Transmigration with QQ Farm


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All she was doing was playing QQ Farm, how did she end up waking up somewhere foreign?

A straw house in the country side? No food at home? Dad was severely injured? Mom was weak? A bunch of siblings?

Eh? QQ Farm transmigrated with her? She could farm? She could raise farm animals?

What? All the chicken, ducks, and rabbits she raised in the dimension are spiritual animals?

Not only could QQ dimension level up, it could also collect all vicious animals in the world and turn her into the strongest summoner!

Merchants pounding on their door? Gentlemen visiting? Special guests showing up? The appearing of mysterious sect? Her folks’ family arriving?

All the troubles brought about by the spiritual animals!

Well, cross that bridge when we come to it. Fake it till you make it. Let’s see how Cheng Xiao Xiao utilize the dimension and have her fun in the foreign land!

Match maker at the door? Get out, couldn’t you see I got farms to plow?

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Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. chinese relaxing novels
  2. Face slapping so sweet I'm tipsy
  3. Couldn't Finish yet Reincarnation/Transmigration/R...
  4. Farming
  5. Transmigration/reincarnation (modern, ancient etc)

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37 Reviews sorted by

WirlWind rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: c48
I REALLY wanted to like this, since it scratches most of my itches when it comes to novels, but I really can't get into it with such s*upid characters. The father seems to have constant derp moments where his brain suddenly ceases to function, while her mother is described as basically being a noble lady, yet the next moment she's not witty, but she still speaks 'logic' to a bunch of peasants in the next moment. The characters just have way too many inconsistencies to feel believable.

I'm firmly convinced that,... more>> given their lack of self preservation skills, forethought and constant brain-dead moments, their enemies could have simply handed them a poison pill and told them it was candy. The whole family would have no doubt happily thanked them and swallowed the pills without another thought...

The parents and MC have the intelligence of a 5 year old; despite knowing that these animals and plants are 'mythical creatures' that the whole world will want to have (apparently they can make you healthy, restore fatigue and apparently increase lifespan...), they don't actually explain any of the dangers to their daughter and instead let her go to town and sell them, leading to half the town realizing that their family is hoarding a literal gold mine.

The father says "We shouldn't sell any more" and then a few chapters later, they sell a full cart-load of animals and vegies to a random innkeeper which, to no-one's surprise, leads enemies to their house to try and rob them.

The MC can also 'absorb' plants and animals into the space at will which leads to levelling up her farm space + allows her to grow them in a day or so, yet when she suddenly runs out of tea or various other things (aka herbs for her father), she completely forgets her convenient space until someone says something and she remembers "Oh yeah, I can just plant stuff!"

If I had to give an analogy, it's like this whole story was written by a 12 year old who has never left the house. One of the conversations in the later chapters was basically like this:

Mother: "You shouldn't tell others about your space"

MC: "Why not?"

Mum: "People are dangerous and greedy! They might try to harm you."

MC: "Fair enough. By the way, let's officially buy our farm land so people can't steal it back when we're rich!"

Mum: "Why?"

MC: "People are greedy, they might take back the land if we don't claim it! It technically still belongs to the village."

Mum: "What!? Would they really be that greedy!?"

Me: *Facepalm*

Long story short, only read it if you can handle being irritated overlook such bad writing. <<less
59 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
hawlol rated it
January 2, 2019
Status: c16 part1
The story is not that bad but there are too many red flags to keep following this.

Edit: They started releasing one chapter per day, so point 1 doesn't matter anymore. Yay!
First: Chapter lenght and release date. Chapters are short but are divided in parts, making them really really short. If it was divided only for the extra ads to help the translator website it would be fine, I have no problem clicking a little links to help them host their site, but it's actually released at 1 part per 2 days. You'll read 1/3 or 1/2 of a chapter every odd day. That's bad.

Second: Pacing. In these short 16 chaps nothing much happens. Apparently there are cultivation, magical beasts and fantasy in the world, but so far the story is about her feeding the family of five with things from the farm cheat. There are hints about her family being fallen from grace but most of it was going into the mountain to harvest herbs.

Third: Bad Cheat Development. The QQ farm was supposed to be the hook of the novel but it boringly easy to do anything with it. She can harvest 3 times a day, the farming/harvesting is automatic, animals grow in one day. The progression is ridiculously easy: Every extra thing she adds to the farm gains her 1 or more levels and more fields. She can capture hostile animals automaticaly without even fighting or subduing them. And the shop gives her anything she wants without any hassle.

Overall, this doesn't seem like a novel you should follow daily but maybe read in one sitting if it ever finishes.
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housyspecial rated it
December 22, 2018
Status: Completed
Transmigrated girl from modern times into fantasy cultivation world with cheat space.

Really all-rounded traits are targeted in this novel. Loving family, sticky/ powerful/ lovable male lead, family building, fast cultivation, helpful/ funny space spirit, world hopping, and antagonist female leads and others.

In the beginning, starts off with down to earth family struggles and love, then moves to rise of family power, then world hopping to a bigger continent, finally, male and female lead has a happy ending.

... more>> Some face slapping, can be quite hilarious sometimes.

It's a novel that leaves you in good spirits because there isn't much antsy scenes. A good read if you love a lot of character involvement, family importance, loyalty, and funny/ OP main character. <<less
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hastingsj rated it
March 24, 2020
Status: c340
the premise is so interesting, and the adventures themselves are fairly entertaining. the problems are in the substance... theres not a lot of it. the protag has a whole host of cheats that solve all problems and skips cultivating all together, auto-leveling up mutiple times in one brief sitting. theres no conflict that cant be imediately solved. it feels like its borrowing elements/characters from a lot of different novels of the same genre, but isnt really stringing them together in a cohesive way.

in the end, I made it over 300... more>> chapters in, but what really killed my enjoyment was the authors clear bias against their female characters (which is wild consitering the protagonist is female). If youre senitive to sexist microagressions this is not for you.

some examples:

1) MC gifts her male relatives fighting beasts like a flying giant python, an azure wolf, and a white tiger. Her female relatives get a tiny snake that acts like jewlery and is never important again, and a tiny monkey to play with.

2) vast majority of female side characters are petty shrewish women who get hit by their husbands for making them loose face after failing to plot against the MC.

3) none of the adult women are good at cultivation or take it seriously. they have to be coaxed to practice by their husbands.. when it can literally save your life, grant you magic abilities, and lets you live an extra 200+ yrs. All the adult cultivators & fighters are men.

4) when running into banits/mu*ders/rapists in the woods, the main character recrutes the surviving bandits while their female victims kill themselves over being r*ped. Since the MC has the power to grant powers, I would have liked to see that reversed and her first followers to be the victimized women rather than the good-at-heart-but-misunderstood men who mu*dered, r*ped, pillaged, and ATE PEOPLE. I dont care if they have tragic backstories.

5) as of ch 340 our newest baddie is, again, a rapist. I dont need s*xual assault pushed in my face to hate a character. I already hated him before I learned he was tourturing & assaulting his son's wife in his basement for years. Very unessisary character choices.

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November 27, 2018
Status: c8 part1
So far so good. If you like “BTFTLIAW” and “Village girl as family head” you will like this story. This novel seems like a mix of both of these books which is awesome.

The MC is a down to earth girl who gets transmigrated to an older time period in a poor family. Seeing her family life is not so good the MC finds that she has a farm in her conscious which will help them.

Looking forward to more chapters.
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honeybunny55 rated it
September 3, 2019
Status: v2c31
(For those confused as to how far I got, there's two parts: the free part of the story (which can be considered "volume 1") and then the paid half, which can be considered "volume 2" I suppose.)

I've read a good majority of this story. It scratches all my favorite itches, and while it isn't the worst story ever, it's one of those stories you just read when you have literally nothing else to do. It's also one of those stories where, if you stop, you're not likely to... more>> pick it up again unless you literally have nothing else to do. Kind of like where I'm at. I stopped reading and haven't picked up this book since, because it's not really something that comes to mind as the first thing you wanna read. In fact, I've been rereading old stories rather than continuing this lol.

The MC's golden finger is like way too strong. Seriously, ridiculously overpowered seeing all the things she can pop out of her space and how fast everything grows. It does take a lot more to level up the farm after it gets to a certain point, but she makes a deal to get rare and valuable crap to put into her space and does an auction of goods to get like spiritual stones I think? So she can keep upgrading her space and makes a tidy profit out of it.

Everybody is clamoring to get a piece of the pie like the entire story and it's kind of tiring to be frank.

It's also annoying how the mother, who is supposed to be a noble lady, who married her husband against the wishes of her parents and had her ties severed to her parents because of it, wants to force an old marriage contract on the MC. Furthermore, the family of the old marriage contract did literally NOTHING to help them when they were chased out of the city. So why does she think they'll be even remotely good to her daughter?

For a woman who is supposed to be a noble lady, she's pretty s*upid. I think that was the most infuriating part, next to the annoying flies who came around threatening them just cus they thought they could bully them into giving them their land. The mom eventually stops after a while, but it was like 20 chapters of that BS or something. So long drawn out and so pointless and illogical.

Anyways, not a great story, not horrible either, can't judge the ending though as I haven't read it. The romance is okay? I guess? Not very logical either but it's not bad. The ML isn't one of those cold black bellied dudes, he's actually kind of a doofus and I kind of appreciate that since it's a bit different compared to most stories that follow this story line. There was one minor misunderstanding between them regarding their romance, but it was resolved rather quickly. The minor misunderstanding was s*upid tho imo, too forced and just... s*upid. Really s*upid. Even if it was quickly resolved, it just honestly shouldn't have even been an issue to begin with. Guess the author thought their romance didn't have enough drama and had to forcefully shove some in? Not sure, but it was dumb.

Anyways not terrible, but not great either. <<less
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GingerMessiah rated it
March 20, 2019
Status: v70
It's a decent read. The heroine is not a ruthless killer and it is understandable why she quickly grew close to her "adopted" family. Feminine sentiment and something like family you have never had makes women soft.

But there are a lot of contradiction as in how she dislike her maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather. When given the circumstances and situation you would expect her to be forgiving.

If we consider how tolerant she was towards her greedy cousins and outsiders. You would expect better from her.

The choice of male lead is... more>> ridiculous. I understand she doesn't like the "Boy Next Door" because he was cowardly but he was resolute in his love for her and was willing just to be by her side and protect her. He was just going to be a martial brother and not get in her way.

A "Second Generation" intelligent and handsome man who is good with doing business was also rejected. He didn't really do anything to make himself disgusted for her.

Oh then here comes along the male lead Mo Xuanzun. Very handsome, an idiot who talks to his soul beast crane about life. Acts like a buffoon when he rescued Cheng Hao. Oh she's injured we have to save a person and give her a medicine. She doesn't wake up. Maybe I will kiss her like in the story and she will wake up. Oh she hits me after I saved her. I Mo Xuanzun a diviner will find out who she is! Oh I can't divine her. I must be fated to be together with her!

Mo Xuanzun is annoying and chasing Cheng Hao. But apparently she likes him because of that. Utter rubbish. The guy was domineering and told the Home Boy and Second Generation to get lost. He even treats Cheng Hao's things like it is his.

With regards to the farm setting, not much explanation and the original idea of the farm started to lose its charm. The rescued Maternal Grandmother was suddenly someone who knows everything and somehow suppose to be all powerful but fell in love with Cheng Hao's grandfather who is much weaker than her. In the end still doesn't forgive him. When you had a child even though forced by another man and not tell me in the last 40 years. Even I would get mad. Very confusing timeline in that arc with regards to Cheng Family's history.

The number of chapters in the novel is incorrect due to later being put into volumes. <<less
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friendly9 rated it
August 4, 2019
Status: --
I like this novel being able to grow food & farm animals in a personal space would be the ideal solution to the situation I have currently. I live in a bad environment where thieves abound and I am unable to build a proper fence (concrete wall would be best) due to various problems partly being financial. I love gardening, but have been reduced to limit it to the minimum. Even with wall it will only reduce thieves, not eliminate them completely.

I would like to be self sufficient in growing... more>> my own food and I think a lot of people would like that. <<less
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ShyGuacamole rated it
March 13, 2019
Status: c35 part1
This novel is really satisfying. I like reading about people collecting stuff plus the family is really cute. I'm at chapter 35 and the male lead hasn't shown up but the pace is just right for me. Also, the updates are consistent (of course there is never enough〜 ( ̄△ ̄〜)) Overall I'm really craving sweet dumplings.
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Aeryfairy rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: c480
So similarly to other reviewers, I dropped this book for the following reasons:

    • The main character is supposed to be an adult female from the future, yet her decisions are that of a child. The things she does is completely morally and ethically questionable and as someone from the current time period, she should know better. Examples

      she wants to brainwash people to that they're loyal to her. She decides to beat people up, when she cannot win an argument, she steals and thinks it's ok, she has a friend who is interested in her uncle, she states that if he doesn't like her friend, she will simply throw them both into her dimensional space and force them into a contract with arch other. I cannot accept the way in which the character is written.

    • Spoiler

      the supporting characters in her family are all really naive and quite simple-minded. It's like dealing with little children. I can't credibly accept them as adults

    • Spoiler

      the amount of ridiculousness from the villains is simply perplexing. It doesn't make sense. The repetition of that face slapping, is tedious and boring.

The translation:

    • the links don't work for at least 50% of the novel.
    • a lot of spelling and grammatical errors but readable.
    • constant changing of terminology and sometimes even characters, which are glaringly obvious errors.
    • i am all for translators making money for their hard work, hell, I know how long it takes to translate novels but I am beyond astounded at how this translator has dissected the chapters and has tried to sell it to readers. To call them chapters is a joke. It's a paragraph sold as a chapter. It started out being ok but they get shorter and shorter until you're simply clicking next page. If I was a paying customer, I would not be happy. I get it, if you don't like it then don't read it, which is what I see most people have done.
3 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
December 22, 2020
Status: Completed
TLDR: It's an OP Mary Sue but done pretty well. 4 stars.

Overall it's a fun fast read about a protagonist that starts out overpowered but in bad circumstances, faceslaps people that wrong her and gets even more overpowered as time goes on.

The translation is okay but there are frequent issues in word choice, grammar and consistency in translation, that are very noticeable.

There are a few plot annoyances

... more>>

This novel is all about the face slapping so when, the MC randomly doesn't it gets very annoying. There's 2 big examples that just take you out of the immersion and enjoyment.

1st her maternal grandparents. The grandmother and grandfather first contribute to her family's hardship, . Then when the family is homeless and forced into the countryside do absolutely nothing to help. Then they help MC's aunt's family after the aunt's family tries to rob them. After that treatment she still helps them out twice without even getting so much as an apology from them.

Second is her paternal grandmother's family. They crippled the grandmother, tossed her into exile, crippled the grand uncle, stole his position in the family, robbed her grandmother's side of the family and pretty much treated them like sh*t for 40 years, . Her response is to let it slide.

Both of these looked like the author was trying to develop them into something of interest but failed and just left them dangling.

The same goes for the ending. The author introduces a mysterious new character, starts up a plotline and then fishes with nothing

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Gabi94 rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: c163
Edit 1 chapter 163 - So, it is a silly history as predicted. You'll have to put with some ridiculous explanations for some of the MC's choices. That common attitude within the writers " I said that is resonable, so it is, deal with it"

... more>>

Like MC wanting to brainwash innocents to serve her, because she can't trust "outsiders".


She refuses to kill (so far) but s*avery is ok. Not in the normal way (for these novels) " I can't do anything about s*avery but I still hate it... NOOO, she even go as far as s*ave others herself. I'm dropping this at this point,


she really experimented with two kids to make them s*aves. But sure, she called this "making them loyal", even tho they never will have a choice again... If you think that it is just a case of buying a servant (wich is already bad but we can forgive because of the ancient times) but no. SHE KNOWING that whoever enters her dimension (until this point were only beasts.) becomes blindly loyal and brainwashed, she still took two people, with the intention of making them eternally loyal to her. Two villains you think ? Or at least some bad people... NO. TWO KIDS. who, by the way, had already sworn allegiance to her, but she could not believe them, so she did that, despite not knowing if she could really bring people there, and if there would be bad side effects for the poor children


(ノⒾ̀ 益 ́Ⓘ) ノ

I think the author is just didn't realized the implications, still, I lost the little faith I had in this novel. So that's it. Here I go again trying to find a c-novel where r*pe, s*avery and other awfull things aren't the "heroes" ideia...

------------------------------------------ <<less
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Data rated it
March 11, 2020
Status: c334
Very similar to bringing a farm to another world.


The romance is shallow. Male lead basically sexually harasses (kisses the female protag while she's unconscious) the female protag and they basically fall right in love after that. There was no development leading up to it.

Male lead is some extremely powerful even though it was stated that its nearly impossible to reach his level since there's restrictions

Translation can be confusing because on one paragraph someone is king level and in another they somehow are emperor without any cultivation.

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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
June 22, 2019
Status: c68
I finished book 1, and I have to say I am pleasurably surprised. From the synopsis this reads like a very cheap novel, but it is well thought out and fun to read. Of course there are hiccups and parts that make you go mad from s*upidity of everyone involved, but in comparison to other novels of the same genre this is high-end cost. It just feels nice to read about a MC that actually has a family.

I definitely recommend this if you want to read a transmigration novel that... more>> has a fresh spin, plays with bad clichés and has a pace that is not too slow nor too fast. <<less
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joellyanne rated it
April 21, 2019
Status: Completed
Love it!!!! Definitely belong to the top of my favorites. It has everything that I love: comedy, love story, fantasy, with some realistic villainous characters, loveable characters etc. Plus the fact that it is a cultivating world, with some OP power ups and so on. Another thing I like about this novel is the fact that it every part does not drag on and on and you do not have to wait forever to have satisfying conclusions. It is fun and a very satisfying read and recommended to everyone
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duranathos1962 rated it
April 14, 2019
Status: c51.1
This is a partial review for now.

The chapters are easy to understand.

But how it was translated too short for me. It has part 1 and 2 per chapter that's why its too shor per part.

... more>> Updated chapters everyday and the story is not too short and not too long.

It's quiet different from the other story that I read.

Normally, the MC will try to hide the fact that she has a great treasure to others to make her safe.

But here, it's okay for her to let others know what she have.

She's quite care free in her actions. But I guess because she believes the power of her ability.

Her farm will solve her all problems. Haven't experience ny suffering after gaining an ability.

About the link per part, per chapter to proceed for the next one, I find it really difficult bevause there's no PREVIOUS CHAPTER and NEXT CHAPTER.

it's quiet troubling for me.

But Anywyas it did catch my attention. So I still like it. <<less
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OfficePony rated it
March 13, 2019
Status: c33 part2
It's okay, not great, not bad, just okay. The writing is fairly standard, say a thing, do the thing, character reaps benefits, or say a thing, be opposed by someone saying a different thing, face slapping ensues, the main character reaps benefits. Honestly, the same plotline with different plot devices have been done quite a few times in other Chinese novels with very little variation in the contents of the arguments and very little inspiration, if any, in the way it plays out. It's not badly done by any means,... more>> it's decent. It's not great by any means either, it's not different enough to stand out from the other carbon copies as anything other than a xerox copy with different names and slightly different powers. <<less
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Demonic Reader lv 451F
Demonic Reader lv 451F rated it
December 5, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel has three parts. The first, which the MC was transmigrated to the other reality, deserved 3 stars since it's as generic and normal as other hundreds of transmigrating novel.

The second part barely got 0 star. It began when MC started cultivating. It was almost same as other poorly written junibiao generic xianxia novels. By then, the system just remembered that it had the duty of transforming the MC into Mary Sue. But it errorly brought only MC soul, not her brain nor intelligent. So the MC had to... more>> cultivating as imbicile, thinking as moron, always acted idiotly.

Luckily for the MC. All of author's brain had been turned into water, else she would already dead at least 3, 000 times from her 250 idiot actions. She was saved by infinite plot holes the author threw in.

The 3rd part, which started the MC was in cultivation world. No more QQ farm, plant veggie, animal, nor Earth. Now she was fulltime brainless Mary Sue. As her creator (aka writer) 's IQ dropped to the bottommof the sea, reader should not expect anything other than -2 stars novel plot.

That's all folk. <<less
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Crayon rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: --
I don't know how to rate this novel. I don't think I hate or love this. I mean, the plot is kinda okay but MC and her family.... hmm.. I don't kinda like them. They're appeared to be so righteousness, which I find kinda hypocritical. And the villains, the author seems to force them too much making them the antagonist. MC's whole family are kinda a bit off for me... Aiiii~

The male lead... Hmm, he's okay but not my favorite male lead.

This novel gave me a strange vibes.

I don't know... more>> why I'm still reading this now. Anyway.......... <<less
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Dutchess411 rated it
June 10, 2020
Status: Completed
That's the last chapter uploaded and it's a cliffhanger. The author introduced a strong character who met the main characters for the first time after their 1 month honeymoon. The author didn't give any details except to allude to this old man's terrifying strength. So the reader will be left with questions with the main one as: "SO WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?" The story appears to have a continuation but no other chapter was posted after. So, why would this old man appear? Why would he know of the skills and... more>> techniques of Cheng Xiaoxiao and Xiao YuTeng? What happened to all of them? What happened to the 3 couples in the space? So I'm not really satisfied with this. It was interesting but it failed in the end. If by any chance that someone knows it next book or it's continuation, please do post the link even if it's raw.

It started off great but the ending was let off just like that.👿🤬 <<less
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