Transmigrated as the Villain’s Cat


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The Great God of Book Transmigration: “Transmigrate over, and you can sit on a mountain of gold and silver, and become an existence only surpassed by one person in the entire world.”

Not a bad deal! Su Zening happily agreed to transmigrate!

As a result——

Su Zening successfully transmigrated into the big world-shaking villain of the book, Fu Xiao…’s most important treasured… cat.

Cat Su Zening got to eat the top Italian blue lobster airlifted in that morning. Laying in the comfortable arms of a maid, he flipped himself over and sneered in his heart: “Why would I ever have believed that devious old man!”

After many trials and hardships, Su Zening was finally able to transform into a human. But thanks to a freak accident, he now became Fu Xiao’s newest lackey.

Every day, he had no choice but to transform back and forth, switching between useless flunkey and the Fu family’s tiny overlord.

As a result, in the company:

All the other subordinates looked at the newbie Su Zening: “If you mess up our business, the big boss will make you into a concrete pillar and send you sinking to the bottom of the sea.”

Su Zening: !!!

The big villain coldly looked over this clueless new lackey: “Useless tr*sh, if you can’t handle the next task properly, then never show your face in front of me ever again.”

Su Zening sobbed: “I, I, I won’t mess up ever again. I don’t want to be turned into a concrete pillar!”

Big villain: …..

After rebuking this lackey, the big villain went home.

As soon as he opened the door, the cat, Su Zening fell from the sky and used his cold and noble bu*t to sit on the big villain’s face. He expressionlessly stomped on this face with his paws: That’s what you get for being mean to me, that’s what you get for scolding me!

The big villain was gentle and helpless: “O great one, lighten your stomps, don’t hurt your paws.”

Associated Names
One entry per line
Related Series
The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration] (4)
He Woke Up And Became The Actor’s Cat (2)
The Zombie Emperor’s Domesticated Cat (2)
Reborn into a Hamster for 233 Days (2)
A Cat with a Red Envelope Group (1)
Reborn as the Villain President’s Cat & Dog (1)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Cats Here And There.
  2. Supernatural Goldmine
  3. no longer human
  4. Fav Rereads
  5. Animais/seres misticos Fofos MC

Latest Release

Date Group Release
03/04/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c2
03/02/22 Chrysanthemum Garden c1
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43 Reviews

May 02, 2022
Status: Completed
TOO PRECIOUS!!!! MC in his cat form is so silly and cute!!!!!!!!! Oh man I feel so sorry for ML who had to go through so much abuse in childhood, and would have to continue suffering in adulthood in the novel. But because he meets MC, his terrible fate was changed 🙏🙏

... more>>

I'm a little confused near the ending tho, I thought MC died???? But apparently he only thought he died and he just went missing because he reunited with his family in this world, when the progress bar reached 100%. But how come his parents didn't question why MC, a very ill patient, just disappeared and reappeared elsewhere all healthy???? There was no cure to his illness yet.

Also, the one alternate world what-if, where a recovering-from-illness-MC met a wheelchair-bound ML was so heartbreaking and yet hopeful at the same time. My heart bleeds for the ML who suffered through everything bad that happened to him in the novel, without MC by his side. But I'm so happy that in the end, the broken ML finally met the MC and would start having his heart healed.


Snippet of MTL of chapter 111 alternate world what-if:


An adult man has a wheelchair, and the weight is not light. Su Zening still struggled to push the wheelchair to the park path before releasing it. Su Zening hesitated, but turned and left.

After all, they were just passersby who met by chance. It's just that they have passed by on the lake for several months, not to mention that men don't like to pay attention to him.

Their fate probably ends here.

Su Zening didn't know why his heart was a little sad, he took a few steps and couldn't help but turn around, while the man sat there quietly, not moving, looking at him alone.

The two looked at each other.

The man's body is terrifyingly thin, and the whole person is like a walking corpse.


He shouldn't be like this!

Su Zening couldn't help but pursed his lips. He didn't know why, but he always felt that there should be light in a man's eyes. He should be a star in the sky, born to be watched by everyone.

It shouldn't be so silent.

What happened to him? What about the people around him who take care of him?

For some reason, the softest part of his heart seemed to be touched, and Su Zening couldn't help but wet his eyes with tears.

Feeling the coolness in the corner of his eyes, Su Zening was stunned for a moment——

what happened to him?

Obviously should leave.

But Su Zening was stunned, and trot back. He squatted in front of the man and looked into his eyes for a while. There seemed to be countless words in his heart, but when he opened his mouth, he was speechless and couldn't say anything.

Yes, what can be said?

They are just strangers.

He was silent for a while, and finally, frustrated, took out the apple from his pocket, put it in the man's palm and said dryly, "It's delicious, you can try it."

The man did not speak.

Su Zening thought to himself that men would definitely think he was a lunatic.

He turned around and prepared to leave, silently making up his mind that he would never run on this road again, he couldn't afford to lose that person!

However, he didn't take a few steps.

A hoarse voice came from behind him, like someone who hadn't spoken for a long time, the voice was terrifyingly difficult.

The man said-

"My name is Fu Xiao."

The trajectories of fate finally meet again at this moment.

24 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 15, 2022
Status: c5
Now, I know this novel ('s translation) just started, but I really really enjoy it so far! I love the premise and I love how it started. It makes me super interested in how it'll turn out!!

So basically, Su Zening (our MC) was super ill in his last life. He couldn't go outside or it would kill him, was always in the hospital and with doctors etc. He did have loving parents who cared for him though, so at least something? Poor bby tho : (Anyways, after he dies... more>> at 19 yo, a whitebearded old dude comes and gives him a deal: If MC agrees to go to his (the old dude's) world and does *certain things* to prevent it from collapsing, he can live free and in luxury (just like the summary said) !!!

Then we have Fu Xiao, our villain and ML! So, Fu Xiao has a tragic past (as every villain does : (), go ahead and read the details yourself~ But basically he was the one who made the world collapse in the first place, that's why the owner of the world (the old dude) had to get MC for help. They really messed this bby up too smh...

Anyways, MC transmifrated into a white little kitty and is right away given to ML by his (ML's) grandpa (not the maternal ass one) for safekeeping. ML takes him home and the story starts!

As for what's MC's mission... he basically needs to get his and ML's "intimacy/affection meter" up as much as he can, and change ML's fate (that he really didn't deserve... : ()

Oh also there are the "original protagonists"... We met the "female protagonist" already, she's annoying already lmao- I mean to be fair she doesn't seem THAT bad yet but it's only 5 chapters at the moment so yeah... And as for the "male protagonist", we haven't met him yet, all we know of him is that he's ML's half brother and a gentle happy sunshine guy ig.

That's it! I have only read these 5 chapters and I might update the review once it's over!

Thank you for the translation/editing etc! Chrysanthemum Garden never disappoints uwu~ <<less
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Apr 03, 2022
Status: c112
It's a great slice of life novel. Idk why the rating is so low.

The characters are amazing and unique. There was almost nothing to nit pick. I really loved the ML and MC dynamic. Their love felt so pure and paced. There were no surprises. Everything was step by step and it didn't feel out of place. I usually like to write a few spoilers in my review. But this was such a healing novel. I want you all to read it and understand it's beauty.

The ml's family was the... more>> absolute worst. I mean wow! Their was no one who was nice.

It made me think that people say, 'you are not an angel'

And another would reply, 'angels only reside in heaven not hell. You need to create a heaven for an angel to live in'

But I truly felt ML was an angel. He was so kind hearted and strong person. Only he persevered in the hell of hypocrites.

I even loved one line where ML's secretary says to mL's brother (Original protagonist). - "It is true that you are kind hearted but your kindness is like a paper. White and fragile"

There are many kind hearted people in the world who never felt the world was cruel so they were never cruel. It is those who live in darkness and still maintain their kindness are the one's who are truly kind.

It was really this one sentence that clearly emphasized my feelings for ml. It gave such a justice to his character.

And of course ours truly, MC. He was such an angel. Kind, gentle, naive, cunning and adorbs baby. He was a scene stealer. Yes Naive and cunning!

Usually it was the plot convenience. But I was so grateful for MC to come in mL's life. He deserves all of the love our MC showers him with. They both truly match each other. I loved them from beginning till the end. There was really no scene or act that I didn't like about them. I loved them so unconditionally.

And hated every one of his (ml's) family as much. Except the bro and his grandpa. I didn't like them but they felt a little justifiable. I wouldn't hate them but since I stand behind ml, I wouldn't like them either.

The last plot twist was amazing. I won't reveal it. But another star to ML's awesomeness. I mean I fell in love with him again and again after that.


Our MC adorably says he'll earn enough for both of them to be fed. Not knowing ML is a boss of another hidden company which is way too successful than the Fus and Songs. Lol! I wonder if he ever clarified


Special mention to all the stray cats and their superb gang. I love you babies so so much. I want an adorable cat like MC Or I'll settle for any one of them. I finally want to say that when you read this novel, keep and open mind. There might be plot holes or plot armours Or conveniences. But you'll never feel it not to happen. Coz you love our couple and characters so much that you wish they would get everything good in the world.

I fell in love with almost all the characters, who were well fleshed out. They even made me hate the villains who barely came in the novel.

I felt what goes around comes around. There were many times I had to catch a breath coz I just wanted to jump in and hit these pig headed fools who kept disturbing our ml's life. Leave it to our MC to turn into a cat in shining armor and scratch the daylights out of them. Really thank you MC for existing and loving our ml.


If the ml's grandpa song didn't abuse him and kept him in the dark closet. ML would definitely have saved him. But he abused ml. ML was almost unconscious and couldn't do anything to save him. As for the grandfather, he died in a heart attack unable to take his medications painfully. I do feel that death was too easy on him. I wish he would have suffered more. But wahh! I feel bad for feeling This way. This is just me trying to get justice for our ml.


Give it a try, It's a slice of life novel. There is a lot of filler with actual plot moving here and there.

Well you won't be bored for one coz every chap has a cute fluff with many fluffy cats in it <<less
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Mar 20, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a good read! MC and ML interaction is so cute!! The fluff isn't boring at all and is really adorable. Also, the drama among the cats are very entertaining and very adorable, especially how MC interacts with these cats. The faceslap at the end is pretty satisfying, the twist is actually surprising, but not really unexpected. The other characters are also pretty interesting, but are still a little flat.... more>>

In addition, that MC wasn't actually transmigrated to other world, but instead is in his original world but in different place, is quite interesting. Now ML can actually has a family


Su Zening (our MC) is a pretty naive and adorable kid because his illness caused him to have to be isolated. Although he is naive, he is not soft tempered, he is determined and isn't afraid to take actions to make sure Fu Xiao's fate will not follow the original path. Also, he genuinely wish for FX to be happy from the start.

Fu Xiao (our ML) has the "ice berg" CEO persona. His reputation is really bad and he was known to be a ruthless character, but he is in fact have a kind heart even before meeting our MC. I really wish he could be happy, even in the original timeline.

Next, let's talk about the OG!FL (Feng Jiaming) and OG!MC (Fu Wei, ML's younger brother).

FJM is a very slappable villaines, but with unique flavor. Unlike the usual villains/cannon fodders who act knowingly under the name of their personal interest, FJM is a very hypocritical and delusional character who thinks she is in the right and others (FX) are evil/bad. I would say she is a social justice warrior wannabe with inner karen energy who likes to put herself on the moral high ground. Her holier-than-thou attitude towards FX really made me grits my teeth. She is in fact a greedy, arrogant person who thinks she is special and doesn't want any hardships.

Her inner monologue keep saying that she stays with FX out of pity while you can observe her actions that she was staying for FX's power and resources. She thinks it is a god-given that XingChen (the company FX manages) accomodates and pave the way for her and convinces herself that Fu Xiao likes her, WHILE STILL KEEP LABELING FX "BAD/EVIL, LOOKED DOWN ON HER" (biting the hand that fed, gave her resources, pull her family from whatever crisis they were having, the *audacity* of this woman).

But surprise Fu Xiao seems to help her because he owed her mother. But this point isn't really elaborated on what kind of grace has her mother given him that he was willing to put up TEN YEARS of FJM leaching off him. This is one of the plot holes in the story.

Also, apparently she specifically orders her assistant that her water must be at temp 25 C


As for FW, he isn't exactly evil. He is just an ignorant naive s*upid kid, one that can hurt people especially if he believes the wrong person. Now, the so called villains. In this story, ALL elders of the family (except MC's family) are problematic or abusive that them breathing would be an insult to the trees producing the oxygen they inhaled. The innocent ones here are only MC and ML (and arguably Fu Wei). I can say that they are the real villains instead of the original main characters. The elders in the main story:

  • Song Mingwei (ML's mom)
    • She is an abusive mom who had thrown chinaware, poured boiling water, etc. Onto ML until ML was 10 (he was then brought to Fu's house). She doesn't deserve to be called a mother. What happened to her marriage and what the Fus had done to her is despicable, but unleashing her anger to ML was even more despicable. That she can even plot to kill her own son while pretending to "repent" by citing she was schizophrenic is downright chilling. 1000/10 rotting in hell.
  • Grandpa Song
    • He is an enabler, accomplice, and also take part himself in SMW's abuse to ML. Sure they have been cheated by the Fus, but lord have mercy, was ML also not his own grandson? Thankfully he died early, but I don't think he suffers enough for what he had done to ML.
  • Grandma Song
    • Personally, I hate her. She had known that both her husband and daughter were abusing FX, she had "sheltered" him, but she never took him away. And dear God, her words to FX in her first appearance just made me unable to have any good impression of her. She was saying "your mom wouldn't have beaten you if she wasn't schizophrenic" and God, that was like taking a knife and reopen every single wounds that had healed, rubbed salt on them, and forced one to forgive. If I was FX I would be absolutely *LIVID*.
  • Fu Yunxi (ML's dad) (+ FW's mom)
    • He is a slag man. Incompetent, irresponsible, s*upid, slag man. Nothing this man do can be justified. Nothing. He and Grandpa Fu are the root cause of everything.
    • FW's mom wasn't exactly described in the text, just mentioned. But we can see that from the fact that she had kept the relationship even after knowing he had gotten married, we can see that she was also not a person of good character.
  • President Kong
    • He is in fact FW's maternal grandpa, his mother was apparently lost and president Kong had been searching for her endlessly only to end up with the news that she was dead. Honestly, he isn't the worse villain here. He was just trying to avenge his lost daughter and try to elevate his grandson, though his actions are unjustifyable.
  • Grandpa Fu
    • This wrinkly sausage is actually the root cause of all of this mess. He hides his despicable nature with smiles and amiable appearance but once I learnt what he had done I was immediately disgusted (Not that I haven't felt iffy from the start where he urges FX to meet his parents). Basically, he is a bastard who can use anyone as a chip for his interest and the very root cause of FX suffering and is largely responsible for it. And honestly, although it wasn't elaborated in the novel, I doubt he doesn't know how FX was abused in the Song's since the beginning.

The plot is pretty solid and is fluffy without causing boredom. The side characters are likeable, especially the cats. Overall, 11/10 would recommend. My personal comments about this novel:

    • How exactly the Su recognize SZN as their dead son isn't explained, they just suddenly able to accept that their dead son suddenly appeared out of nowhere with a stranger? The author also seemed to have forgotten SZN have a younger sister in the extras. But all of those can be overlooked.
    • Also, I am very dissatisfied that ML's rumors about him killing grandpa song and that he was abused have never been clarified. No one, not even the proclaimed guilty grandma song had ever clarified the rumors about it to Nanny Liu (SMW' s childhood nanny) or the lawyer or to anyone. He just kept the pot and only said some words while letting them badmouth FX. I can feel that they are trying to save their faces even when the victim has to carry the pot
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May 12, 2022
Status: Completed
It's sweet, fluffy and also has some angst.. ML's families from both his mom and dad's sides are inhumane af.. Kudos to ML for still being able to keep his sanity..

MC is cute, interesting and strong.. He transmigrated in a novel as the villain ML's cat with the mission of changing ML's fate.. Romance development is also slow and natural..

... more>>

But somehow the storyline is in MC's real world.. He even met his parents again..

At the beginning, it was said that MC had black eyes.. After becoming a cat he possessed blue eyes.. But his parents didn'teven mention it after they found him !!! Don't know what happened..


The original protagonists of the story are just meh !!! One of them was ML's stepbrother who was a pushover.. And another one was ML's so rumored beau, who was just a gold digger b*tch.. She was taken out of the picture quite soon.. Good riddance !!!

One thing that is quite common in Shounen Ai / Yaoi stories is that many characters close to the protagonists always turn out to be homosexual, which most of the times seem very forced..

There was also another vague side couple, but it seemed that only one of them had an unrequited crush, and the other, MC's male god actor, didn't reciprocate it.. And there was no mention about it later either..


Here the cats are gay, not the humans.. Lol.. It's like the cats have filled in the blanks..


Anyway, ending is alright.. It was fun reading it.. <<less
6 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 29, 2022
Status: Dropped
Dropped at chapter 60

I don't think this is bad but I couldn't get myself to really like it. The premise of the story is not too complicated with a cat and villain developing relationship and slowly introducing the human and human relationship.

I think the reason I couldn't get around to liking this novel is the MC (cat). To be honest I don't think his writing is that flawed and the author did a good job in writing him, maybe, I've never been sick in bed for a lifetime nor possessed... more>> the ability to transform into a cat and


. I think the problem lies in me just not liking the MC's character. I don't like how irresponsible MC is when he's both a cat and human, however this is understandable as he's never lived a life where he needed to be responsible. It could also be seen as endearing..? In addition by chapter 60 I don't see any sparks flying. I feel as though the ML sees MC as an anchor or something to cherish and be cherished by, not a lover. Perhaps they have more chemistry further in the story but I just didn't feel the love. The MC also kind of seems like a Mary Sue but in kind of a bad way. I can ignore the superpowers because it's part of the story but things like his extraordinary musical talent and capabilities in completing office work seems sort of cheat-like? Musical talent can sort of be explained by his genes from his musically genius parents but if that was the case I wish it was more present.

Like, imagine you're a sickly patient who cannot even hug someone without the other person being completely sanitized. You are very lonely and you only have your parents and music. It can be considered normal to see music as your only direction in life, seeing it as something you need present or you'll feel incomplete. That's how I feel about novels in a life where I lack strong passion towards anything else. Maybe this is me projecting but I feel as though it would be more believable (and likable in my case) if he had a greater dependency on music. Maybe this may stray away from the plot but I feel like it's worth it. It builds the MC's character in greater depth and gives food for thought when comparing the MC and ML's tragedy and obsession. The duality and the way they both cope seems to be very different.

Just for example, ML's obsession is being loved and is greedy for any and all of it and projects this onto original FL. He forces himself onto her and ultimately self sabotages himself to death. (This is the reason I put a spoiler but not sure if it's necessary looking back haha) In the case of MC, he isn't really mentally ill like ML but if he was with music I feel as though if he was he'd be something like a hoarder. I draw this conclusion from how he hides small dried fish around the house. He seems to collect little bits and pieces of what he's obsessed with instead of trying to take the whole package. For example, hiding his whole lunch instead. I can see how you may think this isn't a fair comparison so to apply MC's coping method to ML's situation (ie collecting little bits instead of whole package) sleeping around. Collecting mistresses. Become a man sl*t. It's very momentary affection, but any amount of affection is still affection.

I really like thinking things through like this but the information this novel gives me, or lack thereof, isn't enough and I can only make baseless conjectures. Sorry for the long rant haha, I want to also add more about his singing talent but I shall reserve those words for another time.

There's other things too such as how he's universally loved by all humans?? I know cats are adorable but I'm personally a dog person (still, I find cats cute so I'm not using this as grounds to continue my critique) in addition there are people allergic to cats. The only instance in which MC wasn't loved when he showed hostility first or when the other person was a psychopath. Maybe you can name others but the biggest one was most definitely the weibo account. Promotion is one thing (from the cousin and other businessmen following bcuz of ML) but still, he shouldn't immediately be recognized and be gifted bucketloads to gifts in the form of toys and food. Sorry for another long rant, this novel is just super specific and it's the little things that annoy me..

ML was alright, nothing really to write home about. He's not a horrible person but not an Angel either. I wouldn't say he's unnoteworthy but as of writing this I can't think of any particular aspect to point out.

I really liked the premise but I feel like the characters themselves were far less loveable in my eyes. Again, it's a lot of super specific things and character details that made me drop this and give a mediocre rating so if you think this is up your alley, give it a shot. The other reviewers seem to have nicer things to say so please refer to them for rainbow farts. <<less
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Aug 26, 2022
Status: Completed
Personally I quite like the novel. One of the better animal transmitters I've read. This one puts more emphasis on his animal form while most Animal based stories barely focus on their animal side when they unlock their human form. I can really only think about one other novel that focused more on the animal side.

Other than that there's nothing groundbreaking about this novel. All of the characters are just a bunch of clichés in a well-rounded story. THe ML is the cold, overbearing CEO with a soft side that... more>> very few know about, the MC is the innocent, energetic, sunshine that EVERY loves, then you have the side characters, whose main goal is to fawn over the cute MC. The story is a life of life type novel and there's no real challenge that the MC has to overcome (except weight gain). He's basically a Gary Sue who has no issue in life and is extremely dedicated to the Ml, who is also very dedicated to the MC.

The side characters also have little to no substance to them. The secretary is just two-faced, the butler and maids life to give the MC food, the OGFL is a stereotypical FL in a gay light novel whose personality was made with the goal for you to not like her, and the OGMC is just a naive kid who had a good childhood, ML cousin whose only there to talk about kitty MC. There are other characters but they also have no real substance to them and aren't worth mentioning.

2) my only other grievance with the novel was how much they d*ck rode the Ml. There were times when I truly felt the novel wanted me to gift the ML with a noble peace prize for being abused as a child. The novel had the habit of randomly bringing up his abuse at times, times that really had no business being brought up. Don't get me wrong, no matter what age abuse happens it sticks with the person, especially during childhood when a child is finding themselves. However, at times (and this might just be how I saw it) it felt as if the novel was glorifying that he got abused as a child. Not in a "omg he got abused as a child, so sexy" kind of way but in an "unlike you who got everything handed to them as a child, ML was abused, yeah, and he didn't let that stop him no sir! He rose to the occasion and became the president of the Fu company, and he's also super smart!!!" or "How dare you be happy and kind towards others, ML got abused as a child and he had to learn how evil the world was when he was a CHILD, honestly, you will never be as good as the ml, " There aren't many times this happened but the times is did was weird. This directly ties in with his brother, who is the foil of the ML. To be honest, I don't have any feelings for the brother. He didn't have enough scenes for me to care for him, and the scenes he is in are so short he's barely there. However, it's so weird how they keep being pitted against each other whenever they're in the same room. And it was always about how the ML was abused as a kid and the OGMC wasn't. Whenever the brother is around it really feels as if they are looking down on him for having a happy childhood. Keep calling him Naïve, and trusting just because he had a happy childhood, compared to the ML who was abused as a kid and had to realize the world quicker than him. It felt extremely weird that THAT was what was always being compared to them. Like why do I need to look down on this guy because he had a decent childhood? This could just be me overthinking the novel and getting things mixed up but I'll still put this here. Overall, I enjoyed the novel and had no real problems with it. It's decent but nothing special about it. <<less
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Shimozuki Yue
Shimozuki Yu
Jun 26, 2022
Status: --
Because this doesn't have a trend, I just came him to rant about the villains, especially the main villain.

... more>>

You fvkng old fossils and old hags, why da fvk do you keep targeting ML???!!! Wtf if you are so great, go face the real culprits!

Who force the marriage? Who calculated the song family? Isn't it grandpa Fu?! Then fvkng find grandpa song to settle account!

As for that great villain! Who looked down on your daughter? Isn't it grandpa Fu?! Who fvkng made her a mistress then also cheat on her and left? Isn't it the fvkng two timer scumbag Father Fu?! Why aren't you plotting on father Fu? And instead use him and his third wife as a chess piece? Dude this fvkng guy is the one that supposed to be the main target! Not just some piece! He's the main culprit you know? Wtf is wrong with this guy.

Where is the brains of these people?! They keep coming to ML when the one the made all the problems is the older generation. And it's not like the older generation is dead! Wtf makes me fvkng mad.

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Mar 19, 2022
Status: Completed
The book is amazing! So cute and fluffy.

The main reason that I wanted to review this was because this novel has one of the most satisfying endings. The last faceslap by the ML was so freaking satisfying!
The storyline flowed smoothly and the ending was well done. I am not sure if more side stories will be written. But i’ll look forward to it💘
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Jan 13, 2023
Status: c28
Had doubts about the novel since ch13 and stopping at ch28 for now.

As reviewer twobada mentioned, traumatic experiences aren't explored and are rather used as props to propel the story forward.
I'm referring more so to: (TW: animal abuse!!)

A side-character who kidnapped kittens, tied them up, sadistically tortured them with knives, and recorded it all in the bas**ent of his luxurious villa. And yet he was dealt with in less than a chapter.

The traumatic event wasn't at all addressed and felt like a lazily slapped-on "I'M A BAD GUY!!!" label. I don't have hopes for depth in ML's backstory. MC's character is also very superficially flesh-out. He's a gorgeous "black-haired, blue-eyed, fair-skinned" teenager (because the author stresses he's a teenager nonstop) who's so "indescribably beautiful" and has "exquisite facial features", "excellent proportions", "striking long legs", a "clean and sunny smile", and a "clear voice".

Grabbed this description from chapter 28 alone but the author reiterates his appearance every time he turns human or a new character appears. And of course, they all fall for his clear blue eyes and adorable tiger teeth! Oh wait, we can't forget

his incredible vocal range that no human has ever achieved before because it's physically impossible, and yet our MC is oh so modest he genuinely thinks it's not good enough. Not to mention his inhumane super strength.


Another big issue I had is how the author used other subjects in lieu of MC and ML's names.

MC is constantly referred to by his kitten name "Little Sugar Cake" or as "the little white kitty" and "the teenager".
ML as "the big smelly socks" and "the handsome black-haired man".

Begging the author to use their names, please. Imagine starting every sentence with "the teenager" for simple actions like looking around or picking something up.
"Youth" or "young man" would have been more appropriate terms too.

By constantly referring to MC with his kitten name and ML as big smelly socks, it feels as if I'm reading a fluffy children's book about a cat's POV and not at all a human transmigration novel.

It's a very very Gary Stu novel and genuinely reminds me of my middle school writing. I'll try to keep reading and hopefully change my review for the better.
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Apr 01, 2023
Status: c112
It was adorable.

This story was perfect when you needed a little break and some light-hearted fun. It was simple and didn't demand much mental exertion, which was a nice change of pace from some of the more complicated books I've read recently.

One of the things that I loved the most about the story was the cat characters. They are so cute. 🥺 As someone who came here for fluff, I definitely preferred the little sugar cake over the human MC. But, even still, I was amused by how often and... more>> complacently the MC transformed into a cat and how content he was, living the best cat life. It added a fun and somewhat ridiculous element to the story that made me want to laugh out loud.

And speaking of cats, the other cat characters were just as adorable. It was clear that a lot of thought went into the design and personalities of each kitty, and it definitely paid off. I found myself excited to see what each cat would do next and happy whenever they appeared. They are just super adorable, even though they, in fact, despise us and think of us humans as some kind of s*upid two-legged beast servants, lol. What a group of cute little meanies. I want to rub them so bad.

The real surprise for me was the ML, though. From what I had read in the synopsis, I was expecting him to be a cold, lonely, aloof type of guy—the kind that repels everyone around him. But as the story unfolded, I realized that he had so many competent and loyal subordinates and people around him, which suggests that he must treat his people really well. This made me wonder how his opponents, who were literally fools, could have taken him down in his previous life. 🤔 It wasn't like he love and trust that Fang girl that much in the first place. Anyway, it was really cute to see an aloof president spoiling the cats so dearly. I dare say he's the number one poop shoveler among all the cat-related novels out on the market so far!

Overall, this story was the perfect pick-me-up. It had just the right amount of cuteness, humor, and heart to keep me engaged and entertained. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for something light and easy to read! <<less
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Mar 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Meng Meng meng........

If you're into sweet caring romance having a simple yet great plot then go fo it.

Not a annoying MC or ML ✔️

No dog blood drama ✔️

Heaven for animal (cat lover) ✔️

Not a cruel but yeah awesome revenge/counterattack from ml..

Protective MC ✔️


Priority is main CP.✔️

You won't feel bored.✔️
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Jan 24, 2023
Status: --
This novel is actually quite good.

The only drawback in this novel is the plot itself which they take in a very slow pace, but at the same time it's also told very quickly.

Like, the moment when MC becomes a cat is told very slowly and in the process a lot of things that doesn't really need to be told getting more exposure.

Meanwhile, when the MC becomes human there is many things are told very quickly with lack detail... which is a critical things that make this story becomes a bad... more>> read.

I mean, after all... this is a romance story, not a single story about one person with a pet. <<less
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Aug 05, 2022
Status: --
I like this so much, , tho not really as my expectations about "fluffy in every chapter" but at least I can see some progress 'sometimes'.

It's also almost like MC forgot his true meaning he transmigrated in that world seeing how busy he is with lots of project. Lmao.

The true heart ache is at chapter 21. I am crying like the tears just suddenly well up and bursting. Ahh poor Xusheng.

*More review after I complete the novel
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Jun 15, 2022
Status: c107, 110
Best animal transmigration I've read so far! Well written in cat interactions! Every chapter is very engaging and it is honestly hilarious! I keep laughing throughout the novel XD the convo among cats is really funny! The novel also describes well how the cats fool their owner everytime hahaha I can even imagine my cat and the stray cats I feed doing the same thing 🤣

I also love that the ML has a bottom line and conservative. It's very hard to imagine that the ML doesn't become too twisted -... more>> there are bits of scenes (scattered) explaining the reason for this.

I want more chapters of MC as a cat doing something stoop!d again and MC in entertainment. Since the author really focused in cat interactions, chara's love development and plot <<less
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Apr 23, 2022
Status: Completed
Really good one. Light, fluffy and heartwarming. There are good character settings and plot, plus very well written. Everything is likable, as well as every cats😺.

Reading this is lifting my mood so much.
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Mar 15, 2023
Status: Completed
4.5 stars.

I really liked this one. I've read a lot of novels where MC turns into an animal while ML has no clue he's human and a lot of them fall flat for me when it comes to the revelation. Not giving away any spoilers, I liked the progress of this one, so it was a satisfying read, and I didn't end with any major complains.

ML is your typical cold CEO, but I'm very much into that cliche so that's a plus for me. MC has a lively and determined... more>> personality, not weak in the slightest. I read this after a bunch of OP cold-hearted MC novels so ones like this are always welcome to me. He might consider himself 100% human, but he adapted extremely quickly to being a cat and selling meng, behaving and thinking like one.

There really isn't much of an explanation about MC's transmigration, however, and some things towards the end were also a bit rushed. Personally didn't bother me, because I only cared about their relationship and not much else, but it's something to keep in mind. <<less
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Mar 02, 2023
Status: Completed
Came for fluff and a cute cat and was definitely not disappointed! I love this story with my whole heart, I would really recommend it if you are looking for a stress reliever - it's so easy to read and the time you spend reading it passes very quickly
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Jan 28, 2023
Status: c112
Nothing deep or new but exactly what I was looking for. Cuteness with a bit of face slapping.

I like how ML descents into a cat s*ave and how MC rather fast becomes more of a cat than human personality. The flow of this story is great and I never felt bored.

A really well written party is how MC still is immersed into the cat love even when he is human.

I ephod recommend to read this at least once if you like fluffy stories.
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Jan 24, 2023
Status: Completed
An okay read. The interactions between the leads are cute while it was human & cat. But the latter half became awfully shallow really fast when it came to the scenes of MC as a human.
The opportunities to shine drop like pies from the sky. Every moment of MC in the spotlight was foreseeable and cliché. Even if it was a moving scene and touching words, the deliberate set-ups seemed like silly stage plays.

It got obnoxiously s*upid in the latter half when MC was close to debuting, and the next best instance to introduce him, was a show a director was running who was on bad terms with ML. Why was this director on bad terms with ML? Because the old guy thought ML was "inhumane". He's too "greedy" as a CEO. If you look at real life, if you'd acted accordingly to this old man's morals, the company would have had to declare bankruptcy ages ago. We're talking about a stubborn old man who wants to keep his show running for nostalgia's sake. Previously there was an actor who had similar concerns, but at least that's understandable because he's an employee.

How was he convinced? ML and MC fending off hooligans in a mom n' pop shop where the 3 met by pure chance.
the shop owner has also pointed out that MC and the grumpy old guy never had a chance to meet because they ALWAYS came at different times. The author went a step further to have the old guy sit together with MC at the same table. Totally unnecessary if the shop is small enough to fit barely 10 people, but no, gotta act out the good guy act within arm's reach.
There are more examples, but this was by far the most insufferable deliberate set-up of them all.

MC needed something. The author set up the stepping stones, he just needs to follow the straight line with beaming neon billboards pointing down the happy ending destination.


Anyway, the poorly executed plot devices take away a lot of the genuine emotions and feelings of both leads.
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