Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi


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I, Mukouda Tsuyoshi, was caught up in a summoning circle into a different world where sword and magical skills are the norm.

However, when the summoners cast ‘Status Appraisal’ on us, the three other people who were summoned with me had [Heroes from Another World] in the occupation box, whereas I was the [Random Guy Caught Up in the Summoning Spell].

As for our ‘Skill Set’, the three Heroes had outrageous sounding skills rolling after their names like [Holy Sword Technique], [Holy Spear Technique] and [Sacred Magic].

In fact, I too have a skill you know? My one skill is called… [Net Super]…

Because it’s clearly not a combat skill, I am automatically treated like garbage.

Furthermore, the King of the country who had summoned us looked really shady.

As a veteran lightnovel reader, I can read the atmosphere well enough to come to the conclusion that ‘This is a bad world to be summoned into’.

Thus, it is decided. No matter what, I must get out of this castle as soon as possible and escape from this rotten country!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill (LN)
Food Travel in the Other World with Ridiculous Ability
Gourmet Adventure of Legendary Tamer
Tondemo Skill ga Hontouni Tondemonai Iryoku wo Hakkishita Ken Nitsuite
Related Series
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Legend (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Fantasy, no romance (yet) novels
  3. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  4. Cottagecore
  5. Foodies

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/06/22 Kitchennovel c411
09/06/22 Kitchennovel c410
09/02/22 Kitchennovel c409
08/30/22 Kitchennovel c408
08/30/22 Kitchennovel c407
08/26/22 Kitchennovel c406
08/23/22 Kitchennovel c405
08/23/22 Kitchennovel c404
08/19/22 Kitchennovel c403
08/17/22 Kitchennovel c402
08/17/22 Kitchennovel c401
08/11/22 Kitchennovel c400
08/09/22 Kitchennovel c399
08/09/22 Kitchennovel c398
08/04/22 Kitchennovel c397
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DizzyMiko rated it
May 25, 2023
Status: --
An interesting premise completely f*cking ruined by one of the most cowardly male MCs I've read in the past decade, bar none. I'll be the first to admit that I don't like Slice of Life because it's VERY OFTEN written very poorly with little wit or intelligence put into it. And this reads like someone borderline ret*rded wrote it (not slamming the translator; when you get garbage in, you get garbage out). This was a painful read because I liked the premise and it DID actually start off pretty... more>> strong. But like most typical tr*sh JP light/web novels, it very quickly devolves into shit, going nowhere with a character who literally has no brain. Let's get into the biggest issue with this series.

Mukouda is the epitome of everything wrong in Slice of Life stories:

  1. Cowardly to a god damned fault.
  2. No personality to speak of. If he's not talking about food, he's being a little beta bit*h cowering in the corner. There is no in-between. He is this flat as a character. And he never changes.
  3. Doesn't properly use his powers because he's afraid that he'll draw too much attention (this trope, in particular, grates my nerves because they still end up drawing attention no matter what they do, so their complaining only makes things worse for the reader).
This story also suffers from a LOT of Slice of Life issues as well, namely that the whole f*cking world and literally every character within it are one-dimensional. Is it honestly so hard to make a SoL series that doesn't literally go nowhere for hundreds of chapters? FFS, at least have some god damned character development. I don't understand how anyone, especially the Japanese, think that this is entertaining in any way.

Ispheria's review on the conversations is 100% correct and never deviates from this formula. It's boring, trite, and wastes the reader's god damn time with pointless, mindless drivel. I wouldn't be nearly so infuriated with this idiotic series if the descriptions were actually GOOD. Food pr0n descriptions are amazing and would've elevated this to at least a 3 star, even if literally nothing else changed since there would be SOMETHING entertaining to read.

I had a lot of hope for the goddess Ninrir. But when she showed up, she became just as one-dimensional as Mukouda. My sadness was immense, and my day was ruined. This author literally just put simple thought to paper, looked at it, and went, "YES! This is what I want! Absolutely bland characters with no personality whatsoever completely guided by the thought of food!" This series honestly reads like a really badly written fanfic written by a 6 year old (because comparing this to the writings of a 12 year old would be disrespectful to the 12 year old). And even that's pushing it because I've read things written by preschooler nieces and nephews with better thought process than this garbage story. Believe that!

For the people who actually like this garbage: you really need to up your standards. There's far better SoL series out there. This is an affront to the reader's time and mental ability to process thought and reason. I can easily take this premise and, with nothing changed whatsoever, turn it into golden reading without much effort at all. At the very least I would be able to write better food descriptions other than "YUMMY!" <<less
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lokq rated it
January 17, 2023
Status: --
this is the most average novel i've ever read, the story is average, the action is average, and the slice of life is average, well at least it's not bad, the only downside is the protagonist keep whining all the time, it's so annoying, sometimes I wonder, does this kind of protagonist is popular in japan? He keeps whining all the time about everything, it's fine in the beginning when your life suddenly changes from modern day to medieval age, but this, the protagonist already there for quite a while... more>> with his fenrir, doing all crazy stuff all the time, but he keeps whining from every little thing? God it's so awful to read.

i mean if you meet a guy who keeps whining all the time when doing something together, when he's perfectly protected and accommodated, you're definitely feeling annoyed right, I mean what's this guy deal, can't read the mood at all, I definitely want to stay away from him, and he's 27 for God sake, does people in Japan seriously love this kind of guy? Why don't you just make the protagonist normal, if the author try to make it as a joke, then it's not funny at all, it's just cringe <<less
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koshwin rated it
June 12, 2022
Status: c375
If I was rating the raws I would have given it a 0/5 and probably would have long stopped reading this. The TL has done some serious work here to the point that I'm surprised.

I know most of these authors don't even imagine their work getting translated and read by foreigners and that exactly limits it's worth, that in itself is a massive shackle... all the continuous ramblings on the same thing just spouting delicious, delicious every single line... like are you trying to fit in some word limit per... more>> chapter by adding in those pointless lines... It makes sense that it's a webnovel but it's so horribly unrefined.

The MC is honestly unrelatable and his views on things I hope he keeps it to himself. The s*ave incident and all that sh*t in the raws (I checked it cause the TL commented a bit on it) and I was like bruh... some things are better not said. Also there's a fact that a part of the characters authors make have a tiny bit of themselves here and there and from this my overall impression of the author is really bad (I hope I'm wrong about that).

Other than that... it's mostly about food that from a point I honestly started skipping it (I would only be ever convinced to read it if it were more compressed like in a manga). The exploration wouldn't have happened at all if not for his familiars... The gods were honestly disappointing and not even amused me as a part of comedic relief...

Conclusion: This solely gained 3/5 (+1 for the TL or it would be 2/5 solely based on the story and it's plot and characters) because of the efforts of the amazing TLs to make it even worth reading it. The raw rating is 0/5. <<less
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MarlboroRed rated it
January 27, 2022
Status: c301
Protagonist has very good ability. Hed probably live a leisure life if he wanted but because he is cowardly and too soft, he becomes a s*ave to gods and his familiars. Like getting forced to do the cooking. Or getting forced to dungeons or forest, I dont see him at all relaxing for even a week and enjoying his money. Or being forced to gift the gods the products of earth. Getting tired of isekais with MC with soft personalities. I like kind MCs but its annoying when they know... more>> theyre being taken advantaged of yet they wont say no to it specially when saying no wont really cause harm. The good part of the MC compared to other isekai japanese MCs are, he doesnt allow himself being taken advantage of of humans and he's a thinker and keeps secrets of his own and knows what could possibly be abnormal to the others. He's even sharp for going to the country of Leonhart where there is no discrimination of species.

Update edit:

Tried reading the MTL. It was hard but I enjoyed the chill and happy moments. But most of the interactions of him and other people in power like dealing with the merchant, guild leaders and also the king is that he's so submissive. I mean he doesnt really get the fact that the mere point of him being the tamer of Fenrir and the *spoiler* dragon is that he is above them in power although not physically and influentially. But he could destroy nations if he wanted too. But he doesnt abuse that and thats nice. Its angering when he bows to them, he's scared of them, he's nervous of the king as if the king could do something on him. He's too polite. He's too generous if you consider the fact that he has already gifted the royal family several times with loots he got from dungeons. Gifts the nobles the count beauty products. Submits to the merchants to sell more of the beauty products. Guild master scolding him because his large dragon is seen flying at it alarms cities but he doesnt even explain it to them and he doesnt even have a choice. Because the dragon just forces him to it. It makes people in power think of him as meek and easy to bully. And he is. He even got angry at the fenrir and the dragon for being "disrespectful" to the king, wtff. The protagonist doesnt have the balls honestly. He is too weak. He's not even a good businessman. His familiars are the ones ordering him to go to dungeons to hunt. Makes readers think who are the real masters or is he just their feeder. Even the gods are taking advantage of him. Author should give the story a twist for a change. Too much humility is disastrous, just shows how weak minded he is. Get that single ability from him, net supermarket. For sure, only Sui his slime will stick with him til the end. Economies are booming because of him and he doesnt realize it and yet he lets king and nobles talk down on him. He is s*upid and he doesnt know his worth. The worth of his familiars are his worth. He doesnt fully understand that. Because in the end, he is just a food s*ave to them. He got away from the kingdom who summoned him to avoid being mistreated only to be mistreated and worse is he doesnt realize it. He is a natural prey of the bullies. <<less
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January 8, 2022
Status: c305
it's rather fun. The MC himself is ordinary and the interaction with gods and familiars are interesting I specially love that while the group is OP the MC is ordinary and just goes with the flow. It's not for people looking for action or drama or an MC with lots of different op abilities

and the manga is fun too. Hope it also turns into anime
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Liana70v3 rated it
December 21, 2021
Status: c15
I love this novel so much. The protagonist are so normal, nothing really special about him that's why I'm agreeing with his every decisions. Fyi I read the manga first but the update is so slow so I decide to read the novel. I'm reading it from the 1st chapter but it's kind of tiring for opening the next chapter cause they're have multiple translators. I can't purchase the raw and I can't read Japanese either, that's why feel so grateful to the translator. Thanks so much mr. Translator, because... more>> of you I was able to read good novel <<less
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akupyro rated it
October 6, 2020
Status: c200
I gonna say, I moved over to reading the LN version instead of the WN. There are differences, but ya know, same boat. Might have to check out the manga as well.

Fluff-fest. Copy & paste times infinity. Look, the basis of the story is neat. Dude gets pulled to another world with some would be heroes, but not the chosen one himself. Sure, other stories have covered this, nothing new here. Get some cash, get the heck out of dodge, figure out how you live life in another world.

So the... more>> MC. Reading and writing are a non issue? Auto translate? Who knows. Dude also seems WAY to calm for this situation. Like, how about use some of those skills you got as salaryman to get by in the world? Nope, just cooking. Pretty braindead for everything else. Ohh, I can't fight, to scared, I will die, but won't bother to try to learn or get stronger. Sigh.


Look, most of this story is go to town, make money by selling hunted prey, oh no - something rare?!, get meat, make food, use skill, need more helpings - why hasn't portion been nailed down yet..., give stuff to useless gods, do some actual plot advancement, and repeat. Over and over again. There are many times I have skipped a head and have not missed a single thing.

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July 10, 2020
Status: v6
I don’t know why people is shitting on this novel so much... It’s a laid back, slice of life novel. If it ain’t your cup of tea... tf you doing here?? Like seriously ?

This novel is a laid back one about a guy who just travel around in whims and it’s a chill read
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Kreya rated it
March 24, 2020
Status: c72
I really like it. It's not for deep plot reading, just an every day life of a guy who was accidentally transported to another world with supposed heroes. I just love fer and the others (but mostly Fer) I get irritated by Mukoda from time to time especially when he's being biased towards Sui (well, he is cute, and a kid) but all's well. Can't wait to see more~ it's been like a stress reliever for me
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July 5, 2019
Status: c151
amidst all the many isekais, this one stays as favorite of mine.

in the early chapters (I think), MC said he wants to travel the world and sightseeing, and that's what he do. Well, of course, he also get into several things like extermination monster requests, procuring foods for his ever-so-glutton familiar, dungeon exploration, and so on.

I just love how even though MC has OP familiar and cheat online supermarket skills, this story (at least in ch 151), still retained his goal - sightseeing around the world, normally bickering with his... more>> familiar about food and cooking and don't-you-sparta-trained-me-about-my-pathetic-magic-spell-you-OP familiars.

perhaps this is only personal preference, but whenever I'm tired about other isekais filled with arrogant overpowered MC who collecting harem and mad skillz like whoa, I reread this novel again and imagine myself send to isekai with online supermarket (full of convenience) ready on the tip of my finger and OP familiar ready to protect me, and travel leisurely. <<less
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Okura rated it
May 7, 2019
Status: c452
If you're looking for a laid back, slow paced story then this is for you. By slow I really mean slooooooooooooowwwwww as it may boring you lol. You may find one or half chapter that only have cooking or gods offerings in future.

MC is not an action guy, he prefers to have a peaceful and safe life. Unfortunately for him, his familiars are battle maniac and in future will often deman MC to go to Dungeons.

Also since I say the story is slow so do the character development. MC starting... more>> not to freak out on enemies after a few Dungeon trips which is around chapter 200 ish.

Also getting an OP defensive blessing from gods make him more confident but sometimes still scared bec of enemies appearance lol


All in all this LN is a nice read when you want some laid back story with a simple plot aka Mukoda trying to slacc but his familiars aren't. <<less
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January 19, 2019
Status: c433
I both love and hate this novel. It's a food p*rn novel, almost every chapter is an over the top description of whatever dish he's making for almost every meal.

Sadly the main character is basically a s*ave to both his monsters, and the gods and goddesses.

Which makes it frustrating to read. Also, the power lvls are wack, which I think is the most annoying part.

... more>> He'll have twice the lvl of the other characters that came with him, but only a quarter of the stats. Which is annoying.

Also, one of his companions right now should be twice his lvl and is under him, but like 100 times stronger.

His lvl is 90, and he hardly fights, while hers is 50 and she fights constantly.

But her stats are way above his which makes no sence.

Like he started at just about 100 in his stats, but at lvl 90 he's only 480 or something close to that.

While, the people who came with him were in the thousands almost right away... <<less
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turk128 rated it
January 13, 2019
Status: c1
Solid isekai that does great slice of life.

There really isn't anything special with this novel, it doesn't do anything new. It just has really entertaining slice of life stuff and fun characters.

Be warned thou: the traveling the cooking parts can be repetitive but there are lots of other good stuff, thank goodness!
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Alfha Robby
Alfha Robby rated it
November 20, 2018
Status: c101
huh this novel isn't as bad as these 1 star review thought sure the beginning is kinda crappy but things start to get interesting albeit repeatedly plot line with MC buy stuff from Net Super and Sell, Enjoy it for himself and his companion or simply give those as offering to the god and goddess in exchange for divin protection.

if you could enjoy the so called sh*t Cliche Japanese Novel like Isekai Smartphone no Tomoni or Death March you'll enjoy this novel as well since those two novel have similiarity... more>> with this one especially the light hearted thing one althought the MC is Scaredy Cat and coward for MC Standard but he isn't as bad as what you thought. <<less
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Waqs rated it
July 7, 2018
Status: c91
it’s hard giving it 4 stars, it’s kinda plain story.

MC is too coward, don’t even trust in his guardian power. Fer is quite normal muscle brain. Sui got interesting character (like how far the slime will go).

Story is like I said, plain and kinda absurd. Despite mc’s weak mentality and combat ability, everyone on their knees for his cooking even the goddess.

Overall it’s a good read to pass time.
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Sandstorm143 rated it
February 6, 2024
Status: c306
I liked the story so far. But I think I'm gonna stop here on chapter 306. It's just starting to turn me off.

I watched the anime but it wasn't enough so I read the manga then read the novel. It's an interesting take on the isekai genre with the MC being an average person and there being no romance or harem tag.

... more>>

So, what happened is that the MC bought a huge house which was basically a palace. He needed trustworthy people to maintain and guard the house since he's an adventurer and he travels often. Then, it was suggested that he look for s*aves since they can have contracts that are strict on these conditions. So, he went to the s*ave trader.

Up to this point it was ok. As someone from the modern world, the MC was reluctant to have s*aves but he needed them since he had a lot of secrets.

Now what turned me off was when the s*ave trader was asking for his preferences. Basically, the MC wanted girls who would ehem with him. Well, yo. Wtf. I'm disappointed.

Gladly, that didn't happen. But still, this disappointed me enough to stop reading.

To be honest, s*aves are normal in that world so it's understandable that the MC was getting used to the customs. There's also the s*aves tag so I was somewhat expecting it. But really, s*x s*aves? Like bruhhh.


I understand that he's pent up but like why? That was a hella huge turn-off and with the MC's personality, it was a bit OOC. I'm not sure what would happen in the future but this will be the end of the journey for me. I was really dissappointed.

Important words must be said thrice. <<less
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Snooty rated it
December 23, 2023
Status: c150
Very disappointed in this one. It started off with a pretty interesting premise but becomes repetitive really fast. The whole story is : Fenrir hunts monster -> long description of Mukouda cooking a Japanese meal with the monster meat -> eat -> adventurers guild staff are shocked when Mukouda brings out corpse to sell. Repeat that 70 times and that's Tondemo Skill.

The biggest issue is that there's 0 world building, no conflict. This is a slice of life, but it's missing the 'life' part. As much as we love mundane... more>> things, there's no way everyone in this world will be ok with a guy who has legendary creatures as a familiar and is selling materials from s-class monsters AND from another world. <<less
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GwenPenn234 rated it
October 4, 2023
Status: --
My favorite day of the week is Tuesdays, only because I know I will get a new chapter of this. The newest editor and translator are my favorite, the story is easier to read and the flow is more consistent. This novel takes a bit of work in the middle, but it is worth it. I probably would have dropped this novel if I didn't find it after the new team took over. So please if you read this, this is my top recommendation for a good wholesome story that... more>> keeps me looking forward to next Tuesday. <<less
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Loknis rated it
May 25, 2022
Status: --
I'm not good with both english and reviewing things so i'll just make it short..

The story is not that good cus the author put too much meal time to the point I find myself skipping the proccess of the meal being made. It is a cycle of the same dialog about how delicious the course and all. I mean well the title really fit the plot so much that 90% of the story is just that.

You can expect for adventuring but don't get hopes high. Why??

Cuz MC ruins it by... more>> being cowardly pu*sy and unreasonable. For example he don't want to dive in the dungeon but it's okay hunting on field around town, well it is not him actually that hunt the monsters but his familiar and he got barrier protection strong enough to repel almost everything. Get what I mean? Isn't it annoying... And it repeated too yayy....

There's also where the MC don't wanna get his rank up cuz it's not him who hunt the monsters, and conversation around this gonna repeated too. Fuctt... The plot hole just too much to bear.. if you wanna simple life than quit adventuring and focus on merchant. There's no rule about you can only use adventure's butcher if you become one of them first. You can always use their's as long as you paid them.

Last part that will make you surely go crazy is this... W-w-what, U-ughh, N-n-nooo, T-t-that, I-i see.... Things...

If it is rare it's okay but you will find it common used by the MC to the point almost every page has that damn words and it gonna spread like wild fire to characters he deal with... And there's nothing you can do to stop that...

All in all if you find with this novel than good for you. I guess my mental didn't strong enough to endure the trial <<less
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Pranefuji rated it
June 29, 2019
Status: c138
I really enjoy the perspective of the main character and their interest in exploring the world while avoiding issues. The cooking background and the net super ability are fantastic ingredients for a fun story.

Unfortunately the monster companions and deities start to drag on the story. There are dungeon diving and monster hunting sections that are pretty boring and unoriginal.

I would have liked to have read about what the main character would do if they weren't bossed around by their companions.

This goes from a great read to an ok one. I... more>> think I've had my fill with the meal at 138 chapters however. <<less
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