There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem


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Suddenly, the unmarried twenty-year-old Ye Zhizhou had many more relatives, yet it was too late for him to clearly understand the circumstances as he nearly died in a car accident. After that, he somehow managed to survive and was even forcibly bound to a Salvation System.

How is it salvation?

Harems destroy worlds! Preventing a harem will save them!

. . . .

Ok, prevent harems. After seeing the entire system introduction, the corners of Ye Zhizhou’s mouth twitched. In order to return home safely, he decisively began his risky journey, he’d just treat it as if he was playing a large-scale strategy game.

Since then, the people the protagonist would rescue, he rescued first. The businesses the protagonist would make, he made first. The little brother the protagonist would take in, he took in first. The cliff the protagonist would jump off of, he jumped off of first. The gay s*x the protagonist would have, he’d have. . . . Wait wait, can’t do this one, change it, let me change it.

???: No, you can do this one.

Ye Zhizhou (alarmed): Who’s speaking?

???: Your husband.

Ye Zhizhou: . . . .

Associated Names
One entry per line
Luôn Có Vai Chính Vọng Tưởng Mở Rộng Hậu Cung
Related Series
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The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System (6)
I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist (6)
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119 Reviews

Nov 18, 2017
Status: Completed
I though I will see another new (fast wear) tags, but I already read this raw ????

Btw, this novel is so good. Its focused to the harem and the harem is totally messed up. If u harem, hate godly/hypocrite protagonist, then u can read this. This story is too good.

... more>>[/MC job is to broke the harem, and the protagonist is always crazy. The information from sytem is soo messed up tht I Lol. I really like how the MC said tht the protagonist is hypocrite. Because indeed it is. The information from system is soo beautifull, yet the reality is not tht. Lol. The MC is not villain. At least not the villain in the real live, or out the novel. Cause, MC and harem action will destroying the world and the cause is so messed up. It so funny. Too funny I would say.

And the ML is like FOD, dont worry. Its a possessive, obssesive, handsome, powerfull ml, and the MC is slighly cunning, and cute. Not like MC FOD. But not sweet like lovabable package if u already see these novel on Novel Update. Its wonderfull story. U can read this. I recommend this ??? <<less
68 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 23, 2018
Status: Completed
To sum it up, this is a story of a lost child, yandare-san and a drug dealer.


The plot is interesting and it looks easy and unreasonable at first, but when our MC entering Hell Mode, he will discover the world's secrets and the real enemy's identity.
67 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 28, 2020
Status: c110
Having read a lot of these novels, this one is a breath of fresh air.

Points I like about it:

  • It gets better as we go, instead of getting stale and boring.
  • The MC is actually an MC and retains his intelligence and agency throughout, in so many of these the MC just becomes the MLs hand luggage after a few arcs.
  • MC is fantastic.
  • ML goes through an arc or two of over the top possessiveness but tones it down to more reasonable levels later. Also helps that MC doesn't take his crap.
  • Interactions between MC and ML and other characters are freaking hilarious sometimes. I've legitimately lol'd many times.
  • There's no over-the-top angst between MC and ML. They both know what they want and they don't beat around the bush about it.
  • MC doesn't spend 80% of the novel in pain complaining about how he can't sit down and how much his "waist" hurts.
  • Not everyone in every single world is bent. There's actual non-villain women in it, even in later arcs and they even sometimes get together with men. It's crazy.
  • MC starts off OP to the point where he can just brute force the mission but the missions get more and more difficult and he quickly needs to start being clever and not just OP, which is great.
For the sake of balance, what I didn't like:

  • Sometimes, in the later worlds the plot can get so convoluted with so many characters that I get super confused. But since it's a QT novel and the arc plot is transient, it doesn't really matter.
  • I've run out of translated chapters. : (
Overall one of my favourite BL novels. Definitely the best BL QT novel.

Recommendation: Give it a try. Also, keep going cause it actually just keeps getting better.
60 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Nov 14, 2017
Status: --
This one is good pick, I read halfway through the raws and it focuses mostly on the MC breaking the harem rather than his romance, and slight spoiler is that the system doesn't provide accurate information on the plot of the world, so the MC has to figure out and piece together what was missing in order to complete this mission.
44 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 01, 2018
Status: Completed
The story is somewhat similar to FOD but fear not, it is still a very entertaining read. MC is intelligent and witty, ML is very possessive but sweet and protective of the MC. Please do not turn away from this novel just because someone said that it wasn't a satisfying read after basically only finishing 1 arc. The more you read, the more you understand the story and the characters and trust me it will get you hooked.

200% recommended to read.
36 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Feb 06, 2019
Status: c160
so this novel has very mixed reviews... why? Well besides the obvious different people have different tastes, there are a few key points...

1. the novel has a general repetition for the most part from the begininning towards the late middle (around 120s I think) until it finally starts to tie in some major plot points,

unlike other world hopping or fast wears where they get really indepth with the arcs and world building to the point where the chapters get dragged out, this novel makes it feel as if there... more>> are more arcs that look shorter in indexes, but the story carries through making it feel fulfilled without too much filler and just enough fluff and face slapping and the system being its cute and caring self.

I'm not sure if I would say I like this method more to say cannon fodder cheat system where it goes further in depth with other characters from their perspective, reborn as a system where I think there's a lot of info dumping, or FOTD where its the perfect remedy of everything. I think getting the majority of the perspective just from our friendly MC works for this because we find out things with him in his thought process as we solve the mystery in each arc. Sometimes it can be slightly dumb or question how the MC could have possibly come to that conclusion based on diddly squat, but generally the plot twists are satisfying. I especially love the zombie arc! Its probably my favorite to be honest, but I'm an apocalypse nut so I'm slightly biased.

2. Sometimes the mtling is just confusing even though the arc's story is good,


*cough* there is this one reallllly annoying arc where the father and two sons (one being the protagonist, the other being our MC) all have the same name (Zhang Qiu I think). While their first names have different chinese characters and they sound differently, when it gets down to it in english and we remove the accents, they are the same and it gets really confusing, and I really like that arc so it makes me even more frustrated...

i look forward to how the translator will go about their names


3. Sometimes I think the author just used that arc to sell meng (moe, fluff),


I know other may disagree with me... but personally I really hate that sleeping devil cultivation arc. The one where ML is the devil king or demon beast king (?). He's a doggo. The story seems rather thrown together, there are points that confuse the h*ll out of me despite rereading and the only pros to this arc is the fluff service. The ML is a doggo but because he was sealed or needs to conserve energy or something, he looks like a pup or a kiddo (can't recall exactly, too frustrated). He is super adorable nonetheless, and super smexy when he turns back into a hunk to eat some tofu.

It is sorta nice seeing ML so vulnerable, but I think other arcs do it better when they make him emotionally vulnerable.


4. Sometimes the ML is too yandere (which puts some ppl off). I thought it was cute. I personally really love their relationship and the characters because they both feel real and finally the ML isn't f*cking perfect! They also have real relationship fights.


There was also one arc where the MC did nothing to solve the arc because ML decided to do it for him and they got into a huge fight because of it. It was very dramatic! And then ML did it again later and I think the MC threatened to break it off with him if he does it again since the MLs distrust in MC makes the MC unable to trust ML, and he should be able to trust his life partner! There was more drama, and I will be evil and not tell you which arc so you can read the novel to find out! Teehee~ <3

There was a ton of fluff, and a ton of tofu eating some of which was a bit more than fading to black. MC I feel has more bad ass moments than ML or at least they're more dramatic!!! There was an arc that did make me cry bcuz... well something really tearjerky happened. But I cry from watching les miserables, soooo....


now that we are out of spoiler territory, I would seriously rate this novel 4 stars because while it wasn't as epic and original as some of the 5 star novels, there are definitely original stories in here that make it story wise at least a solid 3.5 despite mtling difficulties. What makes it 4 is the relationship between MC and ML and the ML in general because while he is just as OP as those other MLs in other novels, this ML has emotional vulnerabilities that feel real and also dramatic and unique, that I feel is not explored as much or at all in other novels. I mean, he almost destroyed their relationship in the latter half of the novel where they should be an unbeatable duo! It made me happy!

God speed reader! <<less
29 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Dec 27, 2017
Status: c17
... it wasn't a satisfying read. In a span of 17 chapters, I can't count the number of times I thought something along the lines of: "this character is s*upid", "this development is just oh-so-convenient" and "... wtf..?"

... more>>

Plus, am I the only one who got really creepy vibes when the 1st arc's ML laid his hands on a minor? A minor he's supposed to be guarding? Fudge, I normally don't bat an eyelid when it's BL (like in Quickly Wear The Face of the Devil), but this is just... no...


Oh, well. Maybe this one isn't just for me. (*´A`) =3 <<less
21 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jul 08, 2020
Status: c113
Honestly one of the worse QTs out there.
    1. Pacing is WAY too fast even for a supposed quick transmigration
    2. You can tell that the author is trying very hard to get readers to dislike certain characters (word choice, etc. That it actually gets very annoying. Prime example of telling but not showing) - 2D villains
    3. The oddest plot twists (+ twist upon twist) that apparently even the author admitted to getting confused by, let alone readers

      the illegitimate child arc

    4. Nonsensical plot and plot devices (how does a box of chocolates escalate to nuclear war????)
    5. OP MC that no one questions
      1. he pulls things out of the system in front of people

        and not one questions it
If you want to give it a try, go ahead. I think the only reason I bore with it for this long was simply because it was one of the first novels I read all the way back when QWTFD, TPWSKMFFMI, and HDS were practically the only QTs available. It doesn't (or at least hasn't) get better in 100+ chapters.

The MC is surprised at literally everything. The ML breaks character almost the moment he sets eyes on the MC (while I know the soul remembering thing does happen, it's still too fast for me). The supporting cast isn't even given enough time for me to care about them, especially in the later arcs with 8-9 harem members.

The only arc I liked was the celebrity one, but only because there was at least some character development in the supporting cast.

Like there are some novels that are satisfying to read even with an OP MC + system, but this isn't one of them. You are much better off spending your time reading a different QT.
17 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Apr 18, 2021
Status: Completed
One of my favorite quick wear bl novels out there. Also one of my very first that made me question my 3 view points. After this novel I can no longer stand a novel where the protagonists has a harem. I used to love harem novels and now I hate myself when I read one QAQ. This probably means my 3 view points been corrected. I also started looking at every novel I have read very weirdly. The same affect goes after I have read QWTFOD. I have started questioning... more>> all the novels I read before and nothing was ever the same. It took me a long while to stop doing it. I would question myself, ” what if my protagonist is not very innocent as the novel is portraying them and there is more to the story than the story is letting on?” These types of questions haunt me to the point that I could not pick up a novel less than 4 stars because that means there would be a lot of loopholes and bad or no logic to the novel. <<less
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Jul 31, 2020
Status: c114
Idk what ppl used to read when this first started being translated but now progressing to later arcs....u.m the f*cking plot info of each world takes up a whole chapter with twist upon twist and a sh*t ton of npc names u prolly will forget half way thru the arc. It's the same formula thru the later arcs with the harem getting progressingly bigger.

I used to like the beginning arcs with less casts but now it's a pain to read each arcs. It's one of my first novels so I'll... more>> skim thru and see the ending eventually ???? <<less
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Mar 16, 2018
Status: Completed
Its really good.

Though the premise is overused the plot is still very interesting. Theres a lot of comedic parts but got parts that almost made me shed tears too. Especially during the later parts. Gosh.

+ the characters arent one dimensional. Theyre very individualistic imho. Esp the MC.

But the best part lol I think would be the sheer ridiculousness of when the mirror tells the MC about how the harems can destroy worlds. So ridiculous ?. I love it.
13 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jan 06, 2018
Status: --
I really liked it !!! There were a lot of plot twists and it was really well written and translated ! Its similar to FOD in the way that there is transmigration and disrupting the protagonist but in a more detailed way than FOD.. A very entertaining read !!

Edit : Taking back my stars. Got bland in the later chapters unfortunately. Once you have seen one you have seen all.
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
Jun 14, 2021
Status: c114
Very conflicted about this novel.

As many has said, the beginning is a bit lackluster but it picks up as the novel goes on. The first world is - not exactly boring, but it's a standard QT world you would expect for the genre. Gradually the plot thickens and you discover that every world isn't what it seems and that you can't trust the System's explanation for the world completely. The plot twists and mysteries were pretty well done, and I had fun trying to figure everything out.

I liked the MC,... more>> he was funny and clever. The ML.... well, he was a bit one-dimensional. In terms of dialogue, I'm pretty sure the word he says most is "mine" (in relation to the MC... of course) and if you're into possessive MLs who offer little else, you'll like him. He wasn't necessarily a bad character (he doesn't force the MC, so that was a definite plus in my book), just bland.

The romance was healthy too. It definitely wasn't one sided, the MC and the ML love each other equally and give back as much as they take. There's enthusiastic consent involved, which is always a good sign.

However.... there were several things that kept from getting really into the novel. For one, the MC is so OP, holy shit. I didn't see anyone else talking about this in the reviews, so maybe it's just me, but the MC has two hacks: the pills the system gives him and his spiritual force. In a sense, these two things together practically make him invincible.


The protagonist tries to poison someone? No need to fear, the System will provide an antidote! The protagonist is trying to hide away? The MC's spirit force will find them! The MC is fighting against a powerful enemy? Don't worry, the System just so happens to have a revive pill for you at hand! The body the MC is born into is in dire financial straits? Who cares about money, the MC is going to use his spirit force to buy stocks or gamble and become a millionaire! A major plot point revolves around how the MC's face has been transformed into another face? That's boring, lets resolve this in half a chapter with - you guessed it - another pill! A mu*der myst- you know what? I think you get the point.


It just kind of took away from how awesome the plot development and the obstacles thrown in the MC's path could be. Like, most of the time the MC could just brute force his way past any issue he had, which isn't nearly as fun as if he had to tickle his brain and not have everything go his way.

I think his golden finger isn't handled very well in the novel either. Like... no one questions have OP the MC is, no one wonders "how the f*ck did this person with no medical background what so ever just cure my daughter's legs with a pill". When the MC uses the spiritual force to do something impossible right in plain sight the side characters just go like "they knew it wasn't the right time to ask"... HUH?

Also, I know I said the worlds get better as the novel goes on, but around the middle I feel like it peaks and then starts to go downhill again. For one, either because the number of male leads increases or because the author didn't want to write more, the MC doesn't even have to do that much to reduce the possibility that the male leads will fall for the protagonist. The protagonist (who is often ridiculously easy to slander or ridiculously s*upid) starts to just behave in a way that makes the male leads disgusted on their own. Each world becomes somewhat predictable too, even with the plot twists, because the same basic elements seem to repeat somewhat.

Overall, I rate this a 3.5/5.0 stars. Was it horrible? Not at all. Was it good? Parts of it, yes. <<less
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Nov 23, 2023
Status: c130
Pretty good novel, with an unfortunate translation fate.

Plot-wise: great premise at the start, but gets a little too convoluted as the story goes on. While it won't get you pondering over intricate plots, it hits my QT itch and to be honest, I appreciate the lack of tension because I like happy endings. 3.5/5

THAT SAID! I haven't finished this novel because the first translator must've dropped the it. The current translator seems to be mass-retranslating it, but it's barely edited MTL. It's like they copy-pasted raw MTL and ran it... more>> through ChatGPT or something. Chunks of the chapter would be missing, names are inconsistent. Readers unfamiliar with Chinese slang or idioms would also have a hard time discerning nuance, since there are no translation notes, or even a comment section for feedback. 1/5 <<less
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Apr 24, 2020
Status: c105
Let me just say that it was a momentous struggle to get through the first 30 chapters. Like dragging my eyes through molasses. I thought to myself, "Why am I doing this? How come there are so many good reviews? Is everyone goddamn crazy to be giving this novel such high reviews?!"

But after I got to the 3rd arc, things really picked up. I'm not sure if it's because of the quality of the translation or if the author improved their writing, but the rest of the arcs are of... more>> drastically higher quality. You may as well evaluate the first 30 chapters as an entirely different novel. If not for the beginning of the novel, I would rate this a 5.

That being said, it's probably worth waiting for the full English translation for this one. Reading the first 30 chapters --which was basically poorly edited MTL-- was a huge mistake, so I can only imagine reading true MTL.

There are many laughs to be had. MC and ML as well as the scenarios are f*cking hilarious. My favorite part is when:


MC: Wow this world is so easy!
System: Commencing world difficulty upgrade.
MC:... Wait...
MC: Wait, I take that back!


Other funny parts include:


The 5th arc where MC meets the protagonist who keeps "fainting" and the protagonist tries to act like he's unconscious while getting yelled at by a doctor. Also in the 6th arc when ML regresses into a baby demon and calls MC "Mommy, " MC tries to go to the next world immediately, hahaha.

7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
May 28, 2018
Status: c30
This is a fun, light read with interesting plots and harem-breaking. The main character carries the story, but most of the side-characters come across as rather flat. The original protagonists whose harems the MC had to destroy came across as pretty nasty people once all was revealed. It'll be nice if more dimension is shown for the original protagonists and side-characters. Thus far, there are a lot of unanswered questions, even relating to the previous arcs, so I don't have any hope for them being answered.

Unfortunately, some of the sentences... more>> are very unclear, which makes them lose meaning in the translation and makes me feel like I'm missing part of the story. <<less
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Apr 02, 2024
Status: --
Go to page 12 and start reading the links from Hollywood Novels from the beginning. The translation from phiare is so terrible and unintelligible. I can barely wrap my head around it. Don't make the mistake that I did. Other than that, this story is pretty good for a Quick Transmigration. I like that the System is a little different than others, preferring mirrors and the Color pink. Other than that the storyline is somewhat interesting, but definitely not my favourite kind of story. Some of the Arks are interesting... more>> and different than other Quick Transmigration Novels though. <<less
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Mar 23, 2024
Status: Completed
Okay, if anyone is going to read this novel, they have to be super patient because the translation is pretty bad. Names of characters change sometimes causing confusion or two/ three characters have the same names (probs different pronunciation and meaning but read the same when in English). It was a true test of how badly you wanted to read the story. Overall, it was translated well enough that you could understand most of the story.

MC is very smart and clever. The plots of each world were full of unexpected... more>> surprises and I enjoyed reading about how much they deviate from the glorified version the MC first receives. ML... my guy was extremely jealous and possessive but MC likes that so I guess it’s fine. MC was low key the same actually. The ML also fell in love with him at first sight it seems. Occasionally, his actions bordered on nefarious but the MC wasn’t one to keep accepting him overstepping boundaries so it made their relationship less toxic imo. At least MC has a backbone and doesn’t allow ML to get too crazy and ML also tried to stay within reason.

My only dislike would be the translation left me confused at times and I think I missed some important aspects of their relationship. Also, the very abrupt end where the Original world and ML’s world had super fast and convoluted endings that were flashbacks and time skips. Anyways, decent read and would recommend. <<less
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Aug 31, 2019
Status: Completed
Start it and give it a chance, don't give up to get to good parts.

For English-speaking users, suffer through first 30 chapters of translation that has an MTL scent, it will be worth it I promise. Not to mention that beginning is a bit messy, but later you can feel author put a lot of effort in creating a better story. And the ending comes together really well.

Satisfactory factors to me:

    • The MC starts with a cheat of spiritual power, and I thought it would be another story with boring easily achieved world task, but boy was I wrong. After few worlds the difficulty gets higher and MC has to adopt to situations, some turns he chooses are unpredictable and interesting, no unnecessary lyrics, everything there to progress the plot;
    • Lovable MC: his cute reactions to story progress, interactions with the system, how he cares for wronged leads, all in all he's quite cute, kind and all in all a good MC;
    • After some time it gets heavier on the story than MC/ML romance, and I'm not mad about it, some arcs are really well-done and despite them being relatively short they still leave a strong impression with interesting plot twists, that by themselves could be expanded in full stories. During this time ML indeed becomes like a furniture, but the exciting plot saves the day and this is more shounen ai type of story, so don't expect steam;
    • Many authors of QT genre dump info on the story at once, but with this novel it actually makes more sense and fits the progress of the story (because spoilers the initial story may change and it has a reason for that) ;
    • I would call it an exciting read, after first few wrolds when the story starts to settle down and have a direction to more interesting plot twists and turns it gets quite exciting. The best part is how when the plot of the world is revealed it seems cliche and ridiculous, but the way author changes it is what is worth it.
Solid 4, 8 for everything. One of the finest QT novels, I wish the beginning was re-edited, but let's leave it as that :) Can't Play Chess lives to their name, if you read more than 1 of their novels you know that they have their style on story twists, but they also try themselves in different type of stories and by polishing their style they truly shined in novels of recent years.
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Mar 19, 2018
Status: c15
Decent for a quick hit if you like transmigration novels, even if the plot isn't the best, but I think the translator might be illiterate. At any rate, the MTL could really use an editor.

Content warnings for arc 1:

... more>>

Fatphobia and unrealistic weight loss (acknowledged to be unrealistic, but it makes you wonder why it was necessary to make the character fat in the first place, except to juxtapose the character before and after MC transmigrates into his body), ML repeatedly kisses MC despite MC being in the body of a minor and unwilling


The plot developments are unrealistic, the characters are shallow, and the translation doesn't make up for any of that and is barely readable at best, so I wouldn't recommend this unless you just want a quick QWFOD-like read. <<less
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