This Omega is Immune to All Abilities


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Yi Jiamu was a patient with the ‘Ability Deficiency Disorder’ and he inadvertently attracted Gu Yesheng’s attention.

The yandere beauty avoided by the entire school pinched his chin: Child, I will cover you in the future.

Yi Jiamu thought for a moment: In fact, it isn’t necessary.

At first, Gu Yesheng thought he was just shy. Later, he discovered that it really wasn’t necessary…

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Omega Này Miễn Dịch Với Dị Năng
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92 Reviews sorted by

Couch Potato Lady
Couch Potato Lady
November 7, 2020
Status: Completed
Best ABO BL I've ever read till now. There are no cliched 'omeagas are weak, alphas are strong and betas are just meh'. This is truly a society where every gender can be strong which is great. The combination of OP yet soft on the outside shou x arrogant yet hen pecked gong is also very good cause I can feel their love growing and their relationship is quite equal too.
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IveenT rated it
November 4, 2020
Status: c103
One of the best BL novel ever. The writing was really good and I loved the healthy balanced relationship between the main characters. MUST read!!!
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Root Greevil
Root Greevil rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: c101
I wish I could give this a better rating, but it just has too many issues. Mainly, the story is split up into two parts. The romance - especially in the early chapters- is really good. That part of the novel is a 5. But the other part of the novel - the plot- is a 1. The plot is just terrible, and there were multiple points where it almost made me stop reading. The ending was also rather lackluster and I basically skimmed the last few chapters. If you... more>> don't care about the plot and are only here for the romance there's a good chance you'll like the story, but if you care about plot, be aware that it's not good and most of it is predictable, while the parts that aren't mostly make no sense. There also might be a secret subversive message against the Chinese government, although I can't be sure about that, but it really seems like it could be read that way. <<less
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En-Jay99 rated it
November 2, 2020
Status: c101
The pacing is a little weird but overall a straightforward and easy to read story.

It's a trope subversion story where the MC 'rabbit' omega protects the 'wolf' alpha ML which is always fun to experience. Honestly having the ML be the damsel in distress especially at the end was fun to read and like the MC says to ML, "You can't beat me." so yeah our MC is bamf. And the ML is heart-eyes towards MC with no insecurity or lame chauvinism, just pride and joy at how strong his... more>> love is.

There is a plot but the pacing means most of it happens in the background and the first hundred chapters is mostly about the MC+ML relationship and their friends and the school, until plot strikes (literally) and everything starts happening very fast.

ML needs a lot of hugs. ML deserves every good thing in life.

People might not like MC which is understandable. He's a very closed off person and rarely reacts to anything. And it's actually the ML who brings excitement and colour into his life, which is another kind of trope subversion. Falling in love with ML and experiencing his pain and strength actually motivates the MC and helps him grow as a person.

4 might be a high rating but it 3 is way too low, so 4 is fine as an overall okay story with humour, fluff, friendship and love (and bad guys always in the background) <<less
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MongMongMonaLi rated it
February 16, 2024
Status: --
It way cute, it was good to pass time.

MC cuteness sometimes felt forced. I felt like there was no hardship in the plot, because MC is so OP... I don't know, it was an okay read. Not bad, not great, but ok.
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effinmuf rated it
January 24, 2024
Status: Completed
Don't be deceived by the cover. Gong is actually a pathetic proud peac*ck who is thirsty for shou's attention (might be exaggerated but you get the idea). Bro speedran breaking his cold and gloomy senior character like by the time I realized it he's already clinging to Mumu and following him left and right. Mumu wears the pants in this relationship. GYS doesn't even stand a chance against Mumu.
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Jiiemm rated it
January 8, 2024
Status: Completed
I liked this story. !!!!
Very 😭😭😭

How to say it, it's solid! The storyline is really complete. The world building is very well organized! Unlimited flow, romance, abo genre, action, even conflict make this story a decent story 😭🥹

It may not be perfect, but I really liked how Gu yesheng fell in love in a sweet way, not too instant, but he was always there and loved properly 😭🫶
I also really like how our Mumu doesn't resist when she falls in love... Their process of getting together and fighting is so much fun...

One of Abo's stories with solid conflicts that is really worth enjoying 🫶

Thanks to the translator for completing this masterpiece 🫶
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Amethist67 rated it
September 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Thanks for the hard work translating~

I would say that this was 8/10 for me I love the dynamic of the couple I would say abused Gong and pampering shou pairing, there is no misunderstandings per se, consent, great communication but things don't start moving in the relationship till halfway through the novel. I love the ML it was mostly the alpha being clingy to the omega and the omega being calm and a little bit naive but not to the point of me being irritated lo Because with this character... more>> once he got something then he was instantly on alert and on top of it.

there is only one chapter

Ch 76 Hehe

of some half decent smut and then the rest is off-script or vaguely mentioned in A sentence or two by but there needs to be at least two chapters of details for me to be satisfied but at least I had some otherwise my rating would be a bit low sorry I need to touch grass....

some good action and it was kind of boring in the beginning and the middle, but things really heated up toward the end when it became one of my favorite bl novels. towards the end I started crying a lot and the plot thickened and was tense ah But I'm kind of disappointed that it's only 104 chapters I feel like some things ended too quickly where it became mute where I felt like this whole novel could have been at least 50 more or double the amount of chapters But only if it kept up with the pace in the last half I wouldn't want the dragging that was in the beginning and I want them to be an actual relationship if it was longer LOL so maybe it is good as is, because when it's a longer novel they don't get together until the ending lol;[, I just wish they skipped a few years ahead and we got to see some babies because it is the omegaverse after all when it's in that universe you expect to see some babies otherwise what's the point they could have just had a regular gay relationship...

But anyway, Overall I recommend I'll definitely reread this. this is a strong couple with Omega being stronger not slightly but a lot LOL his favorite catch phrase is "but you can't beat me?". <<less
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March 1, 2023
Status: Completed
I decided not to rate it for now. I didn't read the reviews or tags before I jumped right in and didnt expect the esport and rebel drama. I thought it was just going to be a cute college campus love story. If I were to rate it now, it probably only get a 2 to 3.

I do appreciate that the author didn't stick with cliche ABO stereotypes, the MC and ML were likable. There is still the ABO aspect, it just isn't a power imbalance like most AB relationships.... more>> In fact I think the little O is more powerful. I just wish the MC grew a little and wasn't so shy and tsundere towards the ML. Getting tired of MC's like this, they feel like they are forced in the relationship, not that they actually love the ML.

The parts I didn't really like:

-The family being so overprotective that they didn't even tell MC about his family history, even after he was an adult. Also kind of tired of the family hating on the love interest troupe because that's their baby blah blah blah.

-the esport aspect, though not a big part, was really meh to me. It wasn't set up enough to really be engaging and I wasn't expecting it, so I didn't enjoy it. I thought the ability association was like a student council at first. Maybe if it was explained more and MC had a little bit that he had to learn, it would have been more enjoyable.

-the whole rebel parts made me roll my eyes. I don't think it was integrated into the story well and with the falling in love, ML's issues, their captains issues and MC's nativity, it felt like too much. It was just kind of meh and the reason for the rebellion made sense, but is never addressed, just glossed over, ability users are always right I guess?

-the ML's whole back story wasn't really explained. He is set up as an unwanted heir that the grandpa keeps only cause he is strong, but doesn't like him. Then the rebel stuff happens and all of a sudden he and grandpa are ok because grandpa is just a big awkwad prideful A and actually really cares about ML?! It's literally 1 tiny paragraph said by the butler and everything is a-ok after....

-the side characters get forgotten about. The team captain is explored a little more and given a CP, but for as much as he was part of the story we don't get enough background on him. I honestly just didn't care about him by the end and skimmed his CP extra.

I think the author tried to fit too many story lines in too short of a story. I think if some of it was expanded out and kind of treated like arcs, it could have been a great story. Would have liked to see more courting and MC falling for ML, kind of feels like MC likes ML only because ML was so persistent and MC is niave in relationship matters.

This is one of the better ABO stories and all in all, I'm not mad I read this story, but was really annoyed with some parts that I couldn't love the novel. I might read again in the future when I'm in the mood for drama and eSports. If I do read it again I will update my review and rating then. <<less
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HooliganReader rated it
November 14, 2022
Status: Completed
It's a nice read. Sweet and short-ish. Not the best but good enough.

The best part about the novel was actually the MC and the ML and their super sweet interactions. Ive always loved a sweet naive omega and I got one with a splash of OP badass-ness. The ML is super adorable too. He is the gloomy type but becomes a shameless prideful peac*ck around the MC. Also, what I liked about him is that is isn't portrayed as the alpha of all alpha. He is technically physically weak, ... more>> a lil lazy and somewhat... Clingy? Hahahaha. He actually went through more emotional turmoil than the MC.

The overall plot was really realllyyyyy sub-par. Like it was not exciting whatsoever but it had a nice transition and buildup. The author didn't get into the nitty gritty when it came to the league/game so that was a relief too.

Another plus side to the novel is that the s*xual tension between the MC and the ML was... WHOAH and there is an optional smutty chapter hehehehe. Side note, their relationship progressed quite fast. They got together like 2 months in (?).

Overall, if you like a silly, sweet and naive omega, a green flag alpha, a simple but still unique plot and a good relationship development/ interaction this is for you! <<less
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Anjayewassleeping rated it
January 24, 2022
Status: Completed

the MC is op and the male lead is so funny I love them sm!! I also love mc's family sighs their love for the MC is so strong im crying in envy. I feel bad for the ML but im glad he found MC and had a nice family (although he almost broke his legs to mc's fam lol)

5/5!! Nice translation ty for translating this <33
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January 2, 2022
Status: Completed
i love how this story broke omega stereotypes. It's quite refreshing to see slightly fragile alpha and an op omega",)
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AOB rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I will recommend this story to anyone especially if you’re looking for a different type of relationship, I loved this a lot and definitely deserves a way higher rating than 4.4
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jrose2225 rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: Completed
Second time reading this and remembering why it's in my favourites list. Just so good and always makes me cry with the happy ending. Just obsessed.
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ran_rann rated it
October 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I just finished binge reading this in two days and all I can say is that I LOVED IT SO MUCH!

I usually avoid abo settings because most fall into stereotypes I really can't stand but I decided to trust the author since I love their other book and read it. I was pleasantly surprised! It's like Secondary genders don't matter in this world, no one is being discriminated against. Just like someone is born male or female, you can either be an alpha beta or omega and that doesn't affect... more>> physical abilities or the special abilities or how people treat each other. In my opinion, this is a perfect way to write abo, it really suited my tastes so much. I really loved the world-building the most: the way the abilities were treated was very realistic and the use of the sci-fi elements was very fun!

Every reveal that happened, in the end, was so satisfying with the foreshadowing the author dropped along the way, it was so fun reading this book.

The relationship was everything I expected from this author! None of that alpha losing their control around an omega, everything was done with respect and consent!

One thing I wanted at first was for the side plot (is it really a side plot? the thing that happens in the end?) to be more important and was starting to think the ending was a bit rushed until I considered it from the pov of our main characters and it made sense. Why should a bunch of university students be that involved in what happened? kudos to the author for making adults act like adults for once and handle everything and actually protect the young characters! I couldn't help but compare to other stories I read with people who have special powers (bhna lol) and it made me realize how ridiculous it is to expect some teens/young adults who haven't graduated yet to be involved in seriously dangerous situations.


Not sure if this counts as a spoilers but I will put the rest of my review here anyway:

The game (?the sports?) they play is very fun and makes so much sense in the society they live in. They can fight using their abilities without worrying about real life injuries and it must be very fun for these kids with abilities.

The dynamic between the main couple is the cutest! An alpha who has a strong mental ability but is weak physically and his omega who protects him and isn't affected by his ability...a match made in heaven! They're really compatible and their dynamic was so interesting since the first meeting. I will forever remember who ML acted during MC's heat in the beginning and how despite being muddle headed later on (in an nsfw chapter the translator managed to get their hands on) he still asked for consent before doing anything to MC. I also love how MC isn't passive in the relationship and not the usual innocent bottom.

One thing that I maybe wish we got more details on is the whole thing with arbiter. I know it makes sense for our characters to not be in the know because of their identities as just students but can the author write a spin off or something and explain it even further please it's such an interesting premise ;_; maybe follow MC's brother? I'm begging?


I really can't recommend this book enough! <<less
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dlover627 rated it
October 11, 2021
Status: Completed
A very clean ABO setting with refreshing AO relationship dynamics.

There's no coercion, no discrimination, omegas can be more powerful than alphas and heats don't make people lose their rationality or are used as excuse to use r**e trope.

The MC and ML have hard to come by character constructions.

This was a very fast reading, is not perfect, the ending is good and doesn't feel rushed, but overall is not my jam, I don't like e-sports and a virtual competition feels pretty much the same to me, I also felt a lack... more>> of description. <<less
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blanc_ rated it
August 31, 2021
Status: Completed
A very fluffy story to read. I love that it diverts from normal ABO story where the Alpha is much more powerful than the Omega. Mumu here is very soft but badass at the same time. A must story to read!
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xuevie rated it
August 25, 2021
Status: Completed
ahhh *cries* so happy that they finally can be happy after all that >.<

Originally thought it wouldn't be that great cuz personally didn't like sci-fi, and I found the MC way too OP while the ML wasn't as great... BUT NEVERMIND, these two things has made the novel much more refreshing - a sci-fi, action omegaverse where the omega is more dominating and powerful than the alpha - so gooood!

the parts of the novel that had romance in it was extremely sweet - so doting that they just spread dog... more>> food wherever they go; while the parts where the action took place, it was exciting; and for the parts that had 'drama' (i guess it could be called that) was heartwrenching

  • character growth: check ✔️
  • interactions between MC and ML = diabetes check ✔️
  • interactions between the other characters: check ✔️ (really like the relationship between their teammates)
  • power couple - family background: check ✔️
  • action - abilities: check ✔️
  • villain (s) = gosh that dumb cousin + one other: check ✔️
  • but pssst the role of Mumu's roommate should probs be comedic relief
It was such a good read - felt happiness, sadness, excitement, pain, warmth, and anger during the entire journey. Therefore, I 100% recommend this novel! <<less
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Hyunayah rated it
August 21, 2021
Status: Completed
I'm not really good with reviews, just wanted to say that this is one of the best novels I've read! Definitely recommend!
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Mayuri801 rated it
August 8, 2021
Status: c103
I'm in love with this novel, both MC and ML are cute and funny. I read it all in one go, the start was slow, but the end was satisfactory and realistic. However I was hoping for more scenes with the secondary couple.
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