap to the face of the people he is against. Like when he begun talking about how he requested their military uniforms to be black. Lastly, an amazing example is the one from Earth 2 Arc when he showed his memory prowess by mentioning the number of deaths under each individual representing former central shelters. Just. Goosebumps.


And it is not just Cale, another thing that is good about this novel is its generosity of spotlighting side characters, specially Cale's subordinates. They have backgrounds (sob stories), developments and even individual quirkiness. They'll just grow in you. Even minor characters leave a bit lasting impact for me.


Like Eric Wheelsman, I found him attractive when during the time Cale rose to fame after going to the empire, he was the only one out of the nobles who sought Cale out with letters coz he sincerely cares. Though our bad and Tsun2x Cale just ignored him. And from the recent God Test Arc/Earth 2 Arc, there was Park Jin Tae and Joo Ho Shik, they are weird but I was truly moved by the stories behind them, however short.


It is nice that there is no romance subplot, for those who are against it, honestly it is not needed. Having it value camaraderie, brotherhood and filial piety is fluff enough for the heart's satisfaction. And with Cale's real background, his current relationships are more than he could have ever asked for. Romance (out of thin air) would probably destroy the story at this point. Cale is... everyone's Cale.

There's a lot more to say about the novel but to cut it short, if you want an easy read with a cool MC, world-building, foreshadowings and you hate romantic subplots specially romantic harems then this one is definitely for you! Certified RECOMMENDED by the slacker readers of the world. Definitely NOT tr*sh. <<less
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March 15, 2021
Status: c320
Good novel, but after a while it gets repetitive, stale and pretty boring
There's barely any tension as the MC is always one step ahead of everyone else and his party is so special and stronger than almost everyone else

Also, personally as a romance enthusiast I think it's good that it doesn't have bad romance but the complete lack of any romance at all, from any characters at all not only is weird, it also helps the novel get boring

I do wonder if the author wanted it to have some kind of gay romance (there's some small possible evidences like the manhwa looks as well as how the novel is always so descriptive and the MC always notes about the guy characters being very handsome or very beautiful and lacking the same amount for female ones), but because it would definitely hinder its popularity they decided to not include romance at all
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yogesh12 rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: c180
Where to even begin? I was looking for actually good Korean novels that had little no cliches, the rinse and repeat stuff and guess what? I found tr*sh of the count's family. Then I started reading this after reading some manga chaps and then continued onto the novel. The protagonist is selfish but that's ok with me. But what's with the recycled reactions of the subordinates of MC who always says " As expected of Cale-nim" I mean what is wrong with this novel. Every arc is the same, MC... more>> wants to laze around but due to some thing or another has his plan of lazying thwarted and is forced to become the main character. Not to mention how cringy the side characters are when all they say that Cale-nim is different from other humans (considering beastman and demi-humans are introduced more than humans). They always sing praises of his kindness, I mean it's fine if it's moderation but it's the f*cking same in every arc. Where was I? Ah, when his plans are thwarted it's always MC making an evil smile and the dragon raon saying that MC is a good person but his smile is evil. Then the arc always ends with MC stealing something from someone and then becomes main character like and then the side characters become his subordinates one way or another. I mean it's always the same. *Sighs* I am done with this novel. The story aside the arcs are utterly tr*sh, as expected from the tr*sh. Don't know why people give it such a high rating. 2 stars is more than enough for this kind of cringy shit. <<less
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November 7, 2020
Status: c628
This novel is really awesome! Like really really awesome! Number 1 rank in my favorite novel list!

Considering the fact that I register to NU just to write this review, this novel

is just that GOOD!

... more>> The early chapter is kinda boring, BUT you'll really get hooked as you read the 20+ chapter!

MC likes to "tell" us his plans into the future tho. So maybe for some readers it's like spoiling the story. I'm fine with it tho. His plans is not always fool-proof.

This novel really ticks all of my preference in a novel.

    • 1. Smart MC that isn't a typical goody two shoes MC (he's a good person tho. Not that he knows.) He prioritize his group and his own safety first.
    • 2. All of the other characters beside MC is also interesting. Loveable characters.
    • 3. No romance, no harem. Just friendship, bromance and family fluff. I leave romance to fanfiction writters to figure that out ;'')
    • 4. MC has morales. He likes to scam and scheme, and maybe looting left and right whenever he went, but he only do all of that to his enemies. Cale is a good boy. *pats Cale.
    • 5. Author is a master at foreshadowing.
    • 6. Author also really good at writing epic stories that makes me feel hyped and excited.
    • 7. Misunderstanding. The good kind.
Now I'm currently waiting anxiously for updates while keeping myself sane by rereading this novel again. Help I'm addicted.

Even if there's no more enemies left for the MC to defeat, I'd gladly read his slice of life arc... But, well... Readers of this novel should know that there's no such thing as slacker life for MC XD. He already played (read: scammed) himself lol. <<less
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Licht Heiter
Licht Heiter rated it
August 31, 2020
Status: c616
This is a wonderful read. I kept rereading this novel over and over. The MC is always misunderstood in hilarious ways. However, there also times where the feels just hit me like a truck. It starts off a little slow, but after awhile, I got really attached to this story and all the characters in it (except for the enemy). There are times I would squeal, cry or laugh my heart out.

The MC cares for others but he is sometimes merciless when it comes to the enemies. He isn't really... more>> a goody-two-shoes MC who can't seem to tell that this is war and there are times to save and times it is necessary to dirty your hands but is also not an a*hole. He knows how to draw the line between what is necessary and what isn't. He isn't really those that sacrifice others and knows how to make use of what personnel and things he has.

Romance really isn't necessary in this story, in fact, romance might even break this story. There are times romance makes a story blossom, however, this isn't one of those stories. There is a tag stating that this isn't a romance, so if you're searching for romance, instead of complaining about the lack of romance, it's better to not read it. There a little flaws in the story and some annoying things. But that's what I find amusing about this novel. Isn't it fine to just enjoy a story? Naturally this is only my opinion and it might be flawed.

edit: Things got even more interestingg!! LET'S GOOOO!!!! <<less
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Helloiii rated it
August 20, 2020
Status: c586
This one of the first few books that i've re-read multiple times after re-reading again. Well planned out, a colorful cast, and a series that you'll definitely be hooked with.
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BlackLagoonFreak rated it
June 14, 2020
Status: c571
Lets start off with saying how much I love this web novel. Its not fast-paced nor slow-paced. The story goes at a steady speed that always has something happening but it never seems rushed. Its not the most actionpacked story out there but something important always seems to be happening.

Its one of those reads where the side characters actually get enough dialogue and have enough presence where you always feel they are out in the world doing something that has purpose.

This web novel gives off contradicting feelings in a good... more>> way. Its lighthearted yet multiple characters pasts are tragic. Theres despair but also hope. Its heartwarming but at times sad. And the MC is the most contradicting of all. He wants to live the life of a slacker but he works harder than anyone else. He acts like he doesn't care at times but cares more than anyone. He risks his life through most off the story but acts like its no big deal.

As for people complaining that he knows everything thats going to happen so far, im guessing you haven't read much of this web novel. At a point pretty early on, Cale makes it past the fifth and final volume of the story hes entered the world of and even some of the information he knew changed because he was going around changing the story. He after that has to go about finding information himself and yet he still almost always ends up being a step ahead of his enemies. And when hes not, he always finds a way to turn the situation to his favor.

This is one of the few web novels ive found where the MC is leaps and bounds smarter than the villains. He has setbacks, but throughout the whole web novel Cale never 100% loses. He alway pays back his enemies. His allies are strong, but his charisma, his protectiveness of his allies, and the lengths he goes through to finally have a peacelul life are more impressive to me.

I may be biased because I like 90% of the characters but this is one of the most enjoyable reads ive had in a long time. Theres a levity and confidence to Cales dialogue that makes you think things will never go wrong as long as he is there to orchestrate the battle plans. So in turn, that takes off the stress alot of books purposefully give you and turns the read more relaxing and happier than most other reads.

All in all if you just want action then this book isn't for you, but if you want a quality fantasy with a plethora of good characters, nonstop getting in the villains way while tricking them, overpowered abilitys and magic that both allies and enemies have, entertaining banter, and a satisfying story then this is for you. <<less
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Grandorus rated it
May 5, 2020
Status: c500
The worst things about this novel:

  • Unimaginative repetitive onomatopoeia. For example "Bang bang.... BANG!". Use a
  • Overuse of cute characters. For example, kittens seen in the artwork.
  • A character that rarely acts like tr*sh, despite repeatedly telling himself he is.
  • There are psychological dream sequences and flashbacks later in the novel from various character point's of view, which I can only describe as unnecessary.
Due to the above points, after 200 chapters the formula and language does get annoying for me and I started taking month long breaks to avoid getting diabetes from all the... more>> sugar coated scenes.

However, compared to most fantasy novel's listed on this website it is near perfection. You will find it hard to get a more consistently paced, well thought out and intelligent novel in this genre.

  • There are many novelists that nearly achieved this and gave up or slowed down halfway through, perhaps due to writer's block. For example, The Author Reincarnated?! and My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending.
  • Some novels became convoluted included bizarre romances. For example NE and Amber Blade.
  • Some novels devolved into random gags. For example, Expecting to Fall into Ruin, I Aim to Become a Blacksmith
This novel does not. For that reason I give this novel and translation 4.9 stars. "Bang bang.... BANG!" is just too annoying after a few major fights, so it is not a full set of 5 stars. The author or translator should really look up a thesaurus, read a comic book or watch the old Batman TV series for creative inspiration. Imagine if every single fight scene in a comic consisted of "bang... bang... bang".

Variety Examples: Thunk, clang, clank, clash, crash, knock, rap, tap, clamor, howl, roar, screech, squeal, wallop, pow, whip, wham, slam, slap, ding and brakoom. <<less
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Cloudy_night rated it
April 11, 2020
Status: c525
The story is truly magnificent, it's not like the usual 2D Korean isekai Novel, no. This story is unique in it's own way and what's wonderful is that the author capability of not revealing everything in one go, every chapter or arc have meanings and not just a mindless story.

The best way to put is that the novel built up is similar to a puzzle or a chess, at the end of it all once you put everything together you will see the whole answer, the way the author put... more>> the plot is impeccable because as the reader we are capable to have theorized what will happen and yet somehow it will still blow your minds.

As for the character, this novel characters are top tier. The MC and the side characters have an actual MEANING, which mean they are not some 2D pawns that are only purpose is to be the stepping stool for the MC, nope. It's the opposite.

The author manage to make the side character we all knew have a chance to shine and show us that they are also important to the whole story, and the world is not going around the MC, it feels so put well, that's why I said that the story is similar to a chess piece or a puzzle.

And the best of it all, the story manages to have NO romance, every counter are simply put as a sibling or family relationship, the MC focus more about his retirement and his children who he adopt than woman or any lust.

The MC relationship with the others are also wholesome, he may act like that but what he say and action are contradict with each other to the point it's funny. The MC have a great mindset and it is not something he said alone, NOPE. He have an actual mindset that are built from his friends words, he actually put time to actually think the best way to handle each type of matter with rational mindset (even though it's questionable sometimes)

It is so nice to read this story and I strongly disagree with jasss when he said that the book is fast phased, it seems that you didn't actually read the book to actually comprehend what it is about. But that's jassss opinion.

Really recommend you all to check the story because it is totally worth the reading, I personally enjoy reading this book. <<less
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mozzybites rated it
April 1, 2020
Status: c498
A beautiful novel imo.

The author of this novel is incredible, the story progression is wonderful and the more you read the more the plot thickens! The characters, both mains and side's development is really entertaining to witness when getting further and further into the story. The author threw a vast amount of different themes into this novel which can majority of the time can be the downfall of a great story but this author has presented it perfectly!! This story has made cry, made me want to spit on the... more>> absolute bastards, made cackle and has made me fawn over every chapter with anticipation. This novel deserves the praise it gets.

ps. This is written by a reader who has spent 2 SLEEPLESS weeks binging this and has no idea why ppl would rate this amazing novel less than 4 stars.

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Arassa rated it
September 26, 2019
Status: c349
Really loving this novel.


Well yes, the chapters long and sometimes there's some cliche, repeated plot where the MC somehow save the day, but honestly to me the story itself is fun.

Seriously. I love how how the story potrays the MC to really want to throw away all responsiblities to somebody else while problems kept smacking to his face and he can't help but solving it even without anybody told him to.

The lack of heavy romantic plot or harem or women centered writing is a also a plus.

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Kurokazin rated it
January 8, 2019
Status: c108
While I can understand some of the negative reviews of the series, a lot of it is focused on "deus ex etc", when the MC is deliberately "weak" (By the series' absurd powerlevel scale). This is one of the few novels that I actually look forward to despite a very busy 16 credit hour schedule (The rest I'm just trudging along because I'm 3k chapters in and still waiting for the finale. I'm looking at you, Martial God Asura).

I enjoy this novel immensely, despite it being extremely off the beaten... more>> path when it comes to chinese/korean novels. If Goku is over 9000, the MC is sitting at a solid 3.5k. If you don't take this novel seriously (and by that I mean, living vicariously through the protagonist) you'll likely love tr*sh of the Counts. The side characters are memorable, the inter-character exchanges are hilarious, and at just over 100 chapters we're finally delving into the MC not being able to predict the future. This may be a spoiler, but it's alluded to fairly early so I don't think it matters to much: The novel has caught up to the "novels" and he's basically not omniscient anymore. I'd list pros and cons but I honestly can't think of any cons to the story besides the fact that the MC is incredibly weak compared to his peers.

This novel is very much an effort of love rather than capitalizing on demand with dog sh*t supply like MGA or anything by the author "Mad Snail" (TDG, SMGT, etc). If you can get past the fact that the MC isn't the most overpowered mofo out there/underdog that quickly circumvents the opposition type of character, you'll absolutely love this novel. The world building is fantastic, the side characters memorable, and despite tropes I'm familiar with, they're not too common in the novel world, which should come off as refreshing for the more casual reader of chinese/korean novels.

You're really not doing yourself a disservice by at least testing the waters a bit and reading a few chapters. I normally love me some power fantasy, but I stuck with tr*sh of the Count despite my inherent preference and I don't regret it. I'd also like to point out that whatever low-score reviews may depict (s*upid c*ck sucking reviewers putting spoilers without warnings), the whole "Deus Ex (insert person/event/etc here) " plays very little role in comparison to the MC's own machinations. <<less
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linnil rated it
November 8, 2018
Status: c61
I really like this story. It have dept and I like it. And all the side character always have their role on the main event.

If the side character not appear there it mean they appear on the main event in other place and will be told when they meet the MC again.

There is many foreshadowing and the MC only read the story (he transmigrate to) to volume 5. That mean after volume 5, there is a big surprise awaiting us. Even though the MC know some event there is still... more>> a minor surprise though.

Cale-nim (MC) is an unreliable narrator. And some reader probably not like this because they can not decipher him.

Please know that when he said he don't want trouble it means he did not hope to do his best as he don't like to set his hope high. But he will still do his best and if he just get something good, he can be happier than setting his hope high since the beginning.


--reference on chapter 23--

“Cale-nim, are you not going to make a wish?”

‘Is that what he wants to know?’

Cale just casually answered.

“I don’t do things like making wishes.”
“Why not?”
“It makes you have higher expectations.”

Choi Han, Hans, and even the kittens all turned to look at Cale. Cale looked at the rock towers like Choi Han had done, and slowly continued to speak.

“It’s so much easier to live without high expectations.”

It feels great if you scratch a lottery ticket hoping for $1 and end up winning $5, but if you scratch it hoping to win the grand prize and only end up with $5, you are bound to get annoyed.

Let me conclude MC personality, he is someone who want to be hero but lazy to hope for it so he told himself to wish for a peaceful life instead.
If you don't like good nature MC and want anti hero or lazy (acting) MC instead, don't read this novel. <<less
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YourKiller rated it
October 12, 2023
Status: v2c122
I was postponing reading this novel for a while thinking that it wouldn’t be translated properly or that it would be disappointing (I was lazy), but I was wrong and this is now one of my few reasons for life. This is by far the best novel I have ever read and if I could I would I would support the original author but I can’t since I have no money and I don’t know how to do it. It might start slow and look boring and cliche but please... more>> stick with it, it gets really interesting and wholesome after some time. I came from the manhwa so I wouldn’t know how slow it is, but the novel would have more details. Season 1 of the manhwa ends around chapter 67-68 in the novel. It took me 2 or so weeks to read the whole novel and those were the 2 best weeks of my life. I want to erase my memory of reading this novel so I can read it and fall in love with it again.


The story so far summarised from Cale pov:

- Oh no, I’m in another world, guess I’ll live my dream slacker life.

- Let’s adopt 3 small non human children.

- Oh no, in order to get a slacker life I need to stop the destruction of this world.

- I’m going to steal the main characters job.

- Let’s make an army of the most powerful characters.

- Okay, world saved, but what’s this? I need to save other wolds too because I involved myself too much and if I don’t this world will die? Okay then.

- I will save these worlds and become their hero and I don’t care because I won’t return there.

- I think I made a cult.


Cale x SlackerLife <<less
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