The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs


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Office worker Leon is reincarnated into a particularly punishing dating sim video game, where women reign supreme and only beautiful men have a seat at the table. But Leon has a secret weapon: he remembers everything from his past life, which includes a complete playthrough of the very game in which he is now trapped. Watch Leon spark a revolution to change this new world in order to fulfill his ultimate desire…of living a quiet, easy life in the countryside!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Otome Game Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu
Thế Giới Otomegame Thật Khắc Nghiệt Với Nhân Vật Quần Chúng
Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs (LN)
Related Series
Ano Otomege wa Oretachi ni Kibishii Sekai desu (Spin-Off)
The World of Otome Game Too Tough for Mobs: Original Route (Spin-Off)
21st Century Archmage (8)
Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite (8)
To Be a Power in the Shadows! (WN) (7)
The Regressor and the Blind Saint (6)
The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me (6)
I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! (6)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. thesauce
  3. Comedy recommended
  4. enjoyed my time
  5. The novel whose adaptation made me come here

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/10/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c18
10/07/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c17
10/04/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c16
09/30/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c15
09/26/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c14
09/22/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c13
09/19/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c12
09/12/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c11
09/08/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c10
09/05/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c9
09/02/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c8
08/29/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c7
08/29/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c6
08/25/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c5
08/22/23 Dobelyu Wai v12c4
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185 Reviews sorted by

stanljpierre rated it
June 7, 2022
Status: v9 prologue
This novel is a pain to read. The MC’s personality is beyond annoying and he’s experienced little to no character growth even up to the most recent volumes. Typical of a JP novel, he tends to be pushed around by those close to him and forced into situations he wants no part in, but hardly does he ever really retaliate or is truly resentful. Then there’s the issue with how dense the MC comes off to be. He always runs from confessions or is indecisive in regards to them which... more>> drags out things between him and his now fiancés. Super frustrating, moreover he’s the most unromantic guy ever. Even up to the most recent volume, I don’t even think he’s properly held his fiancés hands of his own initiative. Heck, even his own two first fiancés have kissed each other before he has even kissed one of them. Really just reading up until now because invested too much time already and don’t feel like dropping it when it’s so close to the end. <<less
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P-911Interest rated it
March 6, 2022
Status: v9 afterword
This is a series that deals with an isekai'd protagonist who was transmigrated into an otome game he was forced to play and complete. As a result, he has to deal with a matriarchal society that prioritizes the favorable treatment of the women at the expense of the male population to an absurd degree.

It's a fantastic experience to go through the first arc: Holfart Kingdom Arc (V1-4). The first arc of this story is filled with fantastic characters, interesting world-building lore, and funny subversions to the otome game staples and... more>> tropes.

The second arc, World Tree Arc (V5-7), continues that trend, but with much less of the good stuff. The new characters lack some depth while most of the original characters don't develop much in new ways. The world-building lore hasn't been enriched much. The 'subversions' of the otome game tropes are much less impactful and more hollow. However, I still had hope for this series, until...

The third arc, Meaningless Arc (V8-9), is what killed my joy for this series. Both the original characters and the new ones aren't explored or developed in this arc at all. Nothing has been added to the world-building at all. There isn't any satire on the otome game franchise at all. In fact, it ironically transformed into a typical psuedo-harem novel with an beta-MC who avoids consummating his marriage with his three beautiful, hot fiances to an abnormal degree.

tl;dr, I've personally experienced how great the novel was in its first arc. I've also experienced the downfall of the series in its second arc while trying my best to keep my hopes up for its future. I've ultimately experienced despair as I realized that the series wasn't getting better, but worse. It became something similar to the very thing that it ridiculed in the first place.

*Editted <<less
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kaaliya rated it
July 18, 2021
Status: v4 extra (Dropped)
This LN should have been completed at Volume 4. Then, the author thought of further milking this cow for as long as he can. The lack of creativity after Volume 4 shows that author has run out of ideas to prolong this novel. Forcefully introducing new heroines to get the plot going and sending ML to another school made me think that ' This is it ', this is where I need to drop this so that my memory of this LN doesn't get tainted. Until V4, a pretty fun... more>> read for me though. <<less
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Ezrael rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: v3
The story follows japanese troupe of beta male transmigrated to an otome game world without any cheat abilities.

MC is a self proclaimed righteous person. I understand that he suffered living in this world but as the story progress he began to act like a hoodlum rather than normal boy. The world setting is f*cked up where lower rank female nobilities could enjoy their degenerated life openly, but higher nobilities have some restrictions because circumstances. All middle rank girls are basically sluts.

The male side characters were s*upid f*ckboy of the villain.

There's... more>> lot of inconsistencies throughout the story but author let it of because "game world"

Not really worth to read because repetitive statement to fill up pages will make you puke. <<less
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Prettyboy099 rated it
September 25, 2020
Status: c176
As expected from the same writer as 'Sevens'.. Very satisfied with the MC... I like the MC who rotates his head fully before taking action.... Story is fun to read with no extra drama and full of Luxion's tsukkomi..... Romance with the heroines are also good and Milaine is cute (kohom... married woman)...
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navan rated it
June 25, 2020
Status: --
I couldn't finish it. the introduction of the world just simply put me off that it made me unable to enjoy this. first off, its a world where women are seen as superior. but the world powers and systemic institutions are still ruled by men (Duke and Knights has the military power... and power and violence seems to rule over the massses). (aside from sci-fi magic and floating islands) it is no different from the modern world whatsoever except women are not made accountable if they are acting up and... more>> has the last say on marriage. which is not really showing any effect on the society for it to support the matriarchy worldview.

it all felt like a throwaway universal truth, a shallow comedic plot, wherein the story showed no effect to the world or the lore and it is frustrating since that is the very basic foundation of the premise of the frickin story. thankfully I read and manga and it made it more bearable since when I read it on the lens of the 'otome game' then I somehow able to reconcile this conflict, but its still such a waste. <<less
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The3DWeiPin rated it
August 22, 2022
Status: v10c9
It's s*upid, it's fun and it got mech battles

Really, just one of those novels that I read under a lot of stress, it clear my minds after laughing at the s*upid character and grin whenever the MC turn things around, it's extremely satisfying

Story is quite... Simple? No, more of reading some chemistry book after studying advance science, quite easy to understand, I can remember majority of the event no problem after many months

Now the problem I have with it is, well, some of the chapter just feel a bit filler,... more>> but it's certainly enjoyable, that's all honestly

Give it a chance <<less
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Raestloz rated it
July 7, 2022
Status: v3
I'm writing this with a very strict condition: this only goes up to volume 3.

The reason is simple: that's when the author jumped the shark. If you're not familiar with the term, it's essentially when a piece of work reached its peak and only goes downhill from there. But you know what's the silver lining of that? Everything up until then only gets better

So let's begin the review in earnest

While the title and cover may mislead you into thinking this is a harem story (which, admittedly, it is from volume... more>> 4 onwards) that's actually not the case. Romance is very limited, the novel's story is basically the main character using his foresight to deal with various events in order to get the better ending. His knowledge is limited to what major events would happen, but he deals with them in his own way, and the way he does so is incredible, not to mention that interspersed are comedies at the right time in the right doses.

And the other thing that I like is this isn't yet another dense harem MC where the women are obviously smitten and made a lot of advances on him only to scream BAKA at the end. Both hero and heroines don't make passes at each other: their interactions are organic and genuine given the time and circumstances

The only disappointing part is the fact that instead of having highs and lows as other series would, this one keeps rising higher and higher until it reaches the peak and falls headfirst from there. <<less
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Seregosa rated it
May 8, 2020
Status: v5 epilogue
It's actually around a 3.5/5, but I feel like it's definitely not worth a 4/5, so I'll go with 3/5. I liked some parts of this novel very much yet absolutely hated many parts as well. Felt like dropping it at times, but then it got enjoyable again before becoming frustrating again. It has some serious flaws despite the author clearly being quite talented at writing. The biggest issue is actually the mc's personality. It ruins a lot of the novel. I'll go more into detail about all of this,... more>> but I'll keep it in a spoiler bubble as I will put some spoilers in randomly, no super important spoilers though.


Honestly, the MC is quite a pathetic guy, I enjoyed the start a lot, not the best I've read but at least up there amongst good reads. Towards the end of volume 2, we get the first taste of how shitty this novel can be. The political situation got more and more s*upid and the MC shows off with his incompetence and unwillingness to do what's necessary. He refuses to properly use the power at his disposal even after being pushed against the wall again and again. He refuses to kill until a war later on where he kills some people while puking his guts out because it was a "either kill them or have everyone in the country get killed" situation. He generally refuses to fight properly and would rather flee than fight back when slapped, truly annoying.

Like many others, I also feel that the A.I. Luxion would make for a better MC personality with some minor tweaks. I have a hard time seeing the worth of a protagonist who, despite having the power to easily do so, won't fight back after being betrayed over and over again and being treated like garbage countless times. I can understand why the first translator dropped it around v3c5. It simply gets frustrating to see the various excuses from the author to justify the protagonist's worthlessness. Perhaps it's more infuriating than your usual run of the mill moron protagonist because this protagonist knows perfectly well that he's s*upid, knows that not killing and not properly doing sh*t will come back to bite him in the ass, stating so more than once, yet continues to do it willingly since he can't be bothered, coming up with various weak excuses that simply doesn't hold water, it simply boils down to refusing to adapt, refusing to accept his situation and stubbornly refusing to drop some crappy half-assed morals from his previous life.

He also has a "master" or "mentor" that teaches him the "way of the gentleman" or rather, "way of the tea", he pretty much worships that guy and it's used as a running joke how he'll become meek and servile when that master shows up. He looked down on it at first but then, in a few lines and events we don't know, he comes to worship him and the way of the tea, tearfully begging to have him teach the way of the tea and crying about he was wrong and it's so amazing. Seriously annoying since it didn't suit his personality at all and the gag about the tea master became annoying the second time it was used yet won't end and will affect the entire story thanks to him now being creepily attached to tea sets, buying expensive tea leaves and sweet, brewing said tea leaves and arranging sweets to serve some girls. So s*upid I can't even laugh.

By the way, it turns out that the whole otome world thing is just bullshit. It's not that the general values are that different in that world because of some weird reasons, it's ONLY the kingdom the MC is transmigrated into that's weird in an otome game way due to some history reasons or whatever that the author reluctantly explained towards the end of volume 3. The rest of the kingdoms and powers think the kingdom's situation is ret*rded and hold more "standard" values, not that the rest of the kingdoms/countries etc are much better, they each have their own twisted logic that is barely even laughable, the second one is a sacred tree where the focus isn't on gender but rather how the tree makes them superior (lol) to everyone else so they look down on the world.

The weirdest thing is how it could even be possible for things to go so far with the half-hearted reason the author pushed forward and it's not as if info about the rest of the world being far better could be blocked so why wouldn't these males just escape their country? It's not that hard for nobles to travel between countries and trade is made regularly. Later on the author tries to explain things away with it being hard for information to spread thanks to there being no things like phones, to the point where he dares claim that it's so bad that they can't even understand the situation of those other countries with weak excuses like not being able to get reliable info because they're so far away and thus they hardly know sh*t, not even the most basic info, it made me laugh at how s*upid it is, they even sent people in droves that arrived in almost no time, to dare say they can't find info or that information would be very limited is like saying they can't make ice but then nonchalantly uses ice to cool their drinks. Bet the rest of the countries would love to accept new manpower that's already disciplined to accept harsh circumstances....

I feel like it all should've been left as an universal set of weird twisted otherworldly logic than the author trying to play it off. At least if the entire world's view and logic is warped it would seem more acceptable, perhaps the new humans are just different from old humans or perhaps there's a god controlling it all.

Oh, and the comedy, while very amusing at times, is not seldom kind of repetitive. The quibbling between the MC and the A.I. is never really changed up, it stays roughly the same all the time and it gets boring to see the A.I. insulting the MC and talking about how he wants to destroy new mankind and sink countries because he can do so. Geez, talk about overusing the same joke. Rather than being about a twisted otome game world it's more about a twisted world where every country is twisted, nobility being the most twisted of them all. Actually, the commoners seem normal, the nobles are just all incredibly f*cked in the head.

Towards the end of volume 5, I actually kind of felt like I wanted to read some more, especially concerning the comedy oriented cliffhanger in the last chapter and the epilogue. However, I also felt quite fed up with the central setting of this novel which is politics. I've never been fond of political bullshit, especially not when it's so obviously convoluted and moronic. It felt frustrating to see all the incredibly s*upid crap the MC had to deal with and all the responsibilities that I couldn't care less about.

ACTUALLY, you know what, it's SHOCKINGLY similar to a chinese xianxia/xuanhuan novel with their clans and sects with how twisted and over the top they are. The politics and relationships that is. The bullsh*t politics is so ridiculous, most are trying to backstab eachother and only cares about themselves claiming everyone should give them a lot of "face" (respect etc) and bow down to their status as the worthless ants they are in face of their "incredible" power (rather, the political or/and military power of their family). Truly, the MC and main cast is japanese yet the novel setting, story and side-characters are bafflingly chinese-esque. Which doesn't make for a good combo, chinese novels use that setting to make the protagonist show his willpower, power, ability and sheer awesomeness as he faceslaps those political bigots to death with his d*ck, the setting is partly like that simply because they're fodder. But when you put it into a setting like this where people don't die even after getting screwed over by the MC, the MC refuses to kill and refuses to get involved, it's hard to find any satisfaction when it ends with the MC letting enemies off and giving up before he started. He's simply unsuitable for such a setting, which is how the author completely screwed up.

Imagine this, even after killing countless people in a war, he's STILL going on about refusing to kill enemies, even the most scummy guys ever that tried to take the life of or r*pe those close to him, or after they've tortured people from his side, at most he'll make their lives hell, but not truly by his own hands as he just does something like making them be disinherited, he just lets them go and leaves it up to fate what happens to them, he doesn't actively torture them or make sure they suffer afterwards, nope. While it's fine to go the "let them live a life worse than death" route (actually, I don't like that too much because the douchebag might make a comeback bite you in the ass again), I find it very lacking to just beat someone up and then let them be. Yeah, they end up in very harsh situations but it wasn't by the mc's arrangements. The lack of killing makes me feel uncomfortable because there are so many reasons to kill the enemy or at least not actively save them. At the end of volume 5, he once again went OUT OF HIS WAY to save the very enemy he was fighting and who deserved to die a million times over. The guy's armor was about to explode and the guy tried a su*cide bombing, the MC tore the guy out frantically to save him and then let him recover by himself. This guy was a horrible human being who had literally tortured one of the girls, almost made her marry him forcibly and collared her with a collar that couldn't be removed to keep her in check, but no, save him even when he tries to kill himself with a su*cide bombing after he also previously tried to kill you many times and almost killed the girl. I absolutely DETEST this part of his personality and it made me want to drop the novel several times, he's such a f*cking pushover, even after already killing so many he still can't even kill the worst of enemies. So pathetic.

Other than the MC, the other characters are so-so as well. The "enemies" are all quite shallow and boring characters, evil for the sake of being evil. The only saving grace for this novel is that some parts are midly interesting and the comedy is quite good at times. The MC is just too much of a boring wuss.


In essence, read this if you want to, despite my complaints, I still felt it was a decent read, it kept a weird balance between being extremely irritating/annoying and being quite enjoyable, to the point where I never dropped it and kind of soon enough had fun reading it again. Go in knowing what to expect and it'll be a better experience. I liked the comedy but didn't enjoy the political strife or more serious scenes at all, they showcased all too clearly how worthless the MC is. It's fine as long as it stays light-hearted so that these flaws doesn't matter that much. Honestly, I don't really love this novel that much even if it managed to make me somewhat interested, not about the plot though. It leaves much to be desired and has a lot of flaws, be it in logic (even by the idea that it's an otome game world, it's still painfully s*upid and nothing adds up even after explanations from the author), plot or characters. Yet I managed to keep on reading without dropping it despite wanting to quite a few times, I also somehow didn't feel bored which I usually do with bad novels. The author's next novel, "I am the evil lord of an intergalactic empire" is far better, mainly because the MC is far more likable and not as prone to be annoying, he's also far more OP himself instead of relying on others, hardworking, motivated and doesn't mind killing people if necessary. Seriously, this novel can't compare to that one. Shows that the author could do it if he wanted to.

Those that will love this the most are the people who enjoy indecisive, motivationless, kinda s*upid yet overly kind and peace-idiot mcs. I don't feel like people such as that are common, but surely there are some who likes that. Others might enjoy the lighthearted parts without much politics going on, but will likely feel things turn annoying when it gets a bit more serious. Just remember the bad parts of this novel and accept them beforehand so that there are no surprises, then you could likely enjoy this novel enough for it to make a good, overall enjoyable time killer. <<less
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Machukah rated it
May 4, 2020
Status: v1 illustrations
The protagonist is so dumb it’s painful. Constantly cucks himself into a “mob” character identity even though he has god like power. It’s painful to watch him complain about any ranking up of his life, obsessing over wealth while the girls that love him continue to get depressed, cry and get hurt by his own blindness. I dropping this in the middle of the 2nd book.
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Usui rated it
March 28, 2020
Status: v5 epilogue
This is the novel I enjoyed most in this genre

One of the best male reincarnation novels

Translation is good

Characters are excellent and the story plot is freely moving
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lenardmev rated it
January 18, 2020
Status: v4 extra
This is a very good novel. It just goes to show that with good writing you can still make an old cliche trope interesting.

I mean come on, even the alternate (extra) stories are really good! You would actually care about the extras because its actually interesting.
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Bachingchung rated it
November 23, 2019
Status: v3
I enjoy reading the good parts but the characters are so s*upid. The OG FL is also dense AF. MC always saves her but not once had she ever helped the MC. I'd be happier to read this novel from Marie's perspective, despite the curse of a bad life, she still strives to live better and has an ambitious goal. The MC on the other hand is nothing but a shut in who denies any possible growth at all, even when all the rewards and ranks being shoved to him... more>> he still acts like he's losing out. It's just painful to read. <<less
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KAZUGA19 rated it
November 15, 2019
Status: v4 extra
after v3, LN started to have some major changes, so dont continue from here to the LN.

Pacing seems to be good so far, premise is great, characters are well written, and the writing style is also on the level where it isnt too hard to understand while not being over simplistic (or I guess thats more on the translator side of things.) Japanese MCs always have that low confidence, so I cant really lower my score for that.
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Kintona rated it
November 9, 2019
Status: v4 ss
This Novel is OUTSTANDING!

The MC is so funny with how he does things. No joke. He gets involved with too many things that he hates, which is hilarious because his reactions after getting involved is wonderful. He tries his best to lay low, but it backfires him most of the time and it’s funny seeing him get involved with the “main characters” of the otome game. It’s PRICELESS! XD

Anyway, only read this novel if you want a MC who can’t seem to do anything right but make the story progress... more>> because of his “mistakes” and probably for the romance too. It’s pretty strong in here.

P.S. The side story,

Marie’s route

is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! That’s a whole different story put together and boy is it amazing! If you hate the original story, then try the side story. You might like that one for a change if you hate the current FL. <<less
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NakuyKi rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: v3c7 part4
Is the concept good? Yes

Are there funny parts to the story? Yes.

Was it somewhat enjoyable to read? First half yes, Second half not so much.

... more>> Was the story good? Not at all.

This is just another novel where the concept was good, but the story got muddled in the process of making it to the end. Most Asian novels with good concepts have a similar issue, but they usually at least make it to "the end" before it becomes "muddled." This one however, went downhill plot-wise a little bit past the first volume.

As far as main characters go:

One. This is unfortunately a very, very, VERY clear case where the character is only as smart as the author is.

Two. For some reason the author believes that the MC should never kill anyone and never touches on the consequences of said softness i.e. having a loved one be killed by a person he spared as revenge for humiliation suffered at the hands of the MC.

"The easiest way to kill a man is by killing the man standing next to him"

- Said someone probably

Three. Honestly, there isn't much progress that could even be made for an MC like this because "Luxon" exists as you see... Luxon is literally a robot version of the philosopher stone that can turn dirt (yes dirt or any material) into gold (or whatever currency they happen to mention in the story) or precious/rare metals (for weapon advantages). The MC basically will never have to go through a real crisis because Luxon can pretty much do anything.

Overall... 3/5 simply for the concept.

Unfortunately, the other two stars died in an airship crash along with the plot.

For anyone curious for why the setting had women on top for reasons other than just because it was an otome game:

Just look up the women of Sparta as examples.


women would get married

Husbands would go off and die from wars

The wife would receive all the property/money

The fortune would be split evenly between the children after the mom died

Rinse and repeat until the richest people were women

Did they have direct political power? Nope.

But... They did have the "donations" to move politics in whatever direction they wanted. Anything that would hurt their financial powers would be squashed.

So yea. Real world example. <<less
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fryn rated it
September 18, 2019
Status: v3c5
This LN is awesome. The character change and development from being a mob into a more active role in the 'otome' game is somewhat unique from other manga, anime or novel plots I've read so far. Since the character is under the impression that by staying as your ordinary mob will have lesser impact on the original plot of the game, he is always conflicted on taking actions that can diverge the current world from that of the original otome game. We can see that his character is changing from... more>> that of a oblivious mob into a cool protagonist for the sake of his important ones especially the two waifus, Anjie and Livia. Hoping for more release of the LN translation :D <<less
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gk3101 rated it
September 12, 2019
Status: v2c7 part1
The idea itself is pretty good, the story has nice plot and the world building is decent but the MC ruins it all.

He is just so incompitent which ruins the stoeyeires for me, I understand that he has flaws but he is waaaaaay to flawed and lets not forget that he is supposed to be around 30 or late 20 when he died but he act like a 15 year old with tr*sh can instead of brain.

The MC is rush and doesn't think before he act and when he DOES... more>> think his thinking is just flawed and illogical to the point when you think he has brain damage.

Anyhow if you ok with an incompitent MC then the story is actually good and I recommend it. <<less
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JackSaun rated it
June 17, 2019
Status: v2 epilogue
The book is very good, however the background of a world that pretty much screws over men (even in the old medieval world where women were screwed over there was still chivalry so they were treated alright, here chivalry still favours woman over man so every male is pretty much a servant to any woman regardless of any circumstance -minus royalty) which makes it very annoying as the MC can't do sh*t if some girl is fuçking with him as if he even lifts a finger against him very bad... more>> $hit will happen to him. Overall good story (interesting plot and no real issues with wording), however there are many moments that will fill the reader with intense irritation/anger unless you are a M (then you would probably love this world). <<less
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Salokin rated it
February 26, 2019
Status: v2 side story 2
This is such a good isekai story. Although I should preface this with saying its comedy 'harem' genre rather than actual harem (in other words the MC remains technically 'single' but is surrounded by girls who want him). Although I should say that in the world setting there are actual reverse harems all over the place.

Let me point out what is the only chief complaint I have about this story. The MC seems to set as his life goal to become a shut-in neet. His AI companion even points out... more>> at the end of volume2 that most of the MC's struggles in life come from himself working unusually hard to avoid fame but being viewed as generous in return. It is really annoying (for the reader) to hear him whine whenever anything good happens to him.

Think of him like a reverse Kazuma. He's really powerful from the start, good things keep happening to him, he's rich by accident and respected by powerful individuals, but he still can't be happy about it because he actually wants to be a looser.

Honestly, the moments when he actually wants to fight and scolds foolish opponents who underestimate, more than make up for the cringe chapters. And the supporting cast is charming. <<less
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