Today, the Foolish Scum Gong Screwed Me Over Again


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Qiu Yanzhi was a jaded university student who came across a popular virtual reality dating simulator. One capture target in particular, He Zhou, caught his eye immediately.

But why was this guy such an as*hole for no reason?? Game devs, WTF were you thinking???

But for some reason Qiu Yanzhi stuck around. He found that He Zhou wasn’t so bad after all. Qiu Yanzhi had fun in game, basking in the warmth and affection missing from his real life.

That was, until he couldn’t log out anymore.

Trapped inside the game, Qiu Yanzhi saw only one way out: seducing the capture target to complete the main storyline.

And if that meant he had to pretend, to lie, to scheme and deceive?

He would do it.

After all…

This was just a game, right?

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96 Reviews sorted by

secondthots rated it
March 15, 2022
Status: Completed

Ahh this novel man.. I honestly have to give credit to its ability to ensnare me with so much secondhand embarrassment & a truly frustrating main CP. It was a tumultuous journey getting through all 97 chapters of this chaos, but I must say it was an interesting one.

Plot is pretty linear. I feel that there's decent foreshadowing & hints strewn out, so the end result could be figured out early on. I have to admit there were moments where the author had me fooled for a second...... more>> I must applaud. Main CP is cute & all with their banter, tsundere-like moments, but there's bound to be issues when one is a certified liar & the other one is a simp who's fallen in deep to believe the other's lies. The push & pull dynamic throughout the story gave me so much anxiety as well as dogfood. I love this couple but sometimes I want to strangle them too.

This is totally random, but let me just put in a brief two-cents. This isn't my first "falling in love with an NPC" plot that I'm reading. It's a very popular idea, BUT I think this was my first time truly immersed in the possibility of virtual reality being so progressive to the point where data finds its own consciousness. It's actually a frightening epiphany, especially when we live in a time where virtual reality is rising & becoming more commonplace. Of course, what we're reading is fictional but modern reality continues forward to make fiction reality. Just random food for thought. I just don't want my body to ever be controlled by strings of code in the future.

If you've read this far, thanks for indulging me LOL <<less
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twobada rated it
February 25, 2022
Status: --
Should be titled "Today, the Foolish Scum Shou Screwed Himself Over Again".

5/5 for the emotional rollercoaster. But actually, the pacing is too inconsistent, like the author wasn't entirely sure when exactly to end things. And so there were several points where the novel could have ended but got dragged on instead. In the end, the story's resolution was so anti-climactic that it seemed pointless.

Still, the CP was cute in their own twisted way. The side CP was also adorable but didn't really get significant screen time with their interactions.

Character development... more>> fell flat and several times, I just skimmed through the chunks of text explaining their behavior. A shame, because there were a lot of moments where it seemed like they were finally getting more personality, only to end up being one-dimensional again. Side character Liu Cheng was the most interesting one. <<less
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OuRyed rated it
February 1, 2022
Status: Completed
Love it ☺️ If it wasn't for the hight rating and me not having anything to read at the time, I may not have read it but fortunately I did and it was worth my time. The story is awesome. The little Lair × Little tr*sh cp like very much like it. Although the title accused the ML for being a scum it more like MC is. But not that scummy.
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077 rated it
June 3, 2021
Status: --
(I was always lazy to create an NU acc but my love for this novel convinced me otherwise)

Wow. Just wow. I'm so glad I picked this up, usually I have little attention span even when reading other novels, but this time I binged read it 😆 It's so good, and has so many twists and topsy turves. I even expect it to happen, yet I'm always surprised lol. I felt so much emotion when reading this... it's a whole roller coaster ride. The MC is a scum, but... more>> considering the fact that it is "a game", his actions were reasonable (personally, I actually enjoyed the MC treating the ML and everybody as NPCs). I didn't really expect a lot from the comedy, but oh boy, I was wrong, and I'm still laughing while writing this xD. The amount of pits the MC dug is numerous (I already lost count haha). Overall, it's a great novel with a different approach to the usual cliche and amazing side characters. Try it, you won't regret ( ̄ー ̄) b <<less
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Roxasfleur rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: Completed
A true diamond. A real rollercoaster read. The most dog blood novel with so many twist and turn. It is as many as when you think you know where this is going, the story will always throw a curve ball at you :)

At the start, I wasn't really comfortable with MC. He is the true definition of scum shou. A true flawed realistic MC. His personality is the result of his miserable childhood. Afterwards, the more I read the more I understand that the problem lies in both MC... more>> and ML. Even though they can be considered childhood sweethearts, but at that time when they were still young, MC has pride and trust issues and ML has trust issues. ML tongue is really sharp and his word cut deep. This result in a misunderstanding that drifts them apart. Truly, both of them are scummy. At the end, I think that both of them finally admits their own mistakes and learn to sincerely love each other.

I find this title really kind of funny. The foolish scum gong? Quite true. However, the part about screwed me over again? I agree that MC is the one running his mouth and always got found out lol. At the end, I love how ML is truly the definition of foolish. Jealous with his own self and destroyed his own reputation lol. <<less
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Keikey rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: --
One of the best novel. It's fun, fast paced, no boring useless melodrama. And the MC and ML are fun
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Purple Rain
Purple Rain rated it
May 5, 2021
Status: --
I actually read it with quite low expectations bcuz both the title & the summary make it seem like a typical transmigration scum gong abuse novel. I totally didn't expect it to become one of my fav bl novels, & was taken aback by all the emotions & unexpected plot twists.

The plot is that our MC played a bl version of otome game & tried to capture the heart of the cold & heartless ceo ML character, but things happened that led to a full blown thriller detective adventure of... more>> the two. There's no dull moment in the entire 90+ chapters, making u want to read more & more with every progress & twist. Don't be decieved by the beginning. The romance is super duper sweet & touching, i'd-die-for- you type of love.

I see that some reviewers don't like that MC is a little liar & swindler with a closed off heart. But I fell in love with this flawed aspect of the MC. He's not the pure hearted gentle type of MC, but a complex character with many layers, & most importantly, he's so so realistic & human that u can symphathize with his every feeling & every action. U can feel his vulnerability, sadness, happiness, kindness & cruelity like a real human being. In my opinion after reading the whole novel, he's just an easily misunderstood person, who closed off his heart in fear of being abandoned. I even feel that he suffered from some degree of depression in the beginning of the novel, being too indifferent to himself, & too lonely to the point that he indulged himself in the beautiful warmth of his in game family & friends.

ML is also a very very sweet & devoted person, who is also very kind & proper despite what it seemed in the beginning.

Side characters, even the villain, are all very well developed. One thing I particularly like is that the author doesn't use the fact that one side character guy likes to wear dresses as a mere joke, & seems to really know abt the difference between cross dressers & transgender women. (That character who is mc's in game bff "baby yu" is also the cutest chinamon roll & I love his character way too much.) <<less
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calledout rated it
April 6, 2021
Status: Completed
edit: nvm thank god there are extras. That is all. Ignore the review under the cut

im not gonna finish my review rn bc its 10am and I pulled an allnighter to read this but. My only complaint is that the ending is cut short. Author where are you I just wanna talk can u please write more QAQ

its just theyve gone through so damn much individually, in the past, and during the plot of the story to get their happy ending, how come its cut off like this TT why cant I read chapters about them living happily with all the misunderstandings solved TT I want to know the conversation that goes on when he zhous sister finds out theyre dating; how he zhou and qin yanzhi live together after everythings done; what happens with that copy of the game he zhou saved for personal use. There are so many plot holes left remaining the author couldve covered!!! Author come back!!!!

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Arekushieru rated it
February 23, 2021
Status: --
Unlike another reviewer I can't see the shamelessness of the MC at all. I only see a scum Gong. The MC is playing a character who is looked down upon by everyone simply because they THINK he's scum. ((minor)

I mean, the other characters were all looking down on him well before HZ was ever being forced into marrying him, btw


That includes the ML. But looking down on someone like they're sh!t for no reason is a scummy move.

And, since readers were more sympathetic to the MC at the start, when it most appeared like he, himself, was acting scummy for no reason rather than later, when his motives were finally revealed, it's hard to believe that they truly dislike the MC for being scum. For that reason I can only see the ML getting what he deserves here. So take what reviewers (yes, including myself) say with a grain of salt okay?
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hy-d-ra rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Me, fully MTL'ing this novel, since I found it on jjwxc and only now decided to check if someone translated it. And here we have it. So here are my two cents after finishing it.

RATE: 4 / 5. Unusual. Don't like the ending btw, it has the biggest plothole.

STORYLINE: Qiu Yanzhi was given a holographic love game and he entered, because one of the characters was just like the adult version of his childhood friend Little tr*sh (there's a story behind why he calls him like that). He has given... more>> himself this madly in love personality, but the gong he attacked was always out of reach emotionally. And he always managed to say or do something that gave him away in his lies. The gong turned around and said "No one will love a person like you who is full of lies". Qiu Yanzhi thought - Ha! A big deal. Bought a reset card, used it, chose a different character to attack, but surprisingly the gong he attacked before didn't have his memory erased.

That's the setting of this novel, I describe it like that for you to potentially see the possible drama of the storyline. I personally found it interesting and novellish, but LONG for the story it presented. As you can guess there will be like holographic world same as real world and it will uncover the truth behind who is Qiu Yanzhi and why he is like that and who is He Zhou, actually.

Next part of my review will contain some spoilers.


    • MC. I find his character overdramatized to an extent. His real childhood wasn't the happiest. He lived a relatively normal life for several years before his father found out he grew children for other men, there was a huge fight and later he was sent to prison, his mother was a selfish person, though she wasn't described that clearly, but she made her own son steal for her, lie for her to get subsidy, so she could continue to live in a more rich dream, before one day she jumped to her death and selfishly wanted to drag her own son with her. Next after some time being in orphanage he was found by his biological father who is a rich man, he also had another son, both born from mistresses, he had no official wife. The second child who suddenly got a brother acted all pure but was an obvious green tea b*tch, who plotted against his brother to dishonor him and make the father lieave no inheritance for QYZ. But QYX once had a friend he still calls little tr*sh, who also left him with hurtful words that QYZ for being a liar doesn't deserve to be loved bu others. This shaped the character of QYZ a person who really doesn't allow to open his heart to others, since his heart is this small. Lies are his defense mechanism and he can play his chosen character if he needs. Only by playing the game and slowly trying to solve things he grows close to He Zhou who becomes that one for him.
    • ML. He Zhou is similar to Qin He/Little tr*sh that QYZ once knew. I mean... you don't need to have IQ160 to guess who he is and that something is wrong with the game. Well, the game indeed had problems and QYZ got it by mistake, or not~? Especially when you hear a story like - 3 years ago the investor of this game had an accident before the release, he got into car accident and never came out, presumably dieing in the real world. Can you add two and two? Good, because the answer is really simple and your guess will be right, but there will be no journey to retreive his memories, they will simply come crashing down at the end.
Most of what I describe are scratches on the surface, I leave the main intrigue of what will happen in the game under covers of the spoiler next, since to actually explain why I can't give it full 5 needs full spoilers.


I shaved a star, since I find that for a storyline where the main villain appears and everything becomes clear and you know how things will end, since it is too obvious, becoming long. Tbh I struggled through the last 1/3 of the novel because of that. I'd honestly shorten some events along the way too. Also the reason for the NPC to want to go outside and live a real life is kind of weird, sure he realizes that his life is just a game and events of his life are all fake, but will going outside and live a life in someone else's body not fake enough? He used He Zhou's body when he went out, since he stole his player's identity when he planned his car crash, that's why emergency exit transferred his data back into He Zhou's body, but it's basically a fake life too to me, which is ironic AF. Plus his behavior when coming out from the game and occupying He Zhou's real body, but not proceeding with your plans, but stalk QYZ I found weird, sure he was afraid that if the HZ will be dealt with and his data will be erased inside the game he himself might lose his life. But there was one episode that totally doesn't fit at all. It concerns the episode of bodies switching. Real He Zhou who came out was a bunch of data actually, it was proven by him slowly disappearing when he was close to turned on holographic cabin. Then QYZ who was threatened by Qin He/aka fake He Zhou hit him with a vase, which knocked him out, but the one who woke up was real He Zhou and his body solidified, meaning he occupied the real body. He checked it was solid by again touching the cabin, but he didn't disappear. He disappeared from apartment and turned out here in an instant. THEN when it was a moment of truth dare I say, real He Zhou was hit by a car, his body disappeared and here is the biggest plot hole of the century. Since the disappearing real HZ again happened to be in a body of his own, the only thing he and the villain occupied it at the same time, before he took control over, meaning it's the third body. My question is hwo HZ' previous body that was proven to be real, it's the one the villain woke up in became fake and the third body appeared, it simply doesn't make sense. Basically this plothole haunted me for the rest of the novel and actually spoiled the whole ending. The death of the NPC villain when his data was erased was truly uneventful, like oh I'm a bunch of data, that's why it is easy to erase me. Basically I didn't like the ending because of this.

It was also weird why HZ when he received all his memories and realized that he is Qin He, he just forgot, was so stuck up of not saying it to QYZ just because QYZ tried to reassure him he is only one for him.

Once again for this type of story I found it rather long. There were really not needed episodes that occupied quite a space or details that played no role, unlike those that revealed QYZ's life and actually were relevant. For example, when villain NPC kidnapped his mother and made her almost fall from the roof, which 1) reminded QYZ of his real mother who committed su*cide like that and 2) the mother in this game was truly loving, like a dream parent QYZ longed for and it actually was tragic for him to not yield to villain's demands and see the mother in the game be pushed to her death.

Also because QYZ's past comes rather later than sooner, his character is hard to like at all at first, it's oly because you know the reason for his lies in the end and why he won't want to give those feelings to an NPC as he thinks, you realize his motivation, but before that it's a bit uncomfortable to read about a character like that.

That's basically several things I'd like to point out. And why I think it's relatively good, but not enough for 5 stars :)

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Lahell rated it
February 3, 2021
Status: --
Truly a masterpiece!

if you like funny situations + a bunch of healthy angst + great plot, then you can’t skip this novel!
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minhtae rated it
April 18, 2024
Status: c79.1
TLDR: as long as you start reading with low expectations (which you should.. You're on a novel with "scum gong" in the title, what did you expect?) you'll have a blast with it lol

such a roller coaster ride of a story lmao it went from a simple dating sim gone sentient :D and then ... more>>

(somewhat predictably) a version of SAO to clones ?? Evil AI??? Idk

you get the whole mixed bag I guess

i quite liked this one though its got all the aspects of a typical scum gong novel; misunderstandings that could be solved if they just f*cken TALKED like wtf, plot twists that are predictable yet not at the same time, and of course a romance that blossoms out of nowhere but also kinda makes sense ? ML and MC are both a bit s*upid bc why do they never communicate but they do go through a bit of character development so good for them. Overall it was a fun read and I was left hanging by my toes every other chapter. And I still don't know what big yellow is supposed to be bc he grimaced one time and if it's a bird how can it grimace <<less
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That was one hell of a wild ride! I loved it! It was filled with embarrassing situations, the plot kept escalating and it was quite unpredictable at times! It was just a lot of fun to read and quite addicting!
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MynameisFork rated it
February 21, 2024
Status: Completed
4.5/5 (Psychological, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Angst, Enemies to cooperation to lovers (?))

I understood why it got 4.4 after I finished reading it but I swear it deserves more credit than that, the amount of plot twist was insane cause the author really made you go round and round on whose the culprit of the crime it.

Not only that for the first time ever it made me wish so hard that nothing bad happens to the couple since they went through so much at one point it felt like thriller... more>> too. The story is incredibly good once you got to the point where MC couldn't get out from the game that's the real starting point

  1. The MC dynamic w the ML is truly... Strong? Idk how else to explain it's been awhile since I've seen someone who loves a person while wanting to kill and passionately hate them and regarding the second couple it's basically big burly gong who likes feminine thing x feminine pretty shou whose pretty manly and handy the relieved I had in the extra was insane 😭
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leviii_ack rated it
February 15, 2024
Status: Completed
The first bl novel I've read and it's actually pretty good, the manhua is taking too long to translate so I just went ahead and read this novel, this is my first novel so I don't really understand y some r giving this novel a low rating, I mean the MC is pretty scummy but at least read the full novel firsttt? Idk man
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BoriCats rated it
September 23, 2023
Status: c5
This is not for me. The plotting could be, but certainly not the writing style.

It's chaotic. You don't know what to expect because there's really no clarity on what had been written. The author's mind feels so cluttered that it reflect to it's writing and I've seen a lot of readers liking this but, I can still prefer MTL more than this kind of writing. It feels like I was watching a horror film, then the scene become comedy, then the comedy became thriller and the thriller became romance. Some... more>> reviewers like how they can't expect what to come but for me it looked more like the author lacks direction and was just winging things chapter to chapter. This can be seen from the title, it says scum gong but he was only scum from the start, the author clearly didn't thought where this story will go.

Well, this might work for you. <<less
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August 20, 2023
Status: --
This book was so good, the author created the circumstances and the conflict between the couple in such a way that you look at it and realise that they are both right in their own positions. So there's no leaning over one side. Nor are you forced to hold your head and get frustrated seeing misunderstanding's, drama unfold that could be resolved in one conversation. Nah, shit's too complicated over here.

MC's somewhat of a liar and ML has his own insecurities. Both are very reasonable.

... more>>

The ML spends a majority of the book eating his own vinegar. This is no mystery -the author has foreshadowed it enough for us -there are no secrets in front of us readers. Nor is there suspense but they wrote it in an interesting manner such that you turn the pages -you know the main plot but how will it be resolved ?Will MC and ML know it in time ? How did it come about to be.



I love the fact that MC fell for He Zhou before he knew that he was Qin He and He Zhou fell for MC before he recovered his memories. Really reinforces the fact that will fall for each other again and again. MC said that he regrets their seperation, ML said he's glad that he got MC's sincerity the second time they fell for each other. Personally, I loved that they had two different but interwined stories. ML is always helpless when it comes to MC. I am glad MC choose him in the end.





The author wrote a very heartwarming story all in all. <<less
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Adriana28 rated it
June 24, 2023
Status: Completed
Its a very beautiful story with a small bit of angst but truly a very beautiful story.

All the characters of the story were too much life like, and had a backstory.

I really loved ML and MC, their interactions were so cute yet sometimes heartrenching.

I would highly recommend it to everyone.

Thanku author and translators for ur amazing work.
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April 22, 2023
Status: Completed
I can't believe I found another gem?! This one is SO GOOD!! Well written and with good pacing. From comedy to romance to horror psychological?! Damn. Plot twist after plot twist, to the point I stopped reading in between since my nerves can't handle the twist and turns, a real roller coaster indeed. 😂 And, the second hand embarrassments 😭😭

Anyway, this is a good read. Also, HE!

Btw, MC is a scum all and all hahaha. Deserved to be whooped in the @ss. And ML, ahahahaha what a cutie 😂


I also love Chengcheng and the skirt guy!!

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bluedrop rated it
April 7, 2023
Status: Completed
Wasn't expecting the suspense/thriller plot because it was weaved pretty well with subtle foreshadowing in the beginning.

This was such a great read. I honestly loved the MC even if I usually dislike dishonest protags. They were pretty well written in my opinion since the author trickles in the reasoning behind it and what made the MC the way they are.

I loved the ML too. The characters might seem strange and unlikable at first but once the story plays out, we get to know them and I honestly just fell in... more>> love. It's not perfect by any means and I wish we had more extras but this was perfectly enjoyable. <<less
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