This World Has Gone Crazy


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Qi Le – gender: male, s*xual interest: women – suffered from cong**ital heart disease and died early. However, God played a small trick on him and placed his soul inside the body of a tr*shy shou.

From then on, the gates of a new world were opened.

When Qi Le opened his eyes, he found himself still lying in the hospital, but there was a small problem.

Everyone helped clear up his confusion: “You’re gay.”

Qi Le: “……”

Everyone: “You’re a 0, which means you’re the one on the bottom.”

Qi Le: “Bullshit! Laozi is a straight man!”

Everyone stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder: “Forget it, all the men in the world can turn straight, but not you.”

Qi Le shook with anger: “We’ll see about that!”

Everyone reminded him: “Everyone knows about your confession, everyone knows that you’re gay. Which girl would be willing to date you ah?”

Qi Le: “=口=”

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50 Reviews sorted by

UsuiAh rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: c73
First part was quite chaotic but funny enough. Middle part was cute and fluff haha especially when they were both pretending.. There were a couple of chapter-long smut. Quite few.

Latter chapters were more on tying loose ends. Overall, too funny still. It’s like watching a crazy sitcom haha.

Would appreciate detailed description of characters and worldbuilding. As with the title, read with an open mind. It’s an HE afterall, so all good!
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periperi rated it
June 29, 2020
Status: Completed
4 stars

Reading this with a very open mind cos it contains very loose tropes (like a yaoi manga with less logic) and it becomes more enjoyable that way. There's a lot of dub-con in the side pairings that's written in a way that's supposed to be comical so read with a pinch of salt and one will be fine (in fact the side characters are very colourful and interesting, I even want to know what happen to ... more>>

taoist priest, his senior and that professor but alas that is one loose end


But overall this is one whacky, funny story that actually deals with the going-into-another-body trope quite nicely except for what happened to the original soul (I'm thinking the original died tho). <<less
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HaiRyuuKi rated it
May 2, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel is a gem lol! I never had that much laugh for a long time!

Plot ✔

Characters ✔

Comedy ✔

Translation ✔

Insanity ✔

This is literally a crazy novel ???? Aside from

rape, drugging alcoholic drinks

, which might make you uncomfortable. But, this is really a great read if you are bored or having a bad time. Highly recommended!
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laptop1130 rated it
April 23, 2020
Status: Completed
I was quite satisfied with this story and usually when they're translated by Chrysanthemum Garden, the stories will be pretty good. As for what the people who rated it a low score for the "rape", let me just tell you that it isn't as serious or terrible as they make it out to be. The only one that was kinda bad isn't even a main couple so they don't effect the story very much. It's only mentioned in passing and they don't even go into details about it.

In fact, they even end up as a couple.

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probablyanna80 rated it
August 13, 2023
Status: Completed

I really think this is 4 stars, but giving it 5 stars because of others being ignorant about tags.

If you don't like some of the characters, story arcs, ending, etc., then those are valid complaints. You see the tags listed for a novel and then proceed to complain about the tags showing up?! That is ignorant and s*upid and your review is only broadcasting that to the rest of us.

Now onto the novel, it... more>> has the chaotic humor that I'm a fan of. I laughed several times with this one. It's not PC and there are some dark elements, but both are played for comedy. I liked how crazy and weird so many of the characters were. There are many characters in this novel, so there were some that didn't show up as much towards the end. That could be a plus or minus depending on how someone feels about these characters. I really liked the MC. He's a firecracker that can handle his own among the chaos. If you've seen the tags and don't mind them and want a wild, silly comedy then give this a try. <<less
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brexic rated it
February 1, 2021
Status: Completed
If you read this novel with the purpose of just reading and not having to compare it with your principles and the norms of reality, this will be a fun read. The off putting part of this is yea, the gongs want to eat their shous often but this is really a fun read.
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The White Rabbit
The White Rabbit rated it
January 17, 2021
Status: Completed
This one gold and a master that is a must be to read! 😊 Every chapter will provide the readers a daily dose of 'just for laughs' scenarios and will have one wheezing out of laughter.

The MC is really bright and hilarious. Having his own antics and knowing how to take proper counter measures to take advantage of every situations he is in. ML is so sweet towards the MC, having a husband pampering wife every now and then.

The plot and character development is just right and noy rushed despite having... more>> short chapters. Loved that everyone had an HE, specially all the side couples. 😊 Overall this novel is a must to recommend. Get ready to laugh at every chapter from beginning to the end. 🤣 <<less
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jojobebing rated it
September 17, 2020
Status: c73
I didn't know why some reader don't like this novel and have low ratings.. It may not great novel but its good.. Its hilarious, fluffy and got smut.. Very entertaining.. I love how witty and cunning Qi Le is.. Thank u author and translator..
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September 8, 2020
Status: --
After reading the tags... I still read it anyway (ノ∀`*) I do read them as a WARNING for myself, so I wont be "shocked" to see a scenes my heart and brain cant take... (you should start too, . then stay away from it since you dont like those kind of things)

first, I always skipped the part I dont like to read... like I just scanned them so (≧∀≦) ゞ

second, I can ignore those parts since I enjoyed reading the funny parts... this is what catch my interest... more>> the most... Im sorry but I have this type of mindset that

if its fictional, I can ignore those type of things because I made myself believe THIS IS A STORY WHERE ANYTHING HAPPENS... logical or NOT after all stories/novels can be FAR AWAY FROM REAL LIFE.. but if this kind of thing happens in real life, then thats a different story, I wont be happy to see those in real life....

3rd, thats why I always seperate fiction to real life, to avoid stressful mind since Im reading a novel to entertain myself (*´艸`*) <<less
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BlueAmethyst rated it
May 24, 2020
Status: c73 part2
Overall rating: 3.5.

I read this story, after my friend's recommendation, for its comedic and laid-back vibes, and I encourage you to do the same if you're planning on reading this. The cliche-based plot is so-so, the setting is common, and the romance is average - overall, the story is predictable, but somewhat enjoyable too.

And what makes this story amusing are the characters, who all have their own peculiar traits that made the story interesting. Unknowingly, after every chapter, I find myself laughing or smiling from their interactions.

... more>>

To be honest, I think that aside from ML, supporting ML#1, supporting ML#2, MC's mom, and ML's parents, all characters have loose and/or lost screws in their brains - including MC.


My biggest criticism in this story...


is MC's inconsistent character - he was introduced as a smart-with-low-EQ person who can overturn odds against himself to others using just a few words, but midway the story, he seemed to have become dumb enough to not realize that he's gradually exposing his lies? I know it's part of the plot, but the contradiction just bugged me.


Translation quality is okay - there are just some misspelled or missing words but the word flow is understandable. Don't expect a lot. Just read for the good vibes and some laughs. <<less
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